首页 2005年12月大学英语六级考试最新模拟冲刺卷



2005年12月大学英语六级考试最新模拟冲刺卷2005年12月大学英语六级考试最新模拟冲刺卷 一、单选题 第1题: This song his life‘s dream and ardent love of life. A) incorporated B) initiated C) exposed D)embodied 【正确答案】:D 【参考解析】: D) 考点 动词辨析。A) submerge vi. ―潜入水中‖ vt. ―浸没,淹没‖;B) soak (1)―浸泡‖(2)―(使)湿透,渗透‖;C) suck ―吸,吮‖;D) immers...

2005年12月大学英语六级考试最新模拟冲刺卷 一、单选题 第1题: This song his life‘s dream and ardent love of life. A) incorporated B) initiated C) exposed D)embodied 【正确答案】:D 【参考解析】: D) 考点 动词辨析。A) submerge vi. ―潜入水中‖ vt. ―浸没,淹没‖;B) soak (1)―浸泡‖(2)―(使)湿透,渗透‖;C) suck ―吸,吮‖;D) immerse(1)―使浸没‖(2)―(in)使沉浸在,使专心于‖。D)为正确选项,这里是第二种意思,即全身心地投入某事之中。 【译文】每次当我听到柴科夫斯基的作品时,我就会沉浸在出自一位最具艺术创造性的作曲家之手的美丽音乐篇章当中。 第2题: Every time I listen to Tchaikovsky, I found myself in the beauty of the works by one of the most artistically creative composers. A) submerged B) soaked C) sucked D)immersed 【正确答案】:D 【参考解析】: D) 考点 动词辨析。A) submerge vi. ―潜入水中‖ vt. ―浸没,淹没‖;B) soak (1)―浸泡‖(2)―(使)湿透,渗透‖;C) suck ―吸,吮‖;D) immerse(1)―使浸没‖(2)―(in)使沉浸在,使专心于‖。D)为正确选项,这里是第二种意思,即全身心地投入某事之中。 【译文】每次当我听到柴科夫斯基的作品时,我就会沉浸在出自一位最具艺术创造性的作曲家之手的美丽音乐篇章当中。 第3题: Benjamin Franklin and presented to Congress, on the 21st of July, a plan of confederation. A) draw in B) draw on C) draw up D)draw down 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】: C) 考点 动词词组辨析。A) draw in(1)―(天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短‖(2)―(汽车或火车)到站‖;B) draw on(1)―吸,抽(烟)‖(2)―动用,利用‖(3)―临近,接近‖;C) draw up(1)―起草,拟订‖(2)―(使)停住‖;D) draw together ―使…团结起来,使…一致‖。C)为正 确选项,句中是第一种意思。 【译文】7月21日,本杰明?弗兰克林起草并呈递给国会一个关于结成同盟的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 第4题: The day when he first arrived in Chicago distinctly in his memory. A) stands down B) stands in C) stands out D)stands up 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】: C) 考点 动词词组辨析。A) stand down ―退出(比赛或竞选),(从某职位上)退下‖;B) stand in―代替,代表,做替身‖;C) stand out (1)―清晰地显出,引人注目‖(2)―杰出,出色‖;D) stand up(1)―站起来‖(2)―(论点、论据等)站得住脚‖。C)是正确答案,该词组最早是第一种意 思,如:Robin s red hair made him stand out in a crowd. 后来引申为第二种意思,也就是―比同 类的其它事物更好或更重要‖的意思,如:He played the piano, and he stood out from all the other musicians. 【译文】初到芝加哥的那天令他记忆深刻。 第5题: In regard to those ancient emperors, we need to assess them in the of their times. A) content B) context C) contest D)contention 【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】: B) 考点 名词辨析。A) content(1)[pl.]―所容纳的东西,所含之物‖(2)[pl.]―(书等的)内 容,目录‖(3)―含量,成分‖;B) context(1)―背景,环境‖(2)―上下文,语境‖;C) contest (1) ―竞赛,比赛‖(2)―争夺,竞争‖;D) contention (1)―论点‖(2)―争论,争辩‖。B)项为正 确答案,在语言研究中,该词为语境的意思,这里是第一种意思。 【译文】关于那些古代帝王们,我们需要依据他们的时代来进行评价。 第6题: It is said that the reconstruction of the Grand Theatre is a project of Shanghai government this year. A) prestige B) superiority C) priority D)publicity 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】: C) 考点 名词辨析。A) prestige―威信,威望‖;B)superiority―优越(性),优等‖;C)priority (1) ―优先(权),重点‖(2)―优先考虑的事‖;该项为正确答案,它的意思是某事是你必须做的最 重要的事,或者必须放在别的事情前面做的事情。D) publicity(1)―公众的注意,名声‖(2)―宣 传,宣扬‖。 【译文】据报道,大剧院的重建是上海市今年的重点 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 。 第7题: The price of the real estate in this area may to unexpected values, so everyone should be conscious of the maximum price that he would want to pay for a particular property. A) stagger B) shrink C) soar D)suspend 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】:无 第8题: With the Chinese economy expected to continue its strong performance, ability to speak the Chinese language will be an of greater and greater value. A) asset B) ethic C) inventory D)obligation 【正确答案】:A 【参考解析】: A) 考点 名词辨析。A) asset(1)―有价值的人(或物),优点,长处‖(2)[常pl.] ―资产, 财产‖;B) ethic―道德准则,行为准则,伦理 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ‖;C) inventory―详细目录,存货清单‖;D) obligation―义务,责任‖。A)为正确答案,这里是―有用的、能帮助某人或组织成功的某事或某 人‖的意思。 【译文】随着中国经济持续地发展壮大,讲汉语的能力将拥有越来越高的价值。 第9题: People with a great deal of often have admiring friends and bitter enemies. A) quality B) appearance C) personality D)character 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】: C) 考点 名词辨析。A) quality(1)―质,质量‖(2)―品德,品质‖(3)―性质,特性‖;B) appearance(1)―出现,显露,露面‖(2)―外观,外貌,外表‖;C) personality(1)―人格,个性‖(2)―人 物,名人‖;D) character(1)―性格,品质,品德‖(2)―性质,特性,特色‖(3)―人物,角色‖ (4)―(书写或印刷)符号,(汉)字‖。C)是正确答案。该题难,A)与人有关的意思有二, 一是人本质中的优良品质(可数),二是某一种特定的品质。D)指使某人与他人不同的所有 品质(qualities)的总和,如果说某人has character,指的是他有能力处理艰难的或危险的情形。C) 指人整体的性格(character)和本质(nature)。如果说某人has personality,意思就是说他具有很强 的、引人注目的性格。可以看出,句中with a lot of personality正是has personality的变体。 【译文】很具有个性的人会钦佩朋友和敌人。 第10题: Such a toy with musical sounds and animal noises will any young child. A) dismay B) astonish C) fascinate D)perplex 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】: C) 考点 动词辨析。A) dismay(1)―使失望,使气馁‖(2)―使惊恐,使惊愕‖;B) astonish―使惊讶‖;C) fascinate―强烈地吸引,迷住‖;D) perplex―使困惑,使费解,使复杂化‖。细看本句可看出答案为C)。 【译文】这种带有音乐和动物叫声的玩具让孩子们很着迷。 第11题: After reading of books by great authors for some time, the boy decided to go on to read the originals. A) themes B) insights C) digests D)leaflets 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】: C) 考点 名词辨析。A) theme ―主题,题目‖;B) insight―洞察力,洞悉,深刻的见解‖; C) digest―文摘‖;D) leaflet―传单,散页印刷品,小册子‖。此题选C)。 【译文】在读完著名作家所著书的摘要一段时间后,男孩决定开始读原著 第12题: In my belief, some of the comments in the movie about the job market are actually of real life difficulties in find a good job after graduation from universities. A) reflections B) demonstrations C) illuminations D)reproductions 【正确答案】:A 【参考解析】: A) 考点 名词辨析。