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放射诊疗许可证放射诊疗许可证 附件: 放射诊疗许可证发放管理程序 第一章 总 则 第一条 为实施《放射诊疗管理规定》~规范放射诊疗许可证发放工作~根据《卫生行政许可管理办法》和有关法律、法规、规章的规定~制定本程序。 第二条 县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门遵照本程序~负责办理《放射诊疗许可证》的相关事宜~依法履行对放射诊疗工作的监督管理职责。 第三条 省级卫生行政部门可以根据本程序的规定~结合本地区实际情况~制定本行政区域内放射诊疗许可工作的具体实施程序。 第四条 卫生行政部门发放《放射诊疗许可证》~应当遵循公开...

放射诊疗许可证 附件: 放射诊疗许可证发放管理程序 第一章 总 则 第一条 为实施《放射诊疗管理规定》~规范放射诊疗许可证发放工作~根据《卫生行政许可管理办法》和有关法律、法规、规章的规定~制定本程序。 第二条 县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门遵照本程序~负责办理《放射诊疗许可证》的相关事宜~依法履行对放射诊疗工作的监督管理 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 。 第三条 省级卫生行政部门可以根据本程序的规定~结合本地区实际情况~制定本行政区域内放射诊疗许可工作的具体实施程序。 第四条 卫生行政部门发放《放射诊疗许可证》~应当遵循公开、公平、公正、便民的原则~公布受理机构名称、地点、受理和批准条件、受理时间和审批期限等事项。 第五条 医疗机构开展放射诊疗工作~应当按照本程序向地方卫生行政部门提出申请~取得《放射诊疗许可证》并办理相应诊疗科目登记后~方可从事许可范围内的放射诊疗工作。 第二章 申请与受理 第六条 医疗机构申请放射诊疗许可~应当向地方卫生行政部门提交申请材料。 申请材料主要包括: ,一,放射诊疗许可申请表,附1,, ,二,《医疗机构执业许可证》,复印件,或《设置医疗机构批准书》,复印件,, ,三,放射诊疗工作人员专业技术职务任职资格证书,复印件,, ,四,放射诊疗设备清单。 manufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall comply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 project with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Department; Contract: the contract budget 其中,一,和,四,需同时提交电子版。 需提供的其他材料: ,一,属于配置许可管理的放射诊疗设备~尚需提交大型医用设备配置许可证明文件,复印件,, ,二,《放射工作卫生许可证》或《辐射安全许可证》,复印件,, ,三,本年度放射诊疗设备防护性能检测 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ,复印件,, ,四,如果是《放射诊疗管理规定》实施后的新建、改建、扩建项目~需要提交放射诊疗建设项目竣工验收合格证明文件,复印件,。 第七条 医疗机构按照所开展的放射诊疗工作类别向所在地卫生行政部门提出许可申请: ,一,使用X射线CT机、CR、DR、普通X射线机或牙科、乳腺X射线机等开展X射线影像诊断工作的医疗机构~向县级卫生行政部门提出申请。 ,二,开展,一,所列放射诊断工作~同时开展介入放射诊疗工作的医疗机构~向设区的市级地方卫生行政部门提出申请。 ,三,开展,一,、,二,所列放射诊疗工作~同时使用γ刀、X刀、医用加速器、质子治疗装置、中子治疗装置、重离子治疗装置、钴-60机、后装治疗机、深部X射线机、敷贴治疗源、PET、SPECT、γ相机、γ骨密度仪、籽粒插植治疗源或放射性药物等开展放射治疗或核医学工作的医疗机构~向省级卫生行政部门提出申请。 第八条 申请材料应当真实、完整~原件应加盖申请机构公章。 对符合受理要求的~地方卫生行政部门应当在5个工作日内受理并向申请机构出具申请受理通知书。 不符合受理要求的~地方卫生行政部门应当在5个工作日内向申请机构出具申请不予受理通知书。不予受理通知书应写明不予受理的理由。 第三章 审查与批准 2he contract budgetnning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Department; Contract: tty plaulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project management; Qualint interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and the quality regpartmeistribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 project with each De430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quality function d/T 50f chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GBauthority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority see section II o ility,s and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsiblementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall comply with new norma, impstry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evaluation criterion and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issued by the Miniiand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for quality inspectmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 第九条 地方卫生行政部门应当对医疗机构提出的放射诊疗许可申请进行资料审查~必要时~可以进行现场审核。 第十条 现场审核工作应当有2名以上工作人员。审核人员的组成应当满足审核所需法律知识和专业技术能力的需要。审核人员应当严格遵守有关规定~不得与被审核单位或项目有经济利益关系~不得向被审核单位收取费用或谋取其它不正当利益。 第十一条 现场审核人员应当对医疗机构申请材料所列的内容进行核实~填写《放射诊疗许可现场审核表》,附2,~出具现场审核意见~给出“建议批准”、“建议整改”或“建议不批准”的结论。 第十二条 地方卫生行政部门自受理之日起~在20个工作日内作出审查决定。 第十三条 审核结论为“建议批准”的~由地方卫生行政部门履行审批程序~并发放《放射诊疗许可证》。 第十四条 申请机构持《放射诊疗许可证》到核发《医疗机构执业许可证》的卫生行政部门申请相应的放射诊疗科目登记。办理登记的程序按照《医疗机构管理条例实施细则》的规定执行。 第十五条 审核结论为“建议整改”的~地方卫生行政部门应向申请机构发出《整改通知书》。 申请机构应在收到《整改通知书》之日起三个月内~按照要求进行整改~并向地方卫生行政部门提交整改报告。整改期不计算在许可期限内。逾期未按照要求完成整改的~应当向卫生行政部门书面说明理由。 第十六条 地方卫生行政部门在接到整改报告之日起20个工作日内完成复核工作~并提出复核意见。 第十七条 审核或复核结论为“建议不批准”的~地方卫生行政部门审核并作出不予许可的决定~向申请机构发出《不予行政许可决定书》~决定书中应说明不予许可的理由。 