首页 机构名称:西北橡胶塑料研究设计院橡胶密封制品检验实验室



机构名称:西北橡胶塑料研究设计院橡胶密封制品检验实验室机构名称:西北橡胶塑料研究设计院橡胶密封制品检验实验室 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 机构名称:西北橡胶塑料研究设计院橡胶密封制品检验实验室 注册号:L1138 地 址: A:陕西省咸阳市西华路2号 获准认可能力索引 序号 地址 能力范围 评审类型 更新时间 1 授权签字人(中文) 复评 2012年10月15日 2 授权签字人(英文) 复评 2012年10月15日 A 3 授权签字人(中文) 监督 2013年12月20日 4 授权签字人(英文) 监督...

机构名称:西北橡胶塑料研究设计院橡胶密封制品检验实验室 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 机构名称:西北橡胶塑料研究设计院橡胶密封制品检验实验室 注册号:L1138 地 址: A:陕西省咸阳市西华路2号 获准认可能力索引 序号 地址 能力范围 评审类型 更新时间 1 授权签字人(中文) 复评 2012年10月15日 2 授权签字人(英文) 复评 2012年10月15日 A 3 授权签字人(中文) 监督 2013年12月20日 4 授权签字人(英文) 监督 2013年12月20日 5 检测能力(中文) 复评 2012年10月15日 6 检测能力(英文) 复评 2012年10月15日 A 7 检测能力(中文) 监督 2013年12月20日 8 检测能力(英文) 监督 2013年12月20日 No. CNAS L1138 第 1 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Name:Rubber Sealing Products Test Laboratory, Northwest China Research and Design Institute of Rubber & Plastics Registration No.:L1138 ADDRESS: A: No.2, Xihua Road, Xianyang, Shanxi, China INDEX OF ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES No. Address Range Type Update date 1 Approved signatories (Chinese) Reassessment 2012-10-15 2 Approved signatories (English) Reassessment 2012-10-15 A 3 Approved signatories (Chinese) Surveillance 2013-12-20 4 Approved signatories (English) Surveillance 2013-12-20 5 Testing ability(Chinese) Reassessment 2012-10-15 6 Testing ability(English) Reassessment 2012-10-15 A 7 Testing ability(Chinese) Surveillance 2013-12-20 8 Testing ability(English) Surveillance 2013-12-20 No. CNAS L1138 第 2 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认 可 证 书 附 件 (注册号:CNAS L1138) 名称: 西北橡胶塑料研究设计院橡胶密封制品检验实验室 地址:陕西省咸阳市西华路2号 签发日期:2012年10月15日 有效期至:2015年10月14日 更新日期:2012年10月15日 附件1 认可的授权签字人及领域 序号 姓 名 授权签字领域 备 注 1 曹元礼 全部检测项目 2 田晓明 全部检测项目 3 高静茹 全部检测项目 橡胶、热塑橡胶、橡胶密封制品等的力学性4 张文辉 能检测项目 No. CNAS L1138 第 3 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS L1138) NAME: Rubber Sealing Products Test Laboratory, Northwest China Research and Design Institute of Rubber & Plastics ADDRESS: No.2, Xihua Road, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China Date of Issue:2012-10-15 Date of Expiry:2015-10-14 Date of Update:2012-10-15 APPENDIX 1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPE ? Name Authorized Scope of Signature Note 1 Cao yuanli All testing items 2 Tian xiaoming All testing items 3 Gao jingru All testing items Testing of Machanics for Rubber 4 Zhang wenhui Seals,Rubber and Rubber Products No. CNAS L1138 第 4 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认 可 证 书 附 件 (注册号:CNAS L1138) 名称: 西北橡胶塑料研究设计院橡胶密封制品检验实验室 地址:陕西省咸阳市西华路2号 认可依据:ISO/IEC 17025:2005以及CNAS特定认可要求 签发日期:2012年10月15日 有效期至:2015年10月14日 更新日期:2012年10月15日 附件2 认可的检测能力范围 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 (方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 橡胶物理试验方法试样制备 1 尺寸* 0220 和调节通用程序GB/T 2941-2006 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 压 橡胶或 入硬度试验方法 第1部分:1 热塑性橡胶 邵氏硬度计法(邵尔硬度) GB/T 531.1-2008 2 硬度* 220 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶硬度 的测定(10,100IRHD) GB/T 6031-1998 No. CNAS L1138 第 5 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 3 拉伸强度* 0220 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶拉伸 应力应变性能的测定 拉断伸长率 4 0220 GB/T 528-2009 * 5 定伸应力* 0220 拉断永久 6 0220 变形* 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶撕裂 强度的测定(裤形、直角形7 撕裂强度* 0220 和新月形试样) GB/T 529-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 在 压缩应力松常温和高温下压缩应力松弛橡胶或 8 0220 1 弛* 的测定 热塑性橡胶 GB/T 1685-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶与织 物粘合强度的测定GB/T 532-2008 硫化橡胶与金属粘接180? 剥离试验 GB/T 15254-1994 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶与硬9 粘合强度* 220 质板材粘合强度的测定 90?剥离法 GB/T 7760-2003 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 与 金属粘合强度的测定 二板 法 GB/T 11211-2009 No. CNAS L1138 第 6 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 硫化橡胶与金属粘合拉伸剪9 粘合强度* 220 切强度的测定方法GB/T 13936-1992 硫化橡胶、热塑性橡胶常温、 压缩永久变高温和低温下压缩永久变形10 0220 形* 测定 GB/T 7759-1996 热空气加速硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶热空11 0220 老化和耐热气加速老化和耐热试验 试验* GB/T 3512-2001 硫化橡胶耐液体性能试验方耐液体试验 12 0220 法 * GB/T 1690-2010 脆性温度硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定 13 0220 (单试样单试样法 橡胶或 法)* GB/T 1682-1994 1 低温脆性硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定热塑性橡胶 14 0220 (多试样(多试样法) 法)* GB/T 15256-1994 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐臭15 耐臭氧* 0220 氧龟裂静态拉伸试验 GB/T 7762-2003 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 耐16 耐候性* 0220 候性 GB/T 3511-2008 硫化橡胶回弹性的测定GB/T 17 回弹性* 0220 1681-2009 硫化橡胶伸张疲劳的测定 18 伸张疲劳* 0220 GB/T 1688-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶压缩19 压缩模量* 0220 应力应变性能的测定 GB/T 7757-2009 No. CNAS L1138 第 7 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 密20 密度* 0220 度的测定 GB/T 533-2008 压缩耐寒系硫化橡胶压缩耐寒系数的测21 0220 数* 定HG/T 3866-2008 绝缘电阻率硫化橡胶绝缘电阻率的测定 22 0220 * GB/T 1692-2008 介电常数和硫化橡胶 介电常数和介电23 0220 介电损耗角损耗角正切值的测定方法 正切* GB/T 1693-2007 击穿电压强硫化橡胶工频击穿电压强度24 0220 度和耐电压和耐电压的测定方法 * GB/T 1695-2005 橡胶燃烧性能的测定 橡胶或 25 燃烧性能* 0220 1 GB/T 10707-2008 热塑性橡胶 橡胶热导率的测定 瞬态热26 橡胶热导率 0220 丝法 GB/T 11205-2009 橡胶鉴定 红外光谱法 27 橡胶鉴定* 0220 GB/T 7764-2001 橡胶及橡胶制品组分含量的28 热重 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 * 0220 测定-热重分析法GB/T 14837-1993 硫化橡胶 低温性能的测定29 TR试验* 0220 温度回缩法(TR试验)GB/T 7758-2002 军用装备实验室环境试验方30 盐雾试验* 0220 法 第11部分:盐雾试验 GJB 150.11A-2009 No. CNAS L1138 第 8 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 未硫化橡胶 用圆盘剪切粘 度计进行测定 第1部分 门 31 门尼粘度* 0220 尼粘度的测定 GB/T 1232.1-2000 静密封橡胶零件贮存期快速 32 贮存期* 0220 测定方法 HG/T 3087-2001 标准弹性体材料与液压液体 33 相容性* 0220 的相容性试验GB/T 14832-2008 O形橡胶密O形橡胶密封圈试验方法 34 0220 封圈试验* GB/T 5720-2008 阿克隆磨耗硫化橡胶耐磨性能的测定 35 0220 * GB/T 1689-1998 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶屈挠 橡胶或 龟裂和裂口增长的测定(德1 36 屈挠龟裂* 0220 热塑性橡胶 墨西亚型) GB/T 13934-2006 橡胶隔膜 汽车制动气室橡胶隔膜HG 37 0220 寿命* 2950-1999 附录A 工作耐久性汽车液压制动橡胶皮碗HG 38 0220 * 2865-1997 附录A6 汽车液压制动橡胶皮碗HG 39 沉淀* 0220 2865-1997附录A3 汽车液压制动橡胶皮碗HG 40 金属腐蚀* 0220 2865-1997附录A4 泡沫塑料和橡胶 表观(体 41 表观密度* 0220 积)密度的测定 GB/T6343-2009 食品用橡胶制品卫生标准 42 蒸发残渣* 0220 GB 4806.1-1994 No. CNAS L1138 第 9 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 高锰酸钾消 43 0220 耗量* 食品用橡胶制品卫生标准 44 锌含量* 0220 GB 4806.1-1994 重金属含量45 0220 * 只用亚橡胶 游离硫的测定 46 游离硫* 0220 硫酸钠GB/T 15251-2008 法 医用输液橡胶瓶塞 47 自密封性* 0220 HG 2948-1988(1997)附录B 48 pH变化值* 0220 医用输液橡胶瓶塞 重金属离子 49 0220 HG 2948-1988(1997)附录C * 橡胶或 50 澄清度* 0220 1 热塑性橡胶 常规武器、舰艇用橡胶制品 51 重金属盐* 0220 混炼胶 HG6-669-1983 专用胶料 52 对银腐蚀* 0220 HG6-878-1976附录1 汽车液压盘式制动缸用橡胶53 金属腐蚀* 0220 密封圈HG/T 3612-1999的A2 车辆门窗橡胶密封条 54 污染性* 0220 HG/T 3088-1999附录A 橡胶制品的公差 第1部分: 55 尺寸公差* 0220 尺寸公差 GB/T 3672.1-2002 橡胶制品的公差 第2部分: 56 几何公差* 0220 几何公差 GB/T 3672.2-2002 No. CNAS L1138 第 10 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶应用橡胶或 1 57 预测寿命* 0220 阿累尼乌斯图推算寿命和最热塑性橡胶 高使用温度GB/T20028-2005 液压气动用O形橡胶密封圈 1 尺寸* 0220 尺寸系列及公差 GB/T 3452.1-2005 普通液压系O形橡胶密封圈外观质量检2 统 O形橡2 全部项目* 0220 验标准 胶密封圈 GB/T 3452.2-2007 普通液压系统用O形橡胶密 3 全部项目* 0220 封圈材料 HG/T 2579-2008 燃油用O形燃油用O形橡胶密封圈材料 3 1 全部项目* 0220 橡胶密封圈 HG/T 3089-2001 橡胶密封件 橡胶密封件 给、排水管及 给、排水管污水管道用接口密封圈 材4 1 全部项目* 0220 及污水管道料规范 用 接口密GB/T 21873-2008 封圈 燃气输送管 燃气输送管及配件用橡胶密 及配件用O 5 1 全部项目* 0220 封圈胶料HG/T 形橡胶密封 3092-1988(1997) 圈 石油基油类 石油基油类输送管道及连接输送管道及 6 1 全部项目* 0220 件用橡胶密封制品胶料 