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建筑房屋分户验收标准建筑房屋分户验收标准 户 内 (1) 窗 a) 窗边与混凝土接口有无缝隙b) 落地窗以及外飘窗应安装平正牢固c) 是否翘曲变形d) 开启关闭顺畅e) 零配件装配齐全f) 位置是否准确g) 窗玻璃应表面平整h) 窗玻璃是否完好无损、无划痕i) 隐形纱窗是否安装完毕,且无破损j) 外窗框四周处理是否粗糙k) 外窗开启扇是否能关上l) 把手是否松动m) 窗子玻璃的每个角是否封好n) 打开后窗户是否能固定o) 直角接合部是否严密p) 窗框表面是否光洁q) 四角是否呈直角r) 窗的底部滑道是否平滑s) 窗台应平滑,不刮...

建筑房屋分户验收标准 户 内 (1) 窗 a) 窗边与混凝土接口有无缝隙b) 落地窗以及外飘窗应安装平正牢固c) 是否翘曲变形d) 开启关闭顺畅e) 零配件装配齐全f) 位置是否准确g) 窗玻璃应表面平整h) 窗玻璃是否完好无损、无划痕i) 隐形纱窗是否安装完毕,且无破损j) 外窗框四周处理是否粗糙k) 外窗开启扇是否能关上l) 把手是否松动m) 窗子玻璃的每个角是否封好n) 打开后窗户是否能固定o) 直角接合部是否严密p) 窗框表面是否光洁q) 四角是否呈直角r) 窗的底部滑道是否平滑s) 窗台应平滑,不刮手t) 看一下窗外附近有无攀缘的物体、是否存在重大安全隐患!(比如3层餐厅窗户、6层北面两个窗户)u) 所有纱窗下沿与窗台之间,应考虑预留安装大理石的空间 (2) 地面 a) 是否松动b) 是否爆裂c) 是否撞凹d) 有无明显的缝隙和不平整e) 地面是否有空鼓f) 地面走线的标示g) 地平验地平就是测量一下离门口最远的室内地面与门口内地面的水平误差。测量的方法如果你不嫌麻烦,那么方法也是挺简单的。去五金店买一条小的透明水管,长度约为 20 米左右吧,然后注满水。先在门口离地面 0.5 米或 1 米处画一个标志。然后把水管的水位调至这个标志高度,并找个人固定在这个位置。然后把水管的另一端移至离门口最远处的室内。然后看水管在该处的高度,然后再做一个标志。然后用尺测量一下这个标志diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 的离地高度是多少。这两个高度差就是房屋的水平差。你也可以通过这种办法如此类推,测量出全屋的水平差度。一般来说,如果差异在 2 厘米左右是正常的,3 厘米在可以接受的范畴。如果出这个范围,你就得注意了。 (3) 墙身、顶棚、楼板 a) 有无倾斜、弯曲b) 有无隆起或凹陷c) 墙面是否平整d) 墙面是否有花e) 承重墙、梁、柱是否符合设计 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,若承重墙裂缝贯穿整个墙面且穿到背后,表示该房存在危险隐患,f) 钢筋是否暴露g) 检验梁与柱的位置是否影响出入动线与生活动线h) 用木棍敲一下有无空声i) 墙面是否有明显色差j) 阴阳角是否平直 k) 是否有裂纹、刷纹,若裂缝与墙角呈 45 度斜角或与横梁垂直,说明该房屋沉降严重,存在结构性质量问题。l) 有无水渍、裂痕m) 天花板是否有小裂纹n) 注意相关位置有没有空调管孔o) 检查墙面有无石灰"爆点",这是由于石灰没有经过足够的时间熟化或水泥中所渗的泥沙过多或搅拌不均所致,可用铁器敲打"爆点",如发现大面积的疏松、脱落,也属质量问题,将给购房者的居住和装修带来极大麻烦,不可忽视。p) 是否全部按 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 要求做"外墙外保温" (4) 水 开关是否妥当;过墙线是否有导管; 导管连接是否紧密; 管线是否安全; 下水管道不可使用塑料软管;上水管是否存在渗漏现象; 上下水管是否已做丝扣处理? (5) 电 diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national a) 开关是否妥当b) 按动漏电保护器的测试钮c) 管线是否安全d) 插座面板是否有电e) 拉闸断电测试f) 插座是否带保险装置g) 洗手盆的上方不应有插座h) 打开所有的灯具开关,看灯具是否都亮l) 开关插座面板是否存在划痕m) 是否有电器接地装置、是否解决等电位问题(等电位联接端子是否真正起作用?) r) 电线是否符合国标质量k) 电线的截面面积是否符合要求。