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工程测量实习心得总结工程测量实习心得总结 姓名:赵小建 学号:1015030006 班级:10土木 the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveli...

工程测量实习心得总结 姓名:赵小建 学号:1015030006 班级:10土木 the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 院系:交通与工程系 指导老师:张有明 紧张而有难忘的两周测量实习生活在一片胜利的欢呼声中结束了。通过本次实习,巩固、扩大和加深了我们从课堂上所学的理论知识,掌握了DJ-6经纬仪的基本操作,并达到了一定的熟练程度,而且还有机会学会了地形图的绘制方法。在锻炼大家画草图、运用CAD绘图的能力同时也积累自己的绘图经验和提高自己的绘图速度。不仅从此次专业实习中获得了测量实际工作的初步经验和基本技能,还着重培养了我们的独立工作能力,培养我们在施测现场发现问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 、解决问题的能力,而且进一步熟练了测量仪器的使用技能,提高了数据计算能力和对数据的敏感程度,并对测绘小区域大比例尺地形图的全过程有了一个全面和系统的认识,这些知识往往是我在学校很少接触、注意的,但又是十分重要、十分基础的知识,有了一定雄厚的基础才可以决定上层建筑。因而此次实习不仅让我积累了许多经验,也让我学到了很多实践知识,因为我们大家都明白实践是检验真理的唯一 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 这一马克思辨证唯物主义真理~ 本次实习也让我真正体会到测绘专业是一个团队的工种~我们组有六名组员,每个人的工作任务和各自的长处是不一样的,我们配合起来才能发挥出较高的效率。我的主要任务是使用仪器测出数据。同时这次实习也拓展了我们与老师与同学的交际,合作的能力。因为以前人家说工程测量特别需要团队合作精神,我都没有能够完全了解。的确,一次测量实习要完整的做完,单靠一个人的力量和构思是远远不够的,也是不可能将要做的工作做好。只有小组全体成员的合作和团结才能让实习快速而高效的完成。正所谓“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”。另外这次测量实习培养了我们小组的分工协作的能力,增进了同学之间的感情,深化了友谊。在实习过程中难免会碰到一些疙疙瘩瘩的事情,闹得大家都不愉快,但是我们能够及时地进行交流和沟通,忘记昨天的不愉快,迎接新的朝阳~我们完成这次实习的原则也是让每个组员都学到知识而且会实际操作,并且能够单独的完成一项工作,达到相应的锻炼效果后进行轮换,以达到共同进行的目的,而不是单纯抢时间,赶进度,草草了事收工,这样也达不到实习的预期目标。即使收工了,百分之百也要重新来过,这样的话太划不来,既浪费时间和精力,有摧毁了组员的积极性,百害而不一利。另外,如果我们在平时就这样马马乎乎,对我们自己而言是自己对自己不负责,现在马虎惯了,将来对待工作也回、会草草了事~另外,我们拥有这样让你锻炼的机会是少之又少的,马马乎乎就等于将一次绝佳的机会给浪费了,丢掉了确实很可惜~所以,我们这个组的每个组员都分别进行独立的观察,记录每一站,对经纬仪测量都是在现场进行计算,发现问题及时解决,没有对上一步的检核,绝不进行下一步的测量,做到步步有检核,回来后还要对内业进行准确计算,因为这样做不但可以防止误差的积累,及时发现错误,更可以提高测量的效率,避免测量的不准确还要进行重测。即使重测,我们怀着严谨的态度,错了就返工,决不马虎。直至符合测量要求为止。我们深知搞工程这一行,需要的就是细心、耐心、毅力和做事严谨的态度。只有这样,日后走上工作岗位才会得心应手,少走弯路。 例如:进行测图时就要注意以下几点: (1)标尺要立直,尽量避免晃动,有晃动时,应该选择数据最小的时候进行读取。在读数前一定将视野的气泡调平(两侧的线重合),否则造成的误差会很大。 