连接件用O HG/T 3093-1988 形橡胶密封 圈 耐高温滑油耐高温滑油O形橡胶密封圈7 1 全部项目* 0220 O形橡胶密材料 封圈 HG/T 2021-1991 No. CNAS L1138 第 11 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 耐酸碱橡胶耐酸碱橡胶密封件材料HG/T 8 1 全部项目* 0220 密封件 2181-2009 旋转轴唇形密封圈橡胶材料 1 全部项目* 0220 HG/T 2811-1996 液压传动 旋转轴唇形密封 2 全部项目* 0220 圈设计规范 GB/T 9877-2008 旋转轴唇形密封圈外观质量 3 外观* 0220 GB/T 15326-1994 密封元件为弹性体材料的旋 转轴唇形密封圈 第1部分: 4 尺寸* 0220 基本尺寸和公差 GB/T 13871.1-2007 旋转轴唇形 9 密封元件为弹性体材料的旋 密封圈 转轴唇形密封圈 第4部分: 5 全部项目* 0220 性能试验程序 GB/T 13871.4-2007 密封元件为热塑性材料的旋 转轴唇形密封圈 第4部分: 6 全部项目* 0220 性能试验程序 GB/T 21283.4-2008 密封元件为热塑性材料的旋 外观缺陷识转轴唇形密封圈 第5部分: 7 0220 别* 外观缺陷的识别 GB/T 21283.5-2008 往复运动密封圈橡胶材料 1 全部项目* 0220 HG/T 2810-2008 往复运动橡往复运动橡胶密封圈结构尺 10 胶密封圈 寸系列第1部分: 单向密封 2 全部项目* 0220 橡胶密封圈GB/T 10708.1-2000 No. CNAS L1138 第 12 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 往复运动橡胶密封圈结构尺 寸系列第2部分: 双向密封 3 全部项目* 0220 橡胶密封圈GB/T 10708.2-2000 往复运动橡胶密封圈结构尺往复运动橡 10 寸系列 第3部分:橡胶防尘胶密封圈 4 全部项目* 0220 密封圈 GB/T 10708.3-2000 往复运动橡胶密封圈外观质 5 外观* 0220 量 GB/T 15325-1994 采煤综合机采煤综合机械化设备橡胶件 11 1 全部项目* 0220 械化设备橡用胶料 胶件用胶料 HG/T 3326-2007 食品用橡胶食品用橡胶制品卫生标准 12 1 全部项目* 0220 制品 GB/T 4806.1-1994 汽车制动气室橡胶隔膜HG 0220 汽车制动气2950-1999 13 1 全部项目* 室橡胶隔膜 汽车制动气室橡胶隔膜 0220 GB 26753-2011 汽车液压制汽车液压制动橡胶皮碗HG 14 1 全部项目* 0220 动橡胶皮碗 2865-1997 车辆门窗橡车辆门窗橡胶密封条HG/T 15 1 全部项目* 0220 胶密封条 3088-1999 氯丁海绵橡氯丁海绵橡胶粘贴式钢门窗 16 1 全部项目* 0220 胶粘贴式钢密闭条 门窗密闭条 JG/T 15-1999 汽车用橡胶汽车用橡胶密封条 17 1 全部项目* 0220 密封条 QC/T 639-2004(2005) No. CNAS L1138 第 13 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 不测耐 屈挠、低 温刚性、 汽车用橡胶汽车用硫化橡胶分类系统压缩或18 1 部分项目* 0220 材料 HG/T 2196-2004 剪切性 能、压缩 屈挠、表 面污染 汽车液压制汽车液压制动缸用橡胶护罩 19 1 全部项目* 0220 动缸用橡胶HG/T 2578-1994 护罩 汽车液压盘汽车液压盘式制动缸用橡胶20 1 全部项目* 0220 式制动缸用密封圈 橡胶密封圈 HG/T 3612-1999 铁路机车车铁路机车车辆用制动软管垫21 1 全部项目* 0220 辆用制动软圈技术条件 管垫圈 TB/T 1421-1982 铁路机车车铁路机车车辆用门窗密封胶22 1 全部项目* 0220 辆用门窗密垫技术条件 封胶垫 TB/T 1422-1982 液压隔离式不测气液压隔离式蓄能器用胶囊 23 1 部分项目* 0220 蓄能器用胶密性、耐HG/T 2331-1992 囊 久性 水闸橡胶密水闸橡胶密封件 24 1 全部项目* 0220 封件 HG/T 3096-2011 橡胶密封件--110?热水供 110?以下 应管道的管接口密封圈--材25 热水输送管1 全部项目* 0220 料规范 橡胶密封圈 HG/T 3097-2006 No. CNAS L1138 第 14 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 混凝土道路 混凝土道路伸缩缝用预成型 伸缩缝用预 硫化橡胶压缩密封件材料规 26 成型硫化橡1 全部项目* 0220 范 胶压缩密封 HG/T 3098-2004 件材料 建筑橡胶密 建筑橡胶密封垫 预成型实 封垫预成型 心硫化的结构密封垫用材料 27 实心硫化的1 全部项目* 0220 规范 结构密封垫 HG/T 3099-2004 用材料 硫化橡胶和硫化橡胶和热塑性橡胶建筑 热塑性橡胶 用预成型密封垫的分类、要 28 1 全部项目* 0220 建筑用预成求和试验方法 型密封垫 HG/T 3100-2004 高分子防水材料 1 全部项目* 0220 第一部分:片材 GB 18173.1-2006 高分子防水材料 2 全部项目* 0220 第二部分 止水带 GB 18173.2-2000 高分子防水 29 材料 高分子防水材料 3 全部项目* 0220 第三部分 遇水膨胀橡胶 GB/T 18173.3-2002 高分子防水材料 第4部分: 盾构法隧道管片用橡胶密封不测防 4 部分项目* 0220 垫 霉等级 GB 18173.4-2010 No. CNAS L1138 第 15 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 高压电器设 备用橡胶密高压电器设备用橡胶密封件 六氟化硫电器设备用橡胶密封件六氟化 30 1 全部项目* 0220 硫电器设备封件技术条件JB/T 用橡胶密封7052-1993 件 变压器类产变压器类产品用密封件技术不测变31 1 部分项目* 0220 品用密封制条件 第一部分 橡胶密封件 压器油 品 JB/T 8448.1-2004 相容性 不测变变压器用橡变压器用橡胶材料 32 1 部分项目* 0220 压器油胶材料 HG/T 2887-1997 相容性 铁路混凝土铁路混凝土轨枕枕下弹性垫33 1 全部项目* 0220 轨枕枕下弹板 性垫板 TB/T 2629 -1995 彩色电视机 彩色电视机用橡胶高压帽 34 用橡胶高压1 全部项目* 0220 HG/T 2294-2007 帽 彩色电视机彩色电视机用橡胶楔子HG/T 35 1 全部项目* 0220 用橡胶楔子 2296-2007 橡胶 管道接口用密封圈制 管道接口用造质量的建议 疵点的分类36 1 全部项目* 0220 橡胶密封圈 与类别 GB/T 17604-1998 模压和压出橡胶制品外观质模压和压出 37 1 全部项目* 0220 量的一般规定 橡胶制品 HG/T 3090-1987 常规武器、常规武器、舰艇用橡胶制品38 1 全部项目* 0220 舰艇用橡胶混炼胶 制品混炼胶 HG6-669-1983 No. CNAS L1138 第 16 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 常规武器、常规武器、舰艇用橡胶零件 39 1 全部项目* 0220 舰艇用橡胶HG6-670-1983 零件 专用胶料 40 专用胶料 1 全部项目* 0220 HG6-878-1976 航空工业橡航空工业橡胶零件及型材用 41 1 全部项目* 0220 胶零件及型胶料 材用胶料 GJB 5258-2003 航空橡胶零航空橡胶零件 42 1 全部项目* 0220 件 HG6-409-1979 耐液压油和耐液压油和燃油丁腈橡胶胶 43 1 全部项目* 0220 燃油丁腈胶料规范 料 GJB 250A-1996 预应力与自 预应力与自应力钢筋混凝土 应力钢筋混 44 1 全部项目* 0220 管用橡胶密封圈JC/T 凝土管用橡 748-2010 胶密封圈 弹性体密封件 排水管道接 排水管道接口密封件材料要求 热塑性 45 1 全部项目* 0220 口密封件 弹性体 GB/T 21874-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 17 页 共 78 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS L1138) NAME: Rubber Sealing Products Test Laboratory, Northwest China Research and Design Institute of Rubber & Plastics ADDRESS: No.2, Xihua Road, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China Accreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and relevant requirements of CNAS Date of Issue:2012-10-15 Date of Expiry:2015-10-14 Date of Update:2012-10-15 APPENDIX 2 ACCREDITED TESTING Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber-General procedures for preparing and 1 Size* 0220 conditioning test pieces for physical test methods GB/T 2941-2006 Rubber, vulcanized 1 or thermoplastic Rubber vulcanized Determination or thermoplastic Determination of indentation hardness 2 Hardness* 220 Part 1:Duromerer method(Shore hardness) GB/T 531.1-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 18 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of 2 Hardness* 220 hardness(hardness between 10 IRHD and 100IRHD) GB/T 6031-1998 Tensile 3 0220 strength* Rubber ,vulcanized Elongation or thermoplastic - 4 0220 Rubber, vulcanized at break* Determination of 1 or thermoplastic tensile stress-strain Determination Tensile properties stress at a GB/T 528-2009 5 0220 given elongation* Set after 6 0220 break* Rubber vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of Tear 7 0220 tear strength strength* (Trouser angle and crescent test pieces) GB/T 529-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 19 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of compressiostress relaxation in 8 n stress 0220 compression at relaxation* ambient and at elevated temperatures GB/T 1685-2008 Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of adhesion to textile fabric Rubber, vulcanized GB/T 532-2008 1 or thermoplastic Determination Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of Adhesion adhesion to metal 9 220 strength* -180?Peel test method GB/T 15254-1994 Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of adhesion to a rigid substrate -90 degrees peel method GB/T 7760-2003 No. CNAS L1138 第 20 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of adhesion to metal –Tension method GB/T 11211-2009 Rubber, vulcanized Method for determination of Adhesion strength properties 9 220 strength* of adhesive to metal in shear by tension loading GB/T 13936-1992 Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of Compressio10 0220 compression set at n set * ambient elevated or Rubber, vulcanized low temperatures 1 or thermoplastic GB/T 7759-1996 Determination Accelerated Rubber ,vulcanized ageing and or thermoplastic heat –Accelerated ageing 11 0220 resistance and heat resistance tests tests –Air-oven –Air-oven method method* GB/T 3512-2001 Rubber ,vulcanized Resistance or thermoplastic 12 to liquids 0220 -Determination of test* the effect of liquids GB/T 1690-2010 No. CNAS L1138 第 21 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber ,vulcanized Brittleness -Determination of temperature low –temperature (single test 13 0220 brittleness(single piece test piece method ) method)* GB/T 1682-1994 Rubber Low vulcanized-Determitemperature nation of brittleness 14 0220 low-temperature (multiple brittleness(multiple test piece test piece method) method) GB/T 15256-1994 Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic Resistance Resistance to ozone 15 to ozone 0220 cracking