一般来说,家里的电线不应低于 2.5平方,空调线更应达到 4 平方,否则使用空调时,容易过热变软。j) 是否有有裸露电线k) 进出水是否流畅) 电源插座应是防潮插座并有防溅措施m) 照明灯座必须是磁口安全灯座n) 洗手盆的上方不应有插座o) (6)暖气 a) 暖气内是否有水b) 暖气有无漏水痕迹c) 暖气里的水管上是否有锈d)手轮是否齐全, (7) 卫生间 坐厕下水是否顺畅; 冲水声音是否正常; 卫生间内是否有地漏;坡度是否对头(是否有倒坡现象);有无积水; 是否倒泛水和渗漏; 闭水试验; 卫生间门口地板是否发黑; 台盆上水管是否漏水;卫生间门口是否有挡水条。p) 排污管是否有蓄水防臭弯头q) 特别留意厕所顶棚有脱落或长霉菌r) 墙壁需要做拉毛处理s) 墙体到座便下水管道中心的距离是否小于35cm,若过小则有可能无法安装座便器t) 是否已安装纱窗?u) 卫生间是否有排风道?如何通风?(7+) 洗衣间a) 是否做了避水试验? diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national (8)管线 a) 是否外露b) 是否有管线穿过c) 过墙线是否有导管d) 导管连接是否紧密 e) 线路安装是否平整、牢固、顺直f) 下水管道不可使用塑料软管g) 电话线等等应先加套管,再埋进水泥;不能将电话线直接进水泥地 (9) 水表 a) 是否安装b) 是否有水表空走c) 阀门关闭不严d) 阀门脱丝,连接件滴水e) 截止阀生锈影响水质 (10) 电表 a) 是否安装b) 使用数目 (11) 电话线a) 用电话机检查电话线路是否有信号 (12) 电视天线a) 用天线检查工具检查电视天线的信号 (13) 室内污染 a) 从 7 月 1 日以后,凡新开工的民用建筑工程,完工后必须由建设单位组织对室内环境进行验收,并委托经市建委等有关部门考核认可的检测机构,对建筑工程室内环境进行检测,检测不合格的,不得竣工验收。 (14) 楼宇对讲a) 在验收时要注意其音量功能、对讲功能、操作功能是否正常 (15) 层高a) 测量楼宇层高的方法很简单,把尺顺着其中的两堵墙的阴角测量(这是最方便放置长尺而不变弯的最佳办法),你应该测量户内的多处地方。 diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national (17) 地漏 a) 地漏位置是否合理b) 地漏是否在地面的最低点c) 地漏是否排水通畅 (18) 隐密性及隔音效果如何 (19) 日照是否达到国家规定 (20) 通风是否达到国家规定 (21) 天然气表以及管道 天然气总阀门应当在公共部位,管道不能暴露在室外(特别是顶层,可能会遭雷击) (22) 窗磁、门磁系统 (2) 门 a) 贴脸是否完整b) 贴脸是否有裂缝c) 是否能锁上d) 贴脸与楼顶板阴角线是否平行 e) 是否与墙在一个平面上f) 直角接合部是否严密g) 表面是否光洁,是否有划痕、锈迹 +) 门把手是否光洁,是否有磕痕h) 不上锁是否会自动关上或打开 i) 四角是否呈直角j) 门面上有无钉眼、气泡或明显色差k) 开启是否灵活l) 关上门窗听听隔音效果 m) 密封程度;密封胶条是否有损坏n) 门的厚度、材质与规格o) 门框与墙身有无过大缝隙 p) 门与门框有无过大缝隙q) 零配件是否装配齐全,位置准确r) 门与地的缝隙,要预留出地面装饰的缝隙(需要额外考虑地面不平整的diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 误差)s) 门的安全程度如何?是否有四个支点? 3 外墙 a) 是否有较大面积的空鼓b) 是否开裂c) 是否渗水d) 是否有明显的水印和霉点e) 是否有排水设施f) 空调是否能安装g) 出水口h) 外墙墙体是否有裂缝,若有裂缝也属严重的质量问题。 (4) 檐沟、落水管 a) 安装是否牢固b) 接口是否平密c) 是否渗漏 d) 落水管,验收时,预先拿一个盛水的器具,然后倒水进排水口。看看水是不是顺利地流走。 (5) 消防系统 a) 住宅楼消防供水系统,必须经消防部门检验合格。 (6)信报箱a) 房屋是否按单元设置信报箱,其规格、位置必须符合有关规定 (7) 标识系统a) 楼宇标识、门牌标识、层位标识、房屋标识是否与实际相符 (8)小区环境 (9) 停车场 (10) 保安系统 4、小区内 (1) 凡竣工的工程,一般须做到"五通一平"即煤气、上水、电热、污水、路通,一平 即楼前 6 米、楼后 3 米场地要平整,不准堆积建材或杂物,以确保diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 进出安全。