the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note (2)当用经纬仪测量角度时,如果目标较小,最好使单线与目标重合,如果目标有一定宽度,可以用双丝夹住目标。 (3)在测量时候一定要小心,因为稍微碰了一下仪器,就要重新调整对中水平,否则就会导致数据错误,也可能导致仪器的损坏。(4)在读取数据时,每位成员都要细心,既要看得准,还要果断,不能犹豫不决,任何一个错误都有可能导致最终的成果的报废。 (5)选点非常重要,点一定要选在有代表性的地方,同时要注意并非点越多越好,相反选取的无用点过多不但会增加测量、计算和绘图的劳动量和多费时间,而且会因点多而杂乱产生较大的误差。 (6)要先将道路和主要建筑物确定下来,然后在添加其余次要方面,这样不但条理清楚,有利于作图的准确和随时进行实物和图形的对比从而检验测量数据的准确与否。我们还要对所测过得范围能够做到胸中有数,避免漏测、重测。 (7)团结就是力量,纪律才是保证经过每个组员的团结工作,当我们完成了测图的工作,并且看到我们画好的图纸时大家都兴奋不已。在我们组的同学交流测量中的经验时,大家感觉收获都很多,有的说仪器的展点很重要,因为这关系到误差的大小,有的说测量中点不能架设的太远,有的说量取全站仪的仪器高和目标高时要尽量减少误差,水准仪施测过程中尺垫得使用以及架仪器过程中气泡的精确对中和整平,还有就是我们要有一颗爱护仪器的心,对所用的仪器要精心呵护,在学校如此,走上工作岗位后更要如此,这样可以避免一些不必要得麻烦等等吧。想想大家每天早上八点多就起床背上仪器顶着大太阳去测量,算出误差大的大家一起讨论和修改,有必要的就不厌其烦的进行重新测量,有了团结的力量我们还是干的很有劲的。我也从别人那里学到了以前不是太清楚的东西,比如数据的处理、碎部点的简化观测以及一些作图的疑问都在测量中得到了 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。 求真务实测量实习,让我学到了很多实实在在的东西,对以前零零碎碎学的测量知识有了综合应用的机会,控制测量和地形图测绘过程有了一个良好的了解,学会了地形图的绘制等在课堂上无法做到的东西以及更熟练的使用经纬仪测量仪器与工具,很好的巩固了理论教学知识,提高实际操作能力,同时也拓展了与同学之间的交际合作的能力。当然其中不乏老师的教诲和同学的帮助。当我们每个组都基本画好图后,老师对每个组的成果进行检查,出现问题就让我们及时改正。其实想想每天校园中那些测量的我们也算是一道不错的风景。还记得晚上七点多了,因为一个站点的错误我们不得不重新测量,忙了半天大家连晚饭都没来得及吃。总之,这两周中我们也体会了不少酸甜苦辣,有的测量很顺利甚至零误差,有时测量处处碰壁(像发现错误找不出来、点号密集时畏缩过),但大家也算都坚持下来了。当我们完成了测量时大家还是很高兴的.虽然测量中大家也有懒的时候不想测了,但挺过去都好了,实习结束时大家面对镜子中被晒得黝黑的脸蛋和肌肤,大家都毫无怨言,因为大家都明白苦尽甘来。另外,测绘是艰苦型的专业,不留汗、不吃苦是做不出成就的~这两周实习也给了我们不少教训:由于某个数据的读错、记错及算错都给我们带来了不少麻烦,从而让我们知道了做任何事都要认真、都要有一个严谨的态度,俗话说得好“态度决定一切”。一个组的团结也是至关重要的,它关系到整个组的进度。先前我们组由于配合不够the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 默契,分工也不够合理,整体进度受到极大的影响,后来通过组内的交流,彻底解决了以上问题。实习进度有了很大的改观,进度和效果自然就提上来了。 失败是成功之母~我很珍惜学校为我们安排实习这一理论与现实连接的重要环节,更深刻的体会了实物与图纸之间那种密切的关系,明白了图纸它要显示什么样的物件,有的在图纸上看不懂的地方在实物的面前就显的那么简单明了。总之,要谢谢学校在为促进学生实践能力所安排的这段实习,我将永远珍惜这段经历,同时这段实习生活也是我一生中最值得难忘的。 the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note
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