首页 托收统一规则URC522中英文版



托收统一规则URC522中英文版托收统一规则URC522中英文版 托收统一规则 (,,,,年国际商会修订) ?总则和定义: ,(本总则、定义以及下列条文适用于下面(,)所限定的一切托收。除非另有明示同意,或除非与一国、一州或地方所不得违反的法律条例的规定相抵触,它们对所有当事人都具有约束力。 ,(就本规则、定义和条文而言: ,(I("托收"是指银行根据所收到的指示来处理下面(II)项所限定的单据,为了: ,(取得承兑,和(或)视情况予以付款,或者 ,(在承兑后,和(或)视情况在付款后交付商业单据,或者 ;(按照其他条件交付单据。...

托收统一规则URC522中英文版 托收统一规则 (,,,,年国际商会修订) ?总则和定义: ,(本总则、定义以及下列条文适用于下面(,)所限定的一切托收。除非另有明示同意,或除非与一国、一州或地方所不得违反的法律条例的规定相抵触,它们对所有当事人都具有约束力。 ,(就本规则、定义和条文而言: ,(I("托收"是指银行根据所收到的指示来处理下面(II)项所限定的单据,为了: ,(取得承兑,和(或)视情况予以付款,或者 ,(在承兑后,和(或)视情况在付款后交付商业单据,或者 ;(按照其他条件交付单据。 II("单据"是指资金单据和(或)商业单据: ,("资金单据"是指汇票、期票、支票、付款收据或其他用于取得付款的类似凭证; ,("商业单据"是发票、装运单据、所有权单据或其他类似的单据,或者一切不属于资金单据的其他单据。 III("光票托收"是指资金单据的托收,不附有商业单据。 ?("跟单托收"是指: ,(资金单据的托收,附有商业单据; ,(商业单据的托收,不附有资金单据。 ,("有关当事人"是指: "委托人",是指委托银行,办理托收业务的客户; I( II("委托行",是指受委托人的委托,办理托收业务的银行; III("代收?是指除委托行以外,参与办理托收指示的任何银行; ?("提示行"是指向付款人作出指示的代收行。 ,("受票人",就是根据托收指示书,向其作出提示的人。 ;(送交托收的一切单据,必须附有一份完整的明确的托收指示书。银行只被允许按照托收指示书中的规定和根据本规则行事。 如出于某种原因,某一银行不能执行它所收到的托收指示书的规定时,必须立即通知发出托收指示书的一方。 ?义务和责任 第一条 银行应以善意和合理的谨慎行事。 第二条 银行必须核实所收到的单据在表面上与托收指示书所列一致,如发现任何单据有遗漏,应即通知发出指示的一方。 除此以外,银行没有进一步检验单据的义务。 第三条 为了执行委托人的指示,委托行可能利用下列银行作为代收行; I(委托人提名的代收行,如无这样的提名, II(由委托行或其他银行视情况而选择的在付款或承兑所在国家的任何银行。 单据和托收指示书可直接或通过另一银行转手送交代收行。 银行代委托人执行其指示而利用其他银行的服务时,其风险应由委托人承担。 根据外国法律或惯例对银行规定的义务和责任,委托人应受其约束并负赔偿的责任。 第四条 与托收有关的银行,对由于任何通知、信件或单据在寄送途中发生延误和(或)失落所造成的一切后果,或对电报、电传、电子传送系统在传送中发生延误、残缺和其他错误,或对专门性术语在翻译上和解释上的错误,概不承担义务或责任。 第五条 与托收有关的银行,对由于天灾、暴动、骚乱、叛乱、战争或银行本身无法控制的任何其他原因,或对由于罢工或停工致使银行营业间断所造成的一切后果,概不承担义 务和责任。 第六条 除非事先征得同意,货物不应直接运交银行,亦不应以银行为收货人。 如未经银行事先同意,货物直接运交银行或以银行为收货人,以便在付款或承兑(或其他条件)后交给受票人时,该银行并无义务提取货物,对此项货物仍由发货的一方承担风险和责任。 ?提示 第七条 除了委托行和代收行被授权可加贴必须的印花(除另有指示,该费用应由委托人负担)以及作出必要的背书,或加上为托收业务习惯上所需要的任何橡皮戳记或其他用以识别的标记或符号,单据应按交来时的原样向受票人提示。 第八条 托收指示应载明受票人或提示所在地的详细地址。如该地址不完整或不准确,代收行可在其自身不承担义务或责任的前提下,尽力查明其确实地址。 第九条 遇有即期付款的单据,提示行必须毫无延误地提示要求付款。遇有即期付款以外的远期付款的单据,在要求取得承兑时,提示行必须毫无延误地提示要求承兑;当需要付款时,必须不迟于规定的到期日提示要求付款。 第十条 关于跟单托收中包括有远期付款的汇票,该项托收指示书中必须载明在承兑后抑或在付款后将商业单据交给受票人承兑交单或付款交单(D/A OR D/P)。如无此载明,商业单据只有在付款后交付。 ?付款 第十一条 遇有单据是用付款所在国的货币(当地货币)支付,除非在托收指示书中另有规定,提示行必须在当地货币支付后,才能把单据交与受票人,而该项当地货币应依照托收指示中所规定的办法能立即处理。 第十二条 遇有单据是以付款国以外的货币(外国货币)支付,除非在托收指示书中另有规定,提示行必须在有关外国货币支付后才能把单据交与受票人,而该项外国货币应能够依照托收指示书中规定立即汇出。 第十三条 关于光票托收的部分付款,仅在付款地现行法律准许部分付款的限度和条件下,才可以接受。但单据仅在全部款项业已收到时才能交与受票人。 关于跟单托收的部分付款,仅在托收指示书内特别授权的情况下,提示行才能受理。但除另有指示外,提示行仅在全部款项已收到后才能把单据交与受票人。 在任何场合下,只有符合第十一条或第十二条两者之一的规定后才能接受部分付款。 部分付款如一经接受,应按第十四条的规定进行处理。 第十四条 收到的款项(如有各种手续费和(或)开支和(或)费用,则在扣除后)必须按照指示书的规定,无迟延地解交发出指示书的银行予以支配。 ?承兑 第十五条 提示行应负责查看汇票上的承兑形式在表面上是否完整和正确,但对签名的真实性或签名人是否有签署承兑权限概不负责。 ?期票、收据和其他类似的支付凭证 第十六条 提示行对期票、收据或其他类似的支付凭证的签名的真实性或签名人是否有权签署的权限概不负责。 ?拒绝证书 第十七条 托收指示书对于在遭到拒绝承兑或拒绝付款时,是否需要作出拒绝证书(或采取其他可以代替的法律手续)应给予特别指示。 如无此项特别指示,与托收有关的各银行在遭到拒绝付款或拒绝承兑时,并无义务作出拒绝证书(或采取其他可以代替的法律手续)。 银行由于作出拒绝证书或采取其他法律手续而发生的手续费和(或)费用概由委托人负 担。 ?需要时的代理(委托人的代表)和货物的保护 第十八条 如委托人指定一名代表,在遭到拒绝承兑和(或)拒绝付款时,作为需要时的代理,则在托收指示书中应明确而充分地指明此项代理的权限。 如无此项指明,银行对需要时代理的任何命令可以不受理。 第十九条 银行对于跟单托收项下的货物无义务采取任何措施。 然而,无论是否得到指示,如银行为了保护货物而采取了措施,它们不对货物的处境和(或)状况负责,也不对任何受委托看管和(或)保护货物的第三者的行为和(或)不行为负责。但是,代收行应立即将所采取的措施通知发出托收指示书的一方。 银行由于采取保护货物的措施而发生的手续费和(或)费用概由委托人负担。 ?托收结果的通知及其他 第二十条 代收行应按照下列规则通知托收结果: I(通知的方式:代收行向发出托收指示书的银行送交所有的通知和消息应载明必要的详细 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ,在任何场合下,都应包括后者托收指示书上的编号。 II(通知的方法:在无特别指示时,代收行应以最快的邮寄向发出托收指示的银行送出所有通知,代收行如认为情况紧急,也可采用更快的方法,如电报、电传、电子传送系统等,其费用均由委托人负担。 III((,)付款通知:代收行应毫无延误地将付款通知送交发出托收指示书的银行,详细列明收到的金额(扣除手续和(或)开支和(或)费用),以及处理款项的方法。 (,)承兑通知:代收行应毫无延误地将承兑通知送交发出托收指示书的银行。 (;)拒绝付款或拒绝承兑的通知:托收行应毫无延误地将拒绝付款或拒绝承兑的通知送交发出托收指示书的银行。 提示行应设法确定拒绝付款或拒绝承兑的理由,并相应地通知发出托收指示书的银行。 委托行收到该项通知后,必须在合理的时间内作出进一步处理单据的相应指示。如在送出拒绝付款或拒绝承兑通知的,,天内,提示行仍未接到该项指示时,可将单据退回发出托收指示书的银行。 ?利息、手续费和费用 第二十一条如托收指示书中包括收取利息的指示,但在随付的资金单据上未予表明,而受票人拒付利息时,除非托收指示书上明示规定该项利息不能免除者外,提示行可以不收利息而将单据按不同情况在付款或承兑后交与受票人。当需要收取该项利息时,托收指示书上应载明利率和算收的时间。如利息遭到拒付,提示行应即通知发出托收指示书的银行。 如单据中所包括的资金单据,并注明了无条件的和肯定的利息条款时,则应认为其利息数额应是托收金额的组成部分。因此,除非托收指示书另有授权,对资金单据上所列的本金外还要加上应收利息,否则不能免除。 第二十二条托收指示书中列有托收手续费和(或)费用统归受票人负担的指示而受票人拒绝负担时,除非托收指示书明示规定该项手续费和(或)费用不得免除者,指示行可免收手续费和(或)费用并按不同情况付款交单或承兑交单。当托收手续费和(或)费用遭到拒付时,提示行应即通知发出托收指示的银行。在托收手续和(或)费用免除的情况下,仍应由委托人负担,并可在收到的款项内扣除。 如托收指示书明确规定不准免除托收手续和(或)费用,则委托行、代收行或提示行对由此而引起的任何费用和延误均不负责。 