首页 酶标仪工作原理及使用方法



酶标仪工作原理及使用方法酶标仪工作原理及使用方法 酶标仪简介: 酶标仪即酶联免疫检测仪是酶联免疫吸附试验的专用仪器又称微孔板检测器。可简单地分为半自动和全自动2大类,但其工作原理基本上都是一致的,其核心都是一个比色计,即用比色法来进行分析。 测定一般要求测试液的最终体积在250μL以下,用一般光电比色计无法完成测试,因此对酶标仪中的光电比色计有特殊要求。 酶标仪原理: 酶标仪实际上就是一台变相光电比色计或分光光度计,其基本工作原理与主要结构和光电比色计基本相同. 图示是一种单通道自动进样的酶标仪工作原理图.光源灯发出的光波经过滤光...

酶标仪工作原理及使用方法 酶标仪简介: 酶标仪即酶联免疫检测仪是酶联免疫吸附试验的专用仪器又称微孔板检测器。可简单地分为半自动和全自动2大类,但其工作原理基本上都是一致的,其核心都是一个比色计,即用比色法来进行分析。 测定一般要求测试液的最终体积在250μL以下,用一般光电比色计无法完成测试,因此对酶标仪中的光电比色计有特殊要求。 酶标仪原理: 酶标仪实际上就是一台变相光电比色计或分光光度计,其基本工作原理与主要结构和光电比色计基本相同. 图示是一种单通道自动进样的酶标仪工作原理图.光源灯发出的光波经过滤光片或单色器变成一束单色光,进入塑料微孔极中的待测标本.该单色光一部分被标本吸收,另一部分则透过标本照射到光电检测器上,光电检测器将这一待测标本不同而强弱不同的光信号转换成相应的电信号.电信号经前置放大,对数放大,模数转换等信号处理后送入微处理器进行数据处理和计算,最后由显示器和打印机显示结果. 微处理机还通过控制电路控制机械驱动机构X方向和Y方向的运动来移动微孔板,从而实现自动进样检测过程.而另一些酶标仪则是采用手工移动微孔板进行检测,因此省去了X,Y方向的机械驱动机构和控制电路,从而使仪器更小巧,结构也更简单. 微孔板是一种经事先包理专用于放置待测样本的透明塑料板,板上有多排大小均匀一致的小孔,孔内都包埋着相应的抗原或抗体,微孔板上每个小孔可盛放零点几毫升的溶液. 光是电磁波,波长100nm~400nm称为紫外光,400nm~780nm之间的光可被人眼观察到,大于780nm称为红外光。人们之所以能够看到色彩,是因为光照射到物体上被物体反射回来。绿色植物之所以是绿色,是因为植物吸收的大部分为红橙光和蓝紫光,但对绿色不吸收,反射出来,所以植物呈现为绿色。酶标仪测定的原理是在特定波长下,检测被测物的吸光值。 随着检测方式的发展,拥有多种检测模式的单体台式酶标仪叫做多功能酶标仪,可检测吸光度(Abs)、荧光强度(FI)、时间分辨荧光(TRF)、荧光偏振(FP)、和化学发光(Lum)。 酶标仪从原理上可以分为光栅型酶标仪和滤光片型酶标仪。光栅型酶标仪可以截取光源波长范围内的任意波长,而滤光片型酶标仪则根据选配的滤光片,只能截取特定波长进行检测。 检测单位 光通过被检测物,前后的能量差异即是被检测物吸收掉的能量,特定波长下,同一种被检测物的浓度与被吸收的能量成定量关系。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 检测单位用OD值 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示, OD是optical density(光密度)的缩写,表示被检测物吸收掉的光密度, OD=log(1/trans),其中trans为检测物的透光值。根据Bouger-amberT-beer法则,OD值与光强度成下述关系: E=OD=log(lo/Ι) 其中E表示被吸收的光密度, Ιo 为在检测物之前的光强度,Ι为从被检测物出来的光强度。 OD值由下述公式计算: c为检测物的浓度 b为检测物的厚度 a为摩尔因子 在特定波长下测定每一种物质都有其特定的波长,在此波长下,此物质能够吸收最多的光能量。如果选择其它的波长段,就会造成检测结果的不准确。因此,在测定检测物时,我们选择特定的波长进行检测,称为测量波长。 但是每一种物质对光能量还存在一定的非特异性吸收,为了消除这种非特异性吸收,我们再选取一个参照波长,以消除这个不准确性。在参照波长下,检测物光的吸收最小。检测波长和参照波长的吸光值之差可以消除非特异性吸收。 检测值计算 仪器中的检测器接收透过被检测物的光能量,转换成二进位数字信号,最大为4095。仪器定义没有光源下的透光值为 0%,没有检测物的透光值为100%。则实际检测中,检测物的透光值均在 0%一100%之间。