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暑期新概念教案暑期新概念教案 少一第一讲 Time: 2011/7/12 3:00-5:00p.m. Address: 102 Type: NEW No.:1st Content 1. 教师自我介绍 2. WARM UP 3. 发新书,课程讲解 4. 学生起英文名(5分钟学生熟悉自己的名字) 5. 学生自我介绍 6. 击鼓传花学生表演节目,奖品 7. 上课要求 8. 班级规章制度的讲解 9. 听光碟 10. 发课程表,学习周期表 上课要求: a) 上课准备听写本,练习本 b) 上课认真听讲,积...

暑期新概念教案 少一第一讲 Time: 2011/7/12 3:00-5:00p.m. Address: 102 Type: NEW No.:1st Content 1. 教师自我介绍 2. WARM UP 3. 发新书,课程讲解 4. 学生起英文名(5分钟学生熟悉自己的名字) 5. 学生自我介绍 6. 击鼓传花学生表演节目,奖品 7. 上课要求 8. 班级规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的讲解 9. 听光碟 10. 发课程表,学习周期表 上课要求: a) 上课准备听写本,练习本 b) 上课认真听讲,积极回答问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,大声回答老师问题,让全班听见你的声音。 c) 上课不允许迟到,迟到或是请假都要跟老师打电话 d) 同学之间要互帮互助,不需打架,吵闹,上课纪律保持安静。 e) 家庭作业按时按量保质完成。 f) 回家听光碟 g) 回家打电话对口语 h) 回家填家校联系 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 少四第一讲 Time: 2011/7/11 3:00-5:00p.m. Address: 102 Type: NEW No.:1st Content 1. 教师自我介绍 2. WARM UP 3. 课程讲解 4. 学生自我介绍 5. 击鼓传花学生表演节目,奖品 6. 上课要求 7. 班级 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 的讲解 8. 听光碟 9. 发课程表,学习周期表 上课要求: a) 上课准备听写本,练习本 b) 上课认真听讲,积极回答问题,大声回答老师问题,让全班听见你的声音。 c) 上课不允许迟到,迟到或是请假都要跟老师打电话 d) 同学之间要互帮互助,不需打架,吵闹,上课纪律保持安静。 e) 家庭作业按时按量保质完成。 f) 回家听光碟 g) 回家打电话对口语 h) 回家填家校联系手册 钢笔字第一讲 Time: 2011/7/11 10:10-12:10a.m. Address: 103 Type: NEW No.:1st Content 1. 教师自我介绍 2. 课程讲解 3. 学生自我介绍 4. 击鼓传花学生表演节目,奖品 5. 上课要求 6. 班级规章制度的讲解 7. 发课程表,学习周期表 8. 坐姿,握姿的讲解 同学们: 大家好,我是你们的老师Annie,欢迎你们加入巨人五天钢笔字速成学习课堂,今天是我们的第一课,首先我们来学习两个非常重要的姿势:坐姿和执笔方法。 (重点)1、我们先来看一下坐姿:练好字,首先必须注意姿势问题,姿势要求很重要。2006年《光明日报》曾刊登这样一篇文章:“快来拯救孩子们的视力吧~”。目前在小学阶段,眼睛近视、斜视的人数逐步在增加,究其原因,都是坐姿不到位造成的。所以我们在练好字的前提下,必须把握好正确的姿势。关于坐姿,传统书法里面的讲解是八个字:头正、身直、臂开、足安。巨人五天钢笔字速成用新颖的口诀来诠释,这个口诀是这么说的: 头要正, 身挺直, 两臂分开讲姿势。 三个一,脚肩齐, 边写本子边前移。 意思是写字的时候,头要摆正了,身体要坐直,两个胳膊成“八”字型自然分开放在桌面上, “三个一”是什么呢,: 头离桌面一尺, 身离桌旁一拳, 手离笔尖一寸。 我们要时常注意自己的坐姿,只有这样才能有一个健康的身体,更好的去学习知道吗, (分析讲解后,带领同学们背诵,教其动作) 注:重点1讲解耗时控制在5分钟之内。 重点2、同学们我们下面来学执笔方法: 执笔方法很关键,因为如果你的执笔方法不对,直接影响着你写字的好与坏和写字的速度。(可以先领着学生活动一下手)我们常见的错误的姿势有大拇指压住食指的,有手腕往里钩的等等,这些错误的执笔方法直接影响到写字的速度和好坏,所以我们要把握正确的执笔方法。正确的执笔方法即“右手五指执笔法”。 其口诀是:执笔方法并不难, 指实掌虚是关键, 母食中指卡笔杆, 笔杆斜靠虎口间。 具体方法是这样的(领着学生一起做):用右手的大拇指和食指的指肚捏住笔杆,中指第一个指关节的内侧顶住笔杆,无名指和小指紧随其后,指实掌虚,笔杆斜靠在虎口内,虎口呈圆形。 (然后,带领大家一起做手指运动) 注:重点2讲解耗时控制在5分钟之内。 课后总结: 今天是钢笔字第一堂课,学生都非常有激情,除了柯子窈是春季班的学生,其他的几名都是新生。今天大概掌握了学生练字的情况:从坐姿上看,每个学生坐的都非常端正,但是一旦开始写字,学生的坐姿就会坚持不住。从握姿上来说,出了官晨瑶,其他学生的握姿都是正确的,官晨瑶的握姿还是不能改正过来,在以后的教学中要慢慢的将其改正。 暑期新概念第一堂课 Time: 2011/7/11 6:30-8:30p.m. Address: 101 Type: NEW No.:1st Content:情感交流 1. 教师自我介绍 2. 发新书,课程介绍 3. 学生自我介绍 4. 击鼓传花,学生表演节目,奖品 5. 上课要求 6. 讲解试卷 Lesson 51A pleasant climate & Lesson 52What nationality are they? Where do they come from? Time: 2011-7-13 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:2th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words:Where do you come from? I/You etc. come from ? What's the(climate) like? It's often/always/sometimes(hot). It rains/snows sometimes. When is/does it(hot/rain)? 2. Vocabulary: Nouns: U.S. Italy months of Brazil Russia the year England Spain climate France Sweden country Greece spring Greece spring Norway winter Verbs: rain Snow Adverbs: always often sometimes Adjectives: cold warm pleasant windly Grammar: What…(be. look, etc.) like? Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 1. Call name& Greeting 2. Review(单词听写) 3. Put in(Introduce the story) 4. T:Today we'll listen to a story about the weather. 5. Understand the situation Ask the students to interpret the pictures. 6. Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: Does 7. it ever snow in Greece? 8. Play the tape or read the dialogue 9. Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: Does it ever snow in Greece? 10. Answer: Yes, it sometimes snows in winter. 11. Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 12. Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 13. Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 14. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 15. Grammar: 1(Where do you come from? 你是哪国人, 问对方是什么地方人。come from表示来源或籍贯。也可说:Where are you from? 在第 7课中出现过类似的句子。 2(What's the climate like in your country? 你们国家的气候怎么样, 句中like是介词,不是动词,它的宾语是 What。又如:What's the weather like in spring? climate指某一地区数年间的天气情况;weather是指某个特定的时间内晴、雨、风、雪 变化。对于这类问题的回答可以是 It's very pleasant(很好)或 It rains sometimes(有 时下雨)。这里的it均指天气。 3(It's often windy in March. 3月里常常刮风。 表示在某个月份里通常用介词in。类似用in的时间短语课文中还有 in April(在4月), in June(在 6月),in September(在 9月)等等。 often(经常),always(总是,老是),sometimes(有时)都是课文中出现的表示非确 定频度的副词。这些副词一般用来回答用how often 提问的问题。 语法 Grammar in use What…(be. look, etc.) like? 我们把What…like? 这一句型用于询问事物的状况,例如天气、气候等: What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样, What's it like today? 今天怎么样, What's the climate like in your country? 你们国家气候怎么样, 或询问人物或事物的外观或特征: What's your brother like? 你兄弟是个什么样子, What's your house like? 你的房子是什么样的, 许多形容词可用以回答What…like? 这样的问题,并可根据上下文给以笼统的或确切的 信息。例如课文中表示天气或气候的形容词有pleasant(宜人的),windy(有风的),hot (热的),cold(冷的),warm(温暖的)等等。 词汇学习 Word study 1(sometimes adv. 有时,间或: It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. 天气时冷时热。 Sometimes he visits his aunt who lives nearby. 他有时会去看望他那住在附近的婶婶。 2(pleasant adj. (1)令人愉快的;舒适合意的: The climate in my hometown is always pleasant. 我家乡的气候总是宜人而舒爽。 This study is pleasant to work in. 在这个书房里工作令人感到舒适。 (2)(人或其外表、举止等)讨人喜欢的;(性情等)和蔼可亲的: She's such a pleasant girl. 她真是个可爱的姑娘。 Andrew seemed very pleasant on the phone. 安德鲁在电话里显得很和蔼可亲。 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T:Does Dimitri come from Germany? S:No, he doesn't. 2 T:Where does Dimitri come from? S:Greece. 3 T:What is the climate like in Greece? S:It's very pleasant. 4 T:What's the weather like in spring? S:It's often windy in March and warm in April and May. 5 T:What's it like in summer? S:Hot. 6 T:When does the sun shine every day? S:In June, July and August. 7 T:What's the weather like in September? S:It's always warm and it rains sometimes. 8 T:Is it often cold in November? S:Yes, it is. 9 T:Is it cold in Greece in winter? S:Yes, it is. 10 T:Does it ever snow in Greece? S:Yes, it does. 2. Asking questions 1 T:Ask me if Dimitri comes from Greece. S:Does Dimitri come from Greece? T:Where?? S:Where does Dimitri come from? 2 T:Ask me if it is often windy in March. S:Is it often windy in March? T:When?? S:When is it often windy? 3 T:Ask me if it's hot in summer. S:Is it hot in summer? T:What?like? S:What's it like in summer? 4 T:Ask me if it rains in November sometimes. When?? S:Does it rain in November sometimes? T: S:When does it rain? 5 T:Ask me if it snows in December? S:Does it snow in December. T:When?? S:When does it snow? 3. Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1. 做Lesson51、Lesson52的练习题 2. 读Lesson51的短文 3. 