要做到煤气表、电表(单元表)、水表三表到户。室内清扫干净,水池、水盆、粪桶、垃圾道、门窗、玻璃、管道清理干净,无污物,达到窗明地净,地漏、雨水等处无堵塞杂物。 (2) 检查是否有规划、设计变更或小区缩水等问题; 5、物 业 在您查看了房产后并准备签收《房屋验收单》之前,您一定先签订《物业管理公约》,做一个事先约定,避免日后起纠纷。您要清楚以后所要交纳的物业管理费到底由哪些方面构成,清洁费、保安费、绿化费怎么核定,做到明明白白。同时,考察一下您的小区物业管理公司的资质,是否具备您要求的管理标准。 三、后记 在房屋接管验收中发现质量问题,可根据其对房屋不同的影响程度分别处理: 1) 影响房屋结构安全和设备使用安全的质量问题,必须约定期限由建设单位负责进行加固补强维修,直至合格。影响相邻房屋的安全问题,由建设单位负责处理。 2) 对于不影响房屋和设备使用安全的质量问题,可约定期限由建设单位负责维修,也可采取费用补偿的办法,由接管单位处理。 3) 如果发现问题至少要在收楼文件上注明"室内情况尚不清楚"或"楼房状况未明"等字样。 四、参考资料 1) 空鼓:局部面层材料与基层没有胶合剂或胶合剂没有起作用,用小diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 槌轻击有空壳声。如瓷砖与墙面间局部水泥砂浆不饱和,形成空鼓。 2) 《住宅质量保证书》是开发商针对房屋质量及保修期限、范围作出的承诺。 3) 《住宅使用 说明书 房屋状态说明书下载罗氏说明书下载焊机说明书下载罗氏说明书下载GGD说明书下载 》则是针对房屋设计、施工及验收中的具体技术指标,如抗震指数、墙体结构类型等作出的相关说明。 4.2 接管验收应具备的条件: a.建设工程全部施工完毕,并业经竣工验收合格; b.供电、采暖、给水排水、卫生、道路等设备和设施能正常使用; c.房屋幢、户编号业经有关部门确认。 4.3 接管验收应检索提交的资料 4.3.1 产权资料: a.项目批准文件; b.用地批准文件; c.建筑执照; d.拆迁安置资料。 4.3.2 技术资料: a.竣工图--包括总平面、建筑、结构、设备、附属工程及隐蔽管线的全套图纸; b.地质勘察报告; c.工程合同及开、竣工报告; d.工程预决算; e.图纸会审 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 ; f.工程设计变更通知及技术核定单(包括质量事故处理记录); g.隐蔽工程验收签证; h.沉降观察记录; i.竣工验收证明书; j.钢材、水泥等主要材料的质量保证书; k.新材料、构配件的鉴定合格证书; l.水、电、采暖、卫生器具、电梯等设备的检验合格证书; m.砂浆、混凝土试块试压报告;n.供水、供暖的试压报告。 4.4 接管验收程序 4.4.1 建设单位书面提请接管单位接管验收。 diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 4.4.2 接管单位按"4.2"和"4.3"条进行审核,对具备条件的,应在15日内签发验收通知并约定验收时间。 4.4.3 接管单位会同建设单位按"4.5"条进行检验。 4.4.4 对验收中发现的质量问题,按"4.6.1"和"4.6.2" 条处理。 4.4.5 经检验符合要求的房屋,接管单位应签置验收合格凭证,签发接管文件。 4.5 质量与使用功能的检验 4.5.1 主体结构 地基基础的沉降不得超过GBJ7的允许变形值;不得引起上部结构的开裂或相邻房屋的损坏。 钢筋混凝土构件产生变形、裂缝,不得超过GBJ10的规定值。 砖石结构必须有足够的强度和刚度,不允许有明显裂缝。 木结构应结点牢固,支撑系统可靠,无蚁害,其构件的选材必须符合GBJ206中2.1.1条的有关规定。 凡应抗震设防的房屋,必须符合GBJ11的有关规定。 张东伟律师 4.5.2 外墙不得渗水。 4.5.3 屋面 各类屋面必须符合GBJ207中4.0.6条的规定,排水畅通,无积水,不渗漏。 平屋面应有隔热保温措施,三层以上房屋在公用部位应设置屋面检修孔。 diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 阳台和三层以上房屋的屋面应有组织排水,出水口、檐沟、落水管应安装牢固、接口平密、不渗漏。 