首页 在郑州开茶馆调研方案设计



在郑州开茶馆调研方案设计在郑州开茶馆调研方案设计 【案例素材】 郑州茶馆市场调研背景资料 郑州,是河南省省会,地处中华腹地,九州通衢,中原地区最大的城市,是中国历史文化名城、中国八大古都之一。就像当年大街小巷满眼都是练歌房和洗头城一样,今天的郑州街头似乎在一夜之间冒出了数不胜数的茶馆、茶楼。但据调查发现,能保本略有赢利的茶馆寥寥无几,大部分茶馆已经到了难以为继的境地,还有一小部分还算过得滋润。面对这种现状,欲在郑州开个茶馆调研公司应当首先展开哪些工作呢, 【任务导向】 市场调研是一个科学性很强、工作流程系统化很高的工作。它是由调研...

在郑州开茶馆调研MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1716124309726_1设计 【案例素材】 郑州茶馆市场调研背景资料 郑州,是河南省省会,地处中华腹地,九州通衢,中原地区最大的城市,是中国历史文化名城、中国八大古都之一。就像当年大街小巷满眼都是练歌房和洗头城一样,今天的郑州街头似乎在一夜之间冒出了数不胜数的茶馆、茶楼。但据调查发现,能保本略有赢利的茶馆寥寥无几,大部分茶馆已经到了难以为继的境地,还有一小部分还算过得滋润。面对这种现状,欲在郑州开个茶馆调研公司应当首先展开哪些工作呢, 【任务导向】 市场调研是一个科学性很强、工作流程系统化很高的工作。它是由调研人员收集目标材料,并对所收集的材料加以整理统计,然后对统计结果进行分析以便为决策提供正确的方法。在实际中,面对一个调研项目,需要工作人员作的第一项工作是明确市场调研的任务,科学设计调研方案。 一 、确定市场调研项目的主题 调研公司接受了委托项目之后,需要根据委托方的要求,进行市场调研和预测,提供企业所需的各类数据、资料、情报、信息,为委托方服务。接受了公布委托调研项目的调研公司,成立了项目组,指定了项目经理,负责组织实施这项调研任务。在项目经理的带领下,项目组开始着手策划并实施市场调研工作。 1、与委托方接洽,明确调研意图 项目经理考虑,首先要与委托方接洽,了解委托方的意图,明确这次调研的目的与任务,才能策划市场调研的方案,并付诸实施。于是,项目经理与茶馆负责人初步沟通,双方就郑州茶馆市场调研工作初步达成了共识。项目经理了解到该茶馆负责人希望通过调研,了解茶馆市场的特征、消费者的消费倾向,为茶馆的赢利提供空间和出路。 2、收集资料,分析问题的背景 现在,项目经理认为项目组必须考虑“什么信息是所需要的,如何获取这些信息”的问题,从而使调研工作能够实现委托方的意图。项目经理安排项目组成员查阅相关报刊及文献,收集了郑州生意比较好的茶馆的资料、适合开茶馆的地理位置以及茶馆的运营策略等资料。 这些资料的获取,使项目组对茶馆市场有了基本的了解,对于茶馆的经营状况及实力有了进一步的了解,这些都非常有助于项目组准确把握调研意图,明确调研目标。 3、确定市场调研的主题 项目组在分析了解调研项目背景资料的基础上,就郑州茶馆市场调研工作,最终确定了调研项目的目标或者说主题如下: (1)了解目前茶馆市场的竞争状况和特征 (2)了解竞争对手的市场策略和运作方法 (3)了解茶馆市场的渠道模式和渠道结构 (4)了解消费者对茶馆市场的消费习惯和偏好 (5)了解消费者对茶馆的认知和看法 二、 策划市场调研方案 调研项目的主题已经确定,项目经理继续组织项目组成员研究策划市场调研的方案。凭on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system 经验,项目经理要求大家从调查范围与对象、资料的收集方式、调查问卷的设计、数据的处理与分析、调查报告几个方面进行考虑。项目组继续进行第二次会议,研究策划调研方案。 1、确定调研对象 2、确定资料收集的方法 3、策划调查问卷及调研提纲的内容 4、研究资料处理技术 5、商议调研项目的组织安排 三、 撰写市场调研项目规划书 1、前言 调研公司通过多次与茶馆负责人沟通,就茶馆市场调查达成了共识。目前郑州市的茶馆有120家——130家,说多也多,说不多也不多,但另一方面,整个市场又存在以下问题: (1)消费价位偏高 (2)消费群体偏小 (3)茶馆服务质量参差不齐 (4)收费标准相差悬殊 茶馆负责人能否对目前的市场环境有一个清晰的认识,能否在目前的市场竞争状态下找到市场空间和出路,取决于正确的市场定位和市场策略,只有对市场进行深入的了解与分析,才能确定如何将茶馆成功的推向市场。 2、调研目的 (1)通过市场调研,了解目前茶馆市场的竞争状况和特征 (2)通过市场调研,了解竞争对手的市场策略和运作方法 (3)通过市场调研,了解茶馆市场的渠道模式和渠道结构 (4)通过市场调研,了解消费者对茶馆市场的消费习惯和偏好 5)通过市场调查,了解消费者对茶馆的认知和看法等 ( 总之,本次调查最根本的目的是真实地反映茶馆市场的竞争状况,为茶馆的定位及决策提供科学的依据。 