A) reflection(1)―印象,倒映‖(2)―反射‖(3)―反映,表达‖(4)―深思,考虑,反省‖;B) demonstration(1)―论证,证明‖(2)―说明,演示‖(3)―显示,表露‖;C) illumination(1)―照明,照亮‖(2)―阐明,启发‖;D) reproduction (1)―再生(产),再生产过程‖(2)―繁殖,生殖‖(3)―复制,复制品‖。此题选A),是第三种意思。 【译文】我认为,电影中关于人才市场的一些观点反映了现实生活中大学生毕业后想找一份好工作的困难。 第13题: In the poem, he depicted the happy of girls playing on a swing in early spring. A) perspective B) view C) landscape D)scene 【正确答案】:D 【参考解析】: D) 考点 名词辨析。A) perspective(1)―视角,观点,想法‖(2)―远景,景观‖(3)―透视画法,透视图‖;B) view(1)―看法,见解,观点‖(2)―观察,视域,眼界‖(3)―景色,风景‖; C) landscape(1)―风景,景色‖(2)―风景画‖(3)―全景‖;D) scene(1)―(戏剧的)一场, (电影、电视的)一个镜头,(小说等的)一节‖(2)―(戏剧、事件等发生的)地点,背景, 现场‖(3)―景色,景象‖(4)―舞台‖。D)为正确答案,是第三种意思。 【译文】诗中他描绘了女孩子们在早春荡秋千的快乐景象。 第14题: Radical social changes transformed the common of life in the countryside more slowly than in towns and cities. A) scales B) patterns C) grades D)ranks 【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】: B) 考点 名词辨析。A) scale(1)―大小,规模‖(2)―等级,级别‖(3)―刻度,标度‖;B) pattern(1)―型,模式,样式‖(2)―花样,图案‖;C) grade(1)―等级,级别‖(2)―成绩,分数‖(3)―(学校的)年级‖;D) rank(1)―军衔,职衔‖(2)―地位,社会阶层‖(3)―排,行列‖。此题 选B),为第一种意思。该词意为事情发生或做事情的重复或有规律的方法。 【译文】社会根本变化引起的乡村普通生活的改变速度要慢于城市。 第15题: Contrary to popular belief, epidemics do not occur after a natural disaster. A) spontaneously B) simultaneously C) homogeneously D)instantaneously 【正确答案】:A 【参考解析】: A) 考点 副词辨析。A) spontaneously(1)―自发地,无意识地‖(2)―自然的,天真率直的‖;B) simultaneously ―同时发生的,同时存在的,同步的‖;C) homogeneously―同种类的,同性质的;有相同特征的‖;D) instantaneously ―瞬间的,即刻的‖。经典题目,选A)。 【译文】与人们普通的认识相反,流行病不会在自然灾害后自然而然地发生 第16题: She all criticism and went on with her project. A) warded off B) shrugged off C) gave away D)set aside 【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】: B) 考点 动词词组辨析。A) ward off ―防止,避开‖;B) shrug off ―对…满不在乎,对…不屑 一顾‖;C) give away(1)―赠送‖(2)―泄露‖;D) set aside (1)―留出,拨出(时间、金钱等)‖(2)―把…置于一旁,不理会‖。该题目的正确答案为B,注意不能选D),因为其第二个意思 指的是决定不受某想法、原则或感觉的影响。 【译文】她对所有的批评都不在意,继续做着自己的工作。 第17题: Looking back upon the whole process, we have every reason to our success to Mary who suggested the right method at the beginning. A) ascribe B) ascertain C) aspire D)assert 【正确答案】:A 【参考解析】: A) 考点 动词辨析。A) ascribe(1)―把…归因于‖(2)―把…归属于‖,后接介词to;B) ascertain ―查明,弄清,确定‖;C) aspire―渴望,追求,有志于‖;D) assert (1)―肯定地说,断言‖(2) ―维护,坚持‖。该题选A)。 【译文】回过头来再看整个过程,我们有理由把我们的成功归功于玛丽在开始时建议的正确方 法。 第18题: Overpopulation has greatly the development of this city. A) rectified B) hampered C) averted D)discarded 【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】: B) 考点 动词辨析。A) rectify―纠正,修复‖;B) hamper―妨碍,束缚,限制‖;C) avert (1) ―防止,避免‖(2)―转移(目光,注意力等)‖;D) discard ―丢弃,抛弃‖。该题选B),为常考 重点词汇。 【译文】人口过多严重妨碍了这座城市的发展 第19题: The teacher from her custom and gave no assignments for the weekend. A) deviated B) disconnected C) detached D)distorted 【正确答案】:A 【参考解析】: A) 考点 动词辨析。A) deviate―背离,偏离‖,后加介词from;B) disconnect―拆开,分离, 断开‖;C) detach―拆卸,使分开,使分离‖,后加介词from;D) distort(1)―歪曲,曲解‖;(2) ―扭曲,使变形‖。该题选A),注意所接的介词,常考。 【译文】这个星期老师一反常规没有留下家庭作业 第20题: Immigration from countries and cultures that are with the cultural core of this nation has been generally prohibited. A) interior B) invisible C) incompatible D)integral 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】: C) 考点 形容词辨析。A) interior(1)―内部的‖(2)―内地的,国内的‖;B) invisible―看不 见的,无形的‖;C) incompatible―不能和谐相处的,合不来的,不协调的,不相容的,不一致的‖; 后接介词with;D) integral―构成整体所必需的,基本的‖。该题选C)。 【译文】那些与这个国家的核心文化不相容的不同国家,不同文化的外来移民被禁止移民。 第21题: The little chair when the fat man sat down on it without thinking. A) crushed B) collapsed C) crumpled D)yielded 【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】: B) 考点 动词辨析。A) crush(1)―压碎,碾碎,弄皱‖(2)―镇压,制服,压垮‖;B) collapse(1)―倒塌,塌下‖(2)―崩溃,突然失败‖;C) crumple (1)―(使)皱,扭曲‖(2)―(使) 崩溃,(使)倒塌‖;D) yield vi.(1)―(to)屈服,顺从‖(2)―倒塌,垮掉‖;vt.(1)―产生, 出产‖(2)―让出,放弃‖。该题选B)。不能选C),该词用在物上的意思是弄皱。 【译文】那个胖子不假思索地坐到小凳子上时,凳子散架了。 题: 第22 Your afternoon sightseeing will famous landmarks and monuments including the White House, Embassy Row, the Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. A) highlight B) underline C) activate D)upgrade 【正确答案】:A 【参考解析】: A) 考点 动词辨析。A) highlight ―强调,突出,使显著‖;B) underline(1)―在…下面划线‖ (2)―强调,使突出‖;C) activate―使活动起来,使开始起作用‖;D) upgrade―提升,使升级‖。 该题选A),名词形式也是重点,近年来常考。 【译文】下午你们将参观著名的纪念碑和历史遗迹包括白宫、大使馆街、议会大厦、林肯纪念 馆以及华盛顿纪念碑。 第23题: Films of this sort have lost their for many Spanish young people. A) appeal B) pledge C) image D)survival 【正确答案】:A 【参考解析】: A) 考点 名词辨析。A) appeal(1)―呼吁,恳求‖(2)―感染力,吸引力‖(3)―申诉,上诉‖;B) pledge―保证,誓言‖;C) image(1)―形象,声誉‖(2)―印象‖(3)―像,映像,图像‖(4)―形象的描述,象征,比喻‖;D) survival(1)―幸存,继续生存‖(2)―幸存者,残存物‖。该题选A),是第二种意思。 【译文】这种音乐已经对西班牙的年轻人没有了感染力。 第24题: This course is designed to help children such real life situations as separation and loss. A) cope with B) settle down C) intervene in D)interfere with 【正确答案】:A 【参考解析】: A) 考点 动词词组辨析。A) cope with―(成功地)应付,(妥善地)处理‖;B) settle down (1) ―定居,过安定的生活‖(2)―平静下来‖(3)―定下心来‖;C) intervene in(1)―干涉,干预‖(2)―干扰,阻挠‖;D) interfere with(1)―干涉,介入‖(2)―妨碍,干扰‖。该题选A),注意掌握动词词组的意思。 【译文】设计这个课程目的就是为了帮助孩子们应付现实生活中独自一人走失的情况。 第25题: Foreign language teachers of this university are busy designing a test of spoken English to the original written examination. A) contaminate B) compliment C) complement D)coordinate 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】: C) 考点 动词辨析。A) contaminate ―弄脏,污染‖;B) compliment―赞美,恭维‖;C) complement―补充,与…相配‖;D) coordinate―调节,协调‖。该题选C)。 【译文】这所大学的外国语教师正忙于制定口语测试项目来补充原来的笔试试卷。 第26题: Her chief was her not packing a raincoat for her trip to Yunnan last July. A) drawback B) handicap C) bruise D)blunder 【正确答案】:D 【参考解析】: D) 考点 名词辨析。