第二十三条属下述各种情况:即按托收指示书所明示规定的条款或根据本规则,开支和(或)托收手续费应由委托人负担者,代收行有权迅速向发出指示书的银行收回其有关开支、费用和手续费的支出。委托行不论该项托收的结果如何亦有权迅速地向委托人收回任何数额 的上述垫款及其本身的开支、费用和手续费。 跟单托收统一规则第522号(URC522)英文版 ICC Uniform Rules for Collections ICC Publication No. 522 1995 Revision in force as of January 1, 1996 CONTENT A. General Provisions and Definitions Application of URC 522 Definition of Collection Parties to a Collection B. Form and Structure of Collections C.Form of Presentation Presentation Sight/Acceptance Release of Commercial Documents Documents Against Acception (D/A) vs Documents Against Payment (D/P) Creation of Documents D.Liabilities and Responsibilities Good Faith and Reasonable Care Documents vs. Goods/Services/Performances Disclaimer for Acts of an Instructed Party Disclaimer on Documents Received Disclaimer on Effectiveness of Documents Disclaimer on Delays,Loss in Transit and Translation Force Majeure E. Payment Payment Without Delay Payment in Local Currency Payment in Foreign Currency Partial Payment F.Interest,Charges and Expenses Interest Charges and Expenses G. Other Provisions Acceptance Promissory Notes and other Instructions Protest Case-of-Need Advices A. General Provisions and Definitions Article 1 Application of URC 522 a. The Uniform Rules for Collections, 1995 Revision, ICC Publication No.522, shall apply to all collections as defined in Article 2 where such rules are incorporated into the text of the “collection instruction” referred to in Article 4 and are binding on all parties thereto unless otherwise expressly agreed or contrary to the provisions of a national,state or local law and/or regulation which cannot be departed from. b. Banks shall have no obligation to handle either a collection or any collection instruction or subsequent related instructions. c. If a bank elects, for any reason, not to handle a collection or any related instructions received by it, it must advise the party from whom it received the collection or the instructions by telecommunication or, if that is not possible, by other expeditious means, without delay. Article 2 Definition of Collection For the purposes of these Articles: a.“Collection”means the handling by banks of documents as defined in sub-Article 2 (b), in accordance received, in order to: I. obtain payment and/or acceptance, or II. deliver documents against payment and/or against acceptance,or III. deliver documents on other terms and conditions. “Documents”means financial documents and/or commercial documents: I. “Financial documents”means bills of exchange,promissory notes, cheques, or other similar instruments used for obtaining the payment of money; II. “Commercial documents” means invoice,transport documents,documents of title or other similar documents,or any other documents whatsoever, not being financial documents. c.”Clean collection” means collection of financial documents not accompanied by commercial documents. d.”Documentary collection”means collection of: I. financial documents accompanied by commercial documents; II.Commercial documents not accompanied by financial documents. Article 3 a. For the purposes of these Articles the “parties thereto” are: I. the “principal” who is the party entrusting the handling of a collection to a bank; II. the “remitting bank” which is the bank to which the principal has entrusted the handling of a collection; III. “collecting bank” which is any bank,other than the remitting bank, involved in processing the collection; IV. the “presenting bank” which is the collecting bank making presentation to the drawee. b. The “drawee” is the one to whom presentation is to be made in accordance with the collection instruction. B(Form and Structure of Collections Article 4 Collection Instruction A i. All documents sent for collection must be accompanied by a collection instruction indicating that the collection is subject to URC522 and giving complete and precise instructions. Banks are only permitted to act upon the instructions given in such collection instruction,and in