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好记星英语口语高手900句.doc好记星英语口语高手900句.doc 1. Greetings问候 【Byron’sWords:】 It is very important to greet people. Nice greetings will make us feel warm and friendly. We like to be greeted by people nicely. So we should learn to greet people nicely in English. In any countries, prop...

好记星英语口语高手900句.doc 1. Greetings问候 【Byron’sWords:】 It is very important to greet people. Nice greetings will make us feel warm and friendly. We like to be greeted by people nicely. So we should learn to greet people nicely in English. In any countries, proper greetings are good manners. It’s always good to greet people, greetings bring people close, and greetings make people happy. Long time, no see. 好久没见了。 Come on, we were here only yesterday morning! 得了吧,我们昨天早上才来过这里的。 【问候十大经典句型】 1. Good morning. 您早~ 2. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. 女士们,先生们,晚上好。 3. How are you doing? 你过得好吗, 4. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 5. Long time no see. How have you been? 好久不见了。你过得好吗, 6. How are you, Mr. Du? 杜先生,你好吗, 7. How is Betty? 贝迪好吗, 8. How are you today? 你今天好吗, 9. How’s everything? 一切都好吗? 10. Hi, it’s a surprise to see you here! 嗨,在这儿见到你真是没有想到啊~ 【Situational Dialogue 情景对话】 1. ---Good morning. ---您早~ ---Morning. ---早~ 2. ---Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. ---女士们,先生们,晚上好。 ---Good evening. ---晚上好。 3. ---How are you doing? ---你过得好吗, ---Pretty good. Thank you. How are you? ---很好。谢谢。你呢, ---I’m doing well, too. ---我也不错。 4. ---Nice to meet you. ---很高兴认识你。 ---Nice to meet you too. ---我也很高兴认识你。 5. ---Long time no see. How have you been? ---好久不见了。你过得好吗, ---Not bad. Thank you. How have you been? ---不错。谢谢。你好吗, ---Just so so. ---马马虎虎。 6. ---How are you, Mr. Du? ---杜先生,你好吗, ---Fine, thanks. And you? ---很好,谢谢。你呢, ---I’m fine, too. Thank you. ---我也很好。谢谢。 7. ---How is Betty? ---贝迪好吗, ---She’s very well, thank you. ---她很好,谢谢你。 8. ---How are you today? ---你今天好吗, ---Pretty good. Thank you. How about you? ---很好。谢谢。你呢, 9. ---How’s everything? ---一切都好吗? ---Everything is OK. Thank you. ---一切都很好。谢谢。 10. ---Hi, it’s a surprise to see you here! ---嗨,在这儿见到你真是没有想到啊~ ---Hey, yeah. It’s a small world! ---嗨,是啊。世界真小啊~ 2. Self-introduction 自我介绍 【Byron’s Words:】 Self-introduction is the most direct way to let people know about you. A good self-introduction can leave a good impression on people. It is especially very important in job interviews. A fluent self-introduction can be the first good impression. 【自我介绍十大经典句型】 1. My name is Mike. 我的名字叫麦克。 2. My Chinese name is Ma Kun. 我的中文名字叫马昆。 3. What’s her name? 她叫什么名字, I don’t know. But she looks pretty! 我不知道。她看上去很漂亮啊~ Just call me Mike. 就叫我麦克吧。 4. I come from Kunming. Kunming is a beautiful place. 我来自昆明。昆明是个美丽的地方。 5. I am a middle school teacher. 我是一名中学老师。 6. I teach Chinese. 我教中文。 7. I like sports and singing. 我喜欢运动和唱歌。 8. My favorite food is Sichuan food. 我最喜欢的的食物是四川菜。 9. I like communicating with people. 我喜欢与人交流。 10. What I should do at present is learn English well. 我目前应该做的事情是学好英语。 【Situational Dialogue 情景对话】 1. ---My name is Mike. What is your name? ---我的名字叫麦克。您叫什么名字, ---My name is Byron. ---我叫拜伦。 2. ---My Chinese name is Wu Jun. What is your Chinese name? ---我的中文名字叫吴俊。你的中文名字叫什么, ---My Chinese name is Ma Kun. Just call me Mike. ---我的中文名字叫马昆。就叫我麦克吧。 3. ---Where do you come from? ---你来自什么地方, ---I come from Kunming. Kunming is a beautiful place. ---我来自昆明。