首页 《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995)



《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995)《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995) romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining vi...

《土壤环境质量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》(GB15618-1995) romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well 《土壤环境质量标准》GB 15618-1995 批准日期 1995-05-01 实施日期 1995-05-01 土壤环境质量标准 Environmental quality standard for soils GB 15618-1995 为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,防止土壤污染,保护生态环境,保障农林生产,维护人体健康,制定本标准。 1 主题内容与达用范围 1.1 主题内容 本标准按土壤应用功能、保护目标和土壤主要性质,规定了土壤中污染物的最高允许浓度指标值及相应的监测方法。 1.2 适用范围 本标准适用于农田、蔬菜地、茶园、果园、牧场、林地、自然保护区等地的土壤。 2 术语 2.1 土壤:指地球陆地表面能够生长绿色植物的疏松层。 2.2 土壤阳离子交换量:旨带负电荷的土壤胶体,借静电引力而对溶液中的阳离子所吸附的数量,以每千克干土所含全部代换性防离子的厘摩尔(按一价离子计)数表示。 3 土壤环境质量分类和标准分级 3.1 土壤环境质量分类 romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well 根据土壤应用功能和保护目标,划分为三类: ?类主要适用于国家规定的自然保护区(原有背景重金属含量高的除外)、集中式生活饮用水源地、茶园、牧场和其他保护地区的土壤,土壤质量基本 保持自然背景水平。 ?类主要适用于一般农田、蔬菜地、茶园、果园、牧场等土壤,土壤质量基本上对植物和环境不造成危害和污染。 ?类主要适用于林地土壤及污染物容量较大的高背景值土壤和矿产附近等地的农田土壤(蔬菜地除外)。土壤质量基本上对植物和环境不造成危害和污染。 3.2 标准分级 一级标准 为保护区域自然生态,维持自然背景的土壤环境质量的限制值。 二级标准 为保障农业生产,维护人体健康的土壤限制值。 三级标准 为保障农林业生产和植物正常生长的土壤临界值。 3.3 各类土壤环境质量执行标准的级别规定如下: ?类土壤环境质量执行一级标准; ?类土壤环境质量执行二级标准; ?类土壤环境质量执行三级标准; 4 标准值 本标准规定的三级标准值,见表1。 表1 土壤环境质理标准值 mg/kg 级别 一级 二级 三级 <6.5 >7.5 >6.5 土壤pH值 自然背景 6.5,7.5 项目 0.20 0.30 0.60 1.0 镉 ? 0.15 0.30 0.50 1.0 1.5 汞 ? 15 30 25 20 30 砷 水田 ? 15 40 30 25 40 旱地 ? 35 50 100 100 400 铜 农田等? 150 200 200 400 果园 ? — 35 250 300 350 500 铅 ? 90 250 300 350 400 铬 水田 ? as dispute resolution mechanisms, implement fully the petitioners ' cases "third-party" hearings and supervising system of letters and calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the orbit of rule of law, vexatious, Twining visit visit, disturbing social order and other malicious extortion, resolutely crack down. Five, improving cadres Vitale, provide strong protection for forest development XI General Secretary stressed that the comprehensive revitalization in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid style, cadres of the dare to play. Cadre cadres is a pledge, should want to do work and able to do good, enthusiasm is paramount. Treat party cadres, it is necessary to Strict management, and warm care, enable the broad masses of cadres work hard work, this is two parallel principles. In strict accordance with the standards of good cadres selection and appointment, the real officers, dare officers, those who want to play, good as excellent cadres at all levels of leadership in the past. At present, some leading cadres work initiative is not high, beyond political, idle, lazy governance governance, not as, slow, messy and a phenomenon still exist to varying degrees, affected and restricted economic and social development. We must mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres as an urgent task, adhere to combination of incentives and constraints, and adhere to the strict management and warm care, practical solution "for the officers not to" problem, motivate cadres and better lead the masses to an undertaking, the cadres and create the new achievement in a dare to play, good at shows as new. To identify the problem, accurate pulse. All things reflected all cadres "for the officers not to" there are 3 main romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well 90 150 200 250 300 旱地 ? 100 200 250 300 500 锌 ? 40 40 50 60 200 镍 ? 0.05 0.50 1.0 六六六 ? 0.05 0.50 1.0 滴滴涕 ? 注:?重金属(铬主要是三价)和砷均按元素量计,适用于阳离子交换量>5cmol(+)/kg的土壤, 若?5cmol(+)/kg,其标准值为表内数值的半数。 ?六六六为四种异构体总量,滴滴涕为四种衍生物总量。 ?水旱轮作地的土壤环境质量标准,砷采用水田值,铬采用旱地值。 5 监测 5.1 采样方法:土壤监测方法参照国家环保局的《环境监测 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 方法》、《土壤元素的近代分析方法》(中国环境监测总站编的有关章节进行。国家有关方法标准颁布后,按国家标准执行。 5.2 分析方法按表2执行。 表2 土壤环境质量标准选配分析方法 分析方法 检测范围 序号 项目 测定方法 注释 mg/kg 来源 土样经盐酸-硝酸-高氯酸(或盐酸-硝酸-氢氟酸- 高氯酸)消解后 0.025以 镉 上 0.005以土壤总镉 ?、? 1 (1)萃取-火焰原子吸收法测定 上 (2)石墨记原子吸收分光光度法测定 土样经硝酸-硫酸-五氧化二钒或硫、硝酸锰酸钾消汞 0.004以上 土壤总汞 ?、? 2 解后,冷原子吸收法测定 续表2 检测范围 分析方法 来序号 项目 测定方法 注释 源 mg/kg romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well (1)土样经硫酸-硝酸-高氯酸消解后,二 乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银分光光度法测 0.5以上 0.1以定 砷 土壤总砷 ?、? ? 3 上 (2)土样经硝酸-盐酸-高氯酸消解后,硼 氢化钾-硝酸银分光光度法测定 土样经盐酸-硝酸-高氯酸(或盐酸-硝酸 铜 -氢氟酸-高氯酸)消解后,火焰原子吸收1.0以上 土壤总铜 ?、? 4 分光光度法测定 土样经盐酸-硝酸-氢氟酸-高氯酸消解 0.4以上 0.06后(1)萃取-火焰原子吸收法测定 铅 土壤总铅 ? 5 以上 (2)石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定 土样经硫酸-硝酸-氢氟酸消解后, 1.0以上 2.5以(1)高锰酸钾氧,二苯碳酰二肼光度法测铬 土壤总铬 ? 6 上 定(2)加氯化铵液,火焰原子吸收分光光 度法测定 土样经盐酸-硝酸-高氯酸(或盐酸-硝酸 锌 -氢氟酸-高氯酸)消解后,火焰原子吸收0.5以上 土壤总锌 ?、? 7 分光光度法测定 土样经盐酸-硝酸-高氯酸(或盐酸-硝酸 镍 -氢氟酸-高氯酸)肖解后,火焰原子吸收2.5以上 土壤总镍 ? 8 分光光度法测定 六六六和滴滴丙酮-石油醚提取,浓硫酸净化,用带电GB/T 0.005以上 9 娣 子捕获检测器的气相色谱仪测定 14550-93 玻璃电极法(土?水=1.0?2.5) ? 10 pH — 阳离子交换量 乙酸铵法等 ? 11 — 注:分析方法除土壤六六六和滴滴涕有国标外,其他项目待国家方法标准发布后执行,现暂采用下列方法: ?《环境监测分析方法》,1983,城乡建设环境保护部环境保护局; ?《土壤元素的近代分析方法》,1992,中国环境监测总站编,中国环境科学出版社; ?《土壤理化分析》,1978,中国科学院南京土壤研究所编,上海科技出版社。 6 标准的实施 as dispute resolution mechanisms, implement fully the petitioners ' cases "third-party" hearings and supervising system of letters and calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the orbit of rule of law, vexatious, Twining visit visit, disturbing social order and other malicious extortion, resolutely crack down. Five, improving cadres Vitale, provide strong protection for forest development XI General Secretary stressed that the comprehensive revitalization in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid style, cadres of the dare to play. Cadre cadres is a pledge, should want to do work and able to do good, enthusiasm is paramount. Treat party cadres, it is necessary to Strict management, and warm care, enable the broad masses of cadres work hard work, this is two parallel principles. In strict accordance with the standards of good cadres selection and appointment, the real officers, dare officers, those who want to play, good as excellent cadres at all levels of leadership in the past. At present, some leading cadres work initiative is not high, beyond political, idle, lazy governance governance, not as, slow, messy and a phenomenon still exist to varying degrees, affected and restricted economic and social development. We must mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres as an urgent task, adhere to combination of incentives and constraints, and adhere to the strict management and warm care, practical solution "for the officers not to" problem, motivate cadres and better lead the masses to an undertaking, the cadres and create the new achievement in a dare to play, good at shows as new. To identify the problem, accurate pulse. All things reflected all cadres "for the officers not to" there are 3 main romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well 6.1 本标准由各级人民政府环境保护行政主管部门负责监督实施,各级人民政府的有关行政主管 部门依照有关法律和规定实施。 6.2 各级人民政府环境保护行政主管部门根据土壤应用功能和保护目标会同有关部门划分本辖区 土壤环境质量类别,报同级人民政府批准。 附加说明: 本标准由国家环境保护局科技标准司提出。 本标准由国家环境保护局南京环境科学研究所负责起草,中国科学院地理研究所、北京农业大学、 中国科学院南京土壤研究所等单位参加。 本标准主要起草人夏家淇、蔡道基、夏增禄、王宏康、武玫玲、梁伟等。 本标准由国家环境保护局负责解释。 romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well
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