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锻压技术2008年(第33卷)第1期锻压技术2008年(第33卷)第1期 《锻压技术》2008年(第33卷)第1期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) ------------------------------- 特别提示:作为参考文献引用时举例: [1] 童敏杰,王长文,雷鹍,等. 电沉积法制备的超细晶薄铜板拉伸及表面层效应[J]. 锻压 技术, 2007, 32(1): 16-19. ----------------------------------------- 综述 叶片精密锻造技术的发展现状及其展望 钟杰,胡楚江,郭成(1-5) 精...

锻压技术2008年(第33卷)第1期 《锻压技术》2008年(第33卷)第1期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) ------------------------------- 特别提示:作为参考文献引用时举例: [1] 童敏杰,王长文,雷鹍,等. 电沉积法制备的超细晶薄铜板拉伸及表面层效应[J]. 锻压 技术, 2007, 32(1): 16-19. ----------------------------------------- 综述 叶片精密锻造技术的发展现状及其展望 钟杰,胡楚江,郭成(1-5) 精密冲裁成形仿真技术研究进展 赵震,庄新村,向华,等(6-8) 细观损伤力学及其在金属塑性加工中的应用 刘先兰,张文玉,刘楚明(9-13) 锻造 Cr12Mo1V1工具钢冲孔与扩孔锻造工艺 刘庚武(14-15) 铁路货车MT-2型缓冲器中心楔块模锻工艺 李志勇,王月辉,李骅(16-20) 支承体复杂零件温冷复合成形优化设计 赵祖德,康凤,胡传凯,等(21-23) Ф550mm行车轮模锻件分模面裂纹分析 程里, 龚超(24-26) 板料成形 应变强化对钢板局部凹痕抗力影响研究 吴华,蒋浩民(27-29) 高速车辆铝合金板材冲压过程的有限元模拟 魏延刚,张秀娟,侯英玮,等(30-33) 高强度板U形件冲压成形的回弹仿真研究 彭伟,杨雪春,杨国泰(34-38) 新淬火铝合金板材成形回弹试验与数值模拟 陈磊,邱晞,李善良,等(39-41) 利用Taguchi方法优化拼焊板方盒件成形性能 翁孟超(42-44) 汽车保险杠拉深成形数值分析与工艺优化 汪祥支,苏超,周锐,等(45-46) 船板钢E36轧后控冷工艺的制定 王涛,闫洪(47-49) 特种成形 直齿圆锥齿轮摆辗成形最大辗压力的有限元研究 程培元,胡锐,卢志国,等(50-52) 偏心圆截面轴类零件的楔横轧成形数值模拟 何涛,王宝雨,胡正寰(53-55) 薄壁铝合金锥形件旋压过程的缺陷分析 李亚非,陈辉(56-59) 筒形件反旋成形有限元数值模拟 赵腾伦,黄建峰,张清泉,等(60-65) 矩形花键轴开式冷挤压成形力的数值模拟研究 冯文杰,陈莹莹,陈碧楠(66-68) 模具 车身覆盖件模具的拉深筋工艺设计和优化 胡江波,柳玉起,章志兵(69-72) 一种基于特征的冲模CBD系统的学习方法 周驰,阮锋,黄珍媛(73-76) 基于KBE的多Agent分布式模具协同设计框架 周盛,李建军(77-80) 定位偏心轴冷温挤压成形工艺及模具 张水忠,徐新成,赵中华(81-84) 复杂筒形壳体的工艺分析和拉深成形模具设计 王绪芳(85-87) 铝茶壶嘴成形工艺与胀形模设计 李小青,杨仿育(88-90) 热模锻模具的飞边槽优化设计 叶焕君(91-92) 汽车刹车片钢背落料凹模结构及制造工艺设计 唐建生,陆茵(93-95) 接插件多工位级进模设计 刘占军(96-98) 支架模拟分析及其弯曲模设计 董兰,张荫骞,李友余(99-102) 等温锻用模具材料ZGM2合金的组织性能研究 张会,张昌明,姚泽坤,等(103-105) 设备 旧式水压机CNC改造 陈柏金,黄树槐 ,熊晓红(106-108) QA35Y-30液压联合冲剪机的研制 阎青松,陈华丰(109-111) 新型开关磁阻伺服压力机传动系统设计 赵婷婷,贾明全,姜则东(112-115) 摆式剪板机刀架设计中应考虑的因素 陈曼龙(116-118) 计算机应用 楔横轧轧件的编码与匹配方法 曹育红,王宝雨,胡正寰(119-121) 冷挤压工艺设计领域异构知识的混合表示 修大鹏,高军,曹树梁,等(122-126) 叶片制坯过程三维热力耦合数值模拟 余江山,齐广霞,李淑梅(127-130) 基于板料理想成形的有限元方法研究 吴建军,张萍(131-132) 摩擦与润滑 管材扩径时摩擦对变形状态的影响 李聚群,杨晓红,姚志英(133-135) 基于有限元分析的摩擦系数测定 韩志仁,陶华(136-138) 检测技术与设备 固体界面接触换热系数影响因素的实验研究 朱德才,张立文,裴继斌,等(139-142) 外差式多频相移技术的三维光学点云测量研究 梁晋,肖振中,臧顺来,等(143-147) 理论探讨 基于BP神经网络的2D70铝合金本构关系模型 鲁世强,周细林,王克鲁,等(148-151) Co40NiCrMo合金本构关系的建立 郭生武,吴会平,程羽,等(152-157) 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化 冲压成形性能的基本概念、试验方法与技术物理表达——修订国标《金属薄板成形性能与试验方法》的技术说明(1) 曹宏深(158-162) 基本冲压成形方式与模拟成形性能试验方法——修订国标《金属薄板成形性能与试验方法》的技术说明(2) 华林,曹宏深,姜奎华,等(163-167) 《锻压技术》2008年(第33卷)第2期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) 综述 异步轧制技术及其在镁合金中的应用 张文玉,刘先兰(1-5) 锻造 锻造工艺对外头盖侧法兰开裂的影响 陈孙艺(6-8) 汽车前轴辊锻成形工艺分析 郎荣兴, 王霆, 侯德政(9-14) 多火次热模锻造GH4133A合金晶粒度与组织变化 岳太文,姚泽坤,吴泽,等(15-18) TC11钛合金叶轮等温锻造过程三维有限元模拟 史科,单德彬,吕炎(19-22) 板料成形 外板圆角区域拉深破裂及影响因素研究 刁可山, 陈新平, 蒋浩民, 等(23-26) 汽车B柱成形仿真与分析 邢忠文, 方华松, 徐伟力(27-30) 薄板成形中模具硬度对拉毛影响的实验研究 陈新平,侯英岢,蒋浩民,等(31-33) 拚焊板成形零件焊缝移动的快速预测 唐炳涛, 王兆清,张郁(34-37) 薄板件台阶孔FCF加工法的压边条件研究 李湖峰,卢险峰,章跃荣(38-41) 盒形件法兰起皱临界压边力影响规律研究 臧顺来,董伟,齐文艺,等(42-46) 一种基于能量法的压边力模型的实验验证 吴江艳, 温彤, 杨涛(47-49) 平面压边拉深工艺参数对内皱影响及试验研究 刘建华, 王志恒(50-53) 轿车引擎盖外板拉深模具型面的设计及优化 王昶,李琳,王萍,等(54-58) 特种成形 双层金属保温容器同步液胀成形工艺及模具设计 夏琴香,霍育林,张帅斌,等(59) 三通管内高压成形工艺研究 王忠堂,张士宏,梁海成,等(63-65) H62三角形截面空心件内高压成形的实验研究 吕海源,李洪洋, 吴峥, 等(66) 花键冷滚打和铣削加工的金属组织变形研究 崔凤奎, 徐永福, 赵魏(70) 平面应变压缩技术的研究 潘红波,唐荻,胡水平,等(75-79) 启动齿星轮冷挤压工艺的模拟分析与研究 蒋定举, 束昊, 刘霞, 等(80-83) 模具 双角片件多工位级进模设计 刘占军(84-86) 不锈钢胶带卡子连续模的设计与制造 曹阳根,汪闻涛,张恩霞,等(87-90) 设备 高速级进冲压中废料回跳问题的解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 陈传胜,陈杰华(91-94) 法兰支承液压缸结构的遗传算法优化设计 赵升吨,王军,白振岳,等(95-98) 开式压力机机架截面尺寸的设计方法研究 陈加明,王渭新(99-102) 理论探讨 圆管受轴压和充液内高压成形极限的理论解析 滕宏春(103-105) SiCp/AZ61镁基复合材料的力学与阻尼性能 胡强,揭小平,闫洪,等(106-109) 基于逐步回归法的TA15钛合金本构模型的建立 孙志超,杨合,沈昌武(110-115) 弹性模量与塑性变形变化规律试验研究 郭成,董伟,臧顺来,等(116-119) 计算机应用 双金属板拉深性能影响因素的模拟及分析 邹冬平, 刘勇(120-123) FDM快速成形工艺中的填充喷涂路径优化与仿真 张永,周天瑞,钟雪华,等(124-127) FVS0812铝合金半球形件拉深成形的有限元分析 陈水先, 张辉, 曾新祥,等(128-133) 基于滑移约束面方法的毛坯反求技术 谢慧超, 廖代辉, 龚英菊(134-137) 轮槽形状对铜母线连续挤压影响的有限元分析 赵颖,运新兵,宋宝韫(138-142) 惯性效应在板材弯曲成形模拟中的影响研究 胡卫才,张祖军,阮锋(143-145) 汽车前轮罩板有限元模拟及成形性分析 范文健,张雯娟,李慧,等(146-149) 基于知识重用的智能化标准件技术研究 叶晓峰, 李建军(150-152) 变形镁合金触变塑性挤压的数值模拟 王建金,闫洪,周冰锋,等(153-156) BP神经网络在镁合金流变应力预测中的应用 扶名福,范洪春,张庭芳(157-159) 标准化 冲压成形性能与冲压板料选用——修订国标《金属薄板成形性能与试验方法》的技术说明(3) 曹宏深(160-164) 冲压成形性能与冲压成形工艺分析——修订国标《金属薄板成形性能与试验方法》的技术说明(4) 华林,曹宏深,姜奎华,等(165-169) 《锻压技术》2008年(第33卷)第3期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) 锻造 基于锻造系统的弯曲件增量锻造 王新云,夏巨谌,胡国安,等(1-3) 奥氏体不锈钢管坯镦挤法兰工艺 卢曰杨,王雷刚,黄瑶(4-7) 等温锻造温度对TC18钛合金组织性能的影响 王晓燕,郭鸿镇,袁士翀,等(8-11) 钢制底座温冷复合成形试验研究 黄树海,张宝红,张治民(12-15) 高强度异形件挤压成形工艺研究 周波,张宝红,张治民(16-18) 板料成形 冲压加工噪声树——冲裁工艺噪声发射模型 卢险峰,戴源德,揭小平(19-22) 正极片冲压工艺分析与多工位级进模具设计 曹立生(23-25) 摩托车挡泥板成形模拟及工艺参数优化 曹建国,罗征志,唐建新,等(26-28) 成形道次对回弹影响的模拟研究 郑军兴(29-31) 板材冲压成形摩擦系数实时测量系统设计研究 唐甜甜,李东升,罗红宇,等(32-35) 实际拉深筋与等效拉深筋的对比研究 马荣国, 邱晓刚, 廖丕博(36-38) 特种成形 5A06铝合金楔压变形与致密化的有限元分析 陈水先,张辉,曾新祥,等(39-43) Mg-Li合金等角挤压实验及有限元分析 白朴存,邬早勤,张秀云,等(44-47) 轻合金管材热态内压成形性能测试及样件试制 刘钢,何祝斌,齐军,等(48-51) TC4钛合金锥形件温热剪旋实验研究 陈宇,徐永超,单德彬(52-55) 钛合金薄壁筒形件热旋成形技术研究 徐文臣,单德彬,陈宇,等(56-59) 楔横轧轧制螺纹轴应力状态研究 闫华军,刘晋平,樊旭平,等(60-63) 锻造铝合金轮毂摆动辗压制坯工序数值模拟技术 张庆玲,史艳国, 孙惠学(64-67) 成形角对楔横轧二次楔轧制心部缺陷的影响 蔡亚宁,张康生,娄依志,等(68-71) SIMA法制备7A04合金半固态触变组织的演化 杨辉,田文彤,刘峰(72-74) 内齿轮冷挤压精锻成形数值模拟与工艺研究 李建国, 汤文成,刘德仿,等(75-77) 光整滚压加工工艺参数的选择 崔国英, 高改会, 于红星(78-81) 2A50铝合金等径角挤压后的微观组织和电导率 栾兆菊,李建萍,李超(82-84) 模具 钛合金叶片等温校正模具设计 张会,张昌明,姚泽坤,等(85-86) 压铁落料拉深冲孔复合模设计 王兴辉,孙东旺(87-88) 基于PRO/E的带阻尼台叶片精锻模具设计 杨铮鑫,齐广霞,黄勇,等(89-91) 直线轴承外毂架侧槽精密冲裁模具设计 杨立军,党新安,刘静(92-93) 设备 液压机用流量反馈型电液比例流量阀的研制 冯天麟,唐晓群, 田松(94-96) SP轧机主偏心轴轴承寿命分析 冯宪章,程俊伟,王英杰,等( 97-99) 75MN“短行程”铝挤压机上料部分的自动化控制 秦月明(100-102) 高速冲床工作台板的刚性研究 鹿新建,周永清,施雄兵,等(103-105) 基于ADAMS锻造操作机钳杆机构的优化设计 刘海柱,雷秀,李扬,等(106-108) 125MN挤压机监控系统设计研究 朱明,谭建平,周俊峰(109-111) 基于S7-200的电动螺旋压力机控制系统研究 李军超,冯仪,黄树槐(112-117) 等高度垫板组板厚组合规律研究 