首页 97年至今 考研英语历年真题词汇手册

97年至今 考研英语历年真题词汇手册


97年至今 考研英语历年真题词汇手册97年至今 考研英语历年真题词汇手册 97年至今 考研英语历年真题词汇手册 30 charitable adj.仁慈的, (为)慈善事业的,1997年重点词汇 宽恕的 阅读理解部分: 31 impulse n.推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力 vt.1. parliamentary adj. 议会的 推动 2 .territory n. 领土, 版图, 地域 32 weary adj.疲倦的, 厌倦的, 令人厌烦的, 疲3 incurably .治不好地, 不能矫正地 adv劳 v.疲倦, 厌倦, 厌烦 4 ...

97年至今 考研英语历年真题词汇手册
97年至今 考研英语历年真题词汇手册 97年至今 考研英语历年真题词汇手册 30 charitable adj.仁慈的, (为)慈善事业的,1997年重点词汇 宽恕的 阅读理解部分: 31 impulse n.推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力 vt.1. parliamentary adj. 议会的 推动 2 .territory n. 领土, 版图, 地域 32 weary adj.疲倦的, 厌倦的, 令人厌烦的, 疲3 incurably .治不好地, 不能矫正地 adv劳 v.疲倦, 厌倦, 厌烦 4 convincing adj.令人信服的, 有力的, 令人心33 hospitality n.好客, 宜人, 盛情 悦诚服的 34 casual adj.偶然的, 不经意的, 临时的 5 flashed vi.闪光, 闪现, 反射, 使迅速 35 interpret v.解释, 说明, 口译, 通译, 认6 pick up v.掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 为是...的意思 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速 36 superficial adj.表面的, 肤浅的, 浅薄的 7 bulletin n.公告, 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 37 artificial adj.人造的, 假的, 非原产地的 8 import n.进口货(常用复数), 进口, 输入, 38 historically 在历史上, 从历史观点上说 意思, 重要性 39 complex adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的 n.vt.输入, 进口, 含...的意思, 重要, 引入 联合体 9 sink in 被了解 40 assumption n.假定, 设想, 担任, 承当, 假10 implication n.牵连, 含意, 暗示 装, 作态 11 bitterly adv.苦苦地, 悲痛的, 厉害的 41 interrelationship 相互关系[联系, 影响], 12 haste n.匆忙, 急忙 干扰 使停止往前, 往回走, 翻回到, 重13 turn back v.未能... 42 fail to 新提到, 折转, 挡住 43 draw v.拉, 曳, 牵, 画, 绘制, 拖曳 14 euthanasia n.安乐死 vt.汲取, 领取, 提取, 引起, 吸引 15 dominoes 多米诺 vi.向...移动, 挨近 16 injection n.注射, 注射剂, (毛细血管等的)n.平局, 和局, 拖曳 充血, (人造卫星, 宇宙飞船等的)射入轨道 翻译部分: 17 diagnose v.诊断 1. monetary adj.货币的, 金钱的 18 terminally adv.末尾, 一定时期地 2. precise adj.精确的, 准确的 n.精确 19 resident n.居民 adj.居住的, 常驻的 3. inflation n.胀大, 夸张, 通货膨胀, (物20 haunting adj.常浮现于脑海中的, 不易忘怀价)暴涨 的 4. have any effect on 对…有影响 21 spiritual adj.精神上的 5. analogy n.类似, 类推 22 claw n.爪, 脚爪 v.抓 6. steering n.操纵, 掌舵, 指导 23 consistently 一贯地, 一向, 始终如一地 7. disadvantages n.不利, 不利条件, 缺点, 24 deserve vt.应受, 值得 v.应受 劣势 25 dull adj.感觉或理解迟钝的, 无趣的, 呆滞8. boast n.自夸, 值得夸耀的事物 v.自夸, 的, 阴暗的 以有...而自豪 vt.使迟钝, 使阴暗, 缓和 9. average n.平均, 平均水平, 平均数, 海vi.变迟钝, 减少 损 26 loneliness n.孤独, 寂寞 adj.一般的, 通常的, 平均的 27 welcome n.欢迎 vt.欢迎 int.欢迎 adj.vt.平均为, 均分, 使平衡, 达到平均水平 受欢迎的 vi.买进, 卖出 28 harsh adj.粗糙的, 荒芜的, 苛刻的, 刺耳的, 10. digit n.阿拉伯数字, 手指或足趾, 一指宽刺目的 (约四分之三英寸) 29 frontier n.国境, 边疆, 边境 11. forecasters n.预报员 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 12. panel n.面板, 嵌板, 仪表板, 座谈小组, 14. destruction n.破坏, 毁灭 全体陪审员 vt.嵌镶板 15. far from adv.远离, 远非, 远远不, 完全不, 13. consistently 一贯地, 一向, 始终如一非但不 地 16. impact n.碰撞, 冲击, 冲突, 影响, 效果 14. favourable adj.赞成的, 称许的, 有利的, vt.挤入, 撞击, 压紧, 对...发生影响 顺利的 n.有利 17. conflict n.斗争, 冲突 vi.抵触, 冲突 15. conventional adj.惯例的, 常规的, 习俗 hydroelectric adj.水力电气的 18. 的, 传统的 19. irrigation n.灌溉, 冲洗 16. slack n.松弛, 静止, 淡季, 闲散, 家常20. monster n.怪物, 妖怪 裤 21. dealing with prep.有, 以, 用, 同..., adj.松弛的, 不流畅的, 疏忽的, 软弱的, 漏由于, 和...一致, 赞成, 关于, 就 水的, 呆滞的, 懒散的 22. tales n.[律]候补陪审员召集令 adv.马虎地, 缓慢地 23. revival n.苏醒, 复兴, 复活, 再生效, vt.使松弛, 使缓慢, 马虎从事 复苏 vi.松懈, 减弱, 松驰 24. productivity n.生产力 17. utilization n.利用 25. revolution n.革命, 旋转 18. take off v.拿掉, 取消, 脱衣, 起飞, 26. assume vt.假定, 设想, 采取, 呈现 减弱, 离开, 岔开, 复制 27. presiding adj.主持会议的, 指挥的 19. proved 被证实的 28. statistics n.统计学, 统计表 悚然的, 颤动的, 发20. thrilling adj.毛骨29. lump n.块(尤指小块), 肿块, 笨人 抖的 vt.使成块状, 混在一起, 忍耐, 笨重地移动 21. defective adj.有缺陷的, (智商或行为有)vi.结块 欠缺的 n.有缺陷的人, 不完全变化动 30. on average 平均起来 词 31. acceleration n.加速度 1998年重点词汇和词组 32. due to adv.由于, 应归于 阅读理解部分 33. rebound n.回弹 v.回弹 1. capture n.捕获, 战利品 vt.俘获, 捕获, 34. disjunction n.分离, 分裂, 折断 夺取 35. anecdote n.轶事, 奇闻 2. imagination n.想象, 空想, 想象的事物, 36. reflected adj.反射的,得自他人的 想象力, 听觉 37. contribution n.捐献, 贡献, 投稿 3. at the mercy of adv. 受...