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研究生基础综合英语(邱东林版)中英对照研究生基础综合英语(邱东林版)中英对照 Unit One:Education Text:In Praise of the F Word对F的赞美 Tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas. These diplomas won’t look any different from those awarded their luckier classmates.Their ...

研究生基础综合英语(邱东林版)中英对照 Unit One:Education Text:In Praise of the F Word对F的赞美 Tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas. These diplomas won’t look any different from those awarded their luckier classmates.Their validity will be questioned only when their employers discover that these graduates are semiliterate. 今年,将有成千上万的18岁学生毕业并被授于毫无意义的文凭。这些文凭对每个人都 是一样的 ,没有一点差别, 而不管学生的成绩如何.但当雇主发现他们没有实际能力时,文 凭的有效性就会被质疑。 Eventually a fortunate few will find their way into educational repair shops-adult-literacy programs, such as the one where I teach basic grammar and writing. There, high school graduates and high school dropouts pursuing graduate-equivalency certificates will learn the skills they should have learned in school . They will also discover they have been cheated by our educational system. 即使少数幸运的人找到了成人进修的地方,像我教语法和写作的地方。在这里,高中毕 业和高中辍学的学生为了追求等价的毕业证书必需学习他们本应该在学校学习的东西。他们 会发现自己被我们的教育系统所欺骗。 As I teach,I learn a lot about our schools.Early in each session I ask my students to write about an unpleasant experience they had in school . No writers’ block here! ― I wish someone would have had made me stop doing drugs and made me study .‖ ‖I liked to party and no one seemed to care .‖ ―I was a good kid and didn’t cause any trouble,so they just passed me along even though I didn’t read well and couldn’t write.‖ And so on. 当我教他们的时候,我从我们的课堂上学到了很多。在每次开班,首先我会让学生写一 下关于他们在学校的一次很不愉快的经历。每个学生都会有这样的经历。有人说:―我希望 有一个人可以使我停止吸毒,让我好好学习。‖;有人说:―我喜欢聚会,但好像没有人注意 过我‖;有人说:―我是一个好孩子,没有制造过任何麻烦。所以尽管学习不好,考试还是让 我通过。‖等等。 I am your basic do-gooder, and prior to teaching this class I blamed the poor academic skills our kids have today on drugs ,divorce and other impediments to concentration necessary for doing well in school. But ,as I rediscover each time I walk into the classroom ,before a teacher can expect students to concentrate ,he has to get their attention ,no matter what distractions may be at hand .There are many ways to do this ,and they have much to do with teaching style .However , if style alone won’t do it,there is another way to show who holds the winning hand in the classroom. That is to reveal the trump card of teacher . 1 我是教过这个班级的先届老师和他们最初级的改良者。我痛斥那些拙劣的教学方式,以 至于今天我们的孩子们陷入吸毒,离婚和其他使他们不能专注于学习的困扰。但是,当我每 次走进教室都会发现的是,在一名老师期望可以引起学生的注意之前,他已经吸引了学生的 注意,而不管面临什么样的干扰。有很多方式可以做到这一点,并且老师们在教学风格方面 还亟待改进。然而,如果教学风格不能做到这点,还有另一种方法使你成为教室里的导引者, 那就是使用教师的杀手锏。 I will never forget a teacher who played that card to get the attention of one of my children. Our youngest,a world-class charmer ,did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by until Mrs.Stifter became his teacher . 我永远都忘不了那位曾用她独特的方式来吸引我儿子注意力的那位老师。我最小的儿子 后来成为了世界级魔术师,但在Stifter 女士成为他的老师之前,学习总是不怎么努力却总 能过关,直到Stifter 女士当了他的老师,这种局面就改变了。 Our son was a high school senior when he had her for English. ―He sits in the back of the room talking to his friends ,‖ she told me . ―Why don’t you move him to the front row ?‖ I urged, believing the embarrassment would get him to settle down. Mrs.Stifter looked at me steely-eyed over her glasses.‖I don’t move seniors ,‖she said. ―I flunk them.’I was flustered. Our son’s academic life flashed before my eyes.No teacher had ever threatened him weth that before . 当她教我们儿子英语的时候我们儿子还是一个高中生。她对我说:―你们儿子总是坐在 教室后面和他的朋友说话。‖我敦促她说―为什么你不把他调到前排‖, 相信他坐在前排被那 么多人看着就会好好学习。Stifter女士用坚毅的眼神通过她的眼镜看着我说:―我不会为他 们调位,他们已经是高中生了,我让他们不及格。‖我很慌张。 I regained my composure and managed to say that I thought she was right . By the time I got home I was feeling pretty good about this .It was a radical approach for these times .but ,well ,why not ? ―She’s going to flunk you,‖I told my son. I did not discuss it any further. Suddenly English became a priority in his life. He finished out the semester with an A. 我们儿子的学术生涯从我的眼前一闪而过。在这之前从没有老师威胁过他。我恢复了平 静,也认为她做的是对的。当回到家时我对这个方式感觉很好。它是一个好的激降法。为什 么不这样做呢,于是我告诉我的儿子:―她准备让你不基格。‖我其它什么也没说。突然英语 在他的生活中处于优先地位。他这个学期的成绩竟然得了一个A。 I know one example doesn’t make a case,but at night I see a parade of students who are angry and resentful for having been passed along until they could no longer even pretend to keep up. Of average intelligence or better,they eventually quit school, concluding they were too dumb to finish.‖I should have been held back‖ is a comment I hear frequently.Even sadder are those students who are high school graduates who say to me after a few weeks of class,‖I don't know how I ever got a high school diploma.‖ 2 我知道一个例子虽然不能充分说明全部,但是在晚上我看到满是愤怒和怨恨的游行学生, 由于被忽略掉,他们甚至不能再这样假装的忍耐下去。即使智力一般的或更好的学生, 由于 认为他们太笨,而使他们最终退学。―我应该被留下‖是我听到的最频繁的话。更令人悲哀的 是,那些高中毕业生过了几周对我说:―我不知道我曾经是怎么获得了一个高中毕业证。‖ Passing students who have not mastered the work cheats them and the employers who expect graduates to have basic skills.We excuse this dishonest behavior by saying kids can’t learn if they come from terrible environments.No one seems to stop to think that-no matter what environments they come from-most kids don't put school first on their list unless they perceive something is at stake.They’d rather be sailing. 让一个对自己的学业都没掌握好的学生毕业,不仅欺骗了他们自己,也欺骗了那些认为 毕业生们都掌握了基本技能的雇主们 。我们可以对这个不诚实的行为辩解说,孩子们不能 学习是因为他们周围的环境太糟糕。似乎没有人停下来思考过这个问题——无论孩子们来自 什么环境,大部分孩子并不会把学业放在第一位,除非他们意识到这种做法有一定风险。他 们宁愿随波逐流。 Many students I see at night could give expert testimony on unemployment,chemical dependency,abusive relationships.In spite of these for a better job or the need to hang on to the one they’ve got.They have a healthy fear of failure. 我在夜校看到的学生的状况——被解雇、对毒品的依赖和家庭暴力等—— 可以给出有 力的证明。尽管有这样许多的困难,他们依然把接受教育放在优先的位置,他们被他们心里 的希望激励着,或是出于要找到一份好的工作,或是出于对保持现有工作的需要。他们对失 败都有一个健康的心理。 People of all ages can rise above their problems, but they need to have a reason to do so. Young people generally don’t have the maturity to value education in the same way my adult students value it. But fear of failure, whether economic or academic ,can motivate both. 所有年龄段的人都能克服他们的问题,但他们需要一个这样做的理由。年轻人通常不像 我的那些成年的学生一样有一个成熟的心态去看待教育 。但是对失败的害怕,可以激励他 们,无论是在经济上或是学术上。 Flunking as a regular policy has just as much merit today as it did two generations ago.We must review the threat offlunking and see it as it really is—a postive teaching tool.It is an expression of confidence by both tecahers and parents that the students have the ability to learn the material presented to them.However,making it work again would take adedicated,caring conspiracy betwwen teachers and parents. It would mean that teachers would have to follow through on their threats, and parents would have to stand behind them, knowing their children's best interests are indeed at stake. This means no more doing Scott's assignments for him because he might fail. No more passing Jodi because she's such a nice kid. 3 考试不让通过作为一个策略,具有许多优点无论是在现在还是在两个世纪以前。我们在看到他的危险之外,必须看到这确实是一个积极的教育工具。老师和家长应该对此具有信心,即学生完全有能力学会你所给他的东西。然而,要让其重新行之有效必须要做出一些奉献,老师和家长应该合作起来。这将意味着两者都必须要正视这个现实中的困境——让不学习的学生通过,可以避免短时的悲痛,但却注定了他们长期的无知。这意味着教师们在了解了他的危害之后必须要坚持到底,并且家长们在了解了他们孩子的最终利益受到危害之后必须坚定的站在老师的这一边。这意味着,不再替Scott做作业是因为这样会给他带来失败,不让Scott通过是因为他是一个如此优秀的孩子。 This is a policy that worked in the past and can work today. A wise teacher, with the support of his parents, gave our son the opportunity to succeed--or fail . It's time we returned this choice to all students. 这是一个在过去和现在都行之有效的方法。一个聪明的老师,在家长们的支持下,要给我们的孩子机会成功或失败。现在是时间让我们重新回到这个抉择了。 4 Text B:Essence of Education教育的本质 Robery W. Tracinki The essence of education is the teaching of facts and reasoning skills to our children, so that they learn to think. 教育的本质是向我们的孩子们教授事实和推理的技能,让他们学会思考。 Yet almost a century, our schools have been under assault by an approach to education that elevates feelings over facts. Under the influence of Progressive Education -- It is now more important than getting him in touch with the facts of history, mathematics or geography. 然而几乎一个世纪以来,我们的学校都在受到一种将感受凌驾于事实之上的教育方法的 攻击。在进步教育的影响下——让学生了解历史事实、数学或地理都不如感觉重要。 "Creative spelling"-- in which students are encouraged to spell words in whatever way they feel is correct - is more important than the rules of language. Urging children to "feel good" about themselves is more important than ensuring that they acquire the knowledge necessary for living successfully. ―创造性的拼写‖——鼓励学生以任何他们感觉正确的方式拼写单词—这比语言规则更 加重要。鼓励孩子们对自己―感觉良好‖比确保他们获得顺利生活所必需的知识更为重要。 This emotion-centered, anti-reason assault on education has found a new ally: those who believe the literal words of the Bible. The Kansas Board of Education has just excised the theory of evolution from the state's official science standards. Several other states have enacted similar anti-evolution policies, thereby elevating the feeling of religious fundamentalists over the accumulated evidence of the entire science of biology. 这种以情绪为中心、反对理性的对教育的攻击已经找到了新的同盟军:那些相信圣经 上文学词汇的人。堪萨斯州教育理事会刚刚推翻了该州官方科学 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 中的进化论。几个其他 的州已经颁布了相似的反对进化政策,从而将宗教原教旨的感受凌驾于整个生物科学所累积 的证据之上。 These policies do not actually ban the teaching of evolution, nor do they mandate the teaching of ―Creationism‖ ----biblical claim that the Earth and all life on it were created in six days. They simply drop evolution from the required curriculum. The goal of the religious activities is to keep students ignorant of the theory of evolution, or to encourage the teaching of evolution and Creationism side-by-side, as two "competing" theories.这些政策实际上并不禁止教授进化 论,他们也不命令教授特创论——圣经上说地球及其上的所有生命是在六天中被创造出来 的。他们只是在必修课程中排除了进化论。宗教活动的目的是令学生对进化论的原理保持无 知,或者是鼓励同时教授进化论和特创论,把他们作为两个相互竞争的理论。 1 Consider what this latter would mean in the classroom. On the one side, teachers would present the theory of evolution, supported by countless observations, all integrated into a comprehensive explanation of virtually every fact in its field. 考虑一下后一种做法在课堂上意味这什么吧。一方面,教师将呈现进化论的原理,一个 被无数观察者所支持,整合了对领域内每一个方面解释的综合理论。 On the other side, teachers would present -- what? All that the Creationist view offers is the assertion by would-be authorities that an ancient religious text reveals that 10,000 years ago God created the world in six days. 另一方面,教师将教授——什么,特创论信奉者的观点只是自诩为权威的人的断言,即 一部古老的宗教书揭示了一万年以前上帝在六天中创造了世界。 Some of these religious activists claim that they reject the teaching of evolution because it is "unproven," since it lacks "sufficient evidence." 一些宗教激进分子宣称他们反对教授进化论,因为它―未经证明‖,由于它缺乏―充分的 证据‖ Yet their arguments systematically reject the need for proof and evidence. Scientists can point to a billion-year-long fossil record of continuous changes across a11 species as they develop from more-primitive to present-day forms. They can point to the natural variations among members of a species, variations that change from one climate to another as species adapt to their environment. But the Creationist categorically dismisses the evidence - because it contradicts biblical dogma. 然而,他们的论点恰好系统地反对检验和证据的需要。科学家们能够指出一百万年以来 的化石 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 ,它记载了所有物种从原始形态发展到今天的形态的持续变化。他们能够指出在 中物种成员之间的自然变异,这些为适应环境、随气候的变化而发生的变异。但是特创论的 信奉者明确的拒绝这样的证据,因为它与圣经教义相悖。 