彭伟波,黄明辉,段智勇(118-120) 计算机应用 基于本体的模具设计知识管理系统的研究 李英杰,陈新度,陈新(121-125) 盒形件拉深成形工艺的数值模拟 揭小平,叶建雄,袁有录,等(126-128) 基于虚拟装配的模具设计应用研究 苏君,杨雪玲(129-132) 面向设计的级进模结构装配模型及系统开发 唐炳涛,赵震,鹿晓阳,等(133-136) 反求工程中任意平面切片算法及曲线快速重构 朱根松,周天瑞(137-140) 火车车轮热成形金属流动规律数值模拟 许章泽,李翔,张磊,等(141-143) 精密级进模结构设计标准化的研究 王波,郭雷,黄玉萍,(144-147) 拉深工艺智能设计系统中知识库的设计与实现 曹吉频,谭晶(148-151) 理论探讨 拉弯工艺的数学力学分析 朱正光,杨晓红(152-154) 粗片状魏氏组织TC11钛合金两相区本构关系研究 丁林海,鲁世强,王克鲁,等(155-158) 标准化 GB/T 15825.1,8《金属薄板成形性能与试验方法》的技术概要及修订必要性——修订国标金属薄板成形性能与试验方法的技术说明(5) 曹宏深(159-162) GB/T 15825.1《金属薄板成形性能与试验方法 成形性能与指标》的修订说明——修订国标金属薄板成形性能与试验方法的技术说明(6) 华林,曹宏深,姜奎华,等(163-166) 《锻压技术》2008年(第33卷)第4期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) 综述 交流 第4课唐朝的中外文化交流教案班主任工作中的交流培训班交流发言材料交流低压配电柜检验标准小王子读书交流分享介绍 伺服压力机及其关键技术 孙友松,周先辉,黎勉,等(1-8) 锻造 水平V型锥面砧改善轴类锻件异向性的研究 张永军,刘助柏,韩静涛,等(9-12) 天然气压缩机五拐曲轴自由锻工艺研究 张华,石明(13-15) 汽车后桥从动齿轮闭式模锻工艺研究 张发廷(16-18) 汽轮机叶片锻坯优化设计 张国新(19-21) 板料成形 盒形件法兰起皱临界压边力的试验研究 魏公际,齐文艺,臧顺来,等(22-26) 激光拼焊板冲压成形性能研究 王春燕,王婷婷,韩英淳(27-31) 基于挖槽方式的直壁件增量成形方法 贾俐俐,王书鹏,高锦张,等(32-34) 二维钣金零件特征识别展开的研究与实现 郑志镇, 李建军(35-37) 板料高频感应热应力成形技术试验研究 范平,陈明和,黄永成,等(38-42) 特种成形 套筒零件挤压成形金属流动规律研究 郭成,秦莹,王长林,等(43-46) 冷斜轧磷铜球温度场的数值模拟 王宝雨,王少臣,胡正寰,等(47-50) 轮辐大孔双重正间隙冲裁新工艺生产性试验 卢险峰,胡志鹏,李湖峰,等(51-53) 镦辗复合成形工艺及设备设计 梁秀春(54) 不同热轧工艺条件下镀锡板表面氧化铁皮分析 王银军(57-59) 润滑条件对管件液压成形结果的影响 唐琼,郑再象(60-62) 楔横轧一次楔成形极限断面收缩率实验研究 汤先岗,张康生,贾震,等(63-66) 楔横轧轧件扭转变形影响因素的研究 李建国,刘晋平,胡正寰(67-70) 微型正挤压实验研究 彭昊,申昱,崔振山(71-73) 电磁成形线圈的结构及应用 吕书林,黄尚宇,刘鹏(74-78) 模具 2P空调柜机边板涂装板料冲压模具的设计与制造 曹阳根,汪闻涛,甄臻(79-82) H13钢汽车热锻模具失效机理分析 王孟,刘宗德,宝志坚(83-85) 小齿轮件的成形工艺及模具设计 吕琳,邓明(86-88) 电动车制动盘盖的成形复合模具 张社就,杨晓红(89-91) 基于Pro/E,Moldflow和MasterCAM平台下注射模的CAD/CAE/CAM 刘细芬,黄家广(92-95) 带偏心轮压边装置的冲压模 刘俊生, 庞利平,贺炜(96-97) 落料、弯曲复合模设计 聂福荣(98) 设备 125MN双柱快锻液压机机架的有限元分析 李志波,董国疆,吴树亮,等(100-104) 锻压机械生产过程在线监控装置的研制 侯明亮(105-107) 理论探讨 热锻模表面激光熔覆金属陶瓷覆层的试验研究 王华昌,郑春光,汤育玺,等(108-111) 等体积流量法在触变锻造流动前沿的应用研究 王开坤,李鸿高,张鹏,等(112-115) 计算机应用 镁合金摩托车把超塑胀形实验研究及数值模拟 陈拂晓,李学烤,杨永顺,等(116-119) 数字化制造技术在ARJ21飞机导管研制中的应用 毛燕,詹梅(120-123) 镁合金板料热拉深成形数值模拟中材料模型研究 张庭芳,黄菊花,杨国泰,等(124-128) 直齿锥齿轮毛坯形状摆辗成形三维数值模拟 程培元,陈由红,周鹏,等(129-132) 差速器锥齿轮冷模锻数值模拟及成形性能研究 马国华,郭学东(133-135) 紫铜三通管轴压胀形数值模拟及验证 张彦敏,宋志真,贺俊光,等(136-139) 汽车覆盖件修边与翻边工序的快速仿真系统 章志兵,王同俊,柳玉起,等(140-144) 基于UGS NX的板料成形快速仿真系统 杜亭,柳玉起,章志兵,等(145-149) 大直径薄壁钛管加热弯曲成形的数值模拟 吴建军,何朝阳,张萍(150-153) 用于单元刚度计算的矩阵类程序的设计与开发 汪继勇,兰箭,华林,等(154-156) 铝合金自行车后花毂锻件温挤压成形技术研究 林新波,王艺,张质良,等(157-161) 基于DYNAFORM的冲压零件展开及排样设计 王涛,陶薇(162-163) 基于UG的铝型材挤压模具CAD设计系统 廖培根,方刚,曾攀,等(164-168) 《锻压技术》2008年(第33卷)第5期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) 综述 计算机辅助三维图解法及其应用 瞿畅,王君泽(1-4) 明晰汽车转向节锻件结构类型的初步 建议 关于小区增设电动车充电建议给教师的建议PDF智慧城市建议书pdf给教师的36条建议下载税则修订调整建议表下载 张如华,韩向银,赵一平,等(5-9) 锻造 复杂盘饼类铝合金锻件等温成形缺陷分析 张艳秋,徐福昌,王冠,等(10-13) 用Superform指导DJ4机车齿轮芯毛坯锻造工艺设计 张磊,杨宁国,许章泽(14-16) 曲轴体锻造胎模的有限元分析与改进 吴裕,许中明(17-19) 2618铝合金等温成形工艺热模拟试验研究 李柏茹,张鹤,陈洪玉(20-22) 大型筒体件锻造工艺的常温实验室模拟研究 何利东(23-27) 汽轮机叶片无余块锻造 张国新(28-30) 小冷辊坯锻后热处理工艺优化 王永军,段永恩,孟焕紫,等(31-33) 板料成形 补料比对Y型三通管内高压成形影响研究 滕步刚,程东明,郭斌,等(34-37) 变薄拉深过程模拟的有限元动力显式算法 许江平,柳玉起,章志兵,等(38-43) 液压夹紧装置在差厚激光拼焊板冲压中的研究 郭伟刚,吴毅明,罗晓晔,等(44-47) 应用正交试验设计提高拉深件的成形质量 王涛,陶薇(48-50) 带超高实体凸台的薄板冲压件加工工艺研究 彭群,杜贵江,李荣洪,等(51-54) 基于变压边力技术的微车大梁回弹研究和控制 王健,胡星,刘丽娜,等(55-58) 球面形耐热铝合金零件拉深成形工艺研究 陶友瑞(59-63) SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料薄板轧制工艺研究 韩亚利,刘劲松,张福全(64-66) 利用翻孔工艺铆接产品的模具设计及力学分析 左虹,刘庚武(67-68) 类抛物面反射镜拉深质量问题分析及解决方案 邓金虎,李华基,李卫彬,等(69-71) 特种成形 压实轮压下量对宽铜带连续挤压过程的影响 运新兵,刘桂林,宋宝韫,等(72-75) 成形复杂盘件时辗压工具运动轨迹的研究 李彤,金泉林,刘晓飞(76-81) 六辊斜轧无缝钢管矫直机的压下量研究 李连进(82-84) 7A04合金半固态触变模锻的组织演化 田文彤,杨辉(85-87) 纵向内筋薄壁筒反向滚珠旋压成形机理研究 江树勇,顾卫东,李春峰,等(88-91) 铝合金轧制过程中的热力耦合分析 康煜华,刘义伦,何玉辉(92-94) 管材内高压成形新加载方式的研究 袁安营,张士宏,王忠堂,等(95-97) 楔横轧梯形螺纹轴模具关键参数的研究 闫华军,刘晋平,胡正寰,等(98-101) Ti-6Al-4V钛合金等通道转角挤压有限元模拟 张晨,李淼泉,罗皎,等(102-105) 小半径薄壁管材内胀推弯成形制造工艺研究 徐卫平,伍权,白文斌,等(106-109) 模具 圆筒形件冲压模卸料刮口尺寸选取的分析 周有源(110-112) 面框注射成形浇口的改进设计 王强,闵旭光,王志伟(113-115) 等温锻用GH4169合金的组织性能研究 张会,张昌明,姚泽坤,等(116-119) 设备 卧式数控旋压机床用多工序自动旋轮库的研制 夏琴香,陈健安,程秀全,等(120-125) 巨型模锻水压机机架的有限元模态分析 黄明辉,段智勇,湛利华,等(126-128) 基于并联结构的新型液压压力机 彭斌彬,曾梁彬,孙宇(129-132) 125MN挤压机挤压中心在线监测系统设计 谭建平,杨需帅(133-137) 全电动CNC电镦机控制系统的研究 冯仪,黄树槐(138-143) 提高高速精密压力机动刚度的原理和 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 甄志强(144-146) 挤压机挤压中心监测系统摄像机控制器设计 吴士旭,谭建平,肖剡军(147-150) 理论探讨 TA1/Q235循环累积变形复合的试验研究 李红,黄重国,侯红亮,等(151-154) 低频脉冲振动条件下金属成形的体积效应分析 蔡改贫,刘峥,张晖(155-159) 计算机应用 大型异型材拉弯成形有限元模拟技术研究 万敏,洪振军,李卫东,等(160-163) 数控压力机工艺编程系统 黄鹏,阮锋(164-166) 负间隙精冲的大变形弹塑性有限元分析 李建华,张忠美(167-170) 矩形章精压坯料形状的确定方法 张珏良,赵震,尹冠人,等(171-173) 《锻压技术》2008年(第33卷)第6期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) 综述 我国快锻液压机的发展与现状 高俊峰(1-5) 日本的镁合金旋压技术 王鹏程,川井谦一,岳志勇(6-12) 微器件弯曲成形研究 董培龙,王匀,许桢英,等(13-17) 锻造 凸缘远离大端的半轴套管成形工艺实验研究 张如华,王沁军,王海华,等(18-21) 汽车离合器减震轴套精锻成形数值模拟与分析 李建国,汤文成(22-25) Al-2.18Cu-1.53Mg-0.97Fe-0.96Ni高纯铝合金锻件工艺研究 王国军,熊柏青,吕新宇,等(26-29) 端部加厚油管分段成形新工艺研究 徐开东,黄早文,张居国,等(30-32) 等温精密成形镁合金上机匣新工艺 黄延平(33-35) 板料成形 AZ31B变形镁合金水平式双辊连续铸轧试验研究 张健,赵保全,谭劲峰(36-40) 加油口冲压工艺设计 王跃臻,赵振铎,刘建新,等(41-43) 镁合金拼焊板冲压成形过程数值模拟 王忠堂,钱芳(44-47) 油箱托架成形防开裂的研究 徐劲力,李召富,覃瑞明,等(48-50) 材料与工艺参数对侧围外板冲压成形的影响 杨兵,陈新平,魏晓萍,等(51-53) 轻型载货汽车纵梁模具设计及成形性仿真分析 朱兴华,蔡炳芳(54-56) 特种成形 梯形内齿旋压成形过程数值模拟及试验研究 夏琴香,李小曼,李小龙,等(57-62) 2A50铝合金单道次等通道转角挤压工艺研究 谭险峰,陈伟,熊洪淼,等(63-65) SIMA法制备7A09半固态坯料的研究 韩飞,于霄,王卫卫(66-68) 汽车轮毂轴管热挤压坯料加热温度的优化选择 熊运昌,任立民,温志高(69-73) 电磁胀环数值模拟研究 李风,黄尚宇,刘鹏(74-77) 内压加载路径对汽车前梁内高压成形质量的影响 杜华,薛克敏,周林,等(78-81) 模具 液体全钽电容器外壳拉深关键技术及传递模设计 柯旭贵,张荣清(82-85) 基于回弹补偿的模具型面设计方法研究 陈炜,陈红辉,谢俊,等(86-90) 夹片落料、冲孔、压弯复合模具设计 肖亚慧,李长俊(91-92) 连接器端子悬臂变形问题的工艺预防 黄珍媛,郭雷,周驰,等(93-96) 管子波纹凸肩胀口成形模设计 杨海荣(97-99) 汽车轮毂轴承套圈冷挤压工艺及模具设计 孟彬,李辉,来海忠,等(100-102) 设备 125 MN挤压机操纵系统网络控制的实现 谭建平,汪顺民,周俊峰(103-106) PLC在液压机控制系统改造中的应用 曹宏强,马丽霞,刘卫华,等(107-110) 多连杆压力机模块化运动学性能分析 姚健,周微,郭为忠(111-115) 300 MN巨型水压机同步卸载控制策略的研究 周育才,刘少军,赵惠敏,等(116-119) 理论探讨 工业TC4板材热变形性能及微观组织研究 袁清华,张文明,黄重国,等(120-124) 楔形模宽条料超塑性拉拔非局部摩擦分析 李茂林,扶名福,闫小青,等(125-127) 均匀化退火对纯铝铸轧冷轧板各向异性的影响 潘秋红,董则防,黄瑶,等(128-131) 