昆明是个美丽的地方。 4. ---I’m an editor. What do you do for a living? ---我是一名编辑。你是干哪一行的, ---I am a middle school teacher. I teach Chinese. ---我是一名中学老师。我教中文。 5. ---I like sports and singing. Do you like sports? ---我喜欢运动和唱歌。你喜欢运动吗, ---No, I don’t. I like reading and writing. ---不,我喜欢阅读和写作。 6. ---My favorite food is Western food. What is your favorite food? ---我最喜欢吃西餐。你最喜欢吃什么, ---My favorite food is Sichuan food. ---我最喜欢的的食物是四川菜。 7. ---Why do you like learning English? ---你为什么喜欢学英语呢, ---I like communicating with people. ---我喜欢与人交流。 8. ---Do you know what you should do at present? ---你知道你目前应该干什么吗, ---What I should do at present is learn English well. ---我目前应该做的事情是学好英语。 3. Name名字 【Byron’s Words:】 Everyone has his or her own beautiful name. Every name represents a person. Hearing a name is like seeing a person. We should all be proud of our names and speak up our names. When you ask a person for his name, you should remember it. Otherwise, it could be a losing of face for the other person. Since everyone wants his or her name to be remembered by other people and he/she wants his or her name to be well-known. So don’t let other people lose their faces, just like you care about your face. Hi, what’s your name? 嗨~你叫什么名字~ Whatever~ 随便~ 人人都有自己的名字,每一个名字代表着一个人,闻名如见其人。我们都应该为自己的名字感到骄 傲,大声地说出自己的名字。问别人名字就要牢牢记住,否则老问别人,会弄得人家很没面子的,因为谁 都愿意别人记住自己的名字,也希望自己的名字在哪儿都是响当当的,所以给别人一个面子就是给自己一 个面子。 【问名字十大经典句型】 1. Hi. What's your name? 你好。你叫什么名字, 2. Excuse me, are you Mr. Bao? 请问,你是保老师吗, 3. Hi, may I have your name? 你好,你能告诉我你的名字吗, 4. What's your father's name? 你爸爸叫什么名字, 5. What's your mother's name? 你妈妈叫什么名字, 6. Sorry, what was your name again? 不好意思,请再说一遍你的名字好吗, 7. What’s the name of this place? 这个地方叫什么名字? 8. Can you tell me the name of the girl who was here yesterday? 请告诉我昨天来这里的那个女孩的名字好吗, 9. This toy should have a name. How about Nancy? 这个玩具应该有个名字。叫南西怎么样, 10. You have a nice name! I like your name! 你的名字真好听~我喜欢你的名字~ 【Situational Dialogue 情景对话】 1. ---Hi. What's your name? ---你好。你叫什么名字, ---My name is Cherry. ---我的名字叫琦瑞。 2. ---Excuse me, are you Mr. Bao? ---请问,你是保老师吗, ---Yes, I am. Can I help you? ---是的,我是。 有事吗, 3. ---Hi, may I have your name? ---你好,你能告诉我你的名字吗, ---Sure. My name is Byron. ---当然可以。我的名字叫拜伦。 4. ---What's your father's name? ---你爸爸叫什么名字, ---His name is Wu Dong. ---他的名字叫吴东。 5. ---What's your mother's name? ---你妈妈叫什么名字, ---Her name is Cathy. ---她的名字叫凯茜。 6. ---Sorry, what was your name again? ---不好意思,请再说一遍你的名字好吗, ---My name is Tiger. I’ve told you three times already. ---我的名字叫老虎。我已经跟你说过三次了。 7. ---What’s the name of this place? ---这个地方叫什么名字? ---It’s called Luliang. It’s Mr. Bao’s hometown. ---叫陆良。是保先生的家乡。 8. ---Can you tell me the name of the girl who was here yesterday? ---请告诉我昨天来这里的那个女孩的名字好吗, ---It’s Mary. She’s my girl friend. ---叫玛丽。她是我的女朋友。 9. ---This toy should have a name. How about Nancy? ---这个玩具应该有个名字。叫南西怎么样, ---Oh, you’re so mean! That’s my name! I don’t want to be your toy! ---哦,你真坏~那是我的名字~我才不想当你的玩具呢~ 10. ---You have a nice name! I like your name! ---你的名字真好听~我喜欢你的名字~ ---Thank you. It was given by my mother. Everybody likes it. ---谢谢。是我妈妈取的。人人都喜欢。 4. Asking About Age问年龄 【Byron’sWords:】 In western countries, it is not polite to ask a lady her age and they don’t have this habit. When you guess the age of an older lady, try to guess it younger, she will surely be very happy. If you feel inconvenient to ask the age, here is the trick: why not ask the third person about it? So learn the questions for asking the third person. Come on, whether you like it or not, you gotta learn it anyway. You’ll have a chance to use it sooner or later. Or just ask it for practice. Don’t forget. You’re learning English! 