g Depat management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineerinand the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: projecvels oject with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all lequality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 pr rojectcording ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, pity see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 acauthorroject of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and omply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 pall cevaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shissued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the ationsdard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regultion quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction stanmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construc3rtment; Contract: the contract budget 第四章 校验、变更和注销 第十八条 医疗机构《放射诊疗许可证》的校验与《医疗机构执业许可证》校验一并进行~并由核发《医疗机构执业许可证》的卫生行政部门负责具体校验事宜。医疗机构应当提交下列材料: ,一,《放射诊疗许可证》正、副本, ,二,放射诊疗设备、人员清单及变动情况, ,三,放射工作人员个人剂量监测、健康检查和教育培训情况, ,四,放射防护与质量控制管理与检测情况及检测报告, ,五,放射事件发生与处理情况。 校验部门自接到申请之日起30个工作日内~对申报材料进行审查~必要时可请有关专业技术人员或专业技术管理部门提出评价意见~符合要求的~予以校验,不符合要求的~提出整改意见~要求医疗机构限期整改。 第十九条 医疗机构变更放射诊疗场所、诊疗设备或诊疗项目的~应当按照本程序第六条至第八条的要求向有变更项目审批权的卫生行政部门申请办理变更手续~提交申请材料并在申请材料中注明变更内容。 第二十条 地方卫生行政部门按照本程序第九条至第十七条的规定办理放射诊疗许可变更手续。 第二十一条 医疗机构有下列情形之一的~由原许可的地方卫生行政部门注销放射诊疗许可~并予以公告: ,一,医疗机构申请注销的, ,二,逾期不申请校验或者擅自变更放射诊疗科目的, ,三,校验或者办理变更时不符合相关要求~且逾期不改进或者改进后仍不符合要求的, ,四,歇业或者停止放射诊疗科目连续一年以上的, ,五,被依法吊销《医疗机构执业许可证》、大型医疗设备配置许可的。 第五章 监督管理 nning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Department; Contract: tty plaulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project management; Qualint interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and the quality regpartmeistribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 project with each De430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quality function d/T 50f chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GBauthority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority see section II o ility,s and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsiblementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall comply with new norma, impstry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evaluation criterion and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issued by the Miniiand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for quality inspectmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 4he contract budget 第二十二条 医疗机构取得《放射诊疗许可证》后~应当悬挂在明显位置~接受监督,严禁伪造、涂改、转让、出借或倒卖。 第二十三条 医疗机构遗失《放射诊疗许可证》~应当及时在发证机关所在地的主要报刊上刊登遗失公告~并在公告30日后的一个月内向原发证部门申请补办。 第二十四条 县级以上地方卫生行政部门应当建立健全《放射诊疗许可证》发放监督 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 。 第二十五条 检查中发现或接到举报并经核实有下列情形之一的~作出放射诊疗许可决定的卫生行政部门或者其上级卫生行政部门应当撤销《放射诊疗许可证》: ,一,医疗机构以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段取得《放射诊疗许可证》的, ,二,卫生行政部门工作人员滥用职权~玩忽职守~给不符合条件的申请机构发放《放射诊疗许可证》的, ,三,卫生行政部门工作人员超越法定职权发放《放射诊疗许可证》的, ,四,依法可以撤销的其他情形。 第二十六条 县级以上地方卫生行政部门应当建立放射诊疗许可信息管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ~相互通报《放射诊疗许可证》发放、注销等许可管理情况~定期公告本辖区取得和注销《放射诊疗许可证》的医疗机构名录。 第二十七条 本程序自发布之日起实施。 附:1.放射诊疗许可申请表 2.放射诊疗许可现场审核表 and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: projecvels oject with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all lequality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 pr rojectcording ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, pity see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 acauthorroject of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and omply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 pall cevaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shissued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the ationsdard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regultion quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction stanmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construc5rtment; Contract: the contract budgetg Depat management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineerin 附1: 申请编号 (地区简称)(年度)第 号 放射诊疗许可申请表 申请项目 医疗机构(盖章) 申请日期 中华人民共和国卫生部制 partmeistribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 