支配 38. be intended to 为了 4. fascinated vt.使着迷, 使神魂颠倒 vi.入39. profitable adj.有利可图的 迷, 极度迷人的 40. switch to v.切换到,转到, 转变成 5. achievement n.成就, 功绩 41. speculative adj.投机的 6. assert v.断言, 声称 42. ineptly adv.不适当地, 无能地 7. cement n.水泥, 接合剂 vt.接合, 用水泥43. chief executive 总裁 涂, 巩固 vi.粘牢 44. revenue n.收入, 国家的收入, 税收 8. intended adj.有意的, 故意的, 已经订婚45. far too many 太多的 的 n已经订婚者 46. chop out 降低 9. deprived adj.缺乏足够教育的;缺少食物的 47. blunt adj. 直率的 10. in return adv.作为报答 48. consultant n.顾问, 商议者, 咨询者 11. reservoir n.水库, 蓄水池 49. schism n.(政治组织等的)分裂, 教派 12. contention n.争夺, 争论, 争辩, 论点 50. humanities 人文学科 13. bidding for n.命令, 出价, 邀请 51. community n.公社, 团体, 社会, (政治)共20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 同体, 共有, 一致, 共同体, (生物)群落 82. search for 搜寻 52. attack n.进攻, 攻击, (用语言)抨击, 批评, 83. spacious adj.广大的, 大规模的 疾病发作, 侵袭 84. plagues n.瘟疫, 麻烦, 苦恼, 灾祸 vt.vt.攻击, 抨击, 动手处理(某事) 折磨, 使苦恼, 使得灾祸 vi.攻击 85. as a result adv.结果 53. concerns vt.涉及, 86.关系到 n.(利害)关 considerably adv.相当地 系, 关心, 关注, 关注, 所关心的是 scatter v.分散, 散开, 撒开, 驱散 87. 54. assemble vt.集合, 聚集, 装配 vi.集合 88. isolate vt.使隔离, 使孤立, 使绝缘, 离析 n.隔离种群 55. find fault v.挑剔 89.56. academics adj.学院的, 理论的 geologist n.地质学者 57. objectivity n.客观性, 客观现实 90. volcano n. 火山 58. concern with v.使关心 91. on the contrary adv.正相反 59. contradict vt.同...矛盾, 同...抵触 92. interior adj.内部的, 内的 n.内部 60. dispute v.争论, 辩论, 怀疑, 抗拒, 阻止, 93. milestones n.里程碑, 里程标, 重要事件, 争夺(土地,胜利等) 转折点 n.争论, 辩论, 争吵 94. inject into 把...注入 61. manifesto n.宣言, 95.声明 complementary adj.补充的, 补足的 62. scorn n.轻蔑, 嘲笑, 被叱责的人 vt.轻96. reminder n.提醒的人, 暗示 蔑, 不屑做 97. in detail adv.详细地 98.63. long for v.渴望 readily adv.乐意地, 欣然, 容易地 stationary 固定的 64. pretechnological 技术时代 99. 65. depletion n.损耗 100. anchor n.锚 v.抛锚, 锚定 66. epithet n.绰号, 称号 101. confine vt.限制, 禁闭 n.界限, 边界 67. lump n.块(尤指小块), 肿块, 笨人 102. frame n.结构, 体格帧,画面,框架 vt.使成块状, 混在一起, 忍耐, 笨重地移动 vi.vt.构成, 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 , 制定, 使适合, 陷害 结块 vi.<英方>有成功希望 n.帧,画面,框架 68. enlighten vt.启发, 启蒙, 教导, 授予...103. geophysical adj.地球物理学的 知识, 开导, <古>照耀 104. propel vt.推进, 驱使 69. emerge vi.显现, 浮现, 暴露, 形成, (由105. continental adj.大陆的, 大陆性的 n.欧某种状态)脱出, (事实)显现出来 洲人 70. census n.人口普查 106. fissure n.裂缝, 裂沟, (思想, 观点等的) 分歧 v.(使)裂开, (使)分裂 71. standstill n.停止, 停顿 72. implication n.牵连, 含意, 暗示 107. initiate vt.开始, 发动, 传授 v.开始, 发起 73. enthrone vt.立...为王, 使登基, 任为 主教, 崇拜 vi.热心 108. formation n.形成, 构成, 编队 74. densely adv.浓密地, 浓厚地 109. mutability n.易变性, 性情不定 翻译部分: 75. numerically 用数字, 在数字上 1. by far adv.到目前为止 76. depression n.沮丧, 消沉, 低气压, 低压 2. object n.物体, 目标, 宾语, 对象 vi.反77. migrate vi.移动, 移往, 移植, 随季节 而移居, (鸟类的)迁徙 vt.使移居, 使移植 对, 拒绝, 抗议 vt.提出...来反对 3. detect vt.察觉, 发觉, 侦查, 探测 v.78. attribute to 归功于 发现 79. demographer n.人口统计学家 4. strip vt.剥, 剥去 n.条, 带 80. apparently adv.显然地 5. look into v.窥视, 浏览, 观察 81. overcrowdedness n. 拥挤地区 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 6. amazing adj.令人惊异的 造业, 产品 7.15. landmark n.(航海)陆标, 地界标, 里程碑, liability n.责任, 义务, 倾向, 债务, 划时代的事 负债, 与assets相对 8. in fact 实际上 16. appear to 似乎 9. originate in 起源于 17. side with defendant 站在被告一边 10. put forward v.放出, 拿出, 提出, 推举18. paralyze vt.使瘫痪, 使麻痹 出 19. helmet n.头盔, 钢盔 11. dominant adj.有统治权的, 占优势的, 支20. at the same time 同时 配的 adj.[生物] 显性的 21. recommendation n.推荐, 介绍(信), 劝告, 12. cosmos 宇宙 建议 13. burst into v.闯入, 开出, 突然出现 22. substantial adj.坚固的, 实质的, 真实14. submicroscopic adj.亚微观的 的, 充实的 adj.外面的, 外表的, 公开的, 23.15. outward tort n.[律]民事侵权行为 向外的, 外出的 24. bombard vt. 炮轰;轰击 adv.向外, 在外, 表面上n.外表, 周围世界 25. trivialities n.琐事 16. condensing into 冷凝为 26. for the benefit of adv.为...的利益 17. galaxy n.星系, 银河, 一群显赫的人, 一27. legal liability 法律责任 系列光彩夺目的东西 28. revolve v.(使)旋转, 考虑, 循环出现 18. astrophysicist n.天体物理学家 29. tap n.轻打, 活栓, 水龙头 19. inflationary敲打出, 开发, 分接, 使流出, adj.通货膨胀的, 通货膨胀vt.轻打, 轻敲, 选择倾向的 , 攻螺纹于 20. propel vt.推进, 驱使 vi.轻叩, 轻拍, 轻声走 21. antigravity n.[物]无重量 n.<美>(用复数)熄灯号 22. plausible adj.