透光值 的计算如下: T=(Meas-Min)/(Max-Min) 其中T为透光值, Meas为检测的二进位数值, Min为在 0%的情况下检测的二进位数值, Max为在100%的情况下检测的二进位数值,举例如下: MaX=3600 Min=20 Meas=30 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom T=(30-20)/3600-20)=0.0028 OD=log(1/T)=log(1/0.0028)=2.552 中心定位 仪器会自动对酶标孔进行中心定位,中心定位是要消除酶标孔底的凸凹引起的厚薄不均带来检测的不准确。在对每一个酶标仪进行检测时,仪器其实要进行35个点的测量,选取最中间的5个点的均值为本孔的OD值。 光源的参照通道 参照通道是用来校准由于电压不稳或灯泡磨损带来的影响。 用途和其它提示 用于ELISA试剂的测定,广泛用于各种实验室,包括临床实验室。 质量控制 质量控制是试剂检测的重要因素。请按照试剂说明书的要求进行质量控制。 空白校正 有一些试剂盒的说明书将空白孔设置为空气,其它大多数空白孔的设置是用试剂来设置的,请按照试剂盒的说明书要求进行。 检测结果的解释 由于有相当多的因素会影响检测的结果,如不同的酶标板,检测试剂的体积,都会造成OD值的不同,因此,只有使用同一酶标板反应的试剂检测结果才能比较和分析。对结果的临床解释请依照试剂盒的说明书进行. 结构折叠 规格有24孔板,48孔板,96孔板等多种,不同的仪器选用不同规格的孔板,对其可进行一孔一孔地检测或一排一排地检测. the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 酶标仪所用的单色光既可通过相干滤光片来获得,也可用分光光度计相同的单色器来得到.在使用滤光片作滤波装置时与普通比色计一样,滤光片即可放在微孔板的前面,也可放在微孔板的后面,聚光镜,光栏后到达反射镜,经反射镜作90?反射后垂直通过比色溶液,然后再经滤光片送到光电管. 从酶标仪工作框图和光路图上可看出,它和普通的光电比色计有以下几点差异: (l)盛装待测比色液的容器不再使用比色皿,而是使用塑料微孔板.微孔板常用透明的聚乙烯材料制成,对抗原抗体有较强的吸附作用,故用它作为固相载体. ?由于盛样本的塑料微孔板是多排多孔的,光线只能垂直穿过,因此酶标仪的光束都是垂直通过待测溶液和微孔板的,光束既可是从上到下,也可以是从下到上穿过比色液. ?酶标仪通常不仅用A,有时也使用光密度OD来表示吸光度.酶标仪可分为单通道和多通道2种类型,单通道又有自动和手动2种之分.自动型的仪器有X,Y方向的机械驱动机构,可将微孔板L的小孔一个个依次送入光束下面测试,手动型则靠手工移动微孔板来进行测量. 在单通道酶标仪的基础上又发展了多通道酶标仪,此类酶标仪一般都是自动化型的.它没有多个光束和多个光电检测器,如 12个通道的仪器设有 12条光束或 12个光源,12个检测器和12个放大器,在X方向的机械驱动装置的作用下,样品12个为一排被检测.多通道酶标仪的检测速度快,但其结构较复杂价格也较高. 用途折叠 可广泛应用于低紫外区的DNA、RNA定量及纯度分析(A260/A280)和蛋白定量(A280/BCA/Braflod/Lowery),酶活、酶动力学检测,酶联免疫测定(ELISAs),细胞增殖与毒性分析,细胞凋亡检测(MTT), 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 基因检测及G蛋白偶联受体分析(GPCR)等。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 应用范围折叠 分类 项目名称 简 称 血液学检验 血小板相关抗体的检验 PAIgA、PAIgG、PAIgM D-二聚体的测定 D-Dimer 血清纤维蛋白降解产物的测定 FDP 三碘甲腺原氨酸、四碘甲腺原氨酸测定 T3、T4 免疫学检验 C反应蛋白的测定 CRP 免疫球蛋白的测定 IgD、IgE 循环免疫复合物的测定 CIC 类风湿因子的测定 IgG、IgA、IgM类RF 抗甲状腺球蛋白抗体、微粒体抗体的测定 TG、TM 肿癌免疫学检测 甲胎蛋白的测定 AFP 癌胚抗原的测定 CEA 前列腺特异抗原的测定 PSA 胰癌、胆道癌、胃癌的测定CA19-9 卵巢癌的测定 CA125 乳腺癌的测定 CA15-3 宫颈鳞癌的测定 SCC 多发性骨髓癌的测定 甲状腺癌的测定 hTG the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 传染病免疫学检验 甲肝血清学的检测 抗HAV-IgM乙肝血清学的检测 两对半 丙肝血清学的检测 抗HAV-IgG、抗HCV-IgM 丁肝血清学的检测 抗HDV-IgG、抗HDV-IgM 戊肝血清学的检测 抗HEV-IgG 肾综合征出血热类抗体的检测 HFRS-IgG 乙型脑炎病毒抗体的检测 IgM 人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体(即艾滋病)的检测 H? β 2 M 优生优育功能检测 弓形虫(体)病毒的检测 TOXO 风疹病毒的检测 RV 巨细胞病毒的检测 CMV 单纯疱病毒的检测 抗HSV(?