project with each De430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quality function d/T 50f chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GBauthority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority see section II o ility,s and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsiblementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall comply with new norma, impstry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evaluation criterion and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issued by the Miniiand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for quality inspectmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 6he contract budgetnning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Department; Contract: tty plaulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project management; Qualint interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and the quality reg 填 写 说 明 一、医疗机构应当在申请表封面加盖医疗机构公章。 二、医疗机构基本情况及申请许可内容由医疗机构填写。 三、表中 “负责人”~法人医疗机构是指法定代表人姓名,非法人的 医疗机构~则填写主要负责人姓名。 四、凡文字后有 ? 者~应当选择与申请内容相符的方框中打? 。 五、射线装置的 “主要参数”是指X射线机的电流,mA,和电压,kV,、 加速器线束能量等主要性能参数。 六、非密封型放射性同位素工作场所级别按照有关标准确定~工作场 所级别后括号内填写该级别工作场所个数。 七、“最大等效年操作量”、“ 最大等效日操作量”应当按照有关标 准计算得出。 八、对于籽粒插植治疗~在密封型放射源同位素一栏中填写年最大使 用量。 and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: projecvels oject with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all lequality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 pr rojectcording ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, pity see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 acauthorroject of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and omply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 pall cevaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shissued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the ationsdard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regultion quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction stanmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construc7rtment; Contract: the contract budgetg Depat management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineerin 放射诊疗许可申请表 医疗机 负责人 构名称 地 址 邮编 联系人 电话 传真 机 构 放射工作人员数 总人数 申请 放射治疗? 许可 钴-60机治疗? 立体定向(X刀)治疗? 项目 后装治疗? 立体定向(γ刀)治疗? 医用加速器治疗? 深部X射线机治疗? 敷贴治疗? 质子治疗? 重离子治疗? 中子治疗? 其他放射治疗项目? 核医学? PET影像诊断? γ骨密度测量? 籽粒插植治疗? CT-PET影像诊断? SPECT影像诊断? 放射性药物治疗? γ相机影像诊断?其他核医学诊疗项目? 介入放射学? DSA介入放射诊疗? 其他影像设备介入放射诊疗? X射线影像诊断? X射线CT影像诊断? 乳腺X射线影像诊断? 普通X射线机影像诊断? CR影像诊断? DR影像诊断? 牙科X射线影像诊断? 其它X射线影像诊断? 8he contract budgetnning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Department; Contract: tty plaulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project management; Qualint interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and the quality regpartmeistribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 project with each De430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quality function d/T 50f chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GBauthority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority see section II o ility,s and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsiblementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall comply with new norma, impstry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evaluation criterion and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issued by the Miniiand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for quality inspectmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 《医疗机构执业许可证》或《设置医疗机构批准书》 ? 大型医用设备配置许可证明文件 ? 《放射工作卫生许可证》或《辐射安全许可证》 ? 提交资放射诊疗专业技术人员一览表及其任职资格证书 ? 料 放射诊疗设备、放射防护与质量控制设备清单 ? 放射诊疗设备放射防护性能检测报告 ? 放射诊疗建设项目竣工验收合格证明文件 ? 生产 设备 主要 所在 装置名称 型号 厂家 编号 参数 场所 射线 装置 物理 最大年操最大日操操作 核素名称 用 途 状态 作量(Bq) 作量(Bq) 场所 非密封 型放射 性同位 素 工作场所 甲级 乙级 丙级 级别(个数) ?( ) ?( ) ?