粗片层状组织TA15合金高温本构关系研究 方军,王克鲁,鲁世强,等(132-135) 计算机应用 基于数值模拟的铜铝接触线拉拔成形工艺优化 申晓晓,李静媛,杨斌,等(136-139) 汽车覆盖件成形拉深筋的有限元模拟与优化 张士宏,程幸叶,唐杰(140-143) 半空心自冲铆钉挤压成形数值模拟 黄志超,王建忠,姜宁(144-147) 滑动轴承冲压成形的有限元数值模拟 朱均华,周建忠,肖莉,等(148-152) 基于数值模拟的渐开线花键件凹模参数优化 周红伟,白凤梅,郑光文,等(153-156) 汽车地板有限元仿真及试验研究 苏海波,陈庆欣,蒋浩民,等(157-158) GIS壳体三通口成形的数值模拟及参数优化 马永杰,王红卫,侯月玲(159-162) ------------------------------ 以下为《锻压技术》2008年各期英文目录,供您在向国内、外英文期刊投稿时参考引用, 作为参考文献引用时举例如下(其中终止页码一项,请参照上面的中文目录): [1] XU Wei-li, Ai Jian, YU Ning-feng, et al., Stamping-stiffness coupling simulation techniques[J]. Forging & Stamping Technology, 2006,31(1): 6-9. ------------------------------- Forging & Stamping Technology 2008, Volume 33, No.1 REVIEW Development status and prospects of blade precision forging technology ZHONG Jie, HU Chu-jiang, GUO Cheng (1) Advances in forming simulation for fine-blanking process ZHAO Zhen, ZHUANG Xin-cun, XIANG Hua, et al (6) Meso-damage mechanics and its application in metal plastic forming LIU Xian-lan, ZHANG Wen-yu, LIU Chu-ming (9) FORGING Forging process of punching and hole-expanding for Cr12Mo1V1 tool steel LIU Geng-wu (14) Die forging technology of center wedge of railway wagon MT-2 draft gear LI Zhi-yong, WANG Yue-hui, LI Hua (16) Optimization design for warm and cold combined deformation of complex support part ZHAO Zu-de, KANG Feng, HU Chuan-kai, et al (21) Parting face crack analysis of traveling crane wheel drop forgings of Φ550mm CHENG Li, GONG Chao (24) SHEET FORMING Influence of strain strengthening on steel sheet dent resistance WU Hua, JIANG Hao-min (27) Finite element simulation of punching aluminum alloy plates used in high speed vehicles WEI Yan-gang, ZHANG Xiu-juan, HOU Ying-wei, et al (30) Study on computer simulation of spring-back in high strength sheet metal stamping forming PENG Wei, YANG Xue-chun, YANG Guo-tai (34) Numerical simulation and experiment of aluminum sheet metal springback in new quenching state CHEN Lei, QIU Xi, LI Shan-liang, et al (39) Using Taguchi method to optimize forming property of tailor welded square boxes WENG Meng-chao (42) Numerical value analysis and process optimization of auto-bumper deep drawing process WANG Xiang-zhi, SU Chao, ZHOU Rui, et al (45) Design of controlled cooling technology after rolling of ship plate steel E36 WANG Tao, YAN Hong (47) SPECIAL FORMING Finite element analysis of maximum rolling pressure of rotary roll forming for straight tooth bevel gear CHENG Pei-yuan, HU Rui, LU Zhi-guo, et al (50) Numerical simulation on cross wedge rolling of shaft parts with eccentric section HE Tao, WANG Bao-yu, HU Zheng-huan (53) Defect analysis of spinning aluminium alloy taper parts with thin wall LI Ya-fei, CHEN Hui (56) FEM numerical simulation of tube backword spinning ZHAO Teng-lun, HUANG Jian-feng, ZHANG Qing-quan, et al (60) Forming force numerical simulation of open-type cold extrusion for rectangle spline shaft FENG Wen-jie, CHEN Ying-ying, CHEN Bi-nan (66) DIE TECHNOLOGY Process design and optimization of drawbead on autobody panel die HU Jiang-bo, LIU Yu-qi, ZHANG Zhi-bing (69) Feature-based learning method of CBD design system ZHOU Chi, RUAN Feng, HUANG Zhen-yuan (73) KBE-based framework of multi-Agent cooperative design for die and mould ZHOU Sheng, LI Jian-jun (77) Forming process and dies of cold and warm extrusion for location eccentric shaft ZHANG Shui-zhong, XU Xin-cheng, ZHAO Zhong-hua (81) Technological analysis and drawing die design of complicated tube-shaped shell WANG Xu-fang (85) Shaping process and bulging die design of aluminum teapot mouth LI Xiao-qing, YANG Fang-yu (88) Optimized design of die flash groove for hot die forging YE Huan-jun (91) Structure and manufacturing process design of blanking die for car brake block steel-back TANG Jian-sheng, LU Yin (93) Design of multi-position progressive die for contact-plug parts LIU Zhan-jun (96) Simulation analysis and bending die design of supporting frame DONG Lan, ZHANG Yin-qian, LI You-yu (99) Mechanical property and microscopic structure research on die material ZGM2 alloy for isothermal forging ZHANG Hui, ZHANG Chang-ming, YAO Ze-kun, et al (103) EQUIPMENT Reconstruction of traditional forging water press CHEN Bai-jin, HUANG Shu-huai, XIONG Xiao-hong (106) Design of QA35Y-30 hydraulic combined punching and shearing machine YAN Qing-song, CHEN Hua-feng (109) Design for drive system of new servo crank presses with switched reluctance ZHAO Ting-ting, JIA Ming-quan, JIANG Ze-dong (112) Factors considered in designing rotary plate shear carrier CHEN Man-long (116) COMPUTER APPLICATION Method of codification and retrieval for products of cross wedge rolling CAO Yu-hong, WANG Bao-yu, HU Zheng-huan (119) Research on mixed representation of domain isomeric knowledge in cold extrusion process design XIU Da-peng, GAO Jun, CAO Shu-liang, et al (122) 3D thermal couple numerical simulation of blade blank making YU Jiang-shan, QI Guang-xia, LI Shu-mei (127) Finite element analysis method of forming process based on ideal forming theory WU Jian-jun, ZHANG Ping (131) FRICTION AND LUBRICATION Effect of friction on deforming condition during tube expanding process LI Ju-qun, YANG Xiao-hong, YAO Zhi-ying (133) Determination of friction coefficient based on finite element analysis HAN Zhi-ren, TAO Hua (136) MEASURING TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT Experimental research of influence factors on solid interface thermal contact conductance coefficient ZHU De-cai, ZHANG Li-wen, PEI Ji-bin, et al (139) Study on 3D optical points dense cloud measuring system based on heterodyne multiple frequency