、?) 其 它 本仪器还可做基因检验及兽残、农残检验项目等 选购指南折叠 酶标仪(MicroplateReader)是对酶联免疫检测(EIA)实验结果进行读取和分析的专业仪器。酶联免疫反应通过偶联在抗原或抗体上的酶催化显色底物进行的,反应结果以颜色显示,通过显色的深浅即吸光度值的大小就可以判断标本中待测抗体或抗原的浓度。 酶标仪广泛地应用在临床检验、生物学研究、农业科学、食品和环境科学中,特别在近几年中,由于大量的酶联免疫检测试剂盒的应用,使得酶标仪在生殖保健领域中应用越来越广泛,同时促进了生殖健康技术水平提高。 目前国内许多计生站系统开展了酶免检测项目,如:乙肝五项、艾滋病检测、优生优育系列检测、激素检测等。过去多数采用目测方法,报出的结果缺乏科学的依据。例如:某弓形虫检测试剂盒中,临界值规定为:阴性对照品的OD值×2.5,通过目测无法判断标本孔的反应the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 颜色是否超过临界值。肉眼进行两孔之间的颜色比较可能还行,但比较一孔的颜色是否超过另一孔颜色的2.5倍就不可能。 国内多家权威机构,如卫生部临床检验中心和 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 生育系统等多次强调酶标仪的重要性,并要求酶联免疫检测试剂应使用酶标仪判读,酶免试剂的质控也应使用酶标仪,并提供酶标仪测定的原始数据,而各厂家的试剂盒说明书没有是让用目测的。同时酶免检测的项目往往是一些实质性的感染和病变(如:肝炎、艾滋病、优生优育等),判读更要求严谨,由误诊引起的纠纷很难处理。另外,住院手术病人术前的丙肝、艾滋等EIA试剂检测是避免因输血引起感染引发的医疗事故纠纷的必要手段,正逐渐被许多单位所采用。 诊断方法折叠 中国免疫诊断方法主要有如下三种:酶免(EIA)、放免(RIA)和发光,在市场上的情况如下: 方法所处市场周期 放免衰退期 酶免成长期 发光进入期 放免技术由于试剂的污染和有效期等问题在国际和国内市场逐渐被淘汰,而化学发光试剂和设备比较昂贵,使得其在国内的普及特别在计生系统普及需要较长时间,EIA技术稳定,试剂价格合理,供应充,酶免技术在中国市场处于成长期,因此购买酶标仪正合适宜。 工作环境折叠 酶标仪是一种精密的光学仪器,因此良好的工作环境不仅能确保其准确性和稳定性,还能够延长其使用寿命。根据DINVDE0871条例,仪器应放置在无磁场和干扰电压的位置。依据DIN45635-19条例: 仪器应放置在低于40分贝的环境下。 为延缓光学部件的老化,应避免阳光直射。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 操作时环境温度应在15?-40?之间,环境湿度在15%-85%之间。 操作电压应保持稳定。 操作环境空气清洁,避免水汽,烟尘。 保持干燥、干净、水平的工作台面,以及足够的操作空间。 规格性能 光学系统折叠 光栅光路系统,包括内建的参比检测通道,确保任何测量情况下获得一致的结果。 光路折叠 长寿命闪烁氙灯光源,光栅单色光发生器,200 ~1000 nm波长范围内全波长扫描,1nm步进 检测模式折叠 在微孔板检测模式和比色杯检测模式下均可进行全波长范围光谱扫描,对样品和空白同时扫描。 光谱扫描速度折叠 10s,200~1000nm,1nm步进 样品前处理折叠 无需衍生处理,即可直接测定DNA、RNA和蛋白的吸光值。 光程校准折叠 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 使用微孔板检测时可直接读出OD值和浓度,对于水相溶液可使用光程校正 样品容器折叠 可使用96&384孔板,或 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 杯/微量杯 带宽折叠 带宽2.4nm 读数范围折叠 0 ~ 4 OD 线性范围折叠 @450nm:0 ~ 2.5 Abs,?2% 检测准确度折叠 @450nm:1%+0.003 Abs(0~2.0Abs),2%(2.0~2.5Abs) 检测精度折叠 @450nm <1.0% CV 检测速度:折叠 8s/96孔;13s/384孔 温控范围折叠 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 微孔板和比色杯模式均具温控功能,温控范围(室温+4)~ 65? 