accordance with these Rules. ii. Banks will not examine documents in order to obtain instructions. iii. Unless otherwise authorized in the collection instruction, banks will disregard any instructions from any party/bank other than the party/bank from whom they received the collections. B A collection instruction should contain the following items of information,as appropriate. i. Details of the bank from which the collection was received including full name,postal and SWIFT addresses,telex,telephone,facsimile numbers and referece. ii. Details of the principal including full name, postal address,and if applicable telex,telephone and facsimile numbers. iii. Details of the drawee including full name,postal address,or the domicile at which presentation is to be made and if applicable telex, telephone and facsimile numbers. iv. Details of the presenting bank,if any,including full name,postal address,and if applicable telex, telephone and facsimile numbers. v. Amount(s) and currency(ies) to be collected. vi. List of documents enclosed and the numerial count of each document. vii. a) Terms and conditions upon which payment and/or acceptance is to be obtained. b) Terms of delivery of documents against: 1) payment and/or acceptance 2)other terms and conditions It is the responsibility of the party preparing the collection instruction to ensure that the terms for the delivery of documents are clearly and unambiguously stated, otherwise banks will not be responsible for any consequences arising therefrom. viii. Charges to be collected, indicating whether they may be waived or not. ix. Interest to be collected, if applicable, indicating whether it may be waived or not, including: a) rate of interest b) interest period c) basis of calculation (for example 360 or 365 days in year) as applicable. x. Method of payment and form of payment advice. xi. Instrucitons in case of non-payment, non-acceptance and/or non-compliance with other instructions. i. Collection instructions should bear the complete address of the drawee or of the domicile at which the presentation is to be made. If the address is incomplete or incorrect, the collecting bank may, without any liability and responsibility on its part, endeavour to ascertain the proper address. ii. The collecting bank will not be liable or responsible for any ensuing delay as a result of an incomplete.incorrect address being provided. B. Form of Presentation Article 5 Presentation a. For the purposes of these Articles, presentation is the procedure whereby the presenting bank makes the documents available to the drawee as instructed. b. The collection instruction should state the exact period of time within which any action is to be taken by the drawee. Expressions such as “first”, “prompt”,”immediate”, and the like should not be used in connection with presentation or with reference to any period of time within which documents have to be taken up or for any other action that is to be taken by the drawee. If such terms are used banks will disregard them. c. Documents are to be presented to the drawee in the form in which they are received, except that banks are authorized to affix any necessary stamps, at the expense of the party from whom they received the collection unless otherwise instructed, and to make any necessary endorsements or place any rubber stamps or other identifying marks or symbols customary to or required for the collection operation. d. For the purpose of giving effect to the instructions of the principal, the remitting bank will utilize the bank nominated by the principal as the collecting bank. In the absence of such nomination, the remitting bank will utilize any bank of its own, or another bank’s choice in the country of payment or acceptance or in the country where other terms and conditions have to be complied with. e. The documents and collection instruction may be sent directly by the remitting bank to the collecting bank or through another bank as intermediary. f. If the remitting bank does not nominate a specific