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中石油职称英语网赵老师教案中石油职称英语网赵老师教案 1(English is a Crazy Language英语是一种疯狂的语言 1(Let?s face it——English is a crazy language. 让我们接受现实吧——英语是一种疯狂的语言。 There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger;neither apple nor pine in pineapple(茄子(eggplant,字面意为鸡蛋植物)里并没有鸡蛋,汉堡包(hamburger,字面意为火腿火饼...

中石油职称英语网赵老师 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 1(English is a Crazy Language英语是一种疯狂的语言 1(Let?s face it——English is a crazy language. 让我们接受现实吧——英语是一种疯狂的语言。 There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger;neither apple nor pine in pineapple(茄子(eggplant,字面意为鸡蛋植物)里并没有鸡蛋,汉堡包(hamburger,字面意为火腿火饼)里也没有火腿。同样,菠萝(pineapple,字面意为松树苹果)里既没有松树也没有苹果。 English muffins weren?t invented in England nor French fries in France(松饼(English muffin,字面意为英式松饼)并不是英国人发明的,而炸薯条(French fries,字面意为法式油炸食品)也不是法国人的发明。 Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads,which aren?t sweet,are meat( “甜肉”(sweetmeat)指的是蜜饯,而“甜面包”(sweetbread)不是甜的,它指的是牛杂碎。 2(We take English for granted. 我们理所当然地接受了英语的一切。 But if we explore its paradoxes,we find that quicksand can work slowly,boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig(但是如果我们分析一下英语中似是而非的情况,我们马上就会发现“快的沙子”(quicksand,流沙,也指陷阱,困境)往往走得很慢,“拳击的圆圈”(boxing rings,拳击场)是方的,“几内亚猪”(guinea pig,天竺鼠)既不是来自几内亚,也不是猪。 And why is it that writers write but fingers don?t fing(grocers don?t groce and hammers don?t ham? 还有,既然名词作家(writers)去掉词尾的rs就可以成为动词“写作(write)”,那为什么名词手指(fingers)、杂货店(grocers)、锤子(hammers)去掉rs就不能成为各自相对应的动词呢? If the plural of tooth is teeth,why isn?t the plural of booth beeth ? 如果牙齿的复数是teeth,那为什么售货亭的复数不是beeth? If you have one goose, two geese, why not one moose, two meese, or one index, two indices?一只鹅我们用goose,两只鹅用geese,那么,一只驼鹿用moose(单复数同形),两只驼鹿就应该是meese了?为什么一条索引是index,两条索引却成了indices? 3(Doesn?t it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend, or that you can comb through the annals of history but not a single annal? 如果你赔偿时只能赔偿复数不能赔偿单数,这足不是很莫名其妙?你可以梳理历史的复数编年史,为什么却不能复习某一个单个的编年史? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?如果你有一堆麻烦,那么在你把其他的都解决了只剩下一个的时候该怎么说呢? 4(If teachers taught,why didn?t preachers praught? 如果教师教学是taught,那为什么传教士传教不是praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables,what does a humanitarian eat?如果素食主义者(vegetarian)吃蔬菜(vegetables),那人道主义者(humanitarian)吃什么? 5(Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane(有时候我觉得根据英国人说话时疯狂的用词可以将他们送进精神病院。 In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital; ship by truck and send cargo by ship;have noses that run and feet that smell;park on driveways and drive on parkways?哪一种语言人们可以在一出戏中朗诵,在朗诵中玩(分别指演戏和开独唱会)?用卡车运船,用船运货(分别指用卡车运输和用船运输)?鼻子可以跑而脚可以闻味道(分别指流鼻涕和脚有臭味)?车可以停在驾驶路上,而且在停车路上驾驶(driveway从字面上理解是驾驶路,parkway从字面上理解是停车路)。 6(How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same,while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites,and quite a lot and quite a few are alike? 为什么一个苗条的机会(slim chance,指没机会)和一个肥胖的机会(fat chance,也指没机会)意思是一样的,而一个聪明的人(wise man,聪明人)和一个聪明的家伙(wise guy,自作聪明的人)却意思相反?为什么相当多(quite a lot)和相当少(quite a few)意思一样?(实际上quite a lot和quite a few都是相当多的意思。) How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another?为什么天气可以热得像地狱也可以冷得像地狱?(as hell字面意思像地狱一样,指非常) 7(You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm clock goes off by going on(你不得不对这种精神病一样的语言表示惊奇,在这种语言中,你的房子在被烧下去(burn down,意为烧为平地)的同时又被烧上去(burn up为烧起来,烧掉)。你用填出来(fill out,意为填写)的方法填进去(fill in,意思也是填写)一个表格。闹钟在走(go on)的时候响(go off)了。 8(English was invented by people,not computers,and it reflects the creativity of the human race. 英语是人而不是机器创造出来的语言,它反映了人类的创造性。 That is why,when the stars are out,they are visible,but when the lights are out,they are invisible(这也是为什么当星星出来的时候,他们是看得见的,当阳光出来(out)的时候是看不见的。 And why,when I wind up my watch,I start it,but when I wind up this essay, I end it?同理,我“处理”我的手表之后,它就开始(走)了;而我“处理”完这篇文章后,它却结束了。 2( All I Learned in Kindergarten幼儿园所学的„„ 1(Most of what I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be, I learned in kindergarten . 大部分在生活中真正需要的,包括怎样生活,该做些什么,又该怎样去做,这些都是我在幼儿园时学会的。 Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate mountain, but there in the sandpile at nursery school(智慧不在研究生院的山巅之上,而在幼儿园的沙堆里。 2(These are the things I learned:以下就是我从幼儿园中学到的。 Share everything. 分享所有的东西; Play fair(行为光明磊落; Don?t hit people(不要攻击别人; Put things back where you found them.(10语法) 东西要放回原处; Clean up your own mess(自己弄脏的地方自己收拾好; Don?t take things that aren?t yours(不要拿走不属于自己的东西; Say you?re sorry when you hurt somebody. 如果你伤害了别人就得道歉; Wash your hands before you eat.饭前洗手; Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you(热的甜点和凉的牛奶对身体有益; Live a balanced life(生活要有张有弛, Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work everyday some(,)(学点东西、想点问题、写写画画、唱唱跳跳,休息和工作,每样事天天都要干一点。 3(Take a nap every afternoon(每天下午小睡一会儿。 When you go out into the world,watch for traffic(当大家外出时,注意交通安全, Hold hands and stick together. 记得手挽手,彼此互相扶持。 Be aware of wonder(多多注意那些生活的奇迹。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 Remember the little seed in the plastic cup? 你一定还记得那个塑料杯里的小小的种子吧, The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that. 它不断地往下扎根,枝叶不断地向空中伸展。没有人真正知道它在怎样生长,也不知道是为 了什么。但有一点很明白,我们也像他们一样地长大。 4(Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the plastic cup——they all die. 金鱼、仓鼠以及小白鼠甚至是花盆中小小的一颗种子,最后他们的生命部将消亡。 So do we.我们明白自己同样也不能避免。 5. And then remember the book about Dick and Jane and the first word you learned,the biggest word of all:Look(同时还记得《迪克与珍妮》的书,以及从书中学到的第一个词,也是最 了不起的一个词:观察。 Everything you need to know is in there somewhere(The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and sane living. 你所需要了解的任何事情:包括为人的准则、 爱、应注意的基本卫生,生态环境和政治哲学以及健全的生活方式,你都能在该书的某个地 方找到答案。 6(Think of what a better world it would be if we all——the whole world——had cookies and milk about 3 o?clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap想一想,如果 我们大家——全世界所有的人——每天下午3点左右都能够享受甜点和牛奶,然后盖上被单 美美的睡上一小会儿; or if we had a basic policy in our nations to always put things back where we found them and cleaned up our own messes(如果每一个国家都能够遵循一个基本的立国之道,即东西放回原 处,自己弄脏的地方自己收拾好,那么这个世界将是多么的美好啊。 And it is still true,no matter how old you are,when you go out into the world,it is better to hold hands and stick together. 无论你年龄有多大,当你出去时,当你进入社会之时,最好是和别 人手牵手,相互扶持,团结一致。无论如何,这是一个颠扑不破的真理。 3.On Mobile Office 移动的办公室 1.Mobile office is the mutual product of economic, scientific, and social progress. 移动办公室是经济、科技、社会三者发展进步的共同产物。 Mobile office has become a solution that provides users with convenient, prompt, safe, reliable, and reasonably priced communications and office faculty anywhere anytime via the support of mobile interconnection platform (MIP) and its applications systems. 通过无线互联平台(MIP)及其应用系统的支撑,移动办公室已经成为一种能够使用户获得 随时随地、简便快捷、安全可靠、价格合理的通信和办公能力的解决方案。 Using mobile office and WAP technology, people can do their work anywhere anytime, (10语法) can send and receive data via terminals such as mobile phone, palm computer, and PDA, and can surf the Internet. 通过移动办公室和无线接入协议(WAP)技术,人们可以在任何时间任何地点办公,可以从 移动电话、掌上电脑、个人数字助理(PDA)等终端设备上收发数据,遨游于互联网上。 Integrating Internet and mobile communications network, and providing powerful applications support capacity for wireless interconnection, mobile interconnection 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 platform (MIP) is an important network support technology to accomplish mobile office. 无线互联平台将因特网和移动通信网络有机地整合起来,为无线互联提供强大的应用支撑能 力,是实现移动办公室重要的网络支撑技术。 2.When you leave your office to attend meetings or travel on business, what would happen to your business routine? 当你离开办公室,忙于参加会议或出差在外时,你的日常工作业务会怎样呢, Of course, faxes and e-mails would be still sent to your fax machine or e-mail box, but you cannot read them and make prompt reaction timely. 当然,传真和电子邮件依然会到达你的传真机和电子信箱,但是你却不能及时地看到它们并 迅速做出反应。 When your clients need you to make some urgent modifications on your work and you are neither in the office nor carrying relevant documents, what can you do? 当你的客户需要你对某项工作进行一些紧急修改,而你恰好不在办公室,又没有随身携带相 关文件时,怎么办呢, Maybe you have to say “sorry” to the clients. 你也许只能向客户说“对不起”了。 But, your business will be affected, the clients will be unhappy and disappointed because of your delay, and you will lose a lot of business opportunities. 但是,你的业务将受到影响,客户们也会因为你的延迟而感到不快和失望,因而你失去许多 商机。 3.In fact, very frequently, you need to check, reply, distribute, display, modify, or read some materials when you are not in your office. 实际上,当你不在办公室,但需要对某些材料进行查阅、回复、分发、展示、修改或宣读的 情形是很常见的。 You must get out of this dilemma. 因此,你必须从这种困境中解脱出来。 The best solution to normally handle your business anywhere anytime and not to disappoint your clients is to let your office “move” with you. 使自己能够随时随地正常处理业务,不让客户失望,最好的解决办法就是让你的办公室也随 你一起“移动”起来, Thus,you can have convenient, prompt, safe, reliable, and reasonably priced communications and office faculty anywhere anytime. 使你获得随时随地、简单快捷、安全可靠、价格合理的通信和办公能力。 With the development of communications technology, network application, and wireless interconnection, mobile office has become simpler and smaller, and even can be realized via one mobile phone with data communications function. 随着通信技术、网络应用以及无线互联的发展,移动办公室已经变得越来越简单小巧,甚至 只需一个具有数据通信功能的移动电话即可实现。 Thus, mobile office has already been put into your pocket, and office mobility has been realized. 此时,移动办公室已经被你装进了口袋,从而真正实现了办公的移动性。 It uses its mobile phone function to make voice communication, and uses its data communications function to do most computation and storage in the network's other 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 mainframes. 它利用移动电话功能进行语音通信;利用数据通信功能,使大部分计算和存储工作都在网络的其他主机上进行; It uses the network to get necessary materials and data, and uses mobile phone's infrared interface to connect with computers, printers, scanners, etc. 利用网络获得需要的材料和数据;利用移动电话的红外接口与电脑、打印机、扫描仪等设备相连。 4.Mobile office has provided people with convenient, casual working environment, but at the same time it still has some unsatisfactory aspects such as mismatching equipment interface and inadequate battery. 移动办公室给人们带来了方便随意的工作环境,但同时也存在着一些诸如设备接口不匹配、电池电力不足等不尽如人意的地方。 Nevertheless, we believe that with technical progress, people can certainly overcome all kinds of difficulties. 但是,我们相信,随着技术的进步,人们肯定能战胜种种困难。 Mobile office will make your career unimpeded, and will realize the dream of completely free communication. 移动办公室将使你的事业畅通无阻,实现完全自由通信的梦想。 Users will enjoy more colorful life and better working environment, and users' living standard, working efficiency, and even enterprises' production efficiency will certainly be immensely raised. 用户将会享受多彩的生活和美好的工作环境;用户的生活水平、工作效率以及企业的生产效率,必将大大提高。 4.How to Explore a City 探索城市轻松游 1.Are you spending two days in Tokyo? 要去东京待两天, Are you moving to Melbourne? 还是要搬到墨尔本? No matter where you're going or how long you're staying, keep reading! 不管打算去哪里、要待多久,往下读吧~ These tips will help you make the most of any urban adventure.一下介绍的小诀窍能帮你充分享受每趟都市旅游。 2.Before you arrive 抵达前 3.Read a city guidebook.参考城市旅游指南, Some are even specially designed for a 24-hour visit! 有些旅游书甚至专为一日游行程而写的呢~ If you don't want to buy one, just look through the guidebooks in a store. 如果不想花钱买书,在书店里翻一翻也可以。 They can give you hints on how to plan your trip.旅游指南会提出一些建议,帮助你规划行程。 4.Search the Internet. 上网查找资料。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 Websites such as Cilysearch.com and Economist.com provide information on cities around the world. 诸如Cilysearch.com与Economist.com 等网站都提供全球各城市的相关资讯。 Blogs can also be a good source of information. They give you a chance to learn from others' travel experiences.博客是另一个搜集资讯的好地方,能够让你汲取别人的旅游经验。 5.Some companies, like National Geographic, offer audio walking tours, which can be downloaded from the Internet. 有些公司例如《国家地理杂志》备有步行观光语音导览,可以 直接通过网络下载。 Once you arrive, these free podcasts will turn your MP3 player into a tour guide! They will help you explore the city on foot.你一到目的地,这些免费“播客”档案会让你的MP3立刻化身为导 游~它们会带你步行走访该城。 6.Doing research before you arrive will help you experience the city's claim to fame. 抵达目 的地前要做好功课,你就可以好好欣赏该城著名的景点。 Whether it's a landmark,a shopping area,or a river—you should see it.不管是地标、购物区、河 流,你都不应错过。 7.When you arrive 抵达后 8. If possible, pick up a free city map at the airport, train station or your hotel. 如果机场、火 车站或下榻旅馆有免费市区地图,别忘了拿一份。 Visit the city's tourism office, which will provide other valuable information. 参观一下当地旅 游服务中心,也能获得其他宝贵资讯。 Sometimes locals post notices there offering tours or other services.当地居民偶尔也会在那里张 贴广告,提供旅游行程或其他服务。 9. Carry the hotel's business card or write down the address and phone number. Take note of the neighborhood around your hotel. It will be helpful when you return.随身携带旅馆名片或写下它 的地址与电话,还要留意旅馆周边的环境,以方便认路返回。 10.For your first adventure,take a city bus that drives in a circle through the downtown area. It's a good-and cheap-way to see important landmarks. 你刚动身探访该城时,不妨搭乘会穿过 市中心、绕行市区一圈的巴士,想走访重要地标,这是不错又便宜的选择, It will also help you understand the city's layout. 你还能借此一窥整个城市的轮廓。 While on the bus,write down places that interest you so you can visit them later. 在公共汽车上, 记下你感兴趣的景点吧,留待以后再参观。 11.Ask a local person for advice. Many cities have treasures that most tourists don't know about. A local can direct you to a wonderful but less famous restaurant, park or museum. 向当地人请教意见吧。许多城市都有大多数观光客不知道的珍贵景点。当地人可以指引 你去一间很不错但不太有名的餐厅、公园或博物馆。 12. Finally,be adventurous! Some of the best things that a city has to offer can be found by mistake. If you're not afraid to get lost, you'll see more—and you'll have a better time! 最后一点,要有探险精神~城市里有些绝佳景点可能是误打误撞发现的。如果你不怕迷 路,你会看到更多东西,也会玩得更愉快~ 5.Can Money Buy Happiness 金钱能买到快乐, 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 1.Many of us dream of having thousands and thousands of dollars to spend on anything we desire. 我们很多人都梦想拥有万贯钱财来满足自身欲望。 We buy lottery tickets,enter contests or spend hours building a business or playing the stock market. 我们会买乐透彩券、参加比赛或付出很多时间发展事业或投资股市。 We're sure when we have plenty of money,we will be happy. But will we? 我们深信 一旦我们有很多钱,就会很开心,但真的会吗, 2.While having some money does have an impact on our level of happiness,having a lot of money does not. 虽然有“一些”钱的确会影响我们的快乐程度,拥有“很多”钱则 不然。 People in the United States whose income goes from US$20,000 a year to US$50,000 a year are more likely to be happy.在美国,年薪为2万-5万美元的人比较可能感到快 乐。 3.But after US$50.000,happiness does not increase as salaries go up. 但薪水超 过5万美元后,快乐程度会不随着薪水增多而升高。 Why is that? It's because we are never satisfied. 此话怎讲,原因是我们永远不会 满足。 "We always think if we just had a little more money,we'd be happier," says Catherine Sanderson,a psychology professor at Amherst College. 安默斯特学院心理学教授凯萨 琳?珊德森说:“我们总是以为只要我们的钱再多一点,我们就会比较快乐, "But when we get there,we're not."但是当我们走到那一步,我们却不快乐。” 4.“The more you make,the more you want. “你赚得越多,欲望就越多。 The more you have,the less it brings you joy," 你拥有的越多,得到的喜悦就越少。” says Daniel Gilbert,a psychology professor at Harvard. 哈佛大学心理学教授丹尼 尔?吉尔勃特说: "We incorrectly assume we'll get more pleasure from more,and we don't." “我们误 以为我们会因为拥有越多而更快乐,其实不会。” 5.The things money can buy don't make you happy either. 能用金钱买到的东西也不 会让你开心。 A lot of research suggests that you won't find the "good life" buying expensive "toys." 很多研究显示你不会因为买了昂贵的“玩具”而得到“美满人生”。 You finally buy that BMW you've always wanted and it soon loses its appeal. 你 终于买的梦寐以求的宝马汽车,它很快就丧失了吸引力, Then,instead of wondering if a new car is what really makes you happy,you decide you just need a different new car. 然后你不思考一部新车是否真能令你快乐,你认定 自己只要再买一部新车就好了, It's an endless cycle.这种循环没完没了。 6.To really be happy,you need to understand what makes you happy in the first place. 为了要真正的快乐,首先你必须了解什么让你快乐。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 One secret of happiness: people. 快乐的一个秘诀在于人。 Surveys have found that people need people. 一些调查报告发现人与人彼此需要。 Those who have five or more close friends are 50 percent more likely to describe themselves as "very happy." (11语法)拥有五个或更多亲密朋友的人自认“非常快乐”的机会高出他人50%。 Good relationships have a far greater effect on happiness than large raises in salary. 美满的人际关系对能否快乐的影响程度远胜于薪水大幅调升。 Andrew Oswald is an economist at England's University of Warwick. 安德鲁?奥斯瓦德是英国华威大学的经济学家, He says,"If you're looking for happiness in life,find the right husband or wife rather than trying to double your salary."他说:“如果你在寻觅幸福人生,找一个合适的配偶吧,而不是想办法赚两倍的薪水。” 7.So invest your time and energy in people. 所以把时间和精力投资在人身上吧, The payoff is much bigger in terms of happiness! 就快乐而言,回报会更大~ 6.How Americans View Love 美国人的爱情观 1.An old song says that "love makes the world go around.(07)"有一首老歌中唱道“爱让世界转动”。 If you watch Americans on Valentine's Day,you can believe it. 如果你看到美国人是如何庆祝情人节的,你便会相信这句话。 The whole country breaks out with little red hearts.(已考过)这一天在美国不论你走到哪里都能看到一颗颗小红心。 Love-struck people give cards,flowers and candy to their sweethearts. 坠入爱河中的人向自己的心上人赠送卡片、鲜花和糖果。 You might call it an annual celebration of love.你可以将情人节称之为一年一度的爱的庆贺日。 2. The American concept of love and romance begins with dating. 美国人的爱情和浪漫始于约会。 Young people date in several ways. 年轻人有几种约会方式。 At first they might have group dates with several boys and girls together. 最开始,他们可能是好几个男孩和女孩都参加的集体约会。 Later,they start going on single dates---just one boy and one girl. 之后,他们单独出去约会---只有一男一女。 Sometimes a boy and a girl will go to a movie. Maybe they will go to a party at a friend's house. Or they might go out to eat.有时他们会去看电影,也可能一起去参加朋友的聚会,或一起出去吃饭。 3.When two couple go out together,it's called double dating. 如果两对男女一起出去,这叫做双重约会。 A friend might even arrange a blind date for you with someone you don't know. 一 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 个朋友还可能为你和陌生人安排一个“蒙眼约会”。 That doesn't mean you keep your eyes closed the whole evening! 那并不是说你整个 晚上都紧闭双目。 You just don't know who your partner will be until the time of the date. 只是在 约会之前你并不知道你的约会对象是谁。 If someone asks you out on any kind of date,and you don't want to go,you may politely say,"No,thanks."如果有人请你出去约会,不管是哪种约会,假若你不想去,你都可以礼 貌地说声“不,谢谢!” 4. Americans view dating differently from people in other culture. 对于约会,美 国人与别的文化国度的人有不同的看法。 American young people see a date as a time just to have fun .They don't always have a romantic interest in mind. 美国的年轻人把约会看成是玩得开心的时间,并不一定就 抱着浪漫的念头。 Someone may go out with one person this week,and another person the next. 有的 人可能这星期与一个人出去,下星期又与另外一个人出去。 After a while,a boy and a girl may decide they want to go steady. 经过一段时间 后,一个男孩和一个女孩可能决定保持稳定的关系。 This means they think of each other as boyfriend and girlfriend. It also means they don't want to date anyone else. Romance is beginning to bloom.这意味着他们把彼 此看成“男朋友和女朋友”,这也意味着他们不想与别的人约会。浪漫之花开始绽放。 5. Romantic love is very much a part of American culture.浪漫爱情是美国文化的 重要组成部分。 Movies,TV shows and books in America all picture people falling in love. 美国的 电影、电视和书籍都描绘人们如何坠入爱河。 Americans know no romance is perfect,but still they try to find the ideal person. 美国人知道没有哪段爱情是完美的,但他们还是努力去寻找自己的意中人。 Actually,love is a pan of every culture,not just American culture. 事实上,爱不 仅仅是美国文化,而是每种文化的组成部分。 People all over the world search for happiness in a loving relationship. 全世界 的人们都在爱中寻求幸福。 Maybe love does make the world go around.也许确实是爱使世界转动。 7.Carbon-based Alternative 碳基替代燃料 1. Although recent years have seen substantial reductions in noxious pollutants from individual motor vehicles, the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing. 尽管近几年来私人机动车辆排放的有害污染物已有相当程度的减少,但这类车辆的数量却仍 在稳定地增长。 Consequently, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone (generated by photochemical reactions with 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust) that exceed legally established limits.(10 词汇) 因此,美国100多个城市仍然存在着超过法律限定的一氧化碳、悬浮颗粒物和臭氧(由于车 辆排出气体中碳氢化合物经过光化反应产生)。 There is a growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle emissions---short of a massive shift away from the private automobile--- is to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels such as compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, ethanol, or methanol. 人们逐渐认识到实现车辆尾气排放更进一步减少的唯一有效方法——大规模消减私人小汽 车除外——是用燃烧更为清洁的燃料,如压缩天然气、液化石油气、乙醇或甲醇代替传统的 柴油和汽油。 2. All of these alternatives are carbon-based fuels whose molecules are smaller and simpler than those of gasoline. 所有这些替代物都是碳基燃料,它的分子要比汽油的小而简单。 These molecules burn more cleanly than gasoline, in part because they have fewer, if any, carbon-carbon bonds and the hydrocarbons they do emit are less likely to generate ozone. 这些分子要比汽油燃烧得更为清洁,部分是因为他们碳-碳键较少,而且即使会释放出碳氢 化合物,也不太可能会成为臭氧。 The combustion of larger molecules, which have multiple carbon-carbon bonds involves a more complex series of reactions. 较大分子的燃烧,由于它们具有多重碳-碳,伴随着更为复杂的一系列反应。 These reactions increase the probability of incomplete combustion and are more likely to release uncombusted and photochemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the atmosphere. 这些反应增加了不完全燃烧得可能性并且易于放出未燃烧的、易起光化反应的碳氢化合物释 放到大气中。 On the other hand, alternative fuels do have drawbacks. 从另一方面来说,替代燃料也有缺点。 Compressed natural gas would require that vehicles have set of heavy fuel tanks--- a serious liability in terms of performance and fuel efficiency---and liquefied petroleum gas faces fundamental limits on supply. 压缩天然气要求车辆有一套沉重的燃料箱--在外观和燃料效率方面有严重的不利之处--并 且液化石油气面临着基本的供应量限制。 3. Ethanol and methanol, on the other hand, have important advantages over other carbon-based alternative fuels: they have higher energy content per volume and would require minimal changes in the existing network for distributing motor fuel. 从另一个方面来看,乙醇和甲醇具有由于其他碳基替代燃料的重要优势:它们在单位容量下 有更高的能量含量,并且只需要在现存的配送燃料的网络中做很小的变更。 Ethanol is commonly used as a gasoline supplement, but it is currently about twice as expensive as methanol, the low cost of which is one of its attractive features. 乙醇通常用作汽油的补充燃料,但它现在的价格是甲醇的两倍,后者的低成本是具有吸引力 的特征之一。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 Methanol's most attractive feature, however, is that it can reduce by about 90 percent the vehicle emissions that form ozone, the most serious urban air pollutant. 不过,甲醇最吸引人的特征是它能够将形成臭氧的车辆尾气这一严重的城市空气污染减少 90%。 4. Like any alternative fuel, methanol has its critics. 像任何替代燃料一样,甲醇也有对其的批评意见。 Yet much of the criticism is based on the use of “gasoline clone” vehicles that do not incorporate even the simplest design improvements that are made possible with the use of methanol. 然而,大部分批评都是针对“克隆汽油车”的,这些车并没有为使用甲醇而做出哪怕最简单的 设计上的改进。 It is true, for example, that a given volume of methanol provides only about one-half of the energy that gasoline and diesel fuel do; other things being equal, the fuel tank would have to be somewhat larger and heavier. 这些批评意见是对的,举例来说,一定容量的甲醇只能供给汽油和柴油燃料所能供给的能力 的一半。在其他条件相同时,不得不将车辆的燃料箱做的较大和较沉些。 However, since methanol-fueled vehicles could be designed to be much more efficient than “gasoline clone” vehicles fueled with methanol, they would need comparatively less fuel. 然而,因为烧甲醇的车辆可以被设计成比烧甲醇的“克隆汽油车”更有效率的车辆,所以它们 只需要比较少的燃料。 Vehicles incorporating only the simplest of the engine improvements that methanol makes feasible would still contribute to an immediate lessening of urban air pollution. 车辆只要包含为使用甲醇而作的发动机方面最简单的改进,也将为迅速减轻城市空气污染 做出贡献。 8.Our Family Creed 家族的信条 1. They are the principles on which my wife and I have tried to bring up our family. 这些是我和我太太在教育子女的时候所尽力倚仗的信条, They are the principles in which my father believed and by which he governed his life. 这些是我父亲所深信并以之为人生律条的信条, They are the principles,many of them,which I learned at my mother's knee.这些信 条中的大部分是我从母亲的膝下秉承而来的。 2. They point the way to usefulness and happiness in life,to courage and peace in death.这些信条告诉人们如何快乐而有所作为地活着,也告诉人们如何勇敢而安详地面 对死亡。 3. If they mean to you what they mean to me,they may perhaps be helpful also to our sons for their guidance and inspiration.假如这些信条于诸位的意义如同它们于 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 我的意义,那么也许它们可以有效地指导和鼓舞我们的儿女们。 4. Let me state them:让我说出这些信条: 5. I believe in the supreme worth of the individual and in his right to life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness.(09)我相信,个人拥有无上的价值,拥 有生存、自由和追求幸福的权利。 6. I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity,an obligation; every possession,a duty.我相信,每一项权利都必然包含着责任,每一个 机遇都必然包含着义务,每一种获得都必然包含着职责。 7. I believe that the law was made for man and not man for the law; that government is the servant of the people and not their master.我相信,法律为人而制,而非人 为法律而生,政府是人民的公仆,而非人民的主人。 8. I believe in the dignity(尊严) of labor,whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living.我相信,无论体力劳动还是脑力劳动都是高尚的,世界不会让人不劳而获,而会给人一次 谋生的机会。 9. I believe that thrift is essential to well-ordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure, whether in government, business, or personal affairs.我相信,无论在政府、商业还是个人事务中,勤俭节约都是合理安 排生活之基本要素,而经济适用是健全的金融机制之必需。 10. I believe that truth and justice are fundamental to an enduring social order.(08) 我相信,真理和正义是任何一个长治久安的社会秩序之基础。 11. I believe in the sacredness of a promise,that a man's word should be as good as his bond,that character---not wealth or power or position---is of supreme worth.我相信,承诺是神圣的;我也相信,假如人的言语能和契约同样可靠,那么这种品质--- 而非财富、权势与身份地位---就具有至高无上的价值。 12. I believe that the rendering of useful service is the common duty of mankind and that only in the purifying fire of sacrifice is the dross of selfishness consumed and the greatness of the human soul set free.我相信,人类共同的职责是 有用地服务社会,只有在自我牺牲的炼火中,自私的沉渣才会被焚为灰烬,人类灵魂中的 伟大情操才会显现。 13. I believe in an all-wise and all-loving God,named by whatever name,and that the individual's highest fulfillment,greatest happiness,and widest usefulness are to be found in living in harmony with his will.我相信,有一位无所不知、大慈大悲 的上帝存在---尽管人们对他的称呼各不相同---人们能在与他的意志相和谐的生活过程中 得到最高的满足感、最大的幸福感,以及最广博的成就感。 14. I believe that love is the greatest thing in the world; that it alone can overcome hate; that right can and will triumph over might.我相信,世界上最伟大 的事物就是爱,只有爱能够战胜仇恨,而真理能够而且必定能击败强权。 15. These are the principles,however formulated,for which all good men and women throughout the world,irrespective of race or creed,education,social position,or occupation,are standing,and for which many of them are suffering and dying.无论 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 怎样表达,以上就是那些信条-世界上所有不计种族、信仰、宗教、地位或职业的善良的人们所代表的信条--而且正是为了这些信条,他们中许多人正在忍受折磨,甚至正在死去。 16. These are the principles upon which alone a new world recognizing the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God can be established.只有凭借这些信条,人类才能建立起人人如手足、上帝如慈父的新世界。 9、The art of public Speaking 公共演讲的艺术 1. The need for effective public speaking will almost certainly touch you sometime in your life. 在你生活的某个时刻,几乎必定需要做某种有影响力的公开演讲。 When it does,you want to be ready. 当这个时刻来到时,你希望自己十分有把握。 But even if you never give another speech in your life,you still have much to gain from studying public speaking. 但是,即便你从未发表过一个演讲,你仍然会从学习公共演说中获益良多。 Your speech class will give you training in researching topics,organizing your ideas,and presenting yourself skillfully. 你的演讲课将会在研究主题、组织思路、和表现技巧方面对你进行训练。 The training is invaluable for every type of communication.这种训练对任何类型的交流都是非常宝贵的。 2. There are many similarities between public speaking and daily conversation. 在公开演讲和日常交谈之间有许多类似的东西。 The three major goals of speaking—to inform,to persuade,to entertain—are also the three major goals of everyday conversation. 演说的三个主要目的是:传达、说服、吸引,这些也是日常交谈的三个主要目的。 In conversation,almost without thinking about it,you employ a wide range of skills. 在交谈中,你已经不假思索地使用很多技巧。 You organize your ideas logically. In conversation , you organize your ideas logically .(04)You tailor your message to your audience. 你有条理地组织你的观点,你根据听众修改信息。 You tell a story for maximum impact. 你选择讲述某个故事以取得最大的效果。 You adapt to feedback from your listener. 你从听众的反馈中改变自己。 These are among the most important skills you will need for public speaking.这些是你在公开演讲时所需要的最重要的技巧。 3. Of course,public speaking is also different from conversation. 当然,公开演说不同于交谈。 First,public speaking is more highly structured than conversation. 首先,公开演讲比交谈要有更高的组织结构性。 It usually imposes strict time limitations on the speaker,and it requires more detailed preparation than does ordinary conversation. 公开演说者通常受严格的时 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 间限制,故此它需要比普通交谈更细致的准备。 Second ,speech making requires more formal language. 其次,公开演说需要使用正式 语言。 Listeners react negatively to speeches loaded with slang,jargon,and bad grammar. 听众对充满俚语、行话、和语法错误的讲话反应消极。 Third ,public speaking demands a different method of delivery. 第三,公开演说需 要用一种不同声调和姿势。 Effective speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerism and verbal habits.有影响力的演说者调整他的声调去 面对大量的观众,力求避免分散人注意力的身体习惯动作,力求避免习惯性口头语。 4. One of the major concerns of students in any speech class is stage fright. 在任何一个演讲教室里,学生最主要的担心之一就是怕上台。 Actually,most successful speakers are nervous before making a speech. 事实上, 最成功的演说家在发表一场演讲之前也会紧张。 Your speech class will give you an opportunity to gain confidence(07年)你的 演讲教室将给你一个获得信心的机会, and make your nervousness work for you rather than against you.(09) 让你的紧 张的神经帮助你而不是阻碍你。 You will take a big step toward overcoming stage fright if you think positively,choose speech topics you really care about,prepare thoroughly,and concentrate on communicating with your audience. 如果你能这样积极地考虑,你将会 朝着战胜怯场的方向迈进一大步:选择你真正关心的演讲主题,充分地准备,集中精力与 你的听众沟通。 Like many students over the years ,you too can develop confidence in your speechmaking abilities.如同过去的许多同学一样,你同样能够在你的演讲能力上提高信 心。 5. The speech communication process as a whole includes seven elements— speaker ,message ,channel ,listener ,feedback ,interference ,and situation. 语 言交流的过程,整体而言包括七个要素:演说者、信息、沟通途径、听众、反馈、外界干 扰、和现场形态。 The speaker is the person who initiates a speech transaction.(11词汇) 演说者 是演讲事件的开始者。 Whatever the speaker communicates is the message ,which is sent by means of a particular channel. 演说者传递的是信息,它必经某种特定沟通途径传送出去。 The listener receives the communicated message and may provide feedback to the speaker. 听众接受传达到的信息,并且向演说者提供反馈。 Interference is anything that impedes the communication of a message ,and the situation is the time and place in which speech communication occurs. 外界干扰 是妨碍信息沟通的任何事物,而现场形态是演说发生的时间和地点。 The interaction of these seven elements is what determines the outcome in any 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 instance of speech communication.这七个要素的相互作用决定任何情况下演说交流的效 果。 6. Because speechmaking is a form of power,it carries with it heavy ethical responsibilities. 因为演讲是力量的一种表现形态,它承载着很重的道德责任。 Ethical speakers use sound means to achieve sound goals. 有道德的演说者用声音的 方式去实现声音的(,)目的。 They do this by being well informed about their subjects by being honest in what they say,by using sound evidence,and by employing valid reasoning.他们通过很好 阐述他们的主题、通过诚实于他们所说的话、通过使用可靠的论据、以及通过正确的评论 做这件事。 10.A Gentleman 何为绅士 1.The Victorian gentleman must have been really something to behold if the following article is true. 如果下面这篇文章是真实的,那么维多利亚女王的绅士真的 值得关注了。 For any woman who has dreamed of "Knight in shining armor",the perfect man,or just a man who would give up the TV remote control,you have found him here. 对于那些 梦想找到一个“身穿光亮铠甲的骑士”、一个完美男人或者一个仅仅是放弃电视遥控的男人 的女人来说,你在这里就可以找到了。 Remember,these gentleman mostly existed in the Victorian era. 记住,这些绅士大 多存在于维多利亚时代。 Few of us may be lucky enough to find one in the 21th century. 在21世纪,很少有 人能够幸运地找到一个。 For those of you still looking,you may get some good tips on things to look for in a man. 对于那些还在寻找的人,你可能在寻求的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 上得到一些好的提示。 For those of you who are married,take heart and remember,your husband may not resemble the "Victorian Gentleman",but you love him anyway.对于那些已经结婚的人 来说,你们要有信心并且记得,你的丈夫可能不像“维多利亚女王时代的绅士”,但是不管 怎么样,你爱他。 2. What is a gentleman? 到底什么样的人才算得上一个绅士呢? 3. It is almost a definition of a gentleman to say he is one who never inflicts pain. 一个人行事从不会给他人招致痛苦,则与绅士之谓相去不远了。 This description is both refined and,as far as it goes,accurate. 这一描述不仅精 炼,而且就现在看来也依然确切。 He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarassed action of those about him; and he concurs with their movements rather than takes the initiative himself.他所全然倾注的是为他人排除障碍,以便自由行事, 无所束缚;他和身边的人步调一致,而不抢占风头。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 His benefits may be considered as parallel to what are called comforts or conveniences in arrangements of a personal nature: like an easy chair or a good fire,which do their part in dispelling cold and fatigue,though nature provides both means of rest and animal heat without them. 他所带来的益处相当于在个人生活中给人们带来舒适和便利的事物,就像安乐椅或温暖 的火,能够消除疲劳和驱除寒冷,尽管没有它们,大自然也能提供休息的场所,人也可以 靠体温来保持温暖。 The true gentleman in like manner carefully avoids whatever may cause a jar or a jolt in the minds of those with whom he is cast;—all clashing of opinion,or collision of feeling ,all restraint ,or suspicion ,or gloom ,or resentment; his great concern being to make everyone at their ease and at home. 真正的绅士处事小心谨慎,避免给接触到的人造成思想上的混乱或动摇。他会小心避免 一切意见上的冲突,情感上的冲撞,和一切拘束、猜疑、忧郁或怨恨的情感;对他来说, 让他人感到自在是头等大事。 He has his eyes on all his company; he is tender towards the bashful,gentle towards the distant,and merciful towards the absurd; he can rocollect to whom he is speaking; he guards against unseasonable allusions,or topics which may irritate; he is seldom prominent in conversation ,and never wearisome. He makes light of favors while he does them and seems to be receiving when he is conferring. 他关注他周围的所有的人:他对害羞拘谨者体贴,对冷淡矜持者和蔼,对愚蠢唐突者宽 容。与他谈过话的,他都能记住。他克制自己,不用不合时宜的暗指或话题激怒他人。他 与人谈话时很少突出自己,但从不令人厌倦。当他向他人施予援手时,自己却不以为意, 好像自己倒成了“受惠者”,而非“施惠者”了。 He never speaks of himself except when compelled,never defends himself by a mere retort,he has no ears for slander or gossip,is scrupulous in imputing motives to those who interfere with him,and interprets everything for the best. 若非情势所迫,他从不谈及自身;他从不为自己采取辩护,就连一句反驳的话也不说; 对于诽谤中伤或是流言蜚语,他向来充耳不闻。当有人妨碍自己时,他会极为审慎地推测 他们这么做的动机;他会尽量把事情往好处想。 He is never mean or little in his disputes,never takes unfair advantage,never mistakes personalities or sharp sayings for arguments,or insinuates evil which he dare not say out.From a long-sighted prudence,he observes the maxim of the ancient sage,that we should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if he were one day to be our friend. 争论时,他从不采取卑劣的手段,从不假以威仪,从不把他人的个性或尖锐的言辞当作 吵架的由头,也不会旁敲侧击地说一些他不敢直接说出来的令人感到不舒服的话。他恪守 古先贤的格言,眼界高远:好好与我们的敌人相处吧,因为有一天敌人或许会成为朋友。 He has too much good sense to be affronted at insults,he is too well employed to remember injuries,and too indolent to bear malice. He is patient,forbearing,and resigned,on philosophical principles; he submits to pain,because it is inevitable,to bereavement,because it is irreparable,and to death,because it is his destiny. If he engages in controversy of any kind,his disciplined intellect 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 preserves him from the blunder. 他判断力过人,能避免遭到侮辱;他禀赋纯良,不计较别人对他的伤害;他又懒惰至极, 不去怨恨任何人。他耐心、宽容、顺从、满腹哲学理论。他甘愿忍受痛苦,因为痛苦无可 避免。他接受丧亲之实,因为这事无法挽回;它直面死亡,因为死亡是他的最后归宿。即 使他陷入任何争议之中,他训练有素的智力也使他不至于做错事情。 11.Smoking and Cancer 吸烟和癌 1. Americans smoke six thousand million cigarettes every year (1970 figures).美国人每年抽烟60亿支(1970年的统计数字)。 This is roughly the equivalent of 4,195 cigarettes a year for every person in the country of 18 years of age or more. 这大致等于每个18岁以上的人一年要吸4195支烟。 It is estimated that 51% of American men smoke compared with 34% of American women.据估计,美国有51,的男性吸烟,而女性吸烟的比例则为34,。 2. Since 1939,numerous scientific studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard.(08语法) 1939年以来,为了确定抽烟是否有害 健康进行了大量的科学研究。 The trend of the evidence has been consistent and indicates that there is a serious health risk. 证据所显示的趋势是一贯的,并表明对人体的健康有严重的危险。 Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking,particularly cigarette smoking,is associated with shortened life expectancy.许多研究小组进行的研究不容置疑地表明,吸食烟草,特别是吸卷烟与预期寿 命缩短有关。 3. Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer of the bladder and the oral cavity. 这方面的研究人员大都相信吸卷烟是产生肺癌、喉癌的重要因素,还认为膀胱癌、口腔癌 也与此有关。 Male cigarette Smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking males.(08年)男性吸烟者的心脏病死亡率比不吸烟的高。 (Female smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply.) (他们认为女性吸烟者受影响小一些,因为她们吸烟不那么深。) The majority of doctors and researchers consider these relationships proved to their satisfaction and say,"Give up smoking. If you don't smoke---don't start!"大多数医生和研究人员认为,上述那些关系已得到令人满意的证实,并且告诫说:“戒烟吧, 如果你不会抽----那可不要学!” 4. Some competent physicians and research workers---though their small number is decreased even further---are less sure of the effect of cigarette smoking on health. 有些精通业务的医生和研究人员---虽然这些人不多,并且人数在进一步减少---不那么肯 定吸卷烟对人体健康有影响。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 They consider the increase in respiratory diseases and various forms of cancer may possibly be explained by other factors in the complex human environment他们认为 呼吸系统疾病和各种癌症的增多也许可以说是由于人类复杂环境中另外一些因素, ---atmospheric pollution,increased nervous stress,chemical substances in processed food,or chemical pesticides that are now being used by farmers in vast quantities to destroy insects and small animals. 即:空气的污染、人们精神压力的 增大、经过加工的食品中的化学物质、或化学杀虫药引起的。农民现在大量使用这些农药 杀死昆虫和小动物。 Smokers who develop cancer or lung diseases,they say,may also,by coincidence,live in industrial areas,or eat more canned food. 据他们说,那些患了癌症或肺病的人可 能恰巧也住在工业区,或是吃了更多的罐头食品。 Gradually,however,research is isolating all other possible factors and proving them to be statistically irrelevant.但是研究工作逐渐排除了其它因素的可能性,并 且用统计数字证明这些因素是无关的。 5. Apart from the scientific statistics,it might be helpful to look at what smoking tobacco actually does to the human body. 除了科学统计之外,研究工作还有 助于认清吸食烟草对人体的实际影响。 Smoke is a mixture of gases,vaporized chemicals,minute particles of ash,and other solids. 抽烟产生的烟雾是一种混合的气体,包括气化的化学物质,极小的灰末微粒和其 它固体, There is also nicotine,which is a powerful poison,and black tar.还有毒性很强的 尼古丁和黑焦油。 As the smoke is breathed in ,all these components form deposits on the membranes of the lungs. 当吸进烟时,所有这些成分就都沉淀在肺膜上。 One point of concentration is where the air tube,or bronchus,divides. 在气管和 支气管分支的地方有一个集中点。 Most lung cancer begins at this point.大部分肺癌就从这里发端。 6. Smoking also affects the heart and blood vessels.(09年)抽烟也影响心脏和 血管。 It is known to be related to Beurger's disease,a narrowing of the small veins in the hands and feet that can cause great pain and lead even to amputation of limbs. 现已查明抽烟与伯尔格氏病有关。这种疾病使手脚的细静脉不断缩小,从而引起剧烈疼痛 甚至会导致截肢。 Smokers also die much more often from heart disease.抽烟者死于心脏病的也比不吸 烟的人多得多。 7. While all tobacco smoking affects life and expectancy and health,cigarette smoking appears to have a much greater effect than cigar or pipe smoking. 尽管 吸食各种烟草都会影响预期寿命和健康,但是抽香烟的影响要比抽雪茄和抽烟斗大得多。 However,nicotine consumption is not diminished by the latter forms,and current research indicates a causal relationship between all forms of smoking and cancer of the mouth and throat. 不过,后两种并不能减少对尼古丁的吸食,并且当前的研究指 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 出各式各样的吸烟都和口腔癌、喉癌有某种因果关系。 Filters and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some extent safer,but they can only marginally reduce,not eliminate the hazards.(07年)据称过滤嘴香 烟和低焦油烟草能使吸烟在某种程度上比较安全,但是这只能略微减少危害,而不能消除 危害。 12.Taking chances,Making chances 抓住机遇,制造机遇 Lecturer Charles Hobbs sometimes tells about a woman who lived in London over a century ago. 演说家查尔斯?霍布斯经常会在他的演说中引用这样的故事。 She saved what little money she could working as a scullery maid and used it one evening to hear a great speaker of her day. 一百多年前,伦敦住着一位女士,她以 给人帮厨为生。生活虽然很艰难,她还是省吃俭用地攒了一点儿钱,并用这点儿钱去听了 一场演讲。演讲者是一位在当时非常著名的演说家。 His speech moved her deeply and she waited to visit with him afterward. 他的演 讲深深地感染了她,也触动了她。演讲结束之后,她并没有立即离去,而是去拜访了那位 演说家。 "How fine it must be to have had the opportunities you have had in life," she said. “要能像您这样一生中拥有这么多的机会那该有多好啊~”她羡慕道。 "My dear lady." he replied, "have you never received an opportunity?" “哦,亲爱的女士,”那位演讲家问道,“难道您从未得到过任何机会吗,” "Not me. I have never had a chance," she said. “是的,我从未得到过任何机会。”她很沮丧。 "What do you do?" the speaker asked. “那您是做什么工作的,”演讲家问道。 She answered,"I peel onions and potatoes in my sister's boarding house." “我在我姐姐开的寄宿公寓里帮厨,剥剥洋葱,削削土豆。”她答道 "How long have you been doing this?" he pursued. “你做这事多长时间了,”演讲家追问。 "Fifteen miserable years!" “都已经干了15年了,难熬的15年啊~” "And where do you sit?" he continued. “您工作的时候坐在哪里呢,”演讲家继续问。 "Why,on the bottom step in the kitchen." She looked puzzled. “您为什么问这个,”她感到非常的迷惑,“我就坐在厨房最低的一级台阶上。” "And where do you put your feet?" “那么您把脚放在哪里呢,” 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 "On the floor," she answered,more puzzled. “放在地板上啊。”她惊讶地望着演讲家。 "What is the floor?" “那地板是什么样的,”"It is glazed brick." “是用釉面砖铺就的。”Then he said,"My dear lady,I will give you an assignment today. I want you to write me a letter about the brick." 著名的演讲家说道:“亲爱的女士,今天,我要给您布置一项任务。我想让您写一封信给 我,谈一谈您对砖的认识。” Against her protests about being a poor writer,he made her promise to complete the assignment. 女士以自己根本就不会写信为由拒绝他的建议,但是,演讲家坚持要她完成这项任务。 The next day,as she sat down to peel onions,she gazed at the brick floor. 第 二天,当她坐在厨房的台阶上剥洋葱的时候,目光不禁聚焦在了釉面砖铺就的地板上。 That evening she pulled one loose,took it to a brick factory and asked the owner to explain to her how bricks were made. 她专门跑到砖厂向厂主请教砖头是如何制造出来的。 Still not satisfied,she went to a library and found a book on bricks. 对于厂 长的解释她并不满意,于是,她又跑到了图书馆。 She learned that 120 different kinds of brick and file were being produced in England at the time. 通过查阅资料,她了解到,在当时的英国,一共有一百二十多种砖瓦在生产。 She discovered how clay beds,which existed for millions of years,were formed. 她 还发现了已经存在了数百年的粘土层是如何形成的。 Her research captivated her imagination and she spent every spare moment learning more. 她已经完全沉浸在她的研究之中了,她的思想也已经被她的研究完全占据了。 