首页 墙面贴瓷砖材料、工具及流程



墙面贴瓷砖材料、工具及流程墙面贴瓷砖材料、工具及流程 冬季贴砖~容易空鼓、脱落~这些相关的知识你都知道吗,为了惠及更多人~减少大家装修烦恼~此文就墙面贴瓷砖施工技术交底,希望能满足大家装修贴砖时的需求~更好的监督装修人员施工~达到理想的效果。 交底内容: A、施工准备: 2.1 材料要求: 2.1.1 水泥:325号普通硅酸盐水泥或矿渣硅酸盐水泥。应有出厂证明或复试单~若出厂超过三个月~应按试验结果使用。 2.1.2 白水泥:325号白水泥。 2.1.3 砂子:粗砂或中砂~用前过筛。 2.1.4 陶瓷锦砖,马赛克,:应表面平...

墙面贴瓷砖 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 、工具及 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 冬季贴砖~容易空鼓、脱落~这些相关的知识你都知道吗,为了惠及更多人~减少大家装修烦恼~此文就墙面贴瓷砖施工技术交底,希望能满足大家装修贴砖时的需求~更好的监督装修人员施工~达到理想的效果。 交底内容: A、施工准备: 2.1 材料要求: 2.1.1 水泥:325号普通硅酸盐水泥或矿渣硅酸盐水泥。应有出厂证明或复试单~若出厂超过三个月~应按试验结果使用。 2.1.2 白水泥:325号白水泥。 2.1.3 砂子:粗砂或中砂~用前过筛。 2.1.4 陶瓷锦砖,马赛克,:应表面平整~颜色一致~每张长宽规格一致~尺寸正确~边棱整齐~一次进场。锦砖脱纸时间不得大于40min。 2.l.5 石灰膏:应用块状生石灰淋制~淋制时必须用孔径不大于3mm×3mm的筛过滤~并贮存在沉淀池中。 熟化时间~常温下一般不少于15d,用于罩面时~不应少于30d。使用时~石灰膏内不得含有末熟化的颗粒和其它杂质。 2.1.6 生石灰粉:抹灰用的石灰膏可用磨细生石灰粉代替~其细度应通过4900孔/cm2筛。 用于罩面时~熟化时间不应小于 3d。 2.1.7 纸筋:用白纸筋或草纸筋~使用前三周应用水浸透捣烂。使用时宜用小钢磨磨细。 2.1.8 聚乙烯醇缩甲醛,即107胶,和矿物颜料等。 2.2 主要机具: 2.2.1 磅秤、铁板、孔径5mm筛子、窗纱筛子、手推车、大桶、小水桶、平锹、木抹子、钢板抹子,1mm厚,、开刀或钢片,20mm×70mm×lmm,、铁制水平尺、方尺、靠尺板、底尺,3000,5000mm×40mm×10,15mm,、大杠、中杠、小杠、灰槽、灰勺、米厘条、毛刷、鸡腿刷子、细钢丝刷、笤帚、大小锤子、粉线包、小线、擦布或棉丝、老虎钳子、小铲、合金钢錾子、小型台式砂轮、勾缝溜子、勾缝托灰板、托线板、线坠、盒尺、钉子、红铅笔、铅丝、工具袋等。 2.3 作业条件: 2.3.1 根据设计图纸要求~按照建筑物各部位的具体做法和工程量~事先挑选出颜色一致、同规格的陶瓷锦砖~分别堆放并保管好。 2.3.2 预留孔洞及排水管等应处理完毕~门窗框、扇要固定好~并用1?3水泥砂浆将缝隙堵塞严实。铝合金门窗框边缝所用嵌缝材料应符合设计要求~且塞堵密实~并事先粘贴好保护膜。 2.3.3 脚手架或吊篮提前支搭好~最好选用双排架子,室外高层宜采用吊working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and requirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a on-site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role 篮~多层亦可采用桥式架子等,~其横竖杯及拉杆等应距离门窗口角150,200mm。架子的步高要符合施工要求。 2.3.4 墙面基层要清理干净~脚手眼堵好。 2.3.5 大面积施工前应先做样板~样板完成后~必须经质检部门鉴定合格后~还要经过设计、甲方、施工单位共同认定。方可组织班组按样板要求施工。 B、操作工艺:(2): 3.1 工艺流程: 基层处理 ? 吊垂直、套方、找规矩 ? 贴灰饼 ? 抹底子灰 ? 弹控制线 ? 贴陶瓷锦砖 ? 揭纸、调缝 ? 擦缝 3.2 基层为混凝土墙面时: 3.2.1 基层处理:首先将凸出墙面的混凝- -墙面贴瓷砖施工技术交底 (2)- 3.1 工艺流程: 基层处理 ? 吊垂直、套方、找规矩 ? 贴灰饼 ? 抹底子灰 ? 弹控制线 ? 贴陶瓷锦砖 ? 揭纸、调缝 ? 擦缝 3.2 基层为混凝土墙面时: 3.2.1 基层处理:首先将凸出墙面的混凝土剔平~对大钢模施工的混凝土墙面应凿毛~并用钢丝刷满刷一遍~再浇水湿润。如果基层混凝土很光滑~亦可采用“毛化处理”的办法~即先将表面尘土、污垢清理干净~用10%火碱水将墙面的油污刷掉~随之用净水将碱液冲净、晾干。然后用1?水泥细砂浆内掺水重20%的107胶~喷或用笤帚将砂浆甩到墙上~其甩点要均匀~终凝后浇水养护~直至水泥砂浆疙瘩全部粘到混凝土光面上~并具有较高的强度~用手掰不动为止。 3.2.2 吊垂直、套方、找规矩、贴灰饼:根据墙面结构平整度找出贴陶瓷锦砖的规矩~如果是高层建筑物在外墙面全部贴陶瓷锦砖时~应在四周大角和门窗口边用经纬仪打垂直线找直,如果是多层建筑时~可从顶层开始用特制的大线坠绷铁丝吊垂直~然后根据陶瓷锦砖的规格、尺寸分层设点、做灰饼。