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世界汽车品牌大全世界汽车品牌大全 通用 美国 别克(Buick),大宇(Daewoo)、雪佛兰(Chevrolet)、凯迪拉克(Cadillac)、庞迪亚克(Pontiac)、奥兹莫比尔(Oldsmobile)、欧宝(Opel)、沃克斯豪尔(Vauxhall)、霍顿(Holden)、悍马(Hummer)、萨博(Saab)、GMC、土星(Saturn)等,拥有铃木(Suzuki)、五十铃(Isuzu)和斯巴鲁(Subaru) 在中国投资的主要公司 上海通用汽车 上海通用北盛汽车 在中国生产的车型别克、赛欧、雪佛兰、凯迪拉克 公司历...

世界汽车品牌大全 通用 美国 别克(Buick),大宇(Daewoo)、雪佛兰(Chevrolet)、凯迪拉克(Cadillac)、庞迪亚克(Pontiac)、奥兹莫比尔(Oldsmobile)、欧宝(Opel)、沃克斯豪尔(Vauxhall)、霍顿(Holden)、悍马(Hummer)、萨博(Saab)、GMC、土星(Saturn)等,拥有铃木(Suzuki)、五十铃(Isuzu)和斯巴鲁(Subaru) 在中国投资的主要公司 上海通用汽车 上海通用北盛汽车 在中国生产的车型别克、赛欧、雪佛兰、凯迪拉克 公司历史 1908年进入中国历史 1997年 未来投资额 30亿美元 销售额(世界) 195324.0百万美元 生产基地分布(中国) 上海、山东、广西、山东、辽宁 中国合作伙伴上汽、金杯、五菱、东岳、北盛 福特 美国 福特(Ford)、林肯(Lincoln)、水星(Mercury)、阿斯顿?马丁(Aston Martin)、捷豹(Jaguar)、马自达(Mazda)、沃尔沃(Volvo)和陆虎(Land Rover)。在中国投资的主要公司 福特汽车信贷 江铃汽车(股份) 长安福特汽车 在中国生产的车型马自达、福特嘉年华、蒙迪欧、全顺、长安福特 公司历史 1903年进入中国历史 2001年 未来投资额 10亿美元以上 销售额(世界) 164505.0百万美元 生产基地分布(中国) 重庆、江苏、海南、长春 中国合作伙伴长安汽车、江铃公司 戴姆勒.克莱斯勒 德国 梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-benz),迈巴赫(Maybach),精灵(smart), 吉普(Jeep),克莱斯勒(Chrysler), 普利茅斯(Plymouth) 以及1970年三菱重工业公司和美国克莱斯勒公司共同出资下成立的 三菱(Mitsubishi) 在中国投资的主要公司 北京吉普汽车 北汽福田汽车 福建东南汽车 亚星,奔驰 在中国生产的车型北京吉普、大切诺基、亚星、北方奔驰 公司历史 1886年进入中国历史 2003年09月 未来投资额 12亿欧元 销售anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 额(世界) 156602.2百万美元 生产基地分布(中国) 北京、福建、江苏 中国合作伙伴北汽、东南汽车 丰田 日本 广州丰田:凯美瑞 雅力士一汽丰田:普拉多 普锐斯特锐威驰花冠兰德酷路泽卡罗拉四川丰田:柯斯达

进口丰田:普拉多 FJ酷路泽汉兰达RAV4普瑞维亚 在中国投资的主要公司 四川丰田汽车 天津丰田汽车 广汽丰田发动机 在中国生产的车型威驰、特锐、霸道、陆地巡洋舰、花冠、金杯、金龙、柯斯达、佳美 公司历史 1933年进入中国历史 1998年11月 未来投资额 38.21亿元人民币 销售额(世界) 153111.0百万美元 生产基地分布(中国) 四川、天津 中国合作伙伴广汽、一汽、川旅、天汽 大众 德国 大众汽车(德国)、奥迪(德国)、兰博基尼(意大利)、宾利(英国)、布加迪(法国)、西亚特(西班牙)、斯柯达(捷克)、大众汽车商用车(德国 ) 在中国投资的主要公司 上海大众汽车 一汽大众汽车 大众汽车金融(中国) 在中国生产的车型奥迪、帕萨特、宝来、高尔夫、波罗、桑塔纳、捷达、高尔 公司历史 1937年 进入中国历史 1978年 未来投资额 90亿元人民币 销售额(世界) 98636.6百万美元 生产基地分布(中国) 上海、吉林 中国合作伙伴 上汽、一汽 本田 日本 “HONDA”和“ACURA”在中国投资的主要公司 广州本田 东风本田 在中国生产的车型 雅阁、飞度、奥德赛和Honda-SRV 公司历史 1948年 进入中国历史 1997年 未来投资额 1.93亿美元 销售额(世界) 72263.7百万美元 生产基地分布(中国) 广东、湖北 中国合作伙伴 广汽、东风 日产 日本 在中国投资的主要公司 郑州日产 东风蓝鸟 