She returned to the library night after night and this woman,who never had a chance,gradually began to climb the steps of knowledge.每天晚上,她都会准时到图 书馆查阅资料。 After months of study,she set out to write her letter as promised.经过几个月 的研究之后,她按照演说家的要求写信。 She sent a 36-page document about the brick in her kitchen and,to her surprise,she received a letter back. 在这封长达36页的信中,她详细地介绍了厨房里地砖的有关情 况。令她吃惊的是,不久以后,她就收到了回信。 Enclosed was payment for her research. 随信而来的,还有她的研究所获得的报酬。 He had published her letter! 原来,那位演讲家把她的信拿去发表了~ And along with the money came a new assignment --- this time he asked her to write about what she found underneath the brick.不仅如此,演讲家又给她布置了一项新任 务:写一些她在厨房地砖下面发现的东西。 For the first time in her life she could hardly wait to get back to the kitchen! 女士一生中第一次受到极大的鼓舞,她迫不及待地返回厨房, 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 She pulled up the brick and there was an ant. 她撬起一块砖头一看,发现下面有一只蚂蚁。 She held it in her hand and examined it.她把它拿在手心仔细地观察。 That evening,she hurried back to the library to study ants. 那天晚上一下班,她便急匆匆地赶到图书馆,去查阅有关蚂蚁的书籍了。 She learned that there were hundreds of different kinds of ants. 通过研究,她了解到世界上有好几百种各种各样的蚂蚁。 Some were so small they could stand on the head of a pin; 有的蚂蚁很小很小,小到可以站在针尖上, while others were so large one could feel the weight of them in one's hand. 而有的则很大很大,大到放在手上都能感觉到它们的重量。 She started her own ant colony and examined ants underneath a lens.为了便于研究,他还专门养了一群蚂蚁,每天都拿着放大镜仔细观察。 Several months later she wrote her findings in a 350-page "letter." 经过几个月的观察与研究,她把她研究蚂蚁的发现写成了一封长达350页的“信”寄给了演说家。 It,too,was eventually published. 当然,这封“信”最终也发表了。 She soon quit her kitchen job to take up writing.不久以后,她便辞去了那份帮厨的工作,开始了她的写作生涯。 Before she died,she had traveled to the lands of her dreams and had experienced more than she ever imagined possible! 直到她去世之前,她几乎游历了所有她梦寐以求要去的地方,而且还体验了许多她曾经想都不敢想的事情~ This is the woman who had never had a chance.这就是那位曾经感叹自己从未得到过任何机会的女人~ Some people wait for opportunity to come knocking. Here is a person who sought it out,proving again that we can be more than victims of mere circumstance. 有些人等着机会来敲门,而这个人却是去寻找机会。她再次证明我们不应该仅仅成为环境的受害者,我们可以做得更多。 If given a chance,will you take it? If given no chance,can you make one? 如果得到了机会,你能抓住它吗,如果没有机会,你能创造一个机会吗, 13.The Province of Alberta 阿尔伯达省 1. Alberta is located in the western part of Canada and is the westernmost among the Prairie Provinces.阿尔伯达省位于加拿大的西部,也是草原诸省中最西部的一个省份。 To its west is British Columbia while to its east is Saskatchewan. 它的西边是不列颠哥伦比亚省,东部是萨斯喀彻温省, Its south borders on the U.S. state of Montana while its north borders on the 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 Northwest Territories. 它的南部与美国的蒙大拿州接壤,而北部则与西北地区相连。 Alberta is a most popular place for people to go to on their vacations because of its beautiful scenery. 由于阿尔伯达省风景优美,人们都很喜欢去那里度假。 The Canadian Rockies running through it have earned for it the proud name of "Fifty Switzerland in One."纵贯全境的加拿大落矶山脉为它赢得了“集50个瑞士于一省”的美名。 2. With an area of approximately 255,212 square miles,equivalent to 661,000 square kilometers,it is the fourth largest province in Canada.(07) 该省面积约 为255212平方英里,相当于661000平方公里,是加拿大第四大省。 Although it has a population of only 3.26 million,about one fifth of the population of Shanghai,it ranks also 4th in population among Canadian provinces. 虽然它的 人口只有326万,仅及上海人口的约五分之一,但在加拿大诸省中它的人口数也居第四位。 The province was named after Princess Louis Caroline Alberta,a daughter of Queen Victoria of England. 阿尔伯达省是以英国维多利亚女皇的一个女儿路易斯?卡洛琳?阿 尔伯达公主的名字命名的。 It became a province of Canada in 1905.它于1905年成为加拿大的一个省份。 3. The people of Alberta originally came from many different countries.阿尔伯 达省的人民最初来自很多不同的国家。 More than half of the Albertans came from Britain. Others came from Austria,Russia and the Scandinavian countries. 其中一半以上来自英国,另一些人来自奥地利、俄国 和斯堪地那维亚国家。 As only a small number were French Canadians,who migrated to Alberta from the eastern part of Canada,the major language spoken in the province is English,with the exception of a few bilingual towns north of Edmonton. 由于只有少数从加拿大 东部迁来的法裔加拿大人,因此除了在埃德蒙顿北部有几个双语种小镇之外,该省所使用 的主要语言是英语。 Although there are only a limited number of Indians living on reservations now,two hundred years ago they were the only inhabitants in what is now called Alberta. 现在,虽然只有人数有限的印第安人居住在保留地上,但是在两百多年前,他们是居住于 现在称之为阿尔伯达省的唯一居民。 4. The first settlers of Alberta were cattle ranchers. 阿尔伯达省的首批移民是 牧场经营者。 Even now,raising cattle is still one of the leading branches of economy. 即使时 至今日,畜牧业仍然是经济的主要部门之一。 But at present many more Albertans are farmers,who raise millions of tons of wheat,oats and barley, 但现在阿尔伯达人中更多的是农民,他们生产成百万吨的小麦、 燕麦和大麦。 they also plant sugar beets and potatoes in the southern part of the province. 在 该省的南部他们还种植甜菜和土豆。 In the northern part,like the Indians who lived there before them,the hunters trap such fur-bearing animals as squirrels,beavers and foxes. 在北部,猎人们象生活在 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 他们之前的印第安人一样捕捉毛皮兽,诸如松鼠、河狸和狐狸等。 Alberta is also rich in forest resources,coal and oil. 阿尔伯达还有丰富的森林资 源、煤矿和石油。 It is one of the main timber producing provinces in Canada. 它是加拿大木材的主 要生产省份之一。 Owing to its rich deposit in oil,petroleum industry has become one of the most important industries of the province,with many oil fields and refineries. 由于 该省石油蕴藏量丰富,石油工业已成为该省最重要的工业主一,油田和炼油厂比比皆是。 Alberta also produces more coal than any other province.阿尔伯达出产的煤也多于 其他任何省份。 5. The provincial capital Edmonton,with a population of about 1,016,000,is the second largest city in the province.省会埃德蒙顿人口约为101.6万,是该省第二大城 市。 The largest city is Calgary. In 1967,it had a population of about 330,000. 第一 大城市是卡尔加里,1967年的人口是33万, But after a lapse of 40 years,it now has more than 1,060,000 inhabitants. 但时 隔40年之后,它的居民总数已超过106万。 The third largest city is Lethbridge,having a population of about 67,000 persons. 第三大城市是莱斯桥,约有人口6、7万。 People in those cities work in meat-packing plants,flour mills,dairies and refineries. 这些城市的居民大多在肉类加工厂、面粉厂、乳制品厂和炼油厂工作。 Some work in canneries and beet-sugar factories.有的则在罐头食品厂和甜菜制糖厂 工作。 6. The climate in Alberta is pleasant,particularly in summer(07),when the average temperature is about 60 degrees Fahrenheit.阿尔伯达气候宜人,特别是夏天, 平均气温为华氏60度左右。 In winter,it is much colder and in the north,the temperature can drop to 20 degrees below zero. 冬天的气候则要冷得多,北部的气温有时可降到零下20度。 Although the best season for traveling is the summer months of June,July and August,many tourists are attracted to the first rate skiing ground at the resorts of Banff and Jasper.虽说旅游的最佳季节是6、7、8月的夏季,但是旅游胜地班夫和嘉思 帕的第一流的滑雪场地也吸引了很多游客。 7. Alberta is located in the Mountain Standard Time Zone. 阿尔伯达位于山地标 准时时区。 12 o'clock at Noon in Edmonton is 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.埃德蒙顿中午12 点即东部标准时间下午2点。 14.A World without Oil 假如世界没有石油 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 1.Have you ever stopped to think how your life would change if the world ran out of oil?你曾想过没有,如果世界上用尽了石油,你的生活会发生什么样变化呢, Take a look at your day. 请看一看你的日常生活。 The roof of your home is probably made waterproof by an oil product,bitumen. 你 家的屋顶可能是用一种叫沥青的石油产品做成防水的。 The same product is used for the road surface outside your home. 沥青同样可用来 铺你家外面的路面。 Before you leave to go to work or school,just examine your surroundings. 在你离 家去上班或上学之前,请观察一下你周围的环境。 Is the room warmer than the cold air outside? 房间里会比外面冷空气暖和吗, Oil,or electricity from oil-fed generators may be keeping you comfortably warm. 这是石油或由燃油发电机发出来的电使你感到舒适温暖。 If you are comfortably cool in a tropical climate,your air conditioning unit may also depend on oil-fed generators.如果你在炎热的气候里感到舒适凉爽,那么你家的 空调器可能也是靠燃油发电机工作的。 2.In the kitchen and the bathroom you will probably see some plastic fittings such as tiles and working surfaces; polystyrene cups; curtains made from synthetic materials; disinfectants and detergents. 在厨房和浴室里你可能看到一些塑料器具, 如塑料地板和塑料操作台面、聚苯乙烯杯子、合成材料的浴帘、消毒剂和去污剂。 All owe their origin to the oil known as petroleum (Latin/Greek 'petra',rock,and Latin 'oleum',oil),found deep in the earth. 所有这些都是来自称为“Petroleum”的石 油。“Petroleum”(石油)是(由拉丁或希腊文"petro"(岩石)和拉丁文"oleum"(油)组成),深 埋在地下。 Look inside the medicine cupboard for more petroleum products,medical paraffin and petroleum jelly. 向药橱里看看,你可以找到更多的石油产品,如药用石蜡和凡士林。 Cosmetics such as face creams,lipsticks and hair preparations are often based on petroleum.化妆品如雪花膏、唇膏、洗发剂等,常用石油作为基本原料。 3.When you're out,notice the fields and gardens. 当外出时你会看到农田和花园。 Fertilizers and insecticides made from petroleum can improve crop production. 化 肥和杀虫剂是由石油制取的,可以使农作物增产。 Recently protein feeds for animals have been developed by growing yeast in a petroleum based stock. 最近已经研制出一种动物食用的蛋白质饲料,它是用石油作为基 本原料加上酵母而制成的。 As you head for your bus,train or car,all of which use petroleum products in the form of fuel to move them and lubricants to keep them in working order,take a look in the mirror. 公共汽车、货车或小轿车,都是靠石油产品作燃料开动的,用润滑油保持 这些车辆正常工作。当你去乘车之前要照一照镜子。 What are you wearing today? 看看今天穿什么衣服好, A polyester shirt or dress,nylon socks or stockings,and acrylic sweater---a raincoat of PVC (polyvinyl chloride)? 是化纤服装(衬衫还是外套),是尼龙袜(短 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 袜还是长袜),晴纶毛衣还是塑料雨衣, All of these are based on petroleum products.而所有这些都是用石油产品作原料的。 4. Scientists predict that the world's known oil resources will run out early in the next century.(05) 科学家预言世界上已探明的石油资源将在下个世纪初用尽。 But long before then the world will have to decide on its priorities. 但远在那 时候以前,世界就必须确定石油是优先考虑控制使用的物资。 Can we afford to use so much of our limited petroleum supplies for private motoring? 石油储量既然有限,我们还能把那么多的石油用于私人汽车吗, Should airlines compete on similar routes allowing planes to fly long distances with empty passenger seats? 难道航空公司还应该为了在类似的航线上竞争而允许他们 的客机有空座的长途飞行吗, What alternative energy resources can be developed? 能开发出什么样的替代能源呢, 5. There is an old English saying,"Necessity is the mother of invention(07)," 英国有一句古话“需要是发明之母”。 which means that when you are faced with a need you will discover some way of fulfilling it. 这意味着当你面对一种需要时,你将发现一种方法满足它。 Already scientists are proposing some fascinating solutions. 科学家们已经在提出 一些迷人的解决方案。 There is one suggestion that the wheeled traffic and the footsteps of crowds walking the streets in major cities could generate energy.(09) 有一个建议提出,在大城 市街道上,拥挤的人群走的脚步和路面上往来行使的车辆可以用来生产能量。 One company has presented an idea in which metal strips inserted in pavements and roads operate fly wheels by means of a piston action using hydraulic fluid. 一 个公司提出这样想法:嵌在人行道和路面上的金属条用液压活塞的作用使飞轮转动。 They say the human and wheeled traffic in a busy city center could provide enough energy to light the streets of an entire town or power the heating system for a hospital or school.他们说,在繁华大城市的中心,人群和过往车辆可提供足够的能量为 整个城镇的街道照明或者为一个医院或学校提供供暖系统的动力。 Some people are developing sophisticated versions of the windmill. 某些人正在研 制高级的风车技术。 Engines can run on alcohol,so surplus sugar cane could be used to produce energy. 发动机可用乙醇作燃料开动,因此,过剩的甘蔗可用来产生能量。 An air ship powered by energy from the sun has been suggested. 还有人建议用太阳 能作动力来驱使飞艇。 Such "sun ship" would have a large enough surface area to carry the enormous number of solar cells necessary to move any appreciable load. 这种“太阳能飞艇”必须要很 大的面积以携带大量的太阳能电池,这样才有可能运载可观的载荷。 Such "sun ship" might travel at over one hundred kilometers an hour. 这种“太阳 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 能飞艇”也许每小时能航行100多公里。 In such circumstances,of course,the tropical parts of the world would have a head start in the race to find new energy sources.当然倘若这样,世界的热带地区在寻找 新能源的竞赛中将会领先一步。 15.How Animals Hear 动物如何听到声音 1. When we talk about ears,we usually mean the oddly wrinkled appendages on the sides of our heads.当我们提到耳朵,通常指那个生长在我们头部两侧的奇怪的褶皱的附 属肢体。 2. We are aware that at the end of the central hole in this outer ear there is something called the middle ear,with an eardrum and a few little bones. 我们知 道,在外耳中孔的底部有东西称为中耳,它由一个耳鼓和一些小骨骼构成。 Even deeper lies the inner ear,the organ with which we "hear".而真正能使我们“听” 的器官在更深处的内耳。 3. Animals such as dogs and cats also have conspicuous outer ears,but few of us probably ever stopped to think whether there might be such a thing as a middle and inner ear beneath those pointed tips. 诸如猫和狗这样的动物也有引人注目的外耳, 但很少人能够停下来去想,在竖立的尖儿下面,是否那里也有类似于中耳和内耳的东西。 Yet,we know very well that these animals hear.但是我们很清楚地知道这些动物都能 够听到。 4. Birds are even more mysterious,because here we do not even see an outer ear. 鸟类甚至更为神秘,因为我们甚至看不到它们有一个外耳。 The same is true to still a larger degree of such animals as frogs and fishes,although in the frog we can at least see an eardrum.还有很大数量的动物如 青蛙和鱼类也是如此,虽然我们至少可以看到青蛙有一个耳鼓。 5. Again,at one time or another,you may have found that all such animals hear. 此外,你可能曾经发现所有的这些动物都在听。 Hunters know that birds are attracted by artificial calls,and fishermen emphasize that you should be as quiet(原文quite) as possible if you don't want to go home empty handed. 猎人们知道鸟类会被人造的声音所吸引,渔夫们则强调,如果你不想空手 而归的话就要尽可能的安静。 And if you ever hunted frogs in your childhood,you know how softly you had to tread! 如果你在童年抓过青蛙,你应该知道要多么轻柔地走动。 Moreover,it seems absurd that birds should sing and frogs croak,if they could not even hear their own voices.说实在,青蛙在叫,鸟儿在唱,如果它们甚至听不到自己发 出的声音,岂不荒谬。 6. By direct observations and many experiments,biologists have discovered that practically all animals have some sense of hearing or vibration.(04) 通过直接 观察和许多试验,生物学家已经发现,实际上所有的动物都具有某种听觉或振动感。 Earthworms feel vibrations in the soil,fish can be trained to respond to certain 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 tones,male mosquitoes are attracted by the sound of the female,and frogs will respond to a tape recording of their own voices.蚯蚓在土壤里能感觉震动,鱼类可 以训练的对特定的音调有反应,雄性蚊子可以被雌性蚊子的声音所吸引,青蛙对它们自己 的声音的录音有所反应。 7. The inner ear is composed of delicate membranes which bear dense patches of specialized cells called maculae. 内耳由脆弱的薄膜构成,它承载着密集的由被称作 斑疹的特殊细胞构成的片。 Each of these collections of cells can carry a message to the brain. 每个这样的 细胞群都能够把信息传递给大脑, What message is carried by a macula depends upon how it is affected. 而斑疹承载 怎样的信息依赖于它是怎样受影响的。 The message which is carried is not,however,always connected with the hearing sense. 但是被承载的信息并不总是与听觉相连。 For instance,a certain kind of tadpole can tell the depth of the water it is swimming in by the pitch of a tone which is produced by its own lungs.举个例子,有一种蝌 蚪能感知它所游泳之处水的深度,它是通过某种自己肺部产生的声音的音调来判定的。 8. In the human and all other mammals,the macula has developed into an organ which can easily be seen. 对于人类和其他所有哺乳类动物来说,斑疹已经进化成为一种很容 易看见的器官, This organ is called the cochlea. 这种器官称作“耳蜗”。 This spiral shaped organ contains the macula itself and it is called "organ of Corti" after its discoverer. 这一螺旋形的器官包括了MACULAE本身,以及后来被其发现者称为 “CORTI”的器官。 If you have ever seen a snail shell,you know how a cochlea looks.如果你看到过蜗 牛的壳,你就知道耳蜗的形象。 9. When sound waves enter the cochlea,which is really a tube coiled around,they set a membrane into a back and forth motion and cause a new wave. 当声波进入耳 蜗这条盘旋的管道,它令薄膜前后移动并且产生新的波动。 This is something like the way in which high and low sounds are produced by a flute or whistle. 这种方式类似于长笛或是哨子所产生的高低音。 The high sounds are produced when the air is prevented by the holes from going through,while the low sounds are produced by allowing more of the air to pass. 当 洞穴被阻挡导致空气不能通过通道时就产生高音,而有更多空气通过通道时则产生低音。 All this is what produces the differences between high and low sounds. 这些造成 了高音和低音的不同。 The loudness of a sound is evidently produced by how much the membrane is cause to move.而声音的大小则明显的决定于耳膜运动。 10. Whether or not hearing is really produced in all animals by the effect of 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 pressure is not definitely known by scientists as yet. 对于所有的动物来说,听觉 是否真的因为气压的影响而产生,至今科学家们仍然没有明确的了解。 We do know,however,that nature has set up some very delicate hearing mechanisms for its creatures. 但是我们知道,自然界已经为它的生物们建立了一些非常精细的听觉 机制。 Scientists must explore much further for more knowledge about how animals use their ears.科学家们必须进行更加深入地探讨才能够对动物如何应用它们的耳朵获得更多的知 识。 16.The Germanic Languages日耳曼语系 1.Most people have heard of the Tower of Babel story in the Bible.大多数的人 都听说过圣经中巴别塔的故事。 According to this story,long ago all people spoke the same language. 故事称很久 以前,人们说的是同一种语言。 Later,however,they were punished by speaking a great number of different tongues. 但是,后来人们遭受惩罚,而开始说各种不同的语言。 Today,there are literally thousands of different languages (defined as mutually unintelligible tongues) around the world,though many are related to one another. 今天,全世界真是有好几千种不同的语言(此处指的是彼此无法相通的语言),虽然其中 语言彼此都有所关联。 Indeed,the two largest language families,the Indo-European (the language family with the largest number of speakers) and Sino-Tibetan (containing the Chinese languages,Thai,Vietnamese,and Tibetan) include hundreds of languages with over half the world's population.的确,这两个最大的语系,印欧语系(最多人使用的语系) 和汉藏语系(包括华语、泰语、越语和西藏语),涵盖了几百种不同的语言,使用者也超 过了全世界半数的人口。 2.Because there are so many languages within the above two super-categories of language families,linguists have further divided these linguistically rich and geographically diverse families into sub-groups,one of which,the Germanic language group,has the second-largest number of speakers (Chinese being first). 就因为有 太多的语言涵盖于上述的两个超级语系,语言学家就进一步的把这两种语言丰富、地理涵 盖范围非常广的语系再区分为几种不同的次级语系,其中的1个就是日耳曼语系,使用这个 语系的人数在所有语系中排名第二位(第一位为华语)。 Within this group of over 500,000,000 speakers is the world's foremost international language,English,foremost in terms of its geographic spread and number of second-language users. 在这个有5亿多人口使用的语系中,包括了世界最重 要的国际语言,那就是英语。英语之所以称得上是最重要的语言乃因使用的地区很广,且 把英语当作第二种语言使用的人口亦很多。 German,spoken by just over 100,000,000 people,is one of the world's ten-largest languages in terms of population. 有1亿多人操德语,故就人口而言,德语是世界十大 语言之一。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 As English and German speakers constitute the majorities in several of the world's most economically,militarily,and technologically developed countries,it is important to be familiar with this particular language grouping.由于使用英语和 德语的人口在几个经济、军事和科技先进的国家中占绝大比例,因此熟悉日耳曼语系的来 龙去脉是很重要的。 3.Linguists further divide the Germanic languages into three groups,two extant and one extinct. East Germanic languages are no longer spoken; 语言学家又进一步 地把日耳曼语系分成3个支系,其中两个支系至今仍然存在,另,个支系,也就是东日尔曼 语,因无人使用而已不复存。 Gothic is an example of this small and historic grouping. 歌德语就属于这种使用 者不多但历史悠久的语系。 Afrikaans ,Dutch ,English ,Flemish ,and German are the more important languages within the West Germanic grouping. 南非荷兰语、荷兰语、英语、佛兰芝语、及德语则 属西日耳曼语的几个重要语言。 The Scandinavian languages of Danish,Icelandic,Norwegian,and Swedish comprise the North Germanic grouping. 丹麦语、冰岛语、挪威语及瑞典语等北欧语系则属北日耳曼语 系。 Though these languages cannot be easily understood among their different speakers,the similarities in vocabulary are striking.虽然这些不同语言使用者彼此 不易沟通,不过词汇的雷同处却很明显。 4.Take for example the two largest languages within this group,English and German. 就拿日耳曼语系中英语及德语两大语言来说吧, The word Haus in German is house in English,with nearly the same pronunciation. 德文的Haus 就是英文的house,发音几乎完全相同。 Some names of German family members are instantly recognizable to English listeners and readers: Mutter,Bruder,and Onkel for the English mother,brother,and uncle (all German nouns are capitalized in print). 一些德语家庭成员的称呼如:Mutter,Bruder 和Onkel,懂英语的人很快地就知道这些字指的就是mother,bother 和uncle(德文的名词一 律大写)。 Other German family members are easily learned: Vater,Schwester,and Tante for the English father,sister,and aunt. 其它有关家庭成员名称的德语说法也很容易学:像 Vater,Schwester 和Tante 在英文里指的就是father,sister 和aunt。 Thus,those who know English and want to study German find their first year of learning vocabulary to be relatively easy. 因此懂英语而想学德语的人,会发现初学 词汇的第一年是很容易的一件事。 The same is true,of course,for those who want to learn Dutch or Danish from an English or German background; 当然,具有英语和德语背景的人要学丹麦语和荷兰语也同样是件 易事。 these many similarities are due to the single common parent language of all the 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 Germanic tongues,even though this "grandfather" language no longer exists.这些 相似处乃因所有日耳曼语系皆源自共同的母语,尽管这个“爷爷级”的语言已不复存在。 5.Speakers and writers of the Germanic languages account for a great deal of the world's output in everything from economics to literature to military to science and technology. (10词汇)全球举凡经济、文学、军事乃至科技等方面的产品, 有很多都是使用日耳曼语系的人所生产的。 Hardly an aspect of modern life does not benefit from the contributions made by those using these languages,as in the Internet,Hollywood entertainment,Dutch (Phillips) and Scandinavian consumer goods design(Ericsson,maker of cellular phones,is a Swedish company,as are Volvo and Saab),and even the Nobel prizes (awarded by both Norwegian and Swedish institutes). 现代生活几乎各方面无不受益 于这些人的贡献,譬如互联网络,好莱坞娱乐事业,荷兰(菲利普公司)和北欧的消费品 设计(生产手机的爱利信公司就是瑞典的一家公司、富豪及绅宝汽车亦是瑞典的公司), 甚至诺贝尔奖(由挪威及瑞典学术机构颁发)。 More than one-third of the world's economic production originates in these countries ,too .全世界的经济生产量有超过三分之一也是源自这些国家。 6.For any speaker of a language outside the Germanic language group preparing to choose a useful second language for the future,English is probably the best bet. 对于那些非使用日耳曼语系的人而言,为了前途而准备要选修第二种语言时,英文很可能 是最佳的选择。 German,too,is very useful in the fields of medicine,economics,military,and science and technology. 在医学、经济、军事和科技方面,德语也是一样管用。 Being able to communicate with others in this far-reaching linguistic group will offer the user immeasurable benefits.日耳曼语系影响深远,若能使用这种语言与该语 系的人沟通将会带来莫大的好处。 17.How Americans Eat and Drink 美国人的饮食 1.Coca-Cola is the best-selling soft (non-alcoholic) drink in the world.可口 可乐是全世界销路最好的软饮料(不含酒精的饮料)。 165 million "Cokes" are sold every day,from the equator to the Arctic. 从赤道到 北极,可口可乐每天的销售量为1.65亿瓶。 But whereas outside the USA Coke tends to be a young person's drink,inside the USA anybody of any age or income can drink it without embarrassment on any occasion. (11词汇)在美国,任何人,不论年龄大小、收入多少,都可以在任何场合饮用可口可乐 而不至于有任何不自在的感觉。但在美国之外,可口可乐往往是青年人的饮料。 2.Coke is not the only "cola" drink. 可口可乐不是唯一的可乐饮料。 Pepsi Cola is a well-known rival and has its devotees,for it is not as sweet as Coke. 百事可乐是它的著名竞争对手并拥有自己的爱好者,因为它不像可口可乐那么甜。 Cola drinks contain caffeine from the kola nut and are the only soft drinks which are stimulating as well as refreshing.可乐饮料含有从可拉果中提取的咖啡因,并且 是唯一的既可提神又有刺激性的软饮料。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 3.There are excellent wines produced in California which are praised by European connoisseurs,but some Americans prefer stronger stuff. 加利福尼亚生产的优质葡萄 酒得到欧洲的行家们的赞扬,但有些美国人更喜欢烈性酒。 Well-off Americans consume a lot of alcohol in the form of cocktails(07)---mixtures based on spirits like whisky,gin and vodka.很多美国人以喝鸡尾酒的方式消费大量酒 精,这种酒是用威士忌、杜松子酒和伏特加之类的烈性酒调制而成的。 4.Hamburgers and hot dogs are perhaps the best known American foods. 汉堡包和 热狗也许是最著名的美国食品了。 Hot dogs---sausages between bread rolls---can be bought in snack bars and from hot dog stands on street corners. 热狗---面包卷夹香肠---可以在街角的小吃店和热狗摊 上买到。 And from San Francisco to New York,in cheap or medium-priced restaurants,hamburgers will be on all the menus,in company with steaks,fried chicken and seafood. 从旧 金山到纽约的中小饭馆,所有的菜单上都有汉堡包,它与牛排、炸鸡和海味并列。 They come with French fries and crisp green salad. 它们与炸薯条和新鲜色拉搁在一 起出售。 In most cases it is certainly good value for money. 在多数情况下,这笔钱当然值 得一花。 For dessert you will be offered apple pie,cheese cake,chocolate layer cake,ice cream and ice cream sundaes. 要甜点心的话,你可以点苹果馅饼、乳酪蛋糕、巧克力夹 心蛋糕、冰淇淋和冰淇淋圣代。 No ice cream in the world is more delicious than American ice cream.世界上没有 哪个地方的冰激淋比美国的更好吃了。 5.The American passion for speed has now hit the food business. 美国人追求“快” 的激情目前已经影响到了饮食业。 Many restaurants ,in particular the great chain restaurant company , Macdonald's , specialize in “fast food” , food which is served at the counter ready "to go",or "to take out".许多饭馆,尤其是大型连锁饮食公司麦当劳,专门做“快餐”,也就是在柜 台随时可以买到或带走的食物。 The food,cooked and hot,is packed into cardboard and plastic containers,and hot drinks go into plastic cups with tight-fitting lids. 饭菜做好了,趁热就装进纸板 或塑料制的容器。热饮料则装入盖子盖得很严的塑料杯中。 There are also drive-in fast food restaurants,where the customer does not even have to leave his or her car. 还有服务到车上的“路旁”快餐店,顾客甚至用不着离开小汽车。 They first stop at a board where the menu is displayed,give an order through a microphone and then drive another twenty yards,where a girl hands them the meal,ready cooked and packed. 他们先在一块写有菜单的牌子前停车,通过麦克风订饭 菜,然后再往前开20码,就有女服务员递上做好并装在盒里的饭菜。 People who prefer to eat at a table in the restaurant also receive their food in 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 cardboard or plastic containers,and the knives,forks and spoons are plastic,too. 愿意在饭馆里坐在餐桌边进餐的人的饭菜也同样装在纸板或塑料制的容器中,刀、叉、汤 匙也都是塑料做的。 When they have finished,customers throw everything except the tray into a trash can.顾客吃完了,除了盘子以外,其余都扔进垃圾箱。 6.In most cities,large and small,you can eat Mexican or Italian food. 在大多 数城市里,无论大城市还是小城市,你都可以吃到墨西哥食品或意大利食品。 And even small towns have a coffee shop serving simple meals,drinks of all kinds---and excellent,freshly-made coffee. 甚至小镇上也有咖啡馆提供简单的饭菜、 各种饮料和非常好的刚煮好的咖啡。 You sit at the counter,or are served at a table. 你坐在柜台边或桌旁就行。 Service in restaurants and coffee shops is efficient and friendly. 饭店和咖啡馆 的服务热情周到,效率很高。 Waiters and waitresses often introduce themselves. "Hi! I am Don (Debbie). What can I get you folks?" 男女服务员经常自我介绍:“我是多恩(或德比)。您要点什么?” This friendliness is natural and not entirely influenced by the hope of a high tip. 这种友好毫不做作,也并不完全是想多得小费。 In any case,people usually tip 15% of the check. 一般,人们常另付账单金额的15, 作为小费。 One of the pleasantest things about waiters and waitresses is that they refill your coffee cup several times for no extra charge!男女服务员最讨人喜欢的一点是他们屡 次三番把你的咖啡杯重新斟满而不另加收钱~The waiters will refill your coffee cup several charge(11词汇) times for no extra 7.Many American families pride themselves on their cooking,and have deep freezers,where they store food they grow in their gardens or buy in the supermarket. 许多美国家庭以自己的烹调而自豪。他们有冷藏箱,可以把他们在花园种的或从超级市场 买的食物贮藏起来。 Supermarkets are large self-service stores selling every kind of food---fresh ,canned or frozen. 超级市场是大型自助商店,出售各种食品---新鲜的、 罐头装的或冰冻的。 So,like the fast-food restaurants,their produce is less expensive and easier to market. 因此,像快餐馆一样,他们的商品较便宜,容易销售。 There have been supermarkets in the USA since the 1930s,and they have now spread through a large part of the world.美国从1930年代起就有超级市场了,现在超级市场 已遍及世界的大部分地区。 18.The Delights of South Island 南岛之乐 1.One of the odder coincidences of physical geography is the fact that there are two double islands, roughly the same size, positioned at each other's antipodes, or farthest-distant point.自然地理上较为奇特的巧合之一是地球上有两组大小约略相 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 同、位置相对或者说相距最为遥远的双岛。 The islands of England and Ireland in the Northern Hemisphere and the islands of North Island and South Island in the Southern Hemisphere are just such a coincidence. 北半球的英格兰和爱尔兰群岛以及南半球的北岛和南岛就是这样的一种巧合。 The first two islands comprise the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland (or Eire), and the second two islands comprise New Zealand. 第一组的两座岛构成英国 和爱尔兰共和国,第二组的两座岛则组成新西兰。 Among these four islands, there can be no doubt that South Island is the least polluted and most spectacularly scenic of them all.四个岛中,南岛无疑是污染最少 且风景最秀丽的。 2.There is much competition to make such a claim. 这样说势必经过一番竞争。 The island of England,politically constituting England,Scotland,and Wales of the United Kingdom,is dotted with country villages set alongside rivers and lakes. 在 政治版图上构成英国的英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士的英格兰本岛,乡间农村沿着河岸和湖畔 星罗棋布。 There are not very tall but nonetheless rugged mountains in the north,and endless miles of rocky coastline that seem mystical. 北部的山虽不高但却崎岖不平,而绵延 不绝的岩岸则展现出神秘的风情。 Ireland,too,is a paradise of greenery,with far fewer people than populous England and even more quaint villages scattered among its low-lying hills and forever green fields. 爱尔兰也是绿色天堂,人口远不及人烟稠密的英格兰,却有更多古意盎然的农村 散布在低洼的山丘和常绿的田野间。 North Island in New Zealand sports a balmy climate and the beaches to make use of it; 新西兰的北岛以拥有温和的气候和可享受这宜人气候的海滩为傲; one beach alone is more than 150 kilometers long,and with relatively few people on its shores,one can pretend one is at the very end of the earth. 光是一个海滩 就超过150公里长,而岸上人口相当稀少,可以让人假装自己是在世界的尽头。 Volcanoes,large lakes,and quickly flowing rivers traverse the land. 火山、大 湖和湍急的河流横亘全岛。 Given the beauty of these three islands,what makes South Island so special?既然 这个三个岛如此美丽,南岛又有何特别之处, 3.Plenty. 那可多着呢。 For those who like mountains,South Island is sure to please. 对那些喜爱大山者来 说,南岛一定能取悦他们。 Mt. Cook at 3,764 meters is its highest peak,with 16 others above 3,000 meters. 南岛的最高峰库克山高3764米,另外还有16座超过3000米的山峰。 Naturally,many local and foreign mountain climbers come here for the challenge of these Southern Alps. 自然而然地,许多国内外的登山家来到此地挑战南半球的阿尔卑斯 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 山脉。 In addition,there is an extensive glacier system,endless forests,and innumerable lakes throughout this highland area. 此外,还有一个广大的冰河系统、无止尽的森林 和数不尽的湖泊遍布在这个高原带。 Some of the world's best mountain scenery is available within the 500-kilometer long chain of the Southern Alps.(10词汇)一些举世无双的山光水色可在这绵延的500 公里长的南阿尔卑斯山脉之间欣赏到。 4.Perhaps you prefer the sea? 也许你比较喜欢海, South Island is not only an island,but many tiny islets can be found off its coastline. 南岛并不是一座岛屿,在它的外海还散布着众多的小岛屿, Great deep-sea fishing,scuba diving,and snorkeling can be had,though the waters here are cooler than those of North Island. 可以从事深海钓鱼、深海潜水和浮潜-- 虽然这里的水温比起北岛的水温要来的低。 (Remember,in the Southern Hemisphere,as we go north,it gets warmer.) (记住,在 南半球愈往北走海水愈温暖。) As fewer people live on South Island than on North Island,those who crave solitude and pristine beaches will be amazed at their luck here. 由于南岛的人口比北岛的 少,喜爱独处和原始海滩的人在此将会对于他们有幸来到这里而感到惊异。 With almost no heavy industry on South Island,the air,water,and land are all free of pollution. 南岛上几乎没有重工业,空气、水和土地全都未受污染。 The local seafood is therefore clean,plentiful,and never-ending.当地的海鲜因而 干净、富饶而且取之不尽。 5.Do healthful climates interest you? 你对健康的气候感兴趣吗, South Island is the place to be. 来南岛这个地方就对了。 Its temperate climate sees little snow except in the highlands and mountainous areas. 除了在高原和山区地带,这儿温和的气候很少降雪。 Like Ireland and England,there are no extremes of temperature,either. 就像爱尔 兰和英格兰一样,气温也不严酷。 Summers are warm,not hot,and winters are brisk rather than freezing. 夏天暖和不 热,冬天则凉爽而不寒冷。 The fresh air is sometimes humid from the abundant rainfall of this area.(10 词汇) 清新的空气有时会因这地区丰沛的降雨而潮湿。 Every season invites the nature lover to get out and be active in the countryside.这里一年四季都适合爱好大自然的人出门到乡间去活跃一番。 6.Of course,South Island is not for everyone. 当然,并非每个人都会喜欢南岛。 For those who need busy,crowded,noisy,and polluted cities,this Southern outpost will surely disappoint. 对那些需要繁忙、拥挤、嘈杂和受污染城市的人而言,南半球 的这个边陲地区必定会让他们感到失望; For those who enjoy pressure and stress,South Island will leave them empty-handed. 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 对那些喜欢压力和紧张的人而言,南岛将使他们空手而返; And for those who would rather stay at home or in an office in front of a computer screen or in the thumping,smoke-filled dance floors of discos,some of the world's best natural scenery will never entice them away. 而那些宁愿待在家里或办公室计 算机屏幕前、或是窝在音乐震天响、烟雾弥漫的迪斯科舞池内的人而言,世界上最棒的一 些自然景色永远也无法诱使他们离开。 For the rest of us,though,South Island is the world's best-kept secret. 但是对 我们其余的人而言,南岛是世界最棒的秘境。 If Nature's paradise sounds alluring,make a point of visiting South Island.如果 大自然中的天堂听起来让你觉得有吸引力,那么别忘了到南岛去玩一玩。 19. Net To Newspapers: Drop Dead 当报纸遭遇网络---死路一条 1.Newspapers are cockroaches . 报纸就像是蟑螂,生命力超强。 No matter what is introduced into the media ecosystem, the oldest of the Big Media survives. 无论传媒界的“生态系统”出现什么新的对手,这个传媒业老大哥总能安然度过。 Despite decades of doomsayers, newspapers prospered through radio, through TV and cable, through video games, through the Internet... 尽管十多年来,不断有人预言 报纸会走向穷途末路,报纸还是顺利经受了广播、电视、电报、电视游戏和因特网的挑战 和考验而继续蓬勃发展„。 Not so fast. 稍等,先别这么乐观。 Suddenly, even sober Wall Street analysts think something new is afoot.突然之间, 事态似乎起了变化,甚至是华尔街冷静的分析家们也认为新情况在悄然发生。 2.What looms now "is different from all other threats," says Lauren Rich Fine, a Merrill Lynch & Co. analyst who has covered the industry since the 1980s. Lauren Rich Fine是美林证券的分析家,他从20世纪80年代就开始关注这个行业的发展,他说:“这 次报纸受到了前所未有的威胁。” Consumers are shifting decisively to online information, says Fine, especially the young, and are no longer yoked to the local newspaper. " Lauren Rich Fine说,人 们,尤其是年轻人,坚决地由报纸转向了网络信息,从而摆脱了报纸的束缚。 Ads are following the eyeballs to where they make transactional decisions." “在 消费者要做出与交易相关决定时,他们的眼球盯在哪里,广告就会跟到哪里。” Fine recently forecast that newspapers' profit margins are set to enter a long period of decline.Lauren Rich Fine最近预测,报纸的利润要陷入长期低迷。 3.The new and troubling reality for newspapers is that even if they excel as purveyors of information to appreciative audiences, they still face tough business terrain. "最新的残酷现实是,虽然报纸对于能欣赏他们的忠实读者来说,仍然是信息传 播的强力媒介,但它们仍然面临着残酷的商业前景。 They can try to be the destination where you go online and [can] be really successful 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 with citizen journalism and blogs," says Fine. Fine说:“报纸可以试着牵手网络, 随着博客和平民新闻业的发展而获得成功。” But such innovations are "not going to pay a lot of bills."但是这样的革新也“不 会帮助报社减轻多少运营的成本压力。” 4.Newspaper execs are groping for some killer app, but nothing has yet taken hold. 报业主管们仍然在探寻能一招制敌的解决问题的良方,但目前仍是一无所获。 Charging for online content works for The Wall Street Journal, where Web-only subscriptions cost $79---still far below the $215 print subscription---but no other brand-name newspaper dares to follow. 《华尔街日报》对网上信息进行收费,似乎还 挺奏效。电子版报纸的订费是每年79美元,比215美元的印刷版便宜多了。然而,其他知名 报纸都不敢原样照搬它的经验: The New York Times will charge Web users to read its columnists' prose later this year, but the Los Angeles Times just lifted the fee for its arts listings site, calendarlive.com. Washington Post Co.Chairman Donald E. Graham has said he won't charge for washingtonpost.com.《纽约时报》今年后半年只会对专栏的内容进行收费; 但是《落杉机时报》只是提高了其艺术版calendarlive.com的费用;《华盛顿邮报》的主 席DonaldE.Graham说他们不打算对网站washingtonpost.com进行收费。 5.Internet damage was quantified in an April McKinsey & Co. report on online classified ads that bluntly talked about "price destruction." 麦肯锡在四月份出 示的一份关于在线分类广告的报告中,就因特网对报业造成的损失进行了量化分析,报告 中很直率地谈到了“价格竞争”。 The Internet's effect on help-wanted classifieds, the study found, cost newspapers $1.9 billion in revenue between 1996 and 2004. 研究发现,因特网对照品类广告产生 了巨大的影响,导致报纸在1996-2004年间营业收入损失19亿美元。 And classified-ad categories like real estate and automotive may not be exempt from such trends, the report warned. 分类广告中类似房地产和汽车等专栏可能也未能逃脱 厄运。 Newspapers have been hurt by the quiet march of free (or low-cost) classifieds on craigslist.org, 报告警告说:craigslist.org上的免费分类广告快速蔓延, which now serves more than 100 U.S. regions and 33 countries and logs more than 2.5 billion page views a month.这个网站已经覆盖了33个国家和美国国内100多个地区, 一个月之内会有25亿页的阅读量,报纸已经深受其害。 6.Further pressure may be discerned in analysts' studies showing recent increases in discounted newspaper subscriptions. 分析家的研究结果说明了报业面临着更深一层 的压力---报纸订阅开始打折。 This coincided roughly with widespread broad-band adoption, enabling painless perusal of endless free content. 当今宽带广泛采用,读者能够毫不费力地阅读无限量 的免费信息。 And it has occurred alongside the advent of free dailies from the likes of Sweden's Metro International and Knight Ridder, which in February bought five free dailies in California.在这样的背景下,瑞典的Metro International和Knight Ridder开始发行 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 免费日报,Kinght Ridders收购了五家旧金湾地区的免费赠阅日报。 7.Companies like Knight Ridder and Tribune Co. have also moved aggressively into low-cost and free classifieds online. Knight Ridder和Tribune Co.等公司通过(免 费日报等)手段向网上的低成本或免费分类广告发起攻势,可谓来势汹汹。 But holding share via ultra-low prices means, in bottom-line terms, that "you lose for winning," says Fine, substituting lower-margin for higher-margin business. 但 是,Fine认为,如果我们看看最终的经营结果,通过超低价格来争取市场份额是“杀敌三千, 自损一万”,这样做只不过是用低利率的经营取代了高利润的经营。 Knight Ridder exec Hilary A. Schneider disputes the lower-margin claim, pointing to successes with online and offline classified packages. Knight Ridder的高管 Hilary A.Schneider对这种“低利润率经营”的说法不以为然,Schneider也很自豪于自己将 网上与报纸的分类广告进行组合的成功尝试。 But that doesn't convince. 但光是这点成功是不具备足够说服力的。 Given the Internet's vast, almost infinite, expanse, scarcity will never drive ad pricing online. 要知道互联网的覆盖面是极其宽广甚至无边的,不管其中登出的某些需 求多么冷僻,也永远不会打压互联网广告的价格。 "There's just so much inventory out there," says Deutsche Bank analyst Paul Ginocchio .德意志银行的分析员Paul Ginocchio说:“互联网上的分类目录真是浩瀚无边。” 8.No medium disappears quickly, and it will be a while before rusting newspaper boxes creak vacantly in the breeze. 如何一个媒体形式都不会快速消亡。要等到“生锈 的空报纸纸箱在微风中吱吱做响” 的情景尚需时日。 Newspaper companies now pursue digital deals. 报业一直在寻求并购网络公司。 Recently, Gannett acquired online ad tech provider PointRoll , and E.W. Scripps snagged comparison shopping service Shopzilla . 最近,Gannett收购了在线广告技术 提供商PointRoll ,E.W.Scipps则收购了价格比较购物网站Shopzilla。 Diversifying means snapping up Web outfits---and therein lies an unpleasant reminder. 多元化意味着各大报纸都在迅速为自己增添网络装备---然而网络却总是带着 不祥的暗示: Newspapers are cockroaches . 报纸的生命力确实如蟑螂般顽强, But the Net's starting to resemble Black Flag.但网络却开始带着杀气向它走来。 20. If Lincoln Had Used a Computer 如果林肯使用过计算机„„ 1. The ad for a software program caught my eye. 有一则计算机软件的广告引起了 我的注意。 It said ,"Write better in 30 days or your money back."它说:“要是30天之内不能提 高你的写作能力,就将原款退还。” 2. I'm familiar with computer programs that correct spelling through the use of built-in dictionaries.(08) 我熟悉那些通过使用内建字典来纠正拼写错误的计算机程 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 序。 But the ad for this program said that it would correct "stylistic errors".但是, 这则软件广告却说,它能纠正“文体错误”。 3. Style. That's a big part of what writing is about. 文体对于写作关系可是很 重大的。 So I stopped by the computer store to give it a test run. 因此,我在那家计算机 商店停下来,准备试一试这个程序。 I wanted to see what the program would say about one of my favorite pieces of writing.我想看一看它会对我所喜爱的一篇文章说些什么。 4. I typed it into the computer. 我把文章输进了计算机。 Then the computer printed out a critique. 接着,计算机屏幕上显示出了一段评语。 Here it is:下文便是: 5. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation,conceived in Liberty,and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. [Long sentences can be difficult to read and understand. Consider revising so that no more than one complete thought is expressed in each sentence. Passive voice: "are created." Consider using active. Usually a paragraph should have more than one sentence.] 87年前,我们的先辈在这个大陆上缔造了一个新国家。她以自由为立国之本,坚决奉行 所有的人生来平等的原则。 6. Now we are engaged [Passive voice: "are engaged." Consider using active. See "Help" key for more information.] in a great civil war,testing whether that nation,or any nation so conceived and so dedicated,can long endure. We are met [Passive voice: "are met." Consider using active.] on a great battle field of that war. We have come to dedicated a portion of that field,as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that [Delete doubled word.] nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. 目前我们正在进行一场伟大的内战,这场战争正考验我国,或者任何在自由中诞生并奉 行上述原则的国家能否永存。我们在这场伟大战争的战场上聚会。把这战场之一角奉献给 那些为国家生存而捐躯的人们,作为他们的最后安息之地。我们完全应该这样做。 7. But,[Use "But" sparingly to start a sentence.] in a larger sense,we cannot dedicate,we cannot consecrate,we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men,living and dead,who struggled here,have consecrated it,far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember [An adjective "long" is usually not followed by a verb "remember." You may need to use an adverbial form of "long" or a comma before "remember. "] what we say here,but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us,the living,rather [This word usually adds little and should be omitted.] to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which ["That" is almost always preferred in this situation. If you really mean "which," then it usually needs to be preceded by a comma,See "Help" key for more information.] they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather [This word usually 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 adds little and should be omitted.] for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us: that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly revolve that these dead [Usually "these" should be followed by a plural noun.] shall not have died in vain; that this nation,under God,shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth. [Problems detected: 13.] 但是从更广泛的意义上来说,我们无权把这块土地奉献给他们,也无力神圣化这片土地。 那些活着的和死去的,曾在这里战斗过的英雄,才使这片土地成为神圣之地,而非我们的 微薄之力所能增减。世人不会注意也不会长久记得我们今天在这里说了些什么,但是勇士 们在这里做过的事将永远不会被忘记。倒是我们这些活着的人,应该继续英雄们为之战斗 并使之前进的未竟事业。我们应该要更加忠诚于先烈为之牺牲的事业,为摆在我们面前的 伟大任务继续献身;我们在这里下定决心不能让他们的鲜血白流;这个国家,在上帝的保 佑下将获得自由的新生。这个民有、民治、民享的政府将与世长存。 8. That's something. 真是奇迹! As often as I've read this speech,getting a lump in my throat every time. 每当 我阅读这篇演讲词的时候,总感觉心情激动,如鲠在喉。 I've never detected one stylistic problem ,much less 13. 我却从未发现过它有一处 文体错误,更不用说它有13处错误了。 Shows how little I know.这表明我的知识何等贫乏啊! 9. But I suppose we really shouldn't expect anything better from someone who grew up in a log cabin,hoofed to a oneroom Schoolhouse and never made it to college. 但是,我们不应该苛求一个在小木屋里长大,徒步到那所只有一间屋子的学校上学,后来 也没有上成大学的人,他也不可能把话讲得再好了。 10. We might remember,though,that Abe Lincoln was at a stylistic disadvantage when he wrote his Gettysburg Address. 然而,我们也许应当记住:亚伯?林肯写葛底 斯堡演讲稿时,他实在没有很好的条件来讲求文体修辞。 The poor guy didn't have a "Help" key to push.可怜的家伙那时并没有计算机上的“求 助”键可使用。 