The central issue is not whether there is enough scientific evidence to validate a particular conclusion - but whether science as such, rather than faith, is the basis for arriving at conclusions. There can be no scientific debate between these two positions. There can be no rational argument between a view that rests on observation and reason, and one that rests on blind faith - i.e., on its adherents' desire to believe something, irrespective of logic. 中心问题不在于是否有足够的科学证据来证实某个特定的结论,而在于科学本身而非 信仰,是否是得到结论的基础。在这两种立场之间不可能有科学的辩论。一中观点依靠观察 和推理,另一种观点依靠盲目的信仰,即依靠追随者相信某件事的渴望而不考虑逻辑,在这 两种观点之间不可能有理性的争论。 If the Creationist approach were taken seriously, what would remain of education? If 2 evidence and reasoning are to be "balanced" by faith or feeling - what, then, would not belong in the curriculum? Even the theory that the Earth is flat has proponents who feel it is true. More to the point, what is to stop teachers from presenting any other nonrational view of the origin of man? Why not give equal time to, say, the Nazi claim the white race descended from the superior Aryans? 假如特创论的观点被当真,那教育将剩下什么呢,如果证据和推理被信仰和感觉所平 衡,那么什么将不属于课程的一部分呢,即使地球是平的这样的理论也有人认为它是正确 的。此外,什么将阻止教师教授其他关于人类起源的非理性观点,为什么不用同样的时间来 讲解诸如纳粹认为白种人是源自高等雅利安人的观点, The most ominous implication of the Creationist position is its belief that, in judging the truth of an idea, one can simply ignore rational evidence - if it clashes with one's desire to believe otherwise. This is a disastrous methodology to inculcate in our children - and it is even more dangerous to back it up with the ruling of a government body. 特创论立场最坏的暗示是它相信在判断一个想法的真实性时,一个人完全可以忽视理性 的证据,只要它与一个人相信其他事情的愿望相冲突。把这样的方法论灌输给我们孩子是灾 难性的,而用政府组织的统治来支持这种观点则更加危险。 The crucial role of education is to provide young people with the information and methods they need in order to learn how to think independently. Education has liberated mankind from the shackles of myth, superstition and unchallenged tradition. But the prevailing trend - from both the "progressive left" and the "religious right" -- is to reverse this development, by enshrining feeling over facts and faith over reason. 教育的极其重要角色是为年轻人提供能够使学会如何独立思考的这些信息和方法。教育 已经将人类从神话、迷信和未受质疑的传统中解放了出来。但现在普遍的趋势——从―进步 左翼‖和―宗教右翼‖两方面来看,都在把感受凌驾于事实之上,把信仰凌驾于理性之上,这 样做是在倒转发展的方向。 If campaigns such as the one against teaching evolution are allowed to succeed, the ultimate result will be the extinction of genuine education. 如果类似一个反对教授进化论的运动被允许取得成功,最终的结果将是真正的教育的灭 绝。 3 Unit Two:Love Text A:A Wedding Gift结婚礼物 Elizabeth Economies伊利莎白•埃科诺莫 I had always dreamed of being proposed to in a Parisian cafe, under dazzling stars, like the one in a Van Gogh knockoff that hangs in my studio apartment. Instead, my boyfriend asked me to marry him while I was wandering the bathroom mirror. 我一直有这样的梦想:星光灿烂的网上,在一家巴黎咖啡馆能有人向我求婚。那个咖啡 馆就像梵高所画的―夜晚的咖啡馆‖,我的工作室墙上就挂着一幅此画的翻印本。然而,我男 朋友却在我用―稳得新‖擦洗卫生间镜子的时候叫我嫁给他。 At 40 years old, it was my turn. 1 had gracefully stepped aside and watched both my twin sister and our baby sister take the matrimonial plunge before me? 1 had been a bridesmaid seven times and a maid of honor three times. 1 had more pastel-colored, taffeta dresses than a consignment shop. 我已经上40岁,是该轮到我了,我已经体面地让开,眼看着孪生妹妹还有小妹在我之 前出嫁,我做过女傧相7次,伴娘3次,我的淡颜色塔夫绸衣服比寄物店都多。 My fiancé, George, and I are Greek-American, but we wanted a simple, elegant affair. No entourage of bridesmaids and groomsmen. No silly slideshow revealing details of our courtship. This would be an intimate gathering, neither big nor fat, with 100 or so guests. In our families that is intimate. 我的未婚夫乔治和我都是希腊裔美国人,但是我们想办一个简朴、大方的婚礼。不需要 很多伴娘伴郎。也不放映幻灯片,展示求婚的细节,那太傻了,这会是一次很温馨的聚会, 请的人不多也不铺张,100个左右的宾客吧。在我们的家族,那算是小圈子内的聚会。 My job as a publicist to a monomaniacal orchestra conductor had just vanished, so 1 had lots of time to devote to my new project. George, who worked 60 hours a week as a pharmacist, now had a second job: listening to me whine about the wedding. After all, this was my show, and 1 was the director. 我为一位偏执狂的管弦乐队指挥做公关刚刚结束,因而我有很多时间投入到我这个新的 项目上。乔治是药剂师,每周工作60小时,现在又有一份工作:听我抱怨婚礼一事。这毕 竟是我表现的时候,得有我说着算。 But the more time and effort 1 put in, the more the universe tried to thwart me. The Greek band from Los Angeles that 1 wanted wasn't available. The stitching 1 had requested for my cathedral veil was all wrong. My ivory silk gown was being quarantined somewhere in Singapore. And with our wedding just a few weeks away, 1 was annoyed that most of my guests were responding after the deadline. 1 但是,我投入的时间和精力越多,万事就越和我过不去。没有请到我想要的洛杉矶希腊 乐队。我到教堂时所戴面纱的针线活也很糟,不是我原来所要求的。我订的象牙色的丝绸礼 服被隔离在新加坡的某个地方。眼看着婚礼也就没有几个礼拜了,我邀请的客人大部分在最 后期限之后才回信,让我很是烦恼。 Then 1 received the call from my mother, petite and brimming with energy at 68, who a few days before had been so thrilled about the wedding. She’d been to the doctor for her annual checkup. Although she felt fine, the diagnosis was stomach cancer. 之后,我接到妈妈的电话。她个头娇小,68岁却依然精力饱满。几天前还为我即将举 行的婚礼而感到兴奋不已。她刚去医院做例年的身体检查。虽然感觉不错,但被诊断是胃癌。 Over the next few days, the question became not "What kind of wedding?" but "Wedding?" I had thought of it as my Big Day. I realized that a Big Day without my mother would be no day at all. Not having my dad, who passed away three years before, to walk me down the aisle was painful, but the thought of not having Mom there was unbearable. 接下来的几天,问题不再是―举行什么样的婚礼‖,而是―还办婚礼吗,‖我把这看作是我 的大喜日子。我认识到没有妈妈的大喜日子不可思议。爸爸已经在三年前过世,不可能牵着 我的手到教堂圣坛完婚,这已经让我觉得凄苦。但是一想到妈妈那天也不能在教堂就让我觉 得无法忍受。 Within a few days, 1 moved back home to Seattle from New York City and postponed the ceremony. 1 switched from navigating wedding plans to navigating the health-care system. I had picked out the song to be played for our first dance as a husband and wife, but now 1 was hard-pressed to remember what it was. My wedding, like a dream, was vanishing against the harsh reality of illness. 几天后,我从纽约搬回西雅图,延迟了婚礼。我从操办婚礼转向指导保健。我已经挑选 好歌曲,准备作为我们夫妻的首个舞曲,但现在压力那么大,我已经记不起来是哪首了。我 的婚礼在母亲患病这个残酷的事实面前就像梦一样消失了。 Meanwhile, my two sisters and I, who lived in three different cities, were united once again in a hospital waiting room. My twin sister flew in from Chicago despite being eight months pregnant. Our baby sister, who'd been looking after Mom since Dad's death, was gripped by fear as the familiar sights and smells were eerily reminiscent of his final days. After consulting with doctors, we learned that stomach surgery was Mom's only option. We took the first opening. 与此同时,我和两个妹妹原本都生活在三个不同的城市,这时却在医院的等候室里再次 相聚了。我的孪生妹妹虽然已怀孕八个月,但还是从芝加哥飞了过来。小妹自父亲去世以来 一直照顾着妈妈,这时恐惧占据了她的心,此情此景让她不由得想起父亲临终的日子。咨询 医生后,我们得知手术是妈妈唯一的选择。医院一有床位我们就住进去了。 2 On a drab autumn morning, as sheets of rain relentlessly poured over Seattle, Mom was admitted to the Swedish Cancer Institute. During a five-hour operation, surgeons removed two thirds of her stomach. Pacing in the waiting room, terrified, I wondered what the future held for all of us. 一个沉闷的秋天早晨,大雨无情地倾泻在西雅图市,妈妈被收进瑞典肿瘤研究所。在五 个小时的手术过程中,医生把她的胃切掉了三分之二。我在等候室里来回走动,恐惧不安, 不知道等待我们的会是什么。 George flew out to be with me. "There's no place I'd rather be," he said. For three nights he slept on the dank floor in the hospital waiting area wrapped in a tattered sheet with a soiled sofa cushion under his head. A week after the operation, the surgeon gave us his prognosis: "The cancer has not spread," he said. Those were some of the loveliest words in the English language. George squeezed my hand as tears trickled down my face. 乔治飞过来陪我。他说:―我也不想待在其他地方‖。三个夜晚,他睡在医院等候区域潮 湿的地板上,裹着破旧床单,头枕脏兮兮的沙发垫。手术一周后,医生向我们告知了预后。 ―癌细胞没有扩散,‖他说。这几个词可是英语中最可爱的词了。乔治紧握着我的手,这时眼 泪流下我的面颊。 The weeks that followed were exhausting. My mother had to rethink her diet, and I had to figure out what to prepare. Decadent Greek meals were replaced by tiny portions and lots of protein, which would help mend the six-inch incision that ran from her breastbone past her navel. Protein would also bolster her immune system for the chemo and radiation that might follow. 接下来的几个礼拜令人劳累。妈妈只得重新考虑她的饮食,我得琢磨该准备哪些饭菜。 颓废的希腊饭菜被蛋白质替代,少食多餐,这有助于修补她那从胸骨到肚脐下长达六英寸的 刀口。蛋白质还增强她的免疫系统,因为接下来她要化疗和放疗。 Until then, my idea of cooking had been microwaving the doggie bag from the chi-chi restaurant I'd eaten at the night before. But after two months, I mastered poached eggs and T-bone steaks. What's more, caring for my Mom made me realize how consummately she had cared for all of us. I'll never forget when I went to see her in the intensive-care unit, just a few hours after her surgery. She was strung out with a myriad of plastic tubes protruding from her arms, nose, and mouth." Liz, make sure you eat something," she said in a strained, raspy voice. 在此之前,做饭对我来说也就是把头天晚上从花哨饭店里吃剩下打包回来的饭菜在微波 炉热一下。但两个月之后,我掌握了水煮荷包蛋,学会烧带骨牛排。此外,照顾母亲也让我 认识到她当年照料我们是多么地尽心。我永远也不会忘记,她刚动完手术几个小时后,我到 特护病房去看她。她躺在那里,手臂、鼻孔和嘴巴里插了那么多的塑料导管,她却吃力、沙 哑地说道:―莉兹,你一定要吃点东西。‖ 3 Forget Paris. Mom's full recovery was my dream now. 忘记巴黎。妈妈的彻底康复才是我现在的梦想。 Recently, she went for a follow-up C-T scan. As she removed her gold wedding band for the exam, her fragile 98-pound frame trembled. There would be this scan, and many more. But the doctor said," Everything looks good." Soon, my mother will be walking me down the aisle. I've forgotten what kind of stitching is in my veil. But when I remove it from my face , I’ll be staring at the two people I love beyond all reason: my soon-to-be husband and the woman who showed me what' s really important. 最近,她去做了一次随访CT检查。当她脱下结婚金戒指检查的时候,98磅的柔弱身躯 颤抖了。这个检查得做,接下来还有很多次。但医生说,―一切都很好。‖不久,妈妈就可以 把我领到圣坛举行婚礼。我已经忘记面纱上的刺绣。但在我掀开面纱的时候,我肯定会脉脉 地注视着我所最爱的两个人:我的未婚夫和让我懂得人生要义的那个女人——我的母亲。 4 Text B:Wedded Dis藐视婚姻 Amy Wathen艾米•沃森 In February,I got engaged to a guy who I believe to be the most amazing man alive(I feel so lucky,and I am very much in love(I cannot wait to be married. 二月份,我和一个我认为是活着的人当中最出色的家伙订了婚。我感觉甚为幸运,沉浸 在爱河中。我急不可待要结婚。 Since I have been engaged,while I have gotten a lot of congratulatory wishes from friends, some older,more cynical people just won’t let me be. I have heard the following comments, knocking me from my I’m -getting -married -to -the -love -of -my –life pedestal: "It will never last," "You won't even make it to the altar," "Marriage is so difficult," "It's so hard to make it work" and my favorite, accompanied by an eye roll and a horribly sarcastic tone, "Good luck to you!" I get lectures on the struggles that lie ahead, looks of sympathy, and speeches on how terrible my life will be in about l0 years when I will apparently hate my husband. Can't anyone just let me be happy? People love my fiancé and no one has ever said that I am not ready. So why is this such a mistake? Why do some adults who have had bad experiences decide to kill my happiness with nasty remarks instead of just saying congratulations? 自我订婚以后,虽然听到朋友们很多祝福的话语,可一些上了年纪、玩世不恭的人却不 愿让我高兴。我听到了下列的评论,在抱有马上嫁给心上人这个理想的我的头上浇了一盆冷 水。―不会长久的‖,―你们连婚都结不了‖,―婚姻太难了‖,―要让事如所愿太难了‖,还有我 喜欢听的话、但说的时候是眼珠溜转并且怪声怪调,―祝你好运了‖。有些人还就婚后生活的 困境给我上了课,给我同情的神情,还有人高谈阔论说我l0年后的生活会多么糟糕,说那 时我肯定恨我丈夫。难道大家就不能让我开心吗?人们喜欢我的未婚夫,也没有说我还没有 准备好。那为什么这样就是错误呢?为什么几个有过不幸经历的成年人非要说那些难听的话 来扼杀我的幸福(而不是就送上几句祝福呢, Don’t get me wrong,I have not allowed my happiness to overpower my common sense. I know all about the struggles of marriage(I know all about the heartache:that children can strain a marriage,that money issues can blow up,that a couple can lose their connection,that job stress can take a toll and that changing and growing older can aid in the dissolution of what once was real love(I know it’s not always easy or fun,and that it's not perfect forever. 别误解我。