似是而非的 30. prove to be 证明为 1999年重点词汇和词组 31. make sense 使…有意义 阅读理解部分 32. look for 寻找 1. rough adj.粗糙的, 粗略的, 大致的, 33. nonetheless adv.虽然如此, 但是 粗野的, 粗暴的, 粗略叙述的 34. hesitate v.犹豫, 踌躇, 不愿 v.大体描述 adv.粗糙地 35. reliability n.可靠性 2. doormat n.(放于门前的)擦鞋垫 36. senior adj.年长的, 资格较老的, 地位较3. fail to 未能... 高的, 高级的 4. lawsuit n.诉讼(尤指非刑事案件) 37. transaction n.办理, 处理, 会报, 学报, 5. compensate v.偿还, 补偿, 付报酬 交易, 事务, 处理事务 6. liable for 负责 38. access to 有权使用 7. misfortune n.不幸, 灾祸 39. intranet 企业内部互联网 8. anticipate vt.预期, 期望, 过早使用, 40. commerce n.商业 先人一着, 占先 v.预订, 预见, 可以预料 41. available adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 9. stepladder n.活梯 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的 10. fall off v.下降, 跌落, 减少, 衰退, 42. focus on 集中 离开 43. target n.目标, 对象, 靶子 11. appropriate adj.适当的 44. update v.使现代化, 修正, 校正, 更新 12. interaction n.交互作用, 交感 n.现代化, 更新 13. federal regulation 联邦政府规章 45. subscriber n.订户, 签署者, 捐献者 14. manufacture vt.制造, 加工 n.制造, 制46. customize v.[计] 定制, 用户化 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 47. similar adj.相似的, 类似的 精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速 48. special n.特派员, 专车, 专刊 adj.特别82. entirely adv.完全地, 全然地, 一概地 的, 特殊的, 专门的, 专用的 83. in any case adv.无论如何 49. contempt n.轻视, 轻蔑, 耻辱, 不尊敬, 84. complementary adj.补充的, 补足的 [律]藐视法庭(或国会) 85. vocational adj.职业的 50. thinks highly of 尊重 86. confusion n.混乱, 混淆 51. distinction n.区别, 差别, 级别, 特性87., startle v.震惊 声望, 显赫 88. be opposite to 在...对面 与...相反 52. prospect n.景色, 前景, 前途, 期望 vi.89. husbandry n.管理 寻找, 勘探 90. independent n.中立派, 无党派者 adj.53. horrify v.使恐怖, 使极度厌恶, 惊骇 独立自主的, 不受约束的 54. inevitable adj.不可避免的, 必然的 91. recommendation n.中立派, 无党派者 55. resort to 求助于 adj.独立自主的, 不受约束的 56. strategies n.策略, 军略 92. feverishly adv.兴奋地 57. interactivity 交互性 93. legislation n.立法, 法律的制定(或通过) 58. hospitality n.好客, 宜人, 盛情 94. be used for 用来做... 59. security n.安全 95. consensus n.一致同意, 多数人的意见, 60. set up v.设立, 竖立, 架起, 升起, 舆论 装配, 创(纪录), 提出, 开业 96. unacceptable adj.无法接受的, 不受欢迎 ]硅, 硅元素 61. silicon n.[化的 62. plunge n.跳进, 97.投入 vi.投入, 跳进, attempt to 试图,企图 陷入 vt.使投入, 使插入, 使陷入 98. general n.普通, 将军, 概要 adj.一般的, 63. invisible adj.看不见的, 无形的 普通的, 综合的, 概括的, 全面的, 大体的 64. on the behalf of 代表 n.常规 65. prospect n.景色, 前景, 前途, 期望 99. call for v.要求, 提倡, 为...叫喊, vi.寻找, 勘探 为...叫 66. radical adj.根本的, 基本的, 激进的 100.nucleus n.核子 n.激进分子 101.in the air adv.在空中, 悬而未决, 在67. explore v.探险, 探测, 探究 流传中, 不设防 68. contradiction n.反驳, 矛盾 102.depend on v.依靠, 依赖 69. aim at v.瞄准, 针对 103.supposedly adv.想像上, 按照推测 70. justify v.证明...是正当的 104.gravity n.地心引力, 重力 71. conception n.观念, 概念 105.be curious about 对…好奇 72. assess vt.估定, 评定 106.orbital adj.轨道的, 眼窝的 73. optimism n.乐观, 乐观主义 107.consider vt.考虑, 照顾, 认为 74. forsake vt.放弃, 抛弃 108.possibility n.可能性, 可能发生的事物 75. pessimism n.悲观, 悲观主义 109.be ready for 做好了充分的准备 76. betray vt.出卖, 背叛, 泄露(秘密), 露110.impression n.印象, 感想, 盖印, 压痕 出...迹象 111.substitute for 代替... 替换..., 取77. vocational adj.职业的 代.. 78. emphasize vt.强调, 着重 v.强调 112.conference n.会议, 讨论会, 协商会 79. make sure v.确定,确信,证实 113.advisability n.明智 80. presumptuous adj.专横的 114.frown vi.皱眉, 蹙额, 不赞成, 反对 v.81. pick up v.掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复皱眉 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 115.be shocked at 对…感到震惊 11. methodology n.方法学, 方法论 speculate vi.推测, 12.116.思索, 做投机买卖 refer to 参考,参照 117.amount to 总计,等于 13. peculiar adj.奇特的, 罕见的, 特殊的 118.victim n.受害人, 牺牲者, 牺牲品 n.特有财产, 特权 119.consistently 一贯地, 一向, 始终如一地 14. appropriate adj.适当的 120.convince vt.使确信, 使信服 15. accuse of 因某事控告某人 121.carry out n.进位, 射程, 16.运载 vt. method n.方法 携带, 运送, 支持, 支撑, 传送, 意味 17. victim n.受害人, 牺牲者, 牺牲品 vi.被携带, 能达到 18. fallacy n.谬误, 谬论 122.according to 依照,按照 19. implementation n.执行 123.indicate vt.指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 20. equate vt.使相等, [数]视为平等 vi.需要, 简要地说明 等同 124.measurable adj.