21.A Sandpiper to Bring You Joy 矶鹞带来快乐 She was six years old when I first met her on the beach near where I live. I drive to this beach,a distance of three or four miles,whenever the world begins to close in on me. She was building a sandcastle or something and looked up,her eyes as blue as the sea. 我第一次和她在那个海滩上相遇时,她整六岁。这个海滩离我的住处约有三、四英里。 每当我心情压抑,感到烦恼时,就驱车上哪儿去。当时她正在用沙子堆积一个城堡似的东 西。看到我来,她抬起头来望着我,那双眼睛像大海般深邃、湛蓝。 “Hello,”she said. I answered with a nod,not really in the mood to bother with 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 a small child. “您好~”她说。我点了点头作为回答,说实在的,我没有心思跟一个小女孩费神。 “I'm building,”she said. “我在盖房子呢~”她又说。 “I see that. What is it?”I asked,not caring. “我看见了。这盖的是什么房子呢,”我心不在焉地问道。 “Oh,I don't know,I just like the feel of sand.” “噢,我不知道,我就是喜欢摸沙子的感觉。 ”That sounds good,I thought,and slipped off my shoes. A sandpiper glided by. 这倒有意思,我边想边脱掉鞋子。蓦地,一只矶鹞从一旁滑翔而过。 “That's a joy,”the child said. 孩子见了说:“那是快乐。” “It's a what?”“是什么,” “It's a joy. My mama says sandpipers come to bring us joy.”“是快乐,矶鹞能给人们带来快乐,妈妈说的。” The bird went glissading down the beach. “Good-bye joy,”I muttered to myself,“hello pain,”and turned to walk on. I was depressed; my life seemed completely out of balance. 那只矶鹞顺着海滨飞走了。“再见了,快乐,”我自言自语道,“痛苦来临了。”并转身走开。我很沮丧,因为我现在的生活一团糟。 “What's your name?”She wouldn't give up. “您叫什么名字啊,”她还不罢休。 “Ruth,”I answered. “I'm Ruth Peterson.” “鲁思,”我回答,“我叫鲁思?彼得森。” “Mine's Wendy... I'm six.” “我叫温迪,我六岁了。” “Hi,Wendy.”“你好,温迪。”我叫到。 She giggled. “You're funny,”she said. “您真逗~”她咯咯地笑了。 In spite of my gloom I laughed too and walked on. 尽管心绪不佳,我也不由得笑了起来,一边往前走着。 Her musical giggle followed me. 她那清脆悦耳的笑声依然追随着我。 “Come again,Mrs. P,”she called. “We'll have another happy day.”“您下次再来,彼太太。咱们再快乐地玩一天~”她喊着。 The days and weeks that followed belong to others: a group of unruly Boy Scouts,PTA meetings,and ailing mother. 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 那以后的好几个星期,我忙得不可开交,没有一点闲暇:负责一群调皮捣蛋的童子军, 参加家长教师联谊会,还要照顾生病的母亲。 The sun was shining one morning as I took my hands out of the dishwater. “I need a sandpiper,”I said to myself,gathering up my coat. The ever-changing balm of the seashore awaited me. The breeze was chilly,but I strode along,trying to recapture the serenity I needed. I had forgotten the child and was startled when she appeared. 一个阳光光明媚的上午,我洗完碗碟,心想:“我需要一只矶鹞。”于是穿上外套向海滩 走去。海岸不断变化的芳香依然在等着我。微风有些刺骨,但是我依然大步走着,我多么 渴望重新处于安静宁谧之中啊~我早已忘掉了那个孩子,所以当她出现在我面前时,不免 吃了一惊。 “Hello,Mrs. P,”she said. “Do you want to play?” “您好,彼太太~”她说,“你想玩吗,” “What did you have in mind?”I asked,with a twinge of annoyance. “你想玩什么,”带着一丝厌烦,我反问她。 “I don't know,you say.” “我不知道,您说吧。” “How about charades?”I asked sarcastically. “猜字谜怎么样,”我挖苦地问。 The tinkling laughter burst forth again. “I don't know what that is.” “我不知道那是什么,”她说着,又发出一阵银铃般的笑声。 “Then let's just walk.”Looking at her,I noticed the delicate fairness of her face. “那么,咱们一块儿走走吧。”我望着她,看到了娇嫩而皙白的脸。 “Where do you live?”I asked. “你住在哪儿,”我问她。 “Over there.”She pointed toward a row of summer cottages. Strange,I thought,in winter. “那边~”她用小手指着远处一排夏季避暑的小别墅。我感到纳闷,现在是冬天啊。 “Where do you go to school?” “你在哪儿上学呢,” “I don't go to school. Mommy says we're on vacation.” “我不上学,妈妈说我们在度假。” She chattered little girl talk as we strolled up the beach,but my mind was on other things. When I left for home,Wendy said it had been a happy day. Feeling surprisingly better,I smiled at her and agreed. 我们漫步走上海滩,她一路上叽叽喳喳地说着小姑娘们的话。可是,我却心事重重。当 我要回家时,温迪说这是快乐的一天。奇怪的是,我的心情也感到舒坦多了。于是,我同 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 意地报以一笑。 Three weeks later,I rushed to my beach in a state of near panic. I was in no mood to even greet Wendy. I thought I saw her mother on the porch and felt like demanding she keep her child at home. 三个星期后,我在近乎慌乱的心境下直奔海滩。我甚至没心情跟温迪打招呼。看见她妈 妈在走廊上,我有一种去命令她让她的小孩呆在家里的冲动。 “Look,if you don't mind,”I said crossly when Wendy caught up with me,“I'd rather be alone today.”温迪赶上了我,我气呼呼地对她说:“要是你不介意,我今天想一个人待 着。” She seems unusually pale and out of breath. 她的脸看上去异常苍白,还有点喘不过气来。 “Why?”she asked. “为什么,”她问。 I turned to her and shouted,“Because my mother died!”-and thought,my God,why was I saying this to a little child? 我转身对她吼道:“因为我妈妈死了~”然后我又想:天啊,我为什么跟一个小孩讲这些, “Oh,”she said quietly,“then this is a bad day.” “哦,”她轻轻地说,“这么说今天是个糟糕的日子。” “Yes,and yesterday and the day before and-oh,go away!” “是,”我说,“昨天也是,前天也是--唉。你走开~” “Did it hurt?” “很痛吗,”她问。 “Did what hurt?”I was exasperated with her,with myself. “什么,”我对她,对我自己都很恼火。 “When she died?” “她死的时候,” “Of course it hurt!”I snapped,misunderstanding,wrapped up in myself. I strode off. “当然痛了~~~~”我怒气冲冲地说,完全沉浸在自己的思绪中。我误会了她的意思。 我大步走开了。 A month or so after that,when I next went to the beach,she wasn't there. Feeling guilty,ashamed and admitting to myself I missed her,I went up to the cottage after my walk and knocked at the door. A drawn looking young woman with honey-colored hair opened the door. 大约一个月以后,我再次到海滩上去,她却不在那儿。我感到自责和羞愧,同时也承认 我有点想她了,于是就在散步之后走到那所房子前,敲了敲门。一个有着蜜色头发、看上 去很憔悴的女人把门打开了。 “Hello,”I said. “I'm Ruth Peterson. I missed your little girl today and wondered 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 where she was.” “你好。”我说,“我是鲁思?彼得森。我很想念你的女儿,她在哪儿呢,” “Oh yes,Mrs. Peterson,please come in. Wendy talked of you so much. I'm afraid I allowed her to bother you. If she was a nuisance,please,accept my apologies.” “哦,是,彼得森太太,请进。温迪经常说起你。恐怕她给你添麻烦了。如果她打扰到了 你,我向你道歉。” “Not at all---she's a delightful child,”I said,suddenly realizing that I meant it. “Where is she?” “哪儿的话~她很可爱的。”我说着,突然意识到自己也真的是这么想的。“她在哪儿呢,” “Wendy died last week,Mrs. Peterson. She had leukemia. Maybe she didn't tell you.” “温迪上周去世了,彼得森太太。她有白血病,可能她没告诉你。” Struck dumb,I groped for a chair. My breath caught. 我目瞪口呆,摸索着找了一把椅子,感觉自己透不过气来。 “She loved this beach; so when she asked to come,we couldn't say no. She seemed so much better here and had a lot of what she called happy days. But the last few weeks,she declined rapidly...”her voice faltered,“She left something for you...if only I can find it. Could you wait a moment while I look?” “她喜欢这片海滩,所以当她请求我们到这儿来的时候,我们没法说不。在这儿,她的情 形好像改善了许多,她还说她过得很开心。但是上几周,她的情况急剧恶化„„”她的声音 颤抖起来,“她给你留了一样东西。要是我能找到它就好了。你能稍等一下吗,我这就去找。” I nodded stupidly,my mind racing for something,anything,to say to this lovely young woman. 我呆呆地点点头,心中急切地搜寻着此刻可以跟这位可爱的年轻女士讲的词句。 She handed me a smeared envelope,with MRS. P printed in bold,childish letters. Inside was a drawing in bright crayon hues-a yellow beach,a blue sea,and a brown bird. Underneath was carefully printed: 她把一个自己模糊的信封递给了我。信封上“彼太太”这几个字用得是孩子气的黑体字。 信封里是一张用亮色蜡笔画的画--黄色的海滩,蓝色的海,还有一只棕色的鸟。下方认真 地写着: A SANDPIPER TO BRING YOU JOY 矶鹞带给你快乐。 Tears welled up in my eyes,and a heart that had almost forgotten to love opened wide. I took Wendy's mother in my arms. “I'm so sorry,I'm sorry,I'm so sorry,”I muttered over and over,and we wept together. 泪水涌上了我的眼睛,一颗几乎已经忘记去爱的心扉开了。我拥抱了温迪的母亲,不停 地小声说道:“对不起,对不起,对不起~”我们都哭了。 The precious little picture is framed now and hangs in my study. Six words---one 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 for each year of her life --- that speak to me of harmony,courage,undemanding love. A gift from a child with sea-blue eyes and hair the color sand---who taught me the gift of love. 我把这张宝贵的画裱了框,挂在我的书房里。六个字,每一个字代表她生命里的一年。 这六个字对我诉说着和谐、勇气、无私的爱。这个礼物来自一个眼睛碧蓝似海、发色如沙 的小女孩,是她教给了我爱的意义。 22.An Introduction to Distillation 蒸馏概述 1. Petroleum refining is the separation of petroleum into fractions and the subsequent treating of these fractions to make them into petroleum products.石油 炼制即将石油分离成各种馏分,然后将这些馏分经过处理,制成各种石油产品。 Most petroleum products,including kerosenes,fuel oils,lubricating oils,and waxes,are fractions of petroleum that have been treated to remove undesirable components. Most petroleum products are fractions of petroleum that have been treated to remove undesirable components.(04)大部分石油产品,包括煤油、燃料油、 润滑油和石蜡,都是原油经过处理去掉不需要的成分而得到的石油馏分。 Other products,for example,gasolines,aromatic solvents,and even some asphalts,are totally or partly synthetic in that they have compositions that are impossible to achieve by direct separation of these materials from crude petroleum.其他石油产 品,如汽油、芳烃溶剂、甚至包括有些沥青,则是通过完全或者部分合成得到的。 They result from chemical processes that change the molecular nature of selected portions of crude petroleum;因为组成这些产品的物质成分无法通过直接分离原油获得, 而是通过化学反应过程,从原油中选定某些成分并改变其分子属性而获得的。 in other words,they are the products of refining or they are refined products.换言之,它们是通过炼制得到的,或称为炼制产品。 2. Refining petroleum is a complex series of steps by which the original crude material is eventually converted into salable products with the desired qualities and,perhaps more important,in the amounts dictated by the market. 石油炼制包含 一系列复杂的过程。通过这些过程,石油原料最终转化成为可销售的产品。这些产品在质 量上符合人类需要,而更重要的是它们在数量上符合市场要求。 3.In fact,a refinery is essentially a group of manufacturing plants that vary in number with the variety of products produced; 实际上,炼油厂从根本上说是一组生 产装置,其数量根据生产产品的不同而不同。 refinery processes must be selected and products manufactured to give a balanced operation: 炼油工艺须经选择,产品生产应该平衡: that is,crude oil must be converted into products according to the rate of sale of each. 即从原油生产产品必须依据每一产品的销售速度而进行。 For example,the manufacture of products from the lower boiling portion of petroleum automatically produces a certain amount of higher boiling components. 比如,从沸 点较低的组分生产石油产品,就会自动产生一定数量的高沸点产品。 If the latter cannot be sold as,say,heavy fuel oil,they accumulate until refinery storage facilities are full. 如果高沸点产品,如重燃料油,无法销售,这些产品就会 积压,直到装满炼厂的储存设施。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 To prevent the occurrence of such a situation,the refinery must be flexible and able to change operations as needed. 要避免这种情况出现,炼厂应采取灵活措施,并 能够根据需要改变操作。 This usually means more processes---a cracking process to change an excess of heavy fuel oil into more gasoline with coke as the residual product or a vacuum distillation process to separate the heavy oil into lubricating oil stocks and asphalt---to accommodate the ever-changing demands of the market. 一般而言,这 意味着需要更多的工艺以适应不断变化的市场需求:运用裂化工艺(热裂法)将过剩重燃 料油转化成汽油,而焦碳成为残余品;或者运用真空蒸馏工艺将重油分解成润滑油和沥青。 4.In addition,a complete refining installation must include the following: 此 外,一套完整的炼油装置须包括以下设备: all necessary non-processing facilities; A complete refining installation must include all necessary facilities .(07)adequate tankage for storing crude oil,intermediate,and finished products; a dependable source of electrical power,material-handling equipment; workshops and supplies for maintaining a continuous 24 h/day,7 day/week operation; waste disposal and water-treating equipment; and product-blending facilities. A complete refining installation must include all necessary facilities.(07年) 所有必须的非工艺设施:足够的储罐容量用以储存原油、中间产品和成品;可靠的电力和 物质处理设备;用于维持一天24小时,一周七天连续运转所需的车间和物资:废料和污水 处理设备;以及产品调合设施。 5. In the early stages of refinery development,when illuminating and lubricating oils were the main products,distillation was the major and often only refinery process. 在早期炼油工业发展过程中,照明用油和润滑油是主要的产品,蒸馏则成了主要 的甚至经常是唯一的炼油工艺。 At that time,gasoline was a minor,but more often unwanted,product. As the demand for gasoline increased,conversion processes were developed because distillation could no longer supply the necessary quantities. 当时,汽油本身尽管不是重要产品, 但也常讨人嫌。随着市场对汽油需求的增加,产品转化工艺随之发展,因为蒸馏已不能满 足对汽油的数量需求。 6. Nevertheless,distillation has remained a major refinery process and a process to which just about every crude that enters the refinery is subjected. 但是,蒸 馏仍然是重要的炼油工艺,而且所有原油进入炼厂都必须经过蒸馏。 A multitude of separations are accomplished by distillation,but its most important and primary function in the refinery is its use for the separation of crude oil into component fractions. 许多分离过程是通过蒸馏进行的,但蒸馏在炼油厂中的最重 要和主要的功能则是它在将原油分离成不同馏分过程中的作用。 7. Thus it is possible to obtain products ranging from gaseous materials taken off the top of the distillation column to a heavy residue or “bottom”,which is usually nonvolatile,with correspondingly lighter materials taken off at 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 intermediate points. 由此,我们有可能获得石油产品,这些产品包括从蒸馏塔顶部得到 的气态物质,包括比重较大的渣油或称“残渣”(一般而言挥发性较差),以及从蒸馏塔中部 得到的比重较小的其他相应物质。 However,the majority of crude oils,and this applies to the(,) heavier,more viscous petroleums,which are processed by distillation,are usually separated into the lighter fractions (gas,gasoline,naphtha,kerosene,and gas oil) and the bottom or,as it is more generally called,the reduced crude. 但是,经过蒸馏处理的大多数 原油,包括比重较大、粘度更大的原油,一般都分离为较轻组分(气、汽油、粗汽油、煤油 和粗柴油)和残渣,或者更多称作常压重油(残油,拔顶油,)。 8.The reduced crude may then be processed by vacuum or steam distillation to separate the high-boiling lubricating oil fractions without the danger of decomposition,which occurs at high (>350?,660?) temperatures. 然后,通过真空 蒸馏或蒸汽蒸馏,常压重油可以分离成高沸点润滑油组分而没有分解的危险。这种分离在 高温状态下进行(>350?,660?)。 Indeed,atmospheric distillation may be terminated with a lower boiling fraction if it is thought that vacuum or steam distillation will yield a better quality product or if the process appears to be economically more favorable. 如果认为真 空蒸馏或蒸汽蒸馏生产的产品质量更好,或者从经济角度看更为有利,则低沸点组分分离 出来后,常压蒸馏即可结束。 23. Hints to Improve Spoken English 提高英语口语须知 1. Speaking English fluently and accurately is a goal of many people studying English in China. 流利并准确地说英语是中国许多英语学习者的一个目标。 Fluency can be simply defined as "being able to communicate ideas without having to stop and think too much about what one is saying";(10词汇)流利可简单也定 义为“具有交流各种思想的能力,无须停下来对话题进行过多思考”。 speaking accurately means "speaking without errors of grammar and vocabulary".说舌准确的意思是“说话不犯语法错误和词汇错误”。 2. The problem is that many students find that if they try to speak fast ,they make more mistakes. 问题在于:许多学生发现,如果他们试图讲得快,所犯错误就更多。 And ,if they slow down ,there may be fewer errors but it can sound unnatural. 如 果他们讲话速度放慢,错误可能会减少,可是听上去就不自然。 So ,how do balance accuracy and fluency in spoken English? Many students find that if they try to speak fast ,they make more mistakes. So ,how do balance accuracy and fluency in spoken English?(07) 所以,英语口语的准确与流利,如何才能平衡起 来呢? 3.It can depend on the manner in which one has studied English in the past. 这 可能取决于一个人过去学习英语的态度。 People who tend to focus on accuracy may find that they worry too much about making mistakes. 那些往往注重于说话准确的人们可能会发现,他们对犯错误操心过多。 This can make them nervous or embarrassed about speaking English in public. 这 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 可能导致他们在公众场合说英语感到紧张或尴尬。 As a result,their spoken English might not improve. 所以,他们的英语口语可能得 不到提高。 This means that,although they know English grammar and vocabulary well,they might not be able to hold a good conversation .这就意味着,尽管他们掌握了英语语法,也 熟悉英语词汇,他们可能不能成功地开展对话。 4. On the other hand,there are those who really like to talk and are willing to try their language out even if they make mistakes. 另一方面,有一些人真的很喜欢 说话,而且就算讲错,他们都愿意试着说。 This willingness to take risks helps them speak more fluidly. 这种敢于冒险的意 愿帮助他们说得更流利。 But,if they make a lot of mistakes,they may find it difficult to get their ideas across. 但是如果他们讲话错误百出,就会觉得很难表达自己的思想。 5. The debate about which is more important---fluency or accuracy---in the English language has lasted for a long time. 讲英语流利重要还是准确重要,关于这 个问题的辩论持续了很长时间。 Still,one thing is clear: speaking a language well needs both fluency and accuracy. 然而,有一点是明确的,即说好一门语言既要流利又要准确。 How can we be sure that we can develop both? 如何才能做到讲话既流利又准确呢? The following tips could help.下面的建议也许会有所帮助。 6. Find the problem. 发现问题。 What kind of person are you---one who focuses on accuracy or one who focuses on frequency? 你属于怎样的一类人?---你注重说话准确还是注重说话流利? The first step is to recognize your problem and go to work on it.(09) 第一步是 认识到你的问题,然后着手解决问题。 Think about situations where you've used English and how you felt about making mistakes? 回想一下你使用过英语的若干情景,你对说错有何感受? Do you always try some new language even though it might not be correct? 即使你 不一定说得对,你经常试着讲某种新学的语言吗? Or do you feel embarrassed by mistakes?你是否因犯错误而感到困窘呢? 7. Focus on one problem at a time. 一次关注一个问题。 When you speak English,find the mistakes you make most often. 当你说英语时,找 到你最常犯的错误。 One mistake Chinese often make is omitting the "s" from the third person singular verb. 中国人常犯的一个错误是第三人称单数动词漏掉“s”。 Or you may speak too slowly as if you were searching for the right word and correct grammar. 或者你可能说得太慢,好像你在寻找合适的单词和正确的语法似的。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 The next time you use English,try to work on those problems you have identified. 你下一次使用英语时,力求改正那些你已经认识到的问题。 If it's fluency,try to focus on it. 如果是流利的问题,那就力求讲快些。 If you have a problem with the third person singular,try to concentrate on when you make such errors. 如果你的问题是在第三人称单数,那就尽力专注于你犯此类错误 的时候。 Don't spend time thinking about other mistakes. 不要费时思考其他错误。 By choosing an area to work on ,you can isolate problems and help yourself overcome them.选定解决问题的范畴,你就能使问题孤立起来,各个击破,这样有助于自己克服问题。 8. Vary your practice. 参加各种实践活动。 If you go to an English corner or an English club ,try to change the types of activities you take part in so that you practice both fluency and accuracy. 如 果你去参加英语角或英语俱乐部,设法改变你参加的活动类型,以便训练英语的流利性和 准确性。 Public speaking allows you to slow down and be sure you have time to concentrate on the language. 公共演讲会使你放慢速度,并保证你有时间关注语言。 Meanwhile ,discussions are good practice for fluency ,especially if you don't stop each time a mistake is made.同时,讨论是很好的训练流利的实践活动,如果你不是一 出错就停,更是如此。 9. Learn the difference between fluency and speed. 弄懂流利与速度的差异。 Some Chinese think that speaking fast is the same as speaking fluently. 有些中 国人认为,说话迅速就是说话流利。 In fact,speaking fluently involves not only speed. 事实上,说话流利不仅需要说话 速度, It also involves stress ,pronunciation and intonation. 它同时还涉及重音、语音和 语调。 If you make a mistake in these,speaking fast will only make it worse. 如果你在 这些方面犯有错误,那么说得快只会使你错得更厉害。 Don't sacrifice understanding for speed.不要为了速度而牺牲理解。 10. Try recording yourself. 自己尝试录音。 Take a tape recorder and record a conversation with a friend or a speech or monologue as you do it naturally! 用录音机录下你与朋友的对话,或录下你自己的落落大方的演 讲或独白。 A two-or-three-minute recording is enough. 录两三分钟就足够了。 When you've finished,listen to yourself. 录音完毕,专心倾听你自己的录音。 Can you identify and correct any errors? 你能辨认并矫正错误吗? Make it a regular practice. 把这种录音当作常规练习。 The more you record yourself,the more confident and natural sounding you will become. 你自己录音越多,你就越有自信,你的英语听上去会更自然。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 24.The Moon---Riddle from the Past 月球---来自远古之谜 1. Spacecraft from the United States and from Russia have been to the moon,and men have walked upon its surface. 美国和俄国的宇宙飞船都已经到达过月球,而且人 类也在它的表面上行走过。 Rock and soil samples and information of many other kinds have become available in recent years. 月球上的岩石和土壤的样本,以及许多其它类型的信息,近些年来已经 为人们所知所用了。 Yet with all we know about the moon,there is even more that we don't know.然而 除了我们所知道的关于月球的那些外,还有更多是我们不知道的。 2. Following the end of the Apollo space program,the National Geographic Society published an excellent set of articles about the moon. 在阿波罗太空 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 结束后, 国家地理协会出版了一组有关月球的极好文章。 Here,in shorter form,are some questions and answers from one of these articles. 这里,以简短的形式截取了其中一篇文章重的部分问答。 For the full story,see the September,1973,issue of National Geographic.完整的内 容,请见1973年九月发行的《国家地理》。 Were scientists right about what the moon would be like? 科学家关于“月球外貌”的描述是正确的吗, 3. Many were,of course,but many were mistaken. 大多数是正确的,当然,也有相当 部分是错误的。 One said there was no lava on the moon. 一个说法是月球上没有熔岩。 Another said that the moon material would explode as soon as an astronaut's boot touched it. 另外一个说法是宇航员的靴子一旦碰上月球物质就会爆炸。 One said there would certainly be water on the moon. 有人说月球确实存在水。 Many felt there was a chance that the astronauts could bring back to earth some strange infection. 许多人还认为宇航员有可能把某些奇怪的传染病菌带回地球。 These ideas are now known to be incorrect,and no doubt we are still wrong about many other things,also.这些说法现在被证明都是不正确的,无疑,我们关于月球的许多 其它的看法是错误的。 Is the moon like the earth? 月球像地球吗, 4. Yes and no. 答案是,像也不像。 It is more like it than many scientists thought before Apollo. 月球比科学家在阿 波罗计划之前想象的还要像地球。 Like the earth,the moon is in layers,with a crust on the outside and a deep mantle below. 如同地球一样,月球上有地层,表面是一层地壳,其下是很深的地幔。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 It may also have a core,as the earth does. 月球也可能如同地球一样有一个地核。 However,the crust is almost four times thicker than the earth's crust. 然而,月球地壳几乎是地球地壳厚度的四倍。 We do not know much yet about the moon's mantle,that section of superheated rock which goes down hundreds of miles below the crust. 们对月球地幔所知不多,那些过热的岩石在外壳几百英里以下。 We think---but we are not sure---that the moon has a center core which includes molten rock,as the earth does.我们预料,但是我们不能确定,月球有一个由熔岩构成的地核,如同地球。 5. In other ways,of course,the moon is very different. 在其它的方面,当然,月球非常不同。 There is no life,and there is no water. 它没有生命,没有水。 The makeup of its atmosphere is very different; the earth creatures cannot breathe in it.它的大气的构成也非常不同,地球生物在那里不能呼吸。 Of what is the moon made? 月球是由什么构成的, 6. Definitely not green cheese. 很明显不是绿色奶酪。 It has the same chemical elements as have the earth and the rest of the solar system but in very different amounts---more of some,less of others. 月球有如同地球和其余太阳系行星一样的化学元素,但是其比率非常不同,某些多一点,其它少一些。 Carbon,which is a very important part of living things on the earth,is rare on the moon.(07语法)碳是地球上生物的一个非常重要组成部分,在月球上非常稀少。 Is the moon hot or cold? 月球是酷热的还是寒冷的, 7. Most scientists agree that some of the moon was hot for at least a time. 大多数的科学家认为月球的一部分至少在一个时期是热的。 Rocks from the moon show that they were once melted. 来自月球的岩石表明它们曾经被融化。 Right now there seems to be heat someplace inside the moon,possibly a great deal of it. 现在,似乎在月球内部的某些地方仍处于高温,也可能它是很大的一片地方, On the surface,however,there is no sign of heat---no volcano,for example. 然而在表面上,没有高温的特征,例如没有火山。 The surface itself ranges from heat of 230?to cold of minus 290?,depending upon where the sun is.月球表面温度范围从华氏正230度到华氏负290度,取决于太阳在什么地方。 Where did the moon come from? 月球来自哪里呢, 8. We don't know. 我们不知道。 The three main theories (ideas) are (1) that the moon was born from the earth, 主 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 要存在着三个理论:(1)月球产生自地球, (2) that the earth and the moon were born together at the same time from the same cloud of gas and dust, (2)地球和月球在同一时间从同一气云和尘埃里同时产生, and (3) that the moon was born someplace else in the solar system and then captured by the earth's gravity. (3)月球是产生在太阳系的其它某个地方,而后被地球的地心 引力所捕获。 So far,none of these theories has been proved to be either right or wrong. 到现 在为止,这些理论中没有任何一个已经被证明正确或错误。 Professor George W.Wetherill of the University of California in Los Angeles says that he would give the first two theories each a 10 percent chance and the third theory a 20 percent chance. 洛杉矶加州大学的乔治教授说,他认为前两个理论有百分 之十的正确性,第三个理论有百分之二十的正确性, The other 60 percent he would give to "things we haven't thought of yet."另外的 百分之六十他将给“至今我们都还没想到的事物”。 9. In spite of all we have learned from space flights,the moon is still a riddle from the distant past(09) 尽管我们已经从空间飞行中了解了一些,月球仍然是来自遥 远过去的一个谜, ---and will be for a long time to come. 而且仍将会在未来很长一段时间如此。 Although we know much more now,we find that,somehow,for every answer new questions spring up.尽管我们现在比过去知道的更多,但是我们也发现,不知何故,每个新答案都 会引发出更多的新问题。 25.The Delight of Books 书之乐趣 1. Books are to mankind what memory is to the individual. 书籍之于全人类,犹 如记忆力之于个人。 They contain the history of our race,the discoveries we have made,the accumulated knowledge and experience of ages; 书籍记录了我们人类的历史,记录了我们的新发现, 也记录了我们世世代代积累的知识和经验; they picture for us the marvels and beauties of nature,help us in our difficulties,comfort us in sorrow and in suffering,change hours of weariness into moments of delight,store our minds with ideas,fill them with good and happy thoughts,and lift us out of and above ourselves.书籍为我们描绘了自然界的奇观和 美景;书籍帮助我们摆脱困境,在我们悲哀困苦的时候,给我们以安慰,在我们烦闷的时 刻带来欢乐,给我们的头脑装进各种观念,使我们的脑海充满了美妙高尚的思想,从而使 我们超越自我,高于自我。 2. There is an oriental story of two men: 有一个东方的故事,谈到了两个人: one was a king,who every night dreamt he was a beggar; 其中一个是国王,他每晚梦 见自己成为一个乞丐; 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 the other was a beggar,who every night dreamt he was a prince and lived in a palace. 另一个是乞丐,他每晚梦见自己成了一个王子,住进了王宫。 I am not sure that the king had very much the best of it. 我不知道国王是否真正 成了乞丐。 Imagination is sometimes more vivid than reality. 想象有时比现实更加生动。 But,however this may be,when we read we may not only (if we wish it) be kings and live in palaces, 然而,不管怎么样,我们读书时,不仅可以成为国王,住在王宫里,--- 假如我们想成为国王的话, but,what is far better,we may transport ourselves to the mountains or the seashore,and visit the most beautiful parts of the earth, without fatigue ,inconvenience ,or expense.而且更妙的是,我们可以神驰群山,或畅游海滨, 我们也可遍访世界上最美丽的地方,而无须经受任何劳顿,也没有什么不方便,更无须花 费分文。 3. Many of those who have had,as we say,all that this world can give,have yet told us they owed much of their purest happiness to books. 我们说,许多人拥有这 个世界能给予的一切,然而他们却告诉我们,他们真正的幸福在很大程度上还是得之于书 籍。 Ascham,in "The Schoolmaster",tells a touching story of his last visit to Lady Jane Grey. 阿斯克姆在《教师》一书中生动地叙述了他最后一次去拜访简?格雷小姐的经过。 He found her sitting in an oriel window reading Plato's beautiful account of the death of Socrates. 他看到她正坐在一个飘窗下,阅读柏拉图关于苏格拉底之死的有趣描 述。 Her father and mother were hunting in the park,the hounds were in full cry and their voices came in through the open window. 她的父母正在猎苑打猎,猎狗正引吭狂吠, 狺狺之声通过开着的窗子传进了屋内。 He expressed his surprise that she had not joined them. 他感到奇怪,问她为什么 没有跟父母一起去打猎。 But,said she,"I wist that all their pleasure in the park is but a shadow to the pleasure I find in Plato." 她却回答说:“我觉得他们在猎苑狩猎所得到的乐趣与我读 柏拉图所得到的乐趣相比乃是微不足道的。” 4. Macaulay had wealth and fame,rank and power,and yet he tells us in his biography that he owed the happiest hours of his life to books. 麦考利既有财富又有声望, 既有地位又有权势,然而他在传记中告诉我们,他生活中最幸福的时刻还是读书。 In a charming letter to a little girl,he says,"Thank you for your very pretty letter, 他在给一个小女孩的一封信中风趣地写道:“谢谢你给我写了一封有趣的信。 I am always glad to make my little girl happy,and nothing pleases me so much as to see that she likes books, 能叫我的小女孩愉快,我总是感到非常欣慰,没有什么能 比看到她喜欢书籍更教我高兴的了。 for when she is as old as I am,she will find that they are better than all the tarts and cakes,toys and plays,and sights in the world. 因为当她到了像我现在这样年龄 的时候,她会发现,书籍比所有馅饼和糕点、玩具和游戏以及世界上所有的名胜更吸引人。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 If any one would make me the greatest king that ever lived,with palaces and gardens and fine dinners,and wines and coaches,and beautiful clothes,and hundreds of servants, on condition that I should not read books,I would not be a king; 真 要是有人拥戴我为世上最显赫的国王,拥有宫殿花园、珍肴美味、佳酿华辇、龙袍华衮, 以及成群成群的奴仆,但若不让我读书,我则决不愿为国王, I would rather be a poor man in a garret with plenty of books than a king who did not love reading. "我宁愿做一个穷人,与众多书籍为伴,蜗居阁楼斗室,也不愿成为一 个不爱读书的国王。” 5. Books,indeed,endow us with a whole enchanted palace of thoughts, 事实上, 书籍赋予我们一个思想魔宫。 there is a wider prospect,says Jean Paul Richter,from Parnassus than from a throne. 吉恩?保尔?里希特尔曾说,从帕纳萨斯看景色,比坐在宝座上看,视野更开阔。 In one way they give us an even more vivid idea than the actual reality,just as reflections are often more beautiful than real nature. 从某种意义上说,书籍给我 们的形象比现实的东西更生动,正如影像往往比真实的风景更美丽。 "All mirrors," says George Macdonald,"The commonest room is a room in a poem when I look in the glass." “书是反映现实的镜子,”乔治?麦克唐纳这么说过,“从镜子中看 时,最普通的房间也是诗一样美的房间了。” 6. Precious and priceless are the blessings which the books scatter around our daily paths. 在我们日常生活的途程中,书籍所赐予的恩惠是最宝贵的、无价的。 We walk,in imagination,with the noblest spirits,through the most sublime and enchanting regions.在无限的遐思中,怀着最崇高的精神,我们漫步在最高尚、最炫丽的 境界。 7. Without stirring from our firesides we may roam to the most remote regions of the earth, 无须离开家门,我们便可遨游世界上最遥远的地方, or soar into realms where Spenser's shapes of unearthly beauty flock to meet us, 可以飞到斯宾塞笔下的梦境般的王国,那里会有成群的仙女结队欢迎我们; where Milton's angels peal in our ears the choral hymns of Paradise. 也可飞到弥 尔顿描绘的天国,那里天使们合唱的天国赞美诗如雷贯耳。 Science ,art ,literature ,philosophy ,---all that man has thought,all that man has done,---the experience that has been bought with the sufferings of a hundred generations,---all are garnered up for us in the world of books.科学、艺术、文 学及哲学,所有这一切人类思想行为的结晶,还有我们祖祖辈辈经受了无数磨难而获得的 经验,都为我们贮藏在书籍的世界里了。 26.The Magic of Energy 能的魔力 1.We talk about energy all the time-"Zilch,the energy food," "energy crisis," and so on. 我们时时刻刻讨论着能:“能量食物”,“能源危机”,等等。 If asked to define it,however,we'd probably respond with something like 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 "Well,it's-uh-well,you know-electricity."如果要我们去给能下个定义,答案很可能是 一些模棱两可的话:“哦,能量是,嗯,你知道,电。” 2.True;electricity is one kind of energy. 确实,电是能量中的一种。 However,energy comes in many forms. 但是,能量可以有多种形式。 You cannot see or smell or taste energy,but it's always there,and one of the most fascinating things about it is its ability to change from one form to another---like magic. 你看不见、闻不到、也品尝不了能,但是,它始终存在着,关于能量,最吸引人的 就是,它具有从一种形式转换成另外一种形式的能力,简直如同魔术。 This principle of change is what keeps everything---and everyone---going in this world of ours.这些转化的原理是维持我们这个世界每一样事物、每一个人的运动。 Heat Energy 热能 3.When a fuel unites with oxygen,we say the fuel burns; what is really happening is that chemical energy(fuel and oxygen) is changing to heat energy. 当燃料与氧 气结合,我们就说燃料开始燃烧了,实际发生的是化学能(燃料与氧气)转化成热能。 When the fuel(food) we eat unites with the oxygen we breathe,we then have heat energy to run our bodies.当燃料(我们吃的食物)与我们呼吸的氧气结合,我们获得我们身体 运动所需的热能。 4.When you pop a frozen waffle into the toaster,electrical energy turns into heat energy.当你取出一块冷冻饼放进烤面包器时,电能转化成了热能。 5.In the internal-combustion engine of a car,an electric spark explodes gasses in the cylinder;the heat energy moves the pistons,becoming mechanical energy to move the car.在汽车的内燃机引擎里,电火花引爆气缸里的燃料气体,然后热能推动活塞, 成为机械能推动汽车行驶。 6.In a steam engine,the chemical energy of fuel is changed to heat energy;the heated water,now steam,forces the pistons to move. 在蒸汽机里,燃料里的化学能转 化成热能,加热水,成为水蒸汽,推动活塞运动。 In a steam turbine,the steam pushes against blades. 在燃气轮机里,水蒸汽推动的 是叶片。 In both cases,mechanical energy results.在这两种情况中,都是机械能起的作用。 7.This changing from one form of energy to another can continue almost indefinitely. 能量从一种形式转化为另一种形式的变化几乎能够平稳连续进行。 If,for instance,the steam engine or turbine is connected to a generator,the mechanical energy can become electrical energy,which can become heat energy(for the electric stove),mechanical energy(for the washer),etc.比如说,如果蒸汽机或 者蒸汽轮机和一个发电机联接起来,那么机械能就可以转化成电能,然后转化成热能(比 如电炉)、机械能(如洗衣机)等等。 8.Thus,energy readily changes back and forth from one form to another. 因此, 能量可以轻易地从一种形式到另一种形式来回转换。 What starts out as one form of energy may be a totally different form when it reaches its final use.从最初的能量形式到最后的使用形式,能的形态可能已经完全改变了。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 Radiant Energy 辐射能 9.Radiant energy is also called light energy. 辐射能也称作光能。 Our most important source of radiant energy is ,of course,the sun. 当然,我们人 类最重要的光能的来源就是太阳。 Without it there would be no life,for plant life depends upon radiant energy---and we depend upon plant life.没有太阳,就没有生命,植物的生命依赖辐射能,而我们依 赖植物的生命。 10.Other forms of radiant energy familiar to us are radio waves,infrared rays,ultra-violet rays,X rays,and gamma rays.我们熟悉的另外一些形式的辐射能是电 磁波,红外线、紫外线、X射线和伽玛射线。 Mechanical Energy 机械能 11.In simplest terms,this is the energy of a moving object. 用最简单的术语来 描述,机械能就是移动着的物体拥有的能量。 Your heartbeat,the pushing of a lawn mower,a baseball speeding through the air,water falling onto a waterwheel,the prying up of a rock with a crowbar---all are mechanical energy,which,of course,was another form of energy earlier. 你的心脏跳动、推进割草机、棒球在空中高速飞过、水落入水轮机、用撬杠撬开石头等 等,所有这些都是机械能,当然,在转化之前它是另一种能量形式。 Electrical Energy 电能 12.Electrical energy usually has to be changed to another form before it actually does what we want it to do. 通常情况下,电能必须先转化为另一种形式的能,才能为 我们所用。 In the toaster,it changes to heat;in a tiny wrist watch or a subway train or a 75,000 horse-power industrial motor,it changes to mechanical energy. 对烤面包机来说, 电能转化成热能,在一个小小的手表里或者地铁列车里或者一台75000马力的工业电动机 里,电能转化成机械能。 In an industrial process called electrolysis,it changes to chemical energy.在所 谓的电解工业的过程中,它转化成化学能。 Chemical Energy 化学能 13.Various fuels such as coal,gas,oil and food are common examples of chemical energy. 最常见的化学能包括煤、天然气、石油、和食物等各种各样的燃料。 These fuels give off heat when they burn. 当这些燃料燃烧时释放出热能。 The process is called combustion or oxidation,and the heat itself is a form of energy. 这个过程我们称之为燃烧或者氧化反应,同时热本身也是能量的一种形式。 Man uses the energy from some kind of fuel for everything from flying to the moon to thinking about it.(05)人们从不同燃料中得到的能量,并用这些能量做任何事情, 大到飞上月球,小到头脑的思考。 14.A special kind of chemical energy is nuclear energy,sometimes called atomic 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 energy. 核能是一种特殊的化学能,有时候我们称之为原子能。 These names come from the fact that the source of energy is the nucleus,or core,of the atom. 这个名称来自于原子能来源于核、或者原子核这样的事实。 Nuclear fuels such as plutonium and uranium give off heat energy when fission(the splitting of atoms in these fuels) occurs. 当核燃料,例如钚和铀,发生核裂变时释放出热能(这些燃料中原子发生分裂)。 Already we have seen tremendous advances in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes,and many people see nuclear energy as the future answer to almost all of our energy need.我们已经看到和平利用核能所带来的巨大好处,并且很多人认为核能可以看作解决未来人类能源需求问题的答案。 15.Energy---the kind of magic we can't live without. 能,是与人类生存息息相关的一种魔力。 27.A Handful of History 扑克---手中的历史 1. The next time you do a card trick---remember this. 当你下一次玩扑克的时候,要记住这些。 You?re playing with history. 你正在与历史进行游戏。 The playing cards we use today are much like those used for hundreds of years.(07 语法) 今天我们用的扑克,几乎与数百年前的扑克相差无几。 The most interesting things are the suits and face cards. 最有意思的东西是扑克里的“套”和“脸牌”。 A "suit" of a playing card is not a thing to be worn. 扑克中的“套”不是什么可以穿的东西。 It means Hearts,Spades,Diamonds or Clubs. 它意味着红心、黑桃、红方块、或者梅花。 The figures are placed on each card with the number or value of the card. 牌面的数标志着牌的顺序或价值。 The face cards are the Jacks,Queens,Kings,and,of course,the Jokers.带脸的牌是杰克、皇后、国王、当然还有鬼。 2. What do you think the suits stand for? 你认为“套”代表什么意思, Let's take the Hearts first. 让我们先看红心。 When you say that an athlete has a lot of heart,what do you mean? 当你说一个运动员有很多心,你到底想表达什么意思, You mean that he is brave. 你的意思是他很勇敢。 So,you see,the King of Hearts is a "brave king".因此,你看,红心国王是勇敢之王。 3. Look at the design of the Spade on a card. 看看牌面上黑桃的设计。 The word "spade" comes from the Italian word which means “sword”. 英语“SPADE”这个字来自意大利语,意思是刀剑。 With a little imagination,you can see the handle and the blade. 只要有一点想象力,你就能看到柄和刀刃。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 Of course,the blade has been made much shorter on the card.当然,牌面的刀刃被做的非常短。 4. The diamonds and Club designs also have interesting stories. 红方块和梅花的设计同样含着很有意思的故事。 The Diamond design is one that you probably know already. 关于钻石的图案是一个你可能已经知道的东西。 It stands for the expensive gems that you and I have seen in jewelry stores. 它代表你我都曾在首饰店看见过的珍贵的珍宝。 At first it stood for the rich traders who found and sold such gems. 首先它代表了制作和出卖这样的珍宝的富有的商人。 The Club looks a little like a three-leaf clover design. 梅花看上去有点像三叶草的图案。 Its shape came from a French design with three leaves. 它的形状来自一个法国的三片树叶的图案。 It has the lowest rank of the suits.它在套牌里排序最低。 5. Now you see how some suits of playing cards have more value or power than others. 现在你看到了为什么一套牌的价值或力量大于另外一套牌。 The face cards are usually powerful in any card game. 在任何一个扑克游戏里带脸的牌往往威力更大。 The King is one of the strongest. 国王(K)是最强的一个。 There are four different Kings,and each one stands for a real person. 这里有四个不同的国王,每一个都代表着一个真实的人。 The King of Hearts first meant Charlemagne. He lived about 800 years after the birth of Christ. 首先红心国王代表查理曼大帝,他生活在耶稣诞生后800年后。 He was one of the most powerful kings in Europe after Julius Caesar of Rome. 他是罗马朱利叶斯?恺撒之后,欧洲最强大的国王。 Julius Caesar,by the way,is the King of Diamonds.顺便说一下,朱利叶斯?恺撒是红方块国王。 6. We must go further back in history to find out the names of the two other kings. 我们要想找到其它两个国王的名字,必须回到更久远的历史里去。 The young Alexander the Great of Macedonia is the King of Clubs and King David is the King of Spades. 梅花国王是大马其顿王国年轻的亚历山大,国王大卫是黑桃国王。 David is the person who killed the giant Goliath. 大卫是杀死巨人歌利亚的人。 When someone talks about a David and Goliath,he means that a smaller,or weaker,person is trying to fight a very large and strong enemy. 当某个人谈到大卫和歌利亚,他的意思是一个小个的人,或弱者正在打败一个非常高大和强壮的敌人。 David beat Goliath and became a king. 大卫战胜了歌利亚成为国王。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 He probably never thought that he would have a place in playing cards.他可能从来没有想到他会在扑克牌里有一个位置。 7. We must go back to the Bible and the times of David again to find two of our queens. 我们必须再次回到圣经(BIBLE)和大卫王的时代去找两个王后。 Rachel was a famous woman in the Bible. She is the Queen of Diamonds.拉结是圣经中的著名女人。她是红方块王后。 8. Remember that the heart stands for bravery. 应该还记得心代表勇敢。 A very brave woman is the Queen of Hearts. 一个非常勇敢的女人是红心王后。 That was Judith,who killed an enemy general.红心王后是朱迪丝,她杀死了敌人的一个将军。 9. When Alexander the Great was a general,one of the important woman goddesses was Athena. 当伟大的亚利桑德拉还是将军时,雅典娜是一个重要的女神。 She stood for wisdom. Athena is the Queen of Spades.她代表智慧。雅典娜是黑桃皇后。 10. Queen Elizabeth I of England is thought to be the Queen of Clubs. 英国的伊利沙白一世女王一般认为是梅花王后。 She ruled England when America was mostly a wilderness.在她统治英国的时代,美国几乎还是一片荒野。 11. The Jacks are sometimes called Knaves. 杰克牌有时被称为无赖。 A Knave is usually a person who gets into trouble. 一个无赖往往意味着他是一个带来麻烦的人。 But the playing cards stand for famous knights in history. 但是在扑克游戏中杰克代表历史上有名的爵士。 These men made themselves famous for their courage and bravery,but they were not kings.这些人以他们的胆量和勇敢成名,但是他们不是国王。 12. The Joker of the card deck is the one that doesn't always fit. 鬼牌是一张牌脸与其价值不相适应的牌。 He is sometimes used as an extra card. He sometimes becomes more powerful than any other card. 它常常用做一张特别的牌。有时它被用做比任何牌更有权利的牌。 He does not stand for anyone person like some of the other cards. 它不像其它牌脸代表着什么人。 But I think that you can see what his name means.但是,我认为你能看出它的名字的含义。 13. So,you see that you can hold some history in your hands. 所以,你看,你用你的手握住了一些历史, History from King David to Queen Elizabeth is all on the front of playing cards. 从大卫王到伊利沙白女王全都在扑克的正面。 28. That "Other Woman" in My Life 我生命中的“另一个女人” 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 1. After 22 years of marriage,I've discovered the secret to keeping love and intimacy alive in my relationship with my wife,Peggy: I started dating another woman. 经历22年的婚姻,我发现如何同妻子佩吉保持爱恋和亲密关系的秘密:去约会另一个女人。 2. The "other woman" my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother,a 72-year-old widow who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago. 我妻子鼓励我去约会 的“另一个女人”就是我的母亲,一位72岁的寡妇。20年前父亲去世后,她一直独居至今。 My mother has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago.(07) Right after his death,I moved 2500 miles away to California and started my own family and career. 就在父亲去世后,我搬到了2500英里以外的加利福尼亚,成家立业。 When I moved back near my hometown six years ago,I promised myself that I would spend more time with Mom. 6年前我迁回到靠近老家的地方,那时,我曾承诺要花些时间 同妈妈在一起。 But with the demands of my job and three kids,I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays. 但是由于需要兼顾我的工作和3个孩子,除 家庭聚会和节假日外,我很少抽时间去看望她。 3. She was surprised and suspicious,then,when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie. "What's wrong?" she asked. 我打电话给母亲,建 议我们俩外出一起吃饭、看电影,她感到惊讶和疑惑。“出什么事了吗?”她问, My mother thinks anything out of the ordinary signals bad news. 妈妈把任何不寻 常的信号都当成是坏消息。 "I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you," I said. "Just the two of us." I'd like that a lot." she replied. “我想跟您共度一段时光会很愉快的。” 我说。“就我们俩。”“那太好了,”她答道。 4. As I drove to her house,I actually had a case of predate jitters !我开车驶 往母亲住所,竟感到约会前的紧张不安。 What would we talk about? What if she didn't like the restaurant I chose? 我们将谈些什么呢?如果她不喜欢我选的餐馆怎么办? 5. When I pulled into her driveway,she was waiting by the door with her coat on.(08语法) Her hair was curled,and she was smiling. 我的车驶进母亲家门前的车 道时,她已穿好外套等在门口了。她的头发卷好了,面带笑容。 "I told my lady friends I was going out with my son,and they were all impressed," she said as she got into my car. " “我告诉我的女伴们,说我要和儿子一道外出,她 们都深受感动,”母亲边说边上了我的车。 They can't wait to hear about our evening." “她们急着想知道我们怎样度过今天晚上。” 6. We didn't go anywhere fancy,just a neighborhood place where we could talk. 我们没有去高档的餐馆,只在附近找了一个便于说话的地方。 My mother clutched my arm,half out of affection and half to help her negotiate the restaurant steps. 我的母亲紧挽着我的胳膊,既是出于对我的慈爱,也是为了自己能扶 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 着我走上餐馆的台阶。 Since her eyes now see only large shapes and shadows,I had to read the menu for both of us. 由于她现在的视力只能看到大致的形状和模糊的影子,我得为我俩读菜单。 Halfway through reciting the entrees,I glanced up and saw Mom looking at me,a wistful smile on her lips. 我念到一半时,抬头瞥见母亲正看着我,嘴角泛着若有所思 的微笑。 "I used to be the menureader when you were little," she said. “你小时候我常念菜 单给你听,”她说。 I understood what she was saying. 我明白她的意思。 From caregiver to cared-for,from cared-for to caregiver,our relationship had come full circle. "她已从关爱者变为受照顾者,我则从受照顾者变为关爱者,我们的关系倒 了个个儿。 Then it's time for you to relax and let me return the favor," I said. “现在你该 轻松轻松了,让我来照顾你。”我说。 We had a nice talk over dinner. Nothing earth---shattering,just catching up with each other's lives. 我们边吃边谈,谈得很好。没有谈什么大事,只是交谈些彼此的生 活情况。 We talked for so long that we missed the movie. 我们谈了很长时间,以致没赶上看 电影。 I 'll go out with you again," my mother said as I dropped her off,"But only if you let me buy dinner next time." I agreed. “我还想跟你一起外出。”我送母亲回去,下 车时她说,“不过,下次你得让我请客。”我答应了。 7. "How was your date?" my wife asked when I got home that evening. "Nice..nicer than I thought it would be," I said. She smiled her told-you-so smile. “你的约会怎么样?”