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房建监理工作月报范文房建监理工作月报范文 尚缘国际 建设监理工作月报 第十五期 2013 年2月 1日至 2013年2月28日 内容提要: 本月工程形象进度完成情况 本月工程情况简述 本月安全情况简述 工程签证情况 本月监理工作小结 下月监理工作打算 总监理工程师: 监理单位: 日期: ,签字, ,章, construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community man...

房建监理工作月报范文 尚缘国际 建设监理工作月报 第十五期 2013 年2月 1日至 2013年2月28日 内容提要: 本月 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 形象进度完成情况 本月工程情况简述 本月安全情况简述 工程签证情况 本月监理工作小结 下月监理工作打算 总监理工程师: 监理单位: 日期: ,签字, ,章, construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government, 四 川 省 建 设 厅 制 工程名称 尚缘国际一期、二期工程项目 设计单位 中国华西建筑设计工程有限公司 四川弘信达建筑工程有限公司 建设单位 四川尚缘房地产开发有限公司 施工单位 成都市成华建筑安装工程公司(二期A标段) 金堂县现代建筑工程有限公司(二期B标段) 1. 尚缘国际一期工程项目计划完成整个项目竣工验收和备案工作,顺利交付使用。 形 计划 2. 完成尚缘国际二期A标段15#主体十二层施工,16#楼主体五层施工。 完成 3. 尚缘国际二期项目B标段计划本月完成开工前各项资料报审和各项开工备案手续;完成13#、14#、17#象 楼地下室砼浇筑,达到?0施工目标。完成13#楼主体一层砼浇筑;完成2#车道砼浇筑,完成14#、 进 17#楼主体一层支架搭设施工。完成13#、14#、17#楼地下室水电管道预埋、消防管道预埋工作。 度 1. 完成一期1-12#楼竣工验收工作。目前正在完善1-12#楼竣工备案相关手续,对施工场地进行清扫和 完 实际 部分损坏地方(门窗、水管等)修复施工。 完成 2( 完成二期A标段15#楼主体八层及九层底板砼浇筑施工,完成16#楼主体二层砼浇筑施工。完成15#、成 16#楼地下室防水层外侧砖砌体挡土墙施工,基本完成15#、16#楼地下室基坑回填施工;完成了15#、16# 情 楼地下室消防管道预埋、给排水、电气管道安装施工。 3(完成二期B标段13#、14#、17#楼地下室基础筏板砼浇筑和13#楼主体一层梁、板砼浇筑。完成13#、况 14#、17#楼地下室剪力墙、柱、梁、板砼浇筑,完成了2#车道砼浇筑,完成了14#、17#楼主体一层支架 搭设施工。因春节放假施工现场未进行施工活动,目前正在进行节后恢复施工准备工作。 原因 1( 因工程款和施工沟通协调力度不够,造成尚缘二期A标段施工班组和材料供应商停 分析 止运作,导致二期A标段项目施工自2012年10月18日起目前仍处于停滞状态。 2( 尚缘国际一期竣工备案资料整理缓慢,前期资料遗留问题多,签字不完善,不能顺 利竣工备案。 3( 本月因春节假期放假,施工现场未进行施工活动,尚缘二期B标段施工暂停,目前 正在进行节后恢复施工准备工作。 专 例 内 尚缘国际二期B标段: 题 会 容 因春节假期放假,本月未召开监理工作例会。 报 纪 摘 份 告 要 要 工 程 内 因春节假期放假,目前现场正在进行节后恢复施工准备阶段,本月基本无 工 签 容 施工活动,未有工程质量签证资料。 程 签 摘 质 要 量 证 份 证 尚缘二期B标段: 内向承包情 1( 2013年1月31日下发《关于做好春节前安全检查事宜》工作联系单 2 容单位发 出的通摘份 2( 2013年2月19日下发《关于做好春节后恢复施工安全检查事宜》工况 知指令 要 作联系单 construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government, 承包单位提出的 内无 各种报告 容 份 摘 要 工 签 无 程 付 份 款 证 一、本月工程情况简述: (一),工程进度: 当前施工工程进度情况如下: 1.完成一期1-12#楼竣工验收工作。目前正在完善1-12#楼竣工备案相关手续,对施工场地进行清扫和部分损坏地方(门窗、水管等)修复施工。 2( 完成二期A标段15#楼主体八层及九层底板砼浇筑施工,完成16#楼主体二层砼浇筑施工。完成15#、16#楼地下室防水层外侧砖砌体挡土墙施工,基本完成15#、16#楼地下室基坑回填施工;完成了15#、16#楼地下室消防管道预埋、给排水、电气管道安装施工。 3(完成二期B标段13#、14#、17#楼地下室基础筏板砼浇筑和13#楼主体一层梁、板砼浇筑。完成了13#、14#、17#楼地下室剪力墙、柱、梁、板砼浇筑,完成了2#车道砼浇筑,完成了14#、17#楼主体一层支架搭设施工。因春节放假施工现场未进行施工活动,目前正在进行节后恢复施工准备工作。 (二),工程质量: 本月现场未出现质量事故。因本月春节放假尚缘国际一、二期工程项目未进行施工活动,无质量隐患。 (三),投资情况: 截止目前项目投资情况如下: 尚缘国际一二期工程项目,自开工以来,目前一期项目已完成全部施工工作并顺利交竣工验收,尚缘二期B标段自2012年11月20日开工以来,项目部加大了对人力、物力、财力等方面投入,确保工程顺利开展。截止目前,各段投资情况如下: 尚缘国际一期: 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 投资总额7959.44万元,截止目前已全部完成投资额。 尚缘国际二期A标段:合同投资总额5500万元,截止目前,已累计完成投资2300万元,占合同总额的41.8%。 尚缘国际二期B标段:合同投资总额8500万元,截止目前,已累计完成投资2000万元,占合同总额的23.5%。 (四),材料、设备、人员、机械进场: construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government, 本月因春节假期放假,施工现场无正式施工活动,目前正在进行节后恢复施工准备阶段,各段人员、材料、设备、机械正在陆续进场。 本工程情况评述内容包括材料、设备、人员、机械进场情况、投资情况、质量情况、存在问题等。 二、本月安全情况简述: 1,本月因春节假期放假无正式施工作业,现场未出现安全事故。 2(2013年1月31日,我监理部下发《关于做好春节前施工安全检查事宜》工作联系单,要求施工单位要做好以下工作: (1)临近春节,要派专人对施工现场安全进行系统仔细的检查,排查安全隐患。重点加大对临电、消防、基坑边歧、施工外架、塔机等机械设备、材料堆码、模板支撑扫地杆连接、安全网、水平网、密目网等安全防护、安全设备(安全帽、安全带)、施工安全组织管理进行检查,杜绝安全隐患发生。 (2)要求施工单位及时制定和上报春节假期值班 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 。 (3)做好假期安全防盗措施。 3(2013年2月19日,我监理部下发《关于做好春节后恢复施工安全检查事宜》工作联系单,要求施工单位要做好以下工作: (1)加强组织领导,强化安全组织管理。要求施工单位要尽快将工作重心转移到恢复施工工作上来,系统进行人员组织分配和施工计划与安排。 (2)要求施工单位在节后恢复施工前务必针对施工现场安全进行生产大检查,做好安全防范。检查内容(塔吊等施工机械安全;护壁、临电、脚手架、基坑、临时楼梯等;安全网、水平网、施工洞口等临边防护;施工构配件连接及螺栓;施工现场安全标示标牌等)要全面、具体。 (3)对检查中存在的安全隐患要及时进行处理,临边防护破损要及时修补或更换,机械设备故障要及时进行修理,安全配套设施要加大检查和配置。各构配件连接处要加大检查力度,避免恢复施工后因松动造成安全事故。 4(本月进行了两次安全生产大检查,针对节前(2013年2月2日)和节后(2013年2月27日)施工现场安全情况进行了检查,对存在的问题及时要求施工单位进行整改,并将整改结果报监理部复查。 construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government, 三、本月监理工作小结: (一) 积极协助甲方做好尚缘国际现场施工管理工作。对春节节前和节后施工现场进行了安全 生产大检查,强化安全管理。 (二) 继续督促一期工程项目加快上报竣工备案资料,完善监理资料的整理。 (三) 针对春节假期节前节后,及时根据施工现场实际,及时下发工作联系单,要求施工单位做好安全自检工作,确保节前和节后恢复施工安全工作顺利开展。 四、下月监理工作打算: (一)明确目标,系统组织,督促各施工单位要尽快将工作重心转移到节后恢复施工工作上来。 (二)督促各施工单位要进一步做好恢复施工准备工作,进一步加大施工现场安全自检工作。 (三)督促各施工单位要加快完善资料的整理和上报工作。 (四)恢复施工后,督促各施工单位要严格按照施工程序和图纸及技术 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 要求进行施工,确保工程质量。 (五)做好监理资料的归档处理工作,严格施工报验程序。 (六)积极配合建设各方做好各项检查和现场管理工作,加强组织协调与沟通,解决工程建设实际矛盾。 construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government, 五、本月工程形象照片 ?尚缘二期B标段施工现场全景 construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government, ?尚缘国际A标段施工现场全景 construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government,
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