可测量的 2000年重点词组与词汇 125.reasonable adj.合理的, 有道理的, 通情阅读理解部分: 达理的, 讲道理的 1. effortless adj.容易的, 不费力气的 126.distract v.转移 2. handicap n.障碍, 阻碍, 障碍赛跑 v.妨碍, 127.register n.记录, 登记簿, 登记, 使不利, 注册, 阻碍 寄存器 3. a driving force 动力 vt.记录, 登记, 注册, 提示, 把...挂号 4. a glowing period 增长时期,发展时期 , 挂号 无双的, 空前的 vi.登记, 注册5. unparalleled adj.无比的, 128.regularity 6. scale n.规律性, 规则性, 整齐, 匀n.刻度,衡量,比例,数值范围,比例尺,称 天平,等级 129.conformity n.一致, 符合 vt.依比例决定,攀登,测量 130.desirable adj.值得要的, 合意的, 令人7. inevitable adj.不可避免的, 必然的 想要的, 悦人心意的 8. predominance n.优势 131.be blamed for 被责备 9. at a loss 困惑 132.in favor of 赞成 10. fading n.褪色,枯萎,衰退 133.conventional adj.惯例的, 常规的, 习俗11. textile n.纺织品 adj.纺织的 的, 传统的 12. sweep into 涌入 翻译部分 13. on the rope (爬山者)用绳相互系在一起 1. definition n.定义, 解说, 精确度, (轮廓14. semiconductor n.[物] 半导体 影像等的)清晰度 15. at the heart of 关键 2. conform to v.符合, 遵照 16. casualty n.伤亡 3. attempt to 试图,企图 17. prosperity n.繁荣 4. significant adj.有意义的, 重大的, 重18. sensational adj.使人感动的, 非常好的 要的 19. look back on 回忆 5. anew adv.重新, 再 20. struggling adj.奋斗的, 努力的, 苦斗的 6. scatter v.分散, 散开, 撒开, 驱散 21. devalued 减值的, 贬值的 7. partial adj.部分的, 局部的, 偏袒的, 偏22. yield to 屈服, 让步 爱的 n.泛音 23. on a diet 吃规定的饮食 8. partisan n.游击队 24. quick-witted 机智 9. rever v. 崇尚 25. executive adj.实行的, 执行的, 行政的 n.10. affinity n.密切关系, 吸引力, 姻亲关系, 执行者, 经理主管人员 亲合力 26. think tank n.智囊团 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 27. drop to 下降到,跌到 58. be regarded as 视为 2859. maturity n.成热, 完备, (票据)到期, 成熟 . with regard to adv.关于 29. universal adj.普遍的, 全体的, 通用的, 60. case n.事, 病例, 案例 全员育人导师制案例信息技术应用案例心得信息技术教学案例综合实践活动案例我余额宝案例 , 情形, 场合, 讼案, 宇宙的, 世界的 容器, (语法)格 30. mortality n.死亡率 61. literature n.文学(作品), 文艺, 著作, 31. excess n.过度, 剩于, 无节制, 超过, 文献 超额 adj.过度的, 额外的 62. in brief 简单扼要地 32. crucial adj.至关紧要的 63. consequently adv.从而, 因此 33. depend on 依赖,依靠 64. undergo vt.经历, 遭受, 忍受 364. kilogram n.[物]千克, 公斤 5. require vt.需要, 要求, 命令 35. variation n.变更, 变化, 变异, 变种, 66. pour out v.诉说, 倾吐 [音]变奏, 变调 67. unhampered adj.无妨碍的,无阻碍的 3686. due to adv.由于, 应归于 . make up v.弥补, 虚构, 缝制, 整理, 包37. suicide n.自杀, 自毁, 给自己带来伤害装, 和解, 编辑, 化妆,补足,拼凑 或损失的行为 69. imitate vt.模仿, 仿效, 仿制, 仿造 v.38 . fertile adj.肥沃的, 富饶的, 能繁殖的 模仿 397. religious adj.信奉宗教的, 虔诚的, 宗教0. at will adv.随意, 任意 上的, 修道的,严格的 n.僧侣, 尼姑, 修道士 71. confused adj.困惑的, 烦恼的 40. offspring n.(单复数同形)儿女, 子孙, 后72. upsetting adj.令人心烦意乱的,令人苦恼的 , 产物 3. proposition n.主张, 建议, 陈述, 命题 代7 471. take advantage of 利用 4. call for v.要求, 提倡, 为...叫喊, 为...42. diminish v.(使)减少, (使)变小 叫 43. tribal adj.部落的, 种族的 75. essentially adv.本质上, 本来 44. mediocrity n.平常, 平庸之才 76. aimlessness adj.无目的的, 没有目标的 45. biological adj.生物学的 77. envy n.vt.羡慕, 嫉妒 46. utopia n.乌托邦, 理想的完美境界, 78. male-dominated 男性主宰的 空想的社会改良 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 79. questioning 质问 47. physical adj.身体的, 物质的, 自然的, 80. sacrifice n.牺牲, 献身, 祭品, 供奉 v.物理的 n.体格检查 牺牲, 献出, 献祭, 供奉 48. transform vt.转换, 改变, 改造, 使...变81. rigid adj.刚硬的, 刚性的, 严格的 形 vi.改变, 转化, 变换 82. in addition n.加, 加起来, 增加物, 增加, n.[数]变换(式), [语]转换 加法 49 . ignorant of 不懂, 不知道 83. emphasis on 强调 50. organic adj.器官的, 有机的, 组织的, 84. mechanical adj.机械的, 机械制的, 机械似建制的 的, 呆板的 51. beyond prep.在(到)...较远的一边, 超85. show up v.揭露, 露出, 露面 过, 那一边 adv.在远处 n.远处 86. test n.测试, 试验, 检验 v.测试, 试验, 52. comprehension n.理解, 包含 检验 53. descendant n.子孙, 后裔, 后代 87. committee n.委员会 54. find out v.找出, 发现, 查明(真相等), 88. frustration n.挫败, 挫折, 受挫 认识到, 想出, 揭发 89. drop out v.不参与, 离去, 放弃 55. advocate n.提倡者, 鼓吹者vt.提倡, 鼓吹 90. incident n.事件, 事变 adj.附带的, 易56. aim at v.瞄准, 针对 于发生的 57. farfetched adj.牵强的 91. violence n.猛烈, 强烈, 暴力, 暴虐, 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 暴行, 强暴 124. public n.公众, (特定的)人群, 公共场所 adj.92. assault n.攻击, 袭击 v.袭击 公众的, 公共的, 公立的, 公用的 93. outcry n.大声疾呼 125. unimpressive adj.不令人信服的, 无印94. conservative adj.保守的, 守旧的 n.保守象的, 印象淡薄的 派 126. as a result adv.结果 95. emphasis n.强调, 重点 127. admired v.赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕 916. minister n.部长, 大臣 28. fixed adj.固定的, 确定的, 准备好的, 固97. raise eyebrow 质疑地 执的, 不易发挥的, 98. have more to do with 与…有关 <美口>(在经济上)处境...的 991. centralization n.集中, 中央集权化 29. stirring adj.激动人心的, 活跃的, 忙碌100. isolated adj.隔离的,孤立的, 单独 的 101. commute v.交换, 抵偿, 减刑, <电工>整130. prompting n.促进, 激励, 提示 流13 1. profess v.表示 102. crowded adj.拥挤的, 塞满的 132. get on v.生活, 融洽相处, 进展, (使)前进, 103. distinction n.区别, 差别, 级别, 特性, <口> 赶快, 发迹, 进展 声望, 显赫 翻译部分 101. act on 4. destiny n.命运, 定数 v.对...起作用, 按...行动, 作用于 105. vitality n.活力, 生命力, 生动性 2. welfare n.福利, 安宁, 幸福, 福利事业, 社106. admired v.赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕 会安全 adj.福利的 07. in an odd way 奇怪的是 be bound up with 密切相关 13. 14. rest up08. hypocrisy n.伪善 on 依赖于 109. barn n.[农]谷仓, 畜棚, 畜舍, 机器房 5. secor 距离连续校正 110. in demand 需求 6. step up v.走近, 逐步增加, 提升, 提高 111. decade n.十年, 十 7. utilize vt.利用 112. confess v.承认, 坦白, 忏悔 8. the best advantage 最大利益 113. pushing adj.有进取心的, 有冲劲的, 急9. interfere vi.干涉, 干预, 妨碍, 打扰 切的 10. in any case adv.无论如何 114. acquisitive adj.想获得的, 有获得可11. manpower n.人力 能性的, 可学到的 12. remarkable adj.不平常的, 非凡的, 值得115. vulgar adj.粗俗的, 庸俗的, 普通的, 通俗注意的, 显著的 的, 本土的 n.<古>平民, 百姓 13. be exposed to 遭受, 暴露于... 116. materialism n.唯物主义 14. innovation n.改革, 创新 117. radical adj.根本的, 基本的, 激进的 15. industrialized adj.工业化的 n.激进分子 16. pattern n.模范, 式样, 模式, 样品, 格118. journalist n.新闻记者, 从事新闻杂志调, 图案 vt.模仿, 仿造, 以图案装饰 业的人 vi.形成图案 119. advocating n.提倡者, 鼓吹者 vt.提倡, 17. spread n.伸展, 展开, 传播, 蔓延, 酒鼓吹 席, 宴会, 桌布 120. participatory adj.供人分享的 v.伸展, 展开, 铺, 涂, 敷, 摆, 传播, 散布 121. exceptional adj.例外的, 异常的 18. undergo vt.经历, 遭受, 忍受 122. formulation n.用公式表示, 明确地表达, 19. concern vt.涉及, 关系到 n.(利害)关作简洁陈述 系, 关心, 关注, 关注, 所关心的是 123. at all costs adv.( =at any cost)不惜任20. appropriate adj.适当的 何代价, 无论如何 21. put them into effect 付诸实施 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 2001年重点词组与词汇 35. combine with v.与... ...结合 36. head-scratching 令人头痛的 阅读理解部分 1. specialization n.特殊化, 专门化, 特化作37. puzzlement n.迷惑 用 38. plug vt.堵, 插栓 n.塞子, 插头, 插销 2. response to 回答,反应,响应 39. conventional adj.惯例的, 常规的, 习俗3. accumulation n.积聚, 堆积物 的, 传统的 4. split up 分裂 40. narrative adj.叙述性的 n.叙述 5. no clear-cut distinction 没有绝对的区别 41. disconnect v.拆开, 分离, 断开 6. amateur n.业余爱好者, 业余艺术家 42. resident n.居民 adj.居住的, 常驻的 7. connotation n.含蓄43. community n.团体, 共有, , 储蓄的东西(词、语等), 一致, 共同体, 内涵 44. at random 随意的 8. integrate into 融入到……中去 45. maid n.少女, 女仆 n.公社、团体、社会 46. put down root 扎根 9. community 10. in particular47. elite 特别是 n.<法>[集合名词]精华, 中坚分子 11. consequent adj.作为结果的, 随之发生的 48. root in 扎根于 12. imply vt.暗示, 意味 49. clash n.冲突, 撞击声, 13. participation in 参与50. sponsor n.发起人, vt.发起, v. 赞助 14. illustrate vt.举例说明, 图解, 加插图于, 51. symposium n.讨论会, 座谈会 阐明 52. be dedicated to adj.专注的, 献身的 15. in terms of 根据 53. diversity n.差异, 多样性 n.地质学, 毫无疑问 16. geology地质概况 54. there's no question that17. definition n.定义, 解说, 精确度, (轮廓55. multinational corporation 跨国公司 影像等的)清晰度 56. account for v.说明, 占, 解决, 得分 18. acceptable to adj.可接受的, 合意的 57. affiliate v.(使...)加入, 接受为会员 19. incorporate adj.合并的, 一体化的 vt.合58. underlie vt.位于...之下, 成为...的基础 并, 组成公司 59. scanty adj.缺乏的, ,俭省的, 20. make entrance to 接近 60. be broken up 坏掉的 21. be reinforced by 加强 61. watch n.注视,手表 22. refereeing n.仲裁人, , [体]裁判员 v.仲62. supervise v.监视,监督 裁, 63. lender n.出借人, 贷方 23. underway adj.起步的,进行中的, 航行中64. gigantic adj.巨人般的, 巨大的 的 65. take upon 承担 24. be reckoned as vt.计算, 估计, 66. lateral n.侧部, adj.横(向)的, 侧面的 25. a great deal of 大量 67. profile n.剖面, 侧面, 外形, 轮廓 26. in the interest of 对……有利 68. in the manner of 以... ...方式 27. universalize access 普遍可以获得 69. disgraced n.耻辱, 丢脸的人(或事) v.玷污 28. digital divide 数字鸿沟 70. passionate adj.充满热情的 29. impoverished adj.穷困的, 无力的,用尽了71. advocate n.提倡者 vt.提倡, 的 72. preach v.鼓吹 30. sovereignty n.君主, 主权, 主权国家 73. resignation n.辞职, 辞职书, 放弃, 31. distrust vt./n.不信任 74. doctrine n.