phase shift technology LIANG Jin, XIAO Zhen-zhong, ZANG Shun-lai, et al (143) THEORY RESEARCH Model of constitutive relationship for 2D70 aluminum alloy based on BP neural network LU Shi-qiang, ZHOU Xi-lin, WANG Ke-lu, et al (148) Establishment of constitutive relationship for Co40NiCrMo alloy GUO Sheng-wu, WU Hui-ping, CHENG Yu, et al (152) STANDARDIZATION General concept, testing method and technical physics description for sheet metal stamping formability—Technical illustration on revising GB/T 15825《Sheet metal formability and test methods》(Part 1) CAO Hong-shen (158) Basic stamping formation mode and simulated formability test method of sheet metal —Technical illustration on revising GB/T 15825《Sheet metal formability and test methods 》(Part 2) HUA Lin, CAO Hong-shen, JIANG Kui-hua, et al (163) Forging & Stamping Technology 2008, Volume 33, No.2 REVIEW Differential speed rolling technology and its application in magnesium alloys ZHANG Wen-yu, LIU Xian-lan(1) FORGING Effect of forging process on crack of shell flange-rear head end CHEN Sun-yi(6) Roll forging process analysis of automobile front axle LANG Rong-xing,WANG Ting,HOU De-zheng(9) Grain size and microstructure change of GH4133A during multiple heating hot-die forging YUE Tai-wen, YAO Ze-kun, WU Ze, et al(15) 3D FEM simulation of isothermal forging process for TC11 titanium alloy impeller SHI Ke, SHAN De-bin, LV Yan(19) SHEET FORMING Study on drawing fracture in round corner of side-frame auto panel and influence factors DIAO Ke-shan,CHEN Xin-ping,JIANG Hao-min, et al(23) Simulation and formability analysis of drawing process for car B-pillar XING Zhongwen, FANG Hua-song, XU Wei-li(27) Experimental research on the effect of die hardness on the galling in sheet metal forming CHEN Xin-ping, HOU ying-ke, JIANG Hao-min, et al(31) Fast prediction of weld line movement for tailor-welded blank forming TANG Bing-tao, WANG Zhao-qing,ZHANG Yu(34) Research on blank holder condition of FCF process for stepped-hole of sheet metal LI Hu-feng,LU Xian-feng,ZHANG Yue-rong(38) Study on influencing rule of critical blank holder force of rectangular box flange wrinkling ZANG Shun-lai, DONG Wei, QI Wen-yi, et al(42) Experiment validation of blank holder force model based on energy method WU Jiang-yan, WEN Tong, YANG Tao(47) Influence of plane drawing process parameters on internal wrinkle and experimental study LIU Jian-hua,WANG Zhi-heng(50) Optimization design on designing surface of drawing die for automobile hood outer panel WANG Chang,LI Lin,WANG Ping, et al(54) SPECIAL FORMING Synchronous hydro-bulging process and die design for double-layered metal vacuum containers XIA Qin-xiang, HUO Yu-lin, ZHANG Shuai-bin, et al(59) Study on high inner-pressure hydro-forming of T-branch tube WANG Zhong-tang, ZHANG Shi-hong, LIANG Hai-cheng, et al(63) Experimental research on hydroforming triangle component of H62 LV Hai-yuan,LI Hong-yang,WU Zheng, et al(66) Research on metal microstructure deformation of splines manufactured by cold rolling, milling and cutting processes CUI Feng-kui, XU Yong-fu, ZHAO Wei (70) Study on plane strain physical compression technology PAN Hong-bo, TANG Di, HU Shui-ping, et al(75) Numerical simulation analysis and research on the cold extrusion technology of the star wheel of starting gear JIANG Ding-ju,SHU Hao,LIU Xia,et al(80) DIE TECHNOLOGY Design of multi-position progressive die for double angle piece parts LUI Zhan-jun(84) Design and manufacturing of the progressive die for the stainless steel clip of adhesive tape CAO Yang-gen, WANG Wen-tao, ZHANG En-xia, et al(87) EQUIPMENT Solution of problem of scraps bounce in high speed and progressive stamping CHEN Chuan-sheng,CHEN Jie-hua(91) Optimum design of the structure of flange supported hydraulic cylinder by genetic algorithms ZHAO Sheng-dun,WANG Jun,BAI Zhen-yue,et al(95) Study on design method of section size of open-side press frame CHEN Jia-ming, WANG Wei-xin(99) THEORY RESEARCH Theoretical analyses of forming limits in tube hydroforming TENG Hong-chun(103) Mechanical properties and damping capacity of AZ61 magnesium alloy matrix composites with SiC particulates HU Qiang, JIE Xiao-ping, YAN Hong, et al(106) Establishment of TA15 titanium alloy constitutive model based on stepwise regression method SUN Zhi-chao, YANG He, SHEN Chang-wu(110) Experimental study on variation law of Youngs modulus and plastic deformation GUO Cheng, DONG Wei, ZANG Shun-lai, et al(116) COMPUTER APPLICATION Numerical simulation and analysis of effect factors on deep-drawing property for bimetal-laminated sheet ZOU Dong-ping, LIU Yong(120) Optimization and simulation on filling path in FDM rapid prototyping process ZHANG Yong,ZHOU Tian-rui,ZHONG Xue-hua,et al(124) Finite element analysis on drawing process of FVS0812 aluminum alloy semi-spheroid CHEN Shui-xian, ZHANG Hui,ZENG Xin-xiang, et al(128) Blank design of sheet metal forming based on sliding constraint surfaces methodology XIE Hui-chao, LIAO Dai-hui, GONG ying-ju(134) FEM analysis of wheel groove influence on copper bus bar continuous extrusion ZHAO Ying, YUN Xin-bing, SONG Bao-yun(138) Study of inertial effect on simulation of sheet metal bending HU Wei-cai,ZHANG Zu-jun,RUAN feng(143) FEM simulation and forming analysis of automobile front wheel panel FAN Wen-jian,ZHANG Wen-juan,LI Hui,et al(146) Research on the intelligent standard part library based on knowledge reusable scheme YE Xiao-feng, LI Jian-jun(150) Numerical simulation of thixo-extrusion for wrought magnesium alloy WANG Jian-jin, YAN Hong, ZHOU Bing-feng,et al(153) Flow stress prediction