首页 GB 13392-2005道路运输危险货物车辆标志

GB 13392-2005道路运输危险货物车辆标志


GB 13392-2005道路运输危险货物车辆标志GB 13392-2005道路运输危险货物车辆标志 GB 13392-2005代替GB 13392-1992 道路运输危险货物车辆标志 自 2005-8-1 起执行 道路运输危险货物车辆标志 the vehicle mark for road transportation dangerous goods 前言 本标准除第5章外,其余技术内容为强制性。 本标准代替GB 13392-1992《道路运输危险货物车辆标志》。本标准与GB 13392-1992相比主要变化如下: ——修改了标志灯底色和标志文...

GB 13392-2005道路运输危险货物车辆标志
GB 13392-2005道路运输危险货物车辆标志 GB 13392-2005代替GB 13392-1992 道路运输危险货物车辆标志 自 2005-8-1 起执行 道路运输危险货物车辆标志 the vehicle mark for road transportation dangerous goods 前言 本 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 除第5章外,其余技术内容为强制性。 本标准代替GB 13392-1992《道路运输危险货物车辆标志》。本标准与GB 13392-1992相比主要变化如下: ——修改了标志灯底色和标志文字,增加了编号; ——取消了标志灯电光源; ——修改了标志牌形状、图案; ——增加了标志的安装悬挂、维护要求; replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should ——增加了资料性附录:附录A“标志牌图形”; ——增加了资料性附录:附录B“标志灯安装位置”和附录C“标志牌悬挂位置”。 本标准的附录A是规范性附录;附录B和附录C是资料性附录。 本标准由中华人民共和国交通部提出。 本标准由交通部公路司归口。 本标准起草单位:中国道路运输协会。 本标准参加单位:交通部科学研究院、长安大学、河北省道路运输管理局、北京永华龙交通科技发展有限公司 本标准主要起草人:高丰、王丽梅、胡焕秀、陈荫三、李风明、周志永 本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为:GB 13392-1992。 道路运输危险货物车辆标志 1 范围 本标准规定了道路运输危险货物车辆标志的分类、规格尺寸、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、包装标志、装卸、运输和储存,以及安装悬挂和维护要求。 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 本标准适用于道路运输危险货物车辆标志的生产、使用和管理。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为奉标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件(其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 GB 190-1990 危险货物包装标志 GB,T 191 包装储运图示标志 (GB,T 191-2000,EQV ISO 780:1997) GB,T 2423.1 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验A:低温(GB,T 2423.1-2001,idt IEC 60068-2-1:1990) GB,T 2423.2 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验B:高温(GB,T 2429.2—2001,idt IEC 60068-2-2:1974) GB,T 2423.5 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 试验Ea和导则:冲击(GB,T 2423.5—1995,idt IEC 68-2-27:1987) replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should GB,T 2423.10 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 试验Fc和导则:振动(正弦)(GB,T 2428.10-1995, idt IEC 68-2-8:1982) GB 2899 安全色(GB 2893-2001,neq ISO 3864:1984) GB,T 6543 瓦楞纸箱 GB 6944 危险货物分类和品名编号 GB 11806 放射性物质安全运输规程 GB,T 18833 公路交通标志反光膜 3 产品分类与规格尺寸 3.1 分类 道路运输危险货物车辆标志分为标志灯和标志牌。 3.2 结构与类型 3.2.1 标志灯 结构 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 标志灯包括灯体和安装件。 