在中国生产的车型 日产、帕拉丁、蓝鸟、阳光 公司历史 1933年进入中国历史 1993年3月 未来投资额 3.3亿元人民币 销售额(世界) anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 65771.1百万美元 生产基地分布(中国) 河南、广州 中国合作伙伴东风集团、郑州轻型汽车 标致 法国 在中国投资的主要公司 神龙汽车公司 在中国生产的车型富康、爱丽舍、毕加索、广州标致 公司历史 1889年进入中国历史 1985年 未来投资额 6亿欧元 销售额(世界) 61384.6百万美元 生产基地分布(中国) 广东 中国合作伙伴 东风汽车 菲亚特 意大利 在中国投资的主要公司 南京菲亚特在中国生产的车型蓝旗亚、多宝、熊猫、派力奥、西耶那、依维柯 公司历史 1899年 进入中国历史 1999 年4月 未来投资额 0.5至1.5亿美元 销售额(世界) 53499.6百万美元 生产基地分布(中国) 江苏 中国合作伙伴 南京汽车集团 宝马 德国 bmw(宝马)、mini(迷你)、Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯) 在中国投资的主要公司 华晨宝马在中国生产的车型 宝马、MINI 公司历史 1916年进入中国历史 2003年3月 未来投资额 2.3亿欧元 销售额(世界) 46996.5百万美元 生产基地分布(中国) 辽宁 中国合作伙伴 华晨集团 中国~~ 自主品牌生产厂商 哈飞汽车 赛豹III 赛马路宝赛豹V 华普汽车 海锋 海域 海悦 海尚 海迅 上海荣威 750 550 一汽轿车 红旗旗舰 奔腾B50新明仕 奔腾B70盛世 陆风汽车 风华 X6 风尚 X9 奇瑞 瑞虎3 东方之子CrossA5 QQ 3 东方之子旗云S16 A1 瑞麒2 开瑞A3 QQ 6 五娃 悍虎3 吉利 金刚 美人豹金鹰美日 自由舰熊猫 优利欧中国龙远景 豪情 风行汽车 菱智 景逸 长安汽车 志翔 V802 长安之星杰勋奔奔悦翔 双环汽车 小贵族 来宝SRV SCEO 天津一汽 夏利 威志威乐威姿 华晨中华 骏捷 骏捷FRV尊驰酷宝 江淮汽车 愿景III 宾悦 同悦RS 瑞鹰同悦 B18 瑞风 众泰汽车 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 2008 5008 梦迪博朗 长城汽车 酷熊 赛弗迷你 嘉誉精灵 赛影炫丽 i7 哈弗欧拉凌傲 海马汽车 海福星 欢动 福美来新普力马 海马3 长丰汽车 骐菱 黑金刚帕杰罗猎豹CS6飞腾 比亚迪 F3R F8 F6 F0 F3 重庆力帆 620 520 320 东风小康 K系列 华晨金杯 阁瑞斯 浙江飞碟 UFO 东风汽车 汗马 合资汽车品牌 东风日产 骐达 骏逸奇骏颐达骊威新一代天籁 逍客轩逸天籁 通用雪佛兰 景程 科鲁兹新赛欧乐骋乐风科帕奇 一汽马自达 MAZDA6睿翼 MAZDA6 东风悦达起亚 赛拉图 嘉华狮跑RIO锐欧 远舰 长安铃木 奥拓 羚羊雨燕SX4 天语SX4 一汽丰田 威驰 兰德酷路泽锐志皇冠 花冠EX卡罗拉普拉多普锐斯 一汽大众 速腾 开迪高尔夫宝来经典 迈腾捷达新宝来 北京现代 SONATA御翔 伊兰特索纳塔雅绅特SONATA领翔 途胜ELANTRA悦动 长安福特 S-MAX 蒙迪欧福克斯 新嘉年华 蒙迪欧-致胜 上汽双龙 主席 雷斯特?路帝 爱腾享御 广汽丰田 凯美瑞 雅力士汉兰达FJ 酷路泽 南京菲亚特 西耶那 多宝 周末风派力奥派朗 广汽本田 雅阁 飞度锋范思迪奥德赛 南京名爵 MG5 MG3 MG7 TF 郑州日产 奥丁 帕拉丁御轩 上海大众 途安 桑塔纳志俊桑塔纳朗逸帕萨特POLO PASSAT领驭 安沃尔沃 S40 东风标致 307 207 206 东风本田 思域 CR-V 东风雪铁龙 凯旋 C2 毕加索富康爱丽舍世嘉 通用五菱 SPARK乐驰 一汽吉林 森雅 上海大众斯柯达 明锐 晶锐 通用凯迪拉克 SLS赛威 一汽奥迪 A6L A4 A4L 昌河铃木 利亚纳 浪迪北斗星 北京奔驰 C级 E级 东南三菱 菱绅 戈蓝蓝瑟V3anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 菱悦 通用别克 君威 林荫大道凯越 新君越 GL8 新君威君越 华 晨宝马 5系 3系 莲花汽车 RCR竞速 长安马自达 MAZDA3 MAZDA2 找这些好累的,自己找资料拼的 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership
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