横线则以楼层为水平基线交圈控制~竖向线则以四周大角和层间贯通柱、垛子为基线控制。每层打底时则以此灰饼做为基准点进行冲筋~使其底层灰做到横平竖直、方正。同时要注意找好突出檐口、腰线、窗台、雨篷等饰面的流水坡度和滴水线,槽,。其深宽不小于10mm~并整齐一致~而且必须是整砖。 3.2.3 抹底子灰:底子灰一般分二次操作~先刷一道掺水重15%的107胶水泥素浆~紧跟着抹头遍水泥砂浆~其配合比为1?2.5或1?3~并掺20%水泥重的107胶~薄薄的抹一层~用抹子压实。第二次用相同配合比的砂浆按冲筋抹平~用短杠刮平~低凹处事先填平补齐~最后用木抹子搓出麻面。底子灰抹完后~隔天浇水养护。 3.2.4 弹控制线:贴陶瓷锦砖前应放出施工大样~根据具体高度弹出若干条水平控制线~在弹水平线时~应计算将陶瓷锦砖的块数~使两线之间保持整砖数。如分格需按总高度均分~可根据设计与陶瓷锦砖的品种、规格定出缝子宽度~再加工分格条。但要注意同一墙面不得有一排以上的非整砖~并应将其镶贴在较隐蔽的部位。 3.2.5 贴陶瓷锦砖:镶贴应自上而下进行。高层建筑采取措施后~可分段进行。在每一分段或分块内的陶瓷锦砖~均为自下向上镶贴。贴陶瓷锦砖时底 t of the city to achieve tangible results.achievementerm management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the -term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, longtion conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementa ader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department shouldworking group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group le summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oneekly ecial working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, wtach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The spust atity public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets mn. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a cequirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementatioQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-2 灰要浇水润湿~并在弹好水平线的下口上~支上一根垫尺~一般三人为一组进行操作。一人浇水润湿墙面~先刷上一道素水泥浆,内掺水重10%的107胶,,再抹2,3mm厚的混合灰粘结层~其配合比为纸筋?石灰膏?水泥=1?1? 2,先把纸筋与石灰膏搅匀过3mm筛子~再和水泥搅匀,~ (3): 亦可采用1?0.3水泥纸筋灰~用靠尺板刮平~再用抹子抹平,另一人将陶瓷锦砖铺在木托板上,麻面朝上,~缝子里灌上1?1水泥细砂子灰~用软毛刷子刷净麻面~再抹上薄薄一层灰浆。然后一- -墙面贴瓷砖施工技术交底 (3)- 亦可采用1?0.3水泥纸筋灰~用靠尺板刮平~再用抹子抹平,另一人将陶瓷锦砖铺在木托板上,麻面朝上,~缝子里灌上1?1水泥细砂子灰~用软毛刷子刷净麻面~再抹上薄薄一层灰浆。然后一张一张递给另一人~将四边灰刮掉~两手执住陶瓷锦砖上面~在已支好的垫尺上由下往上贴~缝子对齐~要注意按弹好的横竖线贴。如分格贴完一组~将米厘条放在上口 交底内容: 继续贴第二组。镶贴的高度应根据当时气温条件而定。 3.2.6 揭纸、调缝:贴完陶瓷锦砖的墙面~要一手拿拍板~靠在贴好的墙面上~一手拿锤子对拍板满敲一遍,敲实、敲平,~然后将陶瓷锦砖上的纸用刷子刷上水~约等20,30min便可开始揭纸。揭开纸后检查缝子大小是否均匀~如出现歪斜、不正的缝子~应顺序拨正贴实~先横后竖、拨正拨直为止。 3.2.7 擦缝:粘贴后48h~先用抹子把近似陶瓷锦砖颜色的擦缝水泥浆摊放在需擦缝的陶瓷锦砖上~然后用刮板将水泥浆往缝子里刮满、刮实、刮严~再用麻丝和擦布将表面擦净。遗留在缝子里的浮砂可用潮湿干净的软毛刷轻轻带出~如需清洗饰面时~应待勾缝材料硬化后方可进行。起出米厘条的缝子要用1?1水泥砂浆勾严勾平~再用擦布擦净。 3.3 基层为砖墙墙面时: 3.3.1 基层处理:抹灰前墙面必须清扫干净~检查窗台窗套和腰线等处~对损坏和松动的部分要处理好~然后浇水润湿墙面。 3.3.2 吊垂直、套方、找规矩:同基层为混凝土墙面做法。 