振荡模式折叠 轨道,双轨道和线性三种调速振荡模式,动力学过程中可执行背景振荡模式 数据处理及分析折叠 通过PC端数据分析软件Gen5进行操作和设置 曲线拟合、定量分析、定性分析、动力学计算、自定义方程以、平行线分析(PLA,符合欧盟法规要求)及效价分析等。数据可一键导出到Excel,也可生成详尽的结果报告。 电源折叠 电源输入 100 - 240 V (50/60 Hz),最大功率消耗 90W 体积折叠 外部尺寸(H x W x D) 216 x 216 x 406mm 重量折叠 11kg 配置折叠 全波长读数仪一套(含比色杯基座)(比色皿必须为立式),标准96孔酶标板一包,电源线壹根,说明书一份,软件光盘一张。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 操作事项 酶标仪的功能是用来读取酶联免疫试剂盒的反应结果,因此要得到准确结果,试剂盒的使用必须 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 。许多医院在使用酶标仪之前是通过目测判断结果,操作过程随意性较大,在使用酶标仪后如果不能及时纠正操作习惯,会造成较大误差。在酶标仪的操作中应注意以下事项: 使用加液器加液,加液头不能混用。 洗板要洗干净。如果条件允许,使用洗板机洗板,避免交叉污染。 严格按照试剂盒的说明书操作,反应时间准确。 在测量过程中,请勿碰酶标板,以防酶标板传送时挤伤操作人员的手。 请勿将样品或试剂洒到仪器表面或内部,操作完成后请洗手。 如果使用的样品或试剂具有污染性、毒性和生物学危害,请严格按照试 剂盒的操作说明,以防对操作人员造成损害。 如果仪器接触过污染性或传染性物品,请进行清洗和消毒。 不要在测量过程中关闭电源。 对于因试剂盒问题造成的测量结果的偏差,应根据实际情况及时修改参数,以达到最佳效果。 使用后盖好防尘罩。 出现技术故障时应及时与厂家联系,切勿擅自拆卸酶标仪。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 技术参数折叠 常规 波长选择 单色器 读板方法 终点法,动力学法,光谱扫描法,孔域扫描法 微孔板类型 6-384孔板,Take3和Take3 Trio微量检测板 其他实验室设备 标准比色杯 (EonC 型号) 温度控制 环境以上+4?C 至 65?C 震荡 轨道,双轨道和线性 软件 Gen5? 数据分析软件 自动化 BioStack? 和第三方自动化设备兼容 吸光度 光源 氙闪灯 波长范围 200-999nm,1nm步进 带通 2.4 nm 动态范围 0.0 - 4.0 OD 单色器波长准确性 +2 nm 单色器波长可重复性 +0.2 nm 0 - 2.0 OD + 1% + 0.010 OD 准确性 2.0 - 3.0 OD + 3% + 0.010 0 - 2.0 OD + 1% + 0.010 OD 线性 2.0 -3.0 OD + 3% + 0.010 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom OD 可重复性 0 - 2.0 OD + 1% + 0.0052.0 - 3.0 OD + 3% + 0.005 96 孔板: 8 秒 读板速度 384 孔板: 13 秒 物理特性 连续性的 USB 和RS232串口进行PC连接 功率 100 – 240 Volts AC 50/60 Hz 16" 长 x 8.5" 宽 x 8.5" 高 尺寸 (40.6 cm x 21.6 cm x 21.6 cm) 重量 <24 lbs (11 kg) 展开 常见故障 一、常见故障 1、 打印机不工作 ? 酶标仪后部DIL开关设置不正确。DIL标准设置:左 下下下下下下上下 上上下下上下上上 右(人站在仪器后部,面向仪器)。 ? 酶标仪内置打印机开关处于开的位置。应在总参数中设置内置打印机为关。 ? 打印机接口接错(接在了计算机接口上了)。应将打印机联系接在DIL开关正下方的打印机接口上,RS-232接口为计算机接口。 ? 