教条, 学说 32. credibility n.可信性 75. voluntary simplicity 自愿简朴 33. turn out to be 结果是 76. breed v.(使)繁殖, 教养, n.品种, 34. factual adj.事实的, 实际的 77. cling-film 薄膜 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 78. dropping out n.滴下, 滴下物, 空投, 29. inject vt.注射, 注入 79. redundancy n.裁员 30. ingenuity n.机灵, 独创性, 精巧, 翻译部分: 31. cope with 对付,应对 1. offend v.犯罪, 冒犯, ,得罪, 32. burdensome adj.繁重的, 烦累的, 2. equip with 装备 33. result in 导致 3. personality n.个性, ,人物, 34. confer n.商讨,授予 4. futurologist n.未来学家 35. version n.译文, 译本, 5. dramatically adv.戏剧地, 引人注目地 36. as a result 结果是 6. piece together 拼凑在一起 37. gizmos n.小发明 7. pick u 偶然碰到 38. universal adj.普遍的, 通用的, 宇宙的, 8. integration n.综合 39. hum to v.嗡嗡叫, 哼 9. synthetic adj.合成的, 人造的, 40. assembly n.集合, 装配, 10. appliance n.用具, 器具 41. automated adj.自动化的 11. kitchen42. terminal n. 终端, adj.末期, -rage 厨房狂躁症 每期的, 2002年重点词组与词汇 43. control v.控制 阅读理解部分: 44. miniaturization n.小型化 1. indentify v.确定,证明 45. submillimeter n.微米 2. relevant to 有关的,相应的 46. supervision n.监督, 管理 3. in sympathy with 同情 47. at least 至少 4. depend on 依赖,依靠 48. interact vi.互相作用, 互相影响 prep.不管, 5. refer to v.查阅, 提到, 谈到, 49. despite尽管, 不论 6. secretary n.秘书, 书记, 部长, 50. initial adj.最初的, 词首的, n.词首大7. alternatively adv.做为选择, 二者择一地 写字母 8. addressing 寻址, 选择, 选址 51. in attempting to 企图 9. comment on 评论 52. a fraction of n.小部分, 片断, 分数 10. convention n.大会, 协定, 习俗, 53. irrelevant adj.不相关的 11. arrive in 到达 54. instantaneous adj.瞬间的, 即刻的, 12. show around 参观 55. suspicious adj.(, of) 可疑的, 怀疑的 13. accommodation n.住处, 膳宿 56. neuroscientist n.神经科学家 14. push aside 把. . . . . .推开,避开 57. return vi.归还 15. stomp n.跺脚 58. jump vi.跳跃,上涨 16. position n.位置 59. scary adj.引起惊慌的 17. common to 共同的,公共的,公用的 60. quadruple adj.四倍的, 四重的, n.四倍 18. appropriate adj.适当的 61. suspend vt.吊, 悬挂v.延缓 19. inedible adj.不适于食用的, 62. consequence n.结果, [逻]推理, 因果关系, 20. notorious adj.声名狼籍的 63. severe adj.严厉的, 剧烈的, 严重的, 21. resent v.愤恨, 怨恨 64. effect n.结果, 影响, vt.招致,达到(目22. disparaging adj.蔑视的, 毁谤的, 的等) 23. scapegoat n.替罪羊 65. sensitive to adj.敏感的, 灵敏的, 感光的 24. off-the-cuff 即兴的 66. conservation n.保存, 保持, 守恒 25. familiar adj.熟悉的, n.密友, 67. intensive adj.强烈的, 26. exaggeration n.夸张, 夸大之词 68. consumption n.消费, 消费量, 肺病 27. understandment n.理解 69. consultancy n. -cies 顾问(工作) 28. pick out 挑选 70. estimate v.估计, 估价, 评估 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 71. compared with 相比 5. espionage n.间谍, 侦探 6. reshape vt.改造, 72. commodity n.日用品 再成形, 73. supreme adj.极度的, 极大的, 最高的 7. vocation n.召唤, 职业 74. implicaton n.暗示 8. electronic adj.电子的 75. constitutional adj.构成的, 宪法的, 9. decade n.十年, 十 76. intend vt.想要,意指, 10. point-and-click 点击 77. foresee vt.预见, 预知 11. intelligence n.智力, 聪明, 智能 78. permissible adj.可允许的, 12. increasingly adv.日益, 愈加 79. justify v.证明...是正当的 13. influential adj.有影响的, 有势力的 80. morphine n.吗啡 14. compile vt.编译, 编辑, 汇编 81. principle n.法则, 原则, 原理 15. by a large margin 大幅度 82. mediation n.仲裁, 调停, 调解 16. advantage n.优势, 有利条件, 利益 83. maintain vt.维持, 供养, 17. mastery n.掌握 主张 18. private84. prescribe v.指示, 规定, 处(方), adj.私人的, 私有的, 85. legitimate adj.合法的, 合理的, v.合法 19. corporation n.[律]社团, 法人, 86. homicide n.谋杀 20. prediction n.预言, 预报 87. community n. 团体21. mutually adv.互相地, ,共同体, 共有, 共同体, 互助 88. acknowledge vt.承认, 答谢, 报偿 22. distribution n.分配, 89. prolonged vt.延长, 拖延 23. vacum up 清空 不成功的 预言, 预报 90. ineffectual adj.无效的, 24. predict v.预知, 91. hospice n.旅客住宿处, 收容所, 25. sign-up 登记 92. therapy n.治疗 26. staff n.棒, 全体职员, vt.供给人员, 93. to the extent that 大意是说 27. back-and-forthing 来来回回 94. systematic adj.系统的, 体系的 28. dramatic adj.戏剧性的, 生动的 95. presumptively adv.假设地 29. declaration n.宣布, 宣言, 96. incompentently adv.不合格地 30. take pride in 骄傲 翻译部分: 31. independent n.中立派, adj.独立自主的, 1. major adj.主修的, 成年的, 32. paraphrase n.短语,措词 2. behavior n.举止, 行为 33. triumph n.胜利, 成功 v.获得胜利 3. similar adj.相似的, 类似的 34. misguide vt.