记单词 7. Summary Lesson 53An interesting climate & Lesson 54 What nationality are they? Where do they come from? Time: 2011-7-15 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:3th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words: (The weather's often cold) in the North/South/East/West. Which season (s) do you like best? 2. Vocabulary: Nouns: conversation east night north south subject west Verbs: rise set Adverbs: early late best Adjectives: interesting mild wet Countries/ Nationalities: Australia(n) Japan(-ese) Austria(n) Nigeria(n) Canada(-ian) Turkey(-ish) China(-ese) Korea(n) Finland(-ish) India(n) Grammar: What…(be. look, etc.) like? Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 1. Call name& Greeting 2. Review(单词听写) 3. Put in(Introduce the story) 4. T:Today we'll listen to a story about the weather in England. 5. Understand the situation Ask the students to interpret the pictures. 6. Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: What 7. is the favourite subject of conversation in England? 8. Play the tape or read the dialogue 9. Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: What is the favourite subject of conversation in England? 10. Answer: The weather. 11. Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 12. Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 13. Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 14. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 15. Grammar: 1(in the North=in the north of England. North的首字母大写,是因为它单独使用,特指英国的北部。表示一个国家或地区的方位词一般要大写。本课中的方位词均表示国家的一部分: in the East 在东部 in the West 在西方 in the South 在南方 但是,仅仅表示方位意义的方位词不需大写。如: a north wind 北风 a south window 南窗 2(Which seasons do you like best? 你最喜欢哪些季节, 句中的best是副词well的最高级,作状语,修饰like。 3(The sun rises early and sets late. 太阳升得早而落得晚。 句中的early和late都是副词,分别修饰动词rises和sets,作状语。注意the sun中定冠词的用法。在 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 中,表示世界上独一无二的东西(如太阳、月亮、世界、地球、天空、宇宙)的名词之前通常需加定冠词。 4(favourite subject of conversation, 最喜欢谈论的话题。 英国人见面时谈话通常是从天气开始的。一方面这与英国的自然地理情况有关,另一方面则与英国人的民族性格有关。谈论天气是任何人都可接受的话题,而且这可避免介入令人尴尬的或侵入私人领域的话题。 语法 Grammar in use like (v.)与like (prep.) like(v.)表示“喜欢”、“想要”(请参见 Lessons 47,48词汇部分),而like(prep.) 表示“像……一样”: His car is like mine. 他的汽车跟我的那辆一样。 She is very like her sister. 她和她姐姐相像极了。 The new building looks like a big bird. 那座新建筑看上去像是一只大鸟。 词汇学习 Word study 1(mild adj. (1)(天气等)温暖的;暖和的: They had an exceptionally mild winter last year. 他们那儿去年冬天出奇地暖和。 The climate in the South is always mild and pleasant. 南方的气候总是温和宜人。 (2)(性情等)温和的: John is a mild man who never raises his voice. 约翰是一个温和的人,他从不抬高嗓门说话。 I like his gentle and mild voice. 我喜欢他那温和而轻柔的声音。 (3)(食物等)味淡的: Try this mild curry. 试试这种淡味咖喱。 He likes to smoke mild cigars. 他喜欢抽淡味雪茄烟。 2(rise v. (1)(日、月等)升起;上升: The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。 The curtain rises at 8.00 p. m. 剧在晚上8点钟开演。 (2)(河水、物价、温度等)上涨;升高;增加: The level of the river is still rising. 河水水位仍在上涨。 (3)起身;起床: My mother always rises early. 我母亲总是很早起床。 The house rose to the singers. 全场起立向歌唱演员们致意。 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T:Does Jim come from Australia? S:No, he doesn't. 2 T:Does he come from England? S:Yes, he does. 3 T:Is the weather always pleasant in England? S:No, it isn't. 4 T:What's the weather like in the North? S:It's often cold. 5 T:What's the weather like in the East? S:It's often windy. 6 T:What's it like in the West? S:It's often wet in the West. 7 T:Which seasons does Jim like best? S:Spring and summer. 8 T:Are the days long in spring and summer? S:Yes, they are. 9 T:Does the sun rise early in summer? S:Yes, it does. ' 10 T:Is the climate interesting in England? S:Yes, it is. 2. Asking questions 1 T:Ask me if Jim comes from England. S:Does Jim come from England? T:Where ? ? S:Where does Jim come from? 2 T:Ask me if the climate is mild in England. S:Is the climate mild in England? T:What ? like? S:What's the climate like in England? 3 T:Ask me if it's often wet in the West. S:Is it often wet in the West? T:What ? like? S:What's it like in the West? 4 T:Ask me if the sun rises early in summer. S:Does the sun rise early in summer? T:When ? ? S:When does the sun rise in summer? 5 T:Ask me if the sun sets early in winter. S:Does the sun set early in winter? T:When ? ? S:When does the sun set in winter? 3. Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1. 做Lesson53、Lesson54的练习题 2. 读Lesson53的短文 3. 记单词 8. Summary Lesson 55The Sawyer family & Lesson 56 What do they usually do? Time: 2011-7-18 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:4th Content and basic aims 3. Sentence patterns and structural words: They live at ? In the morning/ afternoon/evening /at noon/at night(they go)to work/ to school/to bed/home. (She stays)at home. He (usually) reads ? 4. Vocabulary: Nouns: evening housework home lunch noon Verbs: arrive live stay watch Adverbs: together usually 5. Grammar: 一般现在时的用法 Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 16. Call name& Greeting 17. Review(单词听写) 18. Put in(Introduce the story) T:Today we'll listen to a story about the Sawyer family. 19. Understand the situation Ask the students to interpret the pictures. 20. Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: When do' the children do their homework? 21. Play the tape or read the dialogue 22. Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: When do the children do their homework? Answer: At night before they go to bed. 23. Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 24. Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 25. Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 26. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 27. Grammar:一般现在时的用法 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T:Where do the Sawyers live? S:At 87 King Street. 2 T:What does Mr. Sawyer do in the morning? S:He goes to work. 3 T:What do the children do in the morning? S:They go to School. 4 T:Who takes the children to school every day? S:Mr. Sawyer does 5 T:What does Mrs. Sawyer do every day? S:She stays at home. 6 T: When does she eat her lunch? S: At noon. What does she usually do in the afternoon? 7 T: S:She usually sees her friends. 8 T:When do the children come home from school? S:In the evening. 9 T: When do the children do their homework? S:They always do it at night. 10 T:What does Mr. Sawyer usually do at night? S:He usually reads his newspaper. 2. Asking questions 1 T:Ask me if the Sawyers live at87 King Street. S:Do the Sawyers live at 87 King Street? T:Where?? S:Where do the Sawyers live? 2 T:k me if Mr. Sawyer goes to word in the morning. S:Does Mr. Sawyer go to work in the morning? T:When?? S:When does Mr. Sawyer go to work? 3 T:Ask me if Mrs. Sawyer eats her lunch at noon. S:Does Mrs. Sawyer eat her lunch at noon? T:When?? S: When does Mrs. Sawyer eat her lunch? 4 T: Ask me if Mr. Sawyer arrives home late. S:Does Mr. Sawyer arrive home late? T: When? S:When does Mr. Sawyer arrive home? 5 T:Ask me if the children arrive home early. S:Do the children arrive home early? T:When?? S:When do the children arrive home? 3. Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 4. 做Lesson55、Lesson56的练习题 5. 读Lesson55的短文 6. 记单词 9. Summary 今天是新概念的第二次课,本次课的语法虽然有一点难,但是学生都掌握的不错。 