在西方国家,问女孩子年龄一般是不礼貌的,再说人家根本也就没有这个习惯。见到年龄大的,你 就往年轻里说,她一定会开 心得 信息技术培训心得 下载关于七一讲话心得体会关于国企改革心得体会关于使用希沃白板的心得体会国培计划培训心得体会 要死。不好直接问别人年龄,还有一个妙招:问第三人啊,所以要学好问 第三人称的问句。Come on, 管你喜欢不喜欢的,反正这句话都还是要学的,反正总有地方要用问年龄的 句子,没事儿就问着玩儿,练英语嘛~ 【谈论年龄十大经典句型】 1. How old are you, Zhang Ping? 张平,你几岁了, 2. How old is your father, 你的爸爸多大岁数了, 3. How old is your mother? 你的妈妈多大岁数了, 4. How old is your teacher? 你们的老师多大岁数了, 5. Do you know how old she is? 你知道她多大了吗, 6. Can you guess how old I am? 你能猜到我有多大吗, 7. Can you tell me your age? 请告诉我你的年龄好吗, 8. She’s older than you, isn’t she? 她比你大,是不是, 9. Can you guess how old she is? 你能猜到她有多大岁数吗, 10. She isn’t as old as I am. Is she? 她没有我大,是吗, 【Situational Dialogue 情景对话】 1. ---How old are you, Zhang Ping? ---张平,你几岁了, ---I am ten years old. ---我十岁了。 2. ---How old is your father, ---你的爸爸多大岁数了, ---He is thirty. ---他三十岁了。 3. ---How old is your mother? ---你的妈妈多大岁数了, ---She is twenty-nine. ---她二十九岁。 4. ---How old is your teacher? ---你们的老师多大岁数了, ---She is twenty-five years old. ---她二十五岁了。 5. ---Do you know how old she is? 你知道她多大了吗, ---I guess she’s about thirty. ---我想她大概有三十岁了吧。 6. ---Can you guess how old I am? ---你能猜到我有多大吗, ---You’re about forty. ---你大概有四十了吧。 7. ---Can you tell me your age? ---请告诉我你的年龄好吗, ---Sure. I’m a man. I don’t care about age. I’m fifty-five. ---当然。我是大男人。我才不在乎年龄呢。我五十五岁了。 8. ---She’s older than you, isn’t she? ---她比你大,是不是, ---I guess so. But she feels younger than me. ---我想是吧。但是她感觉比我年轻。 9. ---Can you guess how old she is? ---你能猜到她有多大岁数吗, ---I think she’s about forty. But she looks really young. ---我想她大概有四十岁了吧。可是她真的看上去真的很年轻啊。 10. ---She isn’t as old as I am. Is she? ---她没有我大,是吗, ---I don’t know how old you are. I only know her granddaughter is gonna marry next week. ---我不知道你有多大。我只知道她的孙女下星期要结婚了。 5. Family members 家庭成员 【Byron’s Words:】 Love me, love my dog. When we communicate with people, we tend to tell people a lot about our families and family members. We like to share with people the happiness and joys. So it is very important to be a good listener when other people are talking about their families and family members. It is always OK to ask questions about each other’s family. It is a good way to get to know each other better. 【谈论家庭成员十大经典句型】 1. Do you live with your family? 你跟你的家人住在一起吗, 2. How many people are there in your family? Who are they? 你们家有几口人,他们是谁, 3. Does your brother live with you? 你的哥哥和你们住在一起吗, 4. Where does your mother work? 你的妈妈在哪里工作, 5. Is your daughter a middle school student? 你的女儿是中学生吗, 6. I hear that your son is a straight A student. 我听说你的儿子是优等生。 7. Is your mother happy about her work? 你妈妈喜欢她的工作吗, 8. How’s your father doing? 你父亲好吗, 9. Do you often get together at weekends? 你们周末经常聚在一起吗, 10. Do you often have a good time together? 你们经常在一起玩得开心吗, 【Situational Dialogue 情景对话】 1. ---Do you live with your family? ---你跟你的家人住在一起吗, ---Yes, I do. I live with my family. ---是的。我跟家人住在一起。 2. ---How many people are there in your family? Who are they? ---你们家有几口人,他们是谁, ---There are four people in my family. They are my father, mother, my brother and me. ---我们家有四口人。我爸爸,我妈妈,我哥哥和我。 3. ---Does your brother live with you? ---你的哥哥和你们住在一起吗, ---No, he doesn’t. He lives in the school dorm. ---没有。他住在学校宿舍里。 