首页 科技保密制度建设和实施现状



科技保密制度建设和实施现状科技保密制度建设和实施现状 调 查 表 国家科技部发展计划司 江苏省科技厅成果处 2004年3月 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of ...

科技保密制度建设和实施现状 调 查 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 国家科技部发展计划司 江苏省科技厅成果处 2004年3月 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 科技保密制度建设和实施现状调查表 说 明 本调查立足于了解我国科技保密制度建设和实施的现状~分析目前科技保密工作中存在的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ~特别是我国基层组织科技保密的管理体系和运行机制。具体调研内容包括: 1、我国基层各类组织对科技保密的基本认识 了解我国各类组织中的领导和涉密人员对当前我国科技保密重要性的认识~了解各类组织中的领导和涉密人员的保密意识~以及他们对国家和本单位科技保密制度的了解状况。 2、我国各类组织科技保密措施和方法 了解我国各类组织科技保密制度的建设和运行状况~了解各类组织中科技保密的组织机构设置、科技保密投入和涉密人员的补偿机制建设现状~了解各类组织对外科技交流情况和对外科技交流过程中保密工作开展情况。 3、我国各类组织科技保密工作中存在的问题 了解我国各类组织科技保密工作中存在的问题~分析目前我国科技保密工作的主要问题。 特别声明:本调查旨在了解我国科技保密制度建设和实施的现状~请您根据您个人的理解和判断做出独立的回答~在您认为合适的答案前打“?”。您的回答没有对错~我们最关心的是您的看法。我们保证不将您的回答用于其他任何目的。 特别注意:您回答问题的质量直接关系到调查结果的准确性和对目前我国科技保密制度建设和实施现状基本判断的正确性~务请您认真填写调查表。另外~调查表的各调查项目中~凡注明“单选”的~只能给出一个选择~标明“多选”的~可按 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 给出多个选择,凡选其他~请写出具体内容。 调 查 组 织 单 位:国家科技部发展计划司、江苏省科技厅成果处 调 查 实 施 单 位:江苏省科技厅成果处、江苏省保密局检查处 调查实施 单位地址:南京市北京东路39号 邮 政 编 码:210008 联 系 人:徐小江 联 系 电 话:025,86635404 ge. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. villa the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilizedn satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired ive energy. Hunalevel model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a posit-n the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, Statelars ity. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exempon and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stabilieventicollection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security pradres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the rocessing of letters and calls system of leading cmasses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for p 第urthera mass organization to better serve the scientific development. FIn addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, 1页 填表人: , 单位最高层领导 , 分管科技工作领导 , 分管人事工作领导 , 分管对外交流与合作领导 , 科技管理部门负责人 , 其他 一、单位基本情况 1、单位所在地: 省,自治区、直辖市, 市,地, 县,区、市, 2、单位性质,单选, , 企业 , 高等院校 , 科研院所 , 其他 3、若为企业~登记注册类型,单选, , 国有企业 , 集体企业 , 股份合作制企业 , 联营企业 , 有限责任公司 , 股份有限公司 , 私营企业 , 个体经营 , 港、澳、台 , 外商投资企业 , 其他 是否被认定为高新技术企业,单选, , 是 , 否 1如果被认定为高新技术企业~高新技术企业认定的级别,单选, , 国家级 , 省级 , 地市级 是否为民营科技企业,单选, , 是 , 否 1通过国家科技行政管理部门认定的高新技术企业为国家级高新技术企业,通过省级科技行政管理部门认定的高新技术企业为省级高新技术企业,由各地级市科技行政管理部门进行认定的高新技术企业为地市级高新技术企业。 d. llages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanceX m vis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and Xpromoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosilevel model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, -Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, Statehighlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model ypicalc security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Tvil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious publis of eies of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activitiebacklog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activitmasses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the 2mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Furthera In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, 科技保密制度建设和实施现状调查表 4、若为高校,单选, , 教育部直属高校 , 省属高校 , 其他 5、若为科研院所,单选, , 主要从事基础研究 , 主要从事公益性研究 , 主要从事应用研究 , 其他 6、单位曾经承担过的项目类型,可多项, 国家级:, 863计划项目 , 973计划项目 , 科技攻关计划项目 , 国家自然科学基金项目 , 中小企业创新基金项目 , 星火计划项目 , 其 他 省 级:, 高技术计划项目 , 自然科学基金项目 , 科技攻关计划项目 , 其他 2003年承担国家级项目 项~获得科研经费 万元 2003年承担省级项目 项~获得科研经费 万元 7、专利情况 拥有授权发明专利数 件 2003年申请专利数 件 其中发明专利申请数 件 8、目前单位拥有科技活动人员 人~其中R&D,研究与开发,人员 人, 9、2003年单位科技活动经费 万元~其中R&D经费 万元 10、贵单位需要保密的技术数量,单选, , 较多 , 一般 , 较少 11、贵单位拥有国家秘密技术情况 , 当前有 , 曾经有 , 从未有 ge. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. villa the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilizedn satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired ive energy. Hunalevel model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a posit-n the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, Statelars ity. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exempon and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stabilieventicollection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security pradres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the rocessing of letters and calls system of leading cmasses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for p 第urthera mass organization to better serve the scientific development. FIn addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, 3页 二、对科技保密工作现状的评价 ,一,对国家科技保密工作现状的评价 1、贵单位领导认为我国加强科技保密工作,单选, , 很重要 , 重要 , 一般 , 不重要 2、贵单位科技人员认为我国加强科技保密工作,单选, , 很重要 , 重要 , 一般 , 不重要 3、当前我国科技人员的保密意识,单选, , 很强 , 强 , 一般 , 弱 4、当前我国科研院所、高校、企业等涉密单位领导的科技保密意识,单选, , 很强 , 强 , 一般 , 弱 5、贵单位领导对我国科技保密方面的法律、法规,单选, , 很了解 , 一般了解 , 不了解 6、贵单位科技人员对我国科技保密方面的法律、法规,单选, , 很了解 , 一般了解 , 不了解 7、贵单位领导对目前我国科技保密管理体制,单选, , 很了解 , 一般了解 , 不了解 8、贵单位科技人员对目前我国科技保密管理体制,单选, , 很了解 , 一般了解 , 不了解 d. llages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanceX m vis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and Xpromoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosilevel model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, -Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, Statehighlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model ypicalc security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Tvil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious publis of eies of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activitiebacklog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activitmasses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the a In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, 4mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 科技保密制度建设和实施现状调查表 ,二,对本单位科技保密工作现状的评价 1、贵单位领导认为本单位科技保密工作,单选, , 很重要 , 重要 , 一般 , 不重要 2、贵单位科技人员认为本单位科技保密工作,单选, , 很重要 , 重要 , 一般 , 不重要 3、贵单位领导的科技保密意识,单选, , 很强 , 强 , 一般 , 弱 4、贵单位科技人员的科技保密意识,单选, , 很强 , 强 , 一般 , 弱 5、贵单位领导对本单位科技保密 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 和办法,单选, , 很了解 , 一般了解 , 不了解 6、贵单位科技人员对本单位科技保密管理制度和办法,单选, , 很了解 , 一般了解 , 不了解 ,三,其它需要说明的问题,请用文字说明~不够可另加页, ge. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. villa the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilizedn satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired ive energy. Hunalevel model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a posit-n the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, Statelars ity. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exempon and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stabilieventicollection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security pradres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the rocessing of letters and calls system of leading cmasses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for p 第urthera mass organization to better serve the scientific development. FIn addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, 5页 三、贵单位科技保密工作开展情况 1、贵单位科技保密管理制度建设情况,单选, , 健全 , 一般 , 差 , 无 2、贵单位科技保密管理制度执行情况,单选, , 很好 , 好 , 一般 , 差 3、贵单位目前是否设置科技保密职能部门和岗位,单选, , 是 , 否 如是~归属部门名称 目前贵单位从事科技保密管理工作的人员共 人~其中专职 人。 4、2003年贵单位用于科技保密的投入 万元。 5、贵单位对涉密人员有关科技保密法律、法规、管理制度的宣传、培训,单选, , 正常开展 , 零星开展 , 几乎不开展 6、贵单位是否明确了谁是涉密人员,,单选, , 是 , 否 如果是~是否建立了涉密人员档案,单选, , 是 , 否 是否与涉密人员签订保密协议,,单选, , 是 , 否 7、贵单位是否实施涉密人员的补偿机制,单选, , 是 , 否 d. llages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanceX m vis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and Xpromoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosilevel model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, -Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, Statehighlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model ypicalc security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Tvil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious publis of eies