in magnesium alloy based on BP neural networks FU Ming-fu, FAN Hong-chun, ZHANG Ting-fang(157) STANDARDIZATION Formability and selection of sheet metals for press forming—Technical illustration on revising GB/T15825《Sheet metal formability and test metheds》(Part 3) CAO Hong-shen(160) Formability and process analysis of sheet metal forming—Technical illustration on revising GB/T15825《Sheet metal formability and test methods 》(Part 4) HUA Lin, CAO Hong-shen, JIANG Kui-hua, et al(165) Forging & Stamping Technology 2008, Volume 33, No.3 FORGING Increment bending of shaft-shape part based on forging system WANG Xin-yun, XIA Ju-chen, HU Guo-an, et al(1) Upsetting-extruding process of austenitic stainless steel flange with tubular billet LU Yue-yang,WANG Lei-gang,HUANG Yao(4) Effect of isothermal forging temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of TC18 alloy WANG Xiao-yan, GUO Hong-zhen, YUAN Shi-chong, et al(8) Experimental study on warm cold compound forming of steel seat HUANG Shu-hai, ZHANG Bao-hong, ZHANG Zhi-min(12) Research on extrusion forming process of irregular parts with high strength ZHOU Bo, ZHANG Bao-hong, ZHANG Zhi-min(16) SHEET FORMING Press working noise tree-blanking process noise emission model LU Xian-feng,DAI Yuan-de,JIE Xiao-ping(19) Analysis of pressing technology and design of multi\|position progressive die for the anode piece CAO Li-sheng(23) Forming simulation and optimizing process parameter of motorcycle fender CAO Jian-guo, LUO Zheng-zhi, TANG Jian-xin, et al(26) Simulation research on influence of forming pass on rebound ZHENG Jun-xing(29) Finite element simulation for the real-time measuring system of friction coefficient in the process of sheet metal forming TANG Tian-tian, LI Dong-sheng, LUO Hong-yu, et al(32) Comparative study of real drawbead and equivalent drawbead MA Rong-guo, QIU Xiao-gang, LIAO Pi-bo(36) SPECIAL FORMING Finite element analysis of 5A06 aluminum alloy cyclic pressing deformation and densification CHEN Shui-xian, ZHANG Hui, ZENG Xin-xiang, et al(39) Finite element analysis and experimental research on Mg-Li alloy treated by equal channel angular extrusion BAI Pu\|cun, WU Zao-qin, ZHANG Xiu-yun, et al(44) Hydro-formability evaluation of light-weight alloy tubes and manufacturing of tubelar components at elevated temperature LIU Gang, HE Zhu-bin, QI Jun, et al(48) Experimental study on warm shear spinning process of cone workpiece for TC4 titanium alloy CHEN Yu, XU Yong-chao, SHAN De-bin(52) Study on hot spinning technology of tubular workpieces for TA15 titanium alloy XU Wen-chen, SHAN De-bin, CHEN Yu, et al(56) Study on the stress distribution of thread shaft rolling in cross wedge rolling YAN Hua-jun,LIU Jin-ping,FAN Xu-ping (60) Technical study on numerical simulation of billet making process of forging Al-alloy wheel hub by swing-rolling technology ZHANG Qing-ling, SHI Yan-guo, SUN Hui-xue(64) Effect of forming angle on central defect of twice cross wedge rolling CAI Ya-ning,ZHANG Kang-sheng,LOU Yi-zhi,et al(68) Structural evolution of 7A04 alloy in the preparation of thixotropic billet by SIMA method YANG Hui, TIAN Wen-tong, LIU Feng(72) Numerical simulation and technology research on the cold precision forging of inner gear LI Jian-guo,TANG Wen-cheng,LIU De-fang,et al(75) Choice of technical parameters of the skin rolling process CUI Guo-ying, GAO Gai-hui, YU Hong-xing(78) Microstructure and conductance of 2A50 aluminium alloy after equal channel angular pressing LUAN Zhao-ju, LI Jian-ping, LI Chao(82) DIE TECHNOLOGY Design of isothermal sizing die for titanium alloy blade ZHANG Hui,ZHANG Chang-ming,YAO Ze-kun,et al (85) Design of compound die for blanking, drawing, and punching clamp iron WANG Xing-hui, SUN Dong-wang (87) Mold design based on PRO/E for blade with a damper in precision forging YANG Zheng-xin,QI Guang-xia,HUANG Yong,et al(89) Precise blanking die design for lateral slots of linear bearing boss frame YANG Li-jun, DANG Xin-an,LIU Jing(92) EQUIPMENT Research on electro-hydraulic proportional flow valve with flow feedback for a press FENG Tian-lin,TANG Xiao-qun,TIAN Song(94) Service life analysis of main eccentric axis bearing for SP mill FENG Xian-zhang,CHENG Jun-wei,WANG Ying-jie,et al (97) Automatic control of loading system for “short stroke” 75MN aluminum extrusion press QIN Yue-ming(100) Research on worktable stiffness of high-speed punch LU Xin-jian,ZHOU Yong-qing,SHI Xiong-bing,et al(103) Optimization design of manipulator clamp based on ADAMS LIU Hai-zhu,LEI Xiu,LI Yang,et al(106) Design research on monitoring system of 125MN extruding machine ZHU Ming, TAN Jian-ping, ZHOU Jun-feng(109) Research on PLC S7-200 control system of electrical screw press LI Jun-chao,FENG Yi,HUANG Shuhuai (112) Study on the plate thickness combination principle of the equality height spacer plate group PENG Wei-bo,HUANG Ming-hui,DUAN Zhi-yong(118) COMPUTER APPLICATION Knowledge management system for mould and die making enterprise based on ontology LI Ying-jie,CHEN Xin-du,CHEN Xin(121) Numerical simulation of rectangle box deep drawing JIE Xiao-ping, YE Jian-xiong, YUAN You-lu, et al(126) Applied research of mold design based on virtual assembling SU Jun,YANG Xue-ling(129) Assembly model for designing progressive die structure and design system development TANG Bing-tao, ZHAO Zhen, LU Xiao-yang, et al(133) Research on slicing technique and rapid curve reconstruction in reverse engineering ZHU Gen-song, ZHOU Tian-rui(137) Numerical simulation on the metal flow pattern of hot forming process for the railway wheel XU Zhang-ze,LI Xiang, ZHANG