误导 4. discard vt.丢弃, 抛弃 35. seek to v.寻找, 探索, 5. remain vi.保持, 逗留, 剩余, 36. biomedical adj.生物(学和)医学的 6. obscure adj.暗的, 模糊的, 37. rull out 排除 7. interaction n.交互作用, 交感 38. advocate n.提倡者, vt.提倡, 8. prescientific adj.科学以前的, 39. advance in n.前进, v., 预付adj.前面的 9. entrench v.以壕沟防护 40. allegation n.主张,断言, 辩解 10. illustrate vt.举例说明, 图解, 41. cruelty to n.残忍, 残酷 11. responsibility n.责任, 职责 42. perplexed adj.困惑的, 不知所措的 2003年重点词组与词汇 43. deliberately adv.故意地 阅读理解部分: 44. staffing 安置职工 1. spymaster n.间谍组织的首脑 45. fair adj.美丽的, (头发)金黄的,公平的, 2. lay the root for 打下基础 (天气)晴朗的 3. be fascinated with 着迷 46. distributing v.分配,分发,分布 4. believe in 相信 47. encourage vt.鼓励, 怂恿 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 48. immunization n.使免除, 使免疫 92. fortune n.财富, 命运 adj.疫苗的, n.疫苗 93. cheer on 鼓励 49. vaccine 50. epidemic94. transaction n.学报,处理事务 adj.流行的, n.时疫, 51. compassionate adj.富于同情心的 95. grip vt.紧握, 紧夹 52. molecular adj.[化]分子的, 由分子组成的 96. pressing adj.紧迫的 v.挤压 53. make clear 弄清楚 97. inevitable adj.不可避免的, 必然的 54. connection between 联系 98. optional adj.可选择的, 随意的 55. hip n., 忧郁 adj.熟悉内情的 99. hip n. 忧郁 adj.熟悉内情的 56. at best adj.最好的 adv.最好地 100. clinical depression 临床忧郁症 57. at worst adj.最坏的, 101. surgical adj.外科的, n.外科病房, 最差的 58. editor n.编辑, 编辑器, 编者 102. failure to 未能做某事 59. lest conj.唯恐, 以免, 103. disintegrate vt.(使)分解, (使)碎裂 60. misinformation n.误报104. perish vi.毁灭,, 误传 枯萎 61. institution n.公共机构, 协会, 105. shield n.防护物, vt.(from) 保护, 62. ultimate adj.最后的, 最终的, 106. inability to n.无能, 无力 63. citizenry n.公民成市民(集合称) 107. unsustainable adj.不能证实的 64. ember n.108. sustain vt.支撑, 撑住, 灰烬, 余烬 维持, 持续 65. combine with v.与...结合 109. have a duty to 有责任 66. merge into v.合并, 并入, 110. get out of 排除 升高 67. heightened v.提高, 111. potential adj.潜在的,势的, 68. monopoly n.垄断, 垄断者, 112. energetic adj.精力充沛的, 69. account for v.说明, 占, 得分 113. dazzlingly adv.灿烂地, 耀眼地 70. freight n.货物, 运费, vt.装货, 114. surgeon n.外科医生 71. allow for v.虑及, 体谅 115. prevention n.预防, 防止 72. substantial adj.坚固的, 实质的, 116. productively adv.有结果地, 有成果地 73. coordinated n.同等者adj.同等的vt.调整, 117. dramatic adj.戏剧性的, 生动的 74. fierce competition from 激烈的竞争 118. therapy n.治疗 75. commodity n.日用品 翻译部分: 76. have them by throat 控制 1. in all times 一直 77. consolidation n.巩固, 合并 2. think about 思考 78. captive n.俘虏, adj.被俘的, 3. wonder at 怀疑 79. compete for 为... ...竞争 4. possess of 占有 80. appeal to v.呼吁, 上诉, 有吸引力 5. subject to v.使服从, 使遭受 81. federal adj.联邦的,同盟的 6. diversity n.差异, 多样性 82. extreme adj.尽头的,最后的 n.极端, 7. result from 起源于 83. discrimination against n.辨别, 歧视 8. seek to 寻求 84. on the grounds 在... ...基础上 9. endeavor in 致力于 85. in the long run 从长远看 10. dispassion n.冷静, 公平 86. have the option of 有... ...的选择权 11.specialization n.特殊化, 专门化, 87. subscribe v.捐款, 签署(文件), 12. anthropology n.人类学 88. in practice 实际上 13. orient n.东方, vt.使适应, 确定方向 89. position n.位置, 阵地 vt.安置, 14. comparative adj.比较的, 相当的 90. flourish vi.繁荣, 15. unique adj.唯一的, 独特的 91. despite prep.不管, 尽管, 16. moral adj.道德(上)的, 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 17. insight n.洞察力, 见识 24. mean n. 用意 18.entirely adv.完全地, 25.全然地, look out v.面朝, 留神, 照料 19. perceive vt.察觉 26. discrimination n.辨别, 区别, 识别力, 20. abstract n.摘要, adj.抽象的, 辨别力, 歧视 21. immense adj.极广大的, 27. condemn vt.判刑, 处刑, 声讨, 谴责 2004年重点词组与词汇 28. illegal adj.违法的, 不合规定的 29.阅读理解部分 continue to 继续 1. hunt for v.搜寻 30. unaware of 没有意识到 2. stumble v.绊倒, 使困惑, 蹒跚, 结结巴巴31. have a big advantage over 对…有较大优地说话, 势踌躇 n.绊倒, 错误 3. attract vt.吸引 vi.有吸引力, 引起注32. spread n.伸展, 展开, 传播, 蔓延, 酒意 席, 宴会, 桌布 4.v. intellectual property 知识产权 伸展, 展开, 铺, 涂, 敷, 摆, 传播, 散布 5. counsel n.讨论, 商议, 辩护律师 vt.劝33. suspiciously adv.猜疑着, 怀疑着 告, 忠告 34. start with 以...开始 6. inefficient adj.效率低的, 效率差的, 35. respectively adv.分别地, 各个地 (36.指人)不能胜任的, 无能的 predecessor n.前辈, 前任, (被取代的)原7. drawback n.缺点, 障碍, 退还的关税, 退有事物 税(指进口货物再出口时退还其进口时的关税) 37. coincidence n.