那天晚上回家时,妻子问我。“不错„„,比我想的还要好,”我说。 她笑了,一副早就料到的样子。 8. Mom and I go out for dinner a couple of times a month. 从此我和妈妈每个月 都要外出共进几次晚餐。 Sometimes we take in a movie,but mostly we talk. 有时我们也看电影,但大部分时间 都是交谈。take inWe go out for dinner a couple of times a month. Sometimes we a movie.(11 年词汇) I tell her about my trials at work and brag about the kids and Peggy. 我跟她讲 工作中的烦恼,也向她夸耀佩吉和孩子们。 Mom fills me in on family gossip and tells me about her past. 母亲跟我谈了许多 家长里短的事,也对我讲了她过去的经历。 Now I know what it was like for her to work in a factory during World War II. I know how she met my father there,and how they nurtured a trolley-car courtship through those difficult times. 现在我知道了她二战期间在一家工厂里做工的情况,并 知道她在那里如何同父亲相识的。在那困难的日子里,他们在有轨电车上培育了一段恋爱 史。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 I can't get enough of these stories. They are important to me,a part of my history. 我对这些故事百听不厌。它们对我很重要,是我历史的一部分。 We also talk about the future. 我们也谈论未来。 Because of health problems,my mother worries about the days ahead. 由于健康方面 的原因,母亲担心着今后的日子。 "I have so much living to do," she told me once. "I need to be there while my grandchildren grow up. I don't want to miss any of it." “我要做的事儿多着呢,”有一次她对我说。“我要看着孙子、孙女们长大成人。我可什么 都不想错过。” 9. I tend to fill my calendar to the brim as I struggle to fit family,career and friendships into my life. 忙于应付家庭生活、事业和朋友关系等种种事情,我的日程 表总是排得满满的。 I often complain about how quickly time flies. Spending time with my mom has taught me the importance of slowing down. 我经常抱怨时光飞逝。与母亲共度时光,使我懂得了放慢生活节奏的重要。 29. Civilization and History 文明和历史 1. Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often never mentioned at all. 历史书上最常见的最风光的 人物大多为伟大的征服者、将军和士兵,而真正推动历史前景的人却常常只字未提。 We do not know who first set a broken leg, or launched a seaworthy boat, or calculated the length of the year, or manured a field; 我们不知道是谁第一次治疗好了一条断腿, 是谁把一个可以在海上航行的船送下水,是谁第一次计算出了一年的长度,又是谁首次在田 野中施肥。 but we know all about the killers and destroyers. 但是我们对那些杀人者和毁灭者的 所有情况了如指掌。 People think a great deal of them, so much so that on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will find the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier. 人们对他们如此敬重,以致在世界上一些大城市里的所有最高的柱石上,你 都会发现一些征服者,或一位将军,或一位军人的雕像。You will find the figure of a conqueror or a general on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world.(11词汇) And I think most people believe that the greatest countries are those that have beaten in battle the greatest number of other countries and ruled over them as conquerors. It is just possible they are, but they are not the most civilized. 我想,大多数 人都会认为,最强大的国家是那些在战斗中打败其他国家最多,并作为征服者统治他们的国 家,他们很可能是强人的,然而他们并不是最文明的。 Animals fight, so do savages; hence to be good at fighting is to be good in the way in which an animal or a savage is good, but it is not to be civilized. 动物 搏斗,野蛮人也搏斗;因而善于搏斗仅是动物或野蛮人择优的标准,但绝非文明的表现。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 Even being good at getting other people to fight for you and telling them how to do it most efficiently ---this, after all, is what conquerors and generals have done --- is not being civilized. 即使善于驱使别人为自己打仗,并且告诉他们怎样打才最有 效-------这毕竟是征服者和将军们干过的事-------也称不上是文明的作为。 People fight to settle quarrels. 人们为了解决争执的打仗。 Fighting means killing, and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some way of settling their disputes other than by seeing which side can kill off the greater number of the other side, and then saying that that side which has killed most has won. 打仗意味着残杀,文明的民族应当能够找到某种解决争端的办法,而不是看哪一方能 消灭另一方更多的人,而后说杀人最多的一方获胜。 And not only has won, but, because it has won, has been in the right. 胜者不仅胜 了,而且还因为胜而有了理。 For that is what going to war means; it means saying that might is right.这就是 进行战争的意义,它意味着宣扬强权就是公理。 2. That is what the story of mankind has on the whole been like. 人类的经历大体 上就是如此。 Even our own age has fought the two greatest wars in history, in which millions of people were killed or mutilated. 甚至在文明这个时代也打了两次历史上规模最大的战 争,在那两次大战中千百万人惨遭屠杀或致残。 And while today it is true that people do not fight and kill each other in the streets --- while, that is to say, we have got to the stage of keeping the rules and behaving properly to each other in daily life --- nations and countries have not learnt to do this yet, and still behave like savages.尽管今天人们确实不在街上打仗并相互残 杀了,也就是说,我们在日常生活中已经做到循规蹈矩,举止有仪,然而民族和国家还没有 学会这一点,仍然表现得像野蛮人一样。 3. But we must not expect too much. After all, the race of men has only just started. 可是我们不应该期望过高,人类的出现毕竟还不久。 From the point of view of evolution, human beings are very young children indeed, babies, in fact, of a few months old. 从进化论的观点来看,人类的确还是非常年幼的 孩子,实事上,是只有几个月的婴儿。 Scientists reckon that there has been life of some sort on the earth in the form of jellyfish and that kind of creature for about twelve hundred million years; 科 学家们推断,地球上存在着某种水母类的生物,这种生物已经存在12亿年了; but there have been men for only one million years, and there have been civilized men for about eight thousand years at the outside. 而人类仅仅存在一百多万年,开 化的人也仅存在充其量不过八千来年。 These figures are difficult to grasp; so let us scale them down. 这些数字难以掌 握,还是让我们把这些数字按比例缩小吧。 Suppose that we reckon the whole past of living creatures on the earth as one hundred years; then the whole past of man works out at about one month, and during that month there have been civilizations for between seven and eight hours. 我们姑且把地球 上生物生存的历史算作一百年吧,那么我们人类生存的历史可算出大约为一个月,而在这一 个月中,文明的历史则为七到八个小时。 So you see there has been little time to learn in, but there will be oceans of time 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 in which to learn better. 你瞧,我们几乎没有多少时间用来学习,但是,来日方长,我 们有机会学的更好些。 Taking man's civilized past at about seven or eight hours, we may estimate his future, 假定把人类文明的历史看作七八个小时,我们可以由此来预计人类的未来, that is to say, the whole period between now and when the sun grows too cold to maintain life any longer on the earth, at about one hundred thousand years. 也就 是说,从现在到太阳变得非常之冷,以致地球上不再有生命的这段时期大概是十万年左右。 Thus mankind is only at the beginning of its civilized life, and as I say, we must not expect too much. 这样来说,人类还处于文明生活的起步阶段,像我所说的,我们不 应期望过高。 The past of man has been on the whole a pretty beastly business, a business of fighting and bullying and gorging and grabbing and hurting. 人类的过去总的来说是一段相当 野蛮的经历:厮杀角逐,恃强凌弱,吞并掠夺,蹂躏作践。 We must not expect even civilized peoples not to have done these things. 即使是 对于文明的民族,我们也不能苛求他们没有干过这样残酷的事情, All we can ask is that they will sometimes have done something else.我们能做的, 仅仅是希望他们将来会做些与此不同的事情。 30.Geography of USA 美国地理概况 1. The vast expanse of the United States of America stretches from the heavily industrialized ,metropolitan Atlantic seaboard across the rich flat farms of the central plains , 美利坚合众国的辽阔地域,从高度工业化、遍布大都市的大西洋沿岸, 延伸至中部平原肥沃平坦的农场, over the Rocky Mountains to the fertile west coast ,then halfway across the Pacific to the balmy island-state of Hawaii. 越过洛矶山脉,到达富饶的西海岸,然后横跨半 个太平洋到达气候温和的由群岛组成的夏威夷州。 The American scene awes the viewer with both its variety and size. 来美国观光的 人无不赞叹这块土地幅员广阔、多姿多彩。 The continental United States (not counting outlying Alaska and Hawaii) measures,4,500 kilometers from its Atlantic to Pacific coasts,2,575 kilometers from Canada to Mexico. 美国大陆(不包括远离本土的阿拉斯加和夏威夷)从大西洋沿岸到 太平洋海岸的距离为4500公里,从加拿大到墨西哥的距离为2575公里。 The entire nation (all 50 states) covers an area of 9 million square kilometers and has a population of 220 million people.全国50个州的总面积为900万平方公里, 人口为2.2亿。 2. The sparsely settled ,far-northern state of Alaska is the largest of America's 50 states (in many countries they would be called provinces). 人口稀少的阿拉斯 加州位于美国的最北部,在全国50个州(在很多国家叫做省)中,它的面积最大, It is more than two and a half times the size of Sichuan province. 比中国四川省 的两倍半还大。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 Texas,in the southern part of the country,is second in size. Texas is half the size of Alaska.南部的得克萨斯州的面积占第二位,只有阿拉斯加州的一半大。 3. A land of heavy forests (311 million hectares) and barren deserts,of high-peaked mountains (McKinley rises to 6,300 meters) and deep canyons,America also enjoys bountiful rivers and lakes. 除许多森林(达3、11亿公顷)、荒芜的沙漠、 多高峰的山脉(麦金莱山海拔6300米)和深深的峡谷以外,美国还有很多河流和湖泊。 The broad Mississippi River system,famed in song and legend,meanders 6,400 kilometers from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico the world's third longest river after the Nile and Amazon. 为很多民歌和传说所传颂的宽阔的密西西比河水系,从加拿大蜿蜒 曲折6400公里,流入墨西哥湾,是除尼罗河、亚马孙河以外的世界第三大河。 A canal in the north joins the Mississippi to the five Great Lakes---the world's largest inland water transportation route and the biggest body of fresh water in the world. 北部的一条运河将世界上最长的内河航线---密西西比河同世界上最大的淡水 群---五大湖连接在一起。 4. America's early settlers were attracted by the fertile land and varied climates it offered for farming.(09) 适于农业的肥沃土地和各种不同的气候吸引了早 期来美洲的移民。 Today ,with 121 million hectares under cultivation ,American farmers plant spring wheat on the cold western plain; they raise corn and fine beef cattle in the central plains ,and rice in the damp heat of Louisiana. 现在美国的耕地达1、21亿公顷。美 国农场主在寒冷的西部平原上种植春小麦,在中部平原上种植玉米、饲养良种肉牛,在气 候湿热的路易斯安那州种植水稻。 Florida and California are famous for their citrus fruits and tropical avocados; the cool rainy northeastern states for apples,pears,berries and vegetables. 佛 罗里达州和加利福尼亚州以盛产柑橘和热带鳄梨闻名,凉爽多雨的东北各州则以苹果、梨、 莓和蔬菜而著称。 5. Underground ,a wealth of minerals provides a solid base for American industry. 丰富的地下矿藏是美国工业的坚实基础。 History has glamorized the gold rushes to California and Alaska,and the silver finds in Nevada. 美国历史虽然曾对加利福尼亚州和阿拉斯加州的淘金热以及内华达州银矿的 发现作过动人的描绘, Yet America's yearly production of gold ($140 million) and silver ($150 million) is now valued far less than the oil ($25,000 million),copper,iron,coal and other minerals it mines. 然而美国当今的黄金年产值(1、4亿美元)和白银年产值(1、5亿美元) 都大大低于石油(250亿美元)、铜、铁、煤及其他开采的金属。 Texas ,a big oil-producer in the southwest ,alone accounts for one-fifth the value of all U.S. mineral production. 得克萨斯州是西南部主要的产油州,仅该州的石油总 产值就占美国矿产品产值的五分之一。 6. America has long been known as a "melting pot," for it is a nation of immigrants from all over the world. 美国历来以“熔炉(各种族融合的国家)”而著称,因为这个国家 的人口是由世界各地来的移民所组成的。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 The first to arrive---from Siberia,more than 10,000 years ago,it is believed---were the American Indians. 最早的移民是美洲印第安人,据信是一万余年前从西伯利亚来的。 Today they number nearly 850,000; half live on land set aside for them in 31 states; 现今印第安人约有85万,其中一半人居住在31个州内为他们专门划出的土地上, the rest have "melted" in with the rest of America's nearly 220 million population. 其余的人已“融入”全美国的近2.2亿人口中。 7. Europe,the major source of immigration,began sending colonists to America in the early 17th century. 欧洲这个移民的主要来源在17世纪初就开始输送殖民地开拓者 来到美洲。 Tens of millions flooded to America's shores from Europe between 1880 and the First World War. 从1880年到第一次世界大战,有几千万人从欧洲涌上美洲海岸。 The next largest group of Americans trace their ancestry to Africa;black people now constitute over 11 percent of the population. 美国第二大族群的祖先可追溯到 非洲;黑人现在占美国人口的百分之十一。 The melting pot has also absorbed nearly 600,000 Japanese,half a million Chinese and 340,000 Filipinos. 这个多种族融合的国家还吸收了近60万日本人、50万中国人和34 万菲律宾人。 Many live in Hawaii,more than two-thirds of whose people boast on Asian or Polynesian heritage. 很多移民生活在夏威夷,超过三分之二的夏威夷居民自称为亚洲人 和波利尼西亚人的后裔。 8. Once a nation of farmers,the United States has become increasingly urban since the turn of the last century. 美国一度曾是农场主的国家,自进入上世纪以来日益城 市化。 Today three out of four Americans live in towns,cities or suburbs.(07) Two-thirds of all families live in separate households,and 65 percent own their homes.如今, 四分之三的美国人居住在城镇、城市及市郊。三分之二的家庭独立成户,65%的家庭拥有自 己的住宅。 9. Americans are always on the move. 美国人口的流动性很大。 Each year,one in every five Americans leaves home and job to find new ones somewhere else. 每年,每五个美国人中就有一个离开家和工作到别处去安家和找新的工作。 The population is shifting ever westward. 人口总是流向西部。 California recently passed New York as the most populous state,although New York City (population: 8 million) and Chicago (3 million) are still larger than California's largest city ,Los Angeles. 加利福尼亚州最近已超过纽约州成为美国人 口最多的一个州,虽然纽约市(人口为800万)和芝加哥市(300万)的人口仍然多过加利福尼 亚州最大的城市洛杉矶。 10. The nation's capital,Washington,is ninth in size,with a population of over 700,000. 美国首都华盛顿的面积在全国的城市中为第九位,人口70余万。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 Laid out by French architect Pierre L'Enfant in the late 18th century, Washington was laid out by French architect Pierre L'Enfant in the late 18th century (07)it was the world's first city especially planned as a center of government. 它在18 世纪末由法国建筑师皮埃尔?朗方设计,是世界上专门作为一个政府中心而规划设计的第 一个城市。 31. The Old Man and the Sea (Excerpt) 参考译文:老人与海(节选) 1.They sailed well and the old man soaked his hands in the salt water and tried to keep his head clear. There were high cumulus clouds and enough cirrus above them so that the old man knew the breeze would last all night. The old man looked at the fish constantly to make sure it was true. It was an hour before the first shark hit him. 1.他们航行得很好,老人把手浸在盐水里,努力保持头脑清醒。积云堆聚得很高,上空 还有相当多的卷云,因此老人看出这风将刮上整整一夜。老人时常对鱼望望,好确定真有 这么回事。这时候是第一条鲨鱼袭击他的前一个钟点。 2.The shark was not an accident. He had come up from deep down in the water as the dark cloud of blood had settled and dispersed in the mile deep sea. He had come up so fast and absolutely without caution that he broke the surface of the blue water and was in the sun. Then he fell back into the sea and picked up the scent and started swimming on the course the skiff and the fish had taken. 2.这条鲨鱼的出现不是偶然的。当那一大片暗红的血朝一英里的海里下沉并扩散的时候, 它从水底深处上来了。它窜上来得很么快,全然不顾一切,竟然冲破了蓝色的水面,来到 阳光里。跟着它又掉回海里,嗅到了血腥气的踪迹,就顺着小船和那鱼所走的路线游去。 3.Sometimes he lost the scent. But he would pick it up again, or have just a trace of it, and he swam fast and hard on the course. He was a very big make shark built to swim as fast as the fastest fish in the sea and everything about him was beautiful except his jaws. His back was as blue as a sword fish's and his belly was silver and his hide was smooth and handsome. He was built as a sword fish except for his huge jaws which were tight shut now as he swam fast, just under the surface with his high dorsal fin knifing through the water without wavering. Inside the closed double lip of his jaws all of his eight rows of teeth were slanted inwards. They were not the ordinary pyramid-shaped teeth of most sharks. They were shaped like a man's fingers when they are crisped like claws. They were nearly as long as the fingers of the old man and they had razor-sharp cutting edges on both sides. This was a fish built to feed on all the fishes in the sea, that were so fast and strong and well armed that they had no other enemy. Now he speeded up as he smelled the fresher scent and his blue dorsal fin cut the water. 3.有时候它迷失了那气味。但是它总会重新嗅到,或者就嗅到那么一点儿,就飞快地使 劲跟上。它是条很大的灰鲭鲨,生就一副好体格,能游得跟海里最快的鱼一般快。周身的 一切都很美,除了它的上下颚。它的背部和剑鱼的一般蓝,肚子是银色的,鱼皮光滑而漂 亮。它长得和剑鱼一般,除了它那张正紧闭着的大嘴。它眼下就在水面下迅速地游着,高 耸的脊鳍像刀子般划破水面,一点也不抖动。在这紧闭着的双唇里面,八排牙齿全都朝里 倾斜着。它们和大多数鲨鱼牙齿不同,不是一般的金字塔形。它们像爪子般蜷曲起来的人 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 的手指,几乎跟这老人的手指一般长,两边都有刀片般锋利的快口。这种鱼生就拿海里所 有的鱼当食料,它们游得那么快、那么健壮,武器齐备,所向无敌。它闻到了这新鲜的血 腥气,此刻正加快了速度,蓝色的脊鳍划破了水面。 4.When the old man saw him coming he knew that this was a shark that had no fear at all and would do exactly what he wished. He prepared the harpoon and mare the rope fast while he watched the shark come on. The rope was short as it lacked what he had cut away to lash the fish. The old man's head was clear and good now and he was full of resolution but he had little hope. It was too good to last, he thought. He took one look at the great fish as he watched the shark close in. It might as well have been a dream, he thought. I cannot keep him from hitting me but maybe I can get him, Dentist, he thought. Bad luck to your mother. 4.老的看见它正在游来,看出这是条毫无畏惧而坚决为所欲为的鲨鱼。他准备好了鱼叉, 系紧了绳子,同时注视着鲨鱼向前游来。绳子短了,缺了他割下用来绑鱼的那一截。老人 此刻头脑清醒正常,充满了决心,但并不抱着多少希望。光景太好了,不可能持久的,他 想。他注视着鲨鱼在逼近,抽空朝那条大鱼望上一眼,这简直等于是一场梦。我没法阻止 它来袭击我,但是也许我能弄死它。登多索鲨,他想,你它妈交上坏运啦。 5.The shark closed fast astern and when he hit the fish the old man saw his mouth open and his strange eyes and the clicking chop of the teeth as he drove forward in the meat just above the tail. The shark's head was out of water and his back was coming out and the old man could hear the noise of skin and flesh ripping on the big fish when he rammed the harpoon down onto the shark's head at a spot where the line between his eyes intersected with the line that ran straight back from his nose. There were no such lines. There was only the heavy sharp blue head and the big eyes and the clicking, thrusting all-swallowing jaws. But that was the location of the brain and the old man hit it. He hit it with his blood-mushed hands driving a good harpoon with all his strength. lie hit it without hope but with resolution and complete malignancy. 5.鲨鱼飞速地逼近船梢,它袭击那鱼的时候,老人看见它张开了嘴,看见它那双奇异的 眼睛,它咬住鱼尾巴上面一点儿的地方,牙齿咬得嘎吱嘎吱响。鲨鱼的头露出在水面上, 背部正在出水。老人听见那条大鱼的皮肉被撕裂的声音。这时候,他用鱼叉朝下猛地扎进 鲨鱼的脑袋,正扎在它两眼之间的那条线和从鼻子笔直通到脑后的那条线的交叉点上。这 两条线实际是并不存在的。只有那沉重、尖锐的蓝色脑袋。两只大眼睛和那嘎吱作响、吞 噬一切的突出的两颚。可是那儿正是脑子的所在,老人直朝它扎去。他使出全身的力气, 用糊着鲜血的双手,把一支好鱼叉向它扎去。他扎它,并不抱着希望,但是带着决心和十 足的恶意。 6.The shark swung over and the old man saw his eye was not alive and then lie swung over once again, wrapping himself in two loops of the rope. The old man knew that he was dead but the shark would not accept it. Then, on his back, with his tail lashing and his jaws clicking, the shark plowed over the water as a speedboat docs. The water was white where his tail beat it and three-quarters of his body was clear above the water when the rope came taut, shivered, and then snapped. The 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 shark lay quietly for a little while on the surface and the old man watched him. Then he went down very slowly. 6.鲨鱼翻了个身,老人看出它眼睛里已经没有生气了,跟着它又翻了个身,自行缠上了 两道绳子。老人知道这鲨鱼快死了,但它还是不肯认输。它这时肚皮朝上,尾巴扑打着, 两颚嘎吱作响,像一条快艇般划破着水面。它的尾巴把水拍打得泛出白色。四分之三的身 体露出在水面上,这时绳子给绷紧了,抖了一下,啪地断了。鲨鱼在水面上静静地躺了片 刻,老人紧盯着它。然后它慢慢地沉下去了。 7."He took about forty pounds," the old man said aloud. He took my harpoon too and all the rope, he thought, and now my fish bleeds again and there will be others. 7.“它吃掉了约莫四十磅肉”,老人说出声来。它把我的鱼叉也带走了,还有那么多绳子, 他想,而且现在我这条鱼又在淌血,其他鲨鱼也会来的。 8.He did not like to look at the fish anymore since he had been mutilated. When the fish had been hit it was as though he himself were hit. But I killed the shark that hit my fish, he thought. And he was the biggest dentuso that I have ever seen. And God knows that I have seen big ones. 8.他不忍心死鱼看上一眼因为它已经被咬得残缺不全了。鱼遭到袭击的的时侯,感到就 像自己遭到袭击一样(可是我杀死了条袭击我的鱼的鲨鱼,他想因而它足我见到过的犀大 的登多索鲨。天知道,我确实见过一大的。 9.It was too good to last, he thought. I wish it had been a dream now and that I had never hooked the fish arid was alone in bed on the newspapers. 9.光景太好了,不可能持久的,他想(但愿这是场梦,我根本没有钓到这条鱼,正独自躺 在床上铺的报纸上。 32. Petroleum Geology and Other Sciences 石油地质学与其它科学 1. Petroleum geology is the application of geology (the study of rocks) to the exploration for and production of oil and gas. 石油地质学是地质学(岩石研究)在油 气勘探开发和生产中的应用。 Geology itself is firmly based on chemistry,physics,and biology,involving the application of essentially abstract concepts to observed data.地质学本身是以化 学、物理和生物学为基础,应用其基本的抽象理论概念来解释观察到的资料。 In the past these data were basically observation and subjective,but they are now increasingly physical and chemical,and therefore more objective. 在过去,这些资 料主要凭主观观察获取。现在借助物理和化学手段,因而更具客观性。 Geology,in general,and petroleum geology,in particular,still rely on value judgements based on experience and an assessment of validity among the data presented. 从根本上讲,地质学,特别是石油地质学,仍然依赖于基于经验的数值判断和 对现有资料的有效性评估。 2. The application of chemistry to the study of rocks (geochemistry) has many uses in petroleum geology. 化学应用到石油地质的岩石研究(地球化学)中有许多作用。 Detailed knowledge of the mineralogical composition of rocks is important at many levels. 岩石矿物组分的详细资料在许多方面很重要。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 In the early stages of exploration certain general conclusions as to the distribution and quality of potential reservoir could be made from their gross lithology. 在勘探早期,就潜在储层的分布和质量我们可以从总的岩性得出某些通用的结 论。 For example, the porosity of sandstones tends to be facies related, whereas in carbonate rocks this is generally not so. 例如,砂岩孔隙度一般与相有关,而一般 在碳酸盐岩中则并非如此。 Detailed knowledge of the mineralogy of reservoirs enables estimates to be made of the rate at which they may lose porosity during burial, 储层矿物学的详细知识 可以帮助我们估计出在埋藏过程中孔隙度损失的速率。 and this detailed mineralogical information is essential for the accurate interpretation of geophysical well logs through reservoirs. 这样详细的矿物组分 资料对于准确地解释储层地球物理测井非常必要。 Knowledge of the chemistry of pore fluids and their effect on the stability of minerals can be used to predict where porosity may be destroyed by cementation, preserved in its original form, or enhanced by solution of minerals by formation waters. 了解孔隙流体的化学组成及其对岩石稳定性的影响,有助于预测哪些地区孔隙度 因胶结作用而变差,哪些地区孔隙度保持不变,哪些地区孔隙度因地层水的溶蚀作用而提 高。 3. Organic chemistry is involved both in the analysis of oil and gas and in the study of the diagenesis of the plant and animal tissues in sediments and the way in which the resultant organic compound, kerogen, generates petroleum. 有机化学 则可应用于分析原油和天然气,研究沉积物中植物和动物组织的成岩作用(研究动植物组 织转化为合成有机化合物),揭示由此而生成的有机化合物干酪根(油母)生成石油的方 式。 4. The application of physics to the study of rocks (geophysics) is very important in petroleum geology. 在石油地质中,将物理应用到岩石研究(地球物理)中很重要。 In its broadest application geophysics makes a major contribution to understanding the earth's crust and, especially through the application of modern plate tectonic theory,the genesis and petroleum potential of sedimentary basins. 地球物理的广 泛应用对于了解地壳,尤其是应用了现代板块构造理论后,对于了解沉积盆地的成因和潜 在石油资源做出了重要贡献。 More specially, physical concepts are required to understand folds, faults, and diapirs, and hence their roles in petroleum entrapment. 更为特别的是,在理解褶 皱、断层和底辟(挤入构造,刺穿构造)以及它们在石油圈闭过程中的作用时需要物理概 念。 5. Modern petroleum exploration is unthinkable without the aid of magnetism, gravity, and seismic surveys in finding potential petroleum traps. 利用现代石油 勘探手段寻找潜在的石油圈闭时,如果没有地磁、重力和地震勘探,是不可想象的。 Nor could any finds be evaluated effectively without geophysical wireline well logs 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 to measure the lithology, porosity, and petroleum content of a reservoir. 同样, 如果没有地球物理电缆测井测量岩性、孔隙度和储层中石油的含量,对任何发现的圈闭也 不可能做到有效评价。 6. Biology is applied to geology in several ways, notably through the study of fossils (paleontology),and is especially significant in establishing biostratigraphic zones for regional stratigraphical correlation. 生物学可以从几 个方面应用于地质学。较为明显的是用于化石研究(古生物学、化石学),同时,生物学对 区域地层对比和建立生物层序地层带具有极为重要的意义。 The shift in emphasis from the use of macrofossils to microfossils for zonation, caused by oil exploration, has already been noted. 由石油勘探引起的划带重点化石 已经显然由大化石转移到微体化石。 Ecology, the study of the relationship between living organisms and their environment, is also important in petroleum geology.(11语法) 生态学,即研究 生物与其环境之间关系的科学,在石油地质中也很重要。 Carbonate sediments, in general, and reefs, in particular, can only be studied profitably with the aid of a detailed knowledge of the ecology of modern marine fauna and flora. 碳酸盐岩沉积物,特别是生物礁,只有在现代海洋动物群落和植物群落 生态学详细资料的帮助下才能获得有益的研究成果。 Biology, and especially biochemistry, is important in studying the transformation of plant and animal tissues into kerogen during burial and the generation of oil or gas that may be caused by this transformation. 生物学,尤其是生物化学,对于 埋藏过程中动植物组织转化为干酪根并由此生成石油和天然气的研究很重要。 7. Geologists, in contrast to some nongeologists, believe that knowledge of the concepts of geology can help to find petroleum(07年) and, furthermore, often think that petroleum geology and petroleum exploration are synonyms, which they are not. 地质学家相对于非地质学家来说,更相信了解地质概念有助于寻找石油。而且, 常常认为石油地质和石油勘探是同义词,而实际上并非如此。 Theories that petroleum is not formed by the transformation of organic matter in sediments have already been noted and are examined in more detail. 石油并不是由 沉积物中的有机物转化而来的理论已经引起人们的关注,并在许多细节问题上得以证实。 If the petroleum geologists' view of oil generation and migration are not accepted, then present exploration methods would need extensive modification. 如果石油地 质学家关于油气生成和运移的观点不被接受,那么目前的勘探方法需要大幅度改变。 8. Some petroleum explorationists still do not admit to a need for geologists to aid them in their search. 一些石油勘探家仍然不承认在找油过程中需要地质学家的 帮助。 In 1982 a successful oil finder from Midland, Texas, admitted to not using geologists because when his competitors hired them, all it did was to increase their costs per barrel of oil found. 1982年,一位德州米德兰油田的发现者声称没有雇佣地 质学家。他的对手雇佣了地质学家,结果只是增加了每桶原油的成本。 The South African State Oil Company (SOEKOR) is under a statutory obligation imposed 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 by its government to put to the test every claim to an oil-finding method, be it a dowsing or some sophisticated scientific technique. 南非国家石油公司在政府法 律强行规定下,对每种发现石油的方法(无论是寻找矿藏和水源的机械方法还是复杂的科学 方法)必须进行测验。 These examples are not isolated cases, and it has been argued that oil may better be found by random drilling than by the appliance of scientific principles.上述 事例并非是独一无二的,它说明寻找石油可能的较好方法是随机钻探,而不是应用科学原 理。 33.What Do Parents Owe Their Children 父母欠子女什么, 1.If I had to select a word that best describes the majority of American parents ,that word would be guilt-ridden. 如果我必须挑选一个词,来描述美国的大 多数父母,这个词便是“内疚”。 How sad it is to see parents become the willing victims of the "give-me game”,only to discover that,no matter what they do,it isn't enough. 目睹父母们甘愿做“给我 游戏”的牺牲者是很令人伤心的。但我们发现无论他们怎么做,都还是不够。 In the end,they are despised for their lack of firmness and blamed when their spoiled children get in trouble. 到最后,父母们都会因自己的软弱而受到蔑视,因他们宠坏的 孩子惹出事端而受到责备。 With this in mind,I shall first answer this question:" What do parents owe their children?" 认识到这些,我们应该首先回答这个问题:“父母欠子女些什么,” and I shall start with what they don't owe them.而我首先要从他们不欠子女什么谈 起。 2.Parents don't owe their children every minute of their day and every ounce of their energy. 父母不必把分分秒秒、点点滴滴的精力都花在孩子们身上。 They don?t owe them round-the-clock car service,singing lessons,tennis lessons,expensive bicycles,a motorcycle or a car when they reach sixteen,or a trip to Europe when they graduate.不必时时准备替他们开车外出,不必让他们上音乐课和网 球课,不必给他们买很贵的自行车、摩托车、或在他们满十六岁时给他们买汽车,也不在 他们毕业时出钱让他们去欧洲旅游。父母并不欠子女这些。 3.I take the firm position that parents do not owe their children a college education.我还确信父母并不欠孩子高等教育的费用。 If they can afford it,fine; they can certainly send them to the best universities.如果付的起,很好,他们当然可以将子女送进一流大学。 But they must not feel guiltily if they can't. 但付不起亦无须感到愧疚。 If the children really want to go,they'll find a way. 假如子女们真愿意上大学, 他们自己会找到办法。 There are plenty of loans and scholarships for the bright and eager who can't afford to pay.因为有许多为聪明好学而又无力支付学费的年轻人设立的贷款项目和奖学金。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 4.After children marry,their parents do not owe them a down payment on a house or money for the furniture. 孩子结婚后,父母无须为他们分期付款买房子而出底金, 无须为他们购买家具, They do not have an obligation to baby-sit or to take their grandchildren in their house when the parents were on vacation. 也不一定要照顾孙辈。 If they want to do it,it must be considered a favor,not an obligation.倘若父母 乐意这么做,子女应把这看作恩惠而不是义务。 5.In my opinion, parents do not owe their children an inheritance,no matter how much money they have. 在我看来,无论父母多么有钱,都不一定要给子女一笔遗产。 One of the surest ways to produce a loafer is to let children know that their future is assured.让子女知道自己前途已有保障无疑最能使他们变为懒虫。 6.Do parents owe their children anything ? Yes,they owe them a great deal.那 么,父母难道就不欠子女什么了吗,不,欠得很多很多。 7.One of their chief obligations is to give their children a sense of personal worth of self-esteem is the basis of a good mental health. Personal worth and (11词汇)父母最主要的责任之一就是使孩子self-esteem is the basis of a good mental health. 们尊重自己的价值。因为只有自尊自重才是健康的精神状态的基础。 A youngster,who is constantly made to feel stupid and unworthy,constantly compared to brighter brothers,sisters or cousins,will become so unsure,so afraid of failing,that he (or she) won't try at all. 如果总让孩子感到自己愚蠢无为,老是把 他与聪明的兄弟姐妹比较,他就会变得缺乏信心,惧怕失败,结果连尝试一下的勇气都没 有了。 Of course,they should be corrected when they do wrong; this is the way children learn. 当然,孩子有错误应当及时纠正,这样孩子才能有所长进。 But the criticisms should be balanced with praises,preferably with a smile and a kiss. 不过有批评也须有表扬,微笑和亲吻是比较好的方式。 No child is ever too old to be hugged. 孩子再大也可以拥抱。 Parents owe their children firm guidance and consistent discipline. 父母有义务 对孩子进行不间断的引导和管束。 It is frightening for a youngster to feel that he is in charge of himself; it's like being in a car without brakes. 让十几岁的孩子觉得自己可以随心所欲是危险的, 那就和坐在没刹车的汽车里一样。 The parents who say "No" when other parents say "Yes" sends a double message. 当 别的父母让孩子放任自流时,管束孩子的父母实际上让孩子接收到了一种双重信息。 He is also saying: "I love you,and I am ready to risk your anger,because I don't want you to get into trouble."在说“不行”的同时,他们的意思也包含了:“我们爱你。 我们知道你会生气,但我们不愿让你陷入困境。” 8.Parents owe their children some religious training. 父母有义务给予孩子一些宗 教训练。 The fact that so many strange cults are enjoying such success is proof that children 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 feel the need for something spiritual in their life.事实上,很多奇怪的宗教团体 享受着成功,这正说明了孩子在他们的生活中,需要一些精神上的东西。 9.Parents owe their children a comfortable feeling about their body,and enough information about sex to balance the misinformation that they will surely receive from their friends.父母也有义务注意孩子的身心健康,教给孩子必要的性知识,使他能 够抵御那些将来无疑会从朋友们那儿得到的错误概念。 10.Parents owe their children privacy and respect for their personal belongings. 父母还应给予孩子们个人空间,尊重属于他的物品。 This means not borrowing things without permission,not reading diaries and mail,not looking through purses,pockets,and drawers. 这包括未经孩子同意不使用他的东西。 不看他的日记和信件,不检查他的钱包、抽屉或衣袋。 If a mother feels that she must read her daughter's diary to know what is going on,the communication between them must be pretty bad.倘若一位母亲感到不看女儿的 日记就不知道女儿的情况时,她们之间的关系便已到了相当糟糕的地步了。 11.Parents owe their children a set of solid values around which to build their lives. 最后,父母还有责任教给子女系列处世准则, This means teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others; it means being respectful to elders,to teachers,and to the law. 包括教育他们尊重别人的权 利与意见,尊重师长,遵守纪律。 The best way to teach such values is by example. 而最好的教育方法便是以身作则。 A child who is lied to will lie. 受过骗的孩子会去骗人。 A child who sees his parents steal tools from the factory or towels from a hotel will think that it is all right to steal. 孩子若看到家长从工厂里偷工具或在旅馆 里偷毛巾便会以为偷窃不是错事。 A youngster who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have a difficult time laughing and loving.在家里看不见家长的笑脸、得不到爱抚的孩子将来很难变得开朗和 友爱。 12. No child asks to be born. 没有任何孩子是自己要求出世的。 If you bring a life into the world,you owe the children something. 倘若你将一个 生命带到世界上来,你便对他负有义务。 And if you give him his due,he'll have something of value to pass along to your grandchildren.如果你给予了他应得的,他也将会有一些有价值的东西传给你的孙辈们。 34.When The Earth Quakes 地震时刻 1. On the night of August 17,1959,at about 20 minutes before midnight, the ground in the vicinity of Yellowstone National Park began shaking violently. 1959年8 月17日的晚上,大约午夜前20分钟,黄石国家公园附近大地开始猛烈摇动。 At the time there was a rumbling sound, something like a huge truck would make. 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 同时,大地发出如同重型卡车发出的轰响。 Both the heaving of the ground and the noise were very frightening but lasted not quite 45 seconds.大地的升降和啸叫都令人非常害怕,但是一切不超过45秒。 2. What was even more frightening was the sound of huge boulders which began rolling down the steep mountain. 更令人害怕的是巨石开始从陡峭的山上滚下来的声音。 In one part of the upper reaches of the Madison River, a whole mountain began shifting, then came crashing down to fill the deep valley and dam the great river with millions of tons of rock and trees.在麦迪生河上游的一条支流处,一整座山开 始移动,之后,它崩塌下来填满深深的山谷,上百万吨岩石和大树如坝般阻挡住大河。 3. A dozen or more campers along the river were buried deep beneath the great landslide. 十几个,或许更多沿河的露营者被深埋在大滑坡下。 Others were able to climb to safety,some of them badly hurt,but were trapped by the slide. 幸存的野营者开始爬向较安全的地方,其中一些人伤得很重,仍然不时陷入滑 坡。 Finally these people were saved,many of them by helicopter.最后这些人都获救了, 其中多人得救于直升飞机。 4. This earthquake near Yellowstone Park was just one of nearly a million that happen every year all over the world. 在黄石公园附近发生的地震,仅仅是每年全世 界发生的上百万次地震中的一次。 And as bad as this quake was,many have been worse. 若就地震灾害而论,有许多地震 甚至更严重。 Earthquake experts say that the Yellowstone quake of 1959 was about as bad as the one which hit San Francisco in 1906. 地震专家说,1959年的黄石的地震,差不多相当 于1906年发生在旧金山的地震。 But the San Francisco quake caused more damage because it struck in a place where there were so many people living. 旧金山地震造成更多的破坏,它发生在人口密集地 方。 In San Francisco 700 person lost their lives. 在旧金山约700人丧命。 An earthquake in Japan in 1923 took 160,000 lives. 1923年发生在日本的地震夺走了 16万人的生命。 In China in 1920 an earthquake took 200,000 lives. 1920年一场大地震发生在中国, 20万人死亡。 It is easy to understand why earthquakes are so feared.因此,很容易理解人们为什 么非常恐惧地震。 5. What causes these terrible shakes of the very ground on which we live?是什 么原因造成我们生活的这块土地发生可怕的摇动, 6. To answer that question we must first understand some things about the earth itself. 要回答这个问题,必须首先要了解关于地球自身的某些事物。 Forty miles deep in the earth is the edge of the outer crust of the earth,and there it is so hot that instead of hard rock there is material much like the hot lava 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 that a volcano erupts. 地表面下40英里深,是地球外壳的边缘,此处非常之热,如同火山喷出的岩浆般的物质替代了坚硬的岩石。 It is the earth's 40 mile deep crust with which we are concerned when we seek the cause of earthquake. 若我们寻求地震的原因,这40英里地壳恰恰是我们应该关心的地带。 The earth's crust is formed of many different layers of rocks. 地壳由很多不同岩石层构成。 The layers of rocks are not laid evenly,as a bricklayer would build a wall. 而岩层并不像建筑工人建的墙一样均匀地平整铺开, Instead,the earth's crust is made of rock layers that are often uneven and not perfectly balanced.相反的,岩层构成的地壳也往往是不均匀且不是完美平衡的。 Because of the great weight pressing down on them,these layers tend to fold downward at weak spots,and this finally causes an actual break in the crust. 由于巨大重量向下压岩层,使它趋于在它的薄弱点处往下折叠,这最后将造成地壳里的某处断裂。 When this break occurs,or when the sides of an old break slip,the earth quakes,or shakes,while the crust is settling into a new position.当断裂发生时,或者旧的断裂块滑动时,地球震动、摇动,以使地壳安排它进入一个新位置。 7. Sometime these faults are very small,and we then feel only little tremor. 有些时候这些断裂非常小,我们仅仅能感到微小的颤动。 The tremor may even be so light that only the most delicate machine will record it. 这种颤动甚至轻到最精密的设备才可能记录它们。 Most earthquakes are of this weak kind. 大多数地震属于这种类型。 Sometimes a break in the earth's crust comes about,which starts such a landslide as the one which occurred in Madison Canyon. 也有些时候地壳的一个断裂发生了,引起如同在麦迪生峡谷发生的大滑坡。 It then takes not one,but many shakes for the earth to heal the fault and settle.这种大地震往往不是一次,而是很多次的移动,使地球去修补裂缝和调整(岩层的)姿态。 That is why many after-shocks follow a major earthquake.这就是为什么很多余震紧跟在一个大地震之后。 Sometimes these go on for several years.有时这种情况要持续多年。 8. Some Parts of the earth are more likely to have quakes than others.地球的某部分比其它部分更容易发生地震。 This is usually true of mountainous country,because there the layers of rocks which make up the earth's crust are not at all even. 山地国家往往这样。山地区域构成地壳的岩层特别不均匀。 But quakes may often be felt in level country,too,because the waves which come from the center of a quake run often for thousands of miles.但是,平原国家也会经常感觉到地震,因为从震源发出的震波往往可以传出上千里。 9. It is easy to understand why man is so frightened by an earthquake. 很容 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 易理解为什么人特别害怕地震。 People used to think that when there was an earthquake,the ground opened,swallowed great numbers of people,and then closed,leaving no trace of those who perished. 人们过去认为,当某个地方发生了地震,即大地裂开,吞下大量的人,然后又合上,人们 被不留痕迹地毁灭。 We know now this does not happen.现在我们知道这一切从来不曾发生。 10. What we need to fear most are the after-effects of a bad earthquake: fires,flood,and landslides. 实际上我们需要更多担心的是一个大地震的震后影响:火 灾、洪水、和滑坡。 Since the Yellowstone earthquake some people have said that they would never go to that area for fear of being caught in a landslide such as occurred after the earthquake. 自从黄石地震后,一些人说,他们因为害怕被发生在地震后的大滑坡伤害, 再也不会去那个地方。 That is foolish. 这是愚蠢的。 Such a fear would keep us away from mountains the rest of our lives. Even though earthquakes happen every day,an occurrence like the Madison River landslide does not happen very often. (04)这种恐惧将使我们终生远离大山。尽管地震每天都在发生, 像麦迪生河大滑坡似的事件却不是经常发生。 We can realize gratefully that few of us will suffer because of such disaster. 我 们能够意识到,只有我们中的极少数可能受到地震灾害的伤害。 At the same time we can understand the need of being ready to help those who do suffer such trouble.同时,我们也能理解,遭受那种灾害伤害的人正需要其它人的帮助。 35.You Bet Your Life 以命相赌 1. Life insurance is not really betting although it can be compared to it. You pay the money just in case. 生命保险不是真正意义上的赌博,虽然它能与赌博相比较, 你花了钱以防意外。 In this day and age,we think of insurance as a natural thing. 在今天和这个时代, 我们认为保险是一件很自然的事。 If we scrape a fender or injure ourselves at work,we know that there is some sort of payment that we can get through insurance. 如果我们划破了皮肤或者在工作中伤 着了自己,我们知道通过保险我们能获得某种赔款。 Of course,we don't get it for nothing; we make payments to the companies. 当然, 我们不是无功受禄,我们给保险公司付了钱。 If we don't use the insurance,the companies keep the money.我们如果没有使用这项 保险,保险公司就赚了这笔钱。 2."Insurance" is the term that we understand today. “保险”是我们今天可以理解 的一个词语。 Some companies are beginning to use the term "assurance”. 某些公司现在开始用“保 证”这样的词语。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 As a matter of fact,Charles Babbage,over one hundred years ago,felt that "assurance" was a better term. 事实上,早在一百余年前,查尔斯先生就认为“保证”是 一个更恰当的词语。 Apparently few others did,because "insurance" has stayed with us until today.显然很少有别的人这样认为,因为“保险”这个词已经伴随我们至今。 3. How old is insurance? Two hundred years? A thousand? Or is it as old as man? 那么“保险”到底有多久的历史,两百年,一千年,或者和人类历史一样长远, I suppose that would depend upon what you mean. 我认为问题将取决于你的问题的本 意到底是什么。 We might say that "insurance" was with us while man was just beginning to develop civilization. 我们可以说,在人类开始发展自己的文明时,“保险”就与人类在一起了。 One family or tribe might feel that they would be helped if they helped to protect another family or tribe. 一个家庭或者部落去帮助了另外一些家族或部落不受侵袭,他 们认为自己也会得到帮助。 In this way,both groups got what they needed---protection from enemies. 这样, 两个集体都得到了他们所需要的东西:防御敌人。 Of course,you and I don't need that kind of protection today.当然,今天你我都不 再需要这种保护。 4. This system of trading services with each other has been with us for quite a while. 这个互相交易服务体系已经伴随我们相当一段时间了。 The idea of an old age pension is certainly older than you might think. 关于老 年退休金理念的产生比你想象的要早得多。 Today you think of social security or some other system. 今天,你想到社会保障体 系或其它别的社会体系。 Most people who retire are still able to receive money that they have paid into the system during their working days. 大多数人退休后仍然能够拿到钱,这些钱是他 们工作期间支付给社会保障系统的。 The idea of a reward for services like this is quite an old one. 这种给服务以回 报的理念是很古老的。 The trouble was that the reward was not always given to everyone,nor was it given to those who deserved it most.问题在于:报酬不是任何时候给每一个人,甚至不是给 本身最应该得到这个报酬的人。 5. What happened when man began to move into the cities from the farms? 当一 个人从农村移居城市时会发生什么事, He found that he could no longer support himself by growing his own food. 他发 现,他用自己生产的食品养活自己的日子一去不复返。 His children and relatives might move away to another city,and there might be no way of earning enough money. 他的孩子和亲属可能搬往其它城市,但是那里可能没有办 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 法赚到足够的钱。 Perhaps because of this,the idea of social security and insurance developed. 也许恰恰因为这些,社会安全和保险的思想发展了。 Now insurance companies are near the top of the list of the biggest business in the United States.如今,在美国,保险公司的名字正名列最大企业名单的榜首。 6. Some of the first commercial insurance companies began around 1580 in England. 1580年左右,英国第一批商业保险公司开始营业。 These companies were some of the first to accept payment for insurance. 这几家是最早接受为保险付费的公司中的一部分。 Fire insurance became more popular after the fire in London in 1666. 1666年伦敦大火之后,火灾险变得普及。 This was one of the most terrible fires in history. It lasted for five days. 伦敦大火是历史上最严重的火灾之一,它持续了五天。 London had to be rebuilt almost completely. 伦敦几乎需要全部重建。 No wonder that many people decided to try fire insurance after that.难怪很多人在其后决定试买火灾险。 7. We think today's insurance companies are large,but there was also a pretty big company about two hundred years ago in England. 我们觉得今天的保险公司都很大,但在200年前的英国,也有一家相当大的保险公司。 The company still does business. The name of the company is Lloyd's of London. 这家名叫伦敦劳埃德的保险公司至今仍在营业。 It carried more than ,600,000 of insurance between 1793 & 1815. 1793到1815年间,该公司包括了60万英镑保险。 The England pound was then worth many times what it is worth today; 当时英镑的价值是它今天价值的很多倍, so you can see how big Lloyd's was then. 你可以想象当时的劳埃德公司有多大。 Of course,it didn't make money all the time. 显然,它不可能所有时间都赚钱。 For example,around 1975 the company paid a claim of ,190,000. Around 1975 the insurance company paid a claim of ,190,000. (04) 例如,1795年,它支付给客户19万英镑保险金。 In American money,that would be nearly half a million dollars.折算成美元,它差不多是50万美金。 8. Lloyd?s has become famous for some of the unusual things it has insured. 劳埃德之所以有名还因为它对一些非平常的事进行保险。 For instance Lloyd has insured against the birth of twins. 例如它保险不生双胞胎。 If twins had been born to the family insured,the company would have had to pay a certain amount of money to the parents. 如果投险家庭生出双胞胎,保险公司将必须支付一定数量的钱给父母。 You can see in this example that some insurance is a little like gambling. 在这 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 个例子里,你能看到某些保险是有一点像赌博。 