打印机联线有问题:有些配备的新打印机联线仍有问题,请确保打印机联线无问题。 ? 打印机未联机,请确认打印机上的联机键已联机。 ? 打印机无纸或纸未装好,请装好打印纸。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom ? 有些打印机有开机顺序,有的需先开打印机,后开仪器;有的需先开仪器,后开打印机。 2、 调不出所编程序 必须在相应程序模块下调出。如在临界值模块下编辑储存的程序必须要在临界值模块下调出。 3、 肉眼结果与酶标仪测定结果差异较大 ?1 滤光片设置不正确:请在"参数"中按滤光片轮中实际的情况设置滤光片。 ?2 空白或阴性位置不正确。 二、 仪器的检查测试 1、 检测电源部分的输出电压 电源部分输出电压可以通过检测MUSCU板上X11元件得到,每个点的正确对地电压应该是(顺序为从左至右):5V、0V(地电压)、15V、24V、-15V、0V。 2、 光源电压的测试和调节 测量光源电压,如果发现所测的结果不符合规定要求可以调节电源上的R39元件。其操作步骤如下: ? 打开电源开关,使仪器处在工作状态。 ? 用电压表测量光源电压,正常电压应在6.7~6.9V之间。 ? 选择405nm波长的程序,按"开始"键,同时测量光源处电压,正常值应在7.5~8.1V之间。 ? 如果光源电压不正常,关闭电源开关。旋松测量部分上盖螺丝并移去上盖。 ? 旋松轨道部分的固定螺丝并移动轨道部分(要特别小心以防损伤轨道部分和主板及电源部分的连线!),能看到轨道下面的电源即可。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom ? 打开电源开关,调节电源上R39元件,再重复上面步骤2测量光源电压,一直到正确为止。 三、 仪器的校正 1、 调节显示屏幕的亮度 这可以通过调节MUSCU板上的R14元件来实现。 2、 检查同步性 ? 转动断路器轮 把示波器的探针接在电路板MUSCU2的D29元件的第二个脚上测定信号的周期,正确的值应该介于5.1ms~5.4ms之间。如果超出这个范围,可以通过调节CHOPT电路板上R3元件来校正。检测活动结束后要用带有颜色的漆锁定它的正确位置。 ? 检查同步性 a) 按"计算模式"键,选择1"调整",再按"输入"键选择9"连续测量",再按"输入"键两次选择增益0,并按"输入"键。 b) 当在MACU2板D7元件的第14脚上测量信号的A/D转换时,测得的时段信号应该在信道的中间。如果不符,可以通过上下移动CHOPT板来调整。 3、 调整时钟频率 ? 按"计算模式"选择1"调整",再按"输入"选择10"时钟频率",再按"输入"。 ? 用频率计数器在MUSCU板上的D28元件的第13脚处测定时钟频率,正确的值应该为fck=32768Hz。这可以通过调节该板上的电容器C4来校正。 ? 值得注意的是,在这个测定过程中不能用"停止"键中断这个过程。 4、 存储机器的系列号 按"计算模式"选择2"测试",按"输入"选择4"重复性20次",按"输入"键两次。输入机器号(353……),按"停止"两次。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 四、 仪器的检验 1、 重复性: 在一定条件下所获得的独立的测定结果之间的一致性程度即可重复性,可用CV值来表示。在某一特定的滤光片下测定某一块酶标板20次,用统计学方法求出所有测量值的均值和标准差。公式如下: 所有测量值的标准差 CV %= ------------×100% 所有测量值的均值 2、 精确性: 待测物的测定值与一可接受的参考值之间的差异。此项指标需用雷勃公司标准板(PVT)来测。 测量值 - 参考值 精确性= ---------- ×100% 参考值 3、 光路检测: 将一块酶标板正放测量一次,再将酶标板反放测量一次,查看同一孔吸光值是否相同,从而查看其所有光路8通道是否均一。 ? 查看光路上的透镜是否清洁。 ? 灯泡好否及亮度是否正常。 ? 滤光片是否清洁。 4、 载轨运动: the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 开机后酶标仪能否自检,自检结束后揿"开始",查看载轨运动是否正常及有无噪声。 5、 按键膜的好坏: 开机后试用所有按键膜,查看其功能是否完好。 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom
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