首页 氢氧化钾安全技术说明书



氢氧化钾安全技术说明书氢氧化钾安全技术说明书 11 氢氧化钾 11.1 化学品及标识: 化学品中文名: 氢氧化钾; 苛性钾 化学品英文名: potassium hydroxide; caustic potash 分子式: KOH 相对分子量:56.11 CAS No.: 1310-58-3 UN编号:1813 11.2 理化特性: 外观与性状: 纯品为白色半透明晶体,工业品为灰白色、蓝绿 或淡紫色片状或块状固体。易潮解。 PH值:13.5(0.1mol水溶液) 熔点(?) :360~403 沸点(?) : 132...

氢氧化钾安全技术 说明书 房屋状态说明书下载罗氏说明书下载焊机说明书下载罗氏说明书下载GGD说明书下载 11 氢氧化钾 11.1 化学品及标识: 化学品中文名: 氢氧化钾; 苛性钾 化学品英文名: potassium hydroxide; caustic potash 分子式: KOH 相对分子量:56.11 CAS No.: 1310-58-3 UN编号:1813 11.2 理化特性: 外观与性状: 纯品为白色半透明晶体,工业品为灰白色、蓝绿 或淡紫色片状或块状固体。易潮解。 PH值:13.5(0.1mol水溶液) 熔点(?) :360~403 沸点(?) : 1320~1324 相对密度( 水=1 ): 2.04 饱和蒸气压((kPa) 0.13(719?) 溶解性:溶于水、乙醇、微溶于乙醚。 主要用途:可用作生产聚醚、破乳剂、净洗剂、表面活性剂等的 催化剂,也可用于医药、染料、轻工等工业。 11.3 危险性概述: 危险类别:第8.2类;碱性腐蚀品。 侵入途径:吸入、食入。 健康危害:本品有强烈腐蚀性。粉尘刺激眼和呼吸道,腐蚀鼻中 隔;皮肤和眼直接接触可引起灼伤;粘膜糜烂、出血,休克。 环境危害:对环境有害。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 燃爆危险:不燃,无特殊爆炸特性。 危险特性:与酸发生中和反应并放热。本品不会燃烧,遇水和水蒸气大量放热, 形成腐蚀性溶液。具有强腐蚀性。 11.4 泄漏应急处理 泄漏:隔离泄漏污染区,限制出入。建议应急处理人员戴自给式呼吸器,穿防酸碱工作服。不要直接接触泄漏物。 小量泄露:避免扬尘,用洁净的铲子收集于干燥、洁净、有盖的容器中。也可以用大量水冲洗,洗水稀释后放入废水系统。 大量泄露:收集回收或运至废物处理场所处置。 11.5 急救措施: 皮肤接触:立即脱去污染的衣着,用大量流动清水冲洗20,30分钟。如有不适感,就医。 眼睛接触:立即提起眼睑,用大量流动清水或生理盐水彻底冲洗10,15分钟。如有不适感,就医。 吸入:迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处,保持呼吸道通畅。如呼吸困难,给输氧。如呼吸、心跳停止,立即进行心脏复苏术。就医。 食入:用水漱口,禁止催吐。给饮牛奶或蛋清。就医。 11.6 消防措施: 危险特性:与酸发生中和反应并放热。本品不会燃烧,遇水和水蒸气大量放热, 形成腐蚀性溶液。具有强腐蚀性。 有害物燃烧产物:无意义。 灭火 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 :本品不燃,根据着火原因选择适当灭火剂灭火,但须防止物品遇水产生飞溅,造成灼伤。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 灭火注意事项及措施:消防人员必须穿全身防酸碱消防服、佩戴空气呼吸器灭火。尽可能将容器从火场移至空旷处。喷水保持火场容器冷却,直至灭火结束。 11.7 操作处置与储存 操作注意事项:密闭操作。操作人员必须经过专门 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ,严格遵守 操作规程 操作规程下载怎么下载操作规程眼科护理技术滚筒筛操作规程中医护理技术操作规程 。建议操作人员佩戴头罩型电动送风过滤式防尘呼吸器,穿橡胶耐酸碱服,戴橡胶耐酸碱手套。远离易燃、可燃物。避免产生粉尘。避免与酸类接触。搬运时要轻装轻卸,防止包装及容器损坏。配备泄漏应急处理设备。倒空的容器可能残留有害物。稀释或制备溶液时,应把碱加入水中,避免沸腾和飞溅。 储存注意事项: 储存于阴凉、干燥、通风良好的库房。远离火种、热源。库内湿度最好不大于85,。包装必须密封,切勿受潮。应与易(可)燃物、酸类等分开存放,切忌混储。储区应备有合适的材料收容泄漏物。 11.8 接触控制/个体防护 工程控制: 密闭操作。提供安全淋浴和洗眼设备。 呼吸系统防护: 可能接触其粉尘时,必须佩戴头罩型电动送风过滤式防尘呼吸器。必要时,佩戴空气呼吸器。 眼睛防护: 呼吸系统防护中已作防护。 身体防护: 穿橡胶耐酸碱服。 手防护: 戴橡胶耐酸碱手套。 其他防护: 工作场所禁止吸烟、进食和饮水,饭前要洗手。工作完毕,淋浴更衣。注意个人清洁卫生。 11.9 生态学资料 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 由于呈碱性,对水体可造成污染,对植物和水生生物应给予特别注意。 11.10 废弃处置 废弃物性质废弃处置方法: 处置前应参阅国家和地方有关法规。