首页 flash中漫画人物画法



flash中漫画人物画法flash中漫画人物画法 (1)确定基本脸型 脸型的确定可以使用归纳法,就是可以把脸部的形态用一个基本的图形来表示,如:三角形,圆形,方形等等。当然这个最终确定是需要你根据作品的风格和你自己的需要来定的,请自己掌握。 下面我以一个三角形来确定脸部的基础型状,通过画两条直线,然后调整他们的相对位置,就可以实现一个三角形,如图所示: (2)基本的调整: 基本脸形确定后,就可以接着进行一些细微的调整了,如图,可以把三 角形的两边向外拉开一点,有些弧度,这样就很象人的脸颊了,次步是为后 面的增加节点做好准备。 ...

flash中漫画人物画法 (1)确定基本脸型 脸型的确定可以使用归纳法,就是可以把脸部的形态用一个基本的图形来 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示,如:三角形,圆形,方形等等。当然这个最终确定是需要你根据作品的风格和你自己的需要来定的,请自己掌握。 下面我以一个三角形来确定脸部的基础型状,通过画两条直线,然后调整他们的相对位置,就可以实现一个三角形,如图所示: (2)基本的调整: 基本脸形确定后,就可以接着进行一些细微的调整了,如图,可以把三 角形的两边向外拉开一点,有些弧度,这样就很象人的脸颊了,次步是为后 面的增加节点做好准备。 (3)增加节点 为什么要增加节点呢,大家想想前面我们对三角型进行的调整,是不是 调整两条边的时候被调整的范围比较大呀,如果想微调的话就不好办了,所 以我们要给那两条边增加些节点,这样就可以对每条边的不同段进行调整 了。 增加节点的原则一般为:(a)节点要尽量少(b)节点的分布要均匀。因 为这样调整起来比较方便,所增加的节点的位置是需要你总结的,这就要求 你多做联系,做的多了自然而然就有了感觉了,以后再加节点的时候就很顺 手了,如图的位置是我总结出的正面脸的节点位置。大家一般来说可以按照 这个来做,靠上的节点是眼睛的位置,靠下的节点是下巴的位置,具体调节 请看下图。 of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law (4)基本调整: 增加好节点后就可以对每个节点进行细微调整了,通过调整每个节点,达到你满意的效果位置,关键是要耐心+细心,图为经调整后的脸型: (5)增加头顶。 脸型调整好后,就要加上头顶了,头顶一般是由圆来调整出来的,所以我们要先按着 Shift画个正圆,然后把圆放到已调整好的脸型上部,把头顶看作是一个圆形的上半部分,如图: (6)对头型进一步修改 我们只需要把圆的下半部分线条去掉,只留下上半部分的,这样一个基本的脸型就差不多做好了,如图 : of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law (7)脸型的精细调整 我们上面所做的还只是对脸型进行的粗略调整,下面就需要对其进行细微的调整了,我们可以把头顶部位适当的缩小,尽量符合头部与脸部的比例,知道你看上去满意为止,经调整后的脸型如图: (8)添加耳朵 脸部的造型已经基本完成了,下面就需要补充一些必要的零件了,西西~耳朵是不咳缺少的呀,那么就先画一只耳朵,然后Copy一下,最后用Modify下的反转命令把复制的那个耳朵纵向反转一下。添加到适当脸部的适当位置。就完成脸部的塑造了。效果如图: 例一、用相同的图形组合: 大家看下边的图形,用了两个椭圆的组合来实现,然后通过一些着色的技巧,最后就可以达到左边的效果,是不是很神奇呀~~ of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law 例二、大小不同的图形组合: 右边的图形通过两个大小不一的距形来构造,最终也可达到左边的效果。 例三、多种图形的组合: 这个就不用多说,充分发挥你的想象力,构造出更加生动的人物来吧~~ 例四、单个图形的变形调整:右边由一个长方形通过调整来实现 。 of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law 2(眼睛塑造 大家经过前面的学习可能已经发现了 ,我们使用鼠标不是真正的来绘画,确切的说应该是用鼠标来调整出来的,怎么样,现在鼠标在你手里还听话吗, 俗话说眼睛是心灵的窗口眼睛,人要少了眼睛可是很可怕的事情呀,下面我们就来学习如何给你的人物绘制眼睛,在你做了前边那么多的造型练习后,应该不会困难了吧,OK,拿起你的“鼠”,我们来调吧: 首先,要在你心中归纳好一个眼睛的造型的轮廓,做到心里有数 。(路径调整的方法请参考贝赛尔曲线造型操作详解) (1) 调出眉毛和上眼眶,通过几道曲线,很容易就可以画出来了。 (2) 制作眼珠。 因为人的眼球从正面看基本是个圆形,所以我们来画个圆,不要忘记按shift呀,正常人的眼珠一般是不会完全暴露出来的,所以我们把它的位置放稍微靠上一点,如图: of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law (3) 去掉眼珠多余的部分,也就是圆的上半一小部分,然后画出眼白的轮廓线来。(将 来这个轮廓线是要删掉的,所以可以暂时以一个明显的颜色来画),如图: (4) 填充颜色。颜色可以根据自己的喜好来选择,现在的眼睛看上去是不是已经很好 看了,如图: of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law (5)用过渡填充效果做出眼白(这步不是必需的,如果你觉得上面做出的已经很满意了,那么这步可以省略),如图: (6)添加亮光,做一点修饰(我添了几根睫毛)。删掉眼白和所有的轮廓线。 (7)补充了瞳孔。这一步很简单,只要在眼球里增加一个黑色区域就可以了,其他不变。如图: 提示:一张脸表现的正确与否,眼睛的造型很重要,我们要多观察,多在纸上手绘,这样,在使用鼠标的时候就不会犯难了。 of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law 下面是我总结出的一个基本的眼部透视图,大家可以多琢磨琢磨。(红色的虚线代表眼部的走向) (1)首先按照上面的方法画一个眼睛的造型符号,注意先不要点出高光。如图: (2)然后建立一个白色的圆,取名为“高光” (3)建立一个MC。名为“闪光”。呵呵,知道了吧,我们那会动的眼睛就是在这里完成的。我习惯点三个高光,因为一般日本CG里的造型都是这样,呵呵,只是吸取一下,并不是崇尚哦。按照图的位置摆好。