首页 MBTI性格测试题(93题版本)



MBTI性格测试题(93题版本)MBTI性格测试题(93题版本) MBTI职业性格测试完整版(93完整版) MBTI模型源自荣格(瑞士)与Myers-Briggs(美国) 才储?版权所有 引导语:为什么不同的人遇到相同的事情会做出截然不同的决定, 瑞士心理学家荣格认为:感知和判断是大脑的两大基本功能。大脑做决定的瞬间可以慢动作分解为两个阶段:感知阶段(又分为触觉感知阶段和直觉感知阶段)和判断阶段(又分为感性判断和理性判断阶段)。 为方便我们的理解,可以直观想象为如下流程:(遇到事情后)触觉感知直觉感知感性判断理性判断,最后做出决定。 不过...

MBTI性格测试题(93题版本) MBTI职业性格测试完整版(93完整版) MBTI模型源自荣格(瑞士)与Myers-Briggs(美国) 才储?版权所有 引导语:为什么不同的人遇到相同的事情会做出截然不同的决定, 瑞士心理学家荣格认为:感知和判断是大脑的两大基本功能。大脑做决定的瞬间可以慢动作分解为两个阶段:感知阶段(又分为触觉感知阶段和直觉感知阶段)和判断阶段(又分为感性判断和理性判断阶段)。 为方便我们的理解,可以直观想象为如下 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 :(遇到事情后)触觉感知直觉感知感性判断理性判断,最后做出决定。 不过请记住实际上这一过程是在瞬间交织(并非想象中简单的线性)完成的。 虽然每个人的大脑做出决定的瞬间都要走这四个流程,但是不同的人在其中某个环节中的倾向程度不同(也可以理解为滞留时间长短不同):有些人更倾向停留在触觉感知环节多一些,而直觉感知一带而过;有些人在判断环节,更倾向停留在感性判断多一些,理性判断一带而过。 此外,大脑的这两大基本功能还受到每个人的精力来源不同与生活方式差异的影响(由美国心理学家Katherine Cook Briggs 提出),最终的决定就千差万别了。 MBTI的全名是Myers-Briggs Type Indicator。它是一种迫选型、自我报告式的性格评估理论模型,用以衡量和描述人们在获取信息、作出决策、对待生活等方面的心理活动规律和性格类型。 以荣格的《人格分类》理论为基础,美国的心理学家Katherine Cook Briggs (1875-1968) 和她的心理学家女儿Isabel Briggs Myers根据她们对于人类性格差异的长期观察和研究,提出了影响大脑作出决定的第四因素:生活方式。综合荣格的人格分类学说便形成了MBTI。经过70多年的实践和发展,MBTI现在已经广泛应用到心理学测量,企业招聘选聘、内部人才盘点及规划、职业测试等众多领域。 才储团队正在对人格分类理论模型进行全面的回顾和梳理,并对当前应用最为广泛的经典心理测量工具作对比评价。以下是根据美国Eastcarolina大学心理学系的MBTI-G版本的改编量表,供大家测试与参考。 特别说明:性格没有好与坏,测试的目的是反映最真实的自己,而不是别人所期待的你。选择当您面临下述这些情况时不由自主、自然和不假思索的决定或倾向。 若在测试前您能对MBTI理论有更深一步的了解,将更能保证此测试的信效度。 MBTI本身有一套严格的测试行为规范,在线测试前请务必阅读。 阅读MBTI测试行为规范 深入了解MBTI理论 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 温馨提示:以下问卷为93题。若您觉得题量太大,可以选择MBTI简明版(28题)进行测试。 1(你几乎从不迟到 A(是这样 B(不是这样 2(你喜欢 A(有部署、有节奏的工作 B(有灵活性、较为松散的工作 3(你乐于拥有广泛的人际圈 A(是的 B(如果可以选择的话,我更愿意一个人静静呆着 4(你看肥皂剧的时候会很投入 A(是的 B(不会 5(电话铃声突然响起或类似这样的突发性事件,你习惯最先做出回应 A(是的 B(不会 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 6(比起对现实细节的把握,你更擅长于宏观思考 A(是的 B(不是 7(你不会因为害怕伤害到与别人的感情就有失客观 A(是的 B(我会,我更在意感情 8(你认为遵守既定的规则容易丧失良机 A(是的 B(不,我更习惯遵守规则 9(想要让你兴奋起来很难 A(是的 B(不,我容易兴奋 10(你生来具有很强的责任感 A(是的 B(不是 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 11(你经常考虑人类及其命运问题 A(是的 B(不会 12(你坚信易于变通的决定就是最佳的决定 A(是的 B(不这么认为 13(对于被批评,你常常 A(先考虑下是不是真的有犯错 B(很不高兴,容易被激怒 14(你喜欢立刻行动而不习惯对各种选择进行反复斟酌 A(是的 