我还没有让幸福之感搅乱了常识。我对婚姻的艰难都一清二楚,我也知晓头 痛的事:小孩子能拖垮婚姻,经济的问题也会爆发,夫妻间不再情感交流,工作压力能造成 伤害,人是不断变化的而且越来越老,这都会为解除当年的真爱起到推波助澜的作用。我知 道这不容易,也不总充满乐趣,我也知道婚姻永远都不完美。 I saw this firsthand when my parents were divorced last year. I watched their once -perfect union fall apart amid unhappiness, pain, desperation, frustration, sadness and anger. Marriage can be a beautiful journey,but it isn’t for everyone(My mom and dad are much happier apart(I thought I wouldn’t want to be married after living through that until I met the man of my dreams 1 and he changed my mind( 我在去年父母离婚的时候亲身体会到这一切。我看到在不幸、痛苦、绝望、懊恼、哀伤 和恼怒中他们曾一度美满的婚姻轰然倒地。婚姻可以是美丽的旅途,但并不是每个人都能体 会到。我妈妈和爸爸分开后幸福多了。经历此事我曾想永远不结婚,直到我遇到了我的梦中 情人,是他改变了我的想法。 My fiancé has incredible parents. They have been together since they were in high school, more than 30 years, and they have five children, crazy work schedules, and the same issues as everyone else. But they are an exception because they are still madly in love. It's a breath of fresh air to be with them. I see in them a love that is different and I think that I have that as well. You never know where life will take you, but I think it is a dangerous assumption that a marriage can never work out, or that it isn't worth a try. It can last. My future in-laws are proof that a marriage can withstand the many potential catastrophes and last a lifetime. 我未婚夫的父母具令人难以置信。他们自从上高中的时候就在一起,超过30年了,他 们有5个子女,疯狂的工作安排,别人有的事他们都有。但是他们却是例外,因为他们仍然 疯狂地相爱。和他们在一起犹如呼吸到一口新鲜空气。从他们身上我看到的爱是不一样的。 我就想,这样的爱我也有。你永远都无法知道生活会给你什么,但是认为婚姻永远不能白头 偕老、不值得一试可就是很危险的看法了。婚姻可以长久。婚姻可以经得起很多潜在的灾难, 能持续一生,我未来的公公婆婆就是明证。 My relationship with my fiance is not perfect. But it is fantastic(Being with him brings out a better and happier version of me(He makes me laugh harder than anyone else(We have a healthy and wonderful way of communicating(But most importantly,I love him without condition(And he loves me for who I am without judgment, without complaining about how messy I am or getting annoyed at how crazy and neurotic I can be(We always put each other first and always make time for each other no matter how busy our world gets(He is as excited as I am to get married,and together we are confident in our compatibility and our ability to last forever(We have the example of his parents and mine,examples to learn from,what mistakes not to make,and how to create a stable foundation that will last beyond the present time( 我和未婚夫的关系不完美,但很美妙。和他在一起让我变得更好、更开心。他能让我开 怀大笑,而别人做不到。我们之间的交流很健康、很棒。但最为重要的是,我对他的爱是无 条件的。他对我的爱就是因为我这个人,不带有任何判断,不抱怨我不讲究整洁,也不会对 我有时候的神经过敏而烦恼。我们总是能先为对方着想,不管我们多忙也总能为彼此找出时 间。对结婚他和我一样兴奋,我们共同坚信彼此合得来,能够携手到永远。我们有他的父母 和我的双亲为例,有借鉴的事例,知道哪些错误不能犯,知道如何创造稳定的基础,让其超 越现在。 One day,I may look back with stale,wrinkled eyes and see a silly little girl who didn’t know what she was talking about(One day my relationship may not be as wonderful as it is now(But I am not going to go into marriage waiting for everything to fall apart(I’m not planning ahead for my divorce or imagining myself as a walking statistic。When I say ―I do,‖I am saying I promise to 2 love forever;not ―until this isn’t perfect and l want out(‖I mean forever( 有一天,我或许会用千瘪、皱纹环绕的眼睛回顾现在,看到一个傻丫头,她不知道自己 在说什么。我们的关系有一天或许不像现在这样好。但我不会在走进婚姻殿堂时就想着一切 都有瓦解的时候。我不会为自己的离婚先作准备,或把自己想象成活的数据。当我说―我愿 意‖的时候,我是在说我保证永远地爱他,而不是―到了感觉不完美的时候我就想退出‖。我 的意思是永远。 When l was younger, I dreamed about getting married(I dressed up in my mom’s wedding dress and veil,put on ridiculous amounts of poorly-placed pink blush,carried a bouquet of fake flowers from the vase on the kitchen table and thought about how wonderful it would be to do that for real(I know now that the dream I had of married life was a little too optimistic and hopeful to say the least. 我小的时候就梦想过结婚。我穿上妈妈的婚纱和面纱,脸上乱涂上很多粉红色的胭脂, 从厨房花瓶里拿出一束假花,还想那要是真的该多好。我现在知道我梦中的婚姻生活有点太 乐观,至少抱的希望太大。 Now I have a gorgeous wedding dress of my own(I’ll wear it proudly and say―I do!‖ and dance and eat cake that costs way too much money(I will enjoy that one amazing day with all of my being(But I know that day will end, and once it’s over,I have to make plans for the future, and my husband and l will have to work hard to reach our mutual goals(And I’ll try with everything I am to prove to everyone that we can make it work,to make the 6-year-old version of me proud( 现在我自己有一件绝好的婚礼服。我会自豪地穿上,而且说―我愿意‖,跳舞,吃那价钱 不菲的蛋糕,会全身心地享受这美好的日子。但我知道这一天是会结束的,一旦结束,我 就 得筹划未来。丈夫和我得辛勤地工作,去实现我们共同的目标。我会尽自己的一切向他人证 明我们的婚姻运转很好,让6岁就想做新娘的我自豪。 So, for all of you divorced folk out there,or those of you unhappily married, or those who are just plain cynical, I am sorry that you aren’t crazy in love anymore. I’m sorry if you never found someone who makes you catch your breath. But for now, let me have my fun,let me back in the glory of ridiculous,consuming,delicious, beautiful, wonderful,once-in-a-lifetime love(You don't have to tell me what I already know. For now, just let me be happy. 因此,我很抱歉,你们这些离婚的人,婚姻不幸的人,还有那些只是玩世不恭的人,因 为你们不再热恋。如果你们从来没有找到让你兴奋得屏气的人,我只能再次说声抱歉了。是 但现在,就让我享有自己的快乐,让我沐浴在这有点荒谬、强烈、有趣怡人、美丽、精彩、 而且一生只有一次的爱河中。你大可不必告诉我那些我已经知道的东西。你们暂且就让我高 兴一回吧。 3 Unit Three:Health Text A :Tracing the Cigarette’s Path From Sexy to Deadly追寻烟草的历程:从性感到致命 HOWARD MARKEL, M.D.霍华德.马克尔.医学博士 For many Americans, the tobacco industry’s disingenuousness became a matter of public record during a Congressional hearing on April 14, 1994. There, under the withering glare of Representative Henry A.Waxman, Democrat of California, appeared the chief executives of the seven largest American tobacco companies. 对许多美国人来说,烟草业的不诚信记入公众档案始于1994 年4 月14 日的一次国会 听证会,在加州民主党代表亨利)A)威克斯曼的怒视下,美国七大烟草巨头的首席执行官 出现在这次听证会上。 In the 1930s and 1940s,cigarettes were either healthy because they were implicitly endorsed by a kindly doctor,or sexy. 在20 世纪30 和40 年代,香烟要么意味着健康------因为有一位仁慈的医生含蓄的推 荐它,要么意味着性感。 Each executive raised his right hand and solemnly swore to tell the whole truth about his business. In sequential testimony, each one stated that he did not believe tobacco was a health risk and that his company had taken no steps to manipulate the levels of nicotine in its cigarettes. 每次总裁举起右手,郑重宣誓要对从事的业务实话实说。在随后的证词中,每个人都陈 述自己不相信烟草会给健康带来风险,而且自己的公司从未采取措施来操纵香烟中尼古丁的 含量。 Thirty years after the famous surgeon general’s report declaring cigarette smoking a health hazard, the tobacco executives, it seemed ,were among the few who believed otherwise. 30 年前,一位卫生局长就发布了关于抽烟危害健康的著名报告。如今开来,烟草业总 裁们属于不相信该报告的极少数人的行列。 But it was not always that way. Allan M. Brandt, a medical historian at Harvard, insists that recognizing the dangers of cigarettes resulted from an intellectual process that took the better part of the 20th century. He describes this fascinating story in his new book, ―The Cigarette Century: The Rise, Fall and Deadly Persistence of the Product that Defined America‖ (Basic Books). 但事实本非始终如此。哈佛大学医学史专家艾伦)M)布兰特坚持认为,对香烟危害的 认识源于持续了大半个20 世纪的一个智力过程。在新书《香烟的世纪:界定美国的产品的 兴衰和死命的坚持》中,他讲述了这个引人入胜的故事。 In contrast to the symbol of death and disease it is today, from the early 1900s to the 1960s the cigarette was a cultural icon of sophistication, glamour and sexual allure — a highly prized 1 commodity for one out of two Americans. 虽说当今香烟是死亡和疾病的象征,但从20 世纪初到20 世纪60 年代,香烟在文化 上象征着成熟练达,魅力和性感诱惑---------是当时半数美国人大为追捧的商品。 Many advertising campaigns from the 1930s through the 1950s extolled the healthy virtues of cigarettes. Full-color magazine ads depicted kindly doctors clad in white coats proudly lighting up or puffing away, with slogans like ―More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.‖ 从20 世纪30 年代到50 年代,许多广告运动都颂扬香烟的健康品质。在全彩的杂志 广告中,身穿大白褂的仁慈的医生骄傲的点起香烟或是吞云吐雾,上面还写着―更多医生选 择骆驼牌香烟‖之类的广告语。 Early in the 20th century, opposition to cigarettes took a moral rather than a health-conscious tone, especially for women who wanted to smoke, although even then many doctors were concerned that smoking was a health risk. 20 世纪初期,对于香烟的抵制带着道德的口吻,而不是出于对健康的关注。对想抽烟 的女性更是如此。不过即使再当时,许多医生已经关注到吸烟会给健康造成风险。 The 1930s were a period when many Americans began smoking and the most significant health effects had not yet developed. As a result, the scientific studies of the era often failed to find clear evidence of serious pathology and had the perverse effect of exonerating the cigarette. 在20 世纪30 年代这一时期,许多美国人变成了烟民,而抽烟对健康最为显著的危害 尚未觉现出来。因此,这一时期的科学研究无法从严肃的病理学上找到清晰的证据,竟起到 了为香烟开脱的反效果。 The years after World War II, however, were a time of major breakthroughs in epidemiological thought. In 1947, Richard Doll and A. Bradford Hill of the British Medical Research Council created a sophisticated statistical technique to document the association between rising rates of lung cancer and increasing numbers of smokers. 到了二战后,流行病学思想取得了不少重大突破。1947 年,英国医学研究会的理查德 )多尔和A)布德福德)希尔创立了一种复杂的统计方法,以记录肺癌上升率和烟民增加之 间的关系。 The prominent surgeon Evarts A. Graham and a medical student, Ernst L. Wynder, published a landmark article in 1950 comparing the incidence of lung cancer in their nonsmoking and smoking patients at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis. They concluded that ―cigarette smoking, over a long period, is at least one important factor 2 in the striking increase in bronchogenic cancer.‖ 著名外科医生埃瓦茨)A)格雷厄姆和医学专业学生,欧内斯特)L)温德尔,于1950 年发表了一篇极为重要的 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 ,比较了圣路易斯市巴恩斯医院内烟民和非烟民肺癌患者的发 生几率。在结论中,他们认为―长期抽烟至少是支气管癌发病率飙升的重要因素之一。‖ Predictably, the tobacco companies — and their expert surrogates — derided these and other studies as mere statistical arguments or anecdotes rather than definitions of causality. 不难想象,烟草公司以及他们的专家代言人们嘲笑这些以及其他研究,称这些仅仅是统计上 的论据或趣闻铁事,根本不能确定其因果关系。 Dr. Brandt, who has exhaustively combed through the tobacco companies’ internal memorandums and research documents, amply demonstrates that Big Tobacco understood many of the health risks of their products long before the 1964 surgeon general’s report. 在详细梳理了烟草公司的内部备忘录和研究文档后,布兰特博士用充分的证据证明,早 在1964 年的卫生局长报告发表前,各大烟草巨头就已了解了自家产品对健康造成的诸多风 险。 He also describes the concerted disinformation campaigns these companies waged for more than half a century — simultaneously obfuscating scientific evidence and spreading the belief that since everyone knew cigarettes were dangerous at some level, smoking was essentially an issue of personal choice and responsibility rather than a corporate one. 他还描述了这些公司在半个多世纪以来,一直合谋炮制假消息,同时混乱科学证据,苫 布这种论调:既然大家都知道香烟在一定程度上有危害,抽烟与否根本上说是个人的选择和 责任问题,责任不在烟草公司。 In the 1980s, scientists established the revolutionary concept that nicotine is extremely addictive. The tobacco companies publicly rejected such claims, even as they took advantage of cigarettes’ addictive potential by routinely spiking them with extra nicotine to make it harder to quit smoking. And their marketing memorandums document advertising campaigns aimed at youngsters to hook whole new generations of smokers. 在20 世纪80 年代,科学家们建立了一种革命性的观念,即尼古丁具有极强的致瘾性, 虽说烟草公司公开否认这些说法,但当时他们已经利用香烟的致瘾性来赚钱了,他们加尼古 丁含量,将烟民勾住,使得戒烟越发困难。在他们的营销备忘录中,记录了他们针对青少年 发动的广告运动,旨在诱惑一代代新烟民。 3 In 2004, Dr. Brandt was recruited by the Department of Justice to serve as its star expert witness in the federal racketeering case against Big Tobacco and to counter the gaggle of witnesses recruited by the industry. According to their own testimony, most of the 29 historians testifying on behalf of Big Tobacco did not even consult the industry’s internal research or communications. Instead, these experts focused primarily on a small group of skeptics of the dangers of cigarettes during the 1950s, many of whom had or would eventually have ties to the tobacco industry. 