标志灯灯体正面为等腰三角形状,由灯罩、安装底扳或永磁体(A型标志灯)、橡胶衬垫及紧固件构成。 标志灯正、反面中间印有“危险”字样,侧面印有“!”,灯罩正面下沿中间嵌有标志灯编号牌。 类型 按车辆载质量、安装方式分型,见 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 1。 表1 标志灯类型 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 3.2.2 标志牌 标志牌的材质为金属板材,形状为菱形。 标志牌图形应符合GB 190-1990的规定,种类、名称和颜色见附录A。 标志牌按GB 6944规定的危险货物的类、项和车辆载质量分型。 3.3 规格和尺寸 3.3.1 标志灯 A型标志灯见图1和表2。 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 图1 A型标志灯 表2 A型标志灯尺寸 B型标志灯见图2和表3。标导灯灯体和金属杆用螺栓连接,以弹簧垫圈方式锁紧。 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 图2 B型标志灯 表3 B型标志灯尺寸 C型标志灯见图3。C型标志灯灯体尺寸与B型相同。标导灯灯体与金属托架、金属托架与汽车导流罩用 螺栓连接,以弹簧垫方式锁紧。 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 图3 C型标志灯 3.3.2 标志牌 菱形标志牌的4个内角均为直角,边长、厚度按车辆载质量分型方式确定,见表4。 表4 标志牌类型和尺寸 单位为毫米 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 3.4 标志灯编号牌 3.4.1 每个标志灯应有一个确定编号。 3.4.2 编号规则见图4。 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 图4 标志灯编号规则 3.4.2 编号牌为长100mm宽20mm铝质金属牌,编号字体为黑体,用腐蚀工艺制作使边框与编号适量凸出,凹陷部 分涂黑色,见图5。 图5 标导灯编号牌 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 3.4.4 编号牌用螺栓或粘贴方式固定于标志灯正面下方、中部、编号牌下沿距灯罩底沿1mm。 4 技术要求 4.1 标志灯 4.1.1 标志灯的光源为荧光物质。按照GB 2893中安全色与对比色的规定,灯罩为荧光黄色,正反面边框线条为黑色,字体为黑色黑体;侧面“!”为黑色黑体,线条、字体和符号使用反光材料附着或印刷。 4.1.2 灯罩材质为ABS树脂,应一次注塑成型,表面光洁无气泡,有较好的耐低温、耐高温、抗振动、抗冲击性。 4.1.3 荧光黄色在正常使用条件下应至少保持两年不褪色,黑色边框线条、字体及符号至少两年不褪色、不剥落。荧光物质的正常使用寿命不少于两年。 4.1.4 灯罩材料内加入荧光物质或表面附着荧光膜,夜间发光的可视距离不少于150m,在夜间车辆正常行驶时不少于每10min会车一次情况下可持续达到发光要求。 4.1.5 安装底板的材质为工程塑料,厚度不低于10mm。 4.1.6 灯罩、橡胶衬垫、安装底板连接处应涂密封脂,防止腐蚀性气体或雨水侵入。 4.2 标志牌 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 4.2.1 基板材质为铝合金,工作表面贴覆符合GB,T 18833要求的定向反光膜。 4.2.2 采用冲压成形工艺,使图形凸出量不小于0.5mm;按附录A规定的颜色以反光材料印刷图形。 4.2.3 反光膜、印刷图形能有效地防止酸、碱液或腐蚀性烟雾的侵蚀(使用寿命不少于2年。 5 试验方法 5.1 外观质量 5.1.1 目视检测,标志灯灯罩、安装底板表面应平整、无气泡;线条、字体和符号着色应均匀,边缘应清晰、平滑。 5.1.2 目视检测,标志牌反光膜附着应平整、无气泡;冲压图形边缘清晰、反光膜无断裂;印刷图形着色应均匀,边缘应清晰、平滑。 5.2 发光质量 目视检测,标志灯发光应均匀;在全黑暗情况下进行对比试验(以普通小汽车远光灯距离10m直射标志灯10s,观测其亮度变化,在10min内应始终不低于内置21W汽车灯泡的对比标志灯亮度。 5.3 低温试验 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 试验应符合GB,T 2423.1的规定。 试验参数:温度-25?,时间72h。 试验后立即检查试样的外观,应无变形或断裂现象。 5.4 高温试验 试验应符合GB,T 2423.2的规定。 试验参数:温度40?,时间72h。 试验后立即检查试样的外观,应无变形或断裂现象。 5.5 振动试验 试验应符合GB,T 2423.10的规定。 2 试验参数:频率范围10Hz,150Hz,扫频速率为每分钟一个倍频程,加速度幅值10m,s,扫频循环数20,在试样 的竖直轴线上试验。 试验后立即检查试样的外观及紧固部位情况,试样应无机械损伤和紧固部位松动现象。 