A) drawback―缺点,欠缺,不利条件‖;B) handicap(1)―(身体或智力方面的)缺陷‖(2)―障碍,不利条件‖;C) bruise(1)―青肿,挫伤‖(2)―(水果等的)伤痕,擦痕‖;D) blunder―(因无知、粗心等造成的)错误‖,此项为正确答案。 【译文】她主要的失误是去年7月去云南旅游时没带雨衣。 第27题: Idlers, no matter how poor they are, are always at finding reasons not to take action to improve their living conditions. A) intrinsic B) ingenious C) initial D)inherent 【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】: B) 考点 形容词辨析。A) intrinsic―固有的,本质的,内在的‖;B) ingenious(1)―(物件等)设计独特的,(方法等)别致的,巧妙的‖(2)―(人、头脑)灵巧的,善于创造发明的‖;C) initial―开始的,最初的‖;D) inherent―(in)内在的,固有的,生来就有的‖。该题选B)。 【译文】懒汉不管有多穷也会找到他不愿通过工作来提高生活水平的理由。 第28题: As the graduation is drawing near, every student began to his future. A) compensate B) contemplate C) jeopardize D)manifest 【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】: B) 考点 动词辨析。A) compensate―补偿,弥补,抵消‖;B) contemplate(1)―盘算,计议‖(2)―思量,对…周密考虑‖(3)―注视,凝视‖;这个词是及物动词,这里是第二个意思,为正确答案;C) jeopardize―危及,损害‖;D) manifest(1)―显示,表明,证明‖(2)―使显现,使显露‖。 【译文】毕业临近,每个同学都在为将来打算。 第29题: The investigation gives support to the between profit and top manager s pay. A) analogy B) paradox C) correlation D)illusion 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】: C) 考点 名词辨析。A) analogy―比拟,类比,类推‖;B) paradox(1)―似乎矛盾而(可能)正确的说法‖(2)―自相矛盾的人(或事物)‖;C) correlation―相关,关联‖;常接介词between,为正确选项;D) illusion(1)―幻想,错误的观念‖(2)―错觉,幻觉,假象‖。 【译文】这份调查证实了公司利益和总经理收入之间的直接关系。 第30题: It advocated by the book that a man, no matter how his origin may be, can be successful with unremitting efforts and strong will. A) inferior B) awkward C) minor D)humble 【正确答案】:D 【参考解析】: D) 考点 形容词辨析。A) inferior(1)―(质量等)劣等的、次的‖(2)―(地位、等级等) 下级的‖;B) awkward(1)―尴尬的,棘手的‖(2)―难操纵的,使用不便的‖(3)―笨拙的,不 灵巧的‖;C) minor(1)―较少的,较小的‖(2)―次要的‖;D) humble(1)―谦逊的,谦虚的‖ (2)―地位 (或身份)低下的,卑贱的‖(3)―简陋的,低劣的‖;humble专门有―社会地位低 的‖这个意思,且常与origin搭配,故答案应选D)。 【译文】这本书就是提倡个人不管原本身份有多卑贱,只要有不懈努力和坚强意志都会取得成 功。 二、阅读理解 第31题: In a few weeks, high school students face the prospect of taking the much-publicized new SAT Reasoning Test, which for the first time will require them to write a timed essay. Yet colleges continue to send confusing signals about whether students applying in the fall to attend college must take the new exam. Some schools, including Harvard, say they will accept scores from either the new test or the old SAT I, which was administered for the last time in January and did not contain a writing section. The University of Central Florida, for example, will require the new test, which will be given for the first time on March 12. Still others, such as the University of Virginia, strongly recommend that prospective applicants take the new test but under some circumstances also will accept the old SAT. A number of colleges are delaying a decision. The College Board, which administers the SAT, surveyed more than 1,900 four-year schools and has heard back from slightly more than 500. Of those, 81% say they will require the new test, including schools such as Harvard that are giving students a choice in what will be a year of transition. ―Anything new goes through a special lens of evaluation,‖ says Lee Stetson, admissions dean at the University of Pennsylvania, which judiciously will use results from the new writing section until officials have a chance to study the revised SAT‘s predictive validity. A number of admissions deans are skeptical that the new exam will be an improvement. Charles Deacon, dean of undergraduate admissions at Georgetown University, says adding the essay ―will create more barriers to poor kids who are less well-prepared‖. The test was rushed to market because the University of California system, a major College Board customer, threatened to stop requiring the SAT, he says. The test ―was developed and marketed for all the wrong reasons‖. Deacon, who says he has been ―badgered‖ by the College Board to endorse the new exam, has refused to do so. Some schools, including Georgetown, Iowa‘s Grinnell College and Pennsylvania‘s Franklin and Marshall College, say that at least for now, they will not even look at scores from the writing section when making admission decisions. ―We have adopted a wait-and-see attitude,‖ says Dennis Trotter of Franklin and Marshall. College Board officials counter that based on extensive field tests, they are confident the test is as reliable a predictor of freshman-year performance as the old SAT. Moreover, they say, well-trained scorers, many of them high school English teachers, will grade the essays, which student have 25 minutes to write. Amidst all the confusion, what should students do? Admissions deans and school counselors say to be sure to check with each college for requirements. 1. If a student took the SAT in October last year, he has to take another test if he applies for . A) University of Virginia B) Georgetown University C) the University of Central Florida D) Harvard University 2. What does the article tell us about Harvard University? A) It will only accept the new SAT this fall. B) It has not made a decision on whether to accept the old SAT this fall. C) It will require scores from the writing section this fall. D) It will ask all applicants to take the new test a year later. 