Lesson 57An unusual day & Lesson 58What’s the time? Time: 2011-7-20 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:5th Content and basic aims 1.Sentence patterns and structural words: What's the time? It is (8.0) o'clock. They usually go to school by car every day/ in the morning etc., but today/this morning they are going on foot. 2.Vocabulary: Adverbs: tonight Expressions: at the moment by car on foot 3.Grammar: 一般现在时与过去时的比较 Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 28. Call name& Greeting 29. Review(单词听写) 30. Put in(Introduce the story) T:Today we'll listen to a story about an unusual day. 31. Understand the situation Ask the students to interpret the pictures. 32. Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: What is Mr. Sawyer doing tonight? 33. Play the tape or read the dialogue 34. Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: What is Mr. Sawyer doing tonight? Answer: He's reading an interesting book. 35. Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 36. Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 37. Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 38. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 39. Grammar:一般现在时与现在进行时的区别 第二节课: 1. Comprehension * Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T:What's the time? S:It' s eight o'clock. 2 T:Do the children usually go to school by car every day? S:Yes, they do. 3 T:What are they doing today? S:They are going to school on foot. 4 T:What does Mrs. Sawyer usually do in the morning. S:She usually stays at home. What is she doing this morning? 5 T: S:She' s going to the shops. 6 T:Who usually drinks tea in the living room? S:Mrs. Sawyer does. 7 T:Where is she drinking tea this afternoon? S:In the garden. 8 T:When do the children usually do their homework? S:In the evening. 9 T:What are they doing at the moment? S:They're playing in the garden. 10 T:What is Mr. Sawyer doing tonight? S:He's reading an interesting book. 2. Asking questions 1 T:Ask me if the children go to school by car. S:Do the Children go to school by car? T:How…? S:How do the children go to school? 2 T:Ask me if Mrs. Sawyer is going to the shops. S:Is Mrs. Sawyer going to the shops? T: Where…? S:Where is Mrs. Sawyer going? 3 T:Ask me if she drinks tea at four o' clock. S:Does she drink tea at four o' clock? T: What…? S: What does she drink at four o'clock? 4 T:Ask me if they do their homework in the evening. S:Do they do their homework in the evening? T:When…? S:When do they do their homework? 5 T:Ask me if Mr. Sawyer is reading an interesting book. S:Is Mr. Sawyer reading an interesting book? T:What…? S:What is Mr. Sawyer reading? 3. Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 7. 做Lesson57、Lesson58的练习题 8. 读Lesson57的短文 9. 记单词 6. Summary Lesson 59The Sawyer family & Lesson60 What do they usually do? Time: 2011-7-22 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:6th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words: Do you/we/they have any ?? Yes, I/we/they have. No, I/we/ they do not/ don't have ? (I)don't have any ? but(I)have some ? I only have ? Is that all? What else do you want? 2. Vocabulary: Nouns: Chalk pad change size envelope writing paper glue ink 3. Grammar: 完全动词Have的用法 Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 4. Call name& Greeting 5. Review(单词听写) 6. Put in(Introduce the story) T:Today we'll listen to a story about shopping at the stationer's.Understand the situation Ask the students to interpret the pictures. 7. Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: Does the lady buy any chalk? 8. Play the tape or read the dialogue 9. Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: Does the lady buy any chalk? Answer: No, she doesn't. 10. Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 11. Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 12. Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 13. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 14. Grammar:完全动词的用法 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T:Where is the lady? S:She's at the stationer's. 2 T:What does the lady want? S:Some envelopes. 3 T:What size envelopes does she want? S:The large size. 4 T:What else does she want? S:She wants some writing paper. Are there any small pads in the shop? 5 T: S:No, there aren't. 6 T:Does the lady want a large pad? S:Yes, she does. 7 T:Does she want some glue too? S:Yes, she does. 8 T:Does she want a box of chalk? S:Yes, she does. 9 T:Does she want the small size? S:No, she doesn't. 10 T: What else does she want? S:She wants her change. 2. Asking questions 1 T:Ask me if the lady wants any envelopes. S :Does the lady want any envelopes? T :What?? S :What does the lady want? 2 T :Ask me if she wants the large size. S : Does she want the large size? T : What size?? S : What size does she want? 3 T :Ask me if I have any writing paper. S :Do you have any writing paper? T : What?? S : What do you have? 4 T : Ask me if she wants any glue( S : Does she want any glue? T : What?? S : What does she want? 5 T : Ask me if she wants her change( S : Does she want her change? T : What else?? S : What else does she want? 3. Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1.做Lesson59、Lesson60的练习题 2.读Lesson59的短文 3.记单词 6. Summary Lesson 61A bad cold Lesson62 What’s the matter with them? What must they do? Time: 2011-7-25 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:7th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words: He feels/ looks(ill). How does he feel/look? Does he/she have(a bad cold)? Yes, he/she does. No, he/ she doesn't. (We)must call(the doctor). Yes,(we)must. No,(we)must not(mustn't). Why ? because. So(continuative). 2. Vocabulary: Nouns: Aspirin mouth cold mumps dentist news doctor stomachache ear ache telephone flu temperature headache tongue Measles toothache Medicine week Verbs: call feel remember say Adjectives: bad ill 3. Grammar Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 1.Call name& Greeting 2.Review(单词听写) 3.Put in(Introduce the story) T:Today we'll listen to a story about Jimmy. 4.Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: What is good news for Jimmy? 5.Play the tape or read the dialogue 6.Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: What is good news for Jimmy? Answer: Jimmy must .stay in bed for a week. 7.Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 8.Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 9.Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 10. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 10. Grammar: 1(fell ill, 感觉病了;look ill, 看起来有病。 前者指自我感觉,后者指外表形象。ill是表语,look和feel都是系动词,可像am/is/are 那样,后面跟形容词。 2(„so he must stay in bed for a week.„„因此他必须卧床休息一周。 so表示“因此”、“所以”。for可以引出一段时间,表示某个动作持续多少时间。又如: for two hours each day 每天两小时 3(That's good news for Jimmy. 对吉米来说,这可是个好消息。 句中的news是不可数名词,不是复数形式。在英语中,有些以-s 结尾的名词可作单数 使用,又如:mumps(腮腺炎),measles (麻疹)。 4(She has a headache. 她头疼。 根据现代英语习惯,headache前常用不定冠词a。其他ache型的复合词也多用不定冠词, 如:an earache(耳疼),a toothache (牙疼),a stomach ache(胃疼)。 