presenting bank, the collecting bank may utilize a presenting bank of its choice. Article 6 Sight/Acceptance In the case of documents payable at sight the presenting bank must make presentation for payment without delay. In the case of documents payable at a tenor other than sight the presenting bank must, where acceptance is called for, make presentation for acceptance without delay, and where payment is called for, make presentation for payment not later than the appropriate maturity date. Article 7 Release of Commercial Documents Documents Against Acceptance (D/A) vs. Documents Against Payment (D/P) a.Collection should not contain bills of exchange payable at a future date with instruction that commercial documents are to be delivered against payment. b. If a collection contains a bill of exchange payable at a future date, the collection instruction should state whether the commercial documents are to be released to the drawee against acceptance (D/A) or against payment (D/P). In the absence of such statement commercial documents will be released only against payment and the collecting bank will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of any delay in the delivery of documents. c. If a collection contains a bill of exchange payable at a future date and the collection instruction indicates that commercial documents are to be released against payment, documents will be released only against such payment and the collecting bank will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of any delay in the delivery of documents. Article 8 Creation of Documents Where the remitting bank instructs that either the collecting bank or the drawee is to create documents (bills of exchange promissory notes, trust receipts,letters of undertaking or other documents) that were not included in the collection, the form and wording of such documents shall be provided by the remitting bank, otherwise the collecting bank shall not be liable or responsible for the form and wording of any such document provided by the collecting bank and/or the drawee. C. Liabilities and Responsibilities Good faith and Reasonable Care Banks will act in good faith and exercise reasonable care. Article 10 Documents vs. Goods/Services/Performances a.Goods should not be dispatched directly to the address of a bank or consigned to or to the order of a bank without prior agreement on the part of that bank. Nvertheless, in the event that goods are dispatched directly to the address of a bank or consigned to or to the order of a bank for release to a drawee against payment or acceptance or upon other terms and conditions without prior agreement on the part of that bank, such bank shall have no obligation to take delivery of the goods, which remain at the risk and responsibility of the party dispatching the goods. b. Banks have no obligation to take any action in respect of the goods to which a documentary collection relates, including storage and insurance of the goods even when specific instructions are given to do so. Banks will only take such action if, when, and to the extent that they agree to do so in each case, notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article 1 (c), this rule applies even in the absence of any specific advice to this effect by the collecting bank. c. Nevertheless, in the case that banks take action for the protection of the goods, whether instructed or not, they assume no liability or responsibility with regard to the fate and/or condition of the goods and/or for any acts and/or omissions on the part of any third parties entrusted with the custody and/or protection of the goods. However, the collecting bank must advise without delay the bank from which the collection instruction was received of any such action taken. d. Any charges and/or expensed incurred by banks in connection with any action taken to protect the goods will be for the account of the party from whom they received the collection. e. i. Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article 10 (a), where the goods are consigned to or the order of the collecting bank and the drawee has honoured the collection by payment, acceptance or other terms and conditions, and the collecting bank arranges for the authorized the collecting bank to do so. ii.Where a collecting bank on the instructions of the remitting bank or in terms of sub-article 10 (e) i, arranges for the release of the goods, the remitting bank shall indemnify such collecting bank for all damages and expenses incured. Article 11 Disclaimer For Acts of an Instructed Party a. Banks utilizing the services of another bank or other banks for the purposes of giving effect to the instructions of the principal, do so for the account and at the risk of such principal. b. Banks assume no liability or responsibility should the instructions they transmit not be carried out, even if they have themselves taken the initiative in the choice of such other bank(s). c. A party instructing another party to perform services shall be bound by and liable to indemnify the instructed party against all obligations and responsibilities imposed by foreign laws and usages. Article 12 Disclaimer on Documents Received a.Bank must determine that the documents received appear to be as listed in the collection instruction and must advise by telecom-munication or, if that is not possible, by other expeditious means, without delay, the party from whom the collection instruction was received of any documents missing, or found t be other than listed. Banks have no further obligation in this respect. b. If the documents do not appear to be listed, the remitting bank shall be precluded from disputing the type and number of documents received by the collecting bank. c. Subject to sub-article 5 (c) and sub-article 12 (a) and 12 (b) above, banks will present documents as received without further examination. Article 13 Disclaimer on Effectiveness of Documents Banks assume no liability or responsibility ofr the form, sufficiency,accuracy,genuineness,falsification or legal effect of any document (s) or superimposed thereon; nor do they assume any liability, condition,packing ,delivery, value of existence of the goods represented by any document (s),or for the good faith or acts and/or omission,solvency,performance or standing of the consignors, the carriers,the forwarders,the consignees or the insurers of the goods, or any other person whomsoever. Article 14 Disclaimer on Delays,Loss in Transit and Translation a.Banks assume no liability or responsibility for the consequences arising out of delay and/or loss in transit of any message (s), letter(s) or document(s), or for delay,mutilation or other error(s) arising in transmission of any telecommunication or for error(s) in translation and/or interpretation of technical terms. b. Banks will not be liable or responsible for any delays resulting from the need to obtain clarification of any instructions received. Article 15 Force Majeure Banks assume no liability or responsibility for consequence arising out of the interruption of their business by Acts of God, riots,civil commotios,insurrections, wars, or any other causes beyond their control or by strikes or lockouts. D. Payment Article 16 Payment Without Delay a.Amounts collected (less charges and/or disbursements and/or expenses where applicable) must be made available without delay to the party from whom the collection instruction was received in accordance with the terms and conditions of the collection instruction. b. Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article 1 (c) and unless otherwise agreed, the collecting bank will effect payment of the amounts collected in favour of the remitting bank only. Article 17 Payment in Local Currency In the case of documents payable in the currency of the country of payment (local currency), the presenting bank must, unless otherwise instructed in the collection instruction, release the documents to the drawee against payment in local currency only if such currency is immediately available for disposal in the manner specified in the collection instruction. Article 18 Payment in Foreign Currency In the case of documents payable in a currency other than of the country of payment (foreign currency), the presenting bank must, unless otherwise instructed in the collection instruction,release the documents to the drawee against payment in the designed foreign currency only if such foreign currency can immediately remitted in accordance with the instructions given in the collection instruction. Article 19 Partial Payments a.In respect of clean collections, partial payments may be accepted if and to the extent to which and on the conditions on which partial payments are authorized by the law in force in the place of payment. The financial document(s) will be released to the drawee only when full payment thereof has been received. b. In respect of documentary collection, partial payments will only be accepted if specifically authorized in the collection instruction. However,unless otherwise instructed, the presenting bank will release the documents to the drawee only after full payment has been received, and the presenting bank will not be responsible for any consequence arising out of any delay in the delivery of documents. c.In all cases partial payments will be accepted only subject to compliance with the provisions of either Article 17 or Article 18 as appropriate. Partial payment, if accepted, will be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Article 16. E. Interest, Charges and Expenses Article 20 Interest a.If the collection instruction specifies that interest is to be collected and the drawee refuses to pay such interest, the presenting bank may deliver the document (s) against payment of acceptance or on other terms and conditions as the case may be, without collecting such interest, unless sub-article 20 (c) applies. b. Where such interest is to be collected, the collection instruction must specify the rate of interest,interest period and basis of calculation. c.Where the collection instruction expressly states that interest may not be waived and the drawee refuses to pay such interest the presenting abnk will not deliver document and will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of any delay in the delivery of document(s). When payment of interest has been refused, the presenting bank must inform by telecommunication or, if that is not possible, by other expeditious means without delay the bank from which the collection instruction was received. Article 21 Charges and Expenses a.If the collection instruction specifies that collection charges and/or expenses are to be ofr account of the drawee and the drawee refuses to pay them, the presenting bank may deliver the document(s) against payment or acceptance or on other terms and conditions as the case may be, without collecting charges and/or expenses,unless sub-article 21 (b) applies. Whenever collection charges and/or expenses are so waived they will be for the account of the party from whom the collection was received and may be deducted from the proceeds. b.Where the collection instruction expressly states that charges and/or expenses may not be waived and the drawee refuses to pay such charges and/or expenses, the presenting bank will not deliver documents and will not be responsible for any consequence arising out of any delay in the delivery of the document(s). When payment of collection charges and/or expenses has been refused the presenting bank must inform by telecommunication or, if that is not possible, by other expeditious means without delay the bank from which the collection instruction was received. c.In all cases where in the express terms of a collection instruction or under these Rules, disbursements and/or expenses and/or collection charges are to be borne by the principal, the collecting bank(s) shall be entitled to recover promptly outlays in respect of disbursements,expenses and charges from the bank form which the collection instruction ws received, and the