3. An important reason for negative attitudes towards the new writing examination is that . A) the examination will add to the difficulty for those students from financially underprivileged families B) the examination was marketed much too quickly without careful consideration C) the examination will cause short-term confusion and lead to no long-term benefits D) the examination was a product of the College Board and various universities 4. According to the author, what should students do at the moment? A) Students should make clear which test is acceptable. B) Students should contact the university for the arrangement of the test. C) Students should ask the College Board for the latest information about the program. D) Students should get prepared for the new examination in less that a year. 5. What can we infer from the passage about the test? A) Students who have taken the old test are strongly advised not to take the new test. B) As compared with the old test, the new one requires the student to write an essay in a shorter period of time. C) The College Board has decided to invite university teachers to grade the essays. D) The College Board has appealed to many universities to support the new examination. 1小题>、【正确答案】:C 2小题>、【正确答案】:D 3小题>、【正确答案】:B 4小题>、【正确答案】:A 5小题>、【正确答案】:D 【参考解析】: 1. C)细节理解题本题问如果一位学生已于去年十月参加了SAT考试,他申请哪所学校还必须再 考。这个问题实际上是问哪所学校只接受新的SAT测试的成绩。根据原文可以看出,这个问题 出现在列举不同学校反应的第二段,答案应为C)。 2. D)推理题本题问哈佛大学的情形。这里定位到文章第二段的开始与末尾,两处均提到了哈佛 大学。段首说其对于新老测试成绩均接受。从这里可看出A)、B)、C)均不正确。段末说将 给学生一年的过渡期。从这里可看出D)正是正确答案。 3. B)推理题本题问反对新的写作测试的原因。从原文中看出,第三至第五段具体谈大学对于写 作测试的反应。第三段、第五段均是表达等待、观望的态度,只有第四段说的是反对的意见。 这里面有两个关键的因素,一个是将会对准备不够充分的差生制造更多障碍,另一方面,也是 更重要的是,大学委员会为迎合重要客户的需求,将此项考试匆忙推向市场。我们来看选项, 如果将poor理解错,很可能错选A);C)项的后半部分不可能是正确的,因为该项测试的预 测效度还未出来,虽然不能说一定是好的结果,但像该选项这样说太过武断。D)项说该测试 是大学委员会与几种大学共同的产品,这是不对的。大学委员会是测试的研发和推广者,各所 大学都是潜在的用户。该题的正确答案是B),文中的关键词是―rush‖,意思正好是―do something in a hurry, often too quickly and without much care‖。 4. A)细节理解题此题问学生该怎么做。这是一道细节题,在文章的末段。此题本来不难,但选 项间具有相当的迷惑性,答案应选A),学生应搞清楚大学接受哪种考试。B)是向大学咨询考 试的具体安排,这是不对的。C)是向大学委员会咨询信息,这就更不对了。大学委员会是考 试的设计者,今年秋天各大学要不要求新的测试成绩是各种大学自己的事情。D)项说学生应 在一年内做好准备——这显然不是我们当前关心的问题。 5. D)推理题此题问我们可从文章中推知什么关于该项测试的信息。这是推导题,需要一项一项 细看。A)说强烈建议已参加旧测试的学生不再参加新测试,从第二段看出这是不对的。B)说 与旧测试相比,新测试要求学生以更短的时间完成写作测试,这也不对,因为旧的测试根本就 没有写作部分,这从第一段可以看出来。C)说大学委员会已决定邀请大学老师来担任阅卷工 作,这与文章第六段不符,文中说大部分阅卷员是中学老师。D)说大学委员会多方游说,希 望更多的大学支持新的考试,这一项是正确的。首先在第四段中间可以看出像加州大学这样的 大客户,对大学委员会的影响有多大。其次可以在第四段末看出,大学委员会一直缠着一位入 学处主任,要求其同意使用该考试。 第32题: Would George W. Bush have been reelected president if the public understood how much responsibility his administration bears for allowing the 9/11 attacks to succeed? The answer is unknowable and, at this date, meaningless. Yet it was appalling to learn that the White House suppressed until after the election a report that exposes the administration as woefully incompetent if not criminally negligent. Belatedly declassified excerpts from the 9/11 commission report, which focus on the failure of the Federal Aviation Administration to heed multiple warnings that Al Qaeda (基地组织) terrorists were planning to hijack planes as suicide weapons, make clear that this tragedy could have been avoided. For the last three years, administration apologists have tried to make the FAA the scapegoat for the 9/11 attacks. But it is the president who ultimately is responsible for national security. The terrible fact is that the administration took none of the steps that would have put the protection of human life ahead of a diverse set of economic and political interests, which included not offending our friends the Saudis and not hurting the share prices of airline corporations. The warnings provided by intelligence agencies to the FAA were far clearer and more specific than suggested by Condoleezza Rice‘s testimony before the 9/11 commission when she reluctantly conceded the existence of a presidential briefing that warned of impending Al Qaeda attacks. Given this shocking record of indifference on the part of the administration, it is politically understandable that it tried to prevent the formation of the 9/11 commission in the first place, and then for five months prevented the declassification of key sections of the final report. Had the business-friendly administration put safety first, nearly 3,000 people might not have died that day. And had the president of the United States taken some time from his ranch vacation that August to order a nationwide airport alert, two bloody wars abroad probably would not have happened. Instead, an administration that resisted spending the tens of millions required to fortify airline security before 9/11 is nearing the $300-billion mark on Afghanistan and Iraq. And declassified documents have unmistakably said the latter had nothing to do with 9/11, while those countries that at least indirectly did have been let off the hook. Indeed, the 9/11 commission was not allowed to get near that story: The basic narrative on the tragedy derives from the interrogations of key detainees whom the 9/11 commissioners were not allowed to interview. Nor were they permitted to even take testimony from the U.S. intelligence personnel who interrogated those prisoners. As a result, the public is simply incapable of making informed decisions on the most crucial decisions we face-starting with whom we elect as our commander in chief. 