5(take/have an aspirin, 服,吃一片阿司匹林。 6(have a temperature, 发烧。 语法 Grammar in use 1(完全动词 have(2) have(和 have got)常与表示疼痛和疾病的名词连用。关于与这种名词连用的不定冠词 a/an的用法可有几种情况: (1)必须用不定冠词,如 a cold(感冒),a headache(头疼),a sore throat(嗓子疼): I have a headache/cold 我头疼,感冒了。 (2)不定冠词可用可不用,如 catch(a)cold(患感冒),have(a)backache/stomach ache/toothache(患背痛,胃痛,牙疼等): I've had(a) toothache all night. 我牙疼了一整夜。 (3)复数形式的疾病名称前面不用冠词。如 measles(麻疹),mumps(流行性腮腺炎), shingles(带状疱疹): Most children are in bed with mumps. 大多数孩子们都得了流行性腮腺炎,躺在床上。 (4)被认为不可数的疾病名称前面不用冠词,如flu(流行性感冒),gout(痛风),hepatitis(肝炎)等: I was in bed with flu for ten days. 我因患流感,卧床10天。 the也可以与 flu,measles和 mumps等词连用,如: He's got the flu/the measles/the mumps 他得了流感,麻疹,腮腺炎。 2(must(2) must是情态助动词(如can一样),它本身没有时态、性或数的变化,也不能单独作谓语动词(简短回答除外)。must表示“必要性”,即某人必须做某事。(请参见 Lessons 29,30语法部分。) 词汇学习 Word study 1(feel v. (1)觉得;感到;意识到: I could feel rain on my face. 她感觉到雨点打在我的脸上。 He's feeling a little better today. 他今天感觉好点了。 (2)摸,触;(客体)给人某种感觉: He felt his pockets and then took out a small box. 他摸摸他的口袋,然后取出一个小盒子。 The silk feels very smooth. 丝绸摸上去很滑爽。 (3)认为;以为;相信: I feel that he has made a mistake. 我认为他犯了一个错误。 I feel it unnecessary to do so. 我认为这样做没必要。 2(remember v. (1)记得;回忆: Can Mrs. Williams remember the doctor's telephone number? 威廉斯太太记得起医生的电话号码吗, I remember he used to dress in a blue suit. 我记得他从前常穿一套蓝色衣服。 (2)记住;牢记;不忘记: I tried hard to remember the long passage of Shakespeare. 我努力记住莎士比亚的大段说白。 Remember your appointment with the dentist. 别忘了你和牙医的预约 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T: Where's Jimmy? S: He's in bed. 2 T: What's the matter with Jimmy? S:He feels ill. 3 T:Does he look ill? S:Yes, he does. 4 T:Must Mr. and Mrs. Williams call the doctor? S:Yes, they must. 5 T: Can Mrs. Williams remember the doctor's telephone number? S:Yes, she can. Must Jimmy open his mouth? 6 T: S:Yes, he must. 7 T:Must he show the doctor his tongue? S:Yes, he must. 8 T:What's the matter with him, then? S:He has a bad cold. 9 T:What must he do? S:He must stay in bed for a week. 10 T:Why is that good news for Jimmy? S:Because he doesn't like school. 2. Asking questions 1 T:Ask me if Jimmy is in bed. S:Is Jimmy in bed? T:Where ? ? S:Where is Jimmy? 2 T:Ask me if he feels ill. S:Does he feel ill? T:How?? S:How does he feel? 3 T:Ask me if he looks ill. S:Does he look ill? T:How?? S:How does he look? 4 T:Ask me if the doctor's telephone number is 09754. S:Is the doctor's telephone number 09754? T:What ?? S:What is the doctor's telephone number? 5 T:Ask me if this is good news for Jimmy. S:Is this good news for Jimmy? 3. Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1.做Lesson61、Lesson62的练习题 2.读Lesson61的短文 3.记单词 6. Summary Lesson 63Thank you, doctor.& Lesson64 Don’t…! You mustn’t…! Time: 2011-7-27 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:8th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words: Can I ?(=May I) He mustn't ? yet. How long must he ?? ? for about two hours each day. Negative questions. So (adverbial). 2. Vocabulary: Nouns: food hour library match noise Verbs: break drive get up keep lean play remain talk Adjectives: another better each rich Adverbs: (so) quickly 3. Grammar Don?t 与mustn?t的区别 Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 1.Call name& Greeting 2.Review(单词听写) 3.Put in(Introduce the story) T:Today we'll listen to another story about the Williams family. 4.Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: Who e lse is in bed today? Why? 5.Play the tape or read the dialogue 6.Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: Who else is in bed today? Why? Answer: Mr. Williams. He has a bad cold, too. 7.Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 8.Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 9.Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 10. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 11. Grammar: 1(play with, 玩……(东西)。 The children are playing with a toy car in the garden. 孩子们正在花园玩一辆玩具汽车。 2(make a noise, 搞出声响。 noise是抽象名词。抽象名词是不可数的,前面加不定冠词a并不意味1、2、3、4等数目,只是赋予那个名词具体的含义,如一次、一种、一例、一番等。又如: have a rest 休息一下 take a look at… 看一眼…… 3(lean out of the window, 把身子探出窗外。 out of是介词短语,与 in或 into相对,表示“离开”、“脱离”。 语法 Grammar in use 禁令 don't与mustn't都可用来表示禁令。用mustn't表示“禁止”或“不许可”,语气比较强烈。 词汇学习 Word study 1(keep v. (1)使保持某状态;保持: Keep the room warm. 使房间保持温暖。 Keep the fire burning. 不要让火熄灭了。 (2)保存;保留: He would not be able to keep his job. 他恐怕保不住他那份工作了。 If you like it, just keep it. 你如果喜欢的话,那把它留下来吧。 (3)保守;储藏: Please keep this secret. 请保守这一秘密。 Would you keep my things for me while I'm away? 在我离开的这段时间里,你能为我保管一下东西吗, 2(remain v. (1)留下;停留: You'd better remain at home. 你最好留在家里。 We're going to remain in Rome for another two days. 我们准备再在罗马逗留两天。 (2)保持不变: It will remain cold for a couple of days. 天气还将持续冷几天。 Most people remained silent at the meeting. 多数人在会上保持沉默。 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T:How is Jimmy today ? S:He's better. 2 T:Can the doctor see him? S:Yes, he can. 3 T:Does Jimmy look very well today? S:Yes, he does. Can Jimmy get up now? 4 T: S:No, he mustn't get up yet. 5 T:How long must he stay in bed? S:He must stay in bed for another two days. 6 T:Can Jimmy go to school now? S:No, he mustn't go to school yet. 7 T:Can he get up? S:Yes, he can get up for about two hours each day. 8 T:What must Mrs. Williams do ? S:She must keep the room warm. 9 T:Where's Mr. Williams this evening? S:He's in bed. 10 T:Why is Mr. Williams in bed? S:He has a bad cold. 2. Asking questions Ask me if Jimmy is better today. 1 T: S:Is Jimmy better today? T:How ?? S:How is Jimmy today? 2 T:Ask me if Jimmy's upstairs. S:Is Jimmy upstairs? T:Where ? ? S:Where is Jimmy? 3 T:Ask me if Jimmy must stay in bed. S:Must Jimmy stay in bed? T:Why ? ? S:Why must Jimmy stay in bed? 4 T:Ask me if Jimmy has a temperature. S:Does Jimmy have a temperature? T:What temperature ?? S:What temperature does Jimmy have? 5 T:Ask me if Mrs. Williams must keep the room warm. S:Must Mrs. Willimas keep the room warm? T:Why ?? S:Why must Mrs. Williams Keep the room warm? Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1.做Lesson63、Lesson64的练习题 2.读Lesson63的短文 3.记单词 6. Summary Lesson 65Not a baby& Lesson66What’s the time? Time: 2011-7-29 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:9th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words: It's half past/a quarter past/ a quarter to(ten). How old are you? I'm24/I'm24yearsold. My birthday's on (July18th)/(18thJuly). Enjoy yourself/ your selves etc. 2. Vocabulary: Nouns: baby birtyday calendar dad key year Verbs: enjoy hear Adjectives: front Expressions: Bye-bye. Oh, all right. Grammar 反身代词,时间日期表达法 Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 1.Call name& Greeting 2.Review(单词听写) 3.Put in(Introduce the story) T:Today we'll listen to a story about father and daughter. 4.Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: Does Jill take the key to the front door? 5.Play the tape or read the dialogue 6.Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: Does Jill take the key to the front door? Answer: Yes, she does. 7.Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 8.Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 9.Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 10. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 12. Grammar: 1(What are you going to do this evening, Jill? 今晚你打算干什么,吉尔, 由every, this, next等词开头的时间状语前面通常不加介词。 2(I'm going to meet some friends, Dad. 我打算去看几个朋友,爸爸。 dad和mum前如没有所有格代词或名词所有格作修饰语,就特指自己的父母亲,要大写。father和mather也是如此。 3(Jill's eighteen years old, Tom. 吉尔都18岁了,汤姆。 表示“几岁”,一般由基数词+ year(s) old构成。在口语中,year(s)old往往可以省去,而只用数字表示年龄。如: She is eighteen. 她18岁。 4(That's all right. 不用谢。 当别人表示感谢时,可以作出如是回答。还可以说You're welcome/Not at all/Don't mention it。 5(Bye-bye. 再见。 非正式的告别语,语气较随便。非正式的告别语还有 So long,See you或 I'll be seeing you等。正式的告别语是 Goodbye,而夜里向人告别时用 Good night。 语法 Grammar in use 1(反身代词 (1)当宾语和主语是同一个人时,一般需要用反身代词: He cut himself when he was shaving this morning. 今天早晨刮胡子时,他把脸刮破了。 The old lady is talking to herself. 那位老妇人正在自言自语。 (2)反身代词也可与名词连用,表达“就是那个人而不是别人”的意思: We went there ourselves. 我们自己去那儿了。 They wanted to finish the work themselves. 他们想靠自己来完成这项工作。 2(时间与日期 (1)钟点表达法 在某个钟点的1到30分钟内,我们常用 past表示,如8点20分时我们可以说twenty past eight;如果时间是在某个钟点的31分到下一个整点,我们则常用介词to,但要注意钟点及分钟的变换。如6点47分我们通常会将之换算为7点差13分,即 thirteen to seven。 以上两种情况也可以用直接读出钟点和分钟的方式来表达: eight twenty 8点20分 six forty-seven 6点47分 表示在什么时间通常都需用介词 at: He goes to school at 7. 30. 他7点半上学。 (2)通常使用介词 on表示星期几(如 on Monday在星期一)、一天中的某段时间(如 on Monday morning在星期一早上)、日期(如 on April 1st在4月1日)、星期几+日期(如 on Monday,April 1st在4月1日,星期一)、具体时间(如 on that day在那一天)、周年纪念日(如 on your birthday在你的生日)以及节日(如 on Christmas Day在圣诞节)等。 词汇学习 Word study 1(enjoy v. (1)过得快活: She enjoyed herself in the vacation. 她假期过得愉快。 (2)乐于;喜爱: I enjoy your company. 我乐意与你呆在一起。 (3)享有,享受: We all enjoy our legal rights. 我们都享有自己的合法权利。 2(hear v. (1)听见: He listened but could hear nothing. 他留神地听,但什么也没有听到。 Do you hear? 你听见了吗, (2)倾听,认真听: Please hear her. 请听她讲。 We'd better hear what he has to say. 我们最好还是听听他要说些什么。 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T:Is Jill going to stay at home this evening? S:No, she isn't. 2 T:What is Jill going to do ? S:She's going to meet some friends. 3 T:When must she come home? S:She must be home at half past ten. 4 T:Can she get home at half past ten? S:No, she can't. 5 T:What does she want to do ? S:she wants to have the key to the front door. 6 T:Does her father want to give her the key? S:No, he doesn't. 7 T:How old is Jill? S:She's eighteen years old. 8 T:Does Jill always come home early? S:Yes, she does. 9 T:Does Jill's father give her the key? S:Yes, he does. 10 T:Do she and her friends always enjoy themselves? S:Yes, they do. 2. Asking questions Ask me if Jill is going to meet some friends this evening. 1 T: S:Is Jill going to meet some friends this evening? T:Who ? ? S:Who is Jill going to meet this evening? Ask me if she must be home at half past ten. 2 T: S:Must she be home at half past ten? T:What time ? ? S:What time must she be home? 3 T:Ask me if she is eighteen. S:Is she eighteen? T:How old ?? S:How old is she ? 4 T:Ask me if her father gives her a key. S:Does her father give her a key? T:What ?? S:What does her father give her? 5 T:Ask me if they always enjoy themselves. S:Do they always enjoy themselves? T:How ?? S:How do they always enjoy themselves? Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1.做Lesson65、Lesson66的练习题 2.读Lesson66的短文 3.记单词 6. Summary Lesson 67 The weekend & Lesson68 What’s the time? Time: 2011-8-1 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:10th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words: Were you (at the butcher's)? Yes, I/he/she was. No, I/he/she wasn't. Where were you (on Monday)? I was(at church on Sunday/ January 1st). It's(five past/ to one). Vocabulary: Nouns: baker's grocer's church stationer's The country weekend dairy the days greengrocer's of the week Verbs: spend Adjectives: absent lucky Expressions: Hello last week How are you all keeping? Grammar 一般过去时 Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 1.Call name& Greeting 2.Review(单词听写) 3.Put in(Introduce the story) T:Today we'll listen to a story about Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Johnson. 4.Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: What are the Johnsons going to do for the weekend? 5.Play the tape or read the dialogue 6.Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: What are the Johnsons going to do for the weekend? Answer: They're going to stay in the country for the weekend. 7.Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 8.Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 9.Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 10. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 11. Grammar: 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T:Was Mrs. Johnson at the butcher's? S:No, she wasn't. 2 T:Was she at the greengrocer's? S:Yes, she was. 3 T:Who was at the butcher's? S:Mrs. Williams was. 4 T:Who was at the greengrocer's? S:Mrs. Johnson was. 5 T:How is Jimmy today? S:He's very well. 6 T:Was Jimmy at school last week? S:No, he wasn't. 7 T:When was he absent from school? S:He was absent on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 8 T:Where are the Johnsons going to spend the weekend? S:At Mrs. Johnson's mother's, in the country. 9 T:Which days are they going to spend in the country? S:Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 2. Asking questions l T:Ask me if Mrs. Johnson was at the butcher's. S:Was Mrs. Johnson at the butcher's? T:Where ?? S:Where was Mrs. Johnson? 2 T:Ask me if Jimmy is well today. S:Is Jimmy well today? T:How ? ? S:How is Jimmy today? 3 T:Ask me if he was absent from school last week. S:Was he absent from school last week? T:When ?? S:When was he absent from school? 4 T:Ask me if they are all keeping well. S:Are they all keeping well? T:How ?? S:How are they all keeping? 5 T:Ask me if they're going to stay at her mother's. S:Are they going to stay at her mother's? T:Where ?? S:Where are they going to stay? Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1.做Lesson67、Lesson68的练习题 2.读Lesson68的短文 3.记单词 6. Summary Lesson 69 The car race & Lesson70 When were they there? Time: 2011-8-3 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:11th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words: In 1995 there was ? There were ? My wife and I (we)were ? Julie and Jack (They)were ? Yes, we/they were. No, we/they were not (weren't). Vocabulary: Nouns: crowd finish people race town winner way Verbs: stand Adjectives: exciting Other Expressions: hundreds of just behind on the way home Grammar 用介词at, on和in的时间短语 Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 1.Call name& Greeting 2.Review(单词听写) 3.Put in(Introduce the story) T:Today we'll listen to a story about a car race. 4.Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: Which car was the winner in 1995? 