3、调研内容 (1)宏观市场调查 ——茶馆市场的动态及市场格局 ——茶馆市场的竞争特点和主要竞争手法 ——茶馆市场的发展和市场空间 ——目前茶馆经营的优劣势分析 ——知名茶馆管理、运营的分析和研究等 (2)现有茶馆调查 ——茶馆老板对不同茶馆风格的看法 ——茶馆老板对茶馆市场的看法 ——茶馆的营业目标与现有状态间的差距 ——不同茶馆的差异性 on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system ——当地茶馆市场的主要竞争手段 ——该店销售得好的其原因分析 ——该店的价格组合方式等 (3)消费者研究 市场调查: ——消费者对目前茶馆的评价 ——消费者对茶馆的偏好趋势 ——消费者对茶馆风格的偏好趋势 ——消费者消费价位的要求 ——消费者对茶馆服务质量的要求 ——消费者对茶馆档次的要求 消费行为调查: ——消费者想去哪种茶馆消费(WHAT) ——消费者为何去茶馆(WHY) ——消费者何时去茶馆(WHEN) ——消费者想去哪些地方的茶馆(WHERE) ——哪些消费者会去茶馆(WHO) ——消费者如何在茶馆里消费(HOW) 影响因素调查: ——茶馆氛围对消费者消费的影响程度 ——影响消费者消费考虑的最主要因素 ——茶馆服务质量对消费者消费的影响程度 ——风格对消费者消费的影响程度 ——价格对消费者消费的影响程度等 广告信息调查: ——消费者获取信息的主要渠道 ——消费者获取茶馆信息的主要渠道 ——目前茶馆信息的主要传播点等 ——媒介接受对称性分析等 竞争对手调查: ——消费者对竞争对手风格的认知 ——消费者对竞争对手服务的了解程度 ——消费者对竞争对手价格的接受程度 ——消费者对竞争对手利益点的接受程度等 样本的构成调查: ——抽样样本的年龄构成 ——抽样样本的职业构成 ——抽样样本的文化程度构成 on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system ——抽样样本的家庭收入构成 ——抽样样本的性别构成等 4、问卷设计思路 (1)问卷结构主要分为 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 部分、甄别部分、主体部分、个人资料部分;同时问卷还包括访问员记录、被访者记录等。 (2)问卷形式采取开放性和封闭性相结合的方式; (3)问卷逻辑采取思路连续法,既按照被调查者思考问题和对产品了解的程度来设计,在一些问题上,采取跳问等方式来实行消费者的逻辑思维。 (4)主要问题的构想:消费者单位与职业、去过的茶馆、最近消费过的茶馆等。 5、调研区域 以下区域做为调查的主要区域: 郑州市分为中原区、金水区、二七区、管城区、惠济区,荥阳还有个上街区 调研区域点的分布原则上以当地的商业中心为焦点,同时考虑一些中、高档生活小区;各个区域要求覆盖以下各个调研点,以保证样本分布的均匀性和代表性。(具体地点由督导到当地了解后决定) 6、调研方法与样本量设计 (1)消费者抽样方法:采用便利抽样和配额抽样的方法。本次调查在各个城市中采取在街头或商业场所向过往或停留的消费者做茶馆市场的测试;从总体样本中按照年龄层做为标志把总体样本分为若干类组,实施配额抽样。 (2)已开张的茶馆调研方法:本次调查的深度访谈由调研公司有经验的调研人员按照调查提纲来了解相关信息,通过观察不同茶馆的消费情况,获得市场信息。 (3)文献法:用于内部资料整理、文案研究等。 每个区域的样本量在300—500例之间。(规划书中样本量分配略) 7、分析方法 对问卷进行统一的编码、数据录入工作。编码由编码员对已完成的问卷建立答案标准代码表(简称码表),今后进行问卷编码;选择不同地区,不同层次的访问来建码表。 用SPSS或Excel软件对问卷进行数据分析。聚类分析法分析被访者人口背景、消费习惯、生活方式、个性等;因子分析法分析影响消费者消费的原因、茶馆差异性等影响;相关分析法分析影响消费者消费、评价茶馆、茶馆特征之间的内在关系;SWOT分析品牌的内在环境和外在环境,从而明确优势和劣势,认清市场机会和威胁,对于策略性决定有很大的指导作用。 8、组织安排和预算 (1)机构安排及 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx :设置项目负责人1名,负责项目的规划实施全过程,并对委托方负责;项目实施督导人员7名,在负责人的领导下组织开展调研工作,负责对调查员培训、督导问卷访谈、进行数据资料的整理分析、承担调查报告的撰写任务等;聘用调查人员70名,接受培训后,按要求完成问卷访谈工作。 on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system (2)调查员的选拔与培训安排:从某高校三 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 学生中选择经济类专业70名学生, 仪表端正,举止得体,懂得一定的市场调研知识,具有较好的调研能力,具有认真负责的工作精神及职业热情,具有把握谈话气氛的能力。