Static cracking* strain test GB/T 7762-2003 Rubber, vulcanized Rubber, vulcanized 1 or thermoplastic Resistance or thermoplastic Determination 16 to artificial 0220 Resistance to weathering* weathering GB/T 3511-2008 Rubber Determination of 17 Resilience * 0220 rebound resilience of vulcanizates GB/T 1681-2009 Rubber ,vulcanized Tension -Determination of 18 0220 fatigue* tension fatigue GB/T 1688-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 22 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - CompressioDetermination of n 19 0220 compression stress-strain stress-strain * properties GB/T 7757-2009 Rubber vulcanized Determination of 20 Density * 0220 density GB/T 533-2008 Coefficient Rubber of cold vulcanized-Determi resistance nation of coefficient 21 0220 und of resistance under compressiocompression n * HG/T 3866-2008 Rubber, vulcanized Vulcanized rubber 1 or thermoplastic –Determination of Determination Insulation 22 0220 the insulation resistivity * resistivity GB/T 1692-2008 Rubber Dielectric vulcanized—Determ constant and ination of dielectric 23 dielectric 0220 constant and loss dielectric loss tangent* tangent GB/T 1693-2007 No. CNAS L1138 第 23 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber vulcanized – Determination of electrical breakdown Electrical strength and voltage 24 breakdown 0220 resistant at strength * commercial power frequency GB/T 1695-2005 Rubber-Determinati Flammabiliton of flammability 25 0220 y* by oxygen index GB/T 10707-2008 Rubber-Determinati on of thermal Thermal conductivity by 26 conductivity0220 means of transient * hot-wire method GB/T 11205-2009 Rubber Indentification Rubber, vulcanized Qualitative Infra red 1 or thermoplastic 27 0220 analysis * spectrometric Determination method GB/T 7764-2001 Rubber and rubber products-determinati Quantitative on of composition 28 0220 analysis * by thermogravimetry GB/T 14837-1993 No. CNAS L1138 第 24 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber vulcanized-determin ation of low-temperature Temperature29 0220 characteristics -retracti * temperature retraction procedure(TR test) GB/T 7758-2002 Laboratory environmental test Salt fog test methods for military 30 0220 * materiel-Part 11:Salt fog test GJB 150.11A-2009 Rubber, unvulcanized--Deter minations using a Mooney shearing-disc 31 0220 viscosity* viscometer--Part 1:Determination of Rubber, vulcanized Mooney viscosity 1 or thermoplastic GB/T 1232.1-2000 Determination Method of accelerated determination for 32 Shelf--life* 0220 Shelf-life of rubber static sealing parts HG/T 3087-2001 No. CNAS L1138 第 25 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Test of compatibility between elastomeric Compatibili33 0220 material and ty* hydraulic fluid GB/T 14832-2008 Rubber Test methods for 34 O-rings 0220 rubber O-rings test* GB/T 5720-2008 Rubber vulcanized -Determination of abrasion 35 Akron * 0220 resistance(Akron machine) GB/T 1689-1998 Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic -Determination of Flex 36 0220 flex cracking and cracks* crack growth(De mattia) GB/T 13934-2006 Rubber diaphragms Rubber for brake chamber in 37 diaphragms’0220 automobiles s life* HG/T 2950-1999 Rubber, vulcanized Appendix A 1 or thermoplastic Hydraulic brake Determination rubber cups for Rubber 38 0220 automobiles cups* HG 2865-1997 Appendix A6 No. CNAS L1138 第 26 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Hydraulic brake rubber cups for Precipitatio39 0220 automobiles HG28n* 65-1997 Appendix A3 Hydraulic brake rubber cups for Metal 40 0220 automobiles corrosion* HG2865-1997 Appendix A4 Cellular plastics and rubbers--DeterminatApparent 41 0220 ion of apparent density* (bulk) density GB/T 6343-2009 Evaporation 42 0220 residue* Hygienic standard for foodstuff rubber Potassium products permanganaGB 4806.1-1994 43 te 0220 consumptio n* Zinc 44 0220 Hygienic standard content* Rubber, vulcanized for foodstuff rubber 1 or thermoplastic products Determination Heavy GB 4806.1-1994 45 metal 0220 content* No. CNAS L1138 第 27 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber - Accredited Determination of only for 46 Free sulfur* 0220 free sulfur method of GB/T 15251-2008 NaSO 23 Medicinal rubber closures for the Self-sealinginfusion 47 0220 * HG 2948-1988 (1997)Appendix B pH Medicinal rubber 48 0220 changes* closures for the infusion HG 2948-1988Heavy 49 0220 (1997)Appendix C metal ions* Transparenc50 0220 y* Compounds for conventional Heavy 51 0220 weapons and naval metal salts* vessels HG6-669-1983 Compounds for Corrosion special purpose 52 0220 of silver* HG6-878-1976 Appendix 1 Rubber seals used for automobile Rubber, vulcanized Metal hydraulic disc brake 1 or thermoplastic 53 0220 corrosion* cylinders Determination HG/T 3612-1999 Appendix A2 No. CNAS L1138 第 28 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber sealing strips of doors and windows for 54 Pollution* 0220 vehicles HG/T 3088-1999 Appendix A Rubber-Tolerances Dimensionaof products 55 l 0220 Part1 :Dimensional tolerances* tolerances GB/T 3672.1-2002 Rubber-Tolerances of products-Part Geometrical 56 0220 2:geometrical tolerances * tolerances GB/T3672.2-2002 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic-Estim ation of life-time Estimation 57 0220 and maximun of life-time* temperature of use from an Arrhenius plot GB/T20028-2005 Fluid power systems O rings Part1:inside diameters ,cross-sectRubber O-rings for 2 1 Size* 0220 ions ,tolerances and hydraulic system size identification code GB/T 3452.1-2005 No. CNAS L1138 第 29 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Appearance quality acceptance criteria 2 All Items* 0220 for rubber O-rings GB/T 3452.2-2007 Rubber material for O-rings -Used for 3 All Items* 0220 common liquid pres-sure systems HG/T 2579-2008 Rubber mixture of Rubber O-rings for 3 1 All Items* 0220 O-ring seals for fuel fuel HG/T 3089-2001 Rubber seals-joint Rubber seals-joint rings for water rings for water supply ,drainage and 4 supply drainage 1 All Items* 0220 sewerage and sewerage pipelines-Specificati pipelines on for materials GB/T 21873-2008 Material of rubber seals used for gas Rubber O-rings for supply pipes and 5 gas supply pipe 1 All Items* 0220 fittings and fittings HG/T 3092-1988 (1997) Rubber seals Rubber O-rings for material for petroleum petroleum product 6 1 All Items* 0220 products supply supply pipes and pipe and fittings fittings HG/T 3093-1988 No. CNAS L1138 第 30 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber seals High temperature materials of O-rings lubricating oil 7 1 All Items* 0220 for high temperature resistant rubber lubricating oil O-rings HG/T 2021-1991 Acid and alkali Acid and alkali resistant rubber resistant rubber 8 1 All Items* 0220 compounds for compounds for seals seals HG/T 2181-2009 Rubber seals material for rotary 1 All Items* 0220 shaft lip HG/T 2811-1996 Hydraulic fluid power-Guide Rotary shaft lip specifications for 9 2 All Items* 0220 seals designing rotary shaft lip type seals GB/T 9877-2008 Appearance quality Appearance for rotary shaft lip 3 0220 quality * type seals GB/T 15326-1994 Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating elastomeric sealing Rotary shaft lip 9 4 Size* 0220 elements Part 1:seals seals Nominal dimensions and tolerances GB/T 13871.1-2007 No. CNAS L1138 第 31 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating elastomeric sealing elements-Part 5 All Items* 0220 3:Storage,handleing and installation MOD GB/T 13871.4-2007 Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating thermoplastic 6 All Items* 0220 sealing elements - Part 4: Performance test procedures GB/T 21283.4-2008 Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating Identificatiothermoplastic n of visual sealing 7 0220 imperfectioelements-Part 5: ns* identification of visual imperfections GB/T 21283.5-2008 Rubber material for Reciprocating 10 1 All Items* 0220 reciprocating seals rubber seals HG/T 2810-2008 Reciprocating rubber seals Types dimensions and Reciprocating 10 2 All Items* 0220 tolerances Part 1: rubber seals Rubber seals on one-way GB/T 10708.1-2000 No. CNAS L1138 第 32 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Reciprocating rubber seals Types dimensions and 3 All Items* 0220 tolerances Part 2: Rubber seals on two-way GB/T 10708.2-2000 Reciprocating rubber seals Types dimensions and 4 All Items* 0220 tolerances Part 3: Rubber dust seals GB/T 10708.3-2000 Appearance quality Appearance for reciprocating 5 0220 quality * rubber seals GB/T 15325-1994 Rubber compound Rubber compound for coal-cutting for coal__mining comprehensive 11 1 All Items* 0220 mechanization mechanization equipment equipment G/T 3326-2007 Hygienic stand- ard Foodstuff rubber for foodstuff rubber 12 1 All Items* 0220 products products GB/T 4806.1-1994 Rubber rubber diaphragms diaphragms for for brake chamber in 13 1 All Items* 0220 brake chamber in automobiles automobiles HG 2950-1999 No. CNAS L1138 第 33 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter rubber diaphragms for brake chamber in 0220 automobiles GB 26753-2011 Hydraulic brake Hydraulic brake rubber cups for 14 rubber cups for 1 All Items* 0220 automobiles automobiles HG 2865-1997 Rubber sealing Rubber sealing strips of doors and strips of doors and 15 1 All Items* 0220 Windows for windows for vehicles vehicles HG/T3088-1999 Sticking strip seals Sticking strip seals of chloroprene of chloroprene rubber sponge sponge rubber used 16 1 All Items* 0220 used for steel for steel windows windows and and doors doors JG/T15-1999 Rubber weather Rubber weather strips for automobile 17 strips for 1 All Items* 0220 QC/T automobile 639-2004(2005) Except for standard standard flex,low classification classification system temperature system for rubber for rubber products 18 1 Part Items* 0220 stiffening,resiproducts in in automotive lience,TR automotive application test,staining application HG/T 2196-2004 resistance Hood shield for Hood shield for hydraulic brake jar 19 hydraulic brake jar 1 All Items* 0220 of automobile of automobile HG/T 2578-1994 No. CNAS L1138 第 34 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber seals used Rubber seals used for automobile for automobile 20 1 All Items* 0220 hydraulic disc brake hydraulic disc cylinders brake cylinders HG/T 3612-1999 Specification for Rubber gasket of gasket ring of brake hose used 21 1 All Items* 0220 brake hose used in in railway rolling railway rolling stock stock TB/T 1421-1982 Specification for Rubber strip used strip seals used in in railway rolling 22 1 All Items* 0220 railway rolling stock stock windows and windows and doors doors TB/T 1422-1982 Rubber bag of Except for air Rubber bag of hydraulic isolate proofness、hydraulic isolate 23 1 Part Items* 0220 save power save-power durability Apparatus apparatus HG/T 2331-1992 Rubber gate seals 24 Rubber gate seals 1 All Items* 0220 HG/T 3096-2011 Rubber seals- joint rings for water Rubber rings for supply pipelines up water supply to 110?25 1 All Items* 0220 pipelines up to -Specification for 110? materials HG/T 3097-2006 No. CNAS L1138 第 35 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber vulcanized Preformed Preformed compression seals vulcanize for use between 26 compression sea 1 All Items* 0220 concrete motorway concrete motor- paving sections way joint Specification for material HG/T 3098-2004 Rubber building Preformed solid gaskets Materials for vulcanized preformed solid 27 structural rubber 1 All Items* 0220 vulcanized structural gaskets for gaskets building Specification HG/T3099-2004 Rubber,vulcanized and thermoplastic—Rubber, Preformed gaskets vulcanized and used in building 28 1 All Items* 0220 thermoplastic— -Classification Preformed gaskets specification and used in building test methods HG/T3100-2004 Polymer water-proof materials 1 All Items* 0220 Part1:Water-proof sheet Polymer GB 18173.1-2006 29 water-proof strip Polymer water-proof materials 2 All Items* 0220 Part2:Waterstop GB 18173.2-2000 No. CNAS L1138 第 36 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Polymer water-proof materials 3 All Items* 0220 Part3:Hydrophilic expansion rubber GB 18173.3-2002 Polymer 29 water-proof strip Polymer water-proof materials Part Except for 4 Part Items* 0220 4:Rubber gasket for anti mildew shield-driven tunnel GB 18173.4-2010 Specification for Rubber seals used rubber seals used in in high-voltage high- voltage electrical appliance electrical appliance 30 and sulfur 1 All Items* 0220 and sulfur hexafluoride hexafluoride electrical electrical appliance appliance JB/T 7052-1993 Seals used Except for Rubber seals used transformer products transformer 31 1 Part Items* 0220 in transformer Part 1 rubber teals oil JB/T 8448.1-2004 compatibility Except for Rubber material Rubber material transformer 32 used for 1 Part Items* 0220 used for transformer oil transformer HG/T 2887-1997 compatibility Elastomer slab Elastomer slab under railway 33 under railway 1 All Items* 0220 concrete sleeper concrete sleeper TB/T 2629 -1995 Rubber caps of High-voltage high-voltage for 34 rubber caps for 1 All Items* 0220 color television color television HG/T 2294-2007 No. CNAS L1138 第 37 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber wedges for Rubber wedges for 35 1 All Items* 0220 color television color television HG/T 2296-2007 Rubber-Recommend ations for the workmanship of Rubber seal for pipe joint 36 1 All Items* 0220 pipe joint rings-Description and classification of imperfections GB/T 17604-1998 General rules of visual quality for Moulded and moulded and 37 extruded rubber 1 All Items* 0220 extruded rubber product products HG/T 3090-1987 Compounds for Compound for conventional conventional 38 1 All Items* 0220 weapons and naval weapons and naval vessels vessels HG6-669-1983 Rubber parts for Rubber parts for conventional conventional 39 1 All Items* 0220 weapons and naval weapons and naval vessels vessels HG6-670-1983 Compounds for Special purpose 40 1 All Items* 0220 special purpose compounds HG6-878-1976 Compounds of Compound of rubber rubber parts and parts extruded for 41 1 All Items* 0220 profiles for aviation aviation GJB5258-2003 No. CNAS L1138 第 38 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber parts for Rubber parts for 42 1 All Items* 0220 aviation aviation