Lei, et al(141) Research on structure design standardization for precision progressive die WANG Bo, GUO Lei, HUANG Yu-ping, et al(144) Design and realization of knowledge base in intelligent deep\|drawing process design system CAO Ji-pin,TAN Jing(148) THEORY RESEARCH Mathematical mechanics analysis of stretch bending process ZHU Zheng-guang,YANG Xiao-hong(152) Study on constitutive relationship for TC11 titanium alloy with thick laths widmanstatten microstructures deformed in two phase field DING Lin-hai, LU Shi-qiang, WANG Ke-lu, et al(155) STANDARDIZATION Technical outline and revising reasons on GB/T 15825《Sheet metal formability and test methods》 —Technical illustration on revising GB/T 15825《Sheet metal formability and test methods》(Part 5) CAO Hong-shen(159) Illustration on revising GB/T 15825.1《Sheet metal formability and test methods Formability and indexes》—Technical illustration on revising GB/T 15825《Sheet metal formability and test methods》(Part 6) HUA Lin, CAO Hong-shen, JIANG Kui-hua, et al(163) Forging & Stamping Technology 2008, Volume 33, No.4 REVIEW AC servo presses and their key techniques SUN You-song, ZHOU Xian-hui, LI Mian, et al(1) FORGING Experiment of realizing uniform forging by horizontal v-shaped anvil ZHANG Yong-jun, LIU Zhu-bai, HAN Jing-tao, et al(9) Free-forging process research on five staggers crankshaft of natural gas compressor ZHANG Hua,SHI Ming(13) Research on close die forging technology for automobile transaxle driven gear ZHANG Fa-ting(16) Optimized design of forging stock for steam turbine blade ZHANG Guo-xin(19) SHEET FORMING Experimental research on critical blank holder force of rectangular box flange wrinkling WEI Gong-|ji,QI Wen-yi,ZANG Shun-lai,et al(22) Research on stamping performance of tailor welded blanks WANG Chun-yan,WANG Ting-ting,HAN Ying-chun(27) Incremental forming based on pocket NC program for vertical wall cylinder JIA Li-li,WANG Shu-peng,GAO Jin-zhang,et al(32) Study and implementation of feature recognition and blank generation for 2D sheet metal part ZHENG Zhi-zhen, LI Jian-jun(35) Experimental study of high frequency induction thermal stress forming technology of plate FAN Ping, CHEN Ming-he, HUANG Yong-cheng, et al(38) SPECIAL FORMING Study of flowing law of metal in extrusion forming process for tube GUO Cheng,QIN Ying,WANG Chang-lin,et al(43) Numerical simulation on temperature field of phosphor copper ball during cold skew rolling WANG Bao-yu, WANG Shao-chen, HU Zheng-huan, et al(47) Practical experiment research on new blanking process with dual-positive-clearance for spoke big hole LU Xian-feng, HU Zhi-peng, LI Hu-feng, et al(51) Design of combined forming process and equipment for upsetting and rotary forging LIANG Xiu-chun(54) Analysis of scale microstructure on tinplate strip with different hot rolling processes WANG Yin-jun(57) Influence of lubricating condition on tube hydro-forming results TANG Qiong,ZHENG Zai-xiang(60) Experimental study on limit-section shrinkage of one wedge in cross wedge rolling TANG Xian-gang, ZHANG Kang-sheng, JIA Zheng, et al(63) Study on influencing factors of torsional deflection in cross wedge rolling LI Jian-guo, LIU Jin-ping,HU Zheng-huan(67) Research on microforming by extrusion test PENG Hao, SHEN Yu, CUI Zhen-shan(71) Configuration and application of coil used in electromagnetic forming LV Shu-lin,HUANG Shang-yu,LIU Peng(74) DIE TECHNOLOGY Design and manufacture of side plant PCM punch die for family 2P aircondition tank CAO Yang-gen,WANG Wen-tao,ZHEN Zhen(79) Study on failure mechanism of H13 steel hot-forging dies for automobile WANG Meng, LIU Zong-de, BAO Zhi-jian(83) Forming technic of pinion parts and design of die LV Lin,DENG Ming(86) Composite die for forming electric-automobile brake shield ZHANG She-jiu, YANG Xiao-hong(89) Injection mould CAD/CAE/CAM based on Pro/E and Moldflow and MasterCAM LIU Xi-fen, HUANG Jia-guang(92) Stamping die with eccentric clamping device LIU Jun-sheng,PANG Li-|ping, HE Wei(96) Design of blanking and bending compound die NIE Fu-rong(98) EQUIPMENT Finite element analysis of 125MN high speed forging hydraulic press frame LI Zhi-bo, DONG Guo-jiang, WU Shu-liang, et al(100-104) Development of on-line monitoring instrument for forging press during production process HOU Ming-liang(105-107) THEORY RESEARCH Experimental research on laser cladding cermet on hot forging die surface WANG Hua-chang, ZHENG Chun-guang, TANG Yu-xi, et al(108) Basic study on application of constant volume flux in flow-front during thixo-forging WANG Kai-kun, LI Hong-gao, ZHANG Peng, et al(112) COMPUTER APPLICATION Experimental study and simulation of magnesium alloy tube used for motor handle CHEN Fu-xiao, LI Xue-kao, YANG Yong-shun,et al(116) Application of digitized manufacturing technology to pipe forming of aircraft ARJ21 MAO Yan, ZHAN Mei(120) Research of material model during numerically simulating the hot deep drawing of magnesium alloy sheet metal ZHANG Ting-fang, HUANG Ju-hua, YANG Guo-tai, et al(124) 3D numerical simulation of rotary forging for bevel gear blank CHENG Pei-yuan, CHEN You-hong, ZHOU Peng, et al(129) Analysis on numerical simulation and forming properties of bevel gear used in car differential gear box MA Guo-hua, GUO Xue-dong(133) Simulation and validation of axial force and internal pressure bulging process for copper tri-branch tube ZHANG Yan-min, SONG Zhi-zhen, HE Jun-guang, et al(136) Fast trimming line and flanging analysis of auto panel ZHANG Zhi-bing, WANG Tong-jun, LIU Yu-qi, et al(140) A fast analysis system based on UGS NX for sheet metal forming