4. ---Where does your mother work? ---你的妈妈在哪儿工作, ---She’s a sales assistant in a store. ---她是一家商店的售货员。 5. ---Is your daughter a middle school student? ---你的女儿是中学生吗, ---Yes, she is. She’s a straight A student. ---是的。她是一名成绩优秀的学生。 6. ---I hear that your son is a straight A student. ---我听说你的儿子是一个优等生。 ---Yes, he is. My son is a straight A student. We’re all proud of him. ---是的。我儿子是一名优等生。我们都为他感到自豪。 7. ---Is your mother happy about her work? ---你妈妈喜欢她的工作吗, ---Yes, she is. My mother is very happy about her work. ---是的。我妈妈对她的工作很满意。 8. ---How’s your father doing? ---你父亲好吗, ---He’s doing well. But he is very busy. ---他很好。可他就是太忙了。 9. ---Do you often get together at weekends? ---你们周末经常聚在一起吗, ---Sure. We often have dinner together at weekends. ---当然了。我们经常在周末共进晚餐。 10. ---Do you often have a good time together? ---你们经常在一起玩得开心吗, ---Absolutely. We usually have a good time together. ---当然了。我们通常在一起玩得很开心的。 6. Family Life 家庭生活 【Byron’s Words:】 East or west, home is the best. Home is always the warmest place in the world. Wherever I go, I think about my home. I call my parents from time to time to ask about their health and know about their needs. Whatever they need, I’ll try my best to satisfy them. I was born in a happy family; my parents gave me the best care when I was growing up. I don’t know what to do to return the love my parents gave me. May all the parents in the world happy, healthy and lucky. 【谈论家庭生活十大经典句型】 1. Are you married? 你结婚了吗, 2. You have a younger brother, don't you? 你有个弟弟,是吗, 3. How is your family? 你的家人怎么样, 4. How’s your sister? 你妹妹好吗, 5. How long have they been married? 他们结婚多久了, 6. How long have you been married? 你结婚多久了, 7. My sister gave birth to a baby last week. 我妹妹上星期生了个小宝宝。 8. How are Jenny and Jack? 杰妮和杰克过得怎么样了, 9. Are you gonna live here alone? 你准备一个人住在这里吗, 10. Do you live with your parents? 你和你父母住在一起吗, 【Situational Dialogue 情景对话】 1. ---Are you married? ---你结婚了吗, ---I'm still single. ---我还是单身呢。 2. ---You have a younger brother, don't you? ---你有个弟弟,是吗, ---Yes, he works in Guangzhou. ---是的,他在广州工作。 3. ---How is your family? ---你的家人怎么样, ---They’re OK. They’re always happy. ---他们还好。他们总是快快乐乐的。 4. ---How’s your sister? ---你妹妹好吗, ---She's married to Alex. ---她和爱立克斯结婚了。 5. ---How long have they been married? ---他们结婚多久了, ---About a year. They’re very happy. ---大约一年了。他们很幸福。 6. ---How long have you been married? ---你结婚多久了, ---I've been married for 2 years. ---我结婚两年了。 7. ---My sister gave birth to a baby last week. ---我妹妹上星期生了个小宝宝。 ---Really? That’s huge! ---真的,太棒了~ 8. ---How are Jenny and Jack? ---杰妮和杰克过的得怎么样了, ---They're divorced. ---他们已经离婚了。 9. ---Are you gonna live here alone? ---你准备一个人住在这里吗, ---My aunt will come to live with me for some days. ---我阿姨会来和我住一些日子。 10. ---Do you live with your parents? ---你和你父母住在一起吗, ---No. I live in my own house. ---不,我住在自己的房子里。 7. Basic Information基本情况 【Byron’sWords:】 Sentences about one’s basic information should be spoken stardardly, beautifully and fluently, for they’re like your face which should be cleaned every day to show people your best self. They can be asked anytime, so try to speak them as perfectly as possible so that you can always leave a good impression on people. 【谈论基本情况十大经典句型】 1. What's your name, please? 请问,你叫什么名字, 2. Which university did you graduate from? 你毕业于哪所大学, 3. How old are you? 你几岁了, 4. Where do you work? 你在哪里上班,&61472; 5. What do you do for a living? 你是做什么的, 6. Where do you live?