of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activitiebacklog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activitmasses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the 6mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Furthera In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, 科技保密制度建设和实施现状调查表 8、贵单位与国外的科技交流方式主要有,多选, , 邀请国外专家、学者做学术讲座 , 单位组织国际学术会议 , 单位科技人员参加国际学术会议 , 单位科技人员出国考察、学习 , 与国外合作研究 , 在国外媒体上发表论文 , 其他 9、贵单位国内的对外科技交流方式主要有,多选, , 国内的考察、参观 , 组织国内的学术会议 , 单位科技人员参加国内的学术会议 , 在国内媒体上发表论文 , 与国内的合作研究 , 科技人员的进修、学习 , 其他 10、目前贵单位在对外科技交流过程中采取的保密措施有,多选, , 对外科技交流事情的申报、登记和审查 , 交流前的保密教育与提醒 , 交流过程中涉及资料的审查和处理 , 交流后的 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf , 其他 11、贵单位是否发生过泄密事情,单选, , 是 , 否 如有~原因 造成的后果 , 影响很大 , 影响不大 , 影响很小 12、其它需要说明的问题,请用文字说明~不够可另加页, ge. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. villa the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilizedn satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired ive energy. Hunalevel model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a posit-n the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, Statelars ity. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exempon and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stabilieventicollection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security pradres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the rocessing of letters and calls system of leading cmasses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for p 第urthera mass organization to better serve the scientific development. FIn addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, 7页 四、科技保密工作中存在的主要问题 1、国家有关部门科技保密法律、法规和制度的建设问题,单选, , 非常严重 , 严重 , 一般 , 不存在该问题 2、国家有关部门科技保密法律、法规和制度的执行问题,单选, , 非常严重 , 严重 , 一般 , 不存在该问题 3、国家有关部门对科技保密法律、法规的宣传和培训问题,单选, , 非常严重 , 严重 , 一般 , 不存在该问题 4、单位领导对科技保密的重要性认识不足,单选, , 非常严重 , 严重 , 一般 , 不存在该问题 5、 单位科技人员对科技保密的重要性认识不足,单选, , 非常严重 , 严重 , 一般 , 不存在该问题 6、单位的科技保密管理制度和方法不健全,单选, , 非常严重 , 严重 , 一般 , 不存在该问题 7、单位的科技保密管理机构设置不全,单选, , 非常严重 , 严重 , 一般 , 不存在该问题 8、单位科技保密管理人员的配置不到位,单选, , 非常严重 , 严重 , 一般 , 不存在该问题 d. llages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanceX m vis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and Xpromoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosilevel model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, -Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, Statehighlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model ypicalc security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Tvil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious publis of eies of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activitiebacklog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activitmasses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the 8mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Furthera In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, 科技保密制度建设和实施现状调查表 9、单位科技保密的经费投入不足,单选, , 非常严重 , 严重 , 一般 , 不存在该问题 10、单位科技保密的涉密人员补偿、激励制度不健全,单选, , 非常严重 , 严重 , 一般 , 不存在该问题 11、其它需要说明的问题,请用文字说明~不够可另加页, 五、关于加强科技保密工作的建议 ge. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. villa the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilizedn satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired ive energy. Hunalevel model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a posit-n the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, Statelars ity. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exempon and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stabilieventicollection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security pradres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the rocessing of letters and calls system of leading cmasses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for p In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, 第urthera mass organization to better serve the scientific development. F9页
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