DU Ting, LIU Yu-qi, ZHANG Zhi-bing, et al(145) Numerical simulation of thin wall Ti-tube heating bending process with large diameter WU Jian-|jun, HE Zhao-yang, ZHANG Ping(150) Design and exploitation for matrix class procedure in element stiffness calculation WANG Ji-yong, LAN Jian, HUA Lin, et al(154) Research on formability of aluminium alloy bicycle back hubs formed by warm extrusion LIN Xin-bo, WANG Yi, ZHANG Zhi-liang, et al(157) Design based on DYNAFORM software of stamping part unfolding and layout WANG Tao,TAO Wei(162) CAD system of the extrusion dies to produce aluminum profile based on UG system LIAO Pei-gen, FANG Gang, ZENG Pan, et al(164) Forging & Stamping Technology 2008, Volume 33, No.5 REVIEW Computer aided 3 dimensional graphic approach and its application QU Chang,WANG Jun-ze(1) Primary suggestion for defining forging structure types of steering knuckle ZHANG Ru-hua,HAN Xiang-yin,ZHAO Yi-ping,et al(5) FORGING Defects analysis of aluminum alloy disk forging with complex shape in isothermal forging ZHANG Yan-qiu,XU Fu-chang,WANG Guan,et al(10) Forging process design of DJ4 locomotive gear hub billet directed by Superform ZHANG Lei,YANG Ning-guo,XU Zhang-ze(14) Finite element analysis and improvement of forging mould for crankshaft WU Yu-nong,XU Zhong-ming(17) Research on thermal simulation experiment of isothermal forming process for 2618 Al-alloy LI Bai-ru,ZHANG He,CHEN Hong-yu(20) Lab simulation research on process for large tubular forgings HE Li-dong(23) No excess metal forging of steam turbine blade ZHANG Guo-xin(28) Optimization of post-forging heat treatment process for small cold roll blanks WANG Yong-jun,DUAN Yong-en,MENG Huan-zi,et al(31) SHEET FORMING Influence of axial feed ratio on hydroforming of Y-shape tubes TENG Bu-gang,CHENG Dong-ming,GUO Bin,et al(34) Finite element dynamic explicit method in ironing process simulation XU Jiang-ping,LIU Yu-qi,ZHANG Zhi-bing,et al(38) Research on hydraulic clamping device for stamping multi-gauge laser tailor-welded blanks GUO Wei-gang,WU Yi-ming,LUO Xiao-ye,et al(44) Improving drawing part forming quality by applying orthogonal test WANG Tao,TAO Wei(48) Research on stamping process of sheet metal part with super-high solid boss PENG Qun,DU Gui-jiang,LI Rong-hong,et al(51) Springback research and control about mini-car beam based on variable blankholder force technology WANG Jian,HU Xing,LIU Li-na,et al(55) Drawing technology of heat-resistance aluminum hemisphere-shaped part TAO You-rui (59) Study on sheet rolling process of SiCp particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composite HAN Ya-li,LIU Jin-song,ZHANG Fu-quan(64) Die design and mechanics analysis for riveting product used by flanging technology ZUO Hong,LIU Geng-wu(67) Analysis and solution program of drawing quality problem for similar paraboloid reflector DENG Jin-hu,LI Hua-ji,LI Wei-bin,et al(69) SPECIAL FORMING Effect of coining roll reduction on continuous extrusion process for wide copper strip YUN Xin-bing,LIU Gui-lin,SONG Bao-yun,et al(72) Experimental study on roller feed route of double-sided roll forming of disc parts with complex profile LI Tong,JIN Quan-lin,LIU Xiao-fei(76) Study of reduction rate for cross-roll seamless steel tube straightener LI Lian-jin(82) Microstructure evolution of 7A04 alloy in semi-solid state thixoforging TIAN Wen-tong,YANG Hui(85) Study of deformation mechanism of backward ball spinning of thin-walled tube with longitudinal inner ribs JIANG Shu-yong,GU Wei-dong,LI Chun-feng,et al(88) Thermo-mechanical coupled simulation during rolling on aluminum alloys KANG Yu-hua,LIU Yi-lun,HE Yu-hui(92) Research on new load path of tube hydroforming YUAN An-ying,ZHANG Shi-hong,WANG Zhong-tang,et al(95) Research on key parameters of die rolling thread shaft in cross wedge rolling YAN Hua-jun,LIU Jin-ping,HU Zheng-huan,et al(98) Three dimensional finite element analysis of Ti-6Al-4V alloy during equal channel angular pressing ZHANG Chen,LI Miao-quan,LUO Jiao,et al(102) Study on bulging and trust bending process with small radius of thin-wall tubes XU Wei-ping,WU Quan,BAI Wen-bin,et al(106) DIE TECHNOLOGY Analysis of dimension selection for discharge mechanism stripper gate of cylinder shape ZHOU You-yuan(110) Improved design of front cover injection gate WANG Qiang,MIN Xu-guang,WANG Zhi-wei(113) Research on mechanical property and microscopic structure of GH4169 alloy for isothermal forging ZHANG Hui,ZHANG Chang-ming,YAO Ze-kun,et al(116) EQUIPMENT Development of multi-procedure automatic spinning roller-depot used for horizontal CNC spinning machine XIA Qin-xiang,CHEN Jian-an,CHENG Xiu-quan,et al(120) Finite element model analysis of giant hydraulic die-forging press frame HUANG Ming-hui,DUAN Zhi-yong,ZHAN Li-hua,et al(126) New type of hydraulic press based on parallel structure PENG Bin-bin,ZENG Liang-bin,SUN Yu(129) Design of on-line monitoring system for 125 MN extruders extrusion center TAN Jian-ping,YANG Xu-shuai(133) Research of control system for CNC electric upsetting machine FENG Yi,HUANG Shu-huai(138) Principle and method in reinforcing dynamic stiffness of high-speed precision press ZHEN Zhi-qiang(144) Camera control unit design of extruder extrusion centre monitoring system WU Shi-xu,TAN Jian-ping,XIAO Yan-jun(147) THEORY RESEARCH Study on TA1/Q235 clad plate by cyclic accumulated deformation process LI Hong,HUANG Zhong-guo,HOU Hong-liang,et al(151) Volume effect analysis of metal deformation with low-frequency pulse vibration CAI Gai-pin,LIU Zheng,ZHANG Hui(155) COMPUTER APPLICATION FEM simulation technology on stretch