1. According to the author, who should shoulder the major responsibility for allowing the 9/11 tragedy to happen? A) Saddam Hussein. B) FAA. C) George W. Bush. D) Condoleezza Rice. 2. What does the word ―declassify‖ (Line 3, Para. 2) most probably mean? A) To hide the important details of B) To report or represent in a untrue way C) To form a large group D) To become no longer secret 3. What do we learn from the passage about Afghanistan and Iraq? A) Al Qaeda terriorists had gained support from at least one of the governments. B) 9/11 was the chief reason for the Bush government to initiate both wars. C) The two wars had already cost the Americans tens of millions of dollars. D) These two countries should be held responsible for 9/11. 4. What can we infer from the passage? A) The Federal Aviation Administration was not to blame in this tragedy. B) Consideration of economic interests had hindered life protection. C) The Bush government had paid such a high price for poor information collection. D) Some government officials had been bribed by Al Qaeda terrorists. 5 What is the author‘s opinion towards President Bush? A) He had been intentionally misleading as to the reasons of initiating the two wars. B) He had been late in preventing the attacks because of a personal vocation. C) He had done everything to help the 9/11 commission do a better job. D) He will have probably failed to be reelected if the public had been well informed. 1小题>、【正确答案】:C 2小题>、【正确答案】:D 3小题>、【正确答案】:B 4小题>、【正确答案】:B 5小题>、【正确答案】:D 【参考解析】: 1 C)细节理解题该题问谁该对9?11事件负主要责任。文章第三段第二句是一个转折句,对这一点 说得很清楚,C)是正确答案。 2. D)词义理解题此题是词义题。该词在文章第二段与第八段两次出现,其名词形式又在第六段 出现。根据文章可推测出来是―解密‖的意思,选D)。 3. B)推理题此题问关于阿富汗与伊拉克,我们知道些什么。A)说基地组织的恐怖分子得到了 至少一个政府的支持,这一点文章中间无法推导出来,大家看看第八段即可知道。B)说9?11 事件是布什政府发动战争的主要原因,该选项正确,从第八段可以看出来。C)说战争使美国 耗费了数以千万计的美元,实际上这远少于文中第八段的实际数字。D)说这两个国家应对9?11 事件负责,实际上该点本文中并无定论,特别是对于伊拉克,文中说其与9?11没有关联(文章 第八段)。 4. B)推理题此题问从文章中推导出什么。A)―联邦航空局是没有责任的‖,这与第二段后面的部 分不符。B)―考虑经济利益阻碍了生命的保护‖,该选项是正确答案,可以在第四段和第七段看 得很清楚。C)说布什政府为信息搜集的付出了高昂的代价。第二段和第五段均可看出,警告 已经发出,只是没有得到重视。D)―一些政府官员受到基地组织的贿赂‖,这一点文章中无法推 导出来。 5. D)推理题此题问作者对布什总统的看法。A)―他对于发动战争的原因是有意误导的‖,这一 项文章中无法推导出来。B)说他由于度假,没能阻止袭击。这是不对的,文章没有这样说, 请看第七段。C)说他全力以赴帮助9?11委员会开展工作,实际上委员会处处受到阻挠,请大家 看第六段与第九段。D)说如果大众得到恰当的消息的话,他就很可能不会再次当选总统,这 个选项是正确的,也是首尾两段的核心意思。 第33题: Polls can provide important guidance for politicians, but there are times when it is foolish and dangerous to rely on a temporarily misinformed public for a political compass. The current debate over Social Security provides one of the most compelling examples in modern history of the pitfalls of poll-driven political strategy. Yesterday two leading Democratic strategists publicly took their party to task for their―just say no‖ approach to President Bush‘s program. ―To say there is no problem simply puts Democrats out of the conversation for the great majority of the country that want political leaders to secure this very important retirement program,‖ they warned, ―Voters are looking for reform, change, and new ideas, but Democrats seem stuck in concrete.‖ Stuck, indeed. To be more exact, they are holding their ground and refusing to surrender to a president who is once again manufacturing a ―crisis‖ for a political purpose. And why should they do otherwise, when this strategy is clearly working? Let‘s start with the facts. According to President Bush, Social Security can pay all promised benefits for the next 37 years without any changes at all. Even if nothing were done by 2043, the program would still pay a higher real benefit than what people receive today. And even looking into the future of the 75-year planning period, the shortfall is less than what we fixed in the ?50s, ?60s, and ?80s. In other words, Social Security is financially stronger today than it has been throughout most of its history. So this attack on Social Security has nothing to do with the solvency (偿付能力) of the program. Nonetheless last week, a Quinnipiac University poll found that respondents, by a 49 to 42 percent margin, believed that Social Security would not be able to pay them a benefit when they retire. But this is a ridiculous idea, based completely on misinformation. It is even more far fetched(牵强的) than the notion, which also commanded a majority before the invasion of Iraq, that Saddam Hussein was responsible for the massacre of 9/11. In the case of Social Security, there is no dispute about the facts. There are just a few cheap verbal and accounting tricks that have been used to convince the public that Social Security faces serious problems. These are easily refuted. The same Quinnipiac poll showed that 59 percent of Americans disapprove of the way the president is handling Social Security, with only 28 percent approving. It makes no political sense to pretend that this attack on our nation‘s most successful and popular government program is actually an attempt to insure its solvency. Even in politics, there are times when honesty is the best policy. 1. What can we know about the Democrats, according to the author? A) They want to help secure the retirement program. B) They refuse to admit that the Social Security program has been successful. C) They are making efforts to solve the crisis of the Social Security program. D) They organize polls in order to gain political interests. 2. The author raise the example of Saddam Hussein in order to show that . A) the invasion of Iraq represented the wills of common people B) no evidence had come up to prove the relationship between Saddam Hussein and the massacre of 9/11 C) sometimes the public without proper information will draw foolish conclusions D) it was wrong for the government to rely on the public for important political decisions 3. According to the author, which of the following is correct? A) There is no point in worrying about the solvency of the Social Security program. B) The majority of the public will accept the Social Security program in the near future. C) Only the baby boomers should worry about the future days when they grow old. D) The Democrats attack the Social Security program in order to question its solvency. 