4.5.4 楼地面 面层与基层必须粘结牢固,不空鼓。整体面层平整,不允许有裂缝、脱皮和起砂等缺陷;块料面层应表面平正、接缝均匀顺直,无缺棱掉角。 卫生间、阳台、盥洗间地面与相邻地面的相对标高应符合设计要求,不应有积水,不允许倒泛水和渗漏。 木楼地面应平整牢固,接缝密合。 4.5.5 装修 钢木门窗应安装平正牢固,无翘曲变形,开关灵活,零配件装配齐全,位置准确,钢门窗缝隙严密,木门窗缝隙适度。 进户门不得使用胶合板制作,门锁应安装牢固,底层外窗、楼层公共走道窗、进户门上的亮子均应装设铁栅栏。 木装修工程应表面光洁,线条顺直,对缝严密,不露钉帽,与基层必须钉牢。 门窗玻璃应安装平整,油灰饱满,粘贴牢固。 抹灰应表面平整,不应有空鼓、裂缝和起泡等缺陷。 饰面砖应表面洁净,粘贴牢固,阴阳角与线脚顺直,无缺棱掉角。 油漆、刷浆应色泽一致。表面不应有脱皮、漏刷现象 4.5.6 电气 diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 电气线路安装应平整、牢固、顺直,过墙应有导管。导线连接必须紧密,铝导线连接不得采用绞接或绑接。采用管子配线时,连接点必须紧密、可靠,使管路在结构上和电气上均连成整体并有可靠的接地。每回路导线间和对地绝缘电阻值不得小于1MΩ/KV。 应按套安装电表或预留表位,并有电器接地装置。 照明器具等低压电器安装支架必须牢固,部件齐全,接触良好,位置正确。 各种避雷装置的所有连接点必须牢固可靠,接地电阻值必须答合GBJ232的要求。 电梯应能准确启动运行、选层、平层、停层,曳引机的噪声和震动声不得超过GBJ232的规定值。制动器、限速器及其他安全设备应动作灵敏可靠。安装的隐蔽工程、试运转记录、性能检测记录及完整的图纸资料均应符合要求。 对电视信号有屏蔽影响的住宅,电视信号场强微弱或被高层建筑遮挡及反射波复杂地区的住宅,应设置电视共用天线。 除上述要求外,同时应符合地区性"低压电气装置规程"的有关要求。 4.5.7 水、卫、消防 管道应安装牢固、控制部件启闭灵活、无滴漏。水压试验及保温、防腐措施必须符合GBJ242的要求。应按套安装水表或预留表位。 高位水箱进水管与水箱检查口的设置应便于检修。 diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 卫生间、厨房内的排污管应分设,出户管长不宜超过8m,并不应使用陶瓷管、塑料管。地漏、排污管接口、检查口不得渗漏,管道排水必须流畅。 卫生器具质量良好,接口不得渗漏,安装应平正、牢固、部件齐全、制动灵活。 水泵安装应平稳,运行时无较大震动。 消防设施必须符合GBJ16、GBJ45的要求,并且有消防部门检验合格签证。 4.5.8 采暖 采暖工程的验收时间,必须在采暖期以前两个月进行。 锅炉、箱罐等压力容器应安装平正、配件齐全、不得有变形、裂纹、磨损、腐蚀等缺陷害。安装完毕后,必须有专业部门的检验合格签证。 炉排必须进行12h以上试运转,炉排之间、炉排与炉铁之间不得互相摩擦,且无杂音,不跑偏,不凸起,不受卡,返转应自如。 各种仪器、仪表应齐全精确,安全装置必须灵敏、可靠,控制阀门应开关灵活。 炉门、灰门、煤斗闸板、烟、风档板应安装平正、启闭灵活,闭合严密,风室隔墙不得透风漏气。 管道的管径、坡度及检查井必须符合GBJ242的要求,管沟大小及管道排列应便于维修,管架、支架、吊架应牢固。 设备、管道不应有跑、冒、滴、漏现象。保温、防腐措施必diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 须答合GBJ242的规定。 锅炉辅机应运转正常,无杂音。消烟除尘、消音减震设备应齐全,水质、烟尘排放浓度应符合环保要求。 经过48h连续试运行,锅炉和附属设备的热工、机械性能及采暖区室温必须符合设计要求。 4.5.9 附属工程及其它 室外排水系统的标高、窨井(检查井)设置、管道坡度、管径均必须符合GBJ14第二章第2.3.4节的要求。管道应顺直且排水通畅,井盖应搁置稳妥并设置井圈。 化粪池应按排污量合理设置,池内无垃圾杂物,进出水口高差不得小于5cm。立管与粪池间的连接管道应有足够坡度,并不应起过两个弯。http;//www.law110.com 明沟、散水、落水沟头不得有断裂、积水现象。 房屋入口处必须做室外道路。并与主干道相通。路面不应有积水、空鼓和断裂现象。 房屋应按单元设置信报箱,其规格、位置须符合有关规定。 