2004 年,布兰特博士被司法部聘请为重要专家,在指控烟草巨头的联邦欺诈案件中作 证,并与烟草业雇佣来的一伙证人进行对质。根据为烟草巨头们出庭作证的29 位历史学家 们自己的供述,他们中大多数甚至没有参看过烟草业内部的研究或交流文档。相反,这些专 家主要关注的是20 世纪50 年代的一小缀对香烟危害的怀疑论者,他们中大部分人要么当 时就与烟草业相勾结,要么最终也会通烟草业勾结起来。 ―I was appalled by what the tobacco expert witnesses had written,‖ Dr. Brandt said in a recent interview. ―By asking narrow questions and responding to them with narrow research, they provided precisely the cover the industry sought.‖ 布兰特博士在近期一次专访中说:―这些专家证人写下的言论令我感到震惊。他们靠问 一些片面的问题,并用片面的研究来解答,从而为烟草业提供了他们恰好需要的挡箭牌。‖ Apparently, the judge, Gladys Kessler of Federal District Court for the District of Columbia, agreed. Last August, she concluded that the tobacco industry had engaged in a 40-year conspiracy to defraud smokers about tobacco’s health dangers. Her opinion cited Dr. Brandt’s testimony more than 100 times. 当然,哥伦比亚特区联邦地方法庭法官格拉迪斯。凯斯勒同这一看法。去年八月,她总 结道,烟草业策划了一场长达40 年的阴谋,向烟草隐瞒烟草对健康的危害。她的观点中引 用了布兰特博士的证词达100 多次。 Dr. Brandt acknowledges that there are pitfalls in combining scholarship with battle against the deadly pandemic of cigarette smoking, but he says he sees little alternative. 布兰特博士承认,将学术研究和与抽烟这种致命的世界性传染病作斗争结合起来,这当 中会有陷阱,但他说他几乎看不到有别的选择。 ―If one of us occasionally crosses the boundary between analysis and advocacy, so be it,‖ he said. ―The stakes are high, and there is much work to be done.‖ ―如果我们中有人偶然跨过了分析和倡导之间的边界,那就跨过吧。‖他说,―风险很大, 还有更多工作要做。‖ 4 Text B:Marketing to Your Mind潜入心灵的营销 Alice Park爱丽丝?帕克 Are you a Coke or Pepsi drinker? Do you pull into McDonald's golden arches or prefer to "have it your way" at Burger King? When es to toothpaste,which flavor gets you brushing, Colgate or Crest? If you think it's just your taste buds that guide these preferences, you may be surprised by what neuroscientists are discovering when they peer inside the brain as it makes everyday choices like these. 你喝可口可乐或百事可乐吗,你有没有驾车驶入麦当劳金色的拱门,你是不是偏爱在 ―汉堡王‖餐厅―让我做主‖,谈到牙膏,哪种口味会让你刷牙,是高露洁还是佳洁士,如果你 觉得仅仅是味蕾指导着这些喜好的话,那么看看神经家们通过窥视大脑做出这类日常决策后 的发现吧,你也许会大吃一惊。 Don't worry--no one's scanning your head as you stand in front of the beverage aisle or sit in line at the drive-through. Instead, brain scientists are asking volunteers to ponder purchasing choices while lying inside high-tech brain scanners. The resulting real-time images indicate where and how the brain analyzes options, weighs risks and rewards, factors in experiences and emotions and ultimately sets a preference. "We can use brain imaging to gain insight into the mechanisms behind people's decisions in a way that is often difficult to get at simply by asking a person or watching their behavior," says Dr. Gregory Berns, a psychiatrist at Emory University. 别担心-------当你站在饮料货架前或是在免下车餐厅前排队时,没有人在扫描你的大脑, 脑科学家们的办法是,让志愿者躺在高科技脑扫描仪下,思考采购决策。扫描产生的实时图 像表明了大脑在何处以何种方式分析各选项,掂量风险和回报、经验和情感中的诸因素,并 最终确定自己的偏好,艾摩利大学精神医生格雷戈里。伯恩斯博士说:―我们使用脑扫描方 式来了解人做决策的机制,这种机制靠询问别人或观察其行为是很难被发现的。‖ To scientists, it's all part of the larger question of how the human brain makes decisions. But the answers may be invaluable to Big Business, which plowed an estimated $8 billion in 2006 into market research in an effort to predict--and sway--how we would spend our money. In the past, marketers relied on relatively crude measures of what got us buying: focus-group questionnaires and measurements of eye movements and perspiration patterns (the more excited you get about something, the more you tend to sweat). Now researchers can go straight to the decider in chief--the brain itself, opening the door to a controversial new field dubbed neuromarketing. 对于科学家来说,它只是人类大脑如何做决策这个大问题的一部分而已。但对于大型企 业来说,问题的答案可能是极为宝贵的。据估计,2006 年,这些企业在市场研究上投入了 80 亿美元,以预测--------并改变---------我们花钱的方式。过去,营销专家要了解影响我们 购买的因素,靠的是相对粗糙的手段:目标群体问卷调查,测量目光移动和出汗模式(你对 1 某事物越是兴奋,就越容易出汗)。现在,研究者们可以直接探入决策的主脑-------大脑本身, 由此打开了一扇大门,进入了一个被命名为神经营销学的复杂的新领域。 For now, most of the research is purely academic, although even brain experts anticipate that it's just a matter of time before their findings e a routine part of any smart corporation's marketing plans. Some lessons, particularly about how the brain interprets brand names, are already enticing advertisers. Take, for example, the classic taste test. P. Read Montague of Baylor College of Medicine performed his version of the Pepsi Challenge inside a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine in 2004. Montague gave 67 people a blind taste test of both Coke and Pepsi, then placed his subjects in the scanner, whose magnetic field measures how active cells are by recording how much oxygen they consume for energy. After tasting each drink, all the volunteers showed strong activation of the reward areas of the brain--which are associated with pleasure and satisfaction--and they were almost evenly split in their preferences for the two brands. But when Montague repeated the test and told them what they were drinking, three out of four people said they preferred Coke, and their brains showed why: not only were the reward systems active, but memory regions in the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus also lit up. "This showed that the brand alone has value in the brain system above and beyond the desire for the content of the can," says Montague. In other words, all those happy, energetic and glamorous people drinking Coke in commercials did exactly what they were supposed to do: seeped into the brain and left associations so powerful they could even override a preference for the taste of Pepsi. 迄今,这项研究基本上是纯学术性的,不过脑科学专家预计,早晚有一天他们的发现会 被所有明智的企业所采纳,成为其营销 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 中的常规部分。部分课程,尤其是关于大脑如何 解读商标名称的课程,已经令广告商们大为感兴趣,例如经典的味觉测试。2004 年,Balor 医院学的P。里德。蒙塔古利用功能性核磁共振成像仪(fMRI)进行了他的―百事挑战活动‖。 蒙古让67 个人在不知情的情况下分别品尝了可口可乐和百事可乐并进行测试,然后让受试 着躺在扫描仪下,扫描仪的磁场通过记录获得能量所需的耗氧量,测出细胞的活跃程度。品 尝了两种饮料后,所有志愿者脑部与愉悦和满意情绪相联系的奖励区域显示出较强的激活, 在对两种品牌的喜好中,志愿者人数几乎是半对半。但当蒙塔古将测试重复进行并告诉了他 们所喝的是何种饮料时,四个人中有三个说他们更喜欢可口可乐,他们的大脑揭示了其中的 奥妙:不仅奖励系统活跃起来,而且中央前额皮层和海马区的记忆区域也点亮了。―这表明 品牌本身在大脑系统中具有的价值已经高于并超出了对罐中饮料的欲求。‖换句话说,广告 片里那些喝着可口可乐,看起来快乐、生机勃勃、魅力四射的人们圆满完成了交给他们的任 务:渗入观众大脑中,引起了强烈的联想,甚至盖过了对百事可乐的味道的偏好。 Stanford neuroscientist Brian Knutson has zeroed in on a more primitive aspect of making choices. "e equipped to assess potentially good things and potentially bad things," he says. "There should be stuff in your brain that promotes your survival, whether you have learned those things or not--such as being scared of the dark or the unknown." Knutson calls these anticipatory emotions, and he believes that even before the cognitive areas of the brain are brought in to assess 2 options, these more intuitive and emotional regions are already priming the decision-making process and can foreshadow the e.Such primitive triggers almost certainly afforded survival advantages to our ancestors when they decided which plants to pick or which caves to enter, but Knutson surmises that vestiges of this system are at work as we make more mundane choices at the mall. There, it's the match between the value of a product and its price that triggers an anticipation of pleasure or pain. 斯坦福大学神经科学家布莱恩。克努僧专注于做选择时较为原始的一面。他说,―我们 生来具有某种机制来判断哪些可能是有益的东西,哪些可能是有害的东西。你的头脑里应该 有某种东西来提高你的生存能力,不管你学过学过-----------例如怕黑、害怕未知事物等。‖ 克努森把这些叫做―期望情感‖,他相信甚至再大脑的认知区域介入选项的分析前,这些更接 近直觉、更感性的区域已经为决策过程做了准备,并能够预测到结果。当我们的祖先在判断 去采哪株植物或是进入哪个洞穴时,这种原始的诱发因素几乎肯定为他们生存带来了益处, 但克努森推测,当我们在商场里做出一些日常选择时,这一系统的残余部分发挥了作用。在 商场里,正式商品价值和价格之间的较量诱发了愉悦或痛苦的期望。 To test his theory, Knutson and his team devised a way to mimic these same intuitive reactions in the lab. He gave subjects $20 each and, while they were in the fMRI machine, presented them with pictures of 80 products, each followed by a price. Subjects then had the option of purchasing each item on display. As they viewed products they preferred, Knutson saw activity in the nucleus accumbens,a region of the brain involved in anticipating pleasant es. If, on the other hand, the subjects thought the price of these items was too high, there was increased activity in the insula—an area involved in anticipating pain. "The idea is that if you can look into people's brains right before they make certain decisions,you can get a handle on these two feelings and do a better job of predicting what they are about to do," Knutson says. "I believe anticipatory emotions not only bias but drive decision making." 为了检验他的理论,克努森和他的研究小组设计了一种在实验室环境中模拟同样直觉反 应的方法。他给了受试者没人20 美元,当受试者挡在fMRI 扫描一下时,他给受试者看80 种产品的图片,每种图片后附有起价格。然后受试者可以选择购买给一种展示的物品。当他 们审视着他们喜欢的产品时,克努森看到了伏隔核的活动(伏隔核是一片预感愉悦结果的脑 部区域)。另一方面,如果受试者认为这些物品的价格太高,脑岛部分的活动就会增强,而 闹岛是预感痛苦的脑部区域。―我们的想法是,如果你能够在人们做出某些决策前,看穿他 们的脑部活动,你就能够控制这两种情绪,更好的预测他们即将做的决策。‖克努森说,―我 相信期望情感不仅使决策产生偏移,而且对决策产生推动作用。‖ All of this, of course, is whirring along at the brain's split-second pace, and as imaging technology improves, Knutson is hopeful that he and others will be able to see in even more detail the circuits in the brain activated during a decision.Already, according to Montague, these images have revealed surprising things about how the brain pares down the decision-making process by setting up shortcuts to make its analysis more efficient. To save time, the brain doesn't run through 3 the laundry list of risks, benefits and value judgments each time.Whenever it can, it relies on a type of "quick key" that takes advantage of experiences and stored information. That's where things like brands, familiarity and e in--they're a shortcut for knowing what to expect. "You run from the devil you know," says Montague. "And you run to the brand that you know,because to sit there and deliberate chews up time, and that makes you less efficient than the next guy." 和其他科学家们将会了解到决策过程中大脑兴奋区域的更多细节,据蒙塔古称,这些图 像已经揭示了许多令人吃惊的事实,说明了大脑如何消减决策过程,建立捷径,提高决策分 析的效率。为了节省时间,大脑并不每次都对风险,益处和价值判断进行-------分析。只要 可能的话,大脑都依赖一种对以往经验和存储的信息加以利用的―快捷键‖。这就是品牌、熟 悉度和信任介入的地方--------它们是了解所期望事物的捷径。蒙塔古说,―你远离未知的东 西,走向你了解的品牌,因为坐在那儿认真思考太消耗时间,会让你比旁边那边家伙要低效。‖ That's certainly music to advertisers' ears, but, warn neuroscientists, it's unlikely that our purchasing behavior follows a single pathway. Montague, for one,is investigating how factors like trust, altruism and the feeling of obligation when someone does you a favor can divert and modify steps in the decision-making tree."The capacity to use brain responses and relate them to behavior has accelerated at a breathtaking pace over the past four years and yielded an incredible amount of information," he says. How marketers use that data to hone their messages remains to be seen. 对于广告商来说,这种说法当然很美妙,但神经科学家警告说,我们的购买行为不可能 遵循单一的方式,例如,蒙塔古正在研究当别人帮助你时,信任、利他和责任感等因素如何 转移并修改决策结构图中的各步骤,他说,:―利用大脑反应并将它们与行为关联起来的能力 在过去的四年中取得了令人惊叹的巨大进步,产生了令人难以置信的海量信息。‖营销专家 如何使用这种信息来改进他们的讯息传播,令人拭目以待。 4 Unit Five:Success and Happiness Text A:Aristotle Got It Right亚里士多德是对的 David Cameron大卫?卡梅隆 Well-being, not just wealth, should mark the progress of our societies. It is hard to escape the fact that in developed societies, despite progress, innovation and prosperity, there is nothing not quite right. In some cases, it is hard for people to put a finger on it: a feeling of emptiness and not belonging, a lack of defined relationships and solid social structures. In other respects, it is really quantifiable:rates of drug abuse, violent crime and depression and suicide are rocketing. Why are we unhappy?It seems that the Enlightenment brought forth unparalleled liberty in economic,social and political life, but we are now undergoing a midlife crisis. 