(适当做一些不同的大小变动) of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law 注意,高光对控制眼睛注视的方向是很关键的,下面我会举例说名的。 (4)这是时间轴,大家看看,是每个“高光”占一层的。 (5)做Motion动作。第一帧和最后一帧是一样的。(所以在上边用了gotoAndPlay 命令) 中间的那帧就是变化位置。位置可不要变化太大,更不要超出眼球范围啊~因为是 快速闪动,自然用的帧就少了,这里是12帧/秒。 (6)先看看独眼的效果吧。 of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law (7)光有高光闪动其实已经可以了,不过你要想表现人物很激动,那眼睛最好也动动,这就要一帧一帧喽。看看哦。其实1,3,5,7帧是相同的。2,4,6帧是缩小高度后的帧,至于缩小多少,那就要看你想要你表现的人的激动到什么程度了。 (8)看着这一双楚楚3. 嘴唇的塑造 在漫画里,嘴算是比较好表现部位了,不过如果要作为一个真正的器官来表现,我觉得嘴的透视并不容易掌握,所以强烈建议大家对嘴多多进行临摹联系。 下边我以低头时候向下的嘴为例,来讲一下嘴部的制作过程,这次我会附带再帮大家回忆一下增加节点的过程~ (1)一定要做一个基准辅助线~ 这样做的好处很多,它可以很方便的为你确定嘴的状态做参考,如图: (2)画出大体的嘴的轮廓~ 大家明白了吧,我们很容易就确定了口的走向,也就是透视 of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law 。 (3)按照正确的透视先调整直线(结构线),这其实也就是为增加节点而准备~ 为什么我们不直接加节点呢,大家忘了吗,直线状态的钢笔工具是不能增加节点的,也就是说,增加节点的前提,线段不能是绝对直线。 (5)把那些尖的角变圆滑, 这是我放大的左下角的节点,此时是在未调整状态下~ (6)用钢笔工具点到中间的节点上的时候,钢笔工具的旁边会出现一个减号,OK,点一下,把中间的节点消除,这样,我们很轻易的就可以把这个尖角调整为圆滑状态的了,如图: (7)最后的精细调整。 (8)大家看看最后节点的分布吧~从节点的数量上也可以看出节点在调整时的重要性。 of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law 耳朵和嘴在漫画里的表现可以用一种辅助的手法来表现,这个辅助的解释可以理解为用 概括的手法表现,这里就不多说了,如图: of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law 以上我们简单讲了一些用鼠标描绘卡通人物头部的基本造型方法,希望能为大家学习使 用鼠标和路径工具描绘人物一些帮助。 of the audit. Fire is a combination of auditing in the field of law enforcement law enforcement job rotation and fire practice of law enforcement, in the promotion changed, retraining retired key timing synchronization in place audit mechanism, and conducive to self-urged self-restraint, the fire law enforcement, to protect themselves. 1.3 preventive fire-fighting urged the current fire law enforcement corruption involving cases of violating law enforcement has an upward trend, judging from national reports of complaints in recent years, reported cases reflect the fire law enforcement is over 50%. In addition, the multiple corruption cases, with a high incidence of leading cadres, a small number of leading cadres ' corruption, corrupt, power-for-money transaction, especially teams, group reporting increasing complaints involving the supervision of law enforcement jobs, bring great pressure to force honest and serious challenges. Meanwhile, team and Brigade levels bear an administrative license approval, administrative punishment, routine inspections and more than 95% of the amount, some fire staff handled a year go through legal instruments and thousands of contact hundreds of social units, once inside lax, their quality is not high, extremely easy to induce discipline and corruption. In practical operation, the fire law enforcement as "athletes" and "umpire" internal inspector, inspection, test and not enough problem touches not found to leading policymakers, deviate from system design, system implementation has to deal with. 2 building fire law
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