There have also been many cases of famous performers or athletes who have insured themselves against accidents. 还有些著名演员和运动员对他们在活动中的意外事故保 险。 Suppose a very good actor feared that his looks could be injured. 假定一个非常 好的演员害怕他的容貌可能受伤。 If they were,he would not be able to make a living as an actor. 如果事情发生了, 他将不能作为演员赚钱生活。 Therefore,he might attempt to insure himself against that possibility.因此,他 可能试图针对这种可能性保险他自身。 9. Now there are companies that will insure people for damage caused by a sonic boom. 现在,有些保险公司将对声爆对人们造成的损害保险。 A sonic boom is the loud crash and shaking that happens when a jet plane goes faster than the speed of sound. 声爆是当喷气式飞机超音速行驶时产生的巨大碰撞和摇动声。 When this happens,a shock wave hits the earth and may break windows or cause ceilings to crack. 当声爆发生时,冲击波击打地面,可能震破窗户或造成顶棚破裂。 If you're not near an airport used by jets,you may not need to worry about sonic booms,but some people do suffer damage in this way. 如果你不在靠近喷气机场的地 方住,你不需要担心声爆,但是,某些人的确在这方面受到损害。 They want to make sure that they don't have to pay all the repair bills themselves.他们希望得到保证,使自己不必付这些修理费。 10. From protection against enemies to social security to sonic booms,insurance has come a long way.从保证不受敌人侵犯,到社会安全,到声爆,保险业走过了一条长 长的路。 36.How to Avoid Foolish Opinions 如何避免愚蠢的见解 1. To avoid the various foolish opinions to which mankind is prone,no superhuman genius is required. 要避免人们常常产生的各种愚蠢的观点,并不需要过人的天赋。 A few simple rules will keep you,not from all error,but from silly error.立几条 简单的规则就可以使得你避免荒唐的错误,虽然不能避免一切错误。 2. If the matter is one that can be settled by observation,make the observation yourself. 如果事情可以通过观察来解决的,那你就亲自观察好了。 Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men,by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle to keep her mouth open while he counted. 亚里斯多德认为女人的牙齿比男人少,其实很简单,只需请亚里斯多德夫人 张一张口来让他数一数,他本是可以不犯这一错误的。 He did not do so because he thought he knew. 他没有那么做,因为他认为他知道。 Thinking that you know when in fact you don't is a fatal mistake,to which we are 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 all prone. 自以为懂而实际并不懂是一种致命的错误,我们都易犯这种错误。 I believe myself that hedgehogs eat black beetles,because I have been told that they do; 我自己相信,刺猬吃黑甲虫,因为人们告诉我,它们是这样的。 but if I were writing a book on the habits of hedgehogs,I should not commit myself until I had seen one enjoying this unappetizing diet. 但如果我要写一本论述刺猬 习性的书的话,那么在我未亲眼看到一个刺猬享受这种倒胃口的食品之前,我是不会动笔 的。 Aristotle,however,was less cautious. 然而,亚里斯多德却不够谨慎。 Ancient and medieval authors knew all about unicorns and salamanders; 古代和中 世纪的作家谈起独角兽和火蛇来如数家珍, not one of them thought it necessary to avoid dogmatic statements about them because he had never seen one of them. 但他们中没有一个人认为,因为自身从未见过这些东西 的任一种而有必要避免对它们作武断的阐述。 3. Many matters,however,are less easily brought to the test of experience. 但 是,许多事情是不那么容易用经验来检验的。 If,like most of mankind,you have passionate convictions on many such matters,there are ways in which you can make yourself aware of your own bias. 如果像大多数人 那样,在此类事情上执迷不误,那么有许多方法可以使你自己认识到自己的偏见。 If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry,that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do. 如果某一 种与你相左的见解使你生气,那么这就是一种迹象,说明你潜意识地感到,你没法给自己 的想法以充分的理由。 If someone maintains that two and two are five,or that Iceland is on the equator,you feel pity rather than anger,unless you know so little of arithmetic or geography that his opinion shakes your own contrary conviction. 倘若有人坚称,2加2等于5, 冰岛是在赤道上,你只会感到同情而不是愤怒,除非你对算术或地理知之甚少,以致他的 观点动摇了你的立场。 The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way. 最激烈的争论是对那些双方都没有充分证据的事物的争论。 Persecution is used in theology,not in arithmetic,because in arithmetic there is knowledge,but in theology there is only opinion. 迫害仅发生于神学领域,而不见于 算术领域,因为在算术中有知识,而在神学中仅有观点。 So whenever you find yourself getting angry about a difference of opinion,be on your guard; 因此当你发现你自己对不同的意见气恼时,你一定要警惕; you will probably find,on examination,that your belief is going beyond what the evidence warrants. 通过检验你或将发现,你的信念并无足够的依据。 4. A good way of ridding yourself of certain kinds of dogmatism is to become aware of opinions held in social circles different from your own. 使你自己摆脱 某些教条主义的一种好方法是去了解与你不同的社会集团所持的意见。 When I was young,I lived much outside my own country---in France,Germany,Italy,and 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 the United States. 我年轻时常居住在国外---在法国、德国、意大利和美国。 I found this very profitable in diminishing the intensity of insular prejudice. 我发现,这大大有助于消弥井蛙之见。 If you cannot travel,seek out people with whom you disagree,and read a newspaper belonging to a party that is not yours. 如果你无法远行,那就找一些与你意见相左 的人,读一读不属于你们党派的报纸。 If the people and the newspaper seem mad,perverse,and wicked,remind yourself that you seem so to them. 如果这些人和报纸看,上去疯狂、荒谬和恶劣,那么请提醒你自己, 在他们看来,你可能也是如此。 5. For those who have enough psychological imagination,it is a good plan to imagine an argument with a person having different bias. 对于那些想象力丰富的人 来说,假设与观点不同的人进行辩论,不失为一种好方法。 This has one advantage,and only one,as compared with actual conversation with opponents; 较之与对手进行面对面的谈话,这种方式有一个好处,可以说是唯一的好处: this one advantage is that the method is not subject to the same limitations of time and space. 它不会受到时间和空间的限制。 I have sometimes been led actually to change my mind as a result of this kind of imaginary dialogue, 有时,由于这种假想的对话,结果,我真的改变了我的想法。 and,short of this,I have frequently found myself growing less dogmatic and cocksure through realizing the possible reasonableness of a hypothetical opponent. 而有 时虽然未能真的改变看法,我也常发现自己因认识到假想对手可能有道理而变得不那么武 断或自以为是了。 6. Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem. 对于那些迎合你自尊 心的意见,要十分小心。 Both men and women,nine times out of ten,are firmly convinced of the superior excellence of their own sex. 无论男女,十有八九都确信自己这一性别优越。 There is abundant evidence on both sides. 双方都有充分的证据。 If you are a man,you can point out that most poets and men of science are male; 如果你是个男人,你可以指出,大多数诗人和科学家是男性;points outThe man that most poets and scientists are male.(11词汇) if you are a woman,you can resort that so are most criminals. 如果你是个女人, 你可以回敬说,大多数的罪犯也是男的。 The question is inherently insoluble,but self-esteem conceals this from most people. 这问题本来就讲不清楚,但是自尊心让大多数人看不到这点。 We are all,whatever part of the world we come from,persuaded that our own nation is superior to all others. 我们大家,不管来自世界何地,都相信自己的民族是最优秀 的。 Seeing that each nation has its characteristic merits and demerits,we adjust our 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 standard of values so as to make out that the merits possessed by our nation are the really important ones,while its demerits are comparatively trivial. 鉴于每 一个民族都有其固有的优点和缺点,我们常常试图通过调整价值标准来扬长避短,以便证 明我们民族所具有的优点是真正重要的,而缺点则是相对不重要的。 Here,again,the rational man will admit that the question is one to which there is no demonstrably right answer. 在这里,理智的人会再次承认,这类问题没有一个明确 的答案。 It is more difficult to deal with the self-esteem of man as man,because we cannot argue out the matter with some non-human mind. 而作为人类的人的自尊心则更难对付 了,因为我们不能同某种非人类的观点去进行辩论,以求得结论。 The only way I know of dealing with this general human conceit is to remind ourselves我所知道的处理这种人类普遍具有的自负的唯一办法是提醒我们自己: that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little corner of the universe,and that for aught we know,other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jelly-fish.人类仅是宇宙一角中一个小行星的 整个历程中的一个短暂的插曲,也许,宇宙的其它地方可能有某种生物远胜于我们,就像 我们远胜于水母一样。 37.Hanover Square 追忆似水年华 1.Can it really be sixty-two years ago that I first saw you? 1.我们初次相遇,难道真的是六十二年前吗, 2.It is truly a lifetime,I know. But as I gaze into your eyes now,it seems like only yesterday that I first saw you,in that small cafe in Hanover Square. 2.年华似水,忽间我们已相携一世。望着你的眼睛,当年的邂逅历历如在昨昔,就在汉 诺威广场的那间小咖啡馆里。 3.From the moment I saw you smile,as you opened the door for that young mother and her newborn baby. I knew. I knew that I wanted to share the rest of my life with you. 3.见到你的那一刻,那一刻你正在一位年轻的母亲和她的小宝宝开门,那一刻当看见你 的盈盈笑,我就明白我只愿与你执手偕老,共度今生。 4.I still think of how foolish I must have looked,as I gazed at you,that first time. I remember watching you intently,as you took off your hat and loosely shook your short dark hair with your fingers. ] felt myself becoming immersed in your every detail,as you placed your hat on the table and cupped your hands around the hot cup of tea,gently blowing the steam away with your pouted lips. 4.我仍然不时想起,那天自己那样地盯着你,一定很傻。就那样情不自禁怔怔地望着你, 追随你摘下小帽,用手指松了松短短的黑发;追随你把帽子放在桌前,双手捧起暖暖的茶 杯;追随你微撅樱唇,轻轻吹走飘腾的热气。我的目光始终追随着你,感觉自己在你的温 柔举止间慢慢融化。 5.From that moment,everything seemed to make perfect sense to me. The people in the cafe and the busy street outside all disappeared into a hazy blur. All I could 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 see was you. 5.从那一刻起,一切似乎都鲜明了意义。咖啡馆里的来来往往和外面闹市的熙熙攘攘忽 然都模糊了起来,我眼里看到的,只有你。 6.All through my life I have relived that very first day. Many,many times I have sat and thought about that the first day,and how for a few fleeting moments I am there,feeling again what is like to know true love for the very first time. It pleases me that I can still have those feelings now after all those years,and I know I will always have them to comfort me. 6.光阴似箭,那一天却不断在我的记忆里重演,鲜活如初。多少次我再次坐下,不断追 忆那天的点滴,不断回味那些飞纵的瞬间,重新体验会永远伴随我,安抚我的聊聊余生。 7.Not even as I shook and trembled uncontrollably in the trenches,did I forget your face. I would sit huddled into the wet mud, terrified,as the hails of bullets and mortars crashed down around me. I would clutch my rifle tightly to my heart,and think again of that very first day we met. I would cry out in fear,as the noise of war beat down around me. But,as I thought of you and saw you smiling back at me,everything around me would become silent,and I would be with you again for a few precious moments,far from the death and destruction. It would not be until I opened my eyes once again,that I would see and hear the carnage of the war around me. 7.即使是当我在战壕中控制不住的颤抖,我也不曾忘记你的容颜。外屏蜷缩在稀泥中, 身边的枪林弹雨,弥漫硝烟,我把步枪紧紧地攥在胸前,一颗惊恐不安的心,还是想起了 我们初识的那一天。身旁战火呼啸,恐惧让我想要大声呼叫,直到想起你,仿佛见到你在 我身后盈盈浅笑,战场忽然沉寂下来,在这珍贵的瞬间,我觉得自己暂时远离了毁灭和死 亡,飞向你的身旁。我拼命想留住这美好,直到睁开眼,周围却依然是血与火的生死战场。 8.I cannot tell you how strong my love for you was back then,when I returned to you on leave in the September,feeling battered,bruised and fragile. We held each other so tight I thought we would burst. I asked you to marry me the very same day and I whooped with joy when you looked deep into my eyes and said "yes" to being my bride. 8.九月休假回到你身边,我疲惫而脆弱,没能再告诉你战火纷飞时我对你的爱有多深。 我们只能紧紧拥抱在一起,仿佛要把对方挤碎。也就在那天,面对我的求婚,你深深凝望 我的眼睛,答应做我的新娘,而我早已欢喜地大喊大叫。 9. I'm looking at our wedding photo now,the one on our dressing table,next to your jewellery box. I think of how young and innocent we were back then. I remember being on the church steps grinning like a Cheshire cat,when you said how dashing and handsome I looked in my uniform. The photo is old and faded now,but when I look at it,I only see the bright vibrant colors of our youth. I can still remember every detail of the pretty wedding dress your mother made for you,with its fine delicate lace and pretty pearls. If I concentrate hard enough, I can smell the sweetness of your wedding bouquet as you held it so proudly for everyone to see. 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 9.我现在正看着我们的结婚照片,总是放在妆台上的那张,就在你的首饰盒旁。那时候, 我们多么年轻,多么纯真。我记得我们站在教堂的台阶上,开心得像一对甜蜜的鸳鸯,你 还说我穿着制服多么英武俊朗。照片已经旧的泛黄了,但我看到的,却只有当年青春的明 媚姿彩。我仍然记得你母亲为你做的那件新娘礼服,那些精致的花边和漂亮的珠饰。让我 再想一想,我还能闻到那婚礼花束的甜香,你那么骄傲地捧着花,让每一个人分享你的幸 福时光。 10.I remember being so over enjoyed,when a year later,you gently held my hand to your waist and whispered in my ear that we were going to be a family. 10.一年后,你轻轻地把我的手放在你的腹前,对着我的耳朵悄悄透露这个让我欣喜若狂 的好消息:我们就快有宝宝啦。 11.I know both our children love you dearly; they are outside the door now, waiting. 11.我知道我们的孩子都深深地爱你,他们现在就在门外等候。 12.Do you remember how I panicked like a madman when Jonathon was born? I can still picture you laughing and smiling at me now, as I clumsily held him for the very first time in my arms. I watched as your laughter faded into tears, as I stared at him and cried my own tears of joy. 12.你还记得乔纳森出生的时候我那手足无措的慌张样子吗,当我笨拙地把他抱在怀里, 我还记得你笑话我的样子,我看着他,我们都情不自禁地迸出了开心的泪花。 13.Sarah and Tom arrived this morning with little Tessie. Can you remember how we both hugged each other tightly when we saw our tiny granddaughter for the first time? I can't believe she will be eight next month. I am trying not to say, my love, as I tell you how beautiful she looks today in her pretty dress and red shiny shoes, she reminds me so much of you that first day we met. She has her hair cut short now,just like yours was all those years ago. When I met her at the door her smile wrapped around me like a warm glove,just like yours used to do,my darling. 13.今天早晨撒拉和汤姆带着小缇西也赶到了。你还记得吗,第一次看到这个可爱的小孙 女,我俩高兴地紧紧拥抱。真让人难以相信,她下月就八岁了。亲爱的,我不得不忍住眼 泪告诉你,小家伙今天穿着漂亮的裙子,闪亮的红色小鞋,让我立刻想起当年相遇时的你, 连她的短发也像极了年轻的你。当我在门口看到她的时候,他的笑容暖人心脾,这竟然也 和你一模一样。 14.I know you are tired, my dear, and I must let you go. But I love you so much and it hurts to do so. 14.我明白。亲爱的,你累了,我应该让你离开。可是爱人即逝,孤侣何伤~ 15.As we grew old together,I would tease you that you had not changed since we first met. But it is true, my darling. I do not see the wrinkles and gray hair that other people see when I look at you now. I only see your sweet tender lips and youthful sparkling eyes as we sat and had out first picnic next to that small stream,and chased each other around that big old oak tree. I remember wishing those first few days together would last forever. Do you remember how exciting and wonderful those days were? 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 15.这些年我么相濡以沫,白首到老,我总是逗你说你的容颜依然如昔。可这是真的,亲 爱的,我真的见不到他人眼里的皱纹和白发。现在我望着你,也还是只能看到你娇嫩温柔 的红唇和秋水流盼的眼眸,仿佛我们第一次在那小溪边野餐,在那棵巨大的老橡树旁边追 逐嬉戏。那时我们刚刚在一起,总是盼望那样的日子生生世世,你还记得吗,那些日子是 多么激情荡漾,让人不忍回首„„ 16.I must go now,my darling. Our children are waiting outside. They want to say goodbye to you. 16.亲爱的,我应该走了。孩子们都等在外面,他们要和你道别。 17.I wipe the tears away from my eyes and bond my frail old legs down to the floor,so that I can kneel beside you. I loan close to you and take hold of your hand and kiss your tender lips for die very last time. 17.我擦去了眼角的泪,跪在你的身边,轻轻靠近你,握住你的双手,最后一次吻你。 18.Sleep peacefully my dear. 18.亲爱的,安心地睡吧。 19.I am sad that you had to leave me,but please don't worry. I am content, knowing I will be with you soon. I am too old and too empty now to live much longer without you. 19.这分离扯碎了我的心。别担心,我很快就会来陪伴你。生死茫茫,尘世间没有你,这 满腔的衷肠凭谁倾诉,这只影的寂寥复有何欢, 20.I know it won't be long before we meet again in that small cafe in Hanover Square. 20.很快,我们就能在汉诺威广场的那间小咖啡馆里再相逢。 38.The Future of Energy 能源的未来 Viewpoints: It's the End of Oil / Oil Is Here to Stay 观点:石油的终结/石油仍有潜力 1.It's the End of Oil 石油的终结 2.World oil production is about to reach a peak and go into its final decline. 世界石油产量将达到顶峰并最终下滑。 For years,a handful of petroleum geologists,including me,have been predicting peak oil before 2007,but in an era of cheap oil,few people listened. 几年来,一些石 油地质学家,包括我,一直预言2007年前达到石油高峰,但是当时油价格便宜时,很少有 人听得进去。 Lately,several major oil companies seem to have got the message. 最近,几个主要 的石油公司似乎已经了解这个信息了。 One of Chevron's ads says the world is currently burning 2 bbl.(=barrel) of oil 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 for every barrel of new oil discovered. 雪佛龙的广告说世界现在每发现一桶石油就 要燃烧两桶石油。 ExxonMobil says 1987 was the last year that we found more oil worldwide than we burned. 埃克森美孚说1987年是我们发现石油比燃烧石油数量多的最后一年。 Shell reports that it will expand its Canadian oil-sands operations but elsewhere will focus on finding natural gas and not oil. 壳牌报告指出它将扩大在加拿大的油 砂作业,但是在其它地方则会集中注意力寻找天然气而不是石油。 It sounds as though Shell is kissing the oil business goodbye. 听起来壳牌似乎要 跟石油买卖告别了。 M. King Hubbert,a geophysicist,correctly predicted in 1956 that oil production in the U.S. would peak in the early 1970s-the moment now known as "Hubbert's Peak." 地球物理学家金.胡伯特在1956年正确地预言了美国石油生产将在20世纪70年代初期达到 高峰。现在人们称这一时期为“胡伯特高峰”。 I believe world oil production is about to reach a similar peak.我认为世界石油 生产将达到一个类似的高峰。 3.Finding oil is like fishing in a pond. 寻找石油就像在一个池塘里钓鱼。 After several months,you notice that you are not catching as many fish. 几个月 后,你会发现你没有钓到那么多鱼。 You could buy an expensive fly rod---new technology. Or you could decide that you have already caught most of the fish in the pond. 你可以买一个昂贵的采用全新技 术的鱼竿,或者你也可以认为你已经钓到了池塘里大多数鱼。 Although increased oil prices (which ought to spur investment in oil production) and new technology help,they can't work magic. 虽然上涨的失忆价格(本来应该带动 石油生产投资)和新技术有所帮助,但是它们并不会带来奇迹。 Recent discoveries are modest at best. 最近最好的发现也不过是不错而已。 The oil-sands in Canada and Venezuela are extensive,but the Canadian operations to convert the deposits into transportable oil consume large amounts of natural gas,which is in short supply.加拿大和委内瑞拉的油砂数量比较大,但是加拿大将这些 储藏转化成可运输的石油的工作耗费了大量的短缺天然气。 4.And technology cannot eliminate the difficulty. 技术也不能完全消除困难。 Hubbert identified: the rate of producing oil depends on the fraction of oil that has not yet been produced. 胡伯特指出:石油生产取决于还未生产的那部分石油。 In other words,the fewer the fish in the pond,the harder it is to catch one. 换 句话说,池子里的鱼越少,想钓到鱼就越难。 Peak production occurs at the halfway point. 高峰产量现在出现在半路的位置。 Based on the available data about new oil fields,there are 2,013 billion bbl. of total producible oil. 根据可查到的新的油田的数据,总共有2万零130亿桶可生产的石 油。 Adding up the oil produced from the birth of the industry until today,we will reach the dreaded 1,006.5-billion-bbl. ,halfway mark late this year. 加上从石 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 油产业出现至今所有的石油产量,我们就会得到一个令人忧心的数字1万零65亿桶。 今年下半年刚好是在半数的位置。 For two years,I've been predicting that world oil production would reach its peak on Thanksgiving Day 2005. 两年来,我一直预言世界石油产量将在2005年感恩节时到达 高峰。 Today,with high oil prices pushing virtually all oil producers to pull up every barrel they can sweat out of the ground,I think it might happen even earlier. 今天,随着高涨的石油价格促使所有石油生产商奋力掏出地下的每一桶油,我想这一天可 能会更早地到来。 Oil Is Here to Stay 石油仍有潜力 6.The “Peak Oil” theory fits nicely on a cocktail napkin. Its curve looks like this: “石油峰值”理论所提出的曲线发展模式与鸡尾酒纸巾的曲线十分吻合。这条曲线 是这样的: Colonel Edwin Drake starts pumping crude in Pennsylvania in 1859. 克鲁尼爱德华 德雷克于1859年开始在宾夕法尼亚州开采石油。 We've been pumping faster and faster ever since. 自此,石油开采速度越来越快。 Sooner or later,on this finite planet of ours,it just has to run out. 然而,在 我们这个资源有限的星球上,石油资源迟早会耗尽。 U.S. production peaked in the 1970s. 在美国,石油产量已经在20世纪70年代达到顶峰。 Global production will soon be on the downside of the same dismal curve. 国际石 油产量很快也会走下坡路。 7.a Nonsense. 以上说法都是无稽之谈。 Technology and politics---not geology---determine how much we pump and what it costs.科学水平和政治才是决定石油产量和生产成本的因素,而地质因素则显得无关紧要。 America currently consumes about 7 billion bbl. of oil a year. 目前,美国的石油 消费量是每年大约70亿桶。 When production in Persian Gulf fields was ramped up by 12 billion bbl. a year in the 1960s,global prices collapsed. 20世纪60年代,波斯湾地区的石油年产量直冲120 亿桶,国际原油价格急跌。 That made it politically painless for the U.S. to ban almost all new drilling off the Florida and California coasts and then in much of Alaska. 因此,美国停止了 在佛罗里达州和加利福尼亚州海岸几乎所有地区以及阿拉斯加州大部分地区的石油开采。 而这一行为对美国政治来说丝毫没有影响。 With oil,as with textiles,domestic production peaked because others began producing the same stuff cheaper,while we contrived to make our production more 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 expensive. 当海外生产成本比国内成本更低时,国内产量就会处在峰值并开始下降。在这 一点上,石油产业和纺织产业是相同的。 Today Alaska contains 18 billion bbl. of off-limits crude. 目前阿拉斯加地区有180 亿桶禁止开采的原油数量。 We've embargoed at least an additional 30 billion bbl. beneath our coastal waters. 此外我们近海地区还封存了300亿桶的储量。 And we could fuel many of our heavy trucks and delivery vehicles for a decade with the 20 billion bbl. worth of natural gas we've placed off limits in federal Rocky Mountain lands.而洛基山脉地区200亿桶的天然气储量也足够满足重型卡车和其他运输工 具的未来十年的需求。 9.Outside our borders,Alberta's tar sands contain 180 billion bbl. recoverable with current technology,and Calgarians are pumping that oil today. 在美国之外, 加拿大阿尔伯塔省的沥青砂中蕴藏着1800亿桶现有技术条件下可回收的原油。卡尔伯里人 现在也正在开发这一部分资源。 A total of several trillion barrels of oil soak the sands of Canada and Venezuela alone---a century's worth at the current global rate of consumption. 光是在加拿 大和委内瑞拉的沙层中就蕴含着总数为几万亿桶石油的储量。按照目前世界石油消费速度 来计算,这些储备足够我们使用一个世纪。 Then there are methane hydrates. 此外,值得一提的还有甲烷水合物。 The U.S contains some 30 trillion bbl. worth of those frozen hydrocarbons off the shores of Alaska,the continental coasts and under the Rockies. 大约30万亿桶的碳 氢化合物目前封存于美国的阿拉斯加海岸地区、大陆海岸地区、以及落基山区。 There's little doubt they too can be extracted economically. 无疑,这些资源也能 够以比较经济的方式开发出来。 If we try,we'll certainly find cheap ways to transform North America's 1 trillion bbl. worth of coal into crude as well. 此外,我们也能够以比较廉价的方式将北美地 区1万亿桶煤转化为能替代原油的液化煤。 General Patton's Third Army completed its roll across Europe on coal liquefied with German technology.巴顿将军领导下的第三军团就是利用德国的液化煤技术驰骋于欧洲大 陆。 10(The price of oil has always fluctuated. 原油价格时常波动。 In inflation-adjusted dollars,it was higher in the early 1980s than it is today. 以扣除通货膨胀因素的美元计算,20世纪80年代的原油价格比现在要高。 Extraction technologies continue to improve much faster than supply horizons recede. 而开采技术进步的速度远大于石油产区储量减少的速度。 We've got the right know-how and the right planet. What we lack is the political will.我们有技术,有资源,所缺乏的正是政治上的决心。 39.When Bad Bugs Go Good 改邪归正 [本文节选自TIME,即《时代周刊》。TIME一般被誉为当代最具有代表性与影响力的刊 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 物。] 1.Like a seasoned burglar,the virus circles a human cell looking for the easiest point of entry. 就像经验丰富的盗贼一样,病毒聚集到机体细胞周围,寻找最佳的进攻 点。 Within seconds,it has broken into its target,located the nucleus and deftly slipped its genetic material into the cell's DNA. 不出几秒钟,病毒就能侵入对方,锁定癌 细胞核心,迅速地把自己的基因注入到癌细胞的DNA当中。 Now whenever the cell divides to copy itself,it also makes copies of the interloper. 这样,不管机体细胞何时分裂复制,都有另一批病毒细胞如影随形复制出来。 Soon those multiplying viruses have hijacked not just that cell but also all its neighbors,turning them into one massive virus factory. 很快,这些病毒不仅控制了 机体细胞,而且也制服了机体细胞周围的组织。这里彻底成为病毒的生产厂。 When the cells can no longer make the proteins they need to survive,they start,one by one,to die.由于机体细胞不再能够获得生存所必需的蛋白质,它们会相继死亡。 2.And that's exactly what Dr. Stephen Russell was hoping for. 这正是Stephen 所希望看到的。 A cancer specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,Minnesota,Russell does everything he can to aid and abet those viral bandits. Stephen Russell博士是明 尼苏达罗切斯特州Mayo诊所的癌症治疗专家,Russell想方设法收编一些邪恶的病毒, He arms them with detailed instructions for finding their target cells and outfits them with specially designed protein keys to speed up entry. 给它们一些辅助,让 它们为他所用。Russell博士精心设计,使得病毒能够锁定目标,并利用特制的蛋白质键迅 速侵入对手。 As far as he's concerned,those viruses are the good guys,since the cells they are attacking and destroying are cancer cells in a fast-growing tumor.他相信,既然 病毒能够攻击,乃至摧毁日渐恶化的肿瘤癌细胞,我们就可以让病毒改邪归正。 3.In labs like this around the world,bad bugs are undergoing the ultimate rehabilitation,being transformed from life-threatening viruses and bacteria into lifesaving therapeutic agents[ agent常见意思为“代理”。在本文具体的上下文中意为 “发挥某项特殊作用的物质”。].(10词汇) 在世界各地类似的试验室中,不少病毒正在洗 心革面,它们昨天还是威胁生命的罪魁祸首,现在却成为有望拯救病人的愈疾良方。 Using the tools of molecular biology,researchers like Russell are disguising and manipulating common microbes so that they will do good instead of harm. Russell 以及其他的研究者们利用分子生物技术来伪装和控制常见的各种细菌,使之给人们带来益 处而不是伤害。 After all,nothing is better than a virus at evading the body's immune defenses and breaking into a cell. 毕竟,病毒最擅长绕开人体免疫系统防御,侵入机体细胞。 And nothing is better than a bacterium at producing deadly toxins that destroy a cell from the inside. 而细菌则精于释放出致命的毒素,从内部摧毁机体细胞。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 "We can make a good anticancer agent," says Russell," by harnessing and channeling these destructive powers."Russell说:“我们设法控制住这种破坏力很强的力量并把它 引到我们希望它发挥作用的地方,这样,我们手里就有了很好的治疗癌症的方法。” 4.The bad-bug-good-bug strategy was championed by doctors treating allergies and infectious diseases. 这种以毒攻毒的治疗方法得到那些治疗过敏和传染病的医生的支 持。 The idea was to expose patients to small quantities of partly disabled microbes to jump-start their immune system. 他们向病人体内注入少量丧失部分活性的细菌,意 在激活免疫系统。 But cancer researchers have taken the approach one step further,turning microbes into tiny Trojan horses that can sneak into tumor cells and destroy them from within. 癌症治疗专家们则更进一步,他们将细菌变成了特洛伊木马,潜入肿瘤细胞,进而从内部 摧毁癌细胞。 "There is a good probability that microbe approaches will be part of the arsenal(兵 工厂) of the future," says Kenneth Kinzer,a cancer researcher,"We're betting on it."癌症研究人员Kenneth Kinzer说:“这种细菌入侵治疗法很有可能成为未来抗击癌症的 有效手段之一。我们对此深信不疑。” 5.Until quite recently,that wouldn't have been a smart bet. 但是直到今天,过度 乐观还为时尚早。 The idea of harnessing microbes to do a doctor's bidding flourished briefly in the 1960s,during the early days of the genetic revolution. 20世纪60年代,在基因科学 大发展的早期,左右细菌使之听命于医生的设想在当时也可谓红极一时。 Scientists sketched out grand plans for treating disease by adding or removing genes taken from bacteria or viruses. 科学家们大胆想象,试图通过添加或者减少细菌和病 毒中基因的办法来治疗疾病。 Because they were so good at penetrating cells,infectious agents seemed the ideal vehicles for delivering drugs. 具有传染性的病毒渗透细胞的能力很强,它们就成为药 物的最佳载体。 Some cancer patients were treated with experimentally modified viruses,and a few even saw their tumors shrink. 一些癌症患者接受了试验室改良病毒的治疗,结果确实 有几例病人的肿瘤变小了。 Too often,however,scientists lost control of their microbial partners. 但是,科 学家往往会对进入癌细胞的病毒失去控制。 "It wasn't possible at the time to engineer them to make them more specific," recalls Russell. " Russell回忆说:“当时,我们做不到对这些微生物进行基因工程改良,把它们 的威力控制在特定范围之内。 When they did work,there was a price to pay. 当它们开始发挥作用之时,也就是我们 付出代价之时。 The tumors were cured,but the patient died."肿瘤被治愈了,但是与此同时,病人也 死去了。” 6.Forty years later,scientists know a lot more about genes and proteins and how 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 to target microbes so that they home in on one particular kind of cell---a cancer of the ovary,for example,or a tumor in the throat. 40年后的今天,科学家对基因和 蛋白质的了解大大增加,也更清楚如何使得细菌锁定某一个特定的癌细胞(比如说卵巢癌 或者喉癌细胞)。 They have also learned to affix molecular tracking devices to a microbe to ensure that when let loose in the body,it doesn't deviate from its therapeutic mission.此外,科学家们也掌握了相关的技术,在微生物身上附着分子追踪装置。这样,就算微生 物在病人体内跑到别的地方去了,科学家们也可以确保它不会背离治疗病人的使命而给病 人造成伤害。 7.The ideal microbial ally,say scientists,is one that already infects humans and yet can be easily controlled with antibiotics or antiviral medications should something go awry. 科学家认为,为防止意外发生,病毒治疗最适合用于这种疗法的病毒 是那些已经感染过人类又能被抗生素或防病毒药物轻松控制的病毒。 For his research,Russell likes the measles virus,in particular,the modified strain of the virus used for more than five decades in the measles vaccine. Russell最 喜欢在研究中使用麻疹病毒(也就是五十年来用于麻疹疫苗的那些改良病毒)。 That weakened form has a special fondness for tumors,lured there by a protein expressed in copious quantities on the surface of malignant cells. 这种改良后的 病毒被癌细胞表面大量的蛋白质所吸引,故而尤其钟爱肿瘤。 As part of an ongoing trial in ovarian-cancer patients,Russell's colleague Dr. Eva Galanis constructed a measles virus that could also churn out a protein that can be picked up in the blood,allowing the investigators to measure how well the virus is working. 在目前的一项卵巢癌临床实验中,Russell的同事Eva Galanis博士构建了一 种能够释放蛋白质的麻疹病毒。通过对血液中这种蛋白质的分析,科学家就能确定病毒究 竟能够发挥多大的作用。 The final results of their trial won't be available for another year or so,but the strategy appears to be working. 他们试验的最终成果一年两年不会得到,但是这个研 究方法似乎是可行的。 Russell and Galanis are also targeting brain tumors and have designed a measles virus that recognizes a mutation often found in brain-tumor cells but never in normal ones. Russell和Galanis也确定了脑肿瘤作为研究对象,并且构建了一种麻疹病毒, 这种病毒可以识别脑肿瘤细胞特有的突变形式。 8.Of course,a virus has to reach its target to destroy it,and that means surviving the defensive armies of a formidable opponent(难对付的敌手): the immune system. 当然,病毒要首先接近癌细胞才能把它摧毁,这就意味着要逃脱免疫系统的坚固防御。 "Blood is a pretty hostile environment for the viruses," notes Russell. Russell指出:“对病毒来说,血液系统是个充满敌意的世界。 "The name of the game(=the most important) is to dodge the immune defenses for a few hours and give the viruses enough time before the immune system gets in and stops them." 最重要的一点就是要让病毒在几个小时之内不受到免疫系统的攻击,争取足 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 够的时间进入癌细胞。” His group is perfecting two approaches: 1) temporarily distracting the immune system with drugs that suppress it and Russell和他的伙伴们正在力图完善两方面的工作:第一,用药物暂时抑制免疫系统; 2) cloaking the virus in a protective protein coat that renders it invisible to immune cells.第二,用蛋白质外衣伪装病毒,这样,免疫细胞就觉察不出这些病毒的存在 了。 40.I Didn't Know How to Teach Until I Met You 直到遇到你我才知道怎么教学 1.There is a story many years ago of an elementary teacher. Her name was Mrs. Thompson. And as she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school,she told the children a lie. Like most teachers,she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same. But that was impossible,because there in the front row,slumped in his seat,was a little boy named Teddy. 1.这是很多年前一位小学老师的故事。她叫汤普森夫人。开学的第一天,当她站在五年 级教室前面时,她向孩子们撒了个谎。像大多数老师一样,她看着同学们说她同样地爱他 们。但那是不可能的,因为就在第一排,蜷坐在椅子里的,是一个叫特迪的小男孩, 2.Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn't play well with the other children,that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath. And Teddy could be unpleasant. 2.汤普森夫人去年就观察过特迪,注意到他和其它孩子相处得不好,他的衣服又脏又乱, 人也经常是需要洗澡的样子,并且特迪可能会让人感到讨厌。 3.At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught,she was required to review each child's past records and she put Teddy's off until last. However,when she reviewed his file,she was in for a surprise. 3.在汤普森夫人任教的学校,她必须查看一下每个孩子过去的记录,她一直等到最后才 看特迪的。然而,看他的档案时,她着实感到吃惊。 4.Teddy's first grade teacher wrote,"Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh. He does his work neatly and has good manners...he is a joy to be around." 4.特迪 一年级 小学一年级数学20以内加减练习题小学一年级数学20以内练习题小学一年级上册语文教学计划人教版一年级上册语文教学计划新人教版一年级上册语文教学计划 的老师写道:“特迪是一个爱笑的聪明孩子,作业写得很整洁,又懂礼貌„„ 他给周围的人带来了欢乐。” 5.His second grade teacher wrote,"Teddy is an excellent student,well-liked by his classmates,but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle." 5.他二年级的老师写的是:“特迪是一个优秀的学生,他的同学都很喜欢他,但他有些麻 烦,因为他母亲的病到了晚期,家里生活肯定有些困难。” 6.His third grade teacher wrote,"His mother's death has been hard on him. He tries to do his best but his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken." 6.他三年级的老师写道:“他母亲的死对他打击很大,他尽力做好,但他父亲对他不够关 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 心,如果不采取一些措施的话,家庭生活很快就会影响到他。” 7.Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote,"Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school. He doesn't have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class." 7.特迪四年级的老师写的是:“特迪性格孤癖,对学习不感兴趣。他朋友很少,有时还在 班里睡觉。” 8.By now, Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents, wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper, except for Teddy's. His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper that he got from a grocery bag. Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents. Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing and a bottle that was one quarter full of perfume. She stifled the children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist. 8.到现在为止,汤普森夫人才意识到了问题所在,她为自己感到羞愧。当学生们为她带 来那些圣诞礼物时,这种感觉更加强烈了,礼物都用漂亮的丝带和彩纸包装着,除了特迪 的。他的礼物包装显得很笨拙,粗质的褐色包装纸也是从食品袋里找到的。在一堆其它人 的礼物中间,汤普森夫人耐心地打开了它,她看到里面有一个人造钻石手镯,其中一些石 子已经遗失了,还有一瓶只剩下四分之一的香水。有些孩子笑了起来,她制止住孩子们的 笑声,惊呼这个镯子是多么漂亮,她带上了它,并洒了些香水在手腕上。 9.Teddy stayed after school that day just long enough to say,"Mrs. Thompson,today you smelled just like my Mom used to." After the children left she cried for at least an hour. 9.那天放学后,特迪呆了很长时间,只说了一句:“汤普森夫人,今天你身上的香水味就 像我妈妈过去一样。”在孩子们都离开后,她哭了不下一个小时。 10.On that very day,she quit teaching reading,and writing,and arithmetic. Instead,she began to teach children. 10.就在那一天,她放弃了教阅读、写作和算术。相反,她开始教育孩子们。 11.Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. As she worked with him,his mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him,the faster he responded. By the end of the year,Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class and,despite her lie that she would love all the children same,Teddy became one of her "teacher's pets." 11.汤普森夫人特别关注特迪。和她在一块的时候,他的头脑好像又活跃起来了。她越是 鼓励他,他的反应越快。到这一年结束时,特迪已经成为这个班里最聪明的学生之一,尽 管她曾撒谎会同样爱所有的学生,特迪却成为她“最喜欢的学生”之一。 12.A year later,she found a note under her door,from Teddy,telling her that she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. 12.一年以后,她在她门缝下发现一个短笺,是特迪写的,告诉她她仍是他一生中最好的 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 老师。 13.Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy.(10词汇) He then wrote that he had finished high school,second in his class,and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. 13.六年后,她又收到来自特迪的另一张短笺,说他以班级第二的成绩从高中毕业了,她 仍是他一生中最好的老师。 14.Four years after that,she got another letter,saying that while things had been tough at times,he'd stayed in school,had stuck with it,and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors. He assured Mrs. Thompson that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had in his whole life. 14.又过了四年,她收到另一封信,里面说尽管不时遇到困难,他还会呆在学校里,继续 完成学业,而且很快他就会以优秀的成绩从大学毕业了。他向汤普森夫人保证说,她仍然 是他一生中最好的也是他最喜欢的老师。 15.Then four more years passed and yet another letter came. This time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree,he decided to go a little further. The letter explained that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had. But now his name was a little longer. The letter was signed,Theodore F. Stoller,M.D. 15.又一个四年过去了,他又写来一封信,这次他解释说,在获得学士学位后,他决定继 续深造,信里还解释说她还是他最好的、最喜欢的老师,但是这时他的署名有些长了。署 名的地方写着:医学博士西奥多?F?斯托勒。 16.The story doesn't end there. You see,there was yet another letter that spring. Teddy said he'd met this girl and was going to be married. He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit in the place at the wedding that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom. 16.故事并没有这样结束。你瞧,那个春天还有一封信呢。特迪说他遇到了一位女孩,并 且马上要结婚了。他解释说他父亲几年前去世了,想知道汤普森夫人是否愿意在婚礼上坐 在新郎母亲的位置上。 17.Of course,Mrs. Thompson,did. And guess what? She wore that bracelet,' the one with several rhinestones missing. And she made sure she was wearing the perfume that Teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last Christmas together. 17.当然,汤普森夫人去了。你猜怎么着,她戴着那个手镯,就是遗失了几颗石子的那一 个。而且她特意用了特迪上次和她过圣诞节时送给她的他妈妈以前用过的香水。 18.They hugged each other,and Teddy whispered in Mrs. Thompson's ear,"Thank you,Mrs. Thompson,for believing in me. Thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference." 18.他们相互拥抱,特迪在汤普森夫人耳边轻轻地说:“汤普森夫人,谢谢你信任我。非 常感谢你让我觉得自己很重要,而且使我觉得我能够变得不同。” 19. Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back. She said, "Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn't know how to teach until I met you." 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 19.含着泪水,汤普森夫人也轻轻地对他说:“特迪,你弄错了,是你让我知道能够改变, 知道遇到你我才知道怎么教学。” 41.An Introduction to Petrochemicals 石油化工产品概述 1. The petroleum era was ushered in by the 1859 finding at Titusville ,Pennsylvania ,but the flourishing of chemicals from petroleum has been only since the early twentieth century. 1859宾西法尼亚洲Titusville地区钻出油井, 开创了石油时代。但从石油中成功地提取化学产品,则直到20世纪早期才开始。 Natural gas and petroleum are in fact our chief sources of hydrocarbons. 实际上, 天然气和石油是我们碳氢化合物的主要来源。 Natural gas is quite variable in composition,but the major constituent (>60%) is methane. 天然气在成分上不大稳定,但主要成分(60,)是甲烷。 Other components are the homologous alkanes,ethane,propane,and higher hydrocarbons. 其他组分有同系烷、乙烷、丙烷以及高分子碳氢化合物。 In terms of volume,most of the natural gas produced is used for fuel,although a substantial amount is used as raw material for the synthesis of various types of chemicals.从数量看,尽管有相当数量的天然气用作各种合成化合物的原料,但所生产的 大多数天然气用作燃料。 2. The chemical industry depends very heavily on petroleum,natural gas,and natural gas liquids as sources of raw materials. 化学工业的原材料来源严重依赖石 油、天然气和液态天然气。 It is likely that in excess of 90% of the literally thousands of different basic organic chemicals employed today are derived from these sources.当今所应用的上 千种不同的基本有机化学产品中很可能有超过90,的产品来自这些资源。 3. The petrochemical industry has grown with the petroleum industry and is considered by some to be a mature industry. 石油化学工业是随着石油工业发展起来 的,而且有人认为已是一个成熟的工业部门。 However,as is the case with the latest trends in changing crude oil types,it must also evolve to meet changing technological needs.然而,从原油类型变化的最新趋势 来看,石油化学工业同样需要进一步发展以适应技术发展的需要。 4. The manufacture of chemicals or chemical intermediates from petroleum and natural gas constituents is an excellent example of the conversion of such materials to more valuable products. 从石油和天然气组分中生产化学产品或化学中间产品极好地 证明了这些物质能够转换成更有价值的产品。 The individual chemicals made from petroleum and natural gas are numerous and include industrial chemicals ,household chemicals ,fertilizers ,and paints ,as well as intermediates for the manufacture of products ,such as synthetic rubber and plastics.从石油和天然气提取的单个化学产品数量众多;包括工业产品、家庭用品、 化肥、油漆、以及用于生产其他产品的中间产品,如合成橡胶和塑料。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 5. The processing of petroleum hydrocarbon to yield materials that are ,essentially ,the building blocks of other chemicals industries,is now very extensive. 石油碳氢化合物通过加工所生产的物质,基本上是其他化学工业的预制品,这 种加工目前范围十分广泛。 6. Petrochemicals are generally chemical compounds derived from petroleum either by direct manufacture or by indirect manufacture as by-products from the variety of processes that are used during the refining of petroleum. 石化产品一般指直接 或间接地从石油中提炼的化合物,这些化合物往往是石油炼制各种过程中产生的副产品。 Gasoline,kerosene,fuel oils,Lubricating oils,waxes,asphalts,and the like are excluded from the definition of petrochemicals,since they are not,in the true sense,chemical compounds but are in fact intimate mixtures of hydrocarbons.汽油、 煤油、燃料油、润滑油、石蜡、沥青以及诸如此类的产品不属于石化产品。因为,从严格 意义上说,它们不是化合物,而是烃类的均质混合物。 7. The classification of materials such as petrochemicals is used to indicate the source of the chemical compounds,but it should be remembered that many common petrochemicals can be made from other sources,and the terminology is therefore a matter of source identification. 像“石化产品”这样的物质分类用来表明化合物的来源。 但应记住,许多我们所熟知的石化产品也可以通过其他途径生产,因而这一名称只是用来 识别原料。 8. The starting materials for the petrochemical industry are obtained from crude petroleum in one of two general ways. 石化工业的初始原料大概通过一到两种方法从 原油中提取。 They may be present in the virgin petroleum and as such,are isolated by physical methods,such as distillation or solvent extraction. 这些原料物质,也许本身就存 在于原油当中,因此通过物理方法加以分离,如蒸馏和溶取。 On the other hand,they may be present in trace amounts and are synthesized during the refining operations. 同时,这些物质也可能因含量低而在炼制作业中生成了合成物。 In fact,unsaturated hydrocarbons,which are not usually present in virgin petroleum,are nearly always manufactured as intermediates during the various refining sequences.实际上,原油中一般不存在非饱和烃,几乎所有的非饱和烃都是在各 种炼制过程中作为中间产品而产生的。 9. The manufacture of chemicals from petroleum is based on the ready response of the various compound types to basic chemical reactions ,such as oxidation,halogenation,nitration,dehydrogenation,addition,polymerization,and alkylation. 从石油生产化学品的依据是各种类型的化合物对各种基本的化学作用感应迅 速,如氧化作用、卤化作用、硝化作用、脱氢作用、添加作用、聚合作用和烷基化作用。 The low-molecular-weight paraffins and olefins,as found in natural gas and refinery gases,and the simple aromatic hydrocarbons have so far been of the most interest because it is these individual species that can readily be isolated and dealt with. .迄今为止,人们最感兴趣的是从天然气和炼厂气中所得到的低分子量石蜡和稀烃,以及简 单芳烃,因为这些物质能够进行迅速分离和处理。 A wide range of compounds is possible,many are being manufactured,and we are now 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 progressing the stage in which a sizable group of products is being prepared from the heavier fractions of petroleum. 大量化合物都有望得到、其中许多化合物正在生 产。目前我们正在探索如何从石油的重质馏分中提炼数量可观的产品。 For example,the various reactions of petroleum heavy ends,in particular the asphaltenes,indicate that these materials may be regarded as chemical entities and are able to participate in numerous chemical or physical conversions to,perhaps,more useful materials. 比如,石油重质尾部馏分,尤其是沥青质的各种反 应表明这些物质可以看成化学本质,也许能够通过各种化学和物理反应转变成更有价值的 产品。 The overall effect of these modifications is the production of materials that either afford good-grade aromatic cokes comparatively easily or the formation of products bearing functional groups that may be employed as a nonfuel material.这些变化的 总体效应是,所生产的物质,或者能够相对容易地提供高品质芳焦,或者能够形成功能族 产品,用作非燃料材料。 10. For example,the sulfonated and sulfomethlated materials and their derivatives have satisfactorily undergone tests as drilling mud thinners,and the results are comparable to those obtained with commercial mud thinners. 比如,将 磺化物质、磺甲基化物质及其衍生物作为钻井泥浆稀料进行测试,效果令人满意,其应用 效果可以同商业泥浆稀料相媲美。 In addition,these compounds may also find use as emulsifiers for the in situ recovery of heavy oils. 此外,这些化合物也可用作重油初采的乳化剂。 There are also indications that these materials and other similar derivatives of the asphaltenes,especially those containing such functions as carboxylic or hydroxyl,readily exchange cations and could well compete with synthetic zeolites. 另有迹象表明,这些物质和沥青质的其它类似衍生物,尤其是具有诸如羧基和羟基功能的 物质,能够迅速地交换阳离子,并且同沸石形成有力抗衡。 Other uses of the hydroxyl derivatives and / or the chloroasphaltenes include high-temperature packings or heat transfer media.羟基和,或含氯沥青的衍生物的其 他用途包括用作高温包装材料和热传递介质。 11. Reactions incorporating nitrogen and phosphorus into the asphaltenes are particularly significant at a time when the effects on the environment of many materials containing these elements are receiving considerable attention. 