一致, 相合, 同时发生或 eliminate vt.排除, 消除 v.除去 8.同时存在(尤指偶然)的事 9. concept n.观念, 概念 38. dream up v.空想出, <俗>构思, 创造, 10. implicit adj.暗示的, 盲从的, 含蓄的, 设计(发明物等) 固有的, 不怀疑的, 绝对的 39. junior n.年少者, 晚辈, 下级, (年11. strategy n.策略, 军略 龄、职位等)较低者, 大学三 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 学生 12. design n.设计, 图案, 花样, 企图, 图谋, adj.年少的, 下级的, 后进的 (小说等的)构思, 纲要 40. improving 改进, 改善(质量) , 精炼 v.设计, 计划, 谋划, 构思 41. insensitive adj.对...没有感觉的, 感觉13. tempt vt.诱惑, 引诱, 吸引, 使感兴趣, 迟钝的 考验, 试探 42. qualification n.资格, 条件, 限制, 限定, 14. sign up 登记,签约 赋予资格 15. potential adj.潜在的, 可能的, 势的, 43. confidence n.有信心 位的 n.潜能, 潜力, 电压 44. publicly adv.公然地, 舆论上 16. traffic n.交通, 通行, 运输, 贸易, 交45. graduation n.毕业, 毕业典礼, 刻度, 通量, 交易, 交往, 通信量 分等级 vi.交易, 买卖 vt.在...通行, 用...作交换 46. ceremony n.典礼, 仪式, 礼节, 报幕员 17. marketing n.行销, 买卖 47. literally adv.照字面意义, 逐字地 18. worthwhile adj.值得做的, 值得出力的 48. draw up v.草拟, 停住, 逼近, 追上, 整队 19. keep a close watch on 密切注视,密切关49. recipient adj.容易接受的, 感受性强的 注 n.容纳者, 容器 20. demand for 需求 50. plough through 费劲地阅读, 吃力地钻研,21. compensation to 补偿,赔偿 艰难地通过 22. negotiate 谈判,商量 51. come to v.达到, 继承, 复苏, 停止,想起,23. maintain vt.维持, 维修, 继续, 供养, 主共计 张 52. client n.[计]顾客, 客户, 委托人 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 53. blame n.过失, 责备 vt.责备, 谴责 n.平衡量, 平衡力, 势均力敌 54. concern about (利害)关系, 82.关心, 关注, anything but adv.决不 关注, 所关心的是 83. distaste n.讨厌, 嫌恶 55. shop at 购物 84. pursuit n.追击,追求 56. admission n.允许进入, 承认某事之陈述, 85. participate in v.参加, 参与, 分享 供认 86. democracy n.民主政治, 民主主义 57. lag n.落后, 囚犯, 迟延, 桶板, 防护套 87. resent v.愤恨, 怨恨 adj.最后的 88. privilege n.特权, 特别待遇, 基本公民权vi.缓缓而行, 滞后 vt.落后于, 押往监狱, 加力, 特免 vt.上外套 给与...特权, 特免 58. approach n.接近, 逼近, 走进, 方法, 步骤, 89. innate adj.先天的, 天生的 途径, 通路vt.接近, 动手处理 vi.靠近 90. reluctantly adv.不情愿地, 嫌恶地 59. crucial adj.至关紧要的 91. manipulate vt.(熟练地)操作, 使用(机器60. panic n.惊慌, 恐慌, 没有理由的 等), 操纵(人或市价、市场), 利用, 应付, 假造 61. prospect n.景色, 前景, 前途, 期望 vi.92. ponder v.沉思, 考虑 寻找, 勘探 93. in the gripe of 掌握 62. modestadj.谦虚的, 谦让的, 94.适度的 militantly 好战地 63. in despair 绝望 翻译部分 64. despite prep.不管, 尽管, 不论 1. assume vt.假定, 设想, 采取, 呈现 , 大量财产, 好运, have some connection with 与…有关 65. fortune n.财富, 运气2. 命运 vt.<古3.>偶然发生 take root in生根,扎根 vt.给...以大宗财富 4. diverse adj.不同的, 变化多的 66. predominately adv. 占主要优势地 5. vanish vi.消失, 突然不见, [数]成为零 67. overbid vt.出价高与(别人), (桥牌上)叫n.[语]弱化音 牌超过(别人) vi.过高出价 6. assimilate v.吸收 n.过高的出价, 过高的叫牌 7. native n.本地人, 土产, 土人 68. folk n.人们, 亲属(复数), 民族 adj.民adj.本国的, 出生地的, 本地的, 与生俱来的, 间的 天赋的, 土产的, 土著的 69. comfortable adj.舒适的 8. grateful adj.感激的, 感谢的 70. lining n.加衬里, 内层, 衬套 9. strikingly adv.醒目地, 引人侧目地 71. bubble n.泡沫, 幻想的计划 vi.起泡, 潺潺10. fabricate vt.制作, 构成, 捏造, 伪造, 虚的流 构 72. be influenced by 被…影响 11. habitual adj.习惯的, 惯常的 73. ingredient n.成分, 因素 12. formulate vt.用公式表示, 明确地表达, 74. sustain vt.支撑, 撑住, 维持, 持续 作简洁陈述 v.阐明 75. be worth doing 值得做 13. imprison vt.监禁, 关押 v.监禁 76. place a very high value on 特别重视 14. consequence n.结果, [逻]推理, 推论, 因果77. entertainer n.款待者, 表演娱乐节目的人, 关系, 重要的地位 演艺人员 15. hypothesis n.假设 78. for the sake of 为了 16. inappropriate adj.不适当的, 不相称的 79. symptom n.[医][植]症状, 征兆 17. emphasize vt.强调, 着重 v.强调 80. intellectual adj.智力的, 有智力的, 显示18. diversity n.差异, 多样性 智力的 n.知识分子 19. explicitly adj.外在的, 清楚的, 直率的, 81. counterbalance vt.使平均, 使平衡, 弥补 (租金等)直接付款的 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if 20. linguistic determinism 语言决定理论 20mL~30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g~10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL~20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ? c water bath......" action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing ...d M1--quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (μg g); M2--of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (μg g); M3--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, if
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