3.3.3 抹底子灰:底子灰一般分二次操作~第一次抹薄薄的一层~用抹子压实~水泥砂浆的配合比为1?3~并掺水泥重20%的107胶,第二次用相同配合比的砂浆按冲筋线抹平~用短杠刮平~低凹处事先填平补齐~最后用木抹子挂出麻面。底子灰抹完后~隔天浇水养护。 3.3.4,3.3.7 项同基层为混凝土墙面的做法。 3.4 基层为加气混凝土墙面时~可酌情选用下述两种方法中的一种: 3.4.1 用水湿润加气混凝土表面~修补缺棱掉角处。修补前~先刷一道聚合物水泥浆~然后用1?3?9=水泥?白灰膏?砂子混合砂浆分层补平~隔天刷聚合物水泥浆~并抹1?1?6混合砂浆打底~木抹子搓平~隔天浇水养护。 3.4.2 用水湿润加气混凝土表面~在缺棱掉角处刷聚合物水泥浆一道~用1?3?9混合砂浆分层补平~待干燥后~钉金属网一层并绷紧。在金属网上分层抹1?1?6混合砂浆打底,最好采取机械喷射工艺,~砂浆与金属网应结合牢固~ o ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results.term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, t-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long ntionlead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close atteforce. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work the tonths to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six m equirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesionQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-king mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a onnd worhe standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a souownship streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, t3 最后用木妹子轻轻搓平~隔天浇水养护。 其他做法同混凝土墙面。 (4): 3.5 夏期镶贴室外墙面陶瓷锦砖时~应有防止暴晒的 可靠 措施。 3.6 冬期施工:一般只在冬施初期施工~严寒阶段不得镶贴室外墙面陶瓷锦砖。 3.6.1 砂浆的使用温度不得低于5?~砂浆硬化前~- -墙面贴瓷砖施工技术交底 (4)- 3.5 夏期镶贴室外墙面陶瓷锦砖时~应有防止暴晒的可靠措施。 3.6 冬期施工:一般只在冬施初期施工~严寒阶段不得镶贴室外墙面陶瓷锦砖。 3.6.1 砂浆的使用温度不得低于5?~砂浆硬化前~应采取防冻措施。 3.6.2 用冻结法砌筑的墙~应待其解冻后方可施工。 3.6.3 镶贴砂浆硬化初期不得受冻。气温低于5?时~室外镶贴砂浆内可掺入能降低冻结温度的外加剂~其渗量应由试验确定。 3.6.4 为防止灰层早期受冻~并保证操作质量~其砂浆内的白灰膏和107胶不能使用~可采用同体积粉煤灰代替或改用水泥砂浆抹灰。 3.6.5 冬期室内镶贴陶瓷锦砖~可采用热空气或带烟囱的火炉加速干燥。采用热空气时~应设通风设备排除湿气~并设专人进行测温控制和管理。 C、质量标准 4.1主控项目 4.1.1饰面砖的品种、规格、图案、颜色和性能应符合设计要求。 4.1.2饰面砖粘贴工程的找平、防水、粘贴和勾缝材料及施工方法应符合设计要求及国家现行产品标准和工程技术标准的规定。 4.1.3饰面砖粘贴必须牢固。 4.1.4满粘法施工的饰面砖工程应无空鼓、裂缝。 4.2一般项目 4.2.1饰面砖表面应平整、洁净、色泽一致、无裂痕和缺损。 4.2.2阴阳角处搭接方式~非整砖使用部位应符合设计要求。 4.2.3墙面突出周围的饰面砖应整砖套割吻合~边缘应整齐。墙裙、贴脸突出墙面的厚度应一致。 4.2.4饰面砖接缝应平直、光滑、填嵌应连续、密实,宽度和深度应符合设计要求。 4.2.5有排水要求的部位应做滴水线,槽,。滴水线,槽,应顺直~流水坡向应正确~坡度应符合设计要求。 4.2.6饰面砖粘贴的允许偏差和检验方法应符合《建筑装饰装修工程施工质量验收规范》表8.3.11的规定。 立面垂直度:2mm。 表面平整度:3mm。 阴阳角方正:3mm。 接缝直线度:2mm。 接缝高低差:0.5mm。 