( ) 核素 活度 活度测 生产 所在 名称 (Bq) 量日期 厂家 场所 密封型 放射性 同位素 放 射 源 含密封装置 生产 核素活度活度所在 编号 型号 源装置 名称 厂家 场所 名称 (Bq) 测量 日期 oject with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all lequality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 pr rojectcording ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, pity see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 acauthorroject of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and omply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 pall cevaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shissued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the ationsdard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regultion quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction stanmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construc9rtment; Contract: the contract budgetg Depat management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineerinand the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: projecvels 审查 机构 意见 经办人(签章) 审查机构(盖章) 年 月 日 卫生 行政 部门 审批 意见 经办人(签章) 卫生行政部门(盖章) 年 月 日 发放 许可证 日期: 年 月 日 日期 编号: ( )卫放证字( )第 号 及编号 ty plaulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project management; Qualint interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and the quality regpartmeistribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 project with each De430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quality function d/T 50f chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GBauthority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority see section II o ility,s and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsiblementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall comply with new norma, impstry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evaluation criterion and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issued by the Miniiand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for quality inspectmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 10he contract budgetnning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Department; Contract: t 附2: 放射诊疗许可现场审核表 医疗机构 负责人 名 称 联系人 电话 手机 审核意见 审核项目 符基不不序备注 审核内容 合 本符适号 符合 用 合 有符合国家相关标准和规定 1* 的放射诊疗场所 有质量控制与安全防护专 2 (兼)职管理人员 一 制定了质量控制与安全防护 基3 管理制度 本 条工作人员接受防护知识培训 件 4* 并取得放射工作人员证 为工作人员建立了个人剂量、 5* 职业健康监护档案 6 有放射事件应急处理预案 2.1 有中级以上专业技术职务任 7 人员 职资格的放射肿瘤医师 有病理学、医学影像学专业技 8 术人员 二 有大学本科以上学历或中级 9 以上专业技术职务任职资格 放的医学物理人员 射10 有放射治疗技师和维修人员 治2.2 疗 设备至少有一台远距离放射治疗和防11* 装置,并具有模拟定位设备和 护用相应的治疗 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 系统等设备 品 11rtment; Contract: the contract budgetg Depat management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineerinand the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: projecvels oject with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all lequality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 pr rojectcording ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, pity see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 acauthorroject of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and omply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 pall cevaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shissued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the ationsdard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regultion quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction stanmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construc 放射治疗场所应当按照相应 标准设置多重安全联锁系统、 剂量监测系统、影像监控、对 12 讲装置和固定式剂量监测报 警装置;配备放疗剂量仪、剂 量扫描装置和个人剂量报警 仪 2.3 含源放疗设备表面设有电离13 警示辐射标志 标志 放射诊疗工作场所的入口处, 14 设有电离辐射警告标志和工 作指示灯 2.4 有放射治疗设备放射防护性15* 安全能报告 防护放射防护和质量控制的检测16 与质仪表有校准证书 量保有工作场所和防护设施检测17 证 报告 工作人员应当按照有关规定18* 配戴个人剂量计 19* 有放射治疗质量保证方案 3.1 有中级以上专业技术职务任 20 人员 职资格的核医学医师 有病理学、医学影像学专业技 21 术人员 有大学本科以上学历或中级 22 以上专业技术职务任职资格 的技术人员或核医学技师 3.2 具有核医学设备及其他相关 三 23* 设备设备 和防设有专门的放射性同位素分 核护用装、注射、储存场所,放射性医品 24 废物屏蔽设备和存放场所;配学 备活度计、放射性表面污染监 测仪 3.3 装有放射性同位素和放射性 警示25 