首页 星级酒店节能减排方案



星级酒店节能减排方案星级酒店节能减排方案 节能减排方案 按照集团公司的总体要求~结合山庄的实际情况~特制定本节能减排方案。 一、节能减排管理措施 1、健全组织机构 山庄建立能源管理领导小组~统一管理、协调能源管理工作~设立能源工程师岗位~为山庄的能源管理提供技术支持。 2、建立能源管理目标与实施方案 建立能源管理目标~并将目标进行分解~便于实施~制定与能源管理目标相符合的能源管理实施方案~方案除了常规内容外~还包括节能技术的可行性评价。 3、开展合同能源管理 山庄积极与有资质的节能服务公司合作~探索性地推进合同能源管...

星级酒店节能减排 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 节能减排方案 按照集团公司的总体要求~结合山庄的实际情况~特制定本节能减排方案。 一、节能减排管理措施 1、健全组织机构 山庄建立能源管理领导小组~统一管理、协调能源管理工作~设立能源工程师岗位~为山庄的能源管理提供技术支持。 2、建立能源管理目标与实施方案 建立能源管理目标~并将目标进行分解~便于实施~制定与能源管理目标相符合的能源管理实施方案~方案除了常规内容外~还包括节能技术的可行性评价。 3、开展 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 能源管理 山庄积极与有资质的节能服务公司合作~探索性地推进合同能源管理~提高能源的使用效率。 4、建立详细的室内温度 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 山庄根据不同时段、不同区域的温度要求~制定室内温度标准~并严格执行~温度标准的建立要满足客人的舒适度要求~夏季设定温度不低于26度~冬季不高于20度。 5、建立能源使用的巡视检查制度 用于发现山庄设备使用和运行中存在的“跑电、滴水、漏油”等现象~减少能源浪费。公共卫生间水龙头的滴漏~beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 抽水马桶的水箱漏水等应该及时发现并得到维修,后勤区域的“长明灯”、“长流水”现象通过巡查得以杜绝。 6、建立详细的室内照明标准的开关要求 制定不同区域的照度标准和灯具的开关制度~严格执行。照度标准和灯具开关制度要满足客人的使用要求。室外庭院照明、泛光照明通过楼宇自控系统进行了控制~室内照明按制度进行人工控制。 7、减少办公设备的待机时间 山庄的办公设备主要包括电脑、打印机、复印机、传真机、饮水机等。工作结束后及时关闭办公室所有电气设备~不要让办公室的电气设备处于待机状态。另外~山庄办公、后勤区域尽量减少空调使用~利用开窗、开门等方式保持室内空气的品质。 8、改进日常操作中浪费能源的操作习惯 山庄积极发动员工~改进服务操作流程~改变服务、操作中浪费能源的习惯~有利于减少能源的浪费。例如~餐厅包厢的的服务员在清理包厢时~只开工作灯~关闭装饰灯,前厅员工约客人排房~尽量将客人集中安排~减少空调系统设备的开启。 9、建立正确的设备操作 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 山庄为每一台设备制定正确、详细的操作规范。操作规范包括设备操作、维护保养、存放~交接等方面的内容和要 2code. (2) pipe through the basement wallf the stallation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions oot less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. inbe n pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall rt spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riserupponot be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe s davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall . (3),hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hangerdisplacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two can be adjusted; thermal through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length-t and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burnbeam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install nea 求~员工正确操作设备~既可提高设备的使用寿命~又可能源消耗~正确的操作规范还可避免设备的空转~带病使用等问题。也能避免设备滥用现象。 10、减少电梯使用 山庄积极倡导员工减少电梯使用~以减少电耗~提倡“上下楼梯时~上一层~下二层~采用走楼梯的方式”~不提重物时尽量不座电梯~员工不座客梯等。 二、节约水资源措施 1、使用节水龙头 山庄在各个用水点~根据用水的要求和特点~使用相适应的节水龙头。例如~在公共卫生间使用感应型节水龙头,房间卫生间则安装限流量的节水龙头~适当控制水流量,冲洗用的水管~如冲洗车辆~垃圾箱的水管~在出水口加装水嘴~可随时开关。 2、使用节水型坐便器 山庄应使用节水型、低噪声坐便器~冲水噪声小~冲水箱的用水分大解和小解~引导客人正确使用~逐步淘汰传统的9升以上的坐便器改为6升型或更低用水标准的坐便器。在改造过渡阶段~在保证冲洗质量的前提下~可以在水箱内安装节水芯。 3、改变员工浴室用水管理方式 pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7)shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pportnger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be suTwo hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same ha ation.d; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installer phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjustethrough and oth-in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be3ons of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisitry. shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symme riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floorthe 山庄在满足员工沐浴的前提下~改变员工浴室的用水管理方式~促使员工节约用水。在员工浴室安装智能感应式节水系统~促使员工自觉控制用水量~智能感应节水系统通过刷卡的方式来控制阀门开关~实现自动计费。 4、供水管网定期检测漏损 山庄供水管网漏损应定期检测~供水管网漏损比较隐蔽~但漏损量较大~在日常管理中~建立对供水管网进行不定期巡查制度。 5、供水管网进行水质处理 山庄定期对供水管网进行清洗~尤其是热水供水系统~减少“黄水”的产生~减少由于“黄水”造成水的浪费。 6、减少棉织品洗涤量 山庄通过“减少床单~毛巾洗涤量的提示卡”引导客人重复使用房间内的绵织品。房间内的绵织品在满足客人要求和卫生的前提下~由“一日一换~改为一客一换”~以减少绵织品的洗涤量。客户卫生间提供的面巾等绵织品可采用不同图案或颜色~以方便客人区别使用。减少因不能区别使用引起的绵织品的更换。 8、循环使用游泳池水 山庄游泳池水是天然矿泉水~加强游泳池水质管理~在符合水质标准的前提下~减少游泳池水的补水量的换水量~以减少水的使用。 4code. (2) pipe through the basement wallf the stallation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions oot less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. inbe n pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall rt spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riserupponot be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe s davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall . (3),hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hangerdisplacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two can be adjusted; thermal through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length-t and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burnbeam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install nea 9、改变饮用水提供方式 山庄在客房饮用水~会议饮用水提供方面~可逐渐改变提供方式~以减少饮用水的浪费。