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用书籍洗礼 点心灵明灯


用书籍洗礼 点心灵明灯用书籍洗礼 点心灵明灯 作文指导课教学案一体化设计(教案) 用书籍洗礼 点心灵明灯 周矶中学 廖兴菊 训练目标: 1 、学习审题、阅读分析提示材料,选取写作角度,紧扣作文提示材料选材。 2、学习如何分析材料立意。 3、力求语言的表现力、感染力。 4、引导学生善于将平时的积累用于文中。 训练重点: 学习审题、阅读分析提示材料,选取写作角度,紧扣作文提示材料选材。 训练难点: 学习如何分析材料立意。 课前准备: 收集关于读书方面的名言警句或名人读书的趣事 课时建议: 1——2课时 训练过...

用书籍洗礼 点心灵明灯
用书籍洗礼 点心灵明灯 作文指导课教学案一体化设计(教案) 用书籍洗礼 点心灵明灯 周矶中学 廖兴菊 训练目标: 1 、学习审 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 、阅读分析提示材料,选取写作角度,紧扣作文提示材料选材。 2、学习如何分析材料立意。 3、力求语言的表现力、感染力。 4、引导学生善于将平时的积累用于文中。 训练重点: 学习审题、阅读分析提示材料,选取写作角度,紧扣作文提示材料选材。 训练难点: 学习如何分析材料立意。 课前准备: 收集关于读书方面的名言警句或名人读书的趣事 课时建议: 1——2课时 训练过程: 一、活动导入: 苦读九年,步入初三,伴着馥郁的书香,我们一天天长大了。请你坦诚地告诉大家:喜欢书吗,你读过那些书,读书的过程你有那些感悟, 你能说出几条关于读书方面的名言警句或名人读书的趣事吗, 学生回答后,图片展示。 1.名言警句: (1)书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。 (2)读书破万卷,下笔如有神。 (3)读万卷书,行万里路。 2.名人论读书: (4)为中华之崛起而读书~ ——周恩来 (5) 书籍是人类知识的总结,书籍是全世界的营养品。 ——莎士比亚 (6) 书籍是人类进步的阶梯。书籍一面启示着我的智慧和心灵,一面帮着我在一片烂泥塘里站了起来,如果不是书籍的的话,我就会沉没在这片烂泥塘里,我就要被愚蠢和下流淹死。 ——高尔基 3.古人头悬梁锥刺股,囊莹映雪、凿壁偷光的刻苦读书。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 二、例文导学 九年级下册 培根《论读书》 1. 教师提问:本文富含哲理,论断颇为精辟,警句纷呈迭出。作者对读书有自己的观点,你能找出哪些观点句?并谈谈你的认识与感受。 2.学生自由发言。 师:同学们,本文的精辟语句很多,请选择自己喜欢的一句作为话题,依据自己的知识积累与生活经历等情况,发挥自身的优势,拓展思路,展开讨论。 3、学生讨论 4、集体交流: 读书足以长才 中国有句老话是“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”。书,的确如此。有时在你写作文写不出时,不妨拿出一本书来看看,你会发现,书中不仅有砌“黄金屋”的砖,更扩展了你的知识面。慢慢地,你的作文就完成了,甚至比你想象中的更加有文采。 凡有所学,皆成性格 在培根的《谈读书》中有这样一句话“读书使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辨;凡有所学,皆有成性格。”在这句话,培根说到:只要你学的出色,你所学的,将回成为你的性格。 在这方面,古代就有很多例子,如;一代天骄成吉思汗,从小就会弯弓射大雕,就是因为有这一份气势,有这一般力量,才让他有了想统一中原的志向和性格。 在近代文学中,也有一位伟大的文学家、革命家——鲁迅。鲁迅原来在日本留学学医,想医治中国所有人。但就是因为学医,也让他有了医治好整个中国人的性格,并为之而努力。 这就是“凡有所学,皆成性格”,不论你在哪方面很出色,都将成为你的性格和志向。 6.教师小结: 俗话说,眼睛是一个人的“心灵窗户”,透过它,最容易窥见人们内心的秘密。写作文,也有所谓 “文眼”的说法,指的就是文章中的那些最富有表现力,最能帮助读者准确地理解整个作品的主题思想或脉络层次的关键性词语。同学们刚才讨论交流的精辟语句就可以作为文章的“文眼” 进行发挥,把你联想到生活中的某些经历或见闻,获得某些感悟和认识围绕“文眼”写出一篇好文章。 三、要点点拨: provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 第一(整体把握材料 1.