4. By saying ―honesty is the best policy‖, the author seems to disapprove of . A) the Quinnipiac University who organized the poll B) the Bush administration who initiated the Social Security program C) the ill-informed public who worried about their future D) those Democrats who wanted to gain political interests through this incident 5. The best title for this passage should be. A) Time to Reconsider Social Security B) Let‘s be Honest about Social Security C) Social Security is an Illusion D) Embrace the Bright Future of Social Security 1小题>、【正确答案】:B 2小题>、【正确答案】:C 3小题>、【正确答案】:A 4小题>、【正确答案】:D 5小题>、【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】: 1. B)推理题此题问作者对于民主党人的看法。作者认为,民主党人想通过民意调查来对布什总 统的社会保障计划发起攻击,以达到政治目的,这在第三段写得很清楚,而不是为了保障其偿 付能力。A)不对,这在第六段开头和最后一段均有明确说明。B)说他们拒绝承认总统的社会 保障计划成功了,这个选项是正确的,请看第二和第三段。C)说他们努力解决社会保障体系 所遇到的危机。作者在第三段中危机一词打了引号,因为他认为根本就没有什么危机。D)说 他们组织民意调查来获得政治利益。文章中没有证据表明他们组织了民意调查,实际情况是他 们利用了民意调查的结果。请研读第六段和第八段。 2. C)推理题此题问作者为何要举萨达姆的例子。例子都是用来澄清观点,说明道理,这样的题 目每次考试都有,请大家关注。我们回到文章第六段,在包含萨达姆这个例子的前一句话是个 表转折的句子:―但这是个可笑的想法,它完全基于错误的信息‖。再看后一句即可知道,作者 认为这一次比伊拉克战争前萨拉姆制造了9?11更加牵强。A)说入侵伊拉克代表了普通大众的意 志,这一点文章没有提及。B)说还没有证据证明萨达姆与9?11事件有关,这不是举例子的目的。 C)说有时公众会在没有确切消息时得出愚蠢的结论,这个正是正确答案。D)―政府信赖大众 来做出重要的政治决定是错误的‖,这与当前的例子说明的问题无关,而且说得也太绝对了。 3. A)推理题此题问就作者而言,哪项是正确的。A)说不用担心社会保障计划的偿付能力。细 看文章的第二部分即第四、五、六段,可以看出,该项是正确的。B)说大部分民众将在不久 的将来接受该项社会保障计划,这点文中没有涉及。C)说只有生育高峰出生的人才该担心自 己未来变老的日子,这个选项也没有出现。D)―民主党人攻击该计划是为了怀疑其偿付能力‖, 这在前面讲了,是不正确的。 4. D)推导题问作者为什么说―诚为上策‖,他反对什么。这句话出现在文章的末尾,作者是为了 揭露民主党人借民意测验的结果达成政治目的的企图。所以D)是正确答案。 5. B)主旨题问文章的最佳标题。A)―是重新考虑社会保险的时候了‖,这个适合用于怀疑当前 政策的文章。C)―社会保险只是个幻想‖,这是悲观主义者的论调。D)―拥抱社会保险的美好 明天‖,这是乐观主义的、歌功颂德式文章的标题。该文章是驳 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 ,应以B)为最佳,文章是 为驳斥某些别有用心的民主党人所写 第34题: ―When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results,‖ Calvin Coolidge once observed. As the U. S. economy crumbles, Coolidge s silly maxim might appear to be as apt as ever: the number of unemployment insurance claims is rising, and overall joblessness is creeping upward. But in today‘s vast and complex labor market, things aren‘t always what they seem. More and more people are indeed losing their jobs but not necessarily because the economy appears to be in recession. And old-fashioned unemployment isn‘t the inevitable result of job loss. New work, at less pay, often is. Call it new-wave unemployment: structural changes in the economy are overlapping the business downturn, giving joblessness a grim new twist. Small wonder that the U. S. unemployment rate is rising. Now at 5.7 percent, it is widely expected to edge toward 7 percent by the end of next year. But statistics alone can‘t fully capture a complex reality. The unemployment rate has been held down by slow growth in the labor force—the number of people working or looking for work—since few people sense attractive job opportunities in a weak economy. In addition, many more people are losing their jobs than are actually ending up unemployed. Faced with hungry mouths to feed, thousands of women, for example, are taking two or more part-time positions or agreeing to shave the hours they work in service-sector jobs. For better and for worse, work in America clearly isn‘t what it used to be. Now unemployment isn‘t, either. Like sour old wine in new bottles, this downturn blends a little of the old and the new reflecting a decade‘s worth of change in the dynamic U. S. economy. Yet, in many respects the decline is following the classic pattern, with new layoffs concentrated among blue-collar workers in the most ―cyclical‖ (循环的) industries, whose ups and downs track the economy most closely. As the downturn attracts attention on workers-ill fortunes, some analysts predict that political upheaval (动乱) may lie ahead. Real wages for the average U. S. worker peaked in 1973 and have been falling almost ever since. As a result, a growing group of downwardly mobile Americans could soon begin pressing policymakers to help produce better-paying jobs. Just how loud the outcry becomes will depend partly on the course of the recession. But in the long run, there‘s little doubt that the bleak outlook for jobs and joblessness is ―politically, socially and psychologically dynamite (具有 爆炸性的)‖. 1. Why does the author refer to Coolidge‘s maxim as silly? A) More and more people are applying for unemployment insurance. B) Unemployment rate is not likely to rise quickly nowadays. C) Losing jobs doesn‘t necessarily lead to unemployment. D) Today‘s labor market is much too complicated than Coolidge‘s time. 2. According to the passage, the unemployment rate has been kept under limits because . A) the number of the people in the work force slowly increases B) very few people really lose their original jobs C) less and less people are out finding new jobs D) the government has taken strong measures to control the unemployment rate 3. According to the passage, under the great pressure of life, many women . A) will do a part-time job along with the full-time job B) would rather stay at home than apply for a part-time position