人们身心的健康与快乐,并非财富,才是我们社会进步的标志。人们很难摆脱这样一种 事实:在发达的社会,尽管社会进步,改革日新月异,物质富足、却总觉得有些事情不大对 劲。有时候,人们难以明确地指出到底为何:空虚,没有归属感,没有稳定明确的人际关系 以及稳固的社会结构。在其他方面,问题可以明确量化地表述:滥用毒品、暴力犯罪,经济 萧条以及自杀身亡的比率在急剧增加。我们为何如此不快乐,启蒙运动带给我们无可比拟的 经济、社会以及政治生活的自由,而我们现在正经受着―中年‖危机。 The politics of happiness is nothing new. In his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle said that eudaimonia, or happiness , is the goal of life. But for me , the person who brings the great conundrum of personal happiness is Robert Kennedy . In a beautiful1y crafted speech , he said what "makes life worthwhile" is "the health of our children ,the quality of their education, the joy of their play,""the strength of our marriages… our devotion to our country"and our "wit ... wisdom and courage." And he pointed out that none of these could be measured by gross national product. 探讨幸福的内涵古已有之。在其所著的《尼各马科伦理学》一书中,亚里士多德曾指出: 幸福是人生的目标。可我以为,将个人幸福这一难题谈得沸沸扬扬的是罗伯特?肯尼迪,在 他言辞精妙的演讲中,他阐述道:使―生活有意义―的是―孩于们的健康,儿童的教育质量以 及他们玩耍游戏的快乐‖,是―我们德固的婚姻.....对祖国的热爱与忠诚‖,是我们的―睿智....... 英明与勇气‖。他还指出,这一切没有一样能够用国民生产总值来街量。 Nor could we be surprised by the politics of happiness. Ask people how they are, and they will answer in terms of their family life, community life and work life, rather than just what they are paid. 我们也不会对幸福内涵感到惊讶。若问人们近况知何,他们会谈到家庭、工作以及所处 社区的情况,而不是回答自己挣多少工资。 Despite this , it is a notoriously difficult subject for politicians to grasp. One reason is that happiness and well-being are generally not well served by statistical analysis. Politicians, obsessed 1 with inputs and outputs , targets and controls, are flummoxed by immeasurable concepts such as the value people place on spending time with their families. Another reason ,which is related , is that electoral cycles lend themselves to a culture of short-termism, with a need for immediate, quantifiable measurements and results. 即使这样,政治家们还是难以完全理解这一众所周知的难题——幸福的确切内涵。其中 之一的原因是幸福与健康通常都不能通过统计分析来表示。政治家们满脑子的投入与产出、 目标与调控,而对于诸如人们有多看重与家人共度时光之类的、无法用数字测量的概念,他 们往往感到困惑不已。另一与之相关的原因是:一轮轮的竞选让他们置身于急功近利的氛围, 期待立竿见影的、量化的测量手段与结果。 One such measurement is GDP. In many ways , increasing this has been the raison detre for many center-right political parties since the 1980s. Back then, many developed economics were in a state of economic malaise, with persistently high inflation and unemployment. We needed something to reverse this stagnation and put us back onto the path of prosperity. Thankfully, we got that. 测量手段之一即是GDP(国内生产总值)。自1980 年以来,在许多方面,增加GDP 一 直是许多中一右派政党们的党派存在的理由。当时,许多发达经济行业处于经济病态,通货 膨帐率与夫业率持续居高不下。我们需要采取措施来扭转这种停滞的局面,走向通往繁荣之 路。幸运的是,我们找到了解决问题的方法。 Today we need to be just as revolutionary to put us back on track to social prosperity: to respond to that yearning for happiness. That is why I have been arguing in Britain that we need to refocus our energies on GWB—general well-being. It means recognizing the social,cultural and moral factors that give true meaning to our lives. In particular, it means focusing on a sustainable environment and building stronger societies. And yes, it also means recognizing that there is more to life than money: indeed, that quality of life means more than the quantity of money. 今天,为了重新回到社会繁荣富强的轨道上我们需要如同当时一样彻底改变思想,即积 极地响应对幸福的追求。这也是我在英国一直强调需要将精力集中干GWB(General well-bing)即国民健康总值的原因。这意味着认可社会、文化、道德等斌予我们生活真实意 义的因素。尤其意味着我们将集中于坏境的可持续发展,建立更强大的社会体系.这也意味 着认可我们生活中有比金钱更重要的:确实,生活的质童绝不仅仅取决于金钱的数量。 I think the center-right can be the champions of this cause. The center-left never really get the well-being agenda because they treat individuals as units of account. And they find it difficult to understand how it cannot be delivered simply by the push of a legislator's pen. 我认为中一右派政党能够成为胜任此项事业的先驱.而中一左派政党将永远不会把人们 的身心健康列入党派纲领议程,因为他们将个人看作记账单位。他们难以理解的是,为何通 过立法也不能实现个人的身心健康。 2 Instead , the politics of well-being is a politics that needs to be founded on sharing responsibility. of course, government must take its own responsibilities. But that needs to be part of a wider cultural change: a cultural change that will occurs as a consequence of legislation, leadership and social change. 以人们身心健康为中心的政治需要各方人士各尽其责方能实现,而昨仅仅通过立法。当 然,政府也需承担应尽的职责。这需要更广泛的文化变革:在立法、领导方式以及社会等各 方面变革之后,才能引起这场大变革。 What' s the government's role? It is to show leadership and set the framework. Showing leadership means leading the change in the many areas that impact on well-being. For example, everyone would agree that spending more time with family is crucial to happiness . Here governments should be pioneers of flexible working with public-sector employees. 那么,政府的职责是什么,政府应尽领导职责,并制定规章制度,应尽领导职责是指在 能影响人们身心健康的各个领域变革。比如说,人人都一直认为与家人共度更多时间是人们 幸福的关键。那么在这方面,政府应当率先实行公务员灵活机动的工作时间。 Setting the right framework means creating incentives and removing barriers to remodel the context within which the whole of society makes choices. Take the environment for example. Everyone would agree that a cleaner local environment would enhance our well-being. By setting a framework that creates a price for carbon in our economy and encourages green innovation, the government can help people make the better choice. 制定恰当的规章制度是值创设激励机制并排除障碍来重建整个社会体系,这样,社会的 各个层面都能依此做出恰当的选择。以环境为例,人人都认为当地更洁净的环境会有助于改 善人们的身心健康。通过订立为碳付出代价并鼓励环保创新改革这样的规章制度,政府就能 帮助人们做出更好的选择。 Ultimately, society's happiness requires us all to play our part. Indeed, playing our part is part of being happy. That is why we need a revolution in responsibility. Corporate responsibility means businesses taking a provocative role, and taking account of their employees' lives. Civic responsibility means giving power back to local government, community organizations and social enterprises so they can formulate local solutions to local problems. And personal responsibility means we all do our bit in cleaning up our local environment or participating in local politics. 归根结底,全社会的幸福需要每个人都尽一份力。实际上,每个人在尽力的同时也会感 到快乐。这就是我们需要在责任观念上变革的原因。公司的职责是指企业公司发挥积极的作 用,真正考虑到员工的生活。城市职责是指将权力返还给当地政府、社区机构以及社会团体 一边他们能因地制宜解决当地的问题,个人职责是指每个人各尽其能,无论是清洁当地环境, 还是参与当地政治。 3 Neil Browne, professor of economics at Bowling Green State University, recently wrote an article: " If Markets Are So Wonderful , Why Can't I Find Friends at the Store ?" It is not that markets are bad or that we are all doomed to a life of perpetual unhappiness. Rather, given our advances in terms of political freedom, economic enterprise and cultural ingenuity, life could, and should, be more satisfying. That is why focusing on general well-being could be the big, defining political concept of the 21st century. And by recognizing the responsibility every section of society has, we also have the means to enhance it. Bowling Green 州立大学经济学教授耐尔?布朗最近写了篇文章,题为:―倘若市场上物 品如此丰富,为何不见有―朋友‖出售,‖这并非市场物资缺乏或我们注定永生不会快乐。相 反,既然我们政治上已经更加自由,经济更加繁荣发展,文化更加百花齐放,那么我们的生 活能够并且应当更令人满意。因此,21世纪,致力于GWB 的建设能成为一项重要的日益 凸现的政治观念。我们在意识到社会的方方面面的责任的同时,也有办法来增强这些责任。 4 Text B:Finding your true calling找寻内心真实的呼唤 The very worst use of time in life is to stay for months or years at a job for which you are completely unsuited. However, a great number of people spend their whole lives doing something during the week so that they can somehow find some thing enjoyable to do on the weekend. 人们一生中利用时间最糟糕的莫过于经年累月地从事自己完全不合适的工作。可是,有 相当多的人却一生都是如此度过的:工作日内做做事,周末找些乐子。 In every case, these are men and women with very little future before them.They look upon their jobs as a form of drudgery, a penance they have to pay in order to enjoy the rest of their lives. And because of this attitude, they will seldom advance or be promoted. They will stay pretty much at the same level, moving from job to job, and always wondering why other people seem to live the "good life" while they feel they are living lives of quiet desperation. 从各种情况看,这些人的前途黯淡。他们认为自己的工作是沉重的任务,是他们为了享 受余生对自己的惩罚。正是由于这种态度,他们很少会有发展或得到提升。他们总是在原地 踏步,工作换了一个又一个,并老是不明白为什么别人能过上―好日子‖而他们却感觉生活在 无声的绝望之中。 People who are not successful and happy in their work are those who have not taken the time to sit down and deal honestly and openly with themselves.They have not looked deep within themselves to recognize the inner treasures of talent and ability that they have demonstrated throughout their lives.They are content to do work that other people design and to achieve goals that other people set. 那些在工作中不成功、不快乐的人,往往没有踏踏实实坐下来坦诚地认识了解自我。他 们没有深刻地审视自己,没有认识到他们生命中展现出的宝贵的才华与能力。他们满足于从 事别人指派的工作,完成别人设定的目标。 Over time, people who are not following their true calling begin to helpless.They feel that there is nothing they can do to change things.Their income rises enough only to meet their expenditures and they worry about money much of the time. The future looks to them to be very much the same as the past. But this is not for you! 日子一天天过去,由于没有追随内心真实的呼唤,人们开始感到无助。他们感到自己无 能为力,无法改变这一切,他们薪水增长缓慢仅够维持开销,大部分时间都是在担心钱不够 用。前途对于他们和过去相差无几,可这悲哀的境遇应当不属于你。 Your aim in life is to become everything you are capable of becoming, to enjoy full self-expression of your talents and abilities.Your job is to develop yourself to the point at which every day is a source of joy and satisfaction, and you have so many interesting things to do that you do not have enough time to do them.Your mission is to continually hold up a mirror to 1 yourself and refuse to work at anything that is not an expression of everything that is good and capable within you. 你在生活中的目标是将能力发挥到极致,充分展现自我才华与能力。你的工作就是不断 完善自己,直至每天都成为你快乐与满足的源泉,而你会被许多有趣的事情环绕以致无暇一 一顾及,你的任务就是手握明镜照着自己,若任何工作不适合或不能彰显你的能力,就应当 拒绝。 Success comes from being excellent at what you do. The market pays excellent rewards only for excellent performance. It pays average rewards for average performance and below average rewards一and insecurity一for below-average performance. 成功来自于出色的工作表现,对于极佳的表现市场会赠与绝佳的报酬,中等的表现只能 获得中等报酬,而低劣的工作只会相应地获得低劣的报酬甚至有丢掉工作的风险。 But excellence is a journey, not a destination. You never really get there.You can never relax. The market is always changing, and what constitutes excellence today will be different tomorrow and very different next year and the year after. 然而,工作出色是一段旅程而非目的地。你永远也不可能真正到达。因而你永远不可以 停歇放松,市场在不断变化,今日能表现出色,明日也许并不一定,明年乃至后年就更不一 定了。 All really successful and happy people know in their hearts that they are very good at what they do. If you are doing what you really enjoy or love, if you are following your true calling, you will know because of your attitude you are following your toward excellence. 所有真正成功并且快乐的人们从内心深处得知自己擅长从事的工作。如果你从事真正喜 欢和热爱的失业,如果你追随了你内心真实的呼唤,你就会知道自己是否擅长,就因你出色 的态度。 When you find your true calling,you will have a continuous desire to learn more about it. A person who is not driven to learn more about his field is a person who is in the wrong job.And if a person is in the wrong job and not constantly learning and growing in his or her field,that person's value and his or her employ ability is diminishing with each passing day. 一旦你找寻到了内心真实的呼唤,你会持续不断地去进一步了解它。若一个人没有动力 去更多地了解自己从事的领域,那么他就选错了职业。如果他入错了行又不继续学习来增加 自己对本行业的了解,那么他的价值以及被聘用的可能性将与日递减。 When you find your true calling,you will be determined to join the top 10 percent of people in your field. You will be willing to pay any price that is necessary to rise to the top. You will be willing to start work earlier than anyone else,work harder than anyone else,and work later than anyone else. 2 一旦你找寻到了内心真实的呼唤,你会决心成为本领域中顶级的10%里的人物。