通读理解:认真阅读材料,把握材料 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ,概括材料大意。 2. 提取、品味:划出关键语句(富有诗意、精辟透彻) 注意:我们从材料中获得的观点具有多样性,因此,在动笔前对所得到的观点还要进行适当的筛选。 第二(选择恰当角度 ?思想健康。?中心明确。“文题善,佳篇成一半”,“中心明确”始发于作文题目,只有先明确作文题目所蕴涵的“中心”,而后在此基础上为所要写的文章立意,才能做到“中心明确”。 ?深刻。透过现象深入本质,揭示事物内存的因果关系,观点具有启发性,这就文章深刻性的基本要求。 ?有创新。见解新颖,材料新鲜,构思精巧,推理想象有独到之处,有个性色彩,这都是“有创新”的表现。 四、实战演练 书是人类发展进步中最重要的东西,是人类的精神食粮,是人类文明和文化承传的载体,书对所有的人来说都无比重要,我们今天的作文课就是话题作文——“书”。请从 培根《论读书》一文中提取一句为观点作文。 注意,无论写人写事的文章,最后的落点也要在书上,注意点题。 记叙文最好选1—2件事去写;议论文要论点鲜明,有层次。 五、拓展阅读 阅读提示:九上第四单元文章主要以求知与读书为主题,都是阐述求知与读书问题的,学生可以从中获得这方面的不少教益。 《谈读书》一文,篇幅虽短小,论述的范围却相当广泛。先阐述读书的正确目的,读书和经验的关系,用书的智慧;接着阐述读书的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,提倡读书与讨论、作文结合起来;最后阐述读书能塑造人的性格和弥补精神上的各种缺陷。全文运用排比、比喻、对比说理,名言警句比比皆是。 《不求甚解》一文,先摆出批驳的靶子:“对任何问题不求甚解都是不好的。”接着从“不求甚解”的出处入手,全面解释陶渊明的原话,揭示了“不求甚解”的两层含义,并以此为根据,对否定“不求甚解”的观点作了否定。在批驳过程中阐述读书的要诀在于会意,读书要虚心,重要的书要反复读的正面主张。 阅读佳作: 人生最重要的约会 承载着千年的文化~蕴涵着无尽的智慧~奔腾着弄潮的畅想~书海无涯。人provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 生无书~则如干涸江流~如枯裂田亩~黯然失色。人生不可无书。 书~使人拓宽视野。 “智者阅读群书~亦阅历人生。”林语堂如是说。翻开黄仁宇的历史著作《赫逊河畔谈中国历史》~眼前豁然一亮。面对悠悠中国史~原来还有这样的问题值得探讨~原来看待问题还可以用这样的思路——面前仿佛打开了一扇新窗户。历来被视为彻底的亡国昏君的杨广~在关于其《隋炀帝》一文中~得到了更客观的分析。我看见他华美文笔~看见他胸襟不凡,见其少为元帅平定江南,亦见其最终逃避现实~众叛亲离。拍案叫绝的~不仅是黄仁宇对于历史人物进行思想性格心理分析~更是其开阔的“大中国历史”的视野。将隋视为第二帝国的开端~关注其以自耕农为社会模式兴起~关注其以管理中层虚弱架构衰弱。书~愈读愈感到眼界的开阔与内心的充实~愈读愈感到需要思考与解答的愈多。 书~教人修养身心。 一页心香~掩卷沉思~读书让心灵得到涵养~读书让头脑得到点拨~读书让眼神更为坚定。读诸子百家~明白“合抱之木~生于毫末,九层之台~起于累土”。明白“锲而舍之~朽木不折,锲而不舍~金石可镂”。读孙犁“诗体小说”~心弦为荷花淀的村民~为阜平山地的农民而震动。那朴实的善良、生活的希望、艰辛的幸福的强烈感染沁人心脾。读海明威《老人与海》~那人性的坚毅与执著给心以勇气。大师们的作品在我们心灵扎根~诗人们的佳句在我们血管中运行。 书~为人指明前程。 当人生山穷水尽疑无路~翻开书常能见柳暗花明又一村。书中~听先哲语重心长~与智者促膝而谈。读爱因斯坦《我的信仰》~铭记“照亮我的道路~并且不断地给我新的勇气去愉快地正视生活的理想~是真、善和美”。每每在黑夜中回想起这句话~烟涛微茫的前方仿佛又清晰了几分。 “半亩方塘一鉴开~天光云影共徘徊”。书~启发蒙昧~拓宽视野~驱赶黑暗。喜欢读书~就等于把生活中寂寞的时光换成巨大享受的时刻。读书~应是人生最重要的约会。 孤寂时~与伏尔泰一同体会“当第一遍读一本好书的时候~仿佛觉得我们找到一个朋友,当再读这本书时~仿佛又与老友重逢”。忏悔时~与雨果共同感受“各种蠢事~在每天阅读好书的情况下~仿佛烤在火上一样~渐渐融化”。迷茫时~与培根共同探讨“读书不是为了雄辩和驳斥~也不是为了轻信和盲从~而是为了思考和权衡”。 吾生也有涯~而知也无涯。与书相约~生命无限充实,与书相约~社会百家争鸣,与书相约~人类勇往直前。 【简评】 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 这是一篇非常 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 的议论性文章。