B(不是 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 15(你是理智型的,不凭自我感受行事 A(是的 B(不是,我比较情绪化 16(如你有一个约见,你是习惯临场发挥还是事先周密准备 A(随机应变,临场发挥 B(不周密准备我不安心 17(业余时间里你常与一群人积极交往,参加聚会、一起购物 A(是的 B(不,我独自呆着比较舒服 18(行动之前你通常精心计划 A(是的 B(不,我喜欢先开始了再说 19(你的行为时常受情绪所影响 A(是的 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly B(不,一般不受情绪影响 20(你时常因为生命中遇到的某些复杂情况而迷惑不解 A(是的 B(不,我很少想太多,关注实际 21(遇到困难,当别人不求回报地帮助你时,你会 A(很感激,庆幸遇到好心人了 B(考虑对方为什么要这样做,是否有其他目的 22(你懂得如何把每分每秒都花得有意义 A(是的 B(不习惯计划时间,比喜欢随心所欲 23(你是一个在交流时,有些保守和有距离感的人 A(是的 B(我不是那样 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 24(你时常容易流露和说出你的感觉和感情 A(是的 B(不易流露感情 25(经过冗长的社交之后,你会想要离开,独处一下 A(是的,我常有这样的感觉 B(没有这种体会 26(你常会站在对方角度去思考 A(是的 B(不会 27(你容易看出具体事件背后的普遍原理 A(是的 B(不是 28(你觉得大声说话是一件很难堪的事 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly A(是的 B(不觉得 29(读理论书的时候,你会感到厌烦(无趣) A(是的 B(不觉得 30(你趋向于同情别人 A(是的 B(不是,我会理性看待 31(比起仁慈,你更重视公正 A(是的 B(不是 32(大多数时候,你宁可看一本书,也不愿意出去参加聚会 A(是的 B(我喜欢参加聚会 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 33(你倾向于 A(随机应变 B(事先计划 34(你热衷于担任非盈利组织的领导 A(是的 B(不是 35(你容易对其他人的感受产生共鸣 A(是的 B(很难 36(你会被别人的苦难故事而深深感动 A(是的 B(不会 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 37(你更喜欢远离外界的喧嚣 A(是的 B(不,我喜欢热闹 38(对你来说,通过自己的努力而不是别人来完成事情很重要 A(是的 B(不,我常借助他人力量 39(你是一个时间观念很强的人 A(是的 B(不是 40(你认为任何事情都可以被分析 A(是的 B(不,我不认为每件事都是有前因后果的 41(你会尽力按时完成任务 A(是的 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly B(不是,我排斥死板的进度表 42(把事物收拾得有条理,你就会感到高兴 A(是的 B(不,我习惯自由自在和随意 43(人群中你感到自在 A(是的 B(不,人多我会觉得不自在 44(你能够很好的控制自己的欲望和外部诱惑 A(是的 B(更多时候我会不由自主 45(你很容易理解新的理论原理 A(是的 B(不,我更乐于实践 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 46(相对解决问题的结果,你更注重解决的过程和 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 A(是的 B(不是 47(你更习惯于站在人群中不显眼的位置 A(是的 B(不是 48(于情和于理若发生冲突,你更倾向于理 A(是的 B(不是 49(解决问题的时候,比起用新的方法,你更愿意用熟悉的方法解决 A(是的 B(不是 50(你的内心渴望一次冒险 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly A(是的 B(没有 51(比起与很多人交流意见,你更愿意在小的团队里这么做 A(是的 B(不是 52(你发现很难谈论自己的情感 A(是这样 B(不是 53(你经常花时间去思考如何改进事情 A(是的 B(很少考虑 54(你倾向于凡事都持科学的态度 A(是的 B(不是,我比较感性 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 55(当你考虑一件事情时,你很少想到事情可能的发展,而是更多关注目的 A(是这样 B(不是,我更容易陷入对未来可能性的推测中 56(你容易被强烈的情感影响 