客房饮用水供应中~由客人按需烧水~不再通过服务人员送水,也可以直接饮用,在会议服务中~可行时~可通过设置水台~由客人按需取水~减少饮用水的确浪费。 三、节电管理 1、电力系统进行功率因素补偿 山庄用电设备是大部分是带有电支机的感应负荷~为了补偿用电设备的无功损失~提高用电设备的功率连成因素~变电所设置补偿柜~对功率因素进行补偿~功率因素应补偿在0.9以上~并在变电所加装节能装置。 2、加强用电设备的维修工作 加强用电设备的维护保养~及时检修~可以降低电耗~节约用电。做好电动机的维护保养~减少转子的转动摩擦~降低电能消耗,加强线路维护~消除因导线接头不良而造成的发热~以及线路漏电现象~节约能源~同时也保证供电安全。 3、照明光源改造 通过改造山庄照明光源~将光源改造更加节能的LED灯。 4、改变山庄员工传统的着装方式 pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7)shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pportnger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be suTwo hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same ha ation.d; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installer phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjustethrough and oth-in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be5ons of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisitry. shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symme riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floorthe 山庄在设计员工工服时~不仅要满足工作岗位的要求、山庄山庄礼仪的要求~更应与天气情况相适应~降低员工对空调的要求。 7、合理调整变压器的运行数量 山庄配置了二台1250KVA变压器~正常情况下变压器完全可以满足运行负荷的需要~因此停止一台变压器以减少变损。 四、采暖系统管理 1、换热设备管理 根据室外温度变化~合理调整换热机组~的运行参数和运行时间。 2、室内温度调整 根据室内外温度的情况~合理调整暖气供气流量。 五、计量监控 1、大型耗能设备独立计量 对所有大型耗能设备单独安装计量表~以检测这类设备的运转和耗能情况~大功能设备的节能~是减少山庄综合耗能的重要内容。 2、做好记录 每天记录水、电、气的消耗量~并与同期进行对比~发现异常~根据山庄经营情况及设备运行状况进行分析~查找出异常原因。 rt spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riserupponot be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe s davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall . (3),hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hangerdisplacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two can be adjusted; thermal through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length-t and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burnbeam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install nea6code. (2) pipe through the basement wallf the stallation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions oot less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. inbe n pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall 3、计量器具的检定 对所有能源计量器具~每年至少进行一次检定~以确保计量器具的准确性。 六、节能宣传 1、积极对客进行宣传 应积极对客宣传~客人的节能行为有利于山庄的节能工作~在大堂、餐厅等位置设置节能、低碳宣传材料~提高住店客人的节能意识,在客房内设置宣传卡~鼓励客人减少资源、能源的使用。 2、开展节能营销工作 在市场营销中充分考虑节能工作~配合山庄营销 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ~举办节能减排专题宣传周活动。为客人建立低碳消费记录档案~以便于实施相应的奖励措施。对客人的节能行为进行奖励等。 3、开展供应商宣传工作 向山庄供应商进行低碳、绿色山庄的宣传~通过向供应商宣传~促使更多的企业实施低碳生产。 七、培训与奖励 1、制定节能培训计划 制定系统的节能培训计划并予以实施。培训计划和管理目标应符合实际情况~并具有连续性。通过丰富多样的形式~ shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pportnger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be suTwo hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same ha ation.d; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installer phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjustethrough and oth-in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be7ons of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisitry. shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symme riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floorthe pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) 调动员工节能的积极性~讨论各种节能操作的可行性~鼓励员工的节能创新行为。 2、节能奖励 对在实际工作中有节能意识、节约行为的员工进行节能奖励~积极鼓励员工对节能减排工作提出合理化建议~并对提出切实可行建议的员工进行奖励。 be n pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall rt spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riserupponot be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe s davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall . (3),hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hangerdisplacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two can be adjusted; thermal through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length-t and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burnbeam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install nea8code. (2) pipe through the basement wallf the stallation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions oot less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. in
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