将氮 气和磷混合成沥青的化学反应尤为重要,因为含有这些元素的物质对环境造成的影响正受 到严重关注。 Various measures have been and will be taken to release such effects.人们已经且 还要采取各种措施来减少这些影响。 12. Nevertheless,the main objective in producing chemicals from petroleum is the formation of a variety of well-defined chemical compounds that are the basis of the petrochemical industry. 不过,从石油生产化学制品的主要目的在于,生产出大量 具有明确界定的化合物,以奠定石化工业的基础。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 It must be remembered,however,that ease of separation of a particular compound from petroleum does not guarantee its use as a petrochemical building block. 但是必 须清楚,如果某种化合物能够容易地从石油中分离出来,并不表明它一定就是石化产品的 预制品。 Other parameters,particularly the economics of the reaction sequences,including the costs of the reactant equipment,must also be taken into consideration.其它 因素,尤其是生产这些化合物的经济因素,包括反应设备的成本,必须考虑在内。 42. A $210,000 WALLET 价值21万美元的钱包 1.Buffett auctioned his 20-year-old wallet on December 3,1999 and received a high bid of $210,000 which went to a charity,Girls Inc. of Omaha. 1999年12月3 日,巴菲特拍卖了跟随他20年之久的钱包,高达21万美元的拍卖所得全部捐给了慈善机构 奥马哈女童之家。 The story about the battered old black billfold broke in The Wall Street Journal (December 2,1999). 《华尔街日报》(1999年12月2日)刊登了有关这个黑色旧皮夹的故事, "I've never gone for the top of the line," Buffett was quoted.报纸援引巴菲特的 话说:“我还从来没有上过头条。” 2.The wallet survived the dunking in a Minnesota lake after a fishing boat capsized leaving Buffett dogpaddling. 这个钱包曾经被水浸泡过。一次,巴菲特在明 尼苏达州的一个湖中钓鱼时,船翻了,害得巴菲特在湖中练狗刨。 Buffet didn't include his credit cards,driver's license or a pass for free McDonald's hamburgers. 这次拍卖不包括他的信用卡、驾照以及换取麦当劳汉堡包的免费 券。 He did include an expired half-price pass from Hooter's restaurant chain given to him for allowing the chain to note Buffett's birthday on their calendar. 但是, 包含一张到期的呼特餐饮连锁店的半价优惠卡,那是巴菲特允许呼特餐饮连锁店在台历上 注明了自己生日所得到的礼物。 "I plan to leave the name of a stock tip in it for whoever buys it," Buffett told the Journal. “不管谁买下钱包,我都打算在里面留一条股票信息”,巴菲特在接受《华尔 街日报》采访时说。 It turned out to be First Industrial Realty Trust.这只股票后来被证实是第一工业 房地产信托公司。 3.Television interviewer Bob McCartney of KETV in Omaha asked Buffett if he thought the wallet bidding would get to the seven figure mark. 奥马哈的KETV电视 台记者鲍勃?麦卡特采访巴菲特时问他,事先有没有想到会拍卖到七位数。 "No,no,I don't think so...if it got that high,I'd be sorry I didn't sell it myself." “没有,没有,绝没想到,早知道能卖这么高的价格,我还不如亲自卖。” When the subject came up of the Hooter's pass,Buffett said: "It expired,and they didn't offer me a renewal." 谈到呼特餐饮连锁店的优惠卡,巴菲特说“优惠卡到期了, 呼特不给我续办。” As for the stock tip,Buffett said there might be "a little mention" of a company 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 Berkshire bought that wasn't public knowledge yet.至于说股票信息,巴菲特说他“略 微提到”一个伯克希尔公司购买的公众还不知道的公司。 4.John Morgan of Wayzata,Minnesota,won the wallet with a $210,000 bid. 明尼苏 达州威扎塔的约翰?摩根出价21万美元竞得那个钱包。 Morgan was born and raised in Omaha in an area that was served by Girls Inc. 摩 根生于奥马哈,长于奥马哈,该区域正是奥马哈女童之家为之提供服务的地区。 Reports said Morgan would share the stock's name with people who gave $1,000 or more to Girls Inc.,whose board is headed by Buffett's daughter,Susie,who came up with the auction idea. 有报道称,凡向奥马哈女童之家捐资1000美元以上者,摩根愿与 之分享该股票的名字。奥马哈女童之家的负责人是巴菲特的女儿苏珊。正是苏珊想出来这 个拍卖他父亲钱包的主意。 So what's her next auction item proposal? 那么,接下来她打算拍卖什么呢? Buffett told the Omaha World-Herald ( December 2,1999 ): "I can't talk to her anymore. I've got to watch it. It may be my underwear next time."巴菲特对《奥马哈世界导 报》(1999年12月2日)说:“我不会告诉她,我要等等看。也许下次的拍卖品是我的内衣。” 5.Morgan is a successful businessman who co-founded an equipment-leasing company,took Winthrop Resources public摩根是一位成功的商人,他与人合伙创办了温 斯罗普资源公司,从事设备租赁业务,然后又设法使之上市。 and in 1997 sold it to Minneapolis-based TCF Financial Corp. Morgan and two partners sold the business for $325 million. 后于1997年将它出售给总部设在明尼阿波丽斯市 的TCF金融公司,售价为3.25亿美元, Each of the three partners received about $60 million. 三个合伙人每人分得大约6000 万美元。 In January,1999 the three partners formed Rush River Group to invest in over-the-counter stocks. 1999年1月,这三人又合伙成立拉什河集团,投资于场外交易 市场的股票。 Rush River has a stake in Grow Biz and Morgan is now the CEO of Grow Biz which owns a large number of retail stores.retail The company owns a large number of stores.(10 拉什河集团在罗比兹公司拥有股份,该公司旗下有大量零售商店。摩根现任其首席词汇) 执行官。 6.Morgan,the first graduate from high school in his family,was told by his guidance counselor that he should be a bricklayer.摩根是他们家的第一位高中毕业 生,高中就业指导曾建议他当一名砖瓦匠, Instead he worked his way through college. 可是,他却设法完成了大学学业。 After Morgan won the wallet,Buffett took him to dinner. 摩根竞买钱包成功后,巴 菲特同他共进晚餐。 (I met Morgan at Berkshire's Annual Meeting festivities in 2000 and offered to sell 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 him my wallet. He didn't express the slightest interest.) (2000年伯克希尔的股东 年会上,我遇到了摩根,我提出把我的钱包卖给他,他却一丁点儿兴趣都没有。) 7.The secret stock tip of First Industrial Realty Trust,a Chicago based REIT that owns warehouses and distribution facilities was revealed in a Wall Street Journal story (December 17,1999).) 《华尔街日报》的一篇报道(1999年12月17日)披露出钱包里 的秘密股票信息。第一工业房地产信托公司是一家总部设在芝加哥的房地产信托公司,拥 有众多仓库和配送设施。 (There was a report in 2001 that Buffett had sold his stake by then. (2001年有 报道称巴菲特在当年出售了他持有的这支股票。) Fred Henry,a 40-year-old well-digger in Oakland,Iowa,who contributed to Girls Inc. and received the tip from Morgan confirmed the name of the stock to the Journal. 费雷德?亨利是爱荷华州奥克兰的一名40岁的打井工。他向奥马哈女童之家捐款并从摩根 那里获得股票信息。他向《华尔街日报》证实了该股票的名字。 How often do well-diggers source the Journal about a stock tip in an old billfold? 打井工人向《华尔街日报》透露有关旧钱包里的股票信息,真是少有的事。 8.The Buffett family has long supported Girls Inc.,and did it in an unusual way on September 15,2000. 巴菲特家长期以来支持奥马哈女童之家的事业,2000年9月15日, 他们采取了一种非同寻常的方式。 Author Maya Angelou was scheduled to speak at a luncheon but became ill. 作家玛 雅?安杰罗应邀出席当天的午餐会作演讲,但是不巧,她因病不能到场。 A 15-year-old ,Shadea Gallion ,whose dream it had been to meet Dr. Angelou introduced a last minute replacement. 15岁的沙迪?加林一直梦想能见到玛雅?安杰 罗,她向大家介绍最后关头的救场者。 "Dr. Angelou is truly a phenomenal woman. “安杰罗博士是一位非常杰出的女性, It was my greatest honor to introduce her. 能把她介绍给诸位是我最大的荣幸(但是, 她因病不能出席)。 It is still an honor to be here. Please join me in welcoming Mr. Warren Buffett."在此,我仍然很荣幸地介绍今天的演讲嘉宾,一起有请„„沃伦?巴菲特先生。” 9.Buffett told the audience of 1,100 people ,including donor John Morgan, 巴 菲特向包括捐款者约翰?摩根在内的1100名听众发表演讲。 that while money can matter in determining who gets what opportunities , 他说, 虽然在决定谁获得什么样的机会方面金钱确实管用, as the years go by "you measure your personal bank account by who loves you and how they love you."但是随着时光的流逝,“你是根据谁爱你,他们有多爱你来衡量你的 一生。” 10.Buffett told his audience you only get one shot at life and told about longing for his first car at age 16. 巴菲特对听众说,人的一生只有一次机会。他说,16岁时 他盼望能有自己的第一部轿车。 "I was 16 once," he said," There wasn't anything I wanted more. 他说,“那时我最 想要的就是一部车。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 But suppose someone told me that would be the only car I'd get in life?" 如果有 人告诉我这是我一生中唯一的车,我会怎么办呢?” Buffett said then he would have read the owner's manual many times to make the car last. 巴菲特说,假如真是这样,他将无数遍地阅读操作手册,从而使这部车能终生为他 服务。 "You only get one mind,one body and one opportunity in life. “你一生中只拥有一 种思想,一个躯体,一次机会。 I suggest you think about the mind and body you've been given as a real asset."我建议大家考虑一下,把你的思想和躯体看作是一项真正的资产。” 11.Norma Deeb,executive director of Girls Inc.,recalls how she thanked Buffett for stepping in for Dr. Angelou: 回忆起因巴菲特顶替安杰罗博士临叫发表演讲而表示 谢意的情形,奥马哈女童之家的执行董事诺玛?迪布说: "I asked Susie (Buffett's daughter) to tell me three things that her father liked...as I knew he wouldn't take money for a fee. “我让苏珊(巴菲特的女儿)告诉 我,她父亲喜欢的三样东西,因为我知道他父亲不愿收取报酬。 She said he liked malted milk balls (the Whoppers brand),pastel licorice lozenges (the ones you find in big barrels in the grocery store) and honey ham. 她告诉我 她父亲喜欢麦芽牛奶球(霍珀斯牌),柔和甘草润喉糖(食品店里论大桶出售)和蜂蜜火腿。 I put this little package together,drove to his house and knocked on his door. 我 拎着三个小包,驱车来到他家,按响门铃。 Warren came to the door and exclaimed,"Oh great. Whoppers!" 沃伦打开门,大叫:„哦, 太好了,是霍珀斯牌的!? he later told Susie that he would be happy to be a substitute speaker for me again... as he got a gift that he really liked."后来,他对苏珊说他愿意再次替补演讲„„这 一切只不过是由于他得到自己真心喜欢的小礼物而已。” 43.Fundamental Techniques in Handling People 处理人际关系的基本技巧 1.On the morning of April 15,1865,Abraham Lincoln lay dying in a hall bedroom of a cheap lodging house directly across the street from Ford's Theater,where John Wilkes Booth had shot him. 1865年4月15日清晨,亚伯拉罕.林肯奄奄一息地躺在福特戏 院对面一家廉价客栈的卧房里。约翰.威尔克斯.布斯枪杀了他。 Lincoln's long body lay stretched diagonally across a sagging bed that was too short for him. 那张下陷的床对身材修长的林肯而言实在太短了。 A cheap reproduction of Rosa Bonheur's famous painting The Horse Fair hung above the bed,and a dismal gas jet flickered yellow light.床的上方,挂着一件罗莎.邦赫 的名画《马市》的廉价仿制品,一盏阴暗的煤气灯发出惨淡的黄晕。 2.As Lincoln lay dying,Secretary of War Stanton said,"There lies the most perfect ruler of men that the world has ever seen."当林肯奄奄一息地躺着时,陆军部长斯坦 顿说:“躺在这里的,是世界上有史以来最完美的元首。” 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 3.What was the secret of Lincoln's success in dealing with people? 林肯待人 方面成功的秘诀是什么, I studied the life of Abraham Lincoln for ten years and devoted all of three years to writing and rewriting a book entitled Lincoln the Unknown. 我花了十年的时间 研究亚伯拉罕.林肯的一生,并投入了整整三年的时间写作和润色一本叫做《林肯不为人知 的一面》的书。 I believe I have made as detailed and exhaustive a study of Lincoln's personality and home life as it is possible for any being to make. 我相信我已经尽了人类一切 的可能,对林肯的个性和他的家庭生活,做了详尽和透彻的研究。 I made a special study of Lincoln's method of dealing with people. 关于林肯待人 的方法我还做了特别的研究。 Did he indulge in criticism? 林肯热衷于批评吗, Oh,yes. As a young man in the Pigeon Creek Valley of Indiana,he not only criticized but he wrote letters and poems ridiculing people and dropped these letters on the country roads where they were sure to be found. 是的,年轻时,他住在印第安纳州 的鸽溪谷;他不但批评他人,还写信作诗揶揄别人,他把写好的信扔到乡间街道上故意让 人看到, One of these letters aroused resentments that burned for a lifetime.其中有一封 信所引起的反感,延续了一辈子。 4.Even after Lincoln had become a practicing lawyer in Springfield,Illinois,he attacked his opponents openly in letters published in the newspapers. 林肯在伊 利诺斯州的春田镇,挂牌做了律师后,甚至投书给报社,公开攻击他的对手, But he did this just once too often.但是像这样的事他只做了一次。 5.In the autumn of 1842 he ridiculed a vain,pugnacious politician by the name of James Shields. 1842年秋季,林肯讥笑一个自大好斗的政客,这人叫詹姆斯.西尔滋。 Lincoln damned him through an anonymous letter published in Springfield Journal. The town roared with laughter. 林肯在春田的报上,刊登出一封匿名的信讽刺他,令镇 上的人都捧腹大笑起来。 Shields,sensitive and proud,boiled with indignation. 西尔滋是个敏感和骄傲的人, 怒火中烧。 He found out who wrote the letter,leaped on his horse,started after Lincoln,and challenged him to fight a duel. 他查出写这封信的人是谁,跳上了马,去找林肯,要 和他作一次决斗。 Lincoln didn't want to fight. He was opposed to dueling,but he couldn't get out of it and save his honor. 林肯不想打架,反对决斗,可是为了自己的面子又不能退出。 He was given the choice of weapons. 对方给他选择武器的自由。 Since he had very long arms,he chose cavalry broadswords and took lessons in sword fighting from a West Point graduate; 林肯手臂特别长,就选了骑兵用的大砍刀,他向 一位西点军校毕业生学习刀术。 and,on the appointed day,he and Shields met on a sandbar in the Mississippi 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 River,prepared to fight to the death; 到了指定的日期,他和西尔滋在密西西比河的 河滩上碰头,准备决一死战, but,at the last minute,their seconds interrupted and stopped the duel.就在最后 一刻,他们双方的助阵者介入并阻止了决斗。 6.That was the most lurid personal incident in Lincoln's life. 在林肯的一生中, 这是件最可怕的个人事件。 It taught him an invaluable lesson in the art of dealing with people. 在做人的 艺术方面,林肯学到了无价的一课。 Never again did he write an insulting letter. Never again did he ridicule anyone. 他再没有写过侮辱人的信,也没有取笑过任何人。 And from that time on,he almost never criticized anybody for anything.从那时起, 他几乎没有因任何事而批评任何人。 7.Time after time ,during the Civil War ,Lincoln put a new general at the head of the Army of the Potomac ,and each one in turn---McClellan ,Pope ,Burnside ,Hooker ,Meade---blundered tragically and drove Lincoln to pacing the floor in despair. 美国内战的时候,林肯屡次委派新将领(依 次有柯克林、波伯、伯恩赛德、胡克、米德),统帅“波多马克”军队,可是他们都相继惨 败而归,使林肯绝望地在地板上踱步。 Half the nation savagely condemned these incompetent generals,but Lincoln,"with malice toward none,with charity for all," held his peace. 有一半的国人都在痛骂 这些差劲的将领,可是林肯因为“不怨恨任何人,对所有人宽容”,一声也不吭。 One of his favorite quotations was "Judge not,that ye be not judged." 他最喜欢 引用的一句格言是,“不要批评别人,别人才不会评议你”。 And when Mrs. Lincoln and others spoke harshly of the southern people,Lincoln replied: "Don't criticize them; they are just what we would be under similar circumstances." 当林肯太太和其他人非议南方人士时,林肯总是这样回答:”不要批评他 们,我们在相同的情形下,也会像他们一样。” He had learned by bitter experience that sharp criticisms and rebukes almost invariably end in futility.他已经从他的痛苦经验中明白,尖锐的批评、指责从来都是 无果而终。 8.Theodore Roosevelt said that when he,as President,was confronted with a perplexing problem,he used to lean back and look up at a large painting of Lincoln which hung above his desk in the White House西奥多.罗斯福说过,他任总统时,每逢 遇到棘手的问题,他常会往后一靠,抬头望望他白宫办公桌墙上那张林肯的巨幅画像, and ask himself,"What would Lincoln do if he were in my shoes? 并自问:“如果林 肯处在我目前的情形,他会怎么办, How would he solve this problem? "他将怎样解决这个问题,” The next time we are tempted to admonish somebody,let's pull a five-dollar bill out of our pocket,look at Lincoln's picture on the bill,and ask,"How would Lincoln 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 handle this problem if he had it? "下次我们如果忍不住要训诫某人时,不妨从口袋拿 出一张五元的钞票,看看钞票上林肯的像问自己:“如果林肯遇到这种事,他会如何解决这 个问题呢,” 9.Do you know someone you would like to change and regulate and improve? 你愿意 你认识的人有所改变、调整和改进吗, Good! That is fine. I am all in favor of it. 如果是,那很好。我完全赞同。 But why not begin on yourself? 但为何不从你自己开始呢, From a purely selfish standpoint,that is a lot more profitable than trying to improve others---yes,and a lot less dangerous. 站到纯自私的立场上,这要比改进别 人获益更多--没错,而且风险更小。 "Don't complain about the snow on your neighbor's roof," said Confucius,"when your own doorstep is unclean."孔夫子说过:“如果你的门阶不干净,就不要对你邻居家屋顶 上的雪大发牢骚。”(“不能正其身,如正人何,”) 10.When dealing with people,let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. 当我们与人相处时,应该记住,我们所接触的不是逻辑生物, We are dealing with creatures of emotion,creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity. 而是情感生物,会因为偏见而怒发冲冠,也会被骄傲与 虚荣心所激励。 If you and I want to stir up a resentment tomorrow that may rankle across the decades and endure until death,just let us indulge in a little stinging criticism如果你 我明天要造成一种历经数十年,直至死亡才会消失的反感,只要轻轻吐出一句恶毒的评语 就得了 ---no matter how certain we are that it is justified.--不论你多么肯定自己那样做 事理所当然的。 11.Any fool can criticize,condemn and complain---and most fools do. 任何一个 愚蠢的人,都会批评人、斥责人、抱怨人,绝大多数蠢人都是这样。 But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.若要 做到了解和宽恕别人,那就需在性格、自制力上下功夫。 12."A great man shows his greatness," said Carlyle,"by the way he treats little men." 卡莱尔曾经说:”看一个伟人的伟大之处,就是看他如何对待卑微之人。” And Dr. Johnson said: "God himself,sir,does not propose to judge man until the end of his days."约翰逊博士也说过:“上帝在一个人的末日之前是不会给他下结论的。 Why should you and I? “那么你我又为什么要批评人呢, 44.The Versatile Lead Pencil 万能的铅笔 1. The lead pencil is one of the most used pieces of merchandise in the world. 铅笔是这个世界上使用的最多的商品之一。 It is the simplest,most convenient and least expensive of all writing instruments. 在所有的书写工具中,它最简单,最方便,最便宜。 2. Perhaps the most surprising thing about the lead pencil is that it is not lead 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 at all. And it is not a pencil. 可能关于铅笔最让人吃惊的事情是它根本就不是铅做 的,而英语PENCIL也不是笔的意思。 The "lead" is actually graphite from the Greek word "to write". 所谓的铅实际上 是石墨,英语的“LEAD”源自希腊语的“写”。 The word "pencil" is from Latin. The first pencils were fine or stiff brushes of hair.英语中的“PENCIL”源自拉丁语,是指用毛制作的细致的硬刷子。 3. American pencil makers turn out their product by the millions.(04) 美国的 铅笔制造商生产了数以百万计的铅笔。 Probably there is no more useful article in the world. 在这个世界上可能没有比铅 笔更有用的东西了。 As one wise person remarked: “Everything begins with a pencil. Whether it's a pin or a battleship,it is first rendered with a pencil."因为一个智者曾经这样评述“一 切都开始于一支铅笔,无论它是一个别针还是一艘战舰,它的第一个表述都来自一支铅笔。” 4. There is a pencil for every purpose. 一支铅笔可以用于不同的书写目的。 In fact,the industry now supplies 370 different types and styles in more than 70 different colors and in 18 degrees of hardness.事实上,工业界现在提供着370种不 同种类不同风格、超过70种不同颜色、18种不同硬度的铅笔。 5. Some write clearly on slippery surfaces,such as glass and plastic. 某些铅 笔可以在光滑的表面诸如玻璃、塑料上清晰书写。 Surgeons use a special pencil for outlining the operation area on the patient's skin,and packing-plants use another type to write identification on sides of beef. 外科医生使用一种特殊的铅笔在病人的皮肤上勾勒出手术区域。包装厂使用另外一种类型 的铅笔在牛肉的侧面写上识别号码。 There is even a special electric pencil used for tests checked by electronic machines.甚至有一种用来协助电子仪器进行测试的特殊的电子笔。 6. There are many novelty pencils. 还有许多新颖的铅笔。 Some have the Ten Commandments ,calendars or the multiplication table on them. Some are in the shape of umbrellas,canes,baseball bats and traffic signals. 有的上面 有(基督教的教条的)十诫、日历或者乘法表。有的铅笔被做成雨伞、手杖、棒球、甚至 交通信号灯的样子。 One may be 12 feet long,while others are only 1/2 inch.有的可能长达12英尺,而另 有一些只有半英寸长。 7. One recent novelty is a pencil with paper in it. 最近的一种新奇铅笔,里面 有一卷纸。 A small roll of paper fits in the center of the pencil and is drawn out through a slit in the side. 小小的一卷纸恰好放在铅笔的中央部分,纸可以通过在铅笔边的缝 抽出来。 It?s just the thing for those who are always looking for a scrap of paper.它适 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 用于那些总是需要小纸片的人。 8. A popular idea is that a check,will,or other legal paper written in pencil is not legal. 一般认为用铅笔签署的支票或其它法律性文件是不合法的。 This is not true. 事实并不是这样。 Any legal document which does not specify otherwise can be legally signed in pencil.任何法律文件只要没有明确指出,都可以用铅笔签署。 9. By one means or another,man has been writing for thousands of years. 无论 怎样,人类数千年来一直在书写。 The Greeks and Romans used metallic lead for drawing faint lines. 古希腊和古罗 马人使用金属铅来画暗淡的线。 But it was not until around 1400 A.D. that graphite,the main part of the modern pencil,first appeared. 但是直到公元1400年,现代铅笔的主要部分石墨才被发现, And for a long time it was used without any covering.并且在相当长一段时间,都是 用没有木头外套的石墨直接书写。 10. About a century and a half later,in 1564,a high wind blew over a heavy oak tree near Cumberland,England. 大约一个半世纪之后,也就是1546年,在英国坎伯兰郡 附近,一场大风吹倒了一棵大橡树, The earth revealed a slab of black rock which was actually a huge deposit of almost pure graphite. 一层厚厚的黑色岩石在地表显露出来,这实际上是一块巨大的几乎纯净的 石墨矿藏。 Shepherds used it to brand their sheep. 当地的牧羊人用它给自己的羊打标记。 George II controlled the graphite by declaring it a crime to ship it out of the country.乔治二世为了控制石墨开采,宣告用船运石墨出国是一种犯罪。 11. This graphite could be used in its natural state for writing. 这种石墨可 以在自然状态下用来书写。 Seeing the find as a rich prize,merchants cut it into sticks. They sold it for writing purposes. 这个发现被看作财富的奖励,商人们把石墨切割成棒状,当成书写工 具来卖。 By present-day standards,however,it was far from satisfactory for writing. 然而, 按照今天的标准,它还远未达到书写的要求。 For one thing,the graphite's hardness could not be changed.比如说当时石墨的硬度 是不能改变的。 12. Grinding low grades of graphite to remove impurities,pencil makers elsewhere found difficulties.对于各地的铅笔制造者来说,碾磨碎低品质的石墨以去掉里面的杂 质,是十分困难的。 Their problem was to bind the black powder together again so it would be hard enough to serve as a writing instrument.它们的难题是如何重新组合这些黑色的粉末,使它成 为有足够硬度的书写工具。 13. Napoleon Bonaparte had a finger in the development of the modern pencil industry. 波拿巴?拿破仑影响了现代铅笔工业的发展。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 Cut off from English pencils, he was stuck with his own impure French graphite. 由于来自英国的铅笔供应被切断,他被限制只能使用他的不纯净的法国石墨上。 Never one to accept second best,Napoleon hired Nicholas Conte to solve the problem.他从不接受次好,于是拿破仑雇佣了尼古拉斯?康特来解决这个问题。 14. Conte found the answer in 1795. 1795年,康特找到了问题的答案。 By mixing refined graphite powder with clay,then heating it,he produced a firm hard lead. 把经过精炼的石墨粉末混合以泥土,然后进行加热烧结,他生产出了牢固而坚硬的 “铅”。 German researchers later perfected the method. The lead pencil was launched on its way to general use.德国的研究员其后又完善了这一方法。铅笔向着通用性发展。 15. William Monroe,the Concord,Massachusetts,cabinet-maker,made the first pencils in the United States. 威廉?门罗,马赛诸塞州康科德城的一个橱柜制造者, 在美国生产了第一批铅笔。 The War of 1812 halted imports of pencils. 1812年的战争中断了铅笔的进口。 Monroe developed machinery to make wooden slats. 门罗设计了一套机器用来制作木条。 Each one was grooved to half the thickness of a pencil lead. Two slats were glued together with the lead between. 每一根木条中开了一条只有铅笔直径一半宽的槽,两 个木条用胶粘合在一起,铅笔芯置于两个木条中间。 The method is still being used today.这种方法一直沿用到今天。 16.Monroe's first American-made lead pencils---about 30 of them---were sold to a Boston hardware dealer in July,1812. 1812年7月,门罗的第一批大约30支铅笔卖给 了波士顿市的杂货店中间商。 But it was not until many years later that American pencils began to sell as well as European brands.但是直到很多年以后,美国制造的铅笔才开始和欧洲品牌一样畅销。 17. Today the nation's 15-odd pencil manufactures produce about a-billion-and -a-half wooden pencils a year. 今天,这个国家的15个铅笔制造厂,每年生产出大约15 亿支木制铅笔。 This amounts to about nine apiece for each man,woman,and child in the country. 这 个数量差不多使这个国家里的每个人平均拥有9支铅笔,包括男人、女人、和孩子。 At manufacturers wholesale prices this business amounted to $35 million in 1957---not including mechanical pencils. 在1957年,按照商品生产商的批发价格计算, 铅笔销售总额达到了三千五百万美元,其中还不包括机械自动铅笔。 About nine wooden lead pencils are sold here for every one of all other varieties of writing tools.差不多每一支其它种类的书写工具售出,就有9支木制铅笔被售出。 18. The modern 7-inch long pencil can draw a line 35 miles in length(09语法); 一支7英寸长的现代铅笔可以画出35英里长的线, The modern 7-inch long pencil can draw a length(11词汇) line 35 miles in it can write an average of 45,000 words,and it can take an average of 17 sharpening. 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 它平均可以写出45000个单词,并且平均能够进行17次的削尖。 For some strange reason,about 75 percent of all pencil sold for general use are finished in yellow. 由于某些奇怪的原因,被卖出的铅笔差不多百分之七十五是黄色的。 A carpenter's pencil is usually finished in bright red. 而木匠用铅笔则通常是明 亮的红色。 The color makes the pencil easy to find in wood shavings.这种颜色使得铅笔很容易 在木屑中被发现。 19. Judging by the ever-increasing demand for them,it appears that the lead pencil is here to stay. 从对铅笔需求不断增长的情况判断,看来铅笔还会继续存在, At least as long as business and industry,educational institutions and the U.S. Government continue. For they are its three largest consumers.至少只要工商业、 教育机构、美国政府继续存在,对于铅笔业来说它们是三个最大的客户。 45.Becoming Wealthy: It's Up to You 致富取决于你自己 1.Critics often speak of “the rich” with none-too-subtle disdain,as if those at the very top of the income ladder are all dishonest people or as if becoming rich is difficult and means others must become poorer. 评论家们一说起富人往往带有明 显的蔑视。就好像收入高的层次的人们都是狡诈之人,或者意味着成为富有阶层不容易而 且其他人(诚实之人)一定不如他们富有。 While we would be the first to admit that some rich people are dishonest,we must add that achieving the status of “the rich”(defined,say,by having a net worth of $1,000,000) is not particularly difficult,contrary to popular wisdom. 首先我们 承认有些富人不诚实,但我们必须补充一点:与普遍的认识相反,达到富人阶层(它的概念 应该是净收入一百万美元)并不是特别难。 The rules for acquiring substantial wealth are few,simple. 获取可观财富的规则只 有几条,而且简单。 This fact suggests that becoming rich for most Americans is a matter of choice.这就意味着对于大多数美国人来说想不想变富是一个选择的问题。 2. One of the rules for being rich is to avoid frivolous temptations. 变为富 有的第一个规则是避免无重要意义的诱惑。 That is easier said than done,and we do not necessarily recommend that all people should lead a pure and joyless life. 说起来容易做起来难,而且我们也无意建议所有 人都该过着平淡无味的生活。 We mean only to point out that the great majority of those four percent of Americans who have $1,000,000 in net worth get to where they are because they control their pleasures. 我们只是想指出那些占美国人口百分之四的净收入达一百万美元的大多数人 之所以达到今天的富有就是因为他们克制了自己的享乐。 For example,rich Americans buy cars that are on average only slightly more expensive than those less wealthy Americans buy.例如,富有的美国人买的汽车平均来讲只是略 好于那些不太富有的人的汽车。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 3. Being able to save and accumulate considerable wealth is not automatic.(08) 能够节省和积累可观的财富不是自动的。 People must have a reasonable income in order to save amounts that will make for wealth, 要想省一定量的钱来足以积累成为财富,人们必须有适当的收入。 which requires several auxiliary rules for achieving an income level that will allow for a minimum saving level. 为达到能够允许最低节省钱的收入水平还需要几个辅助规 则。 For most---those without the requisite luck,inheritance,special talents,or good ideas---becoming rich means getting an education. 对大多数没有必要的运气、继承 的财产、特殊的天才或好想法的人们成为富有就意味着受教育。 Few people who drop out of high school will be rich.(04、08) 高中就辍学的人 很少变为富有的。 The income of high school dropouts is about two-thirds that of Americans with a high school diploma. 高中辍学人的收入是拥有高中毕业文凭的人收入的三分之二。 4. To have a good chance at being rich,though,most individuals (aside for the lucky ones) will need at least a college education,which just about will double their incomes over what they would have earned with only a high school diploma. 但是要想有好机会变富有大多数(除了幸运的)至少需要受到大学教育,与只有高中文凭的 相比,大学的教育可使他们的收入翻一翻。 A professional degree will result in an average annual income of about twice that of college graduates(11词汇) (or six times the income of a high school dropout). 大学以上的学历会导致比大学毕业的年平均收入增加一倍(或是高中辍学人的六倍)。 This means that those who invest in education do not have to save as high a percentage of income to become rich at retirement. 这就意味着在教育上投资的人要想在退休时 致富不必节省同样高比例的收入。 However,in all probability,educated Americans Will be richer at retirement simply because they will be able to save more along the way and because they are likely to be smarter and can achieve a higher rate of return on their savings.但是极为 可能的是受过良好教育的美国人之所以在退休时更富有是因为他们在过去的岁月里积攒得 更多,而且他们可能更明智,获取更高的存款的投资回报率。 5. The first auxiliary rule for becoming rich is to stay in school or,if out of school,go back to it. 致富的第一条辅助规则是坚持修完学业,即使走出了校门也要回 去。 Of course,to stay in school is not enough and they will learn something worth the time and effort. 当然留在学校还不够,还要学习一些值得学习的知识。 It never has been easier to get an education. 历来受教育都不是容易的事情。 Public schools are free for the taking. 上公立中学免学费。 College costs have been rising steadily relative to family income level for more than a decade. 十几年来,相对于家庭收入水平,上大学的费用一直在稳步上升。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 However,the rate of return on a college education has been rising as well,making the investment a good deal. 然而,高等教育的回报率也在上升,这使得投资划算,成 为很好的交易。 Meanwhile,the cost of self-education has fallen with the multitude of sources of knowledge and information available on CD-ROMs and the Internet.(10词汇) 同 时,由于从CD-ROM和互联网上可获取大量的知识和信息,自学的费用已经降低。 6. The second auxiliary rule for becoming rich is to pick your education carefully. 致富的第二条辅助规则是要精心地选好所受的教育。 Teachers will find getting rich tougher than engineers,given that the former can expect to earn half as much over their careers. 考虑到在工作期间教师的工薪预期 是工程师的二分之一,前者致富要更难。 History and music professors can expect to earn less than accounting professors. 教历史和音乐的教授预期要比会计学教授薪水少。 For that matter,history and music professors can expect to earn a lot less than their students who major in business. 正因为如此,历史和音乐教授预期要比他们的 专业为商业的学生薪水少得多。 7. The third auxiliary rule for becoming rich is to marry someone with an equal or higher education,and then stay married. 第三条致富的辅助规则是与受教育水平和 你相等或高于你的人结婚,然后保持婚姻状态。 By itself,marriage seems to provide a stable institutional setting that promotes greater earnings,which affords greater savings. 婚姻本身似乎提供一个稳定的处所, 稳定的处所又能促进挣更多的钱,从更多的钱中抽得出更多的存款。 Married couples not only earn more than non-married people,they tend to economize on the costs of running their households,allowing them to save and invest at higher rate. 结婚的夫妻不仅比不结婚的挣得多,而且在家庭运转的支出中,他们往往节省,使 得他们省下钱来并以更高的回报投资。 Moreover,the binding legal contracts at the foundation of marriages,which reflect their personal commitments to each other,give the couple an added economic incentive to invest in the joint assets of the union. 而且建立婚姻时有约束力的 合法契约表现了他们对彼此的承诺,在经济上给双方增加了向联盟共同财产投资的动力。 8. The fourth auxiliary rule is to be able to work and save for a long time. 第 四条辅助规则是有能力工作而且长时间积累。 Alcoholics and drug addicts who are not yet rich are unlikely candidates for becoming so. 还未致富的嗜酒者和吸毒者不太可能变为富有。 They will be unable to work long and hard enough to earn the requisite incomes,and their careers will be full of instability,if they can even have careers. 他们不 能长久地工作而且难以挣回基本的收入,而且即使有职业他们的工作会不稳定。 Most will drink,inject,or smoke up whatever incomes they earn; 大多数人会酗酒、 注射毒品、或把他们挣来的收入吸毒用尽。 their suppliers undoubtedly will get rich at the expense of their customers-the addicts.提供给他们毒品的人将以顾客---吸毒成隐者为代价而发财。The suppliers 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 expense undoubtedly will get rich at the of the customers.(11词汇) 9. From our perspective,becoming rich is really a matter of choice. 在我们看 来,致富的确是选择的问题。 Opportunity to do so abound. 机会到处存在。 Of course,recognizing that you can choose to become rich does not mean that you should. 当然意识到可以选择致富并不意味着应该致富。 As we have noted,choosing to become rich requires sacrifices that many people quite rationally have chosen not to make. 正像我们所见,选择致富需要牺牲,很多人很理 智地不选择发财。 One can lead a life rich in satisfaction and accomplishment without becoming rich financially,and nothing we have written here is meant to suggest otherwise. 一 个人虽然金钱上不富有,但可以生活得满意而有成就。本篇所写的内容无意提相反建议。 46.Oil(油) 1. The existence of oil wells has been known for a long time.(06)油井的存 在由来已久。 Some of the Indians of North America used to collect and sell the oil from the wells of Pennsylvania. 北美的一些印第安人过去常常去宾夕法尼亚的油井采集油来出售。 No one,however,seems to have realized the importance of this oil until it was found that paraffin-oil could be made from it; 一直以来,没有人认识到这种油的重要性, 后来人们发现它可提炼出煤油来,情况才为之一变。 this led to the development of the wells and to the making of enormous profits. 自此油井遂蓬勃发展,巨额利润也由此产生。 When the internal combustion engine was invented,oil became of worldwide importance.当内燃机发明后,石油更具有世界性重要意义。 2. What was the origin of the oil which now drives our motor-cars and aircraft? 现在驱动汽车和飞机的油的起源是什么, Scientists are confident about the formation of coal,but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. 科学家对煤的形成一清二楚,然而论及石油时,它们就不那么有 把握了。 They think that the oil under the surface of the earth originated in the distant past(06),and was formed from living things in the sea. 他们认为,处于地表下的油 起源于远古,并是由海洋生物形成的。 Countless billions of minute sea creatures and plants lived and sank to the sea bed. 数亿的微小海洋动物和植物繁衍生殖并沉到海底。 They were covered with huge deposits of mud; and by processes of chemistry,pressure and temperature were changed through long ages into what we know as oil. 它们被 厚厚的泥沙沉积物所覆盖,并由于化学变化、压力和温度的作用过程,在漫长的时间中变 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 成了我们所知道的石油。 For these creatures to become oil,it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time. 这些生物要变成石油,必须 被密封在岩石之中很长时间。 The statement that oil originated in the sea is confirmed by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfield of the world; very few of them are far distant from the oceans of today. 如果瞧一瞧标明世界主要油田的地图,石油起源于海洋之说便可以得到证实, 极少有油田是远离今天的海洋的。 In some places gas and oil come up to the surface of the sea from its bed. 在某 些地方,天然气和石油从海底冒出海面。 The rocks in which oil is found are of marine origin too. 含油的岩石与海洋也有 渊源关系。 They are sedimentary rocks,rocks which were laid down by the action of water on the bed of the ocean. 它们是水成岩,是由海水作用沉至海底的。 Almost always the remains of shells,and other proofs of sea life,are found close to the oil. 在有石油地方的附近几乎总是有贝壳遗骸和其他海洋生物的证据。 A very common sedimentary rock is called shale,which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. 一种十分常见的水成岩叫油页岩,他是一 种很软的岩石,很明显是因为被压积在海底而后形成的。 And where there is shale there is likely to be oil.而哪儿有油页岩,哪儿就可能有 石油。 3. Geologists,scientists who study rocks,indicate the likely places to the oil drillers.研究岩石的科学家即地质学家给石油钻井工指明可能产生油处。 In some cases oil comes out of the ground without any drilling at all and has been used for hundreds of years. 有些地方,根本无需挖掘,油自动冒出地面,并已这样使 用了几百年。 In the island of Trinidad the oil is in the form of asphalt,a substance used for making roads. 在特立尼达岛,石油以沥青---即用作铺路的物质---形式存在。 Sir Walter Raleigh visited the famous pitch lake of Trinidad in 1595; it is said to contain nine thousand million tons of asphalt. There are probably huge quantities of crude oil beneath the surface.在沃尔特?罗利爵士在1595年访问过特立尼达的著名 沥青湖,据说该湖的沥青容量有90亿吨。在其地表下可能有大量原油。 4. The king of the oilfield is the driller. He is a very skilled man. 油田的 主角是钻井工。他们是熟练技术工人。 Sometimes he sends his drill more than a mile into the earth. 有时他得把钻头钻 入地下1英里深。 During the process of drilling,gas and oil at great pressure may suddenly be met,and if this rushes out and catches fire,the oil well may never be brought into operation at all. 在钻探过程中,由于巨大的压力,可能会突然碰上气和油,而如果油气喷出来并 着了火,此油井便可能永远无法启用。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 This danger is well known and steps are always taken to prevent it.这种危险是人 人共知的,因此人们采取防护措施。 5. There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil. 在钻井采油中也常要碰运气。 The drill may just miss the oil although it is near; on the other hand,it may strike oil at a fairly high level. 钻头可能离油很近,但却失之交臂。而有时钻头可能在很 浅处就碰上了油。 When the drill goes down,it brings up soil. 钻头钻下去,把土带上来。 The samples of soil from various depths are examined for traces of oil. 人们检 验从不同深处带上来的土样以探明油迹。 If they are disappointed at one place,the drillers go to another. 如果一处落空 了,钻井工就转移到另一处。 Great sums of money have been spent,for example in the deserts of Egypt,in 'prospecting' for oil. 为了“勘探”石油,已花费了巨额钱财,例如在埃及沙漠就是那样。 Sometimes little is found. 有时所获甚微。 When we buy a few gallons of petrol for our cars,we pay not only the cost of the petrol,but also part of the cost of the search that is always going on.当我们为 自己的汽车购买几加仑汽油时,我们付的不仅仅是汽油的价钱,而且还包括了一部分不断 在进行着的勘探费用。 6. When the crude oil is obtained from the field,it is taken to the refineries to be treated. 当原油从油田取得后,就被送往炼油厂去处理。 The commonest form of treatment is heating. 最常见的处理方式是加热。 When the oil is heated,the first vapors to rise are cooled and become the finest petrol. 油加热时最早升起的蒸汽冷却后就为最好的汽油。 Petrol has a low boiling point; if a little is poured into the hand,it soon vaporizes. 汽油沸点低,如果倒入少许在手上,它立即就蒸发掉。 Gas that comes off the oil later is condensed into paraffin. Last of all the lubricating oils of various grades are produced. 稍后从油中分离出来的气体就被冷 凝成煤油,最后制出的各种不同等级的润滑油。 What remains is heavy oil that is used as fuel.而剩下的部分是用作燃料的重油。 7. There are four main areas of the world where deposits of oil appear. The first is that of the Middle East,and includes the regions near the Caspian Sea,the Black Sea,the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf,another is the area between North and South America,and the third,between Asia and Australia,Includes the islands of Sumatra,Borneo and Java.世界上已探明的主要蕴藏石油地区有4个,第一是中东地区,包 括里海、黑海、红海和波斯湾附近地区,另一个是北美和南美间的油区,而第三个是亚洲 和澳洲之间的地区,包括苏门答腊、婆罗洲和爪洼岛。 8. The forth area is the part near the North Pole. 第四个油区是靠近北极那部分 区域。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 When all the present oilfields are exhausted,it is possible that this cold region may become the scene of oil activity.(11词汇) 当所有现今的油田都枯竭了的时候, 这一寒冷地区可能会成为石油竞争活动的场所。 Yet the difficulties will be great,and the costs may be so high that no company will undertake the work. 然而困难将是很大的,同时代价也可能很高,因此没有一家公 司肯承担这一任务。 If progress in using atomic power to drive machines is fast enough,it is possible that oil-driven engines may give place to the new kind of engine. 如果利用原子 能来开动机器方面的工作进展迅速,那么以油为动力的发电机可能让位于新型发动机。 In that case the demand for oil will fall,the oilfields will gradually disappear,and the deposits at the North Pole may rest where they are for ever.在那种情况下, 对石油的需求量将下降,油田将逐渐消失,而北极的储油也可能永远睡在原地。 47.The Real Courage 真正的勇气 1.I know what courage looks like. I saw it on a flight I took six years ago, and only now can I speak of it without tears filling eyes at the memory. 1.我知道真正的勇气是什么样子了,是六年前在一架航班上见识的。只有现在,凭记忆 述说这件事的时候,我才不致热泪盈眶。 2.When our L1011 left the Orlando airport that Friday morning,we were a chipper,high-energy group. The early-morning flights hosted mainly professional people going to Atlanta for a day or two of business. As I looked around,I saw lots of designer suites,CEO-caliber haircuts,leather briefcases and all the trimmings of seasoned business travelers. I settled back for some light reading and the brief flight ahead. 2.那个星期五的早上,当L1011航班飞离奥兰多机场的时候,我们这群人是穿着入时、精 神抖搂的。清晨航班搭载的主要是前往亚特兰大出差一两天的职业人士。向四周打量一下, 看到的多是品牌西装、标准经理人式发型、皮质公文包以及老练的商务旅行者用的各种装 束。我身子往后一靠,准备轻轻松松读点什么,度过时下这短暂的飞行。 3.Immediately upon take-off, it was clear that something was amiss. The aircraft was bumping up and down and jerking left to right. All the experienced travelers, including me, looked around with knowing grins. Our communal looks acknowledged to one another that we had experienced minor problems and disturbances before. If you fly much, you see these things and learn to act blase about them. 3.刚起飞,就明显让人感到出了什么差错。飞机上下颠簸,左右摇晃。有出门经验的人, 连我在内,都四下环顾着,会心地笑了。大伙儿的表情在告诉彼此,像这样的小麻烦和混 乱我们以前都遇到过。如果你飞机坐多了,这类事情见多了,也就学会对此无动于衷了。 4.We did not remain blase for long. Minutes after we were airborne,our plane began dipping wildly and one wing lunged downward. The plane climbed higher but that didn't help. It didn't. The pilot soon made a grave announcement. 4.但是,我们这次可没无动于衷多久。在空中飞行不几分钟,飞机就一只机翼朝下,开 始疯了似的下坠。尽管飞机爬高了些,但无济于事,一点用都没有。飞行员很快就严肃地 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 向乘客作了通报。 5."We are having some difficulties," he said. "At this time,it appears we have no nose-wheel steering. Our indicators show that our hydraulic system has failed. We will be returning to the Orlando airport at this time. Because of the lack of hydraulics,we are not sure our landing gear will lock,so the flight attendants will prepare you for a bumpy landing. Also,if you look out the windows,you will see that we are dumping fuel from the airplane. We want to have as little on board as possible in the event of a rough touchdown. " 5.“我们现在遇到了麻烦,”他说。“目前看来前轮转向装置已经坏了。指示器显示,液压 系统失灵。我们得返回奥兰多机场。因为没有液压装置,所以不能肯定起落架能不能固定 得住。乘务人员将帮助你们作好着陆时防冲击的准备。还有,你们看一下窗外,就会看见 我们正在把飞机上的燃油倒掉。我们想尽量减轻飞机的负荷,以应对着陆时的颠簸。” 6.In other words,we were about to crash. No sight has ever been so sobering as that fuel,hundreds of gallons of it,streaming past my window out of the plane's tanks. The flight attendants helped people get into position and comforted those who were already hysterical. 6.也就是说,我们就要坠机了。从飞机油箱里倒出的几百加仑燃油在我们眼前的舷窗外 飞流直下,没有比这种景象更能让人清醒的了。乘务人员帮助大家作好防冲击姿势,还尽 力安慰那些已经歇斯底里的人们。 7.As I looked at the faces of my fellow business travelers,I was stunned by the changes I saw in their faces. Many looked visibly frightened now. Even the most stoic looked grim and ashen. Yes,their faces actually looked gray in color,something I'd never seen before. There was not one exception. No one faces death without fear,I thought. Everyone lost composure in one way or another. 7.我看了一下这些公差的旅伴们,大吃一惊地发现他们已经神情突变。此时许多人显然 吓坏了。甚至那些最泰然自若的人也显得表情严峻、面如土色。没错,他们的脸色实际上 看起来发灰,这种脸色我可从来没见过。在场的没有一个例外。面对死神谁都会害怕的, 我暗自思忖。每个人都这般或那般地失态。 8.I began searching the crowd for one person who felt peace and calm that true courage or great faith gives people in these events. I saw no one. Then a couple of rows to my left,I heard a still calm voice,a woman's voice,speaking in an absolutely normal conversational tone. There was no tremor or tension. It was a lovely,even tone. I had to find the source of this voice. 8.我的目光在人群中扫过,看看有没有人,在这种形势下,仰赖其真正的勇气和伟大的 信仰,依然能保持沉着冷静,但是没发现一个。后来,在左边几排远的地方,我听到了一 个从容依旧的声音,一位女性的声音。语调绝对正常,就像普通聊天一样,既没有颤抖也 没有紧张,而是一种悦耳、平静的语调。我想弄清这声音是谁发出的。 9.All around,people cried. Many wailed and screamed. A few of the men hold onto their composure by gripping armrests and clenching teeth,but their fear was written all over them. Although my faith kept me from hysteria,I could not have spoken so 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 calmly,so sweetly at this moment as the assuring voice I heard. Finally I saw her. 9.四周都有人在哭。许多人号啕着,尖叫着。几个男人死死抓住座位扶手,咬紧牙关, 竭力保持镇静,但是浑身上下却透出了惶恐。尽管我的信仰使自己没有失控,但是此刻却 怎么也做不到像听到的那个暖人的声音那样,那么镇定,那么温柔。最后,我看到了她。 10.In the midst of all the chaos,a mother was talking,just talking,to her child. The woman,in her mid-30's and unremarkable looking in any other way,was staring full into the face of her daughter,who looked to be four years old. The child listened closely,sensing the importance of her mother's words. The mother's gaze held the child so fixed and intent that she seemed untouched by the sounds of grief and fear around her. 10.在一片混乱中,一位母亲正在说话,一个劲儿地对着自己的孩子说话。这位妇女35 岁左右的样子,无论怎么看都貌不出众。她正目不转睛地注视着女儿的脸,女儿看起来有4 岁了。孩子察觉到了母亲话的分量,正在全神贯注地听。母亲凝视的目光让孩子听得聚精 会神,似乎一点也不为周围人们哀伤和惊恐的声音所动。 11.A picture flashed into my mind of another little girl who had recently survived a terrible plane crash. Speculation had it that she had lived because her mother had strapped her own body over the little girl's in order to protect her. The mother did not survive. The newspapers had been tracking how the little girl had been treated by psychologists for weeks afterward to ward off feelings of guilt and unworthiness that often haunt survivors. The child was told over and over again that it had not been her fault that her mommy had gone away. I hoped this situation would not end the same way. 11.我脑子里闪现出另一个小姑娘的形象,她是最近一场空难的幸存者。据推测,她之所 以能活下来,全亏了母亲用安全带把她们捆住,把她压在身下保护了她。母亲却没能活下 来。报纸用几个星期的时间追踪报道了事后心理医生对她的治疗。治疗的目的是驱除常常 困扰幸存者的负罪感和自贱感。医生一遍又一遍地告诉小女孩,母亲丧命并非她的过错。 但愿眼前这事不要出现这种结局。 