A(是这样 B(不会 57(比起事前的计划,你的决定大多基于瞬间的感觉 A(是的 B(不是 58(你喜欢一个人独自享受空闲时光,或者在安静的家庭环境中放松 A(是这样 B(不是 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 59(传统的生活方式让你觉得更自在 A(是的 B(不是,我渴望新的体验 60(你总是在寻找新的机会 A(是的 B(不是 61(你的桌子,办公台,总是整洁而规律 A(是的 B(不是 62(独自行走你会觉得舒服 A(是的 B(我更愿意找人聊天、参加娱乐活动 63(就重要性而言,你认为解决当前的烦恼大于未来的计划 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly A(是的 B(不是 64(社交场合,你很容易与人交流 A(是的 B(我比较沉默 65(你的习惯不易改变 A(是的 B(因变化而常改变 66(你愿意去做那些让你产生同情的事情 A(是的 B(不是,我会做自己认为更有意义的事情 67(你容易察觉事情可能发展的各种趋势 A(是的 B(不是,我更关注现在 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 68(我常常会急急忙忙赶一件事 A(是的 B(不是 69(相对之下,我更相信 A(确定而有形的事物 B(灵感和推理 70(以你的价值观,正义要高于怜悯 A(是的 B(不是 71(在项目或任务中,我更大的优势在于 A(事先制定完备计划 B(遇到问题时灵活应对 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 72(我更愿意被看作是 A(务实的人 B(有想象力、有灵感的人 73(选择较符合你的词 A(一丝不苟 B(不拘小节 74(选择较符合你的词 A(准时 B(闲适、悠然 75(选择较符合你的词 A(严谨 B(热心 76(选择较符合你的词 A(想象 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly B(实际 77(选择较符合你的词 A(条理的 B(随意的 78(选择你较喜欢的词 A(分析 B(体贴 79(选择你较喜欢的词 A(捕捉 B(总结 80(选择你较喜欢的词 A(内 B(外 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 81(选择你较喜欢的词 A(已知 B(未知 82(选择你较喜欢的词 A(过程 B(结果 83(选择你较喜欢的词 A(无限可能 B(现实状况 84(选择你较喜欢的词 A(触觉 B(感觉 85(选择你较喜欢的词 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly A(调整 B(规划 86(选择你较喜欢的词 A(演说 B(写作 87(选择你较喜欢的词 A(平静的水面 B(汹涌的波涛 88(选择较符合你的词 A(慈眉善目 B(公正严明 89(你更擅长 A(运用逻辑、分析及批判性思维来解决问题 B(运用人际关系解决问题 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly 90(你更喜欢 A(静处,会议越少越好 B(参与感和团队氛围 91(哪种更符合你 A(凡事追求个性,完全凭自己的兴趣,没有固定的程式 B(传统而保守,不喜欢标新立异 92(哪种更符合你 A(过于抽象,因此在必要的后续行动上不切实际 B(沉浸于细节,导致视野不开阔 93(哪种更符合你 A(喜欢惊喜并适应最后的变化 B(不喜欢变化,追求稳定与踏实 road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly [提交前请确认您已仔细阅读“测试行为规范” 才储建议您按MBTI 测试行为规范进行测试] road, are the structural road traffic within the city. In addition, suitable for high speed, and high-speed, S206, S307, also serve inner-city traffic. Outbound traffic: existing highways (suitable for high-speed, and high speed), darts (S206, S307) and Yi wei road, and so on. After years of constant development, road conditions have been greatly
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