t of the city to achieve tangible results.achievementerm management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the -term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, longtion conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementa ader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department shouldworking group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group le ity public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets mn. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a cequirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementatioQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oneekly ecial working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, wtach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The spust at4 接缝宽度:1mm。 D、成品保护: 5.1 镶贴好的陶瓷锦砖墙面~应有切实可靠的防止污染的措施,同时要及时清擦干净残留在门窗框、扇上的砂浆。特别是铝合金门窗框、扇~事先应粘贴好保护膜~预防污染。 5.2 各抹灰层在凝结前应防止风干、暴晒、水冲、撞击和振动。 5.3 少数工种,水电、通风、设备安装等,的各种活应做在陶瓷锦砖镶贴之前~防止损坏面砖。 (5): 5.4 拆除架子时注意不要碰撞墙面。 E、应注意的质量问题: 6.1 空鼓、脱落: 6.1.1 因冬季气温低~砂浆受冻~到来年春天化冻后因陶瓷锦砖背面比较光滑容易发生脱落。因此在进行镶贴陶瓷锦- -墙面贴瓷砖施工技术交底 (5)- 5.4 拆除架子时注意不要碰撞墙面。 E、应注意的质量问题: 6.1 空鼓、脱落: 6.1.1 因冬季气温低~砂浆受冻~到来年春天化冻后因陶瓷锦砖背面比较光滑容易发生脱落。因此在进行镶贴陶瓷锦砖操作时~应保持正温~室外陶瓷锦砖不宜冬季施工。 6.1.2 基层表面偏差较大~基层处理或施工不当~如每层抹灰跟的太紧,陶瓷锦砖勾缝不严~又没有洒水养护~各层之间的粘结强度很差~面层就容易产生空鼓、脱落。 6.1.3 砂浆配合比不准~稠度控制不好~砂子含泥量过大,或在同一施工面上~采用几种不同配合比的砂浆~因而产生不同的干缩~也会造成空鼓。应认真严格按照工艺标准操作~重视基层处理和自检工作~发现空鼓的应随即返工重贴。整间或独立部位宜一次完成。 6.1.4 分格缝不匀~墙面不平整:主要是施工前没有认真按图纸尺寸去核对结构施工的实际情况~施工时对基层处理又不够认真,同时贴灰饼控制点少~故造成墙面不平整。由于弹线排砖不细~每张陶瓷锦砖的规格尺寸不一致~施工中选砖不细、操作不当等~造成分格缝不匀。应把选好相同尺寸的陶瓷锦砖镶贴在一面墙上。非整砖甩活应设专人处理。 6.1.5 阴阳角不方正:主要是打底子灰时~不按规矩去吊直、套方、找规矩所致。 6.1.6 墙面污染:主要是勾完缝后砂浆没有及时擦净~或由于其他工种和工序造成墙面污染等。可用棉丝蘸稀盐酸刷洗~然后用清水冲净。 F、质量 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 : 7.1 陶瓷锦砖等出厂合格证及其复试报告。 7.2 本分项工程质量验评表。 7.3 室外陶瓷锦砖的拉拔试验报告单等 o ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results.term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, t-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long ntionlead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close atteforce. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-king mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a onnd worhe standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a souownship streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, tthe tonths to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, grasping implementation. 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