中和、稀释后,排入废水系统。 11.11 稳定性和反应活性 禁配物:强酸、易燃或可燃物、二氧化碳、酸酐、酰基氯。 避免接触的条件:潮湿空气 11.12 毒理学资料 急性毒性: LD50:273 mg/kg(大鼠经口) 11.13 运输信息 危险货物编号:82002 UN编号: 1813 包装类别: O52 包装方法: 固体可装入0.5 毫米厚的钢桶中严封,每桶净重不超过100 公斤;塑料袋或二层牛皮纸袋外全开口或中开口钢桶;螺纹口玻璃瓶、铁盖压口玻璃瓶、塑料瓶或金属桶(罐)外普通木箱;螺纹口玻璃瓶、塑料瓶或镀锡薄钢板桶(罐)外满底板花格箱、纤维板箱或胶合板箱;镀锡薄钢板桶(罐)、金属桶(罐)、塑料瓶或金属软管外瓦楞纸箱。 运输注意事项: 铁路运输时,钢桶包装的可用敞车运输。起运时包装要完整,装载应稳妥。运输过程中要确保容器不泄漏、不倒塌、不坠落、不损坏。严禁与易燃物或可燃物、酸类、食用化学品等混装混运。运输时运输车辆应配备泄漏应急处理设备。 11.14 法规信息: in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the 化学危险物品安全管理条例 (1987年2月17日国务院发布),化学危 险物品安全管理条例实施细则 (化劳发[1992] 677号),工作场所安全 使用化学品 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 ([1996]劳部发423号)等法规,针对化学危险品的安 全使用、生产、储存、运输、装卸等方面均作了相应规定;常用危险 化学品的分类及标志 (GB 13690-92)将该物质划为第8.2 类碱性腐蚀 品。 in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the party's struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939, with Gu Yuliang, Secretary Zhu, as Minister, Jie Xu into a propaganda Minister, Zhang Zhihua as women's Minister, Huang yan as youth Minister, zhexi recorder of Penrhyn as military Secretary of the establishment. Hanchang organization attached to the recorders of the West. After the Spring Festival, Zhu Xi was determined to rally, led by Wang Hesong more than more than 100 people, with "first Road South into the team headquarters the name of" back from Wuzhen to Wujiang yan ... Is month, established the Tomb area 1th branch-East water Hong Kong Branch, Branch Secretary Shen Yingjie. Is autumn, the Kuomintang Zhejiang Provincial Government in Southwest Bureau to intensify its anti-communist, ordered political team training in tianmu mountain, is intended to eliminate in the political power of the Communist Party, thorough restructuring of the province's political team to make it become a tool of anti-Communist. In view of this situation, recorder of the West direction West open mass work has been difficult, political signs should not be used, only all go underground, the party's work to continue. To do this, take appropriate measures by a party organization, party members in the Organization of political withdrawal, transfer or make public career as cover, into a secret struggle. In November, Yang and the victory of the battle of the
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