5.Play the tape or read the dialogue 6.Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: Which car was the winner in 1995? Answer: Car number fifteen was the winner. 7.Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 8.Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 9.Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 10. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 11. Grammar: 1(hundreds of, 数以百计的。 这是用来表示不定数量的复数形式。类似的结构还有thousands of(数以千计的), millions of(数以万计的)。但必须注意:说 five hundred(五百,500),six thousand(六千, 6,000),two million(两百万,200万)等时,hundred, thousand, million 这些词因为之前有具体数字而本身不加-s。 2(at the race, 观看比赛。 这里的at是“出席”、“在某场合”的意思。 3(Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too.我们的朋友朱莉和杰克也去了。 Julie and Jack是 Our friends的同位语。 4(car number fifteen, 第 15号车。 在表示编了号的东西时,可以用基数词表示顺序: Lesson 67 第 67课 Page 2第 2页 Bus No. 332第 332路公共汽车 Question 10第 10个问题 语法 Grammar in use 用介词at, on和in的时间短语 (1)用介词 at的时间短语通常可表示:确切的时间(如 at 10 o' clock 10点钟时),用餐时间(如 at lunchtime午餐时),其他时刻(如 at noon中午时),节日(如 at Christmas圣诞节时),年龄(如 at the age of 27 27岁时)等。 介词at可表示地点,通常用于某个小地点之前: at the bus,stop 在公共汽车站 at the railway station在火车站 at the butcher's在肉店 at school 在学校 at the office 在办公室 at home在家 (2)介词on用于周和月份中的任何一天之前。请参见Lessons 65,66语法部分。 (3)用介词in的时间短语通常可表示:一天中的某段时间(如 in the evening在晚上),月份(如 in March在 3月),年份(如 in 1997在 1997年),季节(如 in spring在春天),世纪(如 in the 20th century在20世纪),节日(如in Easter week在复活节那一周),时期(如 in the holidays在假期里)等。 词汇学习 Word study 1( stand v. (1)站立,起立: We were standing on the right. 我们当时站在右边。 They stood because there were no seats. 没有座位,所以他们只好站着。 (2)(建筑物)直立,耸立;(植物)直立生长: The white house stands on a hill. 那幢白色的房子耸立在小山上。 Look at the corn standing in the fields! 瞧那长在地里的玉米~ 2(finish n. (1)结束;最后阶段(或部分): The finish of the race was very exciting. 比赛的最后一个阶段十分激动人心。 At eleven the dinner finally dragged to a finish. 宴会拖到11点才结束。 (2)完美,完善;(举止等)优雅: His dancing lacks finish. 他的舞跳得并不完美。 We hoped that four years of college would give him some finish. 我们希望4年的大学教育会使他有些教养。 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T:Where is there a car race every year? S:There's one near our town every year. 2 T:When was there a very big car race? S:In 1995. 3 T:How many people were there? S:There were hundreds of people there. 4 T:Were our friends, Julie and Jack, at the race? S:Yes, they were. 5 T:How many cars were there in the race? S:There were twenty cars in the race. 6 T:What cars were there in the race? S:There were English cars, French cars, German cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars. 2. Asking questions 1 T:Ask me if the car race is every year. S:Is the car race every year? T:When …? S:When is the car race? Ask me if there was a very big race in 1995. 2 T: S:Was there a very big race in 1995? T:When …? S:When was there a very big race? 3 T:Ask me if my wife and I were at the race. S:Were your wife and you at the race? T:Where …? S:Where were your wife and you? 4 T:Ask me if there were twenty cars in the race? S:Were there twenty cars in the race? T:How many …? S:How many cars were there in the race? 5 T:Ask me if the winner was Billy Stewart. S:Was the winner Billy Stewart? T:Who …? S:Who was the winner? 3.Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1.做Lesson69、Lesson70的练习题 2.读Lesson69的短文 3.记单词 6. Summary Lesson 71 He’s awful! & Lesson72 When did you? Time: 2011-8-5 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:12th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words: What?s (he/she/it)like? He (telephoned) four times yesterday/yesterday morning/last night etc. Did you/he/she etc.? Yes, (I) did. No,(I) did not Vocabulary: Nouns: phone Verbs: answer didn?t. Adjectives: awful Adverbs: again speak Grammar 一般过去时(2) Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 1.Call name& Greeting 2.Review(单词听写) 3.Put in(Introduce the story) T:Today we’ll listen to Pauline talking to her friend Jane, at the office. 4.Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: How did Pauline answer the telephone at nine o’clock? 5.Play the tape or read the dialogue 6.Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: How did Pauline answer the telephone at nine o’clock? Answer: She said, ‘This is Pauline’s mother. Please don’t telephone my daughter again!’ 7.Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 8.Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 9.Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 10. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 11. Grammar: 1(What's Ron Marston like, Pauline? 波琳,朗?马斯顿是怎样一个人, What is sb. like? 这一句式可用来询问某人的外貌或品行。就本课的具体情况而言,波琳的回答更多地是指马斯顿的品行如何。 2(He telephoned me four times yesterday…他昨天给我打了4次电话…… four times, 4次。 time在英语中作不可数名词时表示“时间”;作可数名词时表示“次数”。请注意英语中次数的表示法: once 1次 twice 两次 three times 3次 3次或 3次以上通常都用基数词+ times表示: five times 5次 thirty times 30次 3( the day before yesterday, 前天。 4(answer the telephone, 接电话。 口语中也常用 answer the phone。类似的短语如: answer the door,doorbell应声开门 answer a letter回信 5(She can't speak to you now! 她现在不能同你讲话~ speak to sb. 意为“与某人说话”。例如打电话时可以说: May I speak to Pauline, please? 请让波琳接电话好吗, I' d like to speak to Pauline, please. 我想请波琳听电话。 6(This is Pauline's mother. 我是波琳的母亲。 This is…是英美人打电话时表示“我是……”的句式,而不说 I'm…。相关的电话用语如: This is Mary speaking. 我是玛丽。 This is Edward calling from London. 我是爱德华,现正在伦敦给你打电话。 语法 Grammar in use 一般过去时(2) (请参见 Lessons 67,68语法部分。) be动词以外的动词在一般过去时中一般有两种形式。规则动词一般是在动词后面加-ed,如 answered;以-e结尾的规则动词加-d,如 telephoned, arrived。另一部分动词的过去式拼写不规则,因此称为不规则动词,如:say----said, do----did。 用一般过去时的句子中常常有表示过去某一时刻的时间状语,如本课中的 yesterday(昨天),the day before yesterday(前天),yesterday morning(昨天上午),yesterday afternoon(昨天下午),yesterday evening(昨天晚上),last night(昨夜)。 [1] [2] 下一页 词汇学习 Word study answer (1)v. 对……作出反应;响应: Who answered the telephone? 谁接的电话, Mary took a few minutes to answer the door. 玛丽拖了几分钟时间才去开门。 (2)v. 回答;答复: I don't think you've answered my question. 我认为你没有回答我的问题。 I wrote him several letters but couldn't get an answer. 我给他写了好几封信,可都没有回音。 (3)n. 答案;解决办法: Do you know the answer to Question 10? 你知道第10题的答案吗, This is one of the possible answers to today's environmental problems. 这是有可能解决当今环境问题的办法之一。 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T:Is Ron Marston nice? S:No, he isn?t. 2 T:What?s he like? S:He?s awful. 3 T:What did Ron Marston do yesterday? S:He telephoned Pauline four times. 4 T:How many times did he telephone the day before yesterday? S:Three times. 5 T:When did Ron Marston telephone the office? S:Yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon. 6 T:Who answered the telephone? S:Pauline s boss did. 7 T:What time did Pauline arrive home yesterday evening? S:At six o?clock. 8 T:Did she answer the phone? S:No, the didn?t. 9 T:What time did Ron Marston telephone last night? S:At nine o?clock. 10 T:Did he telephone you again? S:No, he didn?t. 2. Asking questions 1 T:Ask me in Ron telephoned four times yesterday. S:Did Ron telephone four times yesterday? T:How many times?? S:How many times did Ron telephone yesterday? 