&61472; 你住在哪里, 7. What’s your telephone number?&61472; 你的电话号码是多少, 8. Are you married? 你结婚了吗, 9. How many languages do you speak? 你会说几种语言, 10. What’s your major? 你的专业是什么, 【Situational Dialogue 情景对话】 1. ---What's your name, please? ---请问,你叫什么名字, ---My name is Zhang Ping. ---我的名字叫张平。 2. ---Which university did you graduate from? ---你毕业于哪所大学, ---I graduated from Beijing University.&61472; ---我毕业于北京大学。 3. ---How old are you? ---你几岁了, ---I am twenty-eight years old.&61472; ---我二十八岁了。 4. ---Where do you work? ---你在哪里上班, ---I work in Beijing.&61472; ---我在北京上班。 5. ---What do you do for a living? ---你是做什么的, ---I'm a teacher. I teach English.&61472; ---我是一个教师。我教英语。 6. ---Where do you live? ---你住在哪里, ---I live on Chang’an Street.&61472; ---我住在长安街。 7. ---What’s your telephone number? ---你的电话号码是多少, ---My telephone number is 88877722.&61472; ---我的电话号码是88877722。 8. ---Are you married? ---你结婚了吗, ---Yes, I have been married for two years. ---是的,我结婚已经两年了。 9. ---How many languages do you speak? ---你会说几种语言, ---I can speak three languages. ---我会说三种语言。 10. ---What’s your major? ---你的专业是什么, ---My major is business management.&61472; ---我的专业是商业管理。 8. Asking About Birthplace问籍贯 【Byron’s Words:】 China is now developing rapidly. Each year it receives visitors from all over the world. Everywhere in China you can see a lot of foreigners. It’s really a small world. What a change! So try to seize every chance to practice your English. Ask people these questions to know about their birthplace. You’ll soon learn the names of different countries. 【问籍贯十大经典句型】 1. --Hi, babe! Where are you from? (宝贝,你是哪里人啊,) --Guess? (你猜呢,) Where are you from? 你是什么地方的人, 2. Where is your headmaster from? 你们的校长是什么地方的人, 3. Where’s your nanny from? 你家的保姆是什么地方的人, 4. Where are your neighbors from? 你的邻居是什么地方的人, 5. Are you from America? 你是美国人吗, 6. Do you know where John is from? 你知道约翰是什么地方的人吗, 7. How many of you are from Beijing? 你们中有多少人是北京人, 8. Is Ken from Japan? 健是日本人吗, 9. Are they from Australia? 他们是澳大利亚人吗, 10. Is your girlfriend from England? 你女朋友是英国人吗, 【Situational Dialogue 情景对话】 1. ---Where are you from? ---你是什么地方的人, ---I'm from Guangzhou. ---我是广州人。 2. ---Where is your headmaster from? ---你们的校长是什么地方的人, ---He’s from Yunnan. ---他是云南的。 3. ---Where’s your nanny from? ---你家的保姆是什么地方的人, ---She’s from Yan Bian. ---她是延边的。 4. ---Where are your neighbors from? ---你的邻居是什么地方的人, ---They are from Canada. ---他们是加拿大的。 5. ---Are you from America? ---你是美国人吗, ---Yes, I am. I’m from New York. ---是的。我来自纽约。 6. ---Do you know where John is from? ---你知道约翰是什么地方的人吗, ---He’s from Germany, I guess. ---他是德国人,我想。 7. ---How many of you are from Beijing? ---你们中有多少人是北京人, ---Three of us come from Beijing. ---我们中有三个人来自北京。 8. ---Is Ken from Japan? ---健是日本人吗, ---I’m not sure. He looks like Chinese. ---我不知道。他看上去就像中国人一样。 9. ---Are they from Australia? ---他们是澳大利亚人吗, ---No, they are from Austria, not Australia. ---不是,他们是奥地利人,不是澳大利亚人。 10. ---Is your girlfriend from England? ---你女朋友是英国人吗, ---No, she is from the States. She’s very pretty. ---不是,她是美国人。她很漂亮。 9. Identifying Objects辨别物品 【Background Knowledge背景知识】 The world is full of wonderful things and every one of us is full of curiosity about them. We need to learn enough practical sentences to ask people what something is and stuff. So the following sentences will enable you to ask different questions to know about something. These sentences will surely be a great help for you to know about the world in English. I am ugly but I don’t bite.