HG6-409-1979 Specification for Fuel and hydraulic nitrile rubber and fluid resistant 43 1 All Items* 0220 hydraulic fluid nitrile rubber resistant compound GJB 250A-1996 Rubber gasket for Rubber gasket for prestressed and self- prestressed and 44 1 All Items* 0220 stressing concrete self-stressing pipe concrete pipe JC/T 748-2010 Elastomeric seals-requirements for materials for Pipe joint seals pipe joint seals used 45 used in water and 1 All Items* 0220 in water and drainage drainage applications-Thermo plastic elastomers GB/T 21874-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 39 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认 可 证 书 附 件 (注册号:CNAS L1138) 名称: 西北橡胶塑料研究设计院橡胶密封制品检验实验室 地址:陕西省咸阳市西华路2号 签发日期:2012年10月15日 有效期至:2015年10月14日 更新日期:2013年12月20日 附件1 认可的授权签字人及领域 序号 姓 名 授权签字领域 备 注 1 曹元礼 全部检测项目 2 田晓明 全部检测项目 3 高静茹 全部检测项目 No. CNAS L1138 第 40 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS L1138) NAME:Rubber Sealing Products Test Laboratory, Northwest China Research and Design Institute of Rubber & Plastics ADDRESS:No.2, Xihua Road, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China Date of Issue:2012-10-15 Date of Expiry:2015-10-14 Date of Update:2013-12-20 APPENDIX 1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPE ? Name Authorized Scope of Signature Note 1 Cao yuanli All test items 2 Tian xiaoming All test items 3 Gao jingru All test items No. CNAS L1138 第 41 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认 可 证 书 附 件 (注册号:CNAS L1138) 名称: 西北橡胶塑料研究设计院橡胶密封制品检验实验室 地址:陕西省咸阳市西华路2号 认可依据:ISO/IEC 17025:2005以及CNAS特定认可要求 签发日期:2012年10月15日 有效期至:2015年10月14日 更新日期:2013年12月20日 附件2 认可的检测能力范围 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 橡胶物理试验方法试样制备 1 尺 寸* 220 和调节通用程序 GB/T 2941-2006 橡胶或 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 压1 热塑性橡胶 入硬度试验方法 第1部 2 硬 度* 220 分:邵氏硬度计法(邵尔硬 度) GB/T 531.1-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 42 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶硬度 的测定 (10, 2 硬 度* 220 100IRHD) GB/T 6031-1998 3 拉伸强度* 220 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶拉伸 应力应变性能的测定 拉断伸长率 4 220 GB/T 528-2009 * 5 定伸应力* 220 拉断永久 6 220 变形* 橡胶或 1 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶撕裂热塑性橡胶 强度的测定(裤形、直角形 7 撕裂强度* 220 和新月形试样) GB/T 529-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 在 压缩应力 常温和高温下压缩应力松弛 8 220 松弛* 的测定 GB/T 1685-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶与织 物粘合强度的测定 GB/T 532-2008 9 粘合强度* 220 硫化橡胶与金属粘接 180?剥离试验 GB/T 15254-1994 No. CNAS L1138 第 43 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶与硬 质板材粘合强度的测定 90?剥离法 GB/T 7760-2003 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 与 9 粘合强度* 220 金属粘合强度的测定 二板 法 GB/T 11211-2009 硫化橡胶与金属粘合拉伸剪 切强度的测定方法 GB/T 13936-1992 硫化橡胶、热塑性橡胶常温、 压缩永久 高温和低温下压缩永久变形 10 220 变形* 测定 橡胶或 GB/T 7759-1996 1 热塑性橡胶 热空气加速硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶热空 11 220 老化和耐热气加速老化和耐热试验 试验* GB/T 3512-2001 硫化橡胶耐液体性能试验方耐液体试验 12 220 法 * GB/T 1690-2010 脆性温度 硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定 13 220 (单试样单试样法 法)* GB/T 1682-1994 低温脆性 硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定 14 220 (多试样(多试样法) 法)* GB/T 15256-1994 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐臭 15 耐臭氧* 220 氧龟裂静态拉伸试验 GB/T 7762-2003 No. CNAS L1138 第 44 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 耐 16 耐候性* 220 候性 GB/T 3511-2008 硫化橡胶回弹性的测定GB/T 17 回 弹 性* 220 1681-2009 硫化橡胶伸张疲劳的测定 18 伸张疲劳* 220 GB/T 1688-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶压缩 19 压缩模量* 220 应力应变性能的测定 GB/T 7757-2009 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 密 20 密 度* 220 度的测定 GB/T 533-2008 压缩耐寒 硫化橡胶压缩耐寒系数的测21 220 橡胶或 系数* 定 HG/T 3866-2008 1 热塑性橡胶 绝缘电阻率硫化橡胶绝缘电阻率的测定 22 220 * GB/T 1692-2008 介电常数和硫化橡胶 介电常数和介电 23 220 介电损耗角损耗角正切值的测定方法 正切* GB/T 1693-2007 击穿电压强硫化橡胶工频击穿电压强度 24 220 度和耐电压和耐电压的测定方法 * GB/T 1695-2005 橡胶燃烧性能的测定 25 燃烧性能* 220 GB/T 10707-2008 橡胶热导率的测定 热线法 26 橡胶热导率 220 GB/T 11205-2009 橡胶鉴定 红外光谱法 27 橡胶鉴定* 220 GB/T 7764-2001 No. CNAS L1138 第 45 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 橡胶及橡胶制品组分含量的 28 热重分析* 220 测定-热重分析法 GB/T 14837-1993 硫化橡胶 低温性能的测定 29 TR试验* 220 温度回缩法(TR试验)GB/T 7758-2002 军用设备环境试验方法 盐 30 盐雾试验* 220 雾试验 GJB 150.11A-2009 未硫化橡胶 用圆盘剪切粘 度计进行测定 第1部 31 门尼粘度* 220 分 门尼粘度的测定 GB/T 1232.1-2000 静密封橡胶零件贮存期快速 32 贮存期* 220 测定方法 橡胶或 1 HG/T 3087-2001 热塑性橡胶 标准弹性体材料与液压液体 33 相容性* 220 的相容性试验 GB/T 14832-2008 O形橡胶密O形橡胶密封圈试验方法 34 220 封圈试验* GB/T 5720-2008 阿克隆磨耗硫化橡胶耐磨性能的测定 35 220 * GB/T 1689-1998 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶屈挠 龟裂和裂口增长的测定(德 36 屈挠龟裂* 220 墨西亚型) GB/T 13934-2006 汽车制运气室橡胶隔膜寿命 橡胶隔膜 37 220 试验方法 寿命* HG/T 2950-1999 附录A No. CNAS L1138 第 46 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 工作耐久性皮碗成品理化性能试验方法 38 220 * HG2865-1997附录A6 皮碗成品理化性能试验方法 39 沉 淀* 220 HG2865-1997附录A3 皮碗成品理化性能试验方法 40 金属腐蚀* 220 HG2865-1997附录A4 泡沫塑料和橡胶 表观(体 41 表观密度* 220 积)密度的测定 GB/T6343-2009 42 蒸发残渣* 220 高锰酸钾消 43 220 食品用橡胶制品卫生标准 耗量* GB 4806.1-1994 橡胶或 44 锌含量* 220 1 热塑性橡胶 重金属含量45 220 * 只用亚橡胶 游离硫的测定 46 游离硫* 220 硫酸钠GB/T 15251-2008 法 医用输液橡胶瓶塞 47 自密封性* 220 HG 2948-1988(1997) 附录 B 48 pH变化值* 220 医用输液橡胶瓶塞 HG 2948-1988(1997) 附录 重金属离子49 220 C * 50 澄清度* 220 No. CNAS L1138 第 47 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 常规武器、舰艇用橡胶制品 51 重金属盐* 220 混炼胶 HG6-669-1983的3.10 专用胶料 52 对银腐蚀* 220 HG6-878-1976附录1 汽车液压盘式制动缸用橡胶 53 金属腐蚀* 220 密封圈 HG/T 3612-1999的A2 车辆门窗橡胶密封条 橡胶或 54 污染性* 220 1 HG/T 3088-1999附录A 热塑性橡胶 橡胶制品的公差 第1 55 尺寸公差* 220 部分:尺寸公差 GB/T 3672.1-2002 橡胶制品的公差 第2 56 几何公差* 220 部分:几何公差 GB/T 3672.2-2002 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶应用 57 预测寿命* 220 阿累尼乌斯图推算寿命和最 高使用温度GB/T20028-2005 液压气动用O形橡胶密封圈 1 尺 寸* 220 尺寸系列及公差 GB/T 3452.1-2005 普通液压系O形橡胶密封圈外观质量检 2 统 O形橡2 全部项目* 220 验标准 胶密封圈 GB/T 3452.2-2007 普通液压系统用O形橡胶密 3 全部项目* 220 封圈材料 HG/T 2579-2008 燃油用O形燃油用O形橡胶密封圈材料 3 1 全部项目* 220 橡胶密封圈 HG/T 3089-2001 No. CNAS L1138 第 48 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 橡胶密封件 橡胶密封件 给、排水管及 给、排水管污水管道用接口密封圈 材 4 1 全部项目* 220 及污水管道料规范 用 接口密GB/T 21873-2008 封圈 燃气输送管 燃气输送管及配件用橡胶密 及配件用O 5 1 全部项目* 220 封圈胶料 HG/T 形橡胶密封 3092-1988(1997) 圈 石油基油类 石油基油类输送管道及连接输送管道及 6 1 全部项目* 220 件用橡胶密封制品胶料 连接件用O HG/T 3093-1988(1997) 形橡胶密封 圈 耐高温滑油耐高温滑油O形橡胶密封圈 7 1 全部项目* 220 O形橡胶密材料 封圈 HG/T 2021-1991 耐酸碱橡胶耐酸碱橡胶密封件材料HG/T 8 1 全部项目* 220 密封件 2181-2009 旋转轴唇形密封圈橡胶材料 1 全部项目* 220 HG/T 2811-1996 液压传动 旋转轴唇形密封 2 全部项目* 220 圈设计规范 GB/T 9877-2008 旋转轴唇形 旋转轴唇形密封圈外观质量 9 3 外观* 220 密封圈 GB/T 15326-1994 密封元件为弹性体材料的旋 转轴唇形密封圈 第1部 4 尺寸* 220 分:基本尺寸和公差 GB/T 13871.1-2007 No. CNAS L1138 第 49 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 密封元件为弹性体材料的旋 转轴唇形密封圈 第4部 5 全部项目* 220 分:性能试验程序 GB/T 13871.4-2007 密封元件为热塑性材料的旋 旋转轴唇形转轴唇形密封圈 第4部 9 6 全部项目* 220 密封圈 分:性能试验程序 GB/T 21283.4-2008 密封元件为热塑性材料的旋 外观缺陷识转轴唇形密封圈 第5部 7 220 别* 分:外观缺陷的识别 GB/T 21283.5-2008 往复运动密封圈橡胶材料 1 全部项目* 220 HG/T 2810-2008 往复运动橡胶密封圈结构尺 寸系列 第1部分: 单向 2 全部项目* 220 往复运动橡密封橡胶密封圈 GB/T 10 胶密封圈 10708.1-2000 往复运动橡胶密封圈结构尺 寸系列 第2部分: 双向 3 全部项目* 220 密封橡胶密封圈 GB/T 10708.2-2000 往复运动橡胶密封圈结构尺 寸系列 第3部分: 橡胶 4 全部项目* 220 防尘密封圈 往复运动橡 10 GB/T 10708.3-2000 胶密封圈 往复运动橡胶密封圈外观质 5 外观* 220 量 GB/T 15325-1994 No. CNAS L1138 第 50 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 采煤综合机采煤综合机械化设备橡胶件 11 1 全部项目* 220 械化设备橡用胶料 胶件用胶料 HG/T 3326-2007 食品用橡胶食品用橡胶制品卫生标准 12 1 全部项目* 220 制品 GB/T 4806.1-1994 汽车制动气室橡胶隔膜 HG 220 汽车制动气2950-1999 13 1 全部项目* 室橡胶隔膜 汽车制动气室橡胶隔膜 220 GB 26753-2011 汽车液压制汽车液压制动橡胶皮碗 HG 14 1 全部项目* 220 动橡胶皮碗 2865-1997 车辆门窗橡车辆门窗橡胶密封条 HG/T 15 1 全部项目* 220 胶密封条 3088-1999 氯丁海绵橡氯丁海绵橡胶粘贴式钢门窗 16 1 全部项目* 220 胶粘贴式钢密闭条 门窗密闭条 JG/T 15-1999 汽车用橡胶汽车用橡胶密封条 17 1 全部项目* 220 密封条 QC/T 639-2004(2005) 不测耐 屈挠、低 温刚性、 汽车用橡胶汽车用硫化橡胶分类系统压缩或18 1 部分项目* 220 材料 HG/T 2196-2004 剪切性 能、压缩 屈挠、表 面污染 汽车液压制汽车液压制动缸用橡胶护罩 19 1 全部项目* 220 动缸用橡胶HG/T 2578-1994 护罩 No. CNAS L1138 第 51 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 汽车液压盘汽车液压盘式制动缸用橡胶20 1 全部项目* 220 式制动缸用密封圈 橡胶密封圈 HG/T 3612-1999 铁路机车车铁路机车车辆用制动软管垫21 1 全部项目* 220 辆用制动软圈技术条件 管垫圈 TB/T 1421-1982 铁路机车车铁路机车车辆用门窗密封胶22 1 全部项目* 220 辆用门窗密垫技术条件 封胶垫 TB/T 1422-1982 液压隔离式不测气液压隔离式蓄能器用胶囊23 1 部分项目* 220 蓄能器用胶密性、耐HG/T 2331-1992 囊 久性 水闸橡胶密水闸橡胶密封件 24 1 全部项目* 220 封件 HG/T 3096-2011 橡胶密封件--110?