文章开头即鲜明地提出观点“人生不可无书”,书籍是人类进步的阶梯。文章以层进式的结构框架,论述了书籍对人类的重要意义,由浅人深,富有深意。文章运用了大量的论据资料,既富有新鲜性,又富有时代感。语言流畅,整句的使用自然舒畅,增添了文章的色彩。读这篇文章的题目,就是一种美的享受。 读书真好 走进书屋~弥漫着清新淡雅的书香,踏入书海~散射着智慧聪颖的光辉~步入书的世界~萌生我对知识的渴求~对人生的憧憬。啊:读书真好: 漫游书间~或悲或喜~或忧愁又似畅然。春之声~麻雀在枝头歌唱~青蛙在池塘边呱呱地叫着。再看~那枝头任春风吹乱她长长的秀发,夏之舞~枝叶繁茂~百花齐放~蜂拥蝶舞~一簇簇一团团的乱花迷了你的眼:秋之悦~天高云淡~大雁南飞~稻田里呈现出丰收的喜悦“稻花香里说丰年~听取蛙声一片”,冬之梦~银装素裹~火树银花~大地铺上白沙。书中蕴藏着四季~每一支曲都是华丽的乐章。 “我爱书~我常常站在书架前~这时我觉得我面前展开了一个广阔的世界~一个浩瀚的海洋~一个苍茫的宇宙。”多么形象的比喻。从懵懂开始~我们便进入了书的殿堂。从书中我们纵观古今~从书中品尝人世百味。我们了解古代名贤的广阔胸襟~浩然正气~鸿鹄之志,了解当代作家的恬静闲适~宁静淡雅。书是一味药~修身养性~陶冶性情。我爱读书~读社会~读生活~读人生~拥有书~拥有智慧~拥有飞翔的梦。 “书犹药也~善读可以医愚。”走进书屋~我们不再烦恼~我们不再是幼稚的孩童~不再遇难而逃~遇难而止。当我们徘徊于前行之路时~书使我懂得“山重水复疑无路~柳暗花明又一村”,当我们取得优异成绩时~书使我知晓“会当凌绝顶~一览众山小”,当我们失意时~书又使我明白“沉舟侧畔千帆过~病树前头万木春。”我不再孤寂~随时有朋友的叮咛与召唤,我不再惧怕黑夜~前方已经有人为我点亮了一盏明亮的心灯。在茫茫人海路~有苦难~有荆棘~有坎坷~我们会痛苦~会无助~会绝望~但我们始终不要忘记~我们并不孤单~我们有最好的朋友~前行之路有书与我相伴。 莎士比亚曾经说过:“书籍是全世界的营养品。生活里没有书籍~就好像没有阳光,智慧里没有书籍~就好像鸟儿没有翅膀。”从书中我们领略到自然的娇姿~从书中我们品读到人文风俗~从书中我们坚忍强劲。书~给生活带来色彩。当你仔细咀嚼时~那是一丝丝的甘甜。啊:读书真好: provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 好读书,读好书 从古至今~哪一位名人不是博览群书~知识丰富的呢,相信大家都知道~高尔基曾经说过:“书是人类进步的阶梯。”这不就证明了读书是迈向成功的第一步吗, 读书有很多好处的。读课外读物~可以从中学到很多在课本上没有的知识~可以扩大知识面~读中外名着可以使我们感受到各个国家不同统治 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,读诗歌散文可以让我们从从中学到很多优美词句……读书的好处~还多呢~只要你认真去读~你就可以真正感受到读书的好处。而我也深深地感受到这一点。一天~我们家来客人了~还带了一位一岁多的小妹妹~妈妈让我带她到我房间里玩~我当时正在画画~不想被她打扰~于是随手拿了根蜡笔和一张纸给她~让她在床上玩~当我画完后~认为自己已经有时间陪小妹妹玩了~可我刚转过头去~便看见小妹妹正用蜡笔在墙上画画呢~我一时急了~我又不敢告诉妈妈~这时~我忽然想起来了~我在书上看过~牙膏有去污的功效~所以我拿了条湿毛巾蘸了点牙膏在墙上轻轻擦试~这样就OK了:这次我多亏了我看了那本书~不然白白的墙就变成“大花脸”了。 读书可不能盲目~不能什么书都读~要有选择性地读。读书要读些有意义的书~比如说中国四大名着~《世界未解之谜》~一些外国名着等~这些都是值得我们去看的好书。但像漫画之类的书~相比起来是那么的无聊了。所以有选择性地读书才是正确的读法。 要读书首先要喜欢读书~因为兴趣是最好的老师~但光要喜欢还不行~要在读书时做到“四到”~分别为眼到、口到、耳到、心到。眼到是因为要看清字和标点符号~口到是因为有时会朗读出来~所以读的时候不仅要读准音~还要读出感情~该高亢的时候要高亢~该低沉的时候要低沉~耳到是要听读出来的有没有错~听到后就靠耳朵把讯息传大脑~然后由大脑传给嘴巴~最后就是心到了~在读时~不要读了就算了~一定要用心去想~去想作者表达的思想感情~再想想自己的感受。只到做到这“四到”就一定会将书读好的。 总而言之~就是读书好~读好书~好读书~这样读书才会有意义。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology,
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