C) would be fired if they can not finish the job quickly D) will agree to have their working hours shortened if required 4. The present downturn is similar to traditional ones in that . A) we can never predict which way the economy will head B) the economic prospects have been unfavorable for 10 years C) the government has done relatively little to intervene the market D) physical laborers are the chief victims of the economic decline 5. What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A) Blue-collar workers are given less and less wages in recent years. B) The unemployment problem may lead to serious social problems. C) The unemployment problem will probably become less serious in no time. D) The government will create more jobs with better pay in the near future 1小题>、【正确答案】:C 2小题>、【正确答案】:A 3小题>、【正确答案】:D 4小题>、【正确答案】:D 5小题>、【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】: 1. C)细节理解题本题问作者为何称柯立芝的格言是愚蠢的。根据格言定位到文章首段,柯立芝 曾经说过:―当越来越多的人失去工作之时,失业就产生了‖。此后紧接着说美国经济崩溃时, 这句格言或许看上去还是非常恰当的。后面立即转折,说今天事情已不一样了,接着从两个方 面论述:一方面,越来越多的人失去工作,但不一定是由于经济出现颓势;另一方面,失去工 作不一定导致失业——常常是找到低薪金的新工作。可以看出,推翻柯立芝格言的正是后一种 情况,所以C)是正确答案。 2. A)语义替换题本题问为何失业率被控制在一定的范围之内。根据关键词unemployment rate (与原文相同)和keep under limits(原文中是hold down)定位到第二段第四行,即知原因是 由于就业人群增长缓慢,选A)。 3. D)细节理解题此题问迫于生活压力,女性会怎样做。文中谈及女性之处只有第二段的后面 ——她们有可能会接受两份或两份以上的兼职工作,或者会同意削减服务性行业工作的时间。 仔细比较四个选项,只是D)是正确的,与后面一种情况吻合。 4. D)推理题此题问现在的经济衰退与以前的有何相似之处。这正是第三段阐述的内容——当前 的衰退在许多方面符合传统的模式,即新的失业人群大多是与经济波动相关联的产业的蓝领工 人。D)为正确答案,其中文中关键词组blue collar workers在这里置换为physical laborers。 大家细细体会阅读中最重要的规律:定位与置换。 5. B)推理题此题问能从最后一段得出何种结论。此段首句即说有些 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 家认为可能会出现政治 动乱。最后作者引用他人的话表明自己观点——从长期看来,暗淡的就业前景将会带来政治、 社会和心理动荡。 三、阅读理解 第35题: Direction:In this part there is a short passage with 8 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the right of the page. What are the marks of an educated man? The first of these is correctness and precision in the use of the mother tongue. When one hears English well spoken, with pure diction, correct pronunciation, and an almost unconscious choice of the right word, he recognizes it at once. How much easier he finds it to imitate English of the other sort! A second and indispensable trait of the educated man is refined and gentle manners, which are themselves the expression of fixed habits of thought and action. When manners are superficial, artificial, and forced, no matter what their form, they are bad manners. When, however, they are the natural expression of fixed habits of thought and action, and when they reveal a refined and cultivated nature, they are good manners. There are certain things that gentlemen do not do, and they do not do them simply because they are bad manners. The gentleman instinctively knows the difference between those things which he may and should do and those things which he may not and should not do. A third trait of the educated man is the power and habit of reflection. Human beings for the most part live wholly on the surface or far beyond the present moment and that part of the future which is quickly to follow it. They do not read those works of prose and poetry which have become classic because they reveal power and habit of reflection and induce that power and habit in others. When one reflects long enough to ask the question how, he is on the way to knowing something about science. When he reflects long enough to ask the question why, he may, if he persists, even become a philosopher. A fourth trait of the educated man is the power of growth. He continues to grow and develop from birth to his dying day. His interests expand, his contacts multiply, his knowledge increases, and his reflection becomes deeper and wider. It would appear to be true that not many human beings, even those who have had a school and college education, continue to grow after they are twenty-four or twenty-five years of age. By that time it is usual to settle down to life on a level of more or less contented intellectual interest and activity. The whole present-day movement for adult education is a systematic and definite attempt to keep human beings growing long after they have left school and college, and, therefore, to help educate them. A fifth trait of the educated man is his possession of efficiency, or the power to do. The mere visionary dreamer, however charming or however wise, lacks something which an education requires. The power to do may be exercised in any one of a thousand ways, but when it clearly shows itself, that is evidence that the period of discipline of study and of companionship with parents and teachers has not been in vain. S1. An educated man should use his S1 correctly and precisely. S2. According to the author, manners are the natural expression of S2 . S3. The educated man know the difference betweenS3(1)andS3(2). S4. Most human beings live a S4 life or far beyond the present and the near future. S5. The author says that when a person persists in reflecting so as to ask the question how, he may at last become a S5 . S6. What is the aim of present-day adult education? S7. According to the author, the mere visionary dreamer lacksS7. S8. What is the main topic of the passage? 1小题>【参考答案】: 略 四、写作题 第36题: Directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter of application. You should write no less than 120 words and base your composition on the outline below: 1. 渴求工作的愿望 2. 