我很丑,可是我不咬人。 【辨别物品十大经典句型】 1. What’s this? 这是什么, 2. Is it your mobile phone? 是你的手机吗, 3. What’s that? 那是什么, 4. What a lovely puppy! Is it yours? 多可爱的小狗狗啊~是你的吗, 5. Is this your dog? 这是你的狗吗, 6. Is that your cat? 那是你的猫吗, 7. What are these? 这些是什么, 8. What are those? 那些是什么? 9. Are these your socks? 这些是你的袜子吗, 10. Those are your books,aren’t they, 这些是你的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,不是吗, 【Situational Dialogue 情景对话】 1. ---What’s this? ---这是什么, ---It’s a mobile phone. ---它是一部手机。 2. ---Is it your mobile phone? ---是你的手机吗, ---Yes, it is my mobile phone. It’s nice, isn’t it? ---是的,它是我的手机。很漂亮,是不是, 3. ---What’s that? ---那是什么, ---It’s a puppy. ---它是一条小狗。 4. ---What a lovely puppy! Is it yours? ---多可爱的小狗狗啊~是你的吗, ---No, it isn’t. It’s my neighbor’s. ---不是,是我邻居的。 5. ---Is this your dog? ---这是你的狗吗, ---Yes, it is. It’s lovely, isn’t it? ---是的。很可爱吧, 6. ---Is that your cat? ---那是你的猫吗, ---No, it isn’t. That’s my neighbor’s cat. ---不是。那是我邻居的猫。 7. ---What are these? ---这些是什么, ---They are snacks. They are all my favorite food. ---是零食。都是我最喜欢吃的东西。 8. ---What are those? ---那些是什么? ---They’re my brother’s stuff. ---是我弟弟的东西。 9. ---Are these your socks? ---这些是你的袜子吗, ---No, mine are clean. ---不是,我的是干净的。 10. ---Those aren’t your books, are they, ---那些不是你的书,对吗, ---Yes, they are mine. Where did you find them? ---是我的啊。你在哪里找到的, 10. Identifying People 辨别身份 【Background Knowledge背景知识】 Never judge by appearance. A great man may behave or live quite normal. Only those who are interested in making themselves beautiful by putting on makeups or wearing beautiful clothes are attractive. Great people attract people with their minds and their wealth. They don’t need to dress so beautifully and attractively. People remember their names instead of their dressing. I don’t know. She is pretty ugly,isn’t she? 我不知道。她长得很丑耶~ Who’s that lady over there? 那边那位女士是谁, 【辨别身份十大经典句型】 1. Who are you? 你是谁, 2. Who is the guy over there? 那边那个人是谁, 3. Is that boy a student? 那个男孩是学生吗, 4. Who are those people over there? 那边那些人是谁, 5. What do you do? 你是做什么的, 6. Do you know these ladies? 你认识这些女孩子吗, 7. Is he a manager? 他是经理吗, 8. She must be a teacher, isn't she? 她一定是个老师,对不对, 9. Does she speak English? 她会说英语吗, 10. Can she be a manager? 她会不会是经理呢, 【Situational Dialogue 情景对话】 1. ---Who are you? ---你是谁, ---Me? I'm Ross. I’m your new tutor. ---我,我叫罗斯。我是你新来的家教。 2. ---Who is the guy over there? ---那边那个人是谁, ---He's George. He’s my assistant. ---他是乔治。他是我的助手。 3. ---Is that boy a student? ---那个男孩是学生吗, ---No, he isn’t. He’s your new gardener. ---不是。他是你新来的花工。 4. ---Who are those people over there? ---那边那些人是谁, ---They’re experts from America. ---他们是美国来的专家。 5. ---What do you do? ---你是做什么的, ---I’m a technician. I repair cars. ---我是技工。我是修汽车的。 6. ---Do you know these ladies? ---你认识这些女孩子吗, ---They are waitresses from a nearby restaurant. ---他们是附近一家饭店的女招待。 7. ---Is he a manager? ---他是经理吗, ---No, he isn’t. He looks like a manager. Look at his belly. ---不是。他看上去倒是很像个经理。看他那个肚子。 8. ---She must be a teacher, isn't she? ---她一定是个老师,对不对, ---I really don't know. I have never talked to her. ---我真不知道。我从未跟她说过话。 9. ---Does she speak English? ---她会说英语吗, ---I have no idea about it. Go ask her yourself. ---我一点都不知道。你自己去问问她嘛~ 10. ---Can she be a manager? ---她会可能是个经理吗, ---Yes, I think so. Look at the way she speaks! ---是的,我认为是。瞧她说话的神态
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