废物的设备、容器,设有电离 标志 辐射标志 放射性同位素和放射性废物 26 储存场所,设有电离辐射警告 标志及必要的文字说明 12he contract budgetnning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Department; Contract: tty plaulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project management; Qualint interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and the quality regpartmeistribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 project with each De430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quality function d/T 50f chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GBauthority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority see section II o ility,s and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsiblementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall comply with new norma, impstry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evaluation criterion and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issued by the Miniiand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for quality inspectmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 工作场所的入口处,设有电离 27 辐射警告标志和工作指示灯 3.4 28 有核医学设备放射防护性能 安全报告 防护29 放射防护和质量控制的检测 与质仪表校准证书 量保有工作场所和防护设施检测 30* 证 报告 工作人员应当按照有关规定 31* 配戴个人剂量计 32 有核医学诊疗质量保证方案 4.1 有大学本科以上学历或中级 人员 以上专业技术职务任职资格33 的放射影像医师 34 有放射影像技师 有相关内、外科的专业技术人 35 员 4.2 具有带影像增强器的医用诊 设备断X射线机、数字减影装置等36* 四 和防设备 护用有工作人员防护用品和受检 介37* 品 者个人防护用品 入4.3 工作场所的入口处,设有电离 放警示38 辐射警告标志和工作指示灯 射标志 学 4.4 有介入放射学设备放射防护 39 安全性能报告 防护有工作场所和防护设施检测 40* 与质报告 量保工作人员应当按照有关规定 41* 证 配戴个人剂量计 42 有介入放射学诊疗质量保证 方案 5.1 43 有专业的放射影像医师 人员 五 X 5.2 44* 有医用诊断X射线机或CT机 射设备等设备 线和防 45* 有工作人员防护用品和受检 影护用 者个人防护用品 像品 诊5.3 46 工作场所的入口处,设有电离 断 警示辐射警告标志和工作指示灯 标志 and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: projecvels oject with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all lequality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 pr rojectcording ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, pity see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 acauthorroject of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and omply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 pall cevaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shissued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the ationsdard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regultion quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction stanmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construc13rtment; Contract: the contract budgetg Depat management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineerin 5.4 47* 有影像设备放射防护性能报 安全告 防护48 有工作场所和防护设施检测 与质报告 量保工作人员应当按照有关规定 49 证 配戴个人剂量计 有X射线影像诊断质量保证 50 方案 合 计 被审核医疗机构陪检人员签字: 现场审核结论: 审核人员签章 年 月 日 备注:序号中带“*”的项目为“关键项”,其他为“一般项”,“不适用”项不列入审核 统计。 审核标准 审核结论 关 键 项 一 般 项 建议批准 全部符合或基本符合 不符合项不超过一般项总数的15% 建议整改 有不符合项,但不超过2项 不符合项不超过一般项总数的30% 建议不批准 不符合项超过2项 不符合项超过一般项总数的30% ty plaulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project management; Qualint interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and the quality regpartmeistribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 project with each De430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quality function d/T 50f chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GBauthority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority see section II o ility,s and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsiblementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall comply with new norma, impstry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evaluation criterion and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issued by the Miniiand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for quality inspectmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 14he contract budgetnning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Department; Contract: t
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