热水供 110?以下 应管道的管接口密封圈--材25 热水输送管1 全部项目* 220 料规范 橡胶密封圈 HG/T 3097-2006 混凝土道路混凝土道路伸缩缝用预成型 伸缩缝用预硫化橡胶压缩密封件材料规26 1 全部项目* 220 成型硫化橡范 胶压缩密封 HG/T 3098-2004 件材料 建筑橡胶密建筑橡胶密封垫 预成型实 封垫预成型心硫化的结构密封垫用材料27 1 全部项目* 220 实心硫化的规范 结构密封垫HG/T 3099-2004 用材料 No. CNAS L1138 第 52 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 硫化橡胶和硫化橡胶和热塑性橡胶建筑热塑性橡胶 用预成型密封垫的分类、要 28 1 全部项目* 220 建筑用预成求和试验方法 型密封垫 HG/T 3100-2004 不测不 透水性、 低温弯 高分子防水材料 折、加热高分子防水 29 1 部分项目* 220 第1部分:片材 伸缩量、 材料 GB 18173.1-2012 持粘性、 抗压性 能、排水 截面积 高分子防水材料 2 全部项目* 220 第2部分 止水带 GB 18173.2-2000 高分子防水材料 3 全部项目* 220 高分子防水第3部分 遇水膨胀橡胶 29 材料 GB/T 18173.3-2002 高分子防水材料 第4 不测防部分:盾构法隧道管片用橡 4 部分项目* 220 霉等级 胶密封垫 GB 18173.4-2010 高压电器设 备用橡胶密高压电器设备用橡胶密封件 封件六氟化六氟化硫电器设备用橡胶密 30 1 全部项目* 220 硫电器设备封件技术条件 JB/T 7052-1993 用橡胶密封 件 No. CNAS L1138 第 53 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 变压器类产品用密封件技术 变压器类产不测变 条件 第1部31 品用密封制1 部分项目* 220 压器油 分 橡胶密封件 品 相容性 JB/T 8448.1-2004 不测变变压器用橡变压器用橡胶材料 32 1 部分项目* 220 压器油胶材料 HG/T 2887-1997 相容性 铁路混凝土铁路混凝土轨枕枕下弹性垫 33 1 全部项目* 220 轨枕枕下弹板 性垫板 TB/T 2629 -1995 彩色电视机彩色电视机用橡胶高压帽 34 1 全部项目* 220 用橡胶高压HG/T 2294-2007 帽 彩色电视机彩色电视机用橡胶楔子HG/T 35 1 全部项目* 220 用橡胶楔子 2296-2007 橡胶 管道接口用密封圈制 管道接口用造质量的建议 疵点 36 1 全部项目* 220 橡胶密封圈 的分类与类别 GB/T 17604-1998 模压和压出橡胶制品外观质模压和压出 37 1 全部项目* 220 量的一般规定 橡胶制品 HG/T 3090-1987(1997) 常规武器、常规武器、舰艇用橡胶制品 38 1 全部项目* 220 舰艇用橡胶混炼胶 制品混炼胶 HG6-669-1983 常规武器、常规武器、舰艇用橡胶零件 39 1 全部项目* 220 舰艇用橡胶HG6-670-1983 零件 专用胶料 40 专用胶料 1 全部项目* 220 HG6-878-1976 No. CNAS L1138 第 54 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 项目/参数 序检测 领域 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 代码 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 航空工业橡航空工业橡胶零件及型材用 41 1 全部项目* 220 胶零件及型胶料 材用胶料 GJB 5258-2003 航空橡胶零航空橡胶零件 42 1 全部项目* 220 件 HG6-409-1979 耐液压油和耐液压油和燃油丁腈橡胶胶 43 1 全部项目* 220 燃油丁腈胶料规范 料 GJB 250A-1996 预应力与自 预应力与自应力钢筋混凝土 应力钢筋混 44 1 全部项目* 220 管用橡胶密封圈 JC/T 凝土管用橡 748-2010 胶密封圈 弹性体密封件 排 排水管道接水管道接口密封件材料要求 45 1 全部项目* 220 口密封件 热塑性弹性体 GB/T 21874-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 55 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS L1138) NAME:Rubber Sealing Products Test Laboratory, Northwest China Research and Design Institute of Rubber & Plastics ADDRESS:No.2, Xihua Road, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China Accreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and relevant requirements of CNAS Date of Issue:2012-10-15 Date of Expiry:2015-10-14 Date of Update:2013-12-20 APPENDIX 2 ACCREDITED TESTING Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber-General procedures for preparing and 1 Size* 220 conditioning test pieces for physical test methods GB/T 2941-2006 Rubber, vulcanized 1 or thermoplastic Rubber vulcanized Determination or thermoplastic Determination of indentation hardness 2 Hardness* 220 Part 1:Duromerer method(Shore hardness) GB/T 531.1-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 56 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of 2 Hardness* 220 hardness(hardness between 10 IRHD and 100IRHD) GB/T 6031-1998 Tensile 3 220 strength* Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Rubber, vulcanized Elongation Determination of 4 220 1 or thermoplastic at break* tensile stress-strain Determination properties Tensile GB/T 528-2009 stress at a 5 220 given elongation* Set after 6 220 break* Rubber vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of Tear 7 220 tear strength strength* (Trouser angle and crescent test pieces) GB/T 529-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 57 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of compressiostress relaxation in 8 n stress 220 compression at relaxation* ambient and at elevated temperatures GB/T 1685-2008 Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of adhesion to textile fabric Rubber, vulcanized GB/T 532-2008 1 or thermoplastic Determination Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of Adhesion adhesion to metal 9 220 strength* -180?Peel test method GB/T 15254-1994 Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of adhesion to a rigid substrate -90 degrees peel method GB/T 7760-2003 No. CNAS L1138 第 58 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of adhesion to metal –Tension method GB/T 11211-2009 Adhesion Rubber, vulcanized 9 220 strength* Method for determination of strength properties of adhesive to metal in shear by tension loading GB/T 13936-1992 Rubber ,vulcanized Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - 1 or thermoplastic Determination of Compressio10 220 Determination compression set at n set * ambient elevated or low temperatures GB/T 7759-1996 Accelerated Rubber ,vulcanized ageing and or thermoplastic heat –Accelerated ageing 11 220 resistance and heat resistance tests tests –Air-oven –Air-oven method method* GB/T 3512-2001 Rubber ,vulcanized Resistance or thermoplastic 12 to liquids 220 -Determination of test* the effect of liquids GB/T 1690-2010 No. CNAS L1138 第 59 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber ,vulcanized Brittleness -Determination of temperature low –temperature (single test 13 220 brittleness(single piece test piece method ) method)* GB/T 1682-1994 Rubber Low vulcanized-Determitemperature nation of brittleness 14 220 low-temperature (multiple brittleness(multiple test piece test piece method) method) GB/T 15256-1994 Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic Resistance Resistance to ozone Rubber, vulcanized 15 to ozone 220 cracking Static 1 or thermoplastic cracking* strain test Determination GB/T 7762-2003 Rubber, vulcanized Resistance or thermoplastic 16 to artificial 220 Resistance to weathering* weathering GB/T 3511-2008 Rubber Determination of 17 Resilience * 220 rebound resilience of vulcanizates GB/T 1681-2009 Rubber ,vulcanized Tension -Determination of 18 220 fatigue* tension fatigue GB/T 1688-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 60 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic - CompressioDetermination of n 19 220 compression stress-strain stress-strain * properties GB/T 7757-2009 Rubber vulcanized Determination of 20 Density * 220 density GB/T 533-2008 Coefficient Rubber of cold vulcanized-Determi Rubber, vulcanized resistance nation of coefficient 21 220 1 or thermoplastic und of resistance under Determination compressiocompression n * HG/T 3866-2008 Vulcanized rubber –Determination of Insulation 22 220 the insulation resistivity * resistivity GB/T 1692-2008 Rubber Dielectric vulcanized—Determ constant and ination of dielectric 23 dielectric 220 constant and loss dielectric loss tangent* tangent GB/T 1693-2007 No. CNAS L1138 第 61 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber vulcanized – Determination of electrical breakdown Electrical strength and voltage 24 breakdown 220 resistant at strength * commercial power frequency GB/T 1695-2005 Rubber-Determinati Flammabiliton of flammability 25 220 y* by oxygen index GB/T 10707-2008 Rubber-Determinati on of thermal Rubber, vulcanized Thermal conductivity by 1 or thermoplastic 26 conductivity220 means of hot-Wire Determination * method GB/T 11205-2009 Rubber Indentification Qualitative Infra red 27 220 analysis * spectrometric method GB/T 7764-2001 Rubber and rubber products-determinati Quantitative on of composition 28 220 analysis * by thermogravimetry GB/T 14837-1993 No. CNAS L1138 第 62 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber vulcanized-determin ation of low-temperature Temperature29 220 characteristics -retracti * temperature retraction procedure(TR test) GB/T 7758-2002 Environmental test methods for military Salt fog test 30 220 equipments-Salt fog * test GJB 150.11-1986 Rubber, Rubber, vulcanized unvulcanized--Deter 1 or thermoplastic minations using a Mooney Determination shearing-disc 31 220 viscosity* viscometer--Part 1:Determination of Mooney viscosity GB/T 1232.1-2000 Method of accelerated determination for 32 Shelf--life* 220 Shelf-life of rubber static sealing parts HG/T 3087-2001 Test of compatibility between elastomeric Compatibili33 220 material and ty* hydraulic fluid GB/T 14832-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 63 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber Test methods for 34 O-rings 220 rubber O-rings test* GB/T 5720-2008 Rubber vulcanized -Determination of abrasion 35 Akron * 220 resistance(Akron machine) GB/T 1689-1998 Rubber ,vulcanized or thermoplastic -Determination of Flex 36 220 flex cracking and cracks* crack growth(De mattia) Rubber, vulcanized GB/T 13934-2006 1 or thermoplastic Determination Rubber diaphragms Rubber for brake chamber in 37 diaphragms’220 automobiles s life* HG/T 2950-1999 Appendix A Hydraulic brake The rubber cups for 38 Operating 220 automobiles HG28 durability * 65-1997 Appendix A6 Hydraulic brake rubber cups for Precipitatio39 220 automobiles HG28n* 65-1997 Appendix A3 No. CNAS L1138 第 64 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Hydraulic brake rubber cups for Metal 40 220 automobiles corrosion* HG2865-1997 Appendix A4 Cellular plastics and rubbers--DeterminatApparent 41 220 ion of apparent density* (bulk) density GB/T 6343-2009 Evaporation 42 220 residue* Potassium permanganaHygienic standard Rubber, vulcanized 43 te 220 for foodstuff rubber 1 or thermoplastic consumptioproducts Determination n* GB 4806.1-1994 Zinc 44 220 content* Heavy 45 metal 220 content* Rubber - Accredited Determination of only for 46 Free sulfur* 220 free sulfur method of GB/T 15251-2008 Na2SO3 Medicinal rubber closures for the Self-sealinginfusion 47 220 * HG 2948-1988 (1997)Appendix B No. CNAS L1138 第 65 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter pH Medicinal rubber 48 220 changes* closures for the infusion HG 2948-1988Heavy 49 220 (1997)Appendix C metal ions* Transparenc50 220 y* Compounds for conventional weapons and naval Heavy 51 220 vessels metal salts* HG6-669-1983的 Rubber, vulcanized 3.10 1 or thermoplastic Compounds for Determination Corrosion special purpose 52 220 of silver* HG6-878-1976 Appendix 1 Rubber seals used for automobile Metal hydraulic disc brake 53 220 corrosion* cylinders HG/T 3612-1999 Appendix A2 Rubber sealing strips of doors and windows for 54 Pollution* 220 vehicles HG/T 3088-1999 Appendix A No. CNAS L1138 第 66 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber-Tolerances Dimensionaof products 55 l 220 Part1 :Dimensional tolerances* tolerances GB/T 3672.1-2002 Rubber-Tolerances of products-Part Geometrical 56 220 2:geometrical tolerances * Rubber, vulcanized tolerances 1 or thermoplastic GB/T3672.2-2002 Determination Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic-Estim ation of life-time Estimation 57 220 and maximun of life-time* temperature of use from an Arrhenius plot GB/T20028-2005 Fluid power systems O rings Part1:inside diameters ,cross-sect 1 Size* 220 ions ,tolerances and size identification Rubber O-rings for code 2 hydraulic system GB/T 3452.1-2005 Appearance quality acceptance criteria 2 All Items* 220 for rubber O-rings GB/T 3452.2-2007 No. CNAS L1138 第 67 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber material for O-rings -Used for Rubber O-rings for 2 3 All Items* 220 common liquid hydraulic system pres-sure systems HG/T 2579-2008 Rubber mixture of Rubber O-rings for 3 1 All Items* 220 O-ring seals for fuel fuel HG/T 3089-2001 Rubber seals-joint Rubber seals-joint rings for water rings for water supply ,drainage and 4 supply drainage 1 All Items* 220 sewerage and sewerage pipelines-Specificati pipelines on for materials GB/T 21873-2008 Material of rubber seals used for gas Rubber O-rings for supply pipes and 5 gas supply pipe 1 All Items* 220 fittings and fittings HG/T 3092-1988(1997) Rubber seals material for Rubber O-rings for petroleum product petroleum 6 1 All Items* 220 supply pipes and products supply fittings pipe and fittings HG/T 3093-1988(1997) Rubber seals High temperature materials of O-rings lubricating oil 7 1 All Items* 220 for high temperature resistant rubber lubricating oil O-rings HG/T 2021-1991 No. CNAS L1138 第 68 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Acid and alkali Acid and alkali resistant rubber resistant rubber 8 1 All Items* 220 compounds for compounds for seals seals HG/T 2181-2009 Rubber seals material for rotary 1 All Items* 220 shaft lip HG/T 2811-1996 Hydraulic fluid power-Guide Rotary shaft lip specifications for 9 2 All Items* 220 seals designing rotary shaft lip type seals GB/T 9877-2008 Appearance quality Appearance for rotary shaft lip 3 220 quality * type seals GB/T 15326-1994 Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating elastomeric sealing 4 Size* 220 elements Part 1:seals Nominal dimensions and tolerances GB/T 13871.1-2007 Rotary shaft lip 9 Rotary shaft lip-type seals seals incorporating elastomeric sealing elements-Part 5 All Items* 220 3:Storage,handleing and installation MOD GB/T 13871.4-2007 No. CNAS L1138 第 69 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating thermoplastic 6 All Items* 220 sealing elements - Part 4: Performance test procedures GB/T 21283.4-2008 Rotary shaft lip 9 Rotary shaft lip-type seals seals incorporating Identificatiothermoplastic n of visual sealing 7 220 imperfectioelements-Part 5: ns* identification of visual imperfections GB/T 21283.5-2008 Rubber material for 1 All Items* 220 reciprocating seals HG/T 2810-2008 Reciprocating rubber seals Types dimensions and 2 All Items* 220 tolerances Part 1: Rubber seals on Reciprocating 10 one-way rubber seals GB/T 10708.1-2000 Reciprocating rubber seals Types dimensions and 3 All Items* 