首页 地板品牌:2013年实木复合地板十大品牌排名



地板品牌:2013年实木复合地板十大品牌排名地板品牌:2013年实木复合地板十大品牌排名 地板品牌:2013年实木复合地板十大品牌排名 地板选哪个品牌的好,这个问题一直有装修朋友的难题,现在参考中华地板网把多年来荣获地板十大品牌的企业介绍给大家,下面这些地板牌子基本上很多用过的客户感觉还是比较满意的。 好运地板 企业简介:好运木业始终坚持走以质量建设推动品牌经营的道路,十余年来,公司坚持“质量立企、品牌制胜”的战略原则,一步一个脚印,扎实前进。先后通过了ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证和ISO14001:1996环境管理体系认证。自2005...

地板品牌:2013年实木复合地板十大品牌排名 地板品牌:2013年实木复合地板十大品牌排名 地板选哪个品牌的好,这个问题一直有装修朋友的难题,现在参考中华地板网把多年来荣获地板十大品牌的企业介绍给大家,下面这些地板牌子基本上很多用过的客户感觉还是比较满意的。 好运地板 企业简介:好运木业始终坚持走以质量建设推动品牌经营的道路,十余年来,公司坚持“质量立企、品牌制胜”的战略原则,一步一个脚印,扎实前进。先后通过了ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证和ISO14001:1996环境管理体系认证。自2005年开始,各项经济指标每年均以近10,的幅度稳步增长。2007年6月,好运商标荣获“驰名商标”称号,成为浙江省木地板行业首批获此殊荣的老字号生产企业。同年,好运地板获得“浙江省名牌产品”称号,2008年又获“浙江省知名商号”和“浙江省诚信企业”称号。2009年好运再次被权威部门认定为“中国地板十大领袖品牌”。2010年好运地板获得“中国质量500强”称号,2011年获得实木十大品牌、2012年获得消费者值得信赖十大品牌,并在中国地板行业辉煌十五年大会上夺得“科技创新奖”的殊荣。这些荣誉均是对好运地板如金品质的肯定,同时也最有力的证明了广大消费者对“好运”品牌的认同。经营范围包括木地板、木门等。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 圣象地板 企业简介: 圣象集团成立于1995年,注册资金45000万人民币,总部位于上海,是中国最大的木地板企业,连续14年同类产品销量第一.圣象集团作为一家从事高新技术产品开发、生产和研究的企业,已从最初的主营强化木地板,发展到今天拥有强化木地板、三层实木地板、多层实木地板、独体实木地板、结构地板、木门、整体衣柜、家具等多个品类的产业集团。 近几年,伴随国内精装修趋势,圣象在工程项目领域发展尤其迅猛, 2009年度获得中国房地产开发企业500强建材采购首选品牌,圣象地板的复合地板及复合实木选购的人还是很多的。 大自然地板 企业简介:大自然地板(中国)有限公司成立于1995年,以生产、研发、销售大自然实木地板、实木复合地板、生态地板、强化地板为主营业务,厂房面积达40万平方米,年产量超过2000万平方米。自2000年以来,大自然地板产品销量每年以30%的增长率持续强劲增长,产品市场占有率在同行业中名列前茅,已成为亚洲最大的木地板骨干企业之一,在与中国地板行业一起发展壮大的历程中,大自然地板积极助推中国地板行业发展,为振兴民族工业品牌奉献着自己的力量,我有很多的客户朋友比较喜欢大自然的实木地板。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 菲林格尔地板 企业简介:1996年,菲林格尔旗下首家中国子公司——菲林格尔木业(上海)有限公司在浦江南畔建立;1998年,亚洲总部由新加坡迁往上海;2001年,菲林格尔木业(上海)有限公司二期投产后已成为亚洲首屈一指的强化地板制造商,年产能力达到1000万平方米,年销量在业内名列前茅。2003年,三期投产后,新增实木等各类地板,生产能力达到1400万平方米/年。同时引进先进家具、橱柜生产线,制造欧洲风格的整体厨房和系统家具,由德国技术专家全程管理,菲林格尔地板的复合地板质量确实可靠。 德尔地板 企业简介:DER德尔集团是全球领先的专业木地板制造商,2008年北京残奥会家装和公装地板供应商,多年来致力于为全球消费者提供绿色环保、科技领先的家居产品和最前沿的家居体验。集团总注册资金1.6亿元,产业涵盖地板、研发、地产、连锁、传播、物流、教育、投资等领域,集团总部位于历史文化名城苏州。德尔地板的复合地板系列质量过得硬。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 生活家地板 企业简介:生活家具有林木资源的长期应用优势,母公司马来西亚三林环球有限公司在全球拥有超过400万公顷的森林资源。具有强大的研发与产品创新能力,与中国林科院木材工业研究所、清华美院等国内外知名机构建立紧密合作关系,聘请法国资深创意 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 专家等国内外行业人士为顾问,并自主拥有木材与新品实验室,拥有先进的研发与秉承“务求完美”的工作 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。生活家地板的仿古多层实木花色很吸引眼球。 安信地板 企业简介:安信地板在长三角拥有上海青浦和江苏苏州两个大型木材生产加工基地,生产设施占地超过700亩,员工总数逾1500人,各种地板年生产能力可达1300万平方米,板材年加工能力达200万平方米。安信地板的实木地板系列油漆做工方面令人放心。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 莱茵阳光地板 企业简介:莱茵阳光推崇的运动、健康、环保已成为新一代地板的标准, 12mm 系列采用大力神三舌锁扣技术,超强耐磨度,加之完美的技术工艺,更是成为地板界的领头羊,纳天地灵韵、融万物华彩,可谓天地典范之作,引领地板向更成熟、更健康的方向发展。 吉象地板 企业简介:“亚洲木业”旗下拥有”国际吉象人造林制品集团”(吉象木业)、“亚洲创建集团”(亚创集团),是亚洲最大的强化木地板、中纤板、刨花板制造商和销售商之一。“亚洲木业” 的总资产超过2亿美金,在中国拥有多处生产基地,分别位于湖北石首、四川乐山、广东深圳、河源、惠州等地。 世友地板 企业简介:世友地板是浙江世友木业有限公司旗下的核心产品,10年来,形成speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 了以实木地板、实木复合地板、强化木地板为主,楼梯、木门、炭化木等为辅的多元化发展的产业格局。产品销往全国各地及海外市场,目前有1600个世友专卖店和售后服务网点,23个销售分公司和16个物流中心。世友地板大量引进国际先进设备,建有行业一流的自动化生产线和最大规模的研发检测中心,与多所大专院校建立战略合作关系,建立两个博士后工作站,产品技术与质量在行业里始终保持领先地位,成为国家和行业部分标准的制定者和起草者。 世友地板先后通过ISO14001环境、ISO9001质量、GB/T28001-2001职业健康安全、中国环境标志产品、标准化良好行为等多个管理体系认证,并先后荣获“中国驰名商标”、“国家高新技术企业”、“中国专利优秀奖”、“浙江省质量奖”、“湖州市政府质量奖”等多项荣誉和称号,五次入选“中国500最具价值品牌”,2010年是荣登“亚洲品牌500强”榜单,200。 参考资料:中华地板网 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the
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