5.6 冲击试验 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 试验应符合GB,T 2423.5的规定。 2 试验参数:峰值加速度150m,s,持续时间11ms,脉冲波形为半正弦或后峰锯齿,在试样的3个相互垂直的轴线 上各连续冲击1000次。 试验后立即检查试样的外观及紧固部位情况,试样应无机械损伤和紧固部位松动现象 6 检验规则 6.1 出厂检验 6.1.1 产品出厂需经质量检验合格,并签发合格证后方能出厂。 6.1.2 标志灯出厂检验项目包括:外观、发光。标志牌出厂检验项目为外观 6.2 型式检验 6.2.1 有下列情况之一时,进行型式检验: a)投入批量生产前; b)正式生产后,如结构、材料、工艺有较大改变,可能影响产品性能时; c)出厂检验结果与上次型式检验有较大差异时; replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should d)国家及部级质量监督机构提出进行型式检验要求时。 6.2.2 型式检验应按第4章和第5章进行。 7 产品的包装、标志、装卸、运输和储存 7.1 包装 7.1.1 标志灯外包装为瓦楞纸箱。内包装为硬纸盒,以定型吹塑泡沫衬垫保护。每个纸盒内附有产品说明 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 和产 品检验合格证。 7.1.2 标志牌每块用塑料薄膜封装,外包装为瓦楞纸箱,每箱装不超过50块。 7.1.3 瓦楞纸箱应符合GB,T 6543的要求( 7.2 标志 7.2.1 产品标志 标志灯 标志灯应有清新、耐久的产品标志,至少包括下列内容: a)产品名称、代号和生产编号; replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should b)制造厂名、生产日期、产品有效期及商标、防伪标志。 标志牌 标志牌的产品标志至少包括下列内容: a)产品名称、代号和生产编号; b)制造厂名、生产日期及商标、防伪标志。 7.2.2 包装标志 外包装件上应印有GB,T 191规定的“防雨”、“向上”、“易碎”(标志牌除外)图示标志,正反两面印有产品 标志,两侧面印有包装件的外形尺寸、重量、内装数量。 7.3 装卸和运输 装卸时应轻装轻卸、堆码整齐;运输时应捆扎牢固,使用厢式车辆运载。 7.4 储存 库内存放,注意防潮。标志灯储存期不超过2年,标志牌储存期不超过4年。 8 安装悬挂要求 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 8.1 标志灯 8.1.1 标志灯安装于驾驶室顶部外表面中前部(从车辆侧面看)中间(从车辆正面看)位置,以磁吸或顶檐支撑、金属托架方式安装固定。安装位置参见附录B。 8.1.2 对于带导流罩车辆,可视导流罩表面流线形和选择的金属托架角度确定安装位置,允许自制金属托架,允许在金属托架与导流罩问加衬垫。应保证标志灯安装正直。 8.2 标志牌 8.2.1 标志牌一般悬挂于车辆后厢板或罐体后面的几何中心部位附近,避开车辆放大号;对于低栏板车辆可视情选择适当悬挂位置。悬挂位置参见附录C。 8.2.2 运输爆炸、剧毒危险货物的车辆,应在车辆两侧面厢板几何中心部位附近的适当位置各增加一块悬挂标志牌。 8.2.3 运输放射性危险货物的车辆,标志牌的悬挂位置和数量应符合GB 11806的规定。 8.2.4 根据车辆结构或用途,选择螺栓固定、铆钉固定、粘合剂粘贴固定或插槽固定(可按使用需要随时更换)等方式安装固定标志脾。 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 8.2.5 对于罐式车辆,可选择按规定位置悬挂标志牌或以反光材料按3.2.2.2和3.2.2.3的规定在罐体上喷绘标志。 8.2.6 悬挂的标志牌应按GB 6944与所运载危险货物(一种危险货物具有多重危险性时与主要危险性,多种危险货物混装时与主要危险货物的主要危险性)的类、项相对应,与标志灯同时使用。 9 车辆标志的维护 9.1 车辆驾驶员应对使用中的车辆标志进行经常性检查和维护(保持车辆标志的清洁和完好。 9.2 车辆在装、卸载可能导致车辆标志腐蚀、失效的化学危险品后,应及时对车辆标志进行检查,必要时对车辆标志进行清洗和擦拭。 9.3 标志灯正常使用期限为2年,标志牌正常使用期限为4年。在使用期限内车辆标志发生破损、失效时,应及时更换。 附录A (规范性附录) 标导牌图形 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should A. 1 标志牌图形见表A. 1。 表A. 1 标志牌图形 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 发布单国家质量监督检验检疫总局2005-4-22发布 位: 提出单中华人民共和国交通部 位: 起草单交通部科学研究院、长安大学、河北省道路运输管位:理局、北京永华龙交通科技发展有限公司 批准单国家标准局 位: replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should
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