培训内容主要是茶馆个体调查问卷访谈要求及技术。 (3)实施的进度安排:分准备、实施和结果处理三个阶段。准备阶段完成界定调研问题、设计调研方案、设计调研问卷3项工作;实施阶段完成资料的收集工作;结果处理阶段完成汇总、归纳、整理和分析,并将调研结果以书面的形式——调研报告表述出来。时间分配为: 调研方案规划设计、问卷的设计 „„„„ 7个工作日 调研方案、问卷的修改、确认 „„„„ 3个工作日 人员培训、安排 „„„„ 3个工作日 实地访问阶段 „„„„ 7个工作日 资料的审核 „„„„ 5个工作日 数据预处理阶段 „„„„ 5个工作日 数据统计分析阶段 „„„„ 5个工作日 调研报告撰写阶段 „„„„ 20个工作日 论证结段 „„„„ 10个工作日 4)经费预算:包括策划费、交通费、调查人员培训费、公关费、访谈费、问卷调查( 礼品费、统计费、报告费等,具体金额等略。 9、附件:包括了聘用调查员承诺书、调查问卷、调查问卷复核表、访谈提纲、质量控制办法等,具体内容略 on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system 在郑州开茶馆调研方案设计 国际教育学院 电子商务专业 200812030428 084班 张若曦 on winter construction technique and safety training of personnel, the use of admixtures for construction workers, concrete temperature record, sample lien and conservation regulations, strengthen the management of heating equipment. 3) tracking weather forecasts, arrange production according to weather conditions, adjusting job schedules. 8.6. ... 8.7.5 construction electrical products used, must conform to the national standards, lines must comply with the installation and use of electrical equipment JGJ46-2005 electric code requirements. 8.7.6 with obvious hot rail for woodworking operation shed, installation of fire fighting equipment, and stick with the dry with clear, who did who clear, dry day. 8.7.7 warehouse be set independently, Warehouse Clerks Office and warehouse space. Prohibition of common items within the same library mixed with inflammable or explosive goods. 8.7.8 outside the library with adequate fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting water freezing measures should be taken. 8.7.9 strictly implementing the provisions of the fire safety management of the Group and carry out regular fire safety education, improve staff awareness of fire safety. 8.8 ambulance control measures to prevent the expansion of construction project security accident after accident, reducing casualties and property losses, according to the work safety of construction projects Management Ordinance and company occupational health and safety management system
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