12.I strained to hear what this mother was telling her child. I was compelled to hear. I need to hear. Finally,I leaned over and by some miracle could hear this soft,sure voice with the tone of reassurance. Over and over again,the mother said,"I love you so much. Do you know for sure that I love you more than anything?" 12.我竭力想听清眼前这位母亲在告诉孩子些什么。我身不由己,也需要听一听。终于, 侧过身,奇妙得很,我居然听清了这温柔而自信的声音,那语调是那么让人宽心。母亲一 遍遍地说:“我十分爱你。你相信我爱你胜过一切么,” 13."Yes,Mommy," the little girl said. 13.“是的,妈妈,”小姑娘答道。 14."And remember,no matter what happens,that I love you always. And that you are a good girl. Sometimes things happen that are not your fault. You are still a good girl and my love will always be with you." 14.“记住,不管发生什么事情,我永远爱你。你是个好孩子。有时出事不是你的过错, 你还是好孩子。我的爱将永远伴随着你。” 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 15.Then the mother put her body over her daughter's,strapped the seat belt over both of them and prepared to crash. For no earthly reason,our landing gear held and our touchdown was not the tragedy it seemed destined to be. It was over in seconds. 15.接着,母亲便伏身遮住女儿,把座位上的安全带系在两人身上,等待空难的降临。如 有神助一般,我们的起落架居然挺住了。原来似乎注定的着陆惨剧却没有发生。一切都在 几秒钟内结束了。 16. The voice I heard that day never wavered,never acknowledged doubt,and maintained an evenness that seemed emotionally and physically impossible. Not one of us hardened business people could have spoken without a tremoring voice. Only the greatest courage,undergirded by even greater love,could have borne that mother up and lifted her above the chaos around her. That mom showed me what a real hero looks like. And for those few minutes,I heard the voice of courage. 16.那天我听到的那个声音没有丝毫的动摇,没有流露出半点犹豫。它拥有一份无论从感 情上还是从身体上来讲都令人难以置信的平和。我们这些饱经世事的买卖人当时没有一个 说话声音不打颤的。只有最伟大的勇气,再加上更博大的爱心的支撑,才使这位母亲挺住 了,超然于周围的混乱之上。这位母亲让我见识了什么是真正的英雄本色。在那几分钟内, 我听到的是勇敢发出的声音。 48.Managing In a Global Environment 在全球环境中进行管理 1.Assume for a moment that you're a manager going to work for a branch of a global organization in a foreign country. 此刻假设你是一位美国经理,你准备到一家全球组 织的国外分支机构工作。 You know that your environment will differ from the one at home,but how? 你知道 你的环境将与国内的不同,但二者的差异会达到什么程度呢, What should you be looking for?你应当注意些什么, 2.Any manager who finds himself or herself in a foreign country faces new challenges. 任何一位发觉自己处于一个陌生国家的管理者都面临着新的挑战。 In this section,we'll look at some of those challenges and offer guidelines for responding. 在这一节中,我们将考察这些挑战,并对如何做出反应提供一些指导。 Although our discussion is presented through the eyes of a U.S. manager,our analytical framework could be used by any manager who has to manager in a foreign environment,regardless of national origin.虽然我们将以一位美国管理者的视角来展 开我们的讨论,但是我们的分析框架能为任何在国外环境中经营的管理者使用,不受国籍 之限。 3.The Legal-Political Environment 法律-政治环境 4.U.S. managers are accustomed to stable legal and political systems. 美国的 管理者习惯于稳定的法律和政治体系。 Changes are slow,and legal and political procedures are well established. 在这 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 一体系中,变化是缓慢的,法律和政治程序是完善的。 Elections are held at regular intervals. Even changes in political parties after an election do not produce radical or quick transformations. 选举定期举行,即使 总统大选后的政党变化也不会引起快速的、根本的改变。 The stability of laws governing the actions of individuals and institutions allows for accurate predictions. 由于支配个人和机构行为的法律是稳定的,因此就可以进行 准确的预测, The same can't be said for all countries. 而其它国家并非都是如此。 Managers in a global organization must stay informed of the specific laws in countries where they do business.在全球组织任职的管理者必须熟知他们经营业务的国 家所特有的法律体系。 5.Also,some countries have a history of unstable governments. 一些国家的政府 在相当长的历史时间内都是不稳定的。 Managers of businesses in these countries face dramatically greater uncertainty as a result of political instability. 这些国家的企业管理者由于政治不稳定而面临 高度不确定性。 For instance,political interference is a face of life in some Asian countries.政治干预也是众多亚洲国家现实生活的一个方面。 6.The legal-political environment doesn't have to be unstable or revolutionary to be a concern to managers. 法律-政治环境并非只有不稳定或具有革命性才会引起管 理者的注意。 Just the fact that a country's laws and political system differ from those of the United States is important. 事实上,一个国家法律或政治体系与美国的差异才是重要 的。 Managers must recognize these differences if they hope to understand the constraints under which they operate and the opportunities that exist.管理者如 果希望了解他们经营中的约束以及存在的机会,就必须认识这些差异。 7.The Economic Environment 经济环境 8.The global manager must be aware of economic issues when doing business in other countries. 全球管理者在其它国家开展业务必须了解一些经济因素。 One of the first is understanding the type of economic system under which the country operates. 首先,要知道所在国家的经济体制类型。 The two major types are a market economy and a command economy. 两种主要的经济 体制是:市场经济和计划经济。 A market economy is one in which resources are primarily owned and controlled by the private sector. 在市场经济中,资源主要是由私营企业所掌握和控制。 A command economy is one in which all economic decisions are planned by a central government. 在计划经济中,经济决策由中央政府决定。 In actuality,no economy is purely market or command. 事实上,没有一种经济是纯市 场或纯计划的。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 For instance,the United States and the United Kingdom are two countries at the market end of the spectrum but they do have minimal governmental control. 例如, 英美两国都处在市场经济的一端,但是他们还有少量的政府控制。 The economies of Vietnam and North Korea,however,would be more command-based. 又 如,越南和朝鲜的经济在更大程度上以控制为基础。 Then there's China,a country that's more command based,but is moving to be more market-based. 还有中国,这个国家正从偏重以计划为基础向偏重以市场为基础转化。 Why would managers need to know about a country's economic system? 为什么管理者 必须了解一个国家经济体制的情况呢, Because it has the potential to constrain decisions and actions. 因为这可能会约 束他们的决策和行为。 Other economic issues a manager might need to understand include currency exchange rates,inflation rates,and diverse tax policies.管理者必须了解的其它经济因素包括 汇率、通货膨胀和不同的税收政策。 9.A global firm's profits can vary dramatically depending on the strength of its home currency and the currencies of the countries in which it operates. 一个全 球化公司的利润会受到本国货币及其经营所在国货币的比值的影响而发生剧烈的变化。 Any devaluation of a nation's currency significantly affects the level of a company's profits. The strength of a foreign nation's currency can also affect manager's decisions.一国货币任意幅度地升值都能影响管理者的决策和公司的利润水 平。 10.Inflation means that prices for produce and services are going up. 通货膨 胀意味着产品和服务价格持续上升。 But it also affects interest rates,exchange rates,the cost of living,and the general confidence in a country's political and economic system. 同时,它还会影 响利率、汇率、生活成本和对国家政治经济体制的总体信任。 In most developing countries,consumer prices are rising more slowly than they were in the late 1990s,although inflation rates can,and do,very widely. 在大多数发展 中国家,物价比20世纪90年代末要上涨得慢,尽管通货膨胀率也确实发生了剧烈的变化。 Managers need to monitor inflation trends so they can make good decisions (10 词汇)and anticipate any possible changes in a country's monetary policies.管理 者必须密切关注通货膨胀趋势以做出明智的决策,并预测国家货币政策任何可能的变化。 11.Finally,diverse tax policies are a major worry for a global manager. 最后, 不同的税收政策也是全球管理者的一个主要担忧。 Some host countries are more restrictive than the organization's home country. Others are far more lenient. 一些东道国比该组织母国的约束更多,而有的则宽松一些。 About the only certainty is that tax rules differ from country to country. 仅有 一点可以肯定的是,国与国之间的税收规则不尽相同。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 Managers need exact information on the various tax rules in countries in which they operate to minimize their business's overall tax obligation.管理者需要准确地知 道他们经营所在国的各种税收规则,从而将企业的全部税收义务减至最少。 12.The Cultural Environment 文化环境 13.A large global oil company found that employee productivity in one of its Mexican plants was off 20 percent and sent a U.S. manager to find out why. 一家 大型的国际石油公司发现它在墨西哥一个工厂的员工生产率下降了20%,它派一名美国管理 者去查明原因。 After talking to several employees,the manager discovered that the company used to have a monthly fiesta in the parking lot for all the employees and their families. 在与一些员工交谈之后,这位管理者发现,公司过去每个月都会在停车场为所有员工及其 家属举办一个喜庆日。 Another U.S. manager had canceled the fiestas saying they were a waste of time and money. 另一名美国管理者取消了这个喜庆日,认为那是在浪费时间和金钱。 The message employees were getting was that the company didn't care about their families anymore. 而员工从中捕获到的信息是,公司再也不关心他们的家庭。 When the fiestas were reinstated,productivity and employee morale soared.当恢复 喜庆日后,生产率开始上升,员工士气开始高涨。 14.At Hewlett-Packard,a cross-global team of U.S. and French engineers were assigned to work together on a software project. 在惠普,由美国和法国工程师组成 的跨国团队被委派共同开发一个软件工程。 The U.S. engineers sent long,detailed e-mails to their counterparts in France. 美 国的工程师给法国的同事发送了长篇幅、详细的邮件。 The French engineers viewed the lengthy e-mails as patronizing and replied with quick,concise e-mails. 法国工程师认为冗长的邮件是美国人自认为高人一等的表现。他 们快速、简短地回了邮件。 This made the U.S. engineers think that the French were hiding something from them. 这使得美国工程师认为法国人向他们隐瞒了一些情况。 The situation spiraled out of control and had a negative effect on output until team members went through cultural training.局面的失控对产出产生了消极的影响, 直到团队成员经历了文化培训之后才有所改善。 15.As we know,organizations have different cultures,countries have cultures too. 我们知道,组织有不同的文化。人类学家也一直在告诉我们(?),国家也有文化。 National culture is the values and attitudes shared by individuals from a specific country that shape their behavior and their beliefs about what is important.民 族文化是一个国家的居民共有的价值观,这些价值观塑造了他们的行为以及他们看待世界 的方式。 16.Which is more important to a manager---national culture or organizational culture? 对于管理者来说,国家文化和组织文化何者更为重要呢, For example,is an IBM facility in Germany more likely to reflect German culture 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 or IBM's corporate culture? 例如,德国的一家IBM公司是更有可能反映德国的民族文化, 还是IBM的公司文化呢, Research indicates that national culture has a greater effect of employees than does their organization's culture. 研究表明,民族文化对员工的影响要大于组织文化 的影响。 German employees at an IBM facility in Munich will be influenced more by German culture than by IBM's culture. 在慕尼黑的一家IBM公司工作的德国雇员,受德国文化 的影响比受IBM文化的影响大。 This means that as influential as organizational culture may be on managerial practice, national culture is even more influential.这就意味着,与组织文化对管 理实践的影响相比,民族文化更具有影响力。 49.The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe(Excerpt)鲁滨逊漂流记(节选) 1(I have already described my habitation,which was a tent under the side of a rock,surrounded with a strong pale of post and cables,but I might now rather call it a wall,for I raised a kind of wall up against it of tufts,about two foot thick on the outside,and after some time,I think it was a year and a half, I raised rafters from it leaning to the rock,and thatched or covered it with bows of trees,and such things as I could get to keep out the rain,which I found at some times of the year very violent( 1(前面我已描述过自己的住所。那是一个搭在山岩下的帐篷,四周用木桩和缆索做成坚固 的木栅环绕着。现在,我可以把木栅叫做围墙了,因为我在木栅外面用草皮堆成了一道两英 尺来厚的墙,并花了大约一年半的时间,在围墙和岩壁之间搭了一些屋椽,上面盖些树枝或 其他可以弄到的东西用来挡雨。因为我发现,一年之中总有一段时间大雨如注。 2(I have already observed how I brought all my goods into this pale(and into the cave which I had made behind me(But I must observe t00(也at at first this was a confused heap of goods,which as they lay in no order,so they took up all my place(I had no room to turn myself;so I set myself to enlarge my cave and works farther into the earth,for it was a loose sandy rock,which yielded easily to the labour I bestowed sideways to the right hand into the rock(and then turning to the right again,worked quite out and made me a door to come out,on the out—side of my pale or fortification( 2(前面我也说过,我把所有东西都搬进了这个围墙,搬进了帐篷后面的山洞。现在我必须 补充说一下,那些东西起初杂乱无章地堆在那里,以致占满了住所,弄得我连转身的余地都 没有。于是我开始扩大并挖深山洞。好在岩石质地是一种很松的沙石,很容易挖。当我觉得 围墙已加固得足以防御猛兽的袭击时,我便向岩壁右边挖去,然后再转向右面,直至把岩壁 挖穿,通到围墙外面,做成了一个可供出入的门。 3(This gave me not only egress and regress,as it was a back way to my tent and to my storehouse,but gave me room to stow my goods( 3(这样,我不但有了一个出入口,作为我帐篷和贮藏室的后门,而且有更多的地方存放我 的财富。 4(And flow I began to apply myself to make such necessary things as I found I most wanted,as particularly a chair and a table,for without these l was not able to enjoy the few comforts I had in 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 the world,I could not write,or eat,or do several things with so much pleasure without a table( 4(现在,我开始着手制造日常生活应用的一些必需家具了,譬如说椅子和桌子。没有这两 样家具,我连世上一些最起码的生活乐趣都无法享受。没有桌子,我就没有地方写字吃饭, 很多事都没法做,生活就毫无乐趣。 5(So I went to work;and here I need observe(that as reason is the substance and original of the mathematics,so by stating and squaring every thing by reason, and by making the most rational judgment of things,every man may be in time master of every mechanic art(I had never handled a tool in my life,and yet in time by labour,application,and contrivance,I found at last that l wanted nothing but I could have made it,especially if I had had tools;however I made abundance of things,even without tools,and some with no more tools than an adze and a hatchet, which perhaps were never made that way before(and that with infinite labour( 5.于是,我开始工作。说到这里,我必须先说明一下,推理乃是数学之本质和原理。因此, 如果我们能对一切事物都加以分析比较、精思明断,那么人人都可以掌握任何技艺。我一生 从未使用过任何工具,但久而久之,以我的劳动、勤勉和发明设计的才能,我终于发现,只 要有适当的工具,我什么东西都能做。尽管我没有什么工具,却能制造了许多东西,有些东 西制造时,仅用了一把手斧和一把斧头。我想没有人会用我的方法制造东西,也没有人会像 我这样付出无穷的劳动。 this method I could make but one board out of a whole tree,but this I had no remedy for but patience,any more than I had for the prodigious deal of time and labour which it took me up to make a plank or board: but my time or labour was little worth,and so it was as well employed one way as another. 6.譬如说,做木板。我先砍倒一棵树,把树横放在面前,再用斧手把两面削平,削成一块板 的模样,然后再用手斧刮光。确实,用这种方法,一棵树只能做一块木板,但这是没有办法 的办法,我唯有用耐心才能完成,只有花费大量的时间和劳力才能做一块板。反正我的时间 和体力都已不值钱了,怎么用都无所谓。 7. However,I made me a table and a chair,as I observed above,in the first place; and this I did out of the short pieces of boards that I brought on my raft from the ship. But when I had wrought out some boards,as above,I made large shelves of the breadth of a foot and half one over another,all along one side of my cave,to lay all my tools,nails,and iron-work,and in a word,to separate every thing at large in their places,that I might come easily at them. I knocked pieces into the wall of the rock to hang my guns and all things that would hang up. So that had my cave been to be seen,it looked like a general magazine of all necessary things,and I had every thing so ready at my hand,that it was a great pleasure to me to see all my goods in such order,and especially to find my stock of all necessaries so great. 7.上面讲了,我先给自己做了一张桌子和一把椅子,这些是用我从船上运回来的几块短木板 制成的。后来我用上面提到的方法,做了一些木板,沿着山洞的岸壁搭了几层一英尺半宽的 大木架,把工具、钉子和铁器等东西分门别类地放在上面,以便取用。我又在墙上钉了许多 小木钉,用来挂枪和其他可以挂的东西。假如有人看到我的山洞,一定会以为是一个军火库, 里面枪支弹药应有尽有。一应物品,安置得井然有序,取用方便。我看到样样东西都放得井 井有条,而且收藏丰富,心里感到无限的宽慰。 50. Not Quite Ready to Retire 退休为时尚早 1.Done with the 9 to 5 but not prepared to hang it up? 在结束了朝九晚五的工作 之后,是不是仍然不想完全放弃工作而退休呢, 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 This work may be for you: the bridge job.如果是的话,这份工作可能是个不错的选择: 返聘工作。 2.Two years ago,Bob Markway retired. Or so he thought. 两年前,Bob Markway退 休了;至少他自己认为已经退休了。 After joining Shell's exploration and production unit in 1973, Markway had climbed the ranks to manage its deep water operations in the Gulf of Mexico. 1973年,他 进入壳牌公司勘探和生产部工作,之后他不断得到升职直至最后主管该公司在墨西哥湾的 深水作业部门。 He had reached an age and accumulated enough years of service to sail off into the sunset with a good pension. 如今,他已到了退休的年龄,多年来的工作足可以让他享 有一笔不错的退休金,从而可以驾驶着帆船徜徉在夕阳的余晖之中。 Both kids' college tuitions and one of their weddings were out of the way; 两个 孩子上大学的学费,和其中一个孩子的婚礼费用都已不是问题, his 46-ft. sailboat,the Sazerac,beckoned. 他那46英尺长的帆船Sazerac正整装待发。 But then Hurricane Katrina walloped his house two blocks from Lake Pontchartrain ,and his plans for a clean break from his career shifted. 然而, 后来发生的“卡特里娜”飓风摧毁了他距离Pontchartrain湖两个街区远的房子,他原本想彻 底退休的打算也有了新的变化。 "Suddenly,having cash outside of retirement plans began to look like a pretty good idea," says Markway,now 55. 眼下已经55岁的Markway说道:“突然之间,在退休期间继 续赚钱,好像开始成了一个非常不错的想法。” Besides,he felt a need to be useful. 此外,他也觉得有必要让自己成为一个有用的人。 When Shell offered him interesting work on a project basis,he took it---on the condition it not interfere with sailing season.当壳牌公司为他提供了一份有意思的 项目工作时,他接受了,条件是:工作不会影响他的帆船之旅。 3.What Markway is experiencing is a new kind of American career stage: the not-quite-retirement. Markway现在所经历的是美国一种新型的职业阶段---非完全退 休。 As life spans lengthen, pensions tighten and workplace rules change,hopping from full-time work to full-time leisure is appearing less realistic and, 随着人类寿 命的不断延长,退休金额的日渐紧缩,以及工作要求的最新变化,放弃全职工作、置身终 日消遣的可能性似乎越来越不现实; to some, less desirable. 对于某些人而言,这也是情非所愿的。 The trend has given rise to a new category of employment,the so-called bridge job. 这种趋势带来了一种新的就业形式,也就是所谓的“返聘工作(the bridge job)”。 Economists use this term to describe part-time or full-time jobs typically held for less than 10 years following full-time careers. 经济学家用这个术语来描述那 些兼职或是全职工作,这些工作一般是在退休后时间少于10年的再工作。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 According to a 2005 working paper from the Center on Aging and Work at Boston College, one-half to two-thirds of workers take on bridge jobs before fully retiring根据 波士顿大学老年人及其就业研究中心2005年的研究报告,有二分之一到三分之二的员工在 完全退休之前从事返聘工作, ---one reason the number of workers 65 and up is expected to increase 117% by 2025. 这也是年龄在65岁或65岁以上的员工人数到2025年预计将增长117%的原因之一。 "Why go from 100 m.p.h. to zero?" says Joseph Quinn,a Boston College economist and co-author of the paper. Joseph Quinn是波士顿大学的经济学家,也是2005年研究报告 团的合著者,他说道:“为什么要把时速从100英里突然降至零呢, "You wouldn't do that in your car. You'd do 70,then 50,then 20."你在开车时恐怕 也不会这么做。你会把时速从100英里降至70英里,再降至50英里,再降至20英里。” 4.The prolonged-work ethic comes at a time when American companies face a demographics-driven crisis: 退休再就业的现象根源于美国公司曾经面临劳力匮乏的危 机 What happens when the 76 million baby boomers retire? ---当7600万在生育高峰期出 生的人退休后,将会发生什么问题, As older workers begin to leave work in droves, economists project a labor shortage of 10 million by the end of the decade. 当年老的员工陆续退休之后,经济学家预测 到本年代末将会出现1亿的劳力短缺。 Some industries,such as utilities,education and energy,are already struggling to stanch the institutional brain drain. 一些诸如公共事业、教育和能源公司等产业部 门早已开始致力于阻止公司的人才流失现象。 So,older workers want to keep working,and employers need them---crisis solved. 因 此,年老的员工希望继续工作,而雇主又需要他们---危机因此得以解决。 Right? 事实确实如此吗, Not quite,says Deborah Russell,director of workforce issues at the AARP. 美国退 休人员协会劳力问题部的主任Deborah Russell认为,事实并非完全如此。 Revamping retirement systems requires shifts in attitudes and bureaucratic pension rules. 修订退休制度需要改变人们的态度和那些官僚化的退休金制度。 "It comes down to the perception that if you're 58,how much do I want to invest in you?" “问题最终归结于:如果你已58岁,我还愿意在你身上投入多少,” she says. "This is a critical issue for employers to overcome---for their own good."Deborah说道:“这是雇主们必须解决的重大问题---这是为他们自己的利益着想。” 5.Like Shell,some major employers are ahead of the game,offering options like bridge jobs to attract and keep older workers. 象壳牌公司一样,一些大型公司走在 了问题的前面,他们通过提供返聘工作等选择来吸引和挽留年老的员工。 The advantages are many: 此法好处颇多, surveys find older workers score high in company loyalty and productivity, 研究 表明年老的员工对公司的忠诚度和工作效率方面得分较高, and the bridge period can be used to transfer a veteran employee's knowledge and 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 skills to the next generation. 而在返聘工作期间,又可以将有经验的员工的知识和技 术传授给下一代。 Quest Diagnostics,Cendant Group,New York Life and Verizon were among 11 corporations that recently teamed with the AARP to figure out how to hire and retain over-50 workers. 在最近与美国退休人员协会合作的11个公司中,有Quest Diagnostics、 Cendant Group、New York Life 和Verizon公司,它们致力于解决如何雇佣并挽留年过50 的员工。 Eli Lilly,Procter & Gamble and Boeing partner with YourEncore,a placement company for retirees seeking project work. 礼来、宝洁和波音公司与再就业公司YourEncore 合作,帮助退休员工寻求设计工作。 CVS/ pharmacy,Home Depot and Borders have "snowbird" programs to allow older workers to migrate south in winter,jobs in tow.CVS医药公司、家得宝公司和Borders 公司制定了“雪鸟计划”,使得年老的员工在冬天可以迁移到南方居住工作。 6.CVS learned in the early 1990s that less than 7% of its staff consisted of workers over age 50. 在20世纪90年代早期CVS公司了解到,公司员工年龄在50岁以上的 不到总人数的7% ---a problem for a business with many older customers. ---这对于一个拥有很大老 年顾客群体的公司来说是个问题。 Executives turned to networks of seniors,including local church groups,to spread the word about senior-friendly jobs with flexible hours and health benefits. 公 司决策阶层转而求助于包括当地宗教团体在内的年老居民圈,向他们表明公司将提供适宜 老年人的工作--工作时间灵活而且有益于身体健康。 It worked: CVS has raised its proportion of over-50 staff to nearly 18%.此法奏 效了:CVS公司因此将年龄在50岁以上的员工人数比例提高到了近总数的18%。 "For us,it was a business decision," says Stephen Wing,director of government programs. “对我们来说,这是个商业决策,”政府规划部的主任Stephen Wing说道: "We want our staff to look like our customers. Besides,older people have better customer-service skills."“我们希望我们的员工就像是我们的顾客一样。此外,年老的 员工掌握了更好地为顾客服务的技巧。” 7.Attracting and keeping older workers take some creativity. 吸引并挽留住年老的 员工需要有创造性。 John Johns ,65 ,recently tried to retire from his job as a CVS pharmacist in Sea Isle City,N.J., 65岁的John Johns是新泽西洲Sea Isle高CVS公司的药剂师,最近打算退 休, so he and his wife Patricia could spend winters in Cocoa Beach,Fla. 这样的话, 他和妻子Patricia就可以在佛罗里达州的Cocoa海滩过冬了。 CVS persuaded him to keep working---by creating seasonal jobs for him in both locations. CVS公司劝他继续工作,条件是为他在两地提供季节性工作。 He enjoys the work,and the health plan covers his wife,who is not yet eligible for 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 Medicare. 他喜欢这份工作,而且公司的医疗保险也考虑到了他的妻子,她目前还没有资 格享受医保。 "At this point in my life,I want to have more freedom,and they've accommodated me."John Johns说道:“此时此刻,我希望拥有更多的自由,而他们为我提供了这个机会。” 8.But while older workers are often eager to cross such a bridge,many companies haven't built it yet. 然而,当年老的员工时常渴望跨越返聘工作这座桥梁时,许多公 司还没造好这座桥。 Antiquated pension rules continue to push older workers out the door by penalizing or just not rewarding service beyond a given date. 滞后的退休金制度继续将年老的 员工拒之门外,员工们在过了特定年限继续工作的话,要么受到百般刁难,要么得不到任 何奖赏。 Some younger workers assume seniors can't keep pace with fast-changing technology and business pressures. 一些年轻的员工认为,老年人无法适应快速变化的科技,也无 法承受巨大的商业竞争压力。 Many also believe older workers strain payroll and benefits packages, 许多年轻 人同时认为,年老的员工会使员工薪水吃紧,并分流员工的收益, although a recent AARP/Towers Perrin study showed that keeping older workers costs employers just 1% to 3% more than the cost of replacing them. 尽管美国退休人员 协会和Towers Perrin最近的一次研究表明,挽留年老的员工所需的成本比替换他们仅高出 1%-3%。 Half of employers make no attempt at all to retain older workers---even those who are key to the business,according to the Society for Human Resource Management.人力资源管理协会透露,有一半的公司根本未做任何努力来挽留年老的员工,即使那些员 工对公司来说是极为重要的。 9.Pensions pose some of the biggest challenges for companies that want to keep older employees. 退休金是那些试图挽留老员工的公司面临的最大挑战之一。 The Internal Revenue Service prohibits employers from distributing pension payments to workers still on the job. 美国国内税务局禁止公司向仍在工作的员工发 放退休金。 And since many companies base the size of the pension on the worker's last two years of employment,outright retirement at a career peak is much smarter financially than phasing down to a lesser-paying bridge job. 而且许多公司在发放退休金时是以员工 最后两年工作的薪金为参照的,这就使得在事业高峰期直接退休,与等到退休之后再工作 相比,从经济收入角度考虑就要明智得多。 While some companies rehire retirees as independent contractors,"what's more likely to happen is,people will simply leave a job and then bridge with another employer," says Ken Dychtwald,co-author of Workforce Crisis.当一些公司返聘退休 员工为合同工时,在《劳力危机》的合著者Ken Dychtwald看来,“其结果很可能是:人们 就会直接从当前的工作退休,然后到另一个公司从事返聘工作”。 10.Meanwhile,the companies that are finding ways to hang on to their older workers benefit from an intangible,perhaps undervalued commodity: wisdom. (10 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 词汇)与些同时,那些正竭力挽留年老员工的公司就会受益于一个无形的可能被低估的商品---智慧。 At Shell,Markway is creating a strategy for updated safety standards gleaned from his decades of experience. 壳牌公司的Markway正在开创一种策略来更新安全程序,这得益于他几十年的工作经验。 "With the demographic cliff we're facing,it's doubly important for us to pass on our collective knowledge to the young guys coming up," he says. “我们正处在劳力短缺的悬崖边缘,这就使得将我们的集体智慧传授给年轻小伙子们的重要性得以倍增。”Markway说道: "At this rate,I figure I'll work another few years." “这样的话,我想我还得再工作几年。” Full-time sailing will have to wait.完全自由的扬帆之旅将不得不搁浅。 51.Sales Promotion 产品促销 1. Sales promotion consists of those promotional activities other than advertising,personal selling,and publicity. 产品促销指的是不同于广告、个人销售和宣传的推销活动。 As such,any promotional activities that do not fall under the other three activities of the promotion mix are considered sales promotion. 因此,不属于以上三种推销活动的推销活动都被认为是促销。 The trade often uses the term indiscriminately. 实际生活中经常不加区分地使用这一概念。 Businesspersons may use the term “promotion” when they actually mean “sales promotion”. 商务人员在说“推销”时,实际上指的是“促销”。 For purpose here,promotion is a broad term that encompasses sales promotion as well as the other three promotional activities.本文中,推销是一个广义的概念,它包括促销以及其他三种推销活动。 2. The techniques of sales promotion are varied and numerous. 推销的手段多种多样,数不胜数。 The common ones used are coupons , sweepstakes , games , contests , price-offs , demonstrations , premiums , samples , and money refund offers. 普遍运用的手段有附在商品上的赠券、各种抽奖活动、游戏、竞赛、降价销售、产品示范、各种奖励、样品试验以及钱款返还承诺等等。 A combination of these can be used and sometimes is used in the same campaign. 在同一推销活动中,多种手段可以结合使用,有时也确实结合使用。 3. Sales promotion is temporary in nature. 从本质上说,促销活动具有时间短暂的特点。 Not being self-sustaining ,its function is to supplement advertising ,personal 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 selling,and publicity. 由于其本身没有自我持续的能力,它的作用就是作为广告、个人 销售和宣传等推销活动的补充。 To launch Budweiser beer in Great Britain ,Anheuser-Busch employed the “American” theme. 为了将百威啤酒打入英国市场,Anheuser-Busch运用了“美国”主题。 Its TV commercials on the 4th of July and Thanksgiving Day were spots filmed in California with American actors. 7月4日和感恩节的电视广告播的都是美国演员在加利 福尼亚拍摄的场景。 To supplement its advertising effort,the company used a variety of sales-promotion techniques. It made posters,bunting,flags,pennants,T-shirts,and sweatshirts available to pubs and discos for promotional parties. 为了加强广告力度,该公司 运用了大量的促销手段,如制作海报、装饰旗和三角旗等各种旗帜以及体恤衫和汗衫等供 促销团体出入酒吧和迪斯科夜总会。 Bud ashtrays,bar towels,coasters,football pennants,and similar items were offered for sale. 同时它还制作烟灰缸、酒吧餐巾、杯垫子、杯托子、足球赛用的三角旗以及诸 如此类的物品用于销售。 Moreover,American disc jockeys were brought in to program American music nights. 此外,该公司还专门邀请电台的音乐节目主持人开办美国音乐之夜。 4. Sales promotion is not restricted to the stimulation of demand at the consumer level. It may be used to gain middlemen's support as well. 促销不仅局限于拉动消 费者的需求,也可以用来赢得中间商的支持。 In order to get Thai middlemen to carry Foremost's dairy products,the company used leasing and conditional sales contracts to provide small retail outlets' and restaurants with freezers for $1 if contract terms were met. 为了使泰国的中间商 销售其乳制品,Foremost公司运用租赁和有条件销售合同以1美元的价格向那些零售小商店 和饭店提供冰柜,条件是要满足合同条款。 Foremost also had to convince these resellers not to store other products in the freezers and not to unplug freezer units at night to save electricity. 同时,该 公司还得说服这些转卖商不要在冰柜中储存其他产品,并且不要为了省电而在夜间拔去冰 柜插座。 5. The use of sales promotion is not limited to consumer products. It can be used with industrial selling too. 促销手段的运用不仅仅限于消费品,它也可以用于 工业销售。 Misawa Homes promoted its House 55 by sending samples to U.S. Homes and Germany's Okal. Pfizer,like other drug firms,attracts drug wholesalers by sponsoring trips and other events. Misawa Homes为了推销其House55产品而向美国的Homes公司和德国的 Okal公司寄送样品。与此类似,Pfizer公司同其他药品公司一样,通过组织旅游和其他活 动来吸引药品批发商。 Gifts are given to doctors,and doctors' wives are taken on shopping tours. 他们 向医生们赠送礼品,而且组织医生的夫人们进行购物旅游。 6. The popularity of sales promotion has grown steadily both in the United States and overseas. 无论是在美国还是在海外,促销活动越来越受人青睐,而且势头强劲。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 A survey of executives conducted by Stimulus,Canada's leading advertising journal,revealed a shift from media advertising to sales promotion. 加拿大首屈 一指的广告杂志Stimulus对公司经理们的一项调查表明,他们已从媒体广告转向促销活动。 Compared with five years ago,three of five firms had moved to spend more of their advertising budget on such non-media alternatives as trade shows,point-of-purchase displays,and publicity. 同五年前相比,有五分之三的公司开始在广告预算中增加对非 媒体手段的投入,如交易展销、买点展示和宣传。 According to a POPAI (Point-of- Purchase Advertising Institute) -Du Pont study of shopping behavior in the United States,almost 70 percent of all non-food purchases in supermarkets are generated by in-store decisions.(08) 根据买点广告机构和 杜邦公司对美国人购物行为所作的一项调查。在超市里所有非食品购买行为中,几乎有70, 源自顾客在超市内的临时决定。 If the same decision-making pattern is prevalent outside the United States,sales promotion should prove to be just as indispensable. 如果这种购物方式能在美国以 外的其他地方盛行开来,那么,将证明促销活动同样是必不可少的。 7. Sales promotion is effective when a product is first introduced to a market. 当某种产品首次进入一个市场时,促销活动是相当有效的。 It also works well with existing products that are highly competitive and standardized,especially when they are of low unit-value and have high turnover. 如果产品本身极具竞争力,而且比较规范,那么,促销也适用于现有产品。尤其是如果这 种产品单价较低而且流通量大。 Under such conditions,sales promotion is needed to gain that “extra” competitive advantage. 在这种条件下,就需要促销以赢得额外的竞争优势。 A Japanese firm created a great deal of excitement in Thailand by including game cards in its detergent boxes,and consumers could not resist buying more and more in search of the winning cards. 一家日本公司通过将游戏纸牌装在其洗涤剂盒子中, 结果在泰国引起轰动效应。消费者情不自禁,越买越多,希望得到胜张。 Likewise,most gas stations in Thailand at one time gave free washcloths with a gas fill-up. 与此类似,在泰国大多数加油站,顾客每加一次油,即可免费得到一块清洗布。 Middlemen were also allowed to participate in the sales-promotion program. 中间 商同样可以参加促销活动。 Stores were informed of the display,and their salespeople or sales clerks were made aware of the program and benefits.经销商店及时了解产品展示信息,商店的销售人员 和职员对这些活动及其利益一清二楚。 8. The effectiveness of sales promotion can be tempered by psychological barriers,and this fact is applicable to middlemen as well as consumers. 无论是 中间商还是消费者,只要有了心理障碍,便会使促销活动的效果打折扣。 Some foreign retailers are reluctant to accept manufacturers' coupons because they fear that they will not be reimbursed. 有些国外零售商不大愿意接受产品厂家附在其 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 商品中的赠券,因为他们担心这些赠券中的款项无法返还。 Consumers,on the other hand,may view rebates,mail-in coupons,and money-back guarantees with suspicion,thinking that something must be wrong with the product. 另一方面,消费者可能对折扣、邮寄来的赠券和返还款项的承诺持怀疑态度,他们会认为, 这样的产品肯定有问题。 9. Much like many other marketing aspects,sales-promotion methods may have to be modified. 促销方法同营销的其他许多方面极为相似,应该加以改进。 The techniques employed,to be effective,should be consistent with local preference. 要使所运用的手段产生作用,就应使它同当地消费者的喜好相一致。 Philips offered a set of dominoes as a premium for electricity purchase in Brazil,where the game is national pastime and electrical products are treated as commodities. 电力在巴西是视为商品,而在该国,玩骨牌是一项全国性的娱乐活动,飞利 浦公司即在那里推出一套骨牌作为购买电力的奖品。 A player holds the colored side up to prevent an opponent from seeing the dotted numbers side. 一方要将骨牌反抠,使彩色的一面朝上,这样,对方就看不见带点数的那 一面。 Since the company's name was on the back of every domino,electricians were often reminded of the brand. 由于每张骨牌的反面印有飞利浦公司的名称,电工们便会经常想 起这种品牌的产品。 52.Another Happiness 另一种快乐 A light drizzle was falling as my sister Jill and I ran out of the Methodist Church,eager to get home and play with the presents that Santa had left for us and our baby sister,Sharon. Across the street from the church was a Pan American gas station where the Greyhound bus stopped. It was closed for Christmas,but I noticed a family standing outside the locked door,huddled under the narrow overhang in an attempt to keep dry. I wondered briefly why they were there but then forgot about them as I raced to keep up with Jill.(10词汇) 天上下着毛毛细雨,我和姐姐吉尔跑出卫理公会教堂,满心只想着快点回到家玩圣诞老 人给我们和小妹妹莎伦准备的礼物玩具。教堂的对面是泛美油站,灰狗长途汽车会在那里 中途停站,因为是圣诞节,那天油站没开,不过我发现在紧锁的站门外站着一家人,他们 挤在狭小的檐篷下,想尽量不被雨淋湿。我闪过一个疑问,他们为什么站在那里呢,但在 我赶上吉尔的时候也就把这个疑团抛诸脑后了。 Once we got home,there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents' house for our annual Christmas dinner. As we drove down the highway through town,I noticed that the family was still there,standing outside the closed gas station. 回到家后其实根本没时间让我们尽情把玩礼物,因为我们马上又得去爷爷奶奶家共进一 年一度的圣诞大餐。在开车经过刚才那条大路时,我看到那一家人仍然站在紧闭的油站门 外。 3.My father was driving very slowly down the highway. The closer we got to the 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 turnoff for my grandparents' house,the slower the car went. Suddenly,my father U-turned in the middle of the road and said,"I can't stand it!" 在那主干道上爸爸的车开得很慢。越接近去爷爷奶奶家的分岔路口,车子就越慢。突然, 爸爸在半路中途来了个180度转弯,把车子原路驶回,他说:“我实在不忍心~” "What?" asked my mother. “什么,”妈妈问他。 "It's those people back there at the Pan Am,standing in the rain. They've got children. It's Christmas. I can't stand it." “那几个在雨中站在泛美油站外的人。他们还带着小孩呢。圣诞节当前,我真的是不忍心 啊。” When my father pulled into the service station,I saw that there were five of them: the parents and three children---two girls and a small boy. 爸爸把车开到油站旁停下,我看见那一家总共有5个人:父母俩和三个孩子---两个女孩 跟一个小男孩。 My father rolled down his window. "Merry Christmas," he said. 爸爸摇下车窗对他们说:“圣诞快乐~” "Howdy," the man replied. He was very tall and had to stoop slightly to peer into the car. “你好”那个男人回了一句。他长得很高,要稍微弯下腰来往我们车里瞧。 Jill,Sharon,and I stared at the children,and they stared back at us. 我和吉尔、莎伦盯着那几个小孩,他们也瞪眼看着我们。 "You waiting on the bus?" my father asked. “你们在等汽车吗,”爸爸问他们。 The man said that they were. They were going to Birmingham, where he had a brother and prospects of a job. 男人回答说是,他们准备去伯明翰,他有个哥哥在那边,而且期望能找到一份工作。 "Well,that bus isn't going to come along for several hours,and you're getting wet standing here. Winbom's just a couple miles up the road. They've got a shed with a cover there,and some benches," my father said. "Why don't y'all get in the car and I'll run you up there." “汽车起码要好几个小时后才到这里,站在这儿等车你们都会淋湿的。往前几英里就是温 邦站,那儿有个棚屋,有地方避雨,还有些板凳,不如上车我送你们到那里吧。” The man thought about it for a moment,and then he beckoned to his family. They climbed into the car. They had no luggage,only the clothes they were wearing. 男人想了一下然后示意他家人过来。他们钻进车里,除了身上穿着的衣服,他们没有任 何行李。 Once they settled in,my father looked back over his shoulder and asked the 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 children if Santa had found them yet. Three glum faces mutely gave him his answer. 等他们坐好了,爸爸转过头来问那几个孩子,圣诞老人找到他们没有。三张忧郁的脸无 声地回答了他。 "Well,I didn't think so," my father said,winking at my mother,"because when I saw Santa this morning,he told me that he was having trouble finding y'all,and he asked me if he could leave your toys at my house. We'll just go get them before I take you to the bus stop." “我看不是吧,”爸爸边说边向妈妈眨眼暗示,“早上我碰到圣诞老人了,他说找不到你们, 想把给你们的礼物暂时放到我们家里来。现在咱们就去拿礼物吧,待会儿我再送你们去车 站。” All at once,the three children's faces lit up,and they began to bounce around in the back seat,laughing and chattering. 三个孩子的脸顿时阴霾尽散,还在后排座位上蹦蹦跳跳,笑笑嚷嚷起来。 When we got out of the car at our house,the three children ran through the front door and straight to the toys that were spread out under our Christmas tree. One of the girls spied Jill's doll and immediately hugged it to her breast. I remember that the little boy grabbed Sharon's ball. And the other girl picked up something of mine. All this happened a long time ago,but the memory of it remains clear. That was the Christmas when my sisters and I learned the joy of making others happy. 到了我家一下车,那三个孩子穿过大门就直奔摆在圣诞树下的礼物。其中一个女孩发现 了吉尔的洋娃娃礼物,马上把它抱入怀中。我记得那小男孩抓走了莎伦的小球,而另外一 个女孩就挑走了一件我的东西。这些都是很久很久以前的事了,然而回忆起来还是那么清 晰,因为在那个圣诞日我和我的姐妹领会到了让别人快乐而获得的愉悦。 My mother noticed that the middle child was wearing a short-sleeved dress,so she gave the girl Jill's only sweater to wear. 妈妈看到他们家老二穿着的裙子是短袖的,便把吉尔仅有的毛衣给了她穿。 My father invited them to join us at our grandparents' for Christmas dinner,but the parents refused. Even when we all tried to talk them into coming,they were firm in their decision. 爸爸邀请他们一起去爷爷奶奶家吃圣诞大餐,但他们两夫妇拒绝了。就算怎么游说,他 们还是坚拒了我们的好意。 Back in the car,on the way to Winborn,my father asked the man if he had money for bus fare. 回到车里在去温邦的路上爸爸问那男人有没有钱买车票。 His brother had sent tickets,the man said. 他说哥哥寄了车票来。 My father reached into his pocket and pulled out two dollars,which was all he had left until his next payday. He pressed the money into the man's hand. The man tried to give it back,but my father insisted. "It'll be late when you get to Birmingham,and these children will be hungry before then. Take it. I've been broke 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 before,and I know what it's like when you can't feed your family." 爸爸从口袋里掏出仅有的两美元,本来是我们要熬到下次发工资的,他却把这钱塞到了 男人的手里。男人想把钱推回来,但爸爸硬要他收下。“等你们到伯明翰就已经很晚了,路 上孩子们会饿的。收下吧,我以前也曾一贫如洗,让家人挨饿的滋味不好受,我知道的。” We left them there at the bus stop in Winborn. As we drove away,I watched out the window as long as I could,looking back at the little girl hugging her new doll. 把他们送到温邦的车站后,我们就开车离开了。我从车窗回望良久,凝望着那小女孩拥 着她的新洋娃娃。 53.Why To Mark a Book 为什么在书上做标记 1. You know you have to read "between the lines" to get the most out of anything. 你知道读书必须要阅读“字里行间的言外之意”,以求最充分的理解。 I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading. 我劝你在读书过程中做一件同等重要的事情; I want to persuade you to "write between the lines." 我劝你“在字里行间里写字”。 Unless you do,you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.不这 样做,就达不到最有效的阅读效果。 2. I contend,quite bluntly,that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but love.坦率地说,我认为,在书上涂抹标记不是一种损毁行为,而是爱。 3. You shouldn't mark up a book which isn't yours. 当然,你不应该在不属于你的 书上做标记。 Librarians (or your friends) who lend you books expect you to keep them clean,and you should. 借给你书的图书管理员(或者你的朋友)希望你保持书的整洁,你应该这样做。 If you decide that I am right about the usefulness of marking books,you will have to buy them. 如果你认为我说的在书上做标记颇有益处这番话是对的,你就得自己买书。 Most of the world's great books are available today,in reprint editions,for a modest sum.现在,绝大部分世界上的好书都有再版,我们很容易买到,并且价格合理。 4. There are two ways in which you can own a book. 一个人拥有书的方式有两种, The first is the property right you establish by paying for it,just as you pay for clothes,and furniture. 第一种是花钱取得财产所有权,就像你花钱买衣服和家具一样。 But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession. 但是,这种购买行为 仅是拥有书的前提。 Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself,and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it. 只有你将它化为自己的一部 分后,你才完全占有了它;同时,把你自己融入书中的最好方法就是在书中写字。 An illustration may make the point clear.illustration A(An) is better than the text and 打个比方可能使这个观点更清楚。 may make the point clear.(10词汇) 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher's icebox to your own. 你买 了一块牛排,把它从屠夫的冰箱里移到了你自己的(冰箱里)。 But you do not own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get it into your bloodstream. 但是,从最重要的意义上说,你并没有拥有这块牛 排,除非你吃下它并将它吸收进你的血液之中。 I am arguing that books,too,must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good.我的观点是,书的营养也必须应该被“吸收到血液”中,才能对你有所裨益。 5. Confusion about what it means to own a book leads people to a false reverence for paper,binding,and type---a respect for the physical thing---the craft of the printer rather than the genius of the author. 对于“拥有书籍”的真正含义的误解使 人们错误地崇敬纸张、装订和样式---这是对物质的崇敬---是崇敬印刷工人的技艺,而不 是书籍作者的才华。 They forget that it is possible for a man to acquire that idea,to possess the beauty,which a great book contains,without staking his claim by pasting his bookplate inside the cover. 他们忘记了,即使不在封面里贴上藏书票表明自己对书籍 的拥有,人们也可以从一本伟大的著作中获得它的精神,领略它的美丽。 Having a fine library doesn't prove that its owner has a mind enriched by books; it proves nothing more than that he,his father,or his wife,was rich enough to buy them.一个好书房并不能证明它的主人学富五车;仅仅说明他、他的父亲或是他的妻子有钱 买书而已。 6. There are three kinds of book owners. 书籍拥有者可以分为三种。 The first has all the standard sets and best-sellers---unread,untouched. 第一种 人拥有全部的标准成套书和畅销书,---既没读过,也没碰过。 (This deluded individual owns woodpulp and ink,not books.) (这种人占有的只是纸 浆和油墨,不是书籍。) The second has a great many books---a few of them read through,most of them dipped into,but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. 第二种人藏 书很多---其中几本被通读过,大部分则浅尝辄止,但是所有的书都跟新买时一样整洁光亮。 (This person would probably like to make books his own,but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.) (这种人可能想使书籍真地为其所用,但因错 误地过分关注书籍的外观而裹足不前。) The third has a few books or many--- every one of them dogeared and dilapidated ,shaken and loosened by continual use,marked and scribbled in from front to back. 第三种人藏书或多或少---因不断使用,每本书都书角卷起,破旧不堪, 装订破损,书页松散,全书从扉页至末页都画满了记号,涂满了字句。 (This man owns books.) (这种人才是书的真正拥有者。) 7. Is it false respect,you may ask,to preserve intact and unblemished a beautifully printed book,an elegantly bound edition? Of course not. 你可能要问, 将一本印刷精美、装帧雅致的书保存完好,难道也是不恰当的吗?当然不是。 I'd no more scribble all over a first edition of "Paradise Lost" than I'd give my baby a set of crayons and an original Rembrandt! 我绝不会在一本初版的《失乐园》 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 上乱涂乱写,就像我不会把一幅伦勃朗的原作连同一盒蜡笔交给我的孩子任意涂抹一样! I wouldn't mark up a painting or a statue. 我决不会在一幅绘画或者一座雕像上做标 记。 Its soul,so to speak,is inseparable from its body. And the beauty of a rare edition or of a richly manufactured volume is like that of a painting or a statue.(选 读中没有译文) 8. But the soul of a book can be separated from its body. 但是,一本书的灵魂能 够从它的躯体里分离出来。 A book is more like the score of a piece of music than it is like a painting. 与 其说它像一幅画,还不如说它更像一首乐曲的总谱。 No great musician confuses a symphony with the printed sheet of music. 任何伟大 的音乐家都不会将一首交响曲和一张印刷的乐谱相混淆。 Arturo Toscanini revered Brahms,but Toscanini's score of the C-minor Symphony was so thoroughly marked up that no one but the maestro himself could read it. 托斯 卡尼尼非常崇敬博拉姆斯,但他的C小调交响曲的乐谱上画满了标记,以致只有大师本人才 能看懂。 The reason why a great conductor makes notations on his musical scores---marks them up again and again each time he returns to study them---is the reason why you should mark your books. 