remitting bank shall be entitled to recover promptly from the principal any amount so paid out by it,together with its own disbursements,expenses and charges,regardless of the fate of the collection. d.Banks reserve the right to demand payment of charges and/or expenses in advance from the party from whom the collection instruction was received, to cover costs in attempting to carry out any instructions, and pending receipt of such payment also reserve the right not to carry out such instructions. F. Other Provisions Article 22 Acceptance The presenting bank is responsible for seeing that the form of the acceptance of a bill of exchange appears to be complete and correct, but is not responsible for the genuineness of any signature or for the authority of any signatory to sign the acceptance. Article 23 Promissory Notes and Other Instructions The presenting bank is not responsible fo the genuineness of any signature or for the authority of any signature to sign a promissory note, receipt,or other instruments. Article 24 Protest The collection instruction should give specific instructions regarding protest (or other legal process in lieu thereof), in the event of non-payment or non-acceptance. In the absence of such specific instructions, the banks concerned with the collection have no obligation to have the document(s) protested (or subjected to other legal process in lieu thereof) for non-payment or non-acceptance. Any charges and/or expenses incurred by banks in connection with such protest, or other legal process,will be for the account of the party from whom the collection instruction was received. Article 25 Case-of-Need If the principal nominates a representative to act as case-of-need in the event of non-payment and/or non-acceptance the collection instruction should clearly and fully indicate the powers of such case-of-need. In the absence of such indication banks will not accept any instructions from the case-of-need. Article 26 Advices Collecting banks are to advise fate in accordance with the following rules: a.Form of Advise All advices of information from the collecting bank to the bank from which the collection instruction was received, must bear appropriate details including, in all cases,the latter bank’s reference as stated in the collection instruction. b.Method of Advice It shall be the responsibility of the remitting bank to instruct the collecting bank regarding the method by which the advices detailed in (c) i, (c) ii and (c) iii are to be given. In the absence of such instructions, the collecting bank will send the relative advices by the method of its choice at the expense of the bank from which the collection instruction was received. c. i. Advice of Payment The collecting bank must send without delay advice of payment to the bank from which the collection instruction was received, detailing the amount or amounts collected,charges and/or disbursements and/or expenses deducted, where appropriate, and method of disposal of the funds. ii.Advice of Acceptance The collecting bank must send without delay advice of acceptance to the bank from which the collection instruction was received. iii.Advice of Non-payment and/or Non-acceptance The presenting bank should endeavour to ascertain the reasons for non-payment and/or non-acceptance and advise accordingly, without delay,the bank from which it received the collection instruction. The presenting bank must send without delay advice of non-payment and/or advice of non-acceptance to the bank form which it received the collection instruction. On receipt of such advice the remitting bank must give appropriate instructions as to the further handling of the documents. If such instructions are not received by the presenting bank within 60 days after its advice of non-payment and/or non-acceptance, the documents may be returned to the bank from which the collection instruction was received without any further responsibility on the part of the presenting bank.
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