你会 愿意付出人格必要的代价来跻身于顶级人物之列。你会愿意工作得比任何人都早,比任何人 都勤奋,比任何人都工作时间长。 A simple test as to whether or not you are in your true calling is this:If you are doing the job that is meant for you.that uses your unique talents,you will automatically admire those who are at the top of your field. You will look up to them and want to be like them. They will be your role models,and you will pattern your work and activities after them.You will want to meet them, speak with them, read their books, and listen to their talks.The very best people in your chosen field will become the examples that give you guidance,both spoken and unspoken,on your upward journey. 一个简单的测试可以让那个你了解自己是否真正从事内心向往的工作:若你所从事的工 作真是你应该从事的,能运用你独特的才能,你就会不自觉地崇拜那些本领域的顶级任务。 你会想他们看齐,期望有朝一日能成为他们中的一员。他们将成为你行业的典范人物,在工 作和其他事务上你会模仿他们。你会希望与他们会面、交谈,阅读他们的著作,聆听他们的 讲话,在你所选定的领域里这些优秀的人才将成为楷模,通过言谈和行为,在你奋发向上的 旅途中充当你的向导。 Throughout the years, I have been continually asked by people what they can do to be more successful. In almost every case,these people are working in jobs that they don't like,for bosses they don't particularly respect, producing or selling products or services to customers they don't care about.And many of them think that if they just hang in there long enough,the clouds will part and everything will get better. 这些年来,一直有人不断地问我,要如何才能更成功。很多情况下,人们从事自己并不 喜欢的工作。为自己并不特别尊敬的老板干活,对购买自己产品或服务的顾客并不在乎。很 多人以为只要自己待足够长时间,总有一日将云开雾散,情况越来越好。 But the fact is that you are where you are and who you are because you have chosen to be better.Nobody can help you or change your situation for you.The economic goal of your company is to hire people st the very lowest cost so that they can serve customers at the very lowest cost in a competitive market.For this reason,no one has any obligation to pay you any more than you are getting.If possible, he or she would like to pay you less. 但事实确实你会原地踏步,自己没有任何改观,因为你选择如此。没有人能帮你改变局 势,你公司的经济目标是以最低廉的成本价格来招募职员,这样他们便能在竞争激烈的市场 以最低的价格服务顾客。由于这样的原因,没有人有任何义务支付你更多的薪水,相反,如 果可能,他倒愿意支付得更少些。 3 You must become great at doing what you are doing if you want to move up.And if you don't have the inner desire to be great at your job,it means you are probably in the wrong job. 如果你想努力向上,你必须在自己的岗位上做得最好。如果你没有促使你积极工作的内 资啊动力,这意味着你很可能选错了职业。 A great tragedy is the number of people who do their jobs in an average or mediocre fashion and with the idea that when the right job comes along,they will really put their heads down and do a great job.But for some reason,the right job never comes along. They are always passed over for promotion or advancement.They are always the last ones hired and the first ones laid off. 可悲的是,为数可观的人们工作平平,却怀有这样一种想法:一旦心仪的工作来临,他 们会全身心扑 进去,干出一番成绩。但由于某些原因,合适的工作永远不会降临。晋升与 发展的机遇总是与他们擦肩而过,他们总是受雇的最后人选,解聘的第一人选。 If you're still not sure about your true calling,ask the people closest to you,"What do you think I would do the best at in my life?"It is amazing how people around you,including your spouse,your best friends,and your parents,can clearly see what you should be doing when often you cannot see it yourself. 如果你仍不清楚自己的真是需求,问问你周围最亲近的人,―你认为i 我做什么最好,‖ 令人惊异的是,往往当你自己还不清楚自己的真是想法时,你身边的人,包括你的配偶,最 好的朋友,父母,却都能清楚地知道你应当做什么。 Remember,you were put on this earth to do something wonderful with your life.You have within you talents and abilities so vast that you could never use them all if you lived to be a thousand years old.You have natural skills and talents that can enable you to overcome any obstacles and achieve any goal you could ever set for yourself. There are no limits on what you can be,have, or do if you have your true calling, and then throw your whole heart into doing what you were made to do in an excellent fashion. 应该记住的是,你降临在这个世上,是要有所作为的,你蕴藏着极丰富的才华与能力, 及时货到1000 岁也无法穷尽。你与生俱来的技能与才华能让你克服任何困难,最终企及自 己设定的目标。如果你找寻到了你内心真是的呼唤,那么你就可以成为你想做的人,拥有你 想又有的,做你想做的事,以绝佳的心态,全身心地投入到你的事业中去。 4 Unit Six:Globalization Text A:Give globalization a hand推进经济全球化 Here's a fact worth reiterating: despite the severe shocks and imbalances that have hit it off and on during the early years of this century, the world economy continues to grow, with low inflation. Of course, performance varies across countries and continents, but there are two generalizations you can make: The already rich countries keep enjoying expanding economies, and in the rest of the world millions of people overcome poverty every year, thanks to economic growth. Is there a force underlying this benign evolution that transcends national borders?Yes. That force is international economic integration or globalization, if you wish. The market economy's capacity to fulfill human needs is being enhanced to an unprecedented extent by international trade and investment. 尽管本世纪初时不时出现严重的冲击和失衡,但世界经济持续增长,没有严重的通货膨 胀,这是个值得重申的事实。当然,各国各洲情况不尽相同,但是我们可以做出两点概括: 已经富有的国家保持经济全面发展,而其他地方每年有成千上万的人摆脱平困,这都得益于 经济的增长。是否有一种什么力量在推动着这种超越国界的良性进化,是的,这种力量就是 国际经济的大融合。或者,如果你愿意,可以称之为全球化。国际贸易和投资将市场经济满 足人类需求的能力提升到了一个前所未有的高度。 National economies have become increasingly interdependent, and on the whole this process has added scale, flexibility and productivity to the global economy.Facilitated by modern transportation and communications and the elimination of trade barriers, specialization - that crucial vehicle of the market economy--has become more and more sophisticated, as shown by the complexity and efficiency of contemporary supply chains. In today's global economy, firms and countries no longer specialize in the production of goods alone but increasingly in the finer tasks that make up the manufacturing, commercial and financial processes, bringing about lower costs, better quality and more choices for consumers. 国家间经济上相互依赖的程度越来越高,而就总体而言,这一过程扩大了全球经济规模, 提高了其灵活性和生产力。由于现代交通和通讯工具提供了便利,贸易障碍得以清除,专门 化这一市场经济的重要载体变得越来越复杂。这点从当今供货链的复杂性和有效性上可见一 斑。在现今的全球经济下,公司和国家不再专营商品生产,而是越来越专注于精细的任务。 这些任务贯穿制造、销售和财务各过程,并实现降低成本、提高质量和为消费者提供更多选 择的目的。 Great Source of Strongth巨大的力量源泉 Globalization is providing the world with not only greater economic opportunities but also a remarkable resilience to events that in the past would have proven highly disruptive. If you considerecent regional wars, terrorism, the skyrocketing prices of oil and other commodities, and the laxity in the fiscal and monetary policies of some of the major economies, you may conclude 1 that it's only through the globalization of the market economy that we've been able to sail through such stormy waters. 全球化提供给我们这个世界的不只是更多经济发展的契机,还大大增强了我的抵抗力, 可以轻松应对在过去颇具颠覆力量的时间。如果你考虑一下最近的局部战争,恐怖主义,飙 升的油价和其他日用品价格,以及某些经济大国的财务和货币政策的疲软,你会得出这样的 结论:正是通过市场经济的全球化,我们才得以在如此狂风巨浪中平安驶过。 For example, the slack in global demand created by the sluggishness in the European and Japanese economies during past years was more than compensated for by the rapid and vigorous globalization of China and other emerging economies.The new' players have made world trade more dynamic and enlarged the pool of world savings available to nance the substantial current account deficits2 incurred by the U.S. in recellt years. Although of questionable sustainability and convenience in the medium and long term, these deficits have nevertheless helped to support overall demand and growth in the short term— without, as yet, shaking international financial stability. The sharp increase in commodity prices over the last three years has not led to unbearable inflationary pressure because of the increasing presence of labor-abundant countries in world markets and the rise in productivity brought about by the intensification of global competition. 例如,在过去几年里欧洲和日本经济发展迟滞所造成的全球需求市场的疲软,已经被中 国和其他正在崛起的过的快速而充满活力的全球化进程抵消。并且,这些新的参与者给世界 贸易注入了活力并增大了国际储备,从而可以支持没过在近几年造成的巨大经济账目赤字。 这些赤字在不影响全球金融市场稳定的前提下,在短期内有助于支撑全面需求和增长,虽然 从中长期来看,其稳定性和便捷性仍值得探讨。过去三年的日用品价格的快速上升并未造成 无法承受的通货膨胀压力是因为全球市场中劳动力资源丰富的国家不断出现和全球竞争家 具所带来的生产力的提高。 Don't Forget History不要忘记历史 Globalization has, in short, been an incredible force for good in the world. But is this force inexhaustible? Unfortunately, no. Modern globalization has so far proved stronger than the forces and events arrayed against it, but there's no guarantee this will always be the case. Just as with any other economic or social phenomenon, globalization faces risks that could challenge its growth or, worse, cause its reversal.This has happened before, most dramatically in 1914, with the outbreak of World War I, the beginning of the end of an extraordinary expansion in international trade,investment and migration that had taken place during most of the 19th and early 20th centuries. 全球化,简言之,是种不可思议的力量,为请按世界带来了好处,但是这种力量是否无 穷无尽,不幸的是,并非如此,迄今为止,现代全球化的确战胜了和它对立的力量和事件, 但是我们不能保证这种态势能永远继续。正如其他任何经济或社会现象一样,全球化也面临 2 着各种风险,这些风险可能阻碍其进一发展,更有甚者,可能造成大逆转。这曾经发生过, 最严重的一次是1914 年,一战的爆发标志着在几乎整个19 世纪和20 世纪初全面发展的 和国际贸易、投资和移民活动终结。 Historians and economists increasingly remind us that human folly could once again cause the unthinkable. The inability to prevent violent conflict, as well as faulty policies in the face of economic adversity, were at the root of the incredible destruction of life, capital, trade and prosperity suffered by the pre-baby-boom generations of the 20th century. The strategies to tackle a new wave of globalization reversal are no mystery; they were learned through hard experience. 历史学家和经济学家一再提醒我们要警惕人类蠢行再一次导致不可想象的后果,20 世 纪―人口爆炸‖前的一代人遭受了生活、资本、贸易和繁荣的不可思议的大毁灭,究其根本, 是面对暴力冲突的软弱无能和面对经济困难的错误决策。 The pursuit of progress and security at the global level starts by every country's keeping its house in order, especially those that have a responsibility to lead by example. Part of this includes a country's supporting, in a rational way, its own people as they adapt to the rigors inherent in free and open markets. Another essential component is rules-based international cooperation, particularly when it comes to containing or dissipating geopolitical threats to global stability. 要想得到发展和安全,每个国家必须从我做起,管理好本国事务。特别是那些负有领导 责任的国家更要以身作则。这一方面包括一个国家呀理性地支持它的人民调整自己以适应自 由开放的市场所国有的一些困难。另一重要方面是以规则为基础的国际合作,特别是在一直 或消解影响全球稳定的地理政治威胁方面。 Following World War 2 this concept of cooperation was embodies in various institutions and covenants,which,for the most part,worked well for many years.Lately,however,the value of international cooperation seems to have been forgotten.More frequently than not international laws.agreements and institutions are bypassed,and various attempts to update these indispensable instruments have failed roundly.Thy vision and leadership that created and sustained them over time is now missing.We were harshly reminded of this vacuum this summer,first with the latest collapse of the Doha Round and hen with a new military conflagration in the Middle East.Fortunately,the latter has—at least for the time being—been subdued,revealingly,by old-fashioned diplomacy and an institution much vilified in recent years:the United Nations. 二战后,合作的观念已经体现在各种制度和契约中。多年来,这些契约在大多数情况下 起到了良好的作用。但是,最近,国际合作的价值似乎被遗忘了。更多情况下,国际法规、 协议和制度被忽略,而各种试图更新这些必要工具的努力也都彻底失败了。长期以来创建并 维护他们的远见卓识和领袖能力不见了,今年夏天多哈会谈的最近一次失败和后来中东又一 轮的军事灾难有一次无情地提醒我们这种真空状态。幸运的是,后者已经——至少暂时—— 被控制住了。颇具启示意义的是,中东局势得以控制靠的仍是一种老套的外交手段和一个近 年来广遭诋毁的机构——联合国。 