首页 少年闰土PPT制作步骤



少年闰土PPT制作步骤少年闰土PPT制作步骤 开 始:新建“少年闰土课件”文件夹,在“少年闰土课件”文件夹中新建一个PPT文档,命名为“少年闰土”,“格式”,“幻灯片设计”,在右侧弹出的“幻灯片设计”任务窗格中单击选择“Mountain Top.pot”模板。 幻灯片1: 1、删除标题占位符,在副标题占位符处输入“执教:大垌小学 张非凡”,字体设为“楷体_GB2312”,字号设“24”; 单击此处 2、“格式”,“背景”,,,选择素材中的图片刺猹1,单击“确定”,勾选“忽略母版的背景图形”,单击“应用”。 3、“插入”,“...

少年闰土PPT制作 步骤 新产品开发流程的步骤课题研究的五个步骤成本核算步骤微型课题研究步骤数控铣床操作步骤 开 始:新建“少年闰土 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 ”文件夹,在“少年闰土课件”文件夹中新建一个PPT文档,命名为“少年闰土”,“格式”,“幻灯片设计”,在右侧弹出的“幻灯片设计”任务窗格中单击选择“Mountain Top.pot”模板。 幻灯片1: 1、删除标 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 占位符,在副标题占位符处输入“执教:大垌 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 张非凡”,字体设为“楷体_GB2312”,字号设“24”; 单击此处 2、“格式”,“背景”,,,选择素材中的图片刺猹1,单击“确定”,勾选“忽略母版的背景图形”,单击“应用”。 3、“插入”,“图片”,“艺术字”,选择一列三行艺术字样式,输入文字“少年闰土”,字体选择“华文行楷”,字号设为“44”,单击“确定”,参照样例调整艺术字与副标题的位置。 4、将素材中的“海浪声.mp3”复制到“少年闰土课件”文件夹,“插入”,“影片和声音”,“文件中的声音”,,单击“确定”,,选择“在单击时”,参照样例将声音图标移到右下角。 5、“幻灯片放映”,观看放映(或按F5),单击声音图标插入音乐,单击鼠标右键,选择“结束放映”(或按“Esc”键退出),“文件”,保存。 Green Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I school--green Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research child subject--green Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social 幻灯片2: 1、“插入”,“新幻灯片”,删除标题占位符,将素材中课文的第一段复制到“单击此处添加文本”占位符中, “格式”,“项目符号和编号” , ,“确定”,设置字体为楷体_GB2312、字号为28,双击文本框边线弹出“设置自选图形格式”对话框, , ,确定。 2、将素材中动画看瓜刺猹.swf 复制到“少年闰土课件”文件夹下,“视图”,“工具栏”,“控件工具箱”, ,单击右下角“其他控件”, ,此时光标变为“,”,在幻灯片2的右侧按住鼠标左键向右下角拖出flash播放窗口,在此窗口中单击鼠标右键,选择属性, today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the ally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But innaturap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development g n theprofessional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction i achers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers 'ool teh, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my schion, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through researcgreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigat--ild subjectwn middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research chgreen Tang to--letely found out I schoolGreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on comp2he teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, socialonal imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, tregi ,设置完成后,关闭属性窗口。 3、,观看放映效果。 e development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level anng thintroduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowi ung teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey,of yo h, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectivenesshrough research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approacquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and tgreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, in--es research child subjectgreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this tim--choolle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I sGreen Tang town midd3other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social" In reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. ubject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated,the s d quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of 幻灯片3: 1、单击增加幻灯片3,“格式”,“幻灯片版式”, ,删除标题占位符, ,插入素材中的图片闰土.jpg,参照样例在文本框中输入文字并设置字体及字号。 2、单击选定闰土图片,“幻灯片放映”,“自定义动画”,, ,,。 n theprofessional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction i achers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers 'ool teh, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my schion, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through researcgreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigat--ild subjectwn middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research chgreen Tang to--letely found out I schoolGreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on comp4he teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, socialonal imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, tregi today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the ally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But innaturap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development g 3、选中文本框,。 幻灯片4: 1、选定幻灯片3,回车,此时添加了幻灯片4, 设置幻灯片版式,添加标题“希奇事”,参照样例在四个窗口中添加gif动画(与插入图片方法一样)或jpg图片。 2、在每个窗口下面添加文本框,录入文字,设置字体为华文彩云,字号为24,双击文本框边线,设置线条为“无线条颜色”。 introduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowi ung teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey,of yo h, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectivenesshrough research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approacquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and tgreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, in--es research child subjectgreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this tim--choolle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I sGreen Tang town midd5other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social" In reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. ubject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated,the s d quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality ofe development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level anng th 幻灯片5: 1、新增幻灯片5,删除标题占位符,参照样例将素材中课文的一段文字复制到“单击此处添加文本”占位符中,选定此段文字,格式,字体,,,取消项目符号,行头低两格。 2、双击占位符边线,,。 3、插入艺术字,选择四列五行艺术字样式 ,参照样例移动艺术字到适当位置。 4、将素材中视频捕鸟.mpg复制到“少年闰土课件”文件夹中, “插入”,“影片和声音”,“文件中的影片” naturap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development g n theprofessional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction i achers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers 'ool teh, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my schion, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through researcgreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigat--ild subjectwn middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research chgreen Tang to--letely found out I schoolGreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on comp6he teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, socialonal imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, tregi today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the ally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But in ,,“确定”,选择“在单击时”,调整播放窗口位置。 5、绘制“动作按钮:自定义” ,光标变成“+”的时候在幻灯片5的右下角拖动绘出一个按钮,,,双击按钮,设置填充颜色为“自动”,在按钮边上单击鼠标右键,选择“添加文本”录入“返回”,字体设置为隶 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,字号18,观看此幻灯片放映效果,检验一下返回是否正确。 