挂物钩、晒衣架应安装牢固。烟道、通风道、垃圾道应畅通,无阻塞物。 单体工程必须做到工完料净场地清、临时设施及过渡用房拆除清理完毕。室外地面平整,室内外高差符合设计要求。 群体建筑应检验相应的市政、公建配套工程和服务设施,达到应有的质量和使用功能要求。 diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 4.6 质量问题的处理。 4.6.1 影响房屋结构安全和设备使用安全的质量问题,必须约定期限由建设单位负责进行加固补强返修,直至合格。 影响相邻房屋的安全问题,由建设单位负责处理。 4.6.2 对于不影响房屋结构安全和设备使用安全的质量问题,可约定期限由建设单位负责维修,也可采取费用补偿的办法,由接管单位处理。 5.原有房屋的收管验收 5.1 接管验收应具备的条件 a.房屋所有权、使用权清楚; b.土地使用范围明确。 5.2 接管验收应检索提交的资料 5.2.1 产权资料: a.房屋所有权证; b.土地使用权证; c.有关司法、公证文书和 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ; d.房屋分户使用清册; e.房屋设备及定、附着物清册。 5.2.2 技术资料: a.房地产平面图; b.房屋分间平面图; c.房屋及设备技术资料。 5.3 接管验收程序 5.3.1 移交人书面提请接管单位接管验收。 5.3.2 接管单位按5.1和5.2条进行审核。对具备条件的,应在15日内签发验收通知并约定验收时间。 5.3.3 接管单位会同移交人按5.4条进行检验。 diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 5.3.4 对检验中发现的危损问题,按5.5条处理。 5.3.5 交接双方共同清点房屋、装修、设备和定、附着物,核实房屋使用状况。 5.3.6 经检验符合要求的房屋,接管单位应签署验收合格凭证,签发接管文件,办理房屋所有权转移登记。 5.3.7 移交人配合接管单位按接管单位的规定与房屋使用人重新建立租赁关系。 5.4 质量与使用功能的检验 5.4.1 以cJ13和国家有关规定作检验依据。 5.4.2 从外观检查建筑物整体的变异状态。 5.4.3 检查房屋结构、装修和设备的完好与损坏程度。 5.4.4 查验房屋使用情况(包括建筑年代、用途变迁、拆改添建、装修和设备情况)。评估房屋现有价值、建立资料档案。 5.5 危险和损坏问题的处理 5.5.1 属有危险的房屋,应由移交人负责排险解危后,始得接管。 5.5.2 属有损坏的房屋,由移交人和接管单位协商解决,既可约定期限由移交人负责维修,也可采用其它补偿形式。 5.5.3 属法院判决没收并通知接管的房屋,按法院判决办理。 6.交接双方的责任 6.1 为尽快发挥投资效益,建设单位应按4.2和4.3条的要求提前做好房屋交验准备,房屋竣工后,及时提出接管验收申请。接管单位应在15日内审核完毕、及进签发验收通知并约定时间验收。经检验符diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 合要求,接管单位应在7日内签署验收合格凭证,并应及时签发接管文件。未经接管的新建房屋一律不得分配使用。 6.2 接管验收时,交接双方均应严格按照本标准执行。验收不合格时,双方协议处理办法,并商定时间复验,建设单位应按约返修合格,组织复验。 6.3 房屋接管交付使用后,如发生隐蔽性的重大质量事故,应由接管单位会同建设单位组织设计、施工等单位,共同分析研究,查明原因,如属设计、施工、材料的原因应由建设单位负责处理,如属使用不当、管理不善的原因,则应由接管单位负责处理。 6.4 新建房屋自验收接管之日起,应执行建筑工程保修的有关规定由建设单位负责保修,并应向接管单位预付保修保证金。接管单位在需要时用于代修。保修期满,按实结算,也可以在验收接管时,双方达成协议。建设单位一次性拨付保修费用,由接管单位负责保修。保修保证金和保修费的标准由各地自定。 6.5 新建房屋一经接管,建设单位应负责在三个月内组织办理承租手续,逾期不办,应承担因房屋空置而产生的经济损失和事故责任。 diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national
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