3 Text B:All Cultures Are Not Equal文化大不同 Let’s say you are an 18-year-old kid with a really big brain.You’re trying to figure out which field of study you should devote your life to ,so you can understand the forces that will be shaping history for decades to come.Go into the field certain national traits endure over centuries.why certain cultures.why certain cultures embrace technology and economic growth others resist them. 假设你是一个18 岁的法的聪明孩子,你正在试图决定自己应该为哪个领域的研究而奉 献一生,从而能够理解那些能在今后几十年塑造历史的力量。那就请你选择这个几乎不存在 的领域吧:文化地理学,研究人们为什么聚在一起,又如何聚在一起;为什么有些民族特征 可以延续几个世纪;为什么有些文化拥抱技术和经济发展而有些却抗拒。 This is the line of inquiry that is now impolite to pursue. The gospel of multiculturalism preaches that all groups and cultures are equally wonderful.There are a certain number of close-minded thugs,especially on university campuses,who accuse anybody who asks intelligent questions about groups and enduring traits of being racist or sexist.The economists and scientists tend to assume that material factors drive history—resources and brain chemistry—because that’s what they can measure and count. 这是一门现今被认为很无礼的学问,多元文化主义的圣经宣扬所有群落和文化都同样精 彩,有些思维狭隘的恶棍,特别在大学校园里,指控任何一个对文化群落及其持久的特征进 行研究的人为种族主义者或性别歧视者,经济学家和科学家倾向与认为物质因素驱动历史 ——资源和脑化学——因为这些他们可以测量计算。 But none of this helps explain a crucial feature of our time: while global economies are converging, cultures are diverging, and the widening cultural differences are leading us into a period of conflict, inequality and segmentation. Not long ago, people said that globalization and the revolution in communications technology would bring us all together. But the opposite is true. People are taking advantage of freedom and technology to create new groups and cultural zones. Old national identities and behavior patterns are proving surprisingly durable. People are moving into self-segregating communities with people like themselves, and building invisible and sometimes visible barriers to keep strangers out. 但是这些都无助于解释我们时代的一个重要特征:虽然全球经济在汇聚,文化却在分流。 而文化差距的扩大将我们带入一个充满冲突、不平等和隔离的时期,不久前,人们说全球化 和通讯技术的革命会使我们走到一起来,但事实刚好相反。人们正在利用自由和技术建造着 新的文化群落和文化地带。而一些旧的民族身份和行为模式显示出了令人吃惊的生命力,人 们搬进自我隔离的社区和自己的同类住在一起,并修建了无形的、有时甚至是有形的屏障以 便将陌生人挡在外面。 If you look just around the United States you find amazing cultural segmentation. We in America have been ―globalized‖ (meaning economically integrated) for centuries, and yet far from 1 converging into some homogeneous culture, we are actually diverging into lifestyle segments. The music, news, magazine and television markets have all segmented, so there are fewer cultural unifiers like life magazine or Walter Cronkite. 你只需环视下美国,就会发现惊人的文化阻隔。我们在美国已经―全球化‖(指经济融合) 了几个世纪了,而我们非但没有汇聚成一种大一统的文化,反而分流成了众多不同生活方式 的隔离区,音乐、新闻、杂志和电视市场全都分隔开了,所以几乎没有像《生活》杂志或沃 尔特?克朗凯那样可以同化文化的现象了。 Forty-million Americans move every year, and they generally move in with people like themselves, so as the late James Chapin used to say, every place becomes more like itself. Crunchy places like Boulder attract crunchy types and become crunchier. Conservative places like suburban Georgia attract conservatives and become more so. Not long ago, many people worked on farms or in factories, so they had similar lifestyles. But now the economy rewards specialization, so workplaces and lifestyles diverge. The military and civilian cultures diverge. In the political world, Democrats and Republicans seem to live on different planets. 每年有四千万美国人搬家,通常是搬到他们的同类那里去,正如已故詹姆斯?查宾常说 的,每个地方都更像它自己,像博尔德那样自由地方会吸引更多的自由派从而变得更自由, 像佐治亚州郊区这样饱受的地方会吸引保守派从而更保守。以前人们或在农场或在工厂做 工,所以生活方式都是相类似的,但现在,经济崇尚专门化,工作和生活方式也因此分流。 军事和平民的文化分流。在政界,民主党和共和党像生活在不同的星球上一样。 Meanwhile ,if you look around the world you see how often events are driven by groups that reject the globalize culture. Islamic extremists reject the modern cultures of Europe ,and have created a hyperaggressive fantasy version of traditional Islamic purity.In a much different and less violent way ,some American Jews have moved to Hebron and become hyper-Zionists.From Africa to Seattle,religiously orthodox students reject what they see as the amoral mainstream culture,and carve out defiant revival movements .From Rome to Oregon ,anti-globalization types create their own subculture .The members of these and many other groups did not inherit their identities .They took advantage of modernity,affluence and freedom to become practitioners of a do-it-yourself tribalism.They are part of a great reshuffling of identities ,and the creation of new,often more rigid groupings.They have the zeal of converts. 同时,如果你环顾一下世界,你会发现很多时间的发生都是由拒绝文化全球化的群体推 进的,伊斯兰极端主义者抗拒欧洲现代文化了,所以建立了一种极具攻击性的文化,幻想以 此保留传统伊斯兰世界的纯洁。美国犹太人的做法与此不同并相对温和,他们搬到希伯伦成 为极端犹太复国主义者。从非洲到西雅图,信仰东正教的学生摒弃他们认为没有道德标准的 主流文化并发动了颇具挑衅性的复兴运动,从罗马到俄勒冈,反对全球化的人建立了他们的 亚文化,但是这些以及其他文化群落的成员并没有集成他们的身份,而是利用现代社会的富 足和自由―自己动手‖创造了新的部落文化。他们参与了身份大洗牌,划定了通常更严苛的、 2 新的部落界线,他们有着皈依者的热情。 Meanwhile,transnational dreams like European unification and Arab unity falter,and behaviour patterns across nations diverge.For example,fertility rates between countries like the U.S. and Canada are diverging.Work habits between the U.S. And Europe are diverging. Global inequality widens as some nations with certain cultural traits prosper and others with other traits don not. 另外,像欧洲大一统,阿拉伯世界大一统之类的跨国梦想滞不补前。国际间的行为模式 也产生分流,如美国和加拿大的人口出生率差距在拉大;美国与欧洲的工作方式差距也在拉 大。全球不平等现象越来越严重,因为有某种文化特质的一些国家繁荣昌盛了,而又另外一 些特质的其他国家却没有发展。 People like Max Weber , Edward Banfield , Samuel Huntington, Lawrence Harrison and Thomas So well have given us an inkling of how to think about this stuff,but for the most part,this is open ground.If you are 18 and you have got that big brain,the whole field of cultural geography is waiting for you. 马克斯?韦伯、爱德华?班菲尔德、塞缪尔?亨廷顿、劳伦斯?哈里森以及托马斯?索威尔等 人在这方面已经做出了些粗浅的研究,但是这一领域总的来说仍是一片有待于开垦的广阔天 地。如果你已满18 岁并且有聪明的大脑,文化地理学的整个领域正在等候着你。 3 Unit Seven:Plagiarism Text A :The Cult of Celebrity Professors 名家热 Celebrity professors are a good thing .Really! 当名家是名利双收的好事,一点不假! Few species have as many natural enemies as the celebrity professor. Other academics envy their money and fame; journalists dislike their cleverer-than-thou airs; and everybody hates their determination to have it all—the security of academic tenure and the glitz of media stardom. So these are happy days for the rest of us. Plagiarism, lying, waffle-mongering:hardly a week goes by without some academic celebrity or other biting the dust, his reputation in tatters. 没有几个物种会像名家那样树敌众多,学者嫉妒他们的名利双收,记者反感他们的盛气 凌人,人人痛恨他们的志在必得,从学术地位的把持到媒体上的频频曝光,一个都不放过。 所以对于我们外人来说倒是有热闹可看了,剽窃,说谎,招摇撞骗,几乎每周都能看到这个 或那个专家名流身败名裂,一败涂地。 Stephen Ambrose was arguably America’s favorite historian, a man who wrote bestsellers f aster than most people read them. An inspirer of Hollywood blockbusters, he can also claim credit for two of the best presidential biographies around, on Eisenhower and Nixon. But it now turns out that five of his books contain extensive ―borrowings‖ from other historians. (―I’m not writing a PhD‖, he has offered as an explanation—an unsurprising claim, as he would not get one for somebody else’s work.) 斯蒂芬?安布罗斯是美国非常得宠的历史学家。他创作畅销小说速度飞快,让读者目不 暇接,他不仅是好莱坞大片的创作源泉,更因写下艾森豪威尔和尼克松的最佳总统传记而广 受赞誉。不料,现如今却爆出他的五部作品过度的借鉴了其他历史学家的专著(对此他解释 说―我又不是在写博士论文‖,那时自然喽,靠别人的作品是不可能获得博士学位的。) Mr. Ambrose must be grateful that attention has shifted to another cutter and paster, Doris Kearns Goodwin. She was a fixture on American television, always ready with a telling anecdote on, say, Lyndon Johnson (whom she knew) or Abraham Lincoln (the subject of her next blockbuster).Her handling of the plagiarism charges against her has arguably been worse than the charges themselves. In the last 1980s she quietly mollified one of her chief victims, paying her some money. Now she explains her behavior by the fact that she relied on handwritten notes— something other historians have managed to do without such dire consequences. Amazingly, Ms. Goodwin remains on Harvard’s board of overseers, despite the fact that she committed sins that might get an undergraduate expelled. 现在安布罗斯想必可以略松一口气了,因为舆论已将焦点对准另一位剪贴高手多丽丝卡 恩斯古德温,她是美国电视节目的常客,对于诸如林顿约翰逊或者亚伯拉罕林肯等人的奇闻 1 轶事总能侃侃而谈(前者与他熟识,后者是他下一部巨著的主角),(1)但他对剽窃指控的处 理可能比指控本身更糟糕。上个世界八十年代末,她用钱打发了一名被剽窃作者,让其保持 沉默。如今在解释自己抄袭举动时,她申辩道当初不得不依赖手抄笔记,很多历史学家都亦 如此。只是并未引起轩然大波而已。令人不解的是,本科生犯了同样的错误会被逐出校园, 而古德温却仍是哈弗大学的校董事会成员之一。 The hunt is now on for the next serial plagiarist. Meanwhile, other charges are also being hurled at celebrity professors. Take compulsive lying. Joseph Ellis, the author of a first-rate study of the Founding Fathers, told the students that he had fought in Vietnam when the closest he came to combat was sitting in a university library. Or take hypocrisy. Paul krugman, a professor of economics at Princeton University, used his column in the New York Times to Savage the Bush administration for its links to Enron, when the fearless professor had himself received ,37,500 from the energy firm. Or take general flatulence. A squabble between Larry Summers, Harvard’s combative new president, and Cornel West, a professor of black students , alerted the world to the latter’s recent work, which turns out to be a mixture of post-structuralist mumbojumbo, religious rhetoric and rap music. More should be expected from one of only 17 people to hold the exalted title of university professor at Harvard. 来看看另类的剽窃者吧。对名家的其他指控也轰然而至。罪名一,满口谎言,约瑟夫艾 利斯,创作的有关美国开国元勋的著作堪称一流,他曾经对学生声称打过越战,然而实际上 他―浴血奋战‖的地方不过是学校的图书馆。罪名二,道貌岸然,保罗克鲁格曼是普林斯顿大 学的经济学教授,在纽约时报的专栏中猛烈抨击布什政府与安然公司相互勾结,这位―无畏‖ 的教授却同时笑纳了能源公司的贿赂537,500。罪名三,欺世盗名,咄咄逼人的哈副校长 劳伦斯萨默斯和黑人问题研究专家康奈尔韦斯特之间争论不休,使得人们注意到后者的最新 研究成果不过是饶舌音乐,宗教辞汇以及后现代结构主义晦涩言语的大杂烩,作为十七位被 冠以哈弗顶级教授的一员,康奈尔韦斯特带给我们的应该绝非如此。 Is this a case of a few bad apples? In public intellectual (Harvard University Press) Richard Posner, a federal judge, argues that it is the whole barrel. Although the book looks at all sorts of thinkers(not just whorish academics),Mr. Posner suggests that celebrity professors owe their influence to a fraud. They build their reputations tilling some minuscule academic field, and then pontificate on Charlie Rose about everything under the sun. 这仅是几位害群之马而已吗,联邦法官理查德波斯纳在其《公共知识分子》(哈弗出版 社)中认为,这是整个学术的风气的败坏,审视各类学者教授(不但是无良学者),波纳斯 表示学士权威的影响力源于对公众的蒙蔽,他们在某狭隘的专业专业领域里打拼,一旦功成 名就,便在―查利罗斯访谈秀‖等节目上煮酒论英雄。 All true. Yet the judge, himself a leading intellectual for hire, is a little too harsh. Each celebrity professor may be a nauseous beast. Yet there are two big arguments in favor of what they do. Most obviously, they help to circulate ideas. They give educated laypeople a chance to get the 2 ir information from real authorities rather than mere journalists. They give universities a chance to pay back some of their debt to the societies that nurture them. The fact that America’s bestseller lists feature works written by academic authorities amongst the ghost-written memoirs and celebrity suck-up jobs should be cause for rejoicing. 话虽如此,同是受雇的知识精英,波斯纳未免有些偏激,名家也许是卑俗不堪的,但是 至少还有两点说明他们的所作所为还是不无裨益的。首先,他们显然促进了思想的传播,使 得受过教育的普通人有机会从真正的权威那里获取信息,而(2)不仅仅是靠平庸记者的捕风 捉影,他们也使大学得以回报社会对它们的滋养,由枪手代劳的自传和极尽谄媚之辞的作品 遍地都是,而美国畅销书的排行榜更青睐名家们的专著,这一事实也足以让我们欣慰。 The second point is that they help to keep talented people in academia. Some noble souls will always be willing to put up with low salaries in exchange for a chance to pursue the truth :it is hard to imagine John Rawls hustling for a bit of extra cash. But others are inevitably attracted to money and bright lights. A bit of moonlighting is a relatively easy way for universities to keep some of their smarter faculty happy. 