220 tolerances Part 2: Rubber seals on two-way GB/T 10708.2-2000 No. CNAS L1138 第 70 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Reciprocating rubber seals Types dimensions and 4 All Items* 220 tolerances Part 3: Rubber dust seals Reciprocating 10 GB/T 10708.3-2000 rubber seals Appearance quality Appearance for reciprocating 5 220 quality * rubber seals GB/T 15325-1994 Rubber compound Rubber compound for coal-cutting for coal__mining comprehensive 11 1 All Items* 220 mechanization mechanization equipment equipment G/T 3326-2007 Hygienic stand- ard Foodstuff rubber for foodstuff rubber 12 1 All Items* 220 products products GB/T 4806.1-1994 rubber diaphragms for brake chamber in 220 automobiles Rubber HG 2950-1999 diaphragms for 13 1 All Items* brake chamber in rubber diaphragms automobiles for brake chamber in 220 automobiles GB 26753-2011 Hydraulic brake Hydraulic brake rubber cups for 14 rubber cups for 1 All Items* 220 automobiles automobiles HG 2865-1997 No. CNAS L1138 第 71 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber sealing Rubber sealing strips of doors and strips of doors and 15 1 All Items* 220 Windows for windows for vehicles vehicles HG/T3088-1999 Sticking strip seals Sticking strip seals of chloroprene of chloroprene rubber sponge sponge rubber used 16 1 All Items* 220 used for steel for steel windows windows and and doors doors JG/T15-1999 Rubber weather Rubber weather strips for automobile 17 strips for 1 All Items* 220 QC/T automobile 639-2004(2005) Except for standard standard flex,low classification classification system temperature system for rubber for rubber products 18 1 Part Items* 220 stiffening,resiproducts in in automotive lience,TR automotive application test,staining application HG/T 2196-2004 resistance Hood shield for Hood shield for hydraulic brake jar 19 hydraulic brake jar 1 All Items* 220 of automobile of automobile HG/T 2578-1994 Rubber seals used Rubber seals used for automobile for automobile 20 1 All Items* 220 hydraulic disc brake hydraulic disc cylinders brake cylinders HG/T 3612-1999 No. CNAS L1138 第 72 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Specification for Rubber gasket of gasket ring of brake hose used 21 1 All Items* 220 brake hose used in in railway rolling railway rolling stock stock TB/T 1421-1982 Specification for Rubber strip used strip seals used in in railway rolling 22 1 All Items* 220 railway rolling stock stock windows and windows and doors doors TB/T 1422-1982 Rubber bag of Rubber bag of Except for air hydraulic isolate hydraulic isolate 23 1 Part Items* 220 proofness、 save-power save-power Apparatus HG/T durability apparatus 2331-1992 Rubber gate seals 24 Rubber gate seals 1 All Items* 220 HG/T 3096-2011 Rubber seals- joint rings for water Rubber rings for supply pipelines up water supply to 110?25 1 All Items* 220 pipelines up to -Specification for 110? materials HG/T 3097-2006 Rubber vulcanized Preformed Preformed compression seals vulcanize for use between 26 compression sea 1 All Items* 220 concrete motorway concrete motor- paving sections way joint Specification for material HG/T 3098-2004 No. CNAS L1138 第 73 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber building Preformed solid gaskets Materials for vulcanized preformed solid 27 structural rubber 1 All Items* 220 vulcanized structural gaskets for gaskets building Specification HG/T3099-2004 Rubber,vulcanized and thermoplastic—Rubber, Preformed gaskets vulcanized and used in building 28 1 All Items* 220 thermoplastic— -Classification Preformed gaskets specification and used in building test methods HG/T3100-2004 Except for impervious properties, low temperature bending, Polymer water-proof heating materials Polymer expansion 29 1 Part Items* 220 Part1:Water-proof water-proof strip amount,contisheet nued viscous, GB 18173.1-2012 the compressive properties, section area of drainage water No. CNAS L1138 第 74 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Polymer water-proof materials 2 All Items* 220 Part2:Waterstop GB 18173.2-2000 Polymer water-proof materials Polymer 3 All Items* 220 Part3:Hydrophilic 29 water-proof strip expansion rubber GB 18173.3-2002 Polymer water-proof materials Part Except for 4 Part Items* 220 4:Rubber gasket for anti mildew shield-driven tunnel GB 18173.4-2010 Specification for Rubber seals used rubber seals used in in high-voltage high- voltage electrical appliance electrical appliance 30 and sulfur 1 All Items* 220 and sulfur hexafluoride hexafluoride electrical electrical appliance appliance JB/T 7052-1993 Seals used Except for Rubber seals used transformer products transformer 31 1 Part Items* 220 in transformer Part 1 rubber teals oil JB/T 8448.1-2004 compatibility Except for Rubber material Rubber material transformer 32 used for 1 Part Items* 220 used for transformer oil transformer HG/T 2887-1997 compatibility Elastomer slab Elastomer slab under railway 33 under railway 1 All Items* 220 concrete sleeper concrete sleeper TB/T 2629 -1995 No. CNAS L1138 第 75 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber caps of High-voltage high-voltage for 34 rubber caps for 1 All Items* 220 color television color television HG/T 2294-2007 Rubber wedges for Rubber wedges for 35 1 All Items* 220 color television color television HG/T 2296-2007 Rubber-Recommend ations for the workmanship of Rubber seal for pipe joint 36 1 All Items* 220 pipe joint rings-Description and classification of imperfections GB/T 17604-1998 General rules of visual quality for Moulded and moulded and 37 extruded rubber 1 All Items* 220 extruded rubber product products HG/T 3090-1987 Compounds for Compound for conventional conventional 38 1 All Items* 220 weapons and naval weapons and naval vessels vessels HG6-669-1983 Rubber parts for Rubber parts for conventional conventional 39 1 All Items* 220 weapons and naval weapons and naval vessels vessels HG6-670-1983 Compounds for Special purpose 40 1 All Items* 220 special purpose compounds HG6-878-1976 No. CNAS L1138 第 76 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 Item/Parameter Code of Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Field Standard or Method ? Parameter Compounds of Compound of rubber rubber parts and parts extruded for 41 1 All Items* 220 profiles for aviation aviation GJB5258-2003 Rubber parts for Rubber parts for 42 1 All Items* 220 aviation aviation HG6-409-1979 Specification for Fuel and hydraulic nitrile rubber and fluid resistant 43 1 All Items* 220 hydraulic fluid nitrile rubber resistant compound GJB 250A-1996 Rubber gasket for Rubber gasket for prestressed and self- prestressed and 44 1 All Items* 220 stressing concrete self-stressing pipe concrete pipe JC/T 748-2010 Elastomeric seals-requirements for materials for Pipe joint seals pipe joint seals used 45 used in water and 1 All Items* 220 in water and drainage drainage applications-Thermo plastic elastomers GB/T 21874-2008 No. CNAS L1138 第 77 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1 No. CNAS L1138 第 78 页 共 78 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only.
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