2 T:Ask me if the boss answered the phone. S:Did the boss answer the phone? T:Who?? S:Who answered the phone? 3 T:Ask me if I arrived home at six. S:Did you arrive home at six? T:When?? S:When did you arrive home? 4 T:Ask me if I answered the phone. S:Did you answer the phone? T:Why didn?t?? S:Why didn?t you answer the phone? 5 T:Ask me if he telephoned again. S:Did he telephone again. T:Why didn?t…? S:Why didn?t he telephone again? 3.Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1.做Lesson71、Lesson72的练习题 2.读Lesson71的短文 3.记单词 4.做测试 6. Summary Lesson 73 The way to King Street & Lesson74What did they do? Time: 2011-8-7 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:13th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words: She went to London and lost her way.(I rreg. past). Did he(understand)? He did not(understand). She smiled (pleasantly). I went there once, twice, etc. Vocabulary: Nouns: bus stop cake London phrasebook pocket Verbs: cut greet Know lose smile tell understand Adverbs: badly hurriedly pleasantly slowly suddenly thirstily warmly Expressions: Can you tell me the way? Grammar 副词,不规则动词过去式 Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 1.Call name& Greeting 2.Review(单词听写) 3.Put in(Introduce the story) T:Today we’ll listen to a story about a tourist in London. 4.Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: Why did the man need a phrasebook? 5.Play the tape or read the dialogue 6.Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: Why did t he man need a phrasebook? Answer: Because he didn’t speak English. 7.Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 8.Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 9.Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 10. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 11. Grammar: 1(She does not know London very well. 她对伦敦不很熟悉。 know…well这一短语意为“对……了解”。又如: I don't know him very well. 我不太了解他。 2(…, and she lost her way. ……因此她迷路了。 句中的 and当“所以”讲,表示结果。 lose one's way, 迷路。 3(ask(sb.) the way, (向某人)问路。 4(say to oneself, 心中暗想。 注意:talk to oneself意为“自言自语地说”。 5(Can you tell me the way to King Street, please? 您能告诉我到国王街怎么走吗, tell sb. the way(to), 告诉某人(去……的)路。 6(cut himself, cut his face。 以整体代替部分是英语中的一种修辞格,叫提喻(merism ,'merim,)。 语法 Grammar in use 1(副词 副词(adverb)这个词的本意是补充动词的意义。这就是许多副词的作用。它们可以通过修 饰动词告诉我们有关句中某个动作的情况,也就是告诉我们某事是如何、何时、何地等发生 或进行的。 副词可以是单个的词(如 slowly)或词组(如 very well)。单一副词既有以-ly结尾的也有 不以-ly结尾的(如 quickly, fast)。 形容词向副词的转换一般遵循3个规则: (1)在形容词后面直接加-ly,如: quick----quickly hurried----hurriedly pleasant----pleasantly warm----warmly (2)以-y结尾的形容词,则把-y改成-i,再加-ly,如: thirsty----thirstily happy----happily (3)形容词与副词形式相同: late----late fast----fast hard----hard well----well 2(部分不规则动词的过去式形式 go----went see----saw understand----understood take----took read----read ,red, drink----drank run----ran know----knew say----said put----put cut----cut eat----ate meet----met come----came lose----lost tell----told speak----spoke find----found give----gave swim----swam have----had 词汇学习 Word study 1(lose v. (1)迷失;(使)迷路: She did not know London very well, and she lost her way. 她对伦敦不很熟悉,因此迷了路。 It's very easy to lose your way in a strange city. 在一个陌生的城市里,你很容易迷路。 (2)失去;丧失: He lost his sight in a car accident. 他在一起汽车交通事故中失明了。 She has just lost her job because of carelessness. 她刚刚因疏忽大意而丢了工作。 (3)遗失;丢失: I can't enter my house because I've lost my key on my way home. 我进不了自己的房子,因为在回家的路上我把钥匙丢了。 We lost her in the crowd. 我们在人群中找不见她了。 2(understand v. (1)理解;懂: He doesn't understand English and you can try French. 他不懂英语,你可以试试法语。 I don't understand what you mean. 我不明白你的意思。 (2)明了;了解;得知: How the machine works is still not fully understood. 这台机器到底是如何运转的仍未被完全弄清楚。 Only today have I begun to understand the political situation in Northern Ireland. 直到今天我才了解了北爱尔兰的政治局势。 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T: What did Mrs. Mills do last week? S: She went to London. 2 T: Does she know London well? S: No, she doesn't. 3 T: Did she lose her way, S: Yes, she did. 4 T: Where did she See a man? S: Near a bus stop. 5 T: What did she say to him? S: She said,„Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?? 6 T: Did the man smile? S: Yes, he did. 7 T: Did the man understand English? S: No, he didn't. What did the man do? 8 T: S: He put his hand into his pocket and took out a phrase book. 9 T: Did he speak English? S: NO, he didn't. 10 T: Was he a tourist? S: Yes, he was. 2. Asking questions 1 T: Ask me if Mrs. Mills went to London last week. S: Did Mrs. Mills go to London last week? T: When?, S: When did Mrs. Mills go to London? 2 T: Ask me if she saw a man near a bus stop. S: Did she see a man near a bus stop. T: Where?? S: Where did she see a man? 3 T: Ask me if she said„Excuse me?. S: Did she say„Excuse me?? T: What?, S: What did she say? 4 T: Ask me if he spoke German. S: Did he speak German? T: What language?? S: What language did he speak? 5 T: Ask me if he took a phrase book out of his pocket. S: Did he take a phrase book out of his pocket? T: What?? S: What did he take out of his pocket? 3.Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1.做Lesson73、Lesson74的练习题 2.读Lesson73的短文 3.记单词 6. Summary Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes & Lesson74When did you…? Time: 2011-8-22 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:14th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words: Have you any (shoes)like these? We had some a month ago \ last month \last year etc. I?m afraid that I can?t Vocabulary: Nouns: month pair question shop assistant Verbs: buy wear Adverbs: Uncomfortable Expressions: in fashion Grammar 一般过去时与时间短语 Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 1.Call name& Greeting 2.Review(单词听写) 3.Put in(Introduce the story) T: Today we?ll listen to a story about some fashionable shoes. 4.Listening objective T: Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: What?s wrong with the fashionable shoes? 5.Play the tape or read the dialogue 6.Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: What?s wrong with the fashionable shoes? Answer: They are very uncomfortable. 7.Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 8.Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 9.Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 10. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 11. Grammar: 1(Do you have any shoes like these? 像这样的鞋你们有吗, 这个句子里的 like these是介词短语作定语,修饰 shoes,意思是“像这样的鞋子”。 2( What size? 什么尺码的, 这是一个省略句,后面省略了 do you want。下文中的 What colour? 同样也是省略句。 what size通常用来询问服装、鞋子、手套等的尺寸,即什么号码: What size do you wear? 你穿几码的, 3(They are very uncomfortable.的确很不舒适。 这个句子中的are用斜体表示强调,应重读。这里的强调表明了售货员对女士所说的话的反感和愤怒。 语法 Grammar in use 一般过去时与时间短语 一般过去时通常与表示确切的过去时间的短语连用。这些短语一般是 last+ 表示时间的名词、一段时间+ago等。 (1) last week,month,year,night(上星期,上个月,去年,昨夜): Did you watch the television last night? 你昨晚看电视了吗, (2) two minutes,hours,days,weeks,months,years ago(两分钟,小时,天,周,月,年前): She bought the shoes two months ago. 