其次,它们有助于让学术界保留住人才,伟大的人物甘愿忍受清贫来换取追求真理的机 会,想想约翰罗尔素岂会为五斗米而折腰,当然凡人难免会为名利所动,一点外财就会让有 才华的教师在大学驻足。 What about the costs of this moonlighting? Don’t academic superstars short-change their universities? Well, a bit. Yet the ostentatiously ludicrous Mr. West has undoubtedly helped to attract bright students to Harvard in the same way that those rather more serious once did. Surveys suggest that academics who engage in outside activities are actually more likely to do their share of teaching than those who don’t. Besides, the link between popular success and lower academic standards is not sharp. Mr. Ambrose and Ms. Goodwin both started ―borrowing‖ other people’s work before they hit the big time. 赚取外财的代价是什么,这些学术明星不会负校方吗,也许会,跟其他一本正经的教授 一样,韦斯特虽然善于做秀,但毫无疑问也是不少聪慧的学生慕名进入哈弗,有调查表明, 同那些没有社会活动的教授相比,经常抛头露面的学者能更好的履行职责,除此之外,声名 鹊起和学术低下没有必然联系,在红极一时之前,安布罗斯和古德温都曾以借用他人作品起 家。 Fundamentally, the besetting sin of American academia is not celebrity professors but hyper-specialization. Academics have a bit of crawling along the frontier of knowledge with a magnifying glass, blind to the wide vistas opening up before them, and often reducing the most engaging subjects to tedious debates about methodology. By looking at the big picture, populists restore the excitement of intellectual life. Who has done more for literary studies in the United States: Harold Bloom or the thousands of post-structuralists and their insufferable conferences? Who has more to advance the understanding of American business: Peter Drucker, who has never been 3 employed by an Ivy League university, or the entire list of contributors to the Journal of Supply Chain Management? 从根本上说,美国学术界的症结并不在于名家个人而是研究视野的狭隘化。(3)学者们 总是手持放大镜沿着研究前沿匍匐前行,而对前方的广阔天地熟视无睹,经常将最有价值的 课题演变为方法论的无畏争吵。平民知识分子们则能放宽视野,回复学术生命的活力。谁对 美国的文学更有贡献:是哈罗德布鲁姆还是千万个后结构主义者以及他们无聊的研讨,谁能 更新美国的商业理念:是以未被任何名校聘用的管理学家彼得布鲁克还是《批量供应连锁店 管理杂志》的无数投稿人, And the market does work. The same media machine that turned Mr. Ambrose and Ms. Goodwin into superstars is now trashing their reputations. The honest majority of celebrity professors improve the world by spreading the fruits of academic research. The dishonest minority pay for their sins with the loss of their cherished reputations. 市场是指无形的手,媒体曾将安布罗斯和古德温推向事业顶峰,如今却正让他们名声扫 地,真正的名家积极传播学术研究成果以推动社会的发展,而那些欺诈之徒只会丧失他们最 重要的名节,为自己的错误买单。 4 Text B:What’s wrong with copying?剽窃何罪 —Charges of plagiarism are flying in the world of books.Where dose borrowing end and theft begin?Though disputed,there is a difference. 文学圈内的剽窃之风甚嚣尘上,借鉴和剽窃如何鉴定,虽有争议但却鸿沟分明。 Every one knows the feeling. In a timely flash, the perfect quip forms in the mind and rolls onto the tongue. You deliver it to the table, and wait for the gasps or guffaws. In the silence that follows a dry violence says instead, Yes I read it too. 人人都有这样的体验,突然想到一个绝妙的笑话,溜到嘴边,告诉在座的朋友,你以为 他们会笑得前仰后合,喘不过气来,不了解换来的却是沉默,有人还无趣的说,噢,这个我 也看过。 Authors have to wait longer to find out that their words are not theirs alone. But‖ unconscio us borrowing, as critics call such silent plunder, is common among writers, even the best of them. Perhaps because night-foraging by the imagination is so vital to literature, good writers react warily when, as now, chargers of plagiarism fly. Though naturally eager to protect their own published words, and not above a malicious smile or two when others get caught, most authors recognize that this is boggy ground. Between imitation and theft, between borrowing and plagiarism, lies a wide, murky borderland. 作家往往要等更长的时间才知晓自己的作品不再为自己专属,在很多批评家看来,下意 识借用几乎等同于无声抢劫,但是这一现象在作家甚至是巨匠中亦是见怪不怪的,也许是因 为借助于想象力的―夜间觅食‖对文学是至关重要的。面对抄袭之风盛行,优秀的作家也变得 谨小慎微,尽管出于本能大多数作家迫切需要保护自己问世的作品,甚至对被捉拿归案的剽 窃者施以不怀好意的冷笑,但是他们也承认这确实是一个让人犯糊涂的沼泽地,模仿还是抄 袭,借鉴还是剽窃,他们之间有广阔而又模糊的界限。 Since proving plagiarism is hard, legal redress is normally an expensive dream. The most that aggrieved authors can catch on is to shame the wrongdoer. But sham means attention, and attention brings sales. Recently, Ben Okri, a Nigerian-born novelist, claimed that Calixthe Beyala, a French one, lifted whole chunks of his 1991 Booker-winning novel, for her bestsellers. Plagiarism means copying delicately the exact words. His were English, hers French. Showing that a plundered book is not the only source is also a defense. On the advice of lawyers, he has dropped his case against her, and in effect the affair has died. 由于举证剽窃步履维艰,谋求法律上的赔偿当然就是奢望,受害的作者最多指望谴责剽 窃者,但是谴责就会引起社会关注,关注则带来销量的攀升,最近一位尼日利亚作家称,一 位法国女作家在其畅销小说中大段摘抄了他的获的布克文学奖的小说,剽窃意味着对他人作 1 品进行有意的逐字逐句的复制,然而一个是英语,一个是法语,被剽窃的作品不是唯一来源, 这一举证本身就为对方提供了辩护,在律师的建议下,他只得撤诉,然这件事情不了了之。 The personal vendetta carries different risks, as Neal Bowers, a wronged poet and teacher at Iowa State University, recounts in words for the taking: The Hunt for the plagiarist. One day, Mr. Bowers got a fax from California of a page from a poetry magazine containing, under the name of David Jones, a slightly altered version of a poem he had written for his dead father. Worse, he learned, had plagiarized other poets. Some editors sympathized; others did not bother even to respond. Mr. Bowers became, on his own admission, obsessed. He lost friends. But in the end he found the plagiarist, through a lawyer, only to be offered $100 in compensation, and a whining apology. 个人的抗争总是风险重重,爱荷华川立大学大学教师尼尔鲍尔斯,一位受害的诗人,在 《追击剽窃者实录》中并讲述了自己的经历。一天,他收到来自加州的一份传真,是一期诗 歌杂志的内页,他为过失的父亲所做的一首诗被略作改动后刊登其上,而署名却是大卫琼斯。 更为可怕的是,这一剽窃诗篇竟然能成功的刊登在其他好几种诗歌期刊上,遍及全国各地。 一场激愤的调查开始了,结果发现该作者也曾抄袭过其他作家的作品,一些编辑对其遭遇深 表同情,而另一些却置若罔闻,据他自己讲,他苦恼不堪,并为此失去了朋友,然而最后他 通过律师找到了这位剽窃者,然而得到的不过是剽窃者100 美元的赔偿金和叫屈满天的一 声道歉。 Copyright and self-defense are not the only protection for authors. Humble readers are among their best police. The border between theft and borrowing is also vigilantly patrolled by scholars. John Frow, a university professor in Australia, has charged Graham Swift with pillaging William Faulkner. According to Mr. Frow , Last Orders, which won Mr. Swift last year’s Booker prize , takes liberally from the theme and the fictional devices of As I Lay Dying .Its topic—how people dispose of the dead—is the same . Faulkner’s book has a one-sentence chapter, a chapter with itemized points and different speaking voices in different chapters. So dose Last Orders. That is not plagiarism, Mr. Frow argues, but "imitation‖. Mr. Swift’s fault, he suggests, is not to have made an explicit nod to the grand old man from Oxford, Mississippi. 版权和自我防卫不是作家寻求保护的唯一盾牌,广大的读者也是他们的守护神。当然, 判断抄袭还是借鉴,还要靠学者们来明察秋毫。澳大利亚教授约翰.福娄就曾指责格雷姆.斯 威夫照搬威廉.福克纳的东西。据福娄称,去年斯威夫的布克奖获奖作品《最后的遗言》从 主题到创作手法都随意地照搬《我弥留之际》,甚至连内容都一样——人们如何处置私人。 福克纳的《我弥留之际》有的章节独句成篇,有的章节只含有逐条列出的要点,不少章节含 有多重叙事,这些风格在《最后的遗言》中如出一辙。但福娄本人认为,这仅是模仿,还不 能算是剽窃,斯威夫的错误在于:他没有向来自密西西比州牛津城的前辈表示应有的尊重。 But there speaks a professor. Novelists are not bound by rules of doctoral quotation. The charge by Richard pipes that Orlando Figes pinched finding of his without due mention has 2 provoked a quarrel between these two well-known historians of Russia. But theirs is not a row-over literary plagiarism .The allusion of novelists and poets are different from academic citations. When T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound freighted their verse with learned listings from across the planet, they called it "collage‖. Eliot did at times give sources but was laughed at for pretentiousness. In his Cantos, Pound seldom bothered to mention whose fusty trunk he was happily ransacking. 但是又有教授发话:小说家不必拘泥博士论文引用 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 的条条框框。理查德皮普斯控诉 奥兰多菲戈斯剽窃他的发现却没有加以应用说明,这使得两位著名的俄袭历史学家反目成 仇。但是他们的问题不同于文学上的争议,小说诗歌的典故不同于学术引用,艾略特和庞德 都曾搜罗出世界各地智者的语言构造自己的诗篇,他们称之为拼接艺术。艾略特倒是有时会 标注出处,但总被人嘲讽为自命不凡,庞德的《诗篇》绝口不提他的粘贴出自哪位老师。 Where, then, dose honest allusion, which authors want readers to catch, stop and sly thievery begin? Samuel Fuller, an American film director, put it well when he said of admiring French new-wave film makers,"They steal from us and call it homage.‖Questions of imitation, unflagged quotation and borrowing, unconscious or not, lead straight to the middle of the middle of the boy. Between mortal pedantry and wet indulgence, is there safe ground? 那么,服务于读者的诚实征引,到底在什么情况下会质变为狡猾的窃取呢,当提到法国 新浪潮的新电影的制作者时,美国电影导演塞缪尔福勒,一针见血,―他们偷得我们的东西, 还说是向我们表达敬意‖,模仿引用和借用,有意还是无意,这些问题径直把人引入泥潭。 要么是严重的卖弄学问,要么是过度的自我放纵,人们还能找到一个安全的立锥之地吗, Intention has a lot to with it. Poets, especially, are prone to unwitting copying since verse has mnemonic properties that prose does not possess. Thom Gunn, reading poems of his in London two years ago: "my greatest fear is that I will discover or, worse, that someone else will point out to me--that I have stolen another man’s words, thinking them my own.‖ 动机是一个不可务实的因素,特别是诗人,他们往往在无意中模仿,因为诗歌的记忆性 是散文所没有的,两年前汤姆刚恩在伦敦朗读自己的诗歌时说,―我最担心有人站出来说我 剽窃他人的文字,却以为他们是我的。‖ Plagiarists, like forgers, have guilty intent, but of interestingly different kinds. An infamous early 20-century faker such as Hans van Meegeren wanted his paintings taken for Vermeer’s. A plagiarist, by contrast, tries to pass off another writer’s words as his own. Forgers sin against authenticity, plagiarists against originality. 剽窃者和造假者都属于动机不纯,但有意思的是,而这又有所不同。上世纪平期,一些 声明狼藉的造假者,如梅格伦,巴不得别人把他的作品当成是大师维米尔的,而剽窃者则希 望将别人的作品据为己有。造假者有违真实,剽窃毁灭原创。 There are copying traditions in which originality and its cousin, diversity, are not only not 3 celebrated but positively frowned on. Sacred literature, with its frozen, canonical texts, is an obvious example. But originality and variety have always been prized in western writing, burden that they are on authors. Copyright laws date from the spread of the printed book in the 16th century. But interest in authorship is ancient. All writers hate Homer, because Homer said everything first. Martial, a Latin poet and lewd gag-writer, likened his words to slaves, and an author who had stolen them to a plagiarist, or abductor. Varro, a scholar and friend of Cicero’s, stripped the number of plays by Plautus from 130 to less than two dozen. 在某些抄袭的传统中,原创性及其近亲多样性不仅不被重视,反而以此为荣,经典文学 的语篇的固定规范就是一个最好的例子,但是在西方写作中原创性和多样性是为人重视的, 是对作者的考验。版权法虽起源自16 世纪纸版书籍的流行,但对原创者的尊重却古已有之。 所有的作家都痛恨荷马,因为他写尽天下文章,拉丁诗人,喜剧作家马提亚尔把自己的作品 成为奴隶,而剽窃他们的作家就是诱拐者,西塞罗的朋友,学者马罗对普蒂图斯的剧作进行 甄别,使其数量剧减,从130 部缩到20 来部。 Most readers want a personal voice, hopefully one that belongs to someone who has read, thought and imagined a lot. People are maybe more knowing nowadays about how certain-personal voices‖ come into being. Authors have editors; they have co-authors and ghost-writers, not to mention models and literary godparents to borrow from. But the idea-or idea –of poems and novels as unique, personal creations is still essential. 大多数的读者渴望个性化的心声,那种真正来自善于阅读,深入思考,并且赋予想象之 人的声音,现在人们更为清楚某种个性化的心声是如何造就出来的,作者要与编者打交道, 作者有合作者和枪手,更不必说还有文坛巨匠可以借鉴,但是对于真正的诗歌和小说来说, 个人的原创仍是最重要的。 It is not hard to imagine two extreme sorts of writing where literary communication has broken down. One is so private, so personal and so original as to be hermetic and unintelligible. The other is so repetitive, mechanical and cliched as to be empty. Between them is pool of shared references and allusions fed by writers, but also by readers. Plagiarists drain the pool; borrowers put back what they take-though not necessarily in the same place. 不难想象,正是文学的两个极端使得文学交流日渐衰落,一端力求个性,原创,以致最 终封闭迂腐,而另一端竭力重复,机械,陈词滥调,以致空洞无物,介于两者之间的,就是 作者和读者用参考和典故填筑的一个神坛,剽窃者正抽干深潭,借用者则将其归还——尽管 未必会物归原主。 4
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