技能和经历 3. 联系方式 【参考答案】: Sample: August 21, 2005 To whom it may concern, I am writing you this letter to show my keen interest in the post of quality engineering manager which you recently advertised in the local newspaper. I strongly believe I meet the qualification listed in your advertisement. I have always been a student in the top ten percent of our Department of Electrical Engineering. I took several optional courses in my spare time and got A+ or A in all of them. Another point I am proud of is that I have been doing part,time jobs in Lintong Company and Huafei Company for three years. In the due process, I enhance my working knowledge in quality control systems and environmental management systems. Enclosed is my resume, and my references are available upon notice. I would like to meet you at your earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of working with your company. Or, if you are too busy these days, you can contact me at for further information. Thank you for your favorable consideration. Best regards. Yours Sincerely, Li Ming 下面是赠送的经典语录和搞笑语录,不需要的朋友可以下载后不急删除~~~谢谢~~ , 【感人的话】 要学会感恩、同情、宽容、忍耐、积极与真诚。希望是心灵的一种支 持力量.逆境的回馈,使生命将更加精彩而富足. , 【感人的话】 每个人的好运跟坏运都是分配好的,虽然我的好运没有别人多,所以 只要是一点点好事,我就非常感恩了。 , 【祝福的话】 这里有一本你当年用过的笔记,它有点儿泛黄了,书页里夹着的话也 早已没了香气,却还是谢谢你把它借给了我。今天的我们已经分开,却依然是朋友。还是 要跟以前一样,我听着你的述说,看着你笑,看着你难过委屈去安慰你。我会把祝福写在 这本笔记里,在那多枯黄的花的旁边,我会写下我的祝福:祝福你过得好~祝福你过得比 我好~然后,将它寄给你。不要哭泣,你。 , 【表白的话】 爱你是一个念头,爱你是一种冲动,爱你是一种宿命,只属于我的宿 命。爱你是一段旅程,爱你是一场幸福的长跑,爱你是一路沐浴阳光,爱你是一径的花香。 爱你,是睡觉呼吸一般的自然~请,给我你的爱。 , 【有哲理的话】 世上有三种人:一是良心被狗吃了的人,二是良心没被狗吃的人, 三是良心连狗都不吃的人. , 【激励人的话】 如果你看到面前的阴影,别怕,那是因为你的背后有阳光。 , 【感人的话】 一身白衣为你洗尽铅华,白衣白发白胜雪,捧一卷古墨,盈袭暗香, 我踏着平平仄仄的长长短短,款款步入风情万种的宋词里。溪边桃红青染,流水潺潺,柳 丝随风絮,我在桃花下写着红笺小字,一抹嫣然回眸,惊落了桃花,也惊落了你的心。佛 说千年一轮回,今生,你在哪里, , 【有哲理的话】 母爱是一滴甘露,亲吻干涸的泥土,它用细雨的温情,用钻石的坚 毅,期待着闪着碎光的泥土的肥沃;母爱不是人生中的一个凝固点,而是一条流动的河, 这条河造就了我们生命中美丽的情感之景。 , 【表白的话】 我深深地恳求你;不要把我逐出你的爱门之外,我一分一秒也不能缺 少你的爱。只有赢得你的爱,我的生命才有光彩。 , 【表白的话】 爱你,却要无欲无求,好难~爱你,却要偷偷摸摸,好累~爱你,却 让自己心碎,好惨~但竟然心甘情愿,好傻~但是我能肯定的是:我是真的很爱你~ , 【表白的话】 我扬一把散沙粒粒想念漫天纷飞带给我对你的祝福,我洒下一瓢涟水 滴滴飘洋流到你的心海,爱你,今生无悔,牵了你的情,爱了你的人,我会努力呵护你, 一生一世~ , 【表白的话】 你的热情,温暖了我冰冻的心;你的大胆,鼓起了我爱的热忱;你的 关怀,激起了我感激之情。新年伊始,愿我们透过那爱湖的波光水雾,一起憧憬美好的未 来。情人节快乐~ , 【表白的话】 也许我的笑容不够灿烂,但足够为你扫清冬日里的阴霾;也许我的双 手不够温柔,但还能为你拂去俗世尘埃~如果命运安排我们在一起,我会好好珍惜你~情 人节快乐~ , 【甜言蜜语的话】 我们结婚吧,好不好,那样我们就可以不再对着电话诉说想念, 就可以每天清晨起来看见你的睡脸,然后一起吃一顿不太丰盛却很温暖的早餐。我们结婚 吧,好不好,那样我们就可以拿着民政局发的红色小本子四处炫耀,我们可以在房间里挂 满结婚照,看着看着就会不自觉的微笑。我们结婚吧。 , 【表白的话】 我需要你,就像冬天里的棉袄,夏天里的雪糕,黑暗中的灯泡,饥饿 中的面包—–我不能没有你~ , 【有哲理的话】 用真理检验真理永远是真理,用错误掩饰错误将会一错再错。我们 不能拥有真理,但是我们可以防止错误。 , 【离别的话】 愿你作一滴晶亮的水,投射到浩瀚的大海;作一朵鲜美的花,组成百 花满园;作一丝闪光的纤维,绣织出鲜红的战旗;作一颗小小的螺丝钉,一辈子坚守自己 的岗位…… , 【离别的话】 我们曾经在一起欣赏过美丽的花;我们曾经在一起幻想过美丽的季节。 同学啊,同学,分别后不要忘了我们曾经一起走过的日子。 , 【离别的话】 红叶纷飞的枫林里,我们曾拥有多少回忆。那飘舞着的枫叶,将我们 带进一个无比美妙的境界。 , 【离别的话】 别离,是有点难舍,但不怅然;是有点遗憾,但不悲观。因为我们有 相逢的希望在安慰。 , 【有哲理的话】 人活着,第一要紧的事情就是要有眼光。有了眼光,并相应确定应 该为之努力的目的和目标,工作就会出现乐趣,这样才有希望最终成为一个事业和生活的 成功者,生命就会丰富多彩。 , 【有哲理的话】 在真相肯定永无人知的情况下,一个人的所作所为能显示他的品格。 有些事情的确没有人知道,除你之外,没有人知道,但是你必须对得住自己,最好能问心 无愧。因为问心无愧可生自信,而自信会让你生活得更从容。 , 【有哲理的话】 没有任何的动物是比蚂蚁更勤奋,然而它却是最沉默寡言的。与其 埋怨世界,不如改变自己。管好自己的心,做好自己的事,比什么都强。人生无完美,曲 折亦风景。别把失去看得过重,放弃是另一种拥有;不要经常艳羡他人,人做到了,心悟 到了,相信属于你的风景就在下一个拐弯处。 , 【有哲理的话】 有些人成就不大,不在于智力或能力不够,而在于没有克服自己心 理上的弱点和谬见,没有充分发挥自己既有的潜力和才能。只有不断向自己挑战,向生活 挑战,才能取得更大成功。 , 【有哲理的话】 面对别人的反对意见,如果你针锋相对地进行争执和批驳,对方很 难从内心真正接受,在表达方式上委婉一些,效果就好多了。 , 【有哲理的话】 当我们放眼这个世界的时候,如果以自我为中心,很可能会以为自 己了不起,可一旦我们把心歇下来,用赤子之心来观察,就会发现我们是多么渺小。我们 什么时候都能看清自己不如人的地方,那就是对生命有真正信心的时候。 , 【有哲理的话】 胸有平常心,幸福自然来。人的心态如同琴上的弦,太紧则易断, 太松则无音,只有松紧适度,才能弹出美妙之音。保持一颗平常心,才是人生的真谛。怀 一颗平常心,看淡得失,超越成败,不为物欲所迷,不被烦恼所扰,明心见性,随缘自适。 平常心,是一种人生态度,也是一种生活智慧。 , 【有哲理的话】 绝大多数人都喜欢嘲笑别人,而不愿意被别人嘲笑。在别人处于尴 尬境遇时,你如果能通过自己出丑来减少他的难堪,他一定对你非常感激。 , 【有哲理的话】 对于胸怀大志的有志之士和勤奋努力的人来说,障碍是不会起什么 作用的。他们会说:不会再有什么困难能拦得住我了。只要有百折不挠的信念,就会战胜 许多强大的阻力。 , 【有哲理的话】 成功地推销自己是迈向成功的第一步。在推销自己的过程中,多动 脑筋,设计一些小花样,就容易引起别人的兴趣和关注。 搞笑语录 , 一次,同事几个去美国,到超市买东西,用济南话讨论,有个美国人过来用标准的 济南话说:―你们是济南的,~‖暴汗,原来这老外是以前战争时期留在中国的美国人后代, 同事问他:―那你英文怎么样啊,‖老外一拍大腿道:―英语太他妈难学了~~‖哈哈,有木 有笑趴啊。 , 公司加班到半夜,所有人都眼皮打架,一姑娘哀叹:―我现在真想变成一个?因‘字。‖ 众问其故,姑娘说:―就是一个人四肢平摊躺在大床上。‖话音刚落,旁边一男同事嘟囔: ―困。‖ , 一先生感冒去医院挂吊针,护士小姐很麻利的给这位先生插上针挂好盐水,一个多 小时过去了,盐水瓶的水打完了,护士过来马上又换上一瓶。这先生不解,问护士小姐说: ―小姐,处方单上不是只开了一瓶吗,‖护士小姐指着打完盐水的空瓶盖说,―先生,您运 气真好,这瓶中奖了,再来一瓶~‖ , 一退休老头,闲来无事就教鹦鹉说话,每天早上必教:―早上好~‖可惜~几个月后, 鹦鹉仍不开口。一日,老头心情不佳,未教。只听鹦鹉大叫:―老头,今天牛了~连好也 不问了啊~‖ , 白雪公主逃出王宫,来到森林,看到一间小木屋,里面排列着七张小小的床。白雪 公主就躺下睡着了。傍晚七个小人回来了,白雪公主说:―你们就是我命中的七个小矮人 吧。‖ 七个人面面相觑,然后说:―你走错地方了,我们是金刚葫芦娃。‖ , 爷孙三人去钓鱼,爷爷拿着鱼杆发呆,孙子看到后对爸爸说:―瞧瞧,你爹在那发呆, 跟傻B 似的。‖爸爸打了儿子一耳光生气的喊道:―你爹才傻B 呢~‖ , 作业做了很久,顺手打开收音机,一个温柔的声音传出:―如果肤色粉红,脸上的绒 毛细嫩柔软,那么说明很健康……‖听到这里,忍不住摸了自己的脸,对镜顾盼,再笑一 笑,样子健康可爱。这时,又听播音员说道:―好,听众朋友,这次我们的《养猪知识讲 座》就到这里。‖ , 话说上技校时我们班为机电八班。某日,学校组织拔河比赛。我们班对战二班。二 百女生加时喊:―机二,加油……机二,加油……‖我们班女生也学着人家喊:―机八,加 油……机八,加油……‖我滴个神~ , 出差,刚出车站就来一大婶:―小伙子,住旅馆呀,‖我说:―不用。‖大婶马上换成暧 昧的语气:―有小姑娘哟,很漂亮的。‖我汗,说:―不要小姑娘。‖大婶立刻改口:―老姑 娘,老姑娘也有,便宜一点。‖再汗,说:―我不要姑娘。‖大婶沉默了下,小声说:―那个, 小伙子也是有的~‖ , 一哥们儿隔壁新搬来个老外,一天晚上老外敲门求助,说:―我的电视坏了,不能换 台。‖这哥们儿低头看了眼表,很镇定的说:―过了七点半就好了‖ , 有个懒人,懒得出奇。妻子要切面条,叫他到邻家借个面板。他说:―不用借了,就 在我背上切吧~‖妻子在他背上切完面条,问他:―痛不痛,‖他说:―痛,我也懒得吱声。‖ , 一只青蛙给牧师打电话,问自己的命运。牧师说:―明年,有一个年轻的姑娘会来了 解你。‖青蛙高兴的蹦了起来:―哦,真的吗,是在王子的婚礼上吗,‖牧师说:―不,是在 她明年的生物课上。‖ , 几个人在高尔夫更衣室,一手机响很久,一男人按了免提键。女:―亲爱的你在俱乐 部吗,‖男:―在。‖女:―我看到一辆宝马,才不到两百万。‖男人:―买。‖女:―还有那个 楼盘又放盘了, 6万一平。‖男:―买。‖女:―好爱你。‖男:―也爱你。‖旁边的男人们敬 佩得目瞪口呆。男人挂了电话,问:―这是谁的手机,‖ , 深夜,老公未归。女儿心急给妈打电话:―妈~他还没回来,一定有别的女人了~‖ 妈妈轻声安慰:―傻孩子,乖,别净往坏处想,兴许是出车祸了~‖ , 一男子在闹市骑摩托撞昏了一个陌生的老汉~男子惊吓得不知所措~围观群众越来 越多~突然,该男抱住老汉,声泪俱下的喊道:―爹,你等着我,我这就去给你找医生~‖ 说后,就跑掉了。老汉挣扎着愤怒的喊道:―给老子回来~‖众人纷纷感慨:―这儿子当的 真孝顺~‖
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