7other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social" In reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. ubject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated,the s d quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality ofe development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level anng thintroduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowi ung teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey,of yo h, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectivenesshrough research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approacquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and tgreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, in--es research child subjectgreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this tim--choolle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I sGreen Tang town midd 幻灯片6: 1、新增幻灯片6,16,将幻灯片5的“返回”按钮复制到幻灯片6,8和幻灯片13,16。 2、将复制到幻灯片6,8,分别修改为 、、。 3、删除幻灯片6,8的标题占位符。 4、“插入”,“图片”,“来自文件”,将素材中的图片夏日拾贝.jpg插入,调整该图片为充满幻灯片,右击图片设置图片“叠放次序”为“置于底层”。 5、在文本框占位符中录入课文第8段内容,参照样例设置文字的字体、字号、颜色等,调整艺术字位置。 幻灯片7: 参照样例录入文字设置文字的字体、字号、颜色等,调整艺术字位置,插入视频刺猹.mpg,单击时播放。 regi today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the ally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But innaturap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development g n theprofessional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction i achers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers 'ool teh, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my schion, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through researcgreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigat--ild subjectwn middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research chgreen Tang to--letely found out I schoolGreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on comp8he teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, socialonal imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, t 幻灯片8: 1、插入跳鱼2和跳鱼3两张图片,调整大小至合适,设置两张图片的动画效果为“浮动”,声音效果设置为“微风”。 2、录入文字,设置文字的字体、字号等。 3、设置“潮汛看鱼”艺术字强调效果为“陀螺旋”。 4、返回幻灯片4,为四张图片设置相应的超链接。右击“雪天捕鸟”图片,超链接,,确定。按此方法设置其余三张图片的超链接。放映幻灯片4,单击各图片检验超链接是否起效。 幻灯片9: 1、删除标题占位符,在空白处右击,“背景”,参照样例设置背景。 2、绘出云形标注,添加文字“为什么‘他们都和我一样只有看见院子里高墙上的四角的天空。’,” ,字体华文新魏,字号20 ,标注背景颜色设置为“自动”。 3、设置标注的进入效果为“弹跳”,声音效果设置为“激光”。 ubject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated,the s d quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality ofe development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level anng thintroduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowi ung teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey,of yo h, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectivenesshrough research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approacquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and tgreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, in--es research child subjectgreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this tim--choolle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I sGreen Tang town midd9other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social" In reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. 幻灯片10: ,参照样例添加图片,插入文本框,录入文字,设置字号、字体等。 幻灯片11: 1、在标题占位符中输入“板书”,删除文本占位符。 2、“插入”,“文本框”,“垂直”,按住左键向右下角拖动鼠标,录入“少年闰土”,设置字体为华文隶书,字号为32,。 3、绘出一个右括号,双击右括号,将线条颜色设置为“自动” n theprofessional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction i achers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers 'ool teh, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my schion, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through researcgreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigat--ild subjectwn middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research chgreen Tang to--letely found out I schoolGreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on comp10he teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, socialonal imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, tregi today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the ally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But innaturap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development g ,,,右击添加闰土外貌的文字,文字宋体、24、右对齐,复制右括号,文字修改为希奇事,文字宋体、24、右对齐,,。 4、参照样例添加文本框,录入文字,设置文字格式。 幻灯片12:自主设计 幻灯片13:删除占位符,插入四张鸟的图片,添加文字说明,为四张图片及文字说明添加“随机”的动画效果,编辑“返回”键的超链接,链接到“幻灯片5”,选定幻灯片5的文字“稻鸡,角鸡,鹁鸪,蓝背”,单击鼠标右键,“超链接”,,确定。 d quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality ofe development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level anng thintroduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowi ung teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey,of yo h, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectivenesshrough research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approacquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and tgreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, in--es research child subjectgreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this tim--choolle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on completely found out I sGreen Tang town midd11other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social" In reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. ubject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated,the s 幻灯片14:删除占位符,插入两张贝壳的图片,随意设置进入、强调、退出动画效果,在其中一张图片上右击,显示“图片”工具栏,为该图片设置透明色,再为另一张图片设置透明色,编辑“返回”键的超链接,链接到“幻灯片6” ,为幻灯片6中的“贝壳”、“鬼见怕”、“观音手”设置超链接,分别链接到幻灯片14、15、16。 幻灯片15、幻灯片16:参照样例插入图片,设置动画等。 最后,“幻灯片放映”,“幻灯片切换”,“随机”,“应用于所有幻灯片”。 naturap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improving rural primary and secondary school level and quality will country carrying out the scientific concept of development under the background of the times, and narrowing the development g n theprofessional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: young teacher professional development survey, introduction i achers, especially younger teachers professional development proposals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers 'ool teh, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professional growth of good measures, and good approach, For my schion, inquiry I school young teachers of professional growth status, looking for professional growth path, and through researcgreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigat--ild subjectwn middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situation, we subject group determine has this times research chgreen Tang to--letely found out I schoolGreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on comp12he teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, socialonal imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, tregi today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the ally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural education must urgently address the reality of the subject. But in
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