她两个月之前买的鞋。 (3)in+ 过去某一年: We first met him in 1980. 我们 1980年初次见到他。 (4)yesterday(昨天), yesterday evening(昨天晚上), the week before last(前一个星期), the month before last(前一个月), the year before last(前年), the day before yesterday(前天), the night before last(前天夜里): She dusted the cupboard the day before yesterday. 她前天清扫了橱柜。 词汇学习 Word study 1(wear v. (1)穿着;戴着;佩带着: But women always wear uncomfortable shoes! 可是女人们总是穿不舒适的鞋子~ Look at the beautiful silk scarf she's wearing! 瞧她围着的那条漂亮的丝绸围巾~ She never wears perfume. 她从不用香水。 (2)面带;呈现;保持: He's wearing a cheerful smile. 他面带着快活的微笑。 He wears his dignity even in great adversity. 他即使身处逆境也仍保持着自己的尊严。 2(uncomfortable adj. (1)不舒服的: She feels uncomfortable in tight boots. 她穿着紧的长统靴感到不舒服。 (2)不安的;不自在的: You'll have an uncomfortable feeling if you sit there alone. 如果你独自一人坐在那儿,你会有种不安的感觉。 He often feels uncomfortable with strangers. 与陌生人在一起他通常感到不自在。 (3)令人不舒服的,不舒适的: This pair of shoes look very uncomfortable. 这双鞋看上去很不舒适。 It's really an uncomfortable day! 这真是令人难受的一天~ 练习答案 Key to written exercises 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T: What does the lady show to the shop assistant? S: Some shoes./A pair of shoes. 2 T: Whose shoes are they? S: Her sister?s. 3 T: Why does she show him those shoes? S: Because she wants some/a pair like them. 4 T: What size does she want? S: Size five. 5 T: What colour does she want? S: Black. 6 T: Where did her sister buy those shoes? S: In the U.S. 7 T: When did the shop have some shoes like these? S: A month ago. 8 T: Can they get any shoes like those now? S: No, they can?t. 9 T: Why can?t they get any? S: Because they?re not in fashion this year. 2. Asking questions 1 T: Ask me if I have any size five shoes. S: Do you have any size five shoes? T: What size…? S: What size shoes do you have? 2 T: Ask me if my sister bought a pair last month. S: Did your sister buy a pair last month? T: When…? S: When did your sister buy a pair? 3 T: Ask me if we have shoes like this a month ago. S: Did you have shoes like this a month ago? T: How long ago…? S: How long ago did you have shoes like this? 4 T: Ask me if they were in fashion last year. S: Were they in fashion last year? T: When…? S: When were they in fashion? 5 T: Ask me if they look uncomfortable. S: Do they look uncomfortable? ? T: Why… S: Why do they look uncomfortable? 3.Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1.做Lesson75、Lesson76的练习题 2.读Lesson75的短文 3.记单词 6. Summary Lesson 77 Terrible toothache & Lesson78When did you…? Time: 2011-8-24 6:30-8:30 p.m. Type: New No.:15th Content and basic aims 1. Sentence patterns and structural words: I want to (see the dentist). Can?t you Wait till ?? Vocabulary: Nouns: appointment Verbs: buy wear Adjective: Urgent Expressions: a.m. p.m. Grammar 否定疑问句 Teaching Procedure: 第一节课 1.Call name& Greeting 2.Review(单词听写) 3.Put in(Introduce the story) T: Today we?ll listen to a story about a man who has toothache. 4.Listening objective T: Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: What time of day is it. Do you think? How do you know? 5.Play the tape or read the dialogue 6.Answer the question After the reading, ask the question: What time of day is it, do you think? How do you know? Answer: It?s morning. The nurse says,„Can?t you wait till this afternoon? 7.Intensive reading Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. 8.Play the tape or read the dialogue again Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students listen only. 9.Repetition Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually. 10. Reading aloud Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud. 11. Grammar: 1(I want to see the dentist, please. 我想见牙科医生。 I want to see sb., please 这一句式是表示想见某人时常用的句式之一。 2(have an appointment(with sb.),(与某人)有约会。 I have an appointment with my dentist at 3 p.m. 我已约定下午3点去看牙医。 3(Is it urgent? 急吗, 这里的it指“要见牙医”这件事。 4(Can you come at 10 a. m. on Monday, April 24th?您在 4 月24日星期一上午10点钟来可以吗, Can you come at…? 这一句式通常用来约定见面时间。注意英语中的时间次序一般是由小到大,与汉语正好相反。又如:on July 2nd, 1988(在1988年7月2日), at seven on June 3rd, 1989 (在 1989年 6月 3日 7点)。 a. m. (=ante meridiem) 上午,有时写成A. M. 或AM;下午则是p. m. (=post meridiem),有时写成 P. M. 或 PM。 5(I must see…我必须见…… 比 I want to see… 语气上要更强些,表达说话人某种强烈的愿望或需求。 6(at the moment, 正在说话的这会儿,此时。 7(Can't you wait till this afternoon? 您就不能等到今天下午了吗, 这是情态助动词的否定疑问句形式,表示请求。 语法 Grammar in use 否定疑问句 否定疑问句可以表示说话者惊异的情绪、责难的口吻或赞叹;也可表示说话者的某种建议、邀请、请求或看法等。请看下列疑问句的简略否定式: (be:) Aren't you a student? 难道你不是学生吗, Isn't it hot here? 这里难道不热吗, (can:) Can't you wait a moment? 你不能等一会儿吗, (have:) Haven't I asked you? 难道我没问过你吗, (do:) Don't you want to stay with us? 你难道不愿意与我们呆在一起吗, (did:) Didn't you see him yesterday? 难道你昨天没看见他吗, 回答这种问题时用简略回答。如果答语是肯定的,就用 Yes;如果答语是否定的,就用No。不过,这种答语的汉语译法有特殊之处。 一般否定疑问句有完全式和简略式之分,它们的词序是不同的。 完全式: Is she not a nurse? 她不是一位护士吗, 简略式: Isn't she a nurse? 她不是一位护士吗, 词汇学习 Word study 1( urgent adj. (1)紧迫的;急迫的: There's an urgent message for you. 这里有你的一个要紧的口信儿。 The children in that area are in urgent need of medical attention. 那个地区的孩子们急需得到医疗方面的关注。 (2)催促的;坚持要求的: The cries and shouts became louder and more urgent. 哭喊声越来越响,更加急迫。 2(appointment n. 约会;约定: I have made an appointment with Doctor Smith on next Tuesday. 我与史密斯大夫约好了在下星期二见面。 When is your lunch appointment? 你与别人共进午餐的约会定在什么时候, Once you've made an appointment, you should try to keep it. 一旦你定好约会的事情,那么你应努力守约。 第二节课: 1. Comprehension *Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers. 1 T: Is Mr. Croft at the doctor's or at the dentist's? S: He's at the dentist's. 2 T: Who is Mr. Croft talking to? S: He's talking to a nurse. 3 T: What does Mr. Croft want to do? S: He wants to see the dentist. 4 T: Does he have an appointment? S: No, he doesn't. Why does he want to see the dentist? 5 T: S: Because he has terrible toothache. 6 T: How urgent is it? S: It's very urgent. 7 T: Can the dentist see him now? S: No, he can't. 8 T: Why can't the dentist see him now? S: Because he's very busy at the moment. 9 T: What time can the dentist see him today? S: At 2.0 p.m. 10 T: Can't Mr. Croft wait till this afternoon? S: Yes, he can, but his toothache can't. 2. Asking questions 1 T: Ask me if Mr. Croft wants to see the dentist. S: Does Mr. Croft want to see the dentist? T: Who?? S: Who does Mr. Croft want to see? 2 T: Ask me if it's urgent. S: Is it urgent? T: Why ? ? S: Why is it urgent? 3 T: Ask me if he can come on Monday, April 24th. S: Can he come on Monday, April 24th? T: Why can't ?? S: Why can't he come on Monday, April 24th? 4 T: Ask me if he must see the dentist now. S: Must he see the dentist now? T: Why?, S: Why must he see the dentist now? 5 T: Ask me if he can wait till this afternoon. S: Can he wait till this afternoon? T: Why can't?, S: Why can't he wait till this afternoon? 3.Tell the story Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the story 4. Do exercises 5. Homework 1.做Lesson77、Lesson78的练习题 2.读Lesson77的短文 3.记单词 6. Summary
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