bending of long profile with complex section WAN Min,HONG Zhen-jun,LI Wei-dong,et al(160) Programming system of numerical control knuckle press HUANG Peng,RUAN Feng(164) FEM analysis of large elasto-plastic deformation for fine-blanking with negative clearance LI Jian-hua,ZHANG Zhong-mei(167) Method of billet shape definition for precision coining cube part ZHANG Jue-liang,ZHAO Zhen,YIN Guan-ren,et al(171) Forging & Stamping Technology 2008, Volume 33, No.6 REVIEW Resent status and development of high-speed forging hydraulic press in our country GAO Jun-feng (1) Spinning technology of magnesium alloy in Japan WANG Peng-cheng, KAWAI Kenichi, YUE Zhi-yong (6) Investigation of micro parts bending DONG Pei-long, WANG Yun, XU Zhen-ying, et al (13) FORGING Experimental research of forming process for axle shaft sleeve with flange far from big end ZHANG Ru-hua, WANG Qin-jun, WANG Hai-hua, et al (18) Numerical simulation and analysis of automobile clutch damping spindle sleeve precision forging process LI Jian-guo, TANG Wen-cheng (22) Technology study on forging of high purity aluminum alloy of Al-2.18Cu-1.53Mg-0.97Fe-0.96Ni WANG Guo-jun, XIONG Bai-qing, LV Xin-yu2, et al (26) Research on new technology of segmented forming for oil pipe with thickened end XU Kai-dong, HUANG Zao-wen, ZHANG Ju-guo, et al (30) New process of isothermal precision forging of magnesium alloy engine case HUANG Yan-ping (33) SHEET FORMING Experimental study on AZ31B deformation magnesium alloy by horizontal twin-roller continue casting ZHANG Jian, ZHAO Bao-quan, TAN Jin-feng (36) Stamping process design of oil filler WANG Yue-zhen, ZHAO Zhen-duo, LIU Jian-xin2, et al (41) Numerical simulation of magnesium alloy tailor-welded blank drawing WANG Zhong-tang, QIAN Fang (44) Research on anti-cracking based on fuel tank bracket forming XU Jin-li, LI Shao-fu, TAN Rui-ming, et al (48) Study of material and process parameter effect on stamping formability of body side outer panel YANG Bing, CHEN Xin-ping, WEI Xiao-ping, et al (51) Die design and forming analysis on side-member of light truck ZHU Xing-hua, CAI Bing-fang ( 54) SPECIAL FORMING Experimental research and numerical simulation on cup-shaped thin-walled trapezoidal inner gear formed by spinning XIA Qin-xiang, LI Xiao-man, LI Xiao-long, et al (57) Study of 2A50 aluminum alloys in single-path equal channel angular extrusion process TAN Xian-feng, CHEN Wei, XIONG Hong-miao, et al (63) Study on semi-solid billet prepared by SIMA method HAN Fei, YU Xiao, WANG Wei-wei (66) Optimized selection of rough temperature for vehicle hub axles XIONG Yun-chang, REN Li-min, WEN Zhi-gao (69) Numerical simulation of electromagnetic ring expansion LI Feng, HUANG Shang-yu, LIU Peng (74) Influence of internal pressure loading path on quality of automobile front transom in hydroforming process DU Hua, XUE Ke-min, ZHOU Lin, et al (78) DIE TECHNOLOGY Study of drawing key techniques and design of transfer die for shell of wet all-tantalum capacitor KE Xu-gui, ZHANG Rong-qing (82) Research on die face design based on springback compensation CHEN Wei, CHEN Hong-hui, XIE Jun, et al (86) Composite die design for clip blanking,punching and bending XIAO Ya-hui, LI Chang-jun (91) Process prevention technology for slender arm distortion of connector terminal HUANG Zhen-yuan, GUO Lei, ZHOU Chi, et al (93) Design of expanding die for sinuate protuberant tube-shoulder YANG Hai-rong (97) Cold extrusion process and die design of automotive wheel hub bearing rings MENG Bin, LI Hui, LAI Hai-zhong, et al (100) EQUIPMENT Realization of network control on 125 MN extruder control system TAN Jian-ping, WANG Shun-min, ZHOU Jun-feng (103) Application of PLC in transformation of control system of hydraulic machine and control of analog variable CAO Hong-qiang, MA Li-xia, LIU Wei-hua, et al (107) Modular analysis of kinematics performances for multi-link mechanical presses YAO Jian, ZHOU Wei, GUO Wei-zhong (111) Synchronized unloading control strategy of 300 MN large scale water press ZHOU Yu-cai, LIU Shao-jun, ZHAO Hui-min, et al (116) THEORY RESEARCH Study of TC4 sheet elevated temperature deformation behavior and its microstructure evolution YUAN Qing-hua, ZHANG Wen-ming, HUANG Zhong-guo, et al (120) Superplastic drawing of wide strip through tapered die using nonlocal friction law LI Mao-lin, FU Ming-fu, YAN Xiao-qing, et al (125) Influence of homogenizing annealing on anisotropy of aluminum sheet with roll-casting and cold rolling PAN Qiu-hong, DONG Ze-fang, HUANG Yao, et al (128) Study on high temperature constitutive relationship of TA15 alloy with rough lamellar structure FANG Jun, WANG Ke-lu, LU Shi-qiang, et al (132) COMPUTER APPLICATION Process optimization of Cu-Al contact wire based on numerical simulation SHEN Xiao-xiao, LI Jing-yuan, YANG Bin, et al (136) Design and optimization of drawbead of automotive panels by FE simulation ZHANG Shi-hong, CHENG Xing-ye, TANG Jie (140) Numerical simulation of extrusion forming of self-piercing semi-tubular rivet HUANG Zhi-chao, WANG Jian-zhong, JIANG Ning (144) Stamping forming simulation of sliding bearing ZHU Jun-hua, ZHOU Jian-zhong, XIAO Li, et al (148) Optimization of die parameters for involute spline part based on numerical simulation ZHOU Hong-wei, BAI Feng-mei, ZHENG Guang-wen, et al (153) FEA and experimental research of auto-floor SU Hai-bo, CHEN Qing-xin, JIANG Hao-min, et al (157) Numerical simulations of GIS shell tee joint forming and its parameter optimization MA Yong-jie, WANG Hong-wei, HOU Yue-ling (159)
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