为什么一个伟大的指挥家会在乐谱上做记号---甚至每次研究都会重复 标记---其中的奥妙正是你应该在书上做记号的原因。 If your respect for magnificent binding or typography gets in the way,buy yourself a cheap edition and pay your respects to the author. 如果你对华美的装帧和印刷的 尊重妨碍你读书的话,就给自己买一种便宜的版本,同时对书的作者表达敬意就可以了。 9. Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading? 为什么在阅读过程中在书 上做标记是必不可少的呢? First,it keeps you awake. 首先,它会使你保持清醒。 (And I don't mean merely conscious; I mean wide awake.) (我指的不是仅仅神智清醒; 我的意思是它能使你全神贯注。) In the second place,reading,if it is active,is thinking,and thinking tends to express itself in words,spoken or written. 其次,如果阅读是一种能动的行为,那么 它就是思考,而想法常常须借助口头的或书面的语言来表达出来。 That marked book is usually the thought-through book. 做过记号的书,通常是读者 认真思考过的书。 Finally,writing helps you remember the thoughts you had,or the thoughts the author expressed.最后,写可以帮助你记住阅读时的思想,或作者所表达的思想。 10. If reading is to accomplish anything more than passing time,it must be active. 如果(你的)阅读的目的不仅仅是消磨时间,那就应该是一种积极的思维活动, You can't let your eyes glide across the lines of a book and come up with an 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 understanding of what you have read. 仅仅让你的眼睛在书上扫视一遍,你不可能对所 读的内容有所理解。 Now an ordinary piece of light fiction,like,say,Gone With the Wind,doesn't require the most active kind of reading. 当然,一部普通的消遣小说,比如说《飘》,并不需 要那种最积极的思维式的阅读。 The books you read for pleasure can be read in a state of relaxation,and nothing is lost. 作为消遣的书,可以轻松地读而不会有所失。 But a great book,rich in ideas and beauty,a book that raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions,demands the most active reading of which you are capable. 但一本思想丰富、文字华美,试图提出带根本性的重大问题并加以回答的伟大著 作,则要求你尽可能地进行最积极的阅读。 You don't absorb the ideas of John Dewey the way you absorb the songs of a popular singer. 你不可能像欣赏流行歌曲那样领略杜威的思想。 You have to reach for them. That you cannot do while you're asleep.你要花力气才 能获得,漫不经心是做不到的。 11. If,when you've finished reading a book,the pages are filled with your notes,you know you read actively.如果,你读完一本书的时候,书页上写满了你的批注, 你就知道自己的阅读是积极的。 The most famous active reader of great books I know was President Hutchins,of the University of Chicago. 我知道的最有名的采用积极方式阅读伟大著作的人是芝加哥大学 的校长哈金斯。 He also had the hardest schedule of business activities of any man I know. 他也 是我所知道的公务最繁忙的人。 He invariably read with a pencil,and sometimes,when he picked up a book and pencil in the evening,he found himself,instead of making intelligent notes,drawing what he called "caviar factories" on the margins. 他读书时总是拿着铅笔。有时,当他在 晚上拿起书和铅笔的时候,发觉自己并没有在做有意义的笔记,而是在页边空白处乱涂乱 画一些他称之为“鱼子酱工厂”的东西。 When that happened,he put the book down. 一出现这种情况,他就会放下书本。 He knew he was too tired to read,and was just wasting time.他知道自己太累了以致 读不下去,(再继续看书)完全是在浪费时间。 54.The natural time sense 天赋的时间感 1. One of the most amazing of living things,the honeybee,has recently been shown to possess still another remarkable skill. It has a built-in alarm clock that goes off exactly every 24 hours. 1、生物中最令人惊奇的东西之一是蜜蜂,在最近的研究里它又显示出它持有的另一种非 凡本领。蜜蜂身体里有一个天生的“闹钟”,它准确地每24小时循环一次。 2. Scientists have long known that bees carry a sort of wrist watch inside their bodies. They will return to the same spot,day after day,right to the minute,to feed 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 on sugar-water left for them. To find out how the bees manage to tell time,an unusual experiment was carried out four years ago.(05) Two young German biologists in Paris trained bees to come out for sugar-water every day at exactly 8:15 p.m. The scientists then set out to baffle the bees. When it is 8:15 p.m. in Paris,New York City's Eastern Day-light Saving time is only 3:15 p.m. If the hive were flown to New York between feedings,which time would the bees follow-Paris?or New York's? 2、科学家早已知道,蜜蜂在它的身体里带着某种手表。蜜蜂能够日复一日,精确到同一 分钟,返回同一地点去吃为它们准备的糖浆。为了研究蜜蜂如何辨别时间,四年前进行了 一项不寻常的实验。在巴黎,两个年轻的德国生物学家训练蜜蜂每天晚上8点15分准时出来 喝糖浆。之后,科学家们设法迷惑蜜蜂。当巴黎是晚上8点15分时,美国纽约市的东部夏令 时间是下午3点15分。如果蜂箱在两次喂食之间被空运到纽约市,蜜蜂会遵循哪个时间,巴 黎的或者纽约的, 3. So,immediately after a night feeding in Paris,the hive was sealed and rushed off on an air liner. In New York,scientists from the American Museum of National History placed the hive in a specially prepared laboratory in the museum. At exactly 3:15 p.m. New York time - a precise 24 hours after having been fed in Paris - the bees swarmed out of their hive.(09) The experiment proved conclusively that in spite of a 3,500-mile flight and differences in local time,the bees' alarm clocks rang right on their 24-hour schedule. 3、为此,在巴黎进行了一次晚间喂食后,蜂箱立刻被密封,迅速送上飞往纽约的航班。 在纽约,来自于美国国家历史博物馆的科学家们把蜂箱设置在博物馆特别准备好的实验室 里。在纽约时间下午3点15分整,也就是在巴黎进食整整24小时之后,蜜蜂涌出它们的蜂箱。 实验确切证明,尽管经历了3500英里的飞行,以及不同地方的时间差,蜜蜂的“闹钟”仍精 确地依照它的24小时时间表运行。 4. As further proof,the experiment was repeated-only this time the same hive of bees had its alarm set in New York and was flown to Paris. There,too. They emerged from their hive exactly 24 hours later for their accustomed feeding. 4、为了进一步证明,该实验被重复进行,这次,同一只蜂箱的蜜蜂,在纽约设定了进食 时间,然后飞往巴黎。这次蜜蜂同样准确地在24小时后,按它们的习惯进食时间涌出蜂箱。 5. Scientists now believe that many,if not all,living things are born with some type of hidden clock. These clocks are sometimes set by the number of hours of light or darkness in a day,by the rhythm of the tides or by the seasons. 5、科学家们现在相信,即使不是全部,但仍然有很多生物具有天生的某种类型的潜藏时 钟。这些时钟有时根据一天中白昼或黑夜的小时数目设定,有时根据潮汐的规律或者季节 设定。 6. One of the most remarkable of nature's living clocks belongs to the fiddler crab,that familiar beach-dweller with the overgrown claw. Biologists have long known that the crab's shell is darkest during the day,grows pale in late afternoon,then begins to darken again at daybreak. This daytime darkening is valuable for protection against enemies and sunlight,and for many years it was 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 thought to be a simple response by the crab to the sun-just as if we were to get a tan during the day and lose it at night. 6、大自然中最非凡的“活钟”之一就属招潮蟹,是人们熟悉的沙滩居民。它有着过分增长 的螯,生物学家早就知道招潮蟹的壳在白天是黑暗的,傍晚时变成灰白,然后在破晓的时 候又变黑。这种白昼黑化是针对敌人和阳光的有价值的自我保护,很多年以来,它被认为 是蟹对于太阳光的一种简单反应,就像我们人类白天皮肤被太阳晒黑,晚上又会白回来。 7. But when an enterprising scientist placed a fiddler crab in darkness,he was amazed to find that the color of the crab's shell kept ticking off the time with the same accuracy. 7、但是,当一个勇于探索的科学家把招潮蟹放在黑暗中,他惊讶的发现蟹壳的颜色依然 准确的按时间转变。 8. Yet another startling fact was revealed: the crab's shell reached the darkest color about 50 minutes later each day. There was a second clock inside the crab,for the tides also occur 50 minutes later from day to day. Moreover,even when the crabs were taken from the beach and put back in the dark,they continued their tidal rhythm. More research disclosed that a crab from Cape Cod,Massachusetts,reached its darkest color four hours earlier than the one taken from a beach on a neighboring island. The tides on the nearby island were found to be exactly four hours later than the Cape Cod tides. 8、人们还发现了另一个令人惊愕的事实:蟹壳的颜色变得最深的时间每天推迟50分钟。 显然在蟹的身体里存在着第二只钟,因为潮汐进退的时间恰恰也是一天比一天推迟50分钟。 而且,即使把蟹从海滩上带回来放在黑暗中,它们仍然保持它们的潮汐节奏。更进一步的 研究发现,来自马赛诸塞州CAPECOD的蟹达到它最深颜色的时间,比来自于邻岛的蟹早4个 小时。同时观察出,邻岛的潮汐极其准确地比CAPECOD的潮汐晚了4个小时。 9. Ants don't carry calendars around with them any more than fiddler crabs possess real wrist watches. But ants show amazing accuracy as to the day of the year. (Ants don't carry calendars around with them ,but they show amazing accuracy as to the day of the year. )(09) Each year,an ant nest sends out winged,young queens on mating flights. Hundreds of them may fly out of a single nest in the soil. Last summer,at the crest of my mountain,I watched an ant city prepare to send forth its young queens. At the precise moment that they took wing,a colony of the same species that my wife was watching near the bottom of the mountain,also sent its queen on a wedding flight. There was,of course,no way could the two colonies have checked take-off time with each other. 9、蚂蚁不可能随身携带日历就像招潮蟹不可能带着真正的手表一样。但是蚂蚁对一年中 的特定一天有着惊人的精确判断。每年,每一个蚁巢都会送出带翅膀的、年轻的蚁后进行 交配飞行。上百个这样的蚁后有可能从土中的同一个蚁巢飞出。去年夏天,在我家的山顶, 我看到一个蚁巢准备放出它们的年轻蚁后。在它们起飞的同一个精确时刻,由我的妻子负 责观察的山脚附近的另一窝同种的蚁族,亦放出它们的蚁后举行飞行婚礼。显然,这两个 蚁群根本没有办法校对彼此的起飞时间。 10. Entomologist Albro T.Gaul once jotted down in his notebook that a particular species of ant in northern Massachusetts began its wedding flight at a certain day 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 and time. He later learned that another entomologist in New Jersey,260 miles away,observed a wedding flight by the same species of ant,on the same day,and at exactly the same time! This split-second timing is not always the rule. However,most flights take place within a definite period of time. 10、有一次,昆虫学家AlbroT、Gaul先生在他的笔记本里匆匆记下,在马赛诸塞州北部 某种蚂蚁开始举行飞行婚礼的准确“日”和“时”。他后来知道,在260英里以外纽泽西州另一 个昆虫学家也观察到同一种类蚂蚁举行飞行婚礼的时间,竟和他记录的在同一天、同一个 时刻~这种分割到秒的记时并不总是有规律的。总之,绝大多数的飞行婚礼开始时间在一 个确定的时间段里。 11. Birds also have built-in timepieces which send them off on fall and spring migrations. What the birds really have is a clock-like mechanism which allows them to time hours of darkness or light in each day. 11、鸟类也有天生的时间感应器指导它们秋春迁移。鸟类真正具有的是一种“似钟的装 置”,使它们能从时间上区分每天黑夜或白昼的小时数。 12. But what sends birds northward again in the spring? New research by Dr. Albert Wolfson of Northwestern University seems to indicate that the timing of return flight is extraordinarily complex. In the fall of the year the short days and long nights cause the "clocks" in migratory birds to undergo a kind of "winding" in preparation for their spring return and breeding. Then during the late fall and winter as the clock "ticks",certain physiological changes occur in the bird. The length of each day during the winter determines how fast the clock will run,and hence when the "alarm" will ring for the spring migration. The clock continues to run through breeding time,then stops-to be re-wound again the next fall. 12、但是,是什么让鸟在春天北飞呢,西北大学AlbertWolfson博士的最新研究似乎指出 决定回飞的时间是极其复杂的问题。每年秋季,短暂的白昼和长时间的黑夜令候鸟身体里 的“时钟”经历某种转变,为它们春天的返回和繁殖做准备。在之后的深秋和冬天,如同钟 的转动一样,特定的生理变化在鸟类的身体上表现出来。在冬天里,每一天白昼的长短决 定该时钟的运转快慢,因此“闹铃”将为春天的迁徙响起提示信号。时钟在繁殖期间持续运 转,然后停止,再在下一个秋天复苏。 13. Scientists are now learning that many of the clocks of nature can be reset,speeded up or slowed down-all for our benefit. Pioneering experiments at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's research center in Beltsville,Maryland,have shown that plants can be helped to develop faster in less time. By increasing or lessening the hours of darkness in each day,the scientists have been able to turn plant growth off and on like an electric switch. 13、科学家现在知道,从人类的利益出发,很多大自然的钟都可以重置、加速、或者减 慢。美国农业部在玛里兰州BELTSVILLE的研究中心进行了开拓性的实验,实验表明人们能 帮助植物在较短时间内生长得更快。用增加和减少每天黑暗小时数的方法,科学家已经能 够控制植物生长,如同控制一个电器开关。 14. New knowledge about nature's living clocks has practical applications. For 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 man,too,seems to follow daily rhythms. The amount of sugar in our blood stream varies with the time of day,as does our temperature. More of the cells in our skin and muscles divide during the night hours than during the day. By tinkering with the clocks of plants and animals,scientists may learn more about the fascinating way our bodies work. 14、关于大自然的“活钟”的新知识具有实际用途。人类似乎也遵循每天的时间节奏。我 们血液中的血糖水平以及体温随一天的时间不同而不同。我们的皮肤和肌肉里的细胞分裂 在夜间比在白天要多。通过调整植物和动物的生物钟,科学家们可以更多了解我们身体运 作的神秘方式。 55.Earth's Last Frontier: The Sea 海洋,地球最后的待开发疆域 1. "We've all gone a little crazy about the outer space business," says Vice Admiral C.B. Momsen. "“我们都对那些外太空的事情有些狂热,”海军上将C、B、Momsen 说, The ocean is the place where we should be putting our efforts in order to provide for future generations.'' “为了供养子孙后代,海洋才是我们应该投入努力的地方。” 2. Seventy-one percent of the earth's surface is covered by water. 地球表面 的百分之七十一被水覆盖。 An observer,looking at the earth from another planet,would be likely to call it Oceanus. 一个观测者从另一个行星看地球将可能称其为海神。 If all the continents and mountains were bulldozed flat,the earth would be covered by water more than 12,000 feet deep.(08,11语法)如果所有的大陆和山脉被推平, 那么地球表面将被一层超过12000英尺深的水所覆盖。 3. Sea and air are divided by a viscous curtain; 海洋和空气被一种粘性的“帘布” 分开, beneath the curtain is an element weighing 800 times as much as air,utterly dark a few fathoms down,and with pressures that would pulp a man at 3,000 feet. “帘 布”之下是一种比空气重800倍的成分,向下几英哩完全黑暗,在3000英尺深处的压力会把 人压成酱。 Yet we know that many animals live in the deeps at pressures of 15,000 pounds per square inch.(10词汇) 然而,我们知道很多动物生活在每英寸15000磅压力的深处。 4. As a life environment,the sea is a kind of land turned upside down. 作为 一个生命环境,海洋如同一块倒转过来的陆地。 The sunlit pastures are at the top,where the water is saturated with tiny drifting vegetables,phytoplankton,and equally minute animals,zooplankton. 阳光普照的牧场 在上面,这里的海水中充满着微小的漂浮植物,也就是浮游植物,以及同样微小的动物, 即浮游动物。 The athletic animals come up to graze in this fertile prairie and become links in extensive food chains,formed roughly along the lines suggested by Shakespeare: 运动的动物从下层海水中游上来,到这块肥沃的“牧场”上觅食,构成了广阔的食物链中的 环节。这些大致如同莎士比亚的剧本台词中所说: 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 5. "Master,I marvel how the fishes live in the sea." “主人,我惊讶鱼怎么在大 海里生存。” 6. "Why,as we do a-land: the great ones eat up the little ones." “嗯,如同我 们陆地上的所做:大的总是吃小的。” 7. The food chains extend to the abyss. 食物链一直延伸到深渊。 The most amazing fact about this inverted life pyramid is that only 2% of the nutritive matter ends up in swimming fish. 最令人惊奇的事是这个反向倒转的生命金 字塔里仅仅2,的营养物质在游动的鱼嘴里终结。 The rest falls to the invertebrates: pulsing jelly fish,darting shrimp,fixed colonies of coral polyps,and crawlers and diggers of the floor. 其余部分落入无 脊椎动物嘴中:脉动式水母、刺虾、珊瑚虫群、海底的爬行动物和潜在泥中的动物。 There are about 30,000 known species of marine life,and marine biologists discover more than 100 new ones each year.现在已经知道的海洋生命大约有30000种,而且海洋 生物学家们每年都会发现超过100种新的海洋物种。 8. One main branch of sea science,physical oceanography,holds enormous unanswered questions.(08语法) 海洋科学的一个主要分支,物理海洋学,有为数众多 的未解之题。 The nature of the bottom,the circulation of the deep currents,and the chemistry of the water are poorly understood.(我们对)海底的自然生态、深海水流的循环,以及 海水化学目前都知之甚少。 9. The Atlantic hydrographic chart is being revised continuously,and nuclear submarines are now charting the Arctic basin under the ice. 大西洋水文图在持续 不断地被修订,核潜艇现在正在冰下进行北极海盆的测绘。The Atlantic hydrographic chart is being revised continuously,and nuclear submarines are now charting the Arctic basin under the ice.(11词汇) Yet vast areas of the Pacific are unmapped and the Indian Ocean has hardly been touched. 然而,太平洋的大片海域还没有海底地图,印度洋甚至尚未着手测绘。 We know that several depressions in the floor are deeper than Mt. Everest is high, but we cannot be sure that we have found the deepest one. 我们已经知道有几个海 床坑处的深度高于珠穆朗玛峰的高度,但是我们不能确定我们已经找到了海底最深的地方。 10. Consider the abyssal valley called the Marianas Trench,lying west of Guam. 留心一下位于关岛西面的名叫马里亚纳海沟的深海谷地。 In 1951,the British Challenger expedition sounded 33,640 feet at one place in the trench. 1951年,英国挑战者探险队测到海沟的一个地方有33640英尺深。 In 1957 the Soviet ship Vitiaz sounded 300 feet deeper at another place nearby,and later the Russian vessel found a spot 225 feet deeper than that. 1957年,苏联船 Vitiaz号测到在附近的另一个地方比上处更深300英尺。其后,俄国船发现另一个地点比刚 才那个还深225英尺。 11. The French navy has built an abyssal bathyscaphe to take three men to the 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 floor of the Marianas Trench. 法国海军已经建造了一个深海潜水器,用来装载三个人 去到马利亚纳海沟的基底。 It seems certain that no human observers will ever get closer to the core of the earth than these men. 看来很确定的是,不会再有任何其他观测者能比这三个人更接近 地球的核心。 The world's deepest land shaft accessible to men is the Champion Reef gold mine in India,which is only 9,811 feet deep. 世界上最深的,人可以到达的陆基深井是在 印度的Champion Reef金矿,深度仅仅9811英尺。 12. The depthmen will measure cosmic ray penetration of the sea,radioactivity,and the age of the water in the abyss. 深入海底的人将在深海测量宇宙射线对海水的穿透 力、放射性活动,以及海水的年龄。 They may also make still and motion pictures of the trench,take water and sedimental temperatures,and perhaps sight no one knows what living creatures(,) in that perpetual night. 他们还要对海沟摄像摄影,测量水和沉积物的温度,也许还能观测到那 永恒黑夜下中不为人知的生物。 Serious scientists like Sir Alister Hardy of Oxford do not rule out the possibility that there are sea monsters to be discovered. 像牛津大学的Alister Hardy先生-样 严谨的科学家们没有排除在那里海洋怪物被发现的可能性。 A few years ago divers,working in a wreck under the Red Sea,several times sighted a wrasse 20 feet long. 几年前,在红海底一只沉船里工作的潜水员几次看到一条20英尺 长的濑鱼。 This is a common vegetarian species,never before found more than three feet long. 这是一种常见的草食的鱼类,以前从来没有发现过有超过3英尺长的(这种鱼)。 13. The recent discovery of an eel larva many times the size of the common one may furnish a basis for stories of sea serpents. 最近“一条幼龄鳗鱼其尺寸是普通 鳗鱼的很多倍”的发现,可能提供了“深海大毒蛇”故事的依据。 The mature eel has not been discovered ,but it could possibly come in sea serpent dimensions. 成熟的此类鳗鱼还没有被发现过,但是估计其尺寸很可能达到“深海大毒蛇” 的水平。 14. One aspect of oceanography that has fallen into neglect is that of identifying fish: taxonomy. 海洋学的一个已经被忽视的领域是“对鱼进行分类鉴别”:分类学。 It is considered dull work to catalogue fish. 将鱼进行分类被认为是一种乏味的工 作。 One of the great taxonomists is J.L.B. Smith of South Africa,the discoverer of the fabulous coelacanth. 南非的J、L、B、Smith是世界上最好的分类学家之一,他是令人难 以置信的腔棘鱼的发现者。 This brute was brought up by fishermen off East Africa and aroused the curiosity of the curator of a provincial museum,who sent a sketch of it to Smith. 这种鱼 被渔民在东部非洲捕上来,随即引起省立博物馆馆长的好奇心,他寄给了Smith先生一份腔 棘鱼的素描图。 He instantly identified it as a coelacanth,a species believed extinct for 60 million 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 years. Smith先生立刻鉴别出它是腔棘鱼,一种被认为6000万年前已灭绝的物种。 Somewhere in his files,Smith recalled seeing the animal as an empty fossil split from a rock. 在他的文档某处,Smith先生回忆道“这个动物看上去像一个从岩石上剥离下 来的化石”。 15. Almost everything we know or think we know about the sea is open at both ends. 关于海洋,几乎我们知道的一切,或者我们认为已经知道的一切问题,其实在两个方面都 尚需考虑。 The questions themselves may be wrong,and many of the answers are under challenge. 这些问题本身可能就是错误的,同时,很多问题的答案在面对置疑。 Take the theory of photosynthesis,which holds that the growth of all vegetation,and consequently of animals,depends on the action of the sun on carbon dioxide and water.拿“光合作用”理论来说,这个理论认为所有植物成长、进而乃至动物,都依赖于太阳对二 氧化碳和水的作用。 16. A French zoologist,Professor Brouardel,has preliminary evidence that some marine animals of the abyss thrive in the blackness without any discernible action of photosynthesis. 法国动物学家Brouardel教授,获得了初步的证据,证明某些深海海 洋动物在漆黑的、没有任何可辨识的“光合作用”行为(的环境)下茁壮成长。 It will take him years of the most painstaking instrument building,campaigns at sea,and every conceivable cross-check to establish the doubt. 他将要花费多年时 间,从事最艰苦的设备制造、海中活动、反复核对的工作,以确立这个(对光合作用理论 的)“置疑”。 Only if these negative results are valid will he be able to formulate the question: 只有当这些否定的结论被确认时他才能开始阐述这个问题: how do they live,if not by photosynthesis? 如果不是依赖“光合作用”,深海海洋动物 怎样生存? Then the study can begin. 然后,研究开始。 17. Unable to see the underwater world until recently,oceanographers have relied on blind groping into the depths. 直到今天仍然不能看见这个水下世界,海洋学家必 须依赖盲目地暗中摸索进入深海。 They lowered nets,dredges,bathythermographs,still cameras,water bottles,coring pipes,and current meters. 他们沉降下去网、挖掘机、深海温度测量器、静态照相机、 水瓶、以及取心钻管和测流计。 Today continuous recording instruments from a ship underway are able to bring up data from a long strip of the sea.今天,在长途海上航行中,船载连续记录设备能够 获取数据。 18. Water itself is vital to the future of the race. 水本身就是人类未来的至关 重要的因素。 Not too far in the future,science will crack the water atom for nuclear energy,and, 在不太远的将来,科学将为了核能源而裂变水中的原子, 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 before then ,power will be coming from harnessing tides and thermal exchanges under water. 在那之前,电力将来自潮汐能和水下热交换技术。 19. The sea is the realm of inner space. 海洋是我们的内部空间领域。 It is our last frontier.它是我们最后的待开发疆域。 56.Why Antarctica Is Being Explored 为什么要勘探南极洲 1. When the United States was born,the continent of Antarctica was as remote as the moon---more so,in a way,because the moon was clearly visible and the very existence of Antarctica was uncertain. But now that remote land area is so attainable and so important that it has become the subject of an international treaty which protects it from national rivalries yet leaves it open to all for exploration and use. The pact arranging this is even being viewed as a model applicable to the moon and other celestial bodies. 1、在美国诞生之时,对人们来说南极洲就像月球一样遥远---从某种角度说,甚至更远, 因为月亮清楚可见,而南极大陆是否真实存在还无法确定。但是今天,这块遥远的陆地已 变得如此触之可及并且如此重要,以致它已受到一个国际公约的保护,使其免于成为国家 间竞相抢夺的对象,而是对所有国家开放,供大家共同开发和利用。这个公约甚至被视为 一个范本,适用于月球和其他天体的开发。 2. Yet many people,thinking of the distant continent only as a bleak,rocky,cold and inhospitable land mass,may wonder: Why all the fuss? Why protect something so unpromising? 2、至今仍有很多人认为这块遥远的大陆仅仅是一大片荒凉、寒冷、岩石林立、根本无法 居住的土地。他们可能很奇怪:为什么如此小题大做?为什么要保护这样一块毫无前途的土 地? 3. The answer lies in a number of factors,not the least of which is isolation itself. Antarctica is a very large area of the earth's surface,but-until recent years-was the least studied. More knowledge of it is important for all mankind. 3、这些问题的答案由许多因素所决定,并不仅仅是这块大陆本身与世隔绝这么简单。南 极洲是地球表面上一块巨大的土地,但是,直到近年,人类的研究都很少涉及于此。更多 地了解南极洲对全人类来说都非常重要。 4. A look at a globe is perhaps the best way to appreciate the significance of this peculiar continent. The globe shows that the entire southern hemisphere is preponderantly water-the widest parts of the Atlantic and Pacific,the unbroken sweep of Antarctic seas circling the world. Although much of South America,parts of Africa and all of Australia lie south of the equator,most of the world's land lies north of the line. 4、仔细观察地球仪也许能帮助我们了解这个神奇大陆的重要性。地球仪显示,水在整个 南半球占绝对优势-包括大西洋和太平洋最广阔的部分以及环抱地球的南极海洋。尽管绝大 部分南美洲、部分非洲以及整个澳洲位于赤道以南,但地球上的大部分陆地还是分布在赤 道以北。 5. Antarctica stood in splendid-even awesome-isolation from the rest of the world 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 for countless years. Its forbidding climate and wild seas prevented the migration and development of land animals such as the Arctic regions know. On the continent itself are a few insects,some lichens and mosses,but nothing else that is land supported. However,there are amphibious penguins and seals and a rich marine life,ranging from the minute organisms called plankton to the biggest creature the world has ever known,the blue whale. 5、南极洲的壮丽引人敬畏,在无数的岁月里,它就这样孤独傲立于世界。和人们已熟知 的北极区域一样,它那令人难以亲近的气候和狂野的海浪使得陆地动物无法迁移至此和繁 衍。依附于南极洲陆地生存的只有很少的一些昆虫、地衣和苔藓。然而,这里却有着两栖 的企鹅和海豹以及丰富的海洋生命-包括从被称为浮游生物的微小生物,直到迄今所知世界 上最大的动物蓝鲸。 6. The Antarctica treaty applies to all areas (the high seas excepted) below latitude 60 degrees south. This line,running around the globe some 2,000 miles from the South Pole itself,just misses the lower tip of South America,and is well below the Cape of Good Hope and New Zealand. There are a number of small islands between this line and the Antarctic continent,but the waters here are known to mariners as "the screaming Sixties" because there is so little obstruction to the world-circling winds. 6、《南极洲公约》适用于除公海以外位于南纬60度以南的所有区域。南纬60度线距南极 点大约2000英里,它环绕地球,刚好错过南美洲的最南端,远在好望角和新西兰之南。该 线和南极洲之间分布着一些小岛,但是,这里的海域被水手们称为“狂啸的60度”,因为这 里障碍物很少,阻挡不了“世界环风”。 7. In contrast,in the northern hemisphere,the lands lying above the sixtieth parallel of latitude include much of Scandinavia,Siberia and Alaska,all of Greenland and Iceland,with a total population of several million. Great mountains help subdue the winds; a spur of the Gulf Stream and part of the Japan Current temper the frigid airs of this polar region. This,and the presence of the Arctic Ocean in the center of the great land mass,give the area a markedly different conformation and climate from that around the opposite pole. 7、与之相对的北半球,北纬60度平行线以北区域,包括斯堪的纳维亚半岛、西伯利亚和 阿拉斯加的大部分地区,以及格陵兰岛和冰岛的全部,人口总数几百万。高山阻碍了风的 前进;墨西哥湾流和部分日本洋流使这里的极地寒冷空气有所缓和;再加上北冰洋又处在 大块陆地的中央。这一切使得这块区域相对于地球另一端来说,在构架和气候方面存在显 著的不同。 8. Antarctica seems a vast basin of rock,filled and overflowing with a load of ice. In the heart of the continent it is almost as high as the summits of the Alps,yet soundings show that in places that rock floor is below sea level. 8、南极洲看似一个巨大的石盆,被冰所覆盖。大陆的中心几乎与阿尔卑斯山等高,然 而,超声探测显示,岩石底部的许多地点都低于海平面。 9. Actually,the ice accumulation is less than it was perhaps 1,000 years ago. 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 Its seaward flow is not so voluminous as it once was,and as a result there are patches of bare rock here and there along the coast and inland. They were scoured clear of soil ages ago,but one may sometimes find moss or lichens growing,though virtually no flowering plants. 9、事实上,与1000年前相比,这些冰的堆积物减少了许多,尤其是朝向大海的一面已经 不像以前那么多了,在海岸边和陆地上留下一片片裸露的岩石。很多年前这里的土壤已经 被冲刷干净,实际上已找不到开花植物的踪影,但有时还能发现地衣和苔藓。 10. In all this barrenness and cold,what is there of value? First,Antarctica is bound to have mineral resources comparable to those of other great continents. Coal-much of it of poor quality-has been found at many points along the 2,000 mile mountain system known as the Great Antarctica Horst. A writer has found a small deposit of manganese ore and rock specimens flecked with uranium or stained green by copper. These finds are important only as indications that further exploration would be worthwhile,and such a systematic effort has begun under SCAR (the Special Committee on Antarctic Research). This group is an outgrowth of the International Geophysical Year (I.G.Y.); but its program has broadened from geophysics to include mapping and biology. 10、这样一个空旷寒冷的地方,到底有什么价值?首先,南极洲的地下一定有能与其它 几个主要大陆相媲美的矿产资源。在被称为南极大地垒的山脉附近,沿线2000英里范围内 已有多处找到了煤,尽管大多数质量很差。一名作家还发现了一个不大的锰矿堆积体和一 些粘染有铀痕迹或者带着铜绿斑痕的矿石标本。这些发现的重要性在于它表明在这一地区 进行深入的勘探是很有价值的,并且在“南极洲研究特别委员会(SCAR)”的指导下,系统的 工作已经开始了。这个组织是国际地球物理学年会(LGY)的一个派生机构,但是它的项目已 经从地球物理学拓展到地图测绘和生物学。 11. There are other possible economic values. Several intercontinental air routes lie across portions of Antarctica. Strange antibiotics have been found in the drifting plants of the Antarctic seas; the Russians are reported to be carrying in live herring to be dumped overboard in an attempt at sea "farming." 11、除此之外还有其他的经济价值。有数条洲际航线经过南极上空;在南极海洋的浮游 植物里已发现了一些前所未知的抗生素;据报道,俄国人要将鲱鱼苗倒进海洋,尝试在南 极“放养”。 12. But for the immediate future the great value of Antarctica may lie in other lines of research-from the common cold to problems of outer space. The former is under scrutiny at a biological laboratory at McMurdo Sound,where clues to certain viruses are being sought in the study of epidemics among the utterly isolated members of scientific parties. 12、但是,就近期看来,南极洲的重要价值却存在于其他的研究领域:从普通的感冒到 外层空间的问题。对于感冒的研究已经在位于麦克默多湾(McMurdo Sound)的生物学实验室 里紧锣密鼓地进行,一群完全与外界隔绝的科学组织的人员正从流行病学的角度寻找一些 特殊的病毒。 13. Investigations of the weather's origins and patterns are being pressed. There is no question that Antarctica plays an important role in the weather that affects 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 the destinies of those living south of the equator; some believe its effects are felt in the north as well. 13、对于气候的形成和模式的研究也正在加速进行。毫无疑问,在气候方面南极洲扮演 着一个重要的角色,与生活在赤道以南的人们息息相关;甚至有人认为它的影响也同样波 及到了北半球。 14. As to space research,there is no place on earth better suited than the South Pole for certain kinds of observation. Here is a firmly fixed point,in contrast to the drifting floes that cover the North Pole; from it all directions are north,and during the six months of darkness the stars circle around a point directly overhead. The United States established an observatory there in 1957 for the I.G.Y. and has maintained it ever since. 14、在空间研究方面,南极是地球上最适宜的进行观察的地方。与北极上;覆盖的漂流 浮冰相比,这里是一个稳定的点。这里所有的方向都是北,在长达六个月的黑夜中,星星 围绕的中心点就在头顶。1957年,美国为国际地球物理学年会在此处建立了一个观测站, 并且一直维持至今。 15. Now it is an ideal space tracking station. Any vehicle on a mission in the southern half of the heavens remains continuously "visible" to an antenna at the pole. Such a station is also able to play a unique role in interrogating earth satellites in orbit over both poles. 15、现在,这里是最理想的空间跟踪站。在南半球的太空中执行任务的所有飞行器都可 被极点上的天线持续追踪。同时,这个观测站还在监视两极轨道上的地球卫星方面发挥不 可替代的作用。 16. Such satellites-maintaining their steady sweeps as the earth revolves beneath them-cover all parts of the globe and hence are ideal for weather observation,communications and other tasks. The South Pole would be the check point on each circuit,snatching the data from space,processing them in computers within seconds and relaying them to the rest of the world. 16、这些卫星处在平稳旋转的地球上空,几乎可以对全球的所有地区进行稳定的扫描, 因此能很好地完成气象观察、通讯以及其它任务。南极点将成为这些卫星环球轨迹的检查 站,从太空采集数据、通过电脑在几秒钟之内处理数据,并传送到世界各地。 17. On all these counts,the scientists justify their voyages to Antarctica and the vast sums needed. But essentially their argument is a simple one. The great continent to the south is still largely unknown. In the quest for fundamental knowledge,which is the heart and soul so all science,it cannot be ignored. 17、综上所述,科学家们认为应当进行南极勘探,同时需要大量的资金。但是,他们最 根本的论据很简单:南方的这块大陆在很大程度上仍是个迷。为了探索基础知识---而探索 基础知识也正是科学的核心和灵魂所在---这个地区不容忽视。 57.Listening Faults 聆听的误区 1. Have you ever thought of listening as something you could do right or wrong? 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 Few people had,until recently. Now it is being proved that most of us aren't letting our ears do all they should to help us. And we are losing out in ways both large and small,which is too bad when we realize that good listening can be very valuable indeed. In fact it is surprising just how big a part our two listening ears play in our success in school,in our careers,in our relations with family and friends. 1、你是否想过聆听也有对错之分?至今,很少有人思考过这个问题。目前已经证明,大 多数人没能让耳朵尽其所能来帮助我们。当我们意识到有效的倾听是多么重要时,我们才 知道自己在很多方面都有所损失,这真是太糟糕了。事实上,两只耳朵在我们的学匀、工 作和与家庭、朋友的关系里扮演的角色之重要,实在令人惊讶。 2. Therefore,how we listen is extremely important. Yet it has been proved that most of us are guilty of from one to nine bad listening habits. 2、因此,如何聆听极其重要。然而,事实证明下面提到的九个聆听坏习惯中或多或少都 能在大多数人的身上找到。 3. Few of us want to be poor listeners or even realize that we are-until we meet up with situations which show us. 3、没有人愿意做一个不会听话的人,即便就是这样的人,本人也意识不到,除非事实明 摆在眼前。 4. Take Janet,for instance. 4、以简尼特为例。 5. It came as a horrid shock to her to learn on the way to Sunday school one morning that she was to have read certain chapters in the Bible and be prepared with a little talk on them that day. And no wonder Janet was surprised. She thought she had been listening in class the week before. But apparently the words had bounced right off her ears. Why? How had she listened wrong? 5、一天早晨,在去教会的周日学校的路上,她突然记起他应该要读过《圣经》中的几个 章节,并且还要准备好在那天就这几个章节作一个小小的发言,这让她非常震惊。也难怪 简尼特有此反应。她以为一个星期前自己在课堂上认真听讲,但很显然,这些话只是从她 耳边掠过。为什么?她错在哪里? 6. There are about nine ways of listening that net us nothing but trouble,according to Dr. Ralph Nichols of the University of Minnesota. If we recognize and try to conquer them,we can step up our listening ability by about twenty-five percent and thereby greatly increase our chances for success in our daily lives. 6、明尼苏达州立大学的Ralph Nichols博士认为,有9种聆听的情形给人们造成麻烦。如 果认识到并且努力克服它们,我们的聆听能力就能提高25,,从而大大增加我们在日常生 活中成功的机会。 7. Unless you are very unusual indeed,says Dr. Nichols,you must plead guilty to several of the following bad listening habits: 7、RalphNichols博士认为,除非你非常特殊,否则的话,你一定会承认自己有下面提 到的坏习惯。 8. Daydream Listening: You can think about four times as fast as the average person 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 speaks. So you have quite a bit of spare thinking time while waiting for the words to come in. Unconsciously,you use this time,if you are a poor listener,to let your thoughts drift elsewhere. 8、白日梦式聆听:人思考的速度比平均的说话速度快4倍。因此,在等待别人说出下一 句话时,你会有一段空余的思维时间。如果你是一个差劲的聆听者,你的思绪就会不知不 觉地在这段时间飘走。 9. For instance,your teacher is giving you some background material on American history. Your mind is with him at first. Then other thoughts drift into that spare thinking space. Without warning,they have taken over your mind entirely.. I mustn't forget to go downtown after school for Mother. If only my bike was fixed! Maybe I can get Joe to come over Saturday and help me.. Your thoughts drift on. Suddenly,with a jolt,you hear these words: "Now we'll have a little test on what I have been explaining." Ouch! 9、比如说,你的老师正在讲述美国历史的背景资料。起初你注意地听着;之后,其他的 念头就会进入那段空余的思维时间;然后在没有任何预兆的情况下,完全占据你的整个大 脑„„“一定别忘记放学后替母亲进城办事”。“要是我的自行车修理好了该多好!,“也许能 让Joe星期六过来帮我„„”你的思绪就这样漫无目的地飘荡,突然间,你听到这样令人震 惊的话:“现在,就我刚才讲的进行一个小测验。”真糟糕啊~ 10. So what to do to keep daydreams from filtering in? One way is to put that extra thinking time to work-on the subject. Sum up what the speaker is saying; look for major points. Pretend you are going to have to repeat his ideas. Put his words into your words. It isn't easy. It takes effort and time to learn. But the results are sure to surprise and please you. 10、那么,怎样做才能控制“白日梦”钻进来呢?一个方法是把这些多出来的思维时间用来 考虑一些跟主题有关的事。例如,概括一下发言人说的话;找出他的发言要点;假定你要 重复他的观点,将他的话用自、己的方式重新复述一遍。要做到这些并不容易,你必须付 出时间和精力去学习。但是,结果肯定是出乎意料和愉快的。 11. Shut-Ear Listening: Maybe you feel you already know what the speaker is going to say. Or his subject couldn't interest you less. You turn off your ears-and who knows what you may be missing or when a little knowledge on that subject may come in mighty handy? Anyway,why take the risk? 11、充耳不闻式聆听:可能你觉得早已经知道发言者将要说什么;或者,他讲的主题根 本不能吸引你,因此你“关闭”了耳朵-那么,谁知道你可能错过了什么?谁又知道什么时候 他讲的可能会派上用场?不管怎样,为什么要冒这样的风险呢? 12. "That's-What-You-Think" Listening: You have your own pet ideas on certain subjects. You don't like to hear anything which might make you question them. So when anyone begins arguing on the other side,you simply stop listening. Instead you plan what you are going to answer. Anyone who refuses too often to listen to the other side of a question risks becoming narrow-minded(07)---an exasperating and unattractive trait in the other fellow. Is it any more becoming to you? No 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 thanks,you say,and decide to hear the other fellow out. Maybe he is right. Maybe you are. But you can give him a better argument on your viewpoint if you hear what he says. 12、内心排斥式聆听:对于某些主题你会有自己的观点,就不愿意听到与之相左的见解。 因此,当别人开始陈述与你相反看法时,你干脆不再听。只是思考着自己该怎样回应。那 些经常拒绝倾听对立意见的人往往会变得思维狭窄-这在别人眼中是一种令人恼怒和厌烦 的表现。你现在还想成为这样的人吗?你会说,当然不。然后决定去认真地听完别人的阐述。 可能他是正确的,也可能你是正确的。但是,如果你听了他的观点,你就可以用自己的观 点更好地去反驳他 13. Fake Listening: You pretend to be giving close attention. You toss in a few nods and yeses at the right moments,you hope. This is a common faulty listening habit that fools no one. Your eyes give you away,if your absent-minded answers don't. And can you think of anything more infuriating than to be given the same treatment? Also,it is extremely difficult to respond satisfactorily to words you didn't hear. Good conversations,if not friendships,have been sacrificed to this habit. 13、佯装式聆听:你假装在注意听;还期望自己在恰当的时刻能够点头附和。这种常见 的坏的聆听习惯欺骗不了任何人。即使那些不着边际的回答没露馅,你的眼睛也会出卖你。 有什么能比受到(听众)这样的对待更让人生气呢?而且,对自己没有认真聆听的问题做出满 意的回答是极其困难的。这样一个坏习惯让你失去的可能不仅仅是交流,甚至可能是与别 人的友谊。 14. Over-My-Head2 Listening: You are convinced that the subject is beyond you,so you depart,at least in spirit. You may be right. And then again you may be wrong. If you let the words enter your mind,you may be surprised to discover that they make sense. But even if they are as strange as Greek to you,you should try to listen and understand. Otherwise you may find some day that you must attempt to grasp an over-your-head idea and be totally unable even to try. 14、不知所云式聆听:你确信正在谈论的主题超过了你的理解范围,于是你起身离开, 至少也是心猿意马。你可能做的对;但你也可能是错的。如果你用心去听,就可能会惊讶 地发现这些话很有道理。即使这些词句像希腊语般晦涩难懂,你还是应该尽力去聆听和理 解。否则有一天你会发现自己处在这样一种境地:必须要听懂某些艰深的内容,但自己却 连基本的能力都没有。 15. Memory Test Listening: Some people think that trying to memorize a series of facts is good listening. They are wrong. For instance,you are getting a story for your school paper on an assembly speaker. He makes a series of points. You try to memorize them. But while you are busy planting facts A,B,and C in your mind,repeating them over and over,you are losing out on facts D and E. Better to look for main ideas. You will find them more useful and easier to recall later. 15、记忆测试式聆听:有人认为有效的聆听就是将所有的细节都记住。他们错了。比如, 你想从某人的大会发言中为自己的 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 汲取素材。他罗列了很多点,你努力去记住它们。 当你忙着重复一条条观点,想把它们牢牢地记在脑子里时,却恰恰忽略了其余内容。最好 的方式是抓住要点,你会发现它们更有用,而且更容易帮助你回忆。 16. Take-It-All-Down Listening: When you try to get too many of the speaker's 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 words on paper,part of your mind must be concerned with your note-taking. You are unable to concentrate fully on what he is saying.I am unable to concentrate on what he is saying.(09) You risk losing valuable points. Where note-taking is necessary-and you may be surprised to find out how often it isn't if you concentrate fully on listening-try to jot down only a memory-jogging word or two. Or put the main ideas on paper after the speaker has finished. The more complete attention you give the speaker,the easier it will be to recall his ideas later. 16、全部记录式聆听:当你奋力记录说话人的尽可能多的词句时,一部分注意力必然会 集中在“笔记”之上。因此,你不会全力倾听,就可能错过有价值的信息。如果你全神贯注 地听,并不时记下一两点内容以帮助记忆,你会惊讶地发现,并不是所有的东西都需要记 录,甚至可以在演讲结束后再记下要点。对发言者的关注越多,事后就越容易回忆起他的 主要观点。 17. Personality Listening: You become so concerned with the way the speaker looks or how he talks that what he says fails to penetrate. Perhaps unconsciously you decide that a person who dresses or speaks like that can't have much to say. That could be a very false conclusion. Who knows what you may be missing? It's the old story: you can't judge a gift by the package. Better to judge him after you have heard him out. 17、关注个人式聆听:过分关注讲话者的长相或是他说话的方式,那么他所说的内容就 很难入心。也许你会下意识地认为这样穿着或这样讲话的人不会说出什么有见地的话来。 这样的结论实属错误。谁能知道你会错过什么?俗话说,不要从包装来判断礼物的价值(人 不可貌相)。最好在倾听完之后再作评价。 18. Half-An-Ear Listening: Often other sounds compete for your attention-and win. Your father gives you a list of errands. But his voice must compete with,say,your favorite song on the radio. Later,you find that half an ear wasn't enough. You didn't listen to your father's words closely enough to hear and remember them. You have to telephone home for a repeat performance. And you can't really blame your father for being irritated. Better to turn off the radio,shut the door on competing noises,if possible. If not,guard against your tendency to listen to distracting sounds. 18、半个耳朵式聆听:常常会有其他的声音来吸引你的注意力---还占了上风。比如, 父亲正在给你交待要办的事情,他的声音不得不与收音机里传来的你最喜欢的歌声相抗衡。 后来你发现这样“半个耳朵听”根本不行,因为你没有听到并记住父亲的话,于是只能打电 话回家再次询问。你实在不能责怪父亲为此发火。如果可能,最好关掉收音机、关上门挡 住繁杂的噪音。如果不可能,管住你自己不要被这些声音所吸引。 19. So there are the forces-some within ourselves,some outside-that work against us in our efforts to listen. But once we learn what they are and how to fight them,we are well on our way to getting rid of wasteful listening habits. 19、所以,某些因素---既有内在的,也有外在的---总是阻碍我们去全力倾听。然而, 一旦认识了它们并了解如何去克服,我们就一定能够改掉这些耗时低效的坏习惯。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 58.Your Are What You Think 你认为自己是什么样的人,就是什么样的人 And if you change your mind---from pessimism to optimism---you can change your life 如果你改变想法---从悲观变为乐观---你就可以改变自己的生活 1. Do you see the glass as half-full rather than half-empty? 你看酒杯是装了 半杯酒而不是半杯没装酒吗, Do you keep your eye upon the doughnut,not upon the hole? 你的眼睛就是盯着炸面 圈,而不是它中间的孔洞吗, Suddenly these cliches are scientific questions,as researchers scrutinize the power of positive thinking.当研究者们仔细观察积极思维的作用时,这些陈词滥调突然间成了 科学问题。 2.A fast-growing body of research---104 studies so far,involving some 15,000 people---is proving that optimism can help you to be happier,healthier and more successful. 迅速增长的大量研究工作---迄今已有104项研究项目,涉及15,000人---证 明乐观可以使你更快乐、更健康、更成功。 Pessimism leads,by contrast,to hopelessness,sickness and failure,and is linked to depression,loneliness and painful shyness. 与此相反,悲观则导致绝望、疾病以及失 败,它与沮丧孤独、令人痛苦的腼腆密切相关。 "If we could teach people to think more positively," says psychologist Craig A. Anderson of Rice University in Houston,"it would be like inoculating them against these mental ills."位于休斯顿的赖斯大学心理学家雷格?A?安得森说:“如果我们能够 教会人们更积极地思考,那就像为他们注射了预防这些心理疾病的疫苗。” 3."Your abilities count," “你的能力固然重要。” explains psychologist Michael F. Scheier of Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh," 匹兹堡的卡内基-梅隆大学的心理学家迈克尔?F?沙伊尔说, but the belief that you can succeed affects whether or not you will." “但你成功 的信念影响到你是否真能成功。” In part,that's because optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in very different ways.在某种程度上,这是由于乐观者和悲观者以截 然不同的方式对待同样的挑战和失望。 4.Take for example your job. 以你的工作为例。 In a major study,psychologist Martin E. P. Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania and colleague Peter Schulman surveyed sales representatives at the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 宾夕法尼亚大学的心理学家马丁?E?P?塞利格曼与 同事彼得?舒尔曼在一项重要研究中调查了大都市人寿保险公司的推销员, They found that the positive thinkers among long-time representatives sold 37 percent more insurance than did the negative thinkers.(10词汇) 他们发现工龄 较长的推销员中的积极思考者比消极思考着要多推销37%的保险额, Of newly hired representatives,optimists sold 20 percent more.在新雇佣的推销员 中,乐观主义者则多销了20%。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 5.Impressed,the company hired 100 people who had failed the standard industry test but had scored high on optimism. 公司受到了启发,便雇佣了100名虽未通过标准 企业测试但态度乐观一项得分很高的人。 These people,who might never have been hired,sold 10 percent more insurance than did the average representative.这些本来可能根本不会被雇佣的人售出的保险额比推销 员的平均销售额高出10%。 6.How did they do it? 他们是如何做的呢, The secret to an optimist's success,according to Seligman,is in his "explanatory style".据塞利格曼说,乐观主义者成功的秘诀就在于他的“解释方式”, When things go wrong the pessimist tends to blame himself. 出了问题之后,悲观主 义者倾向于自责。 "I'm not good at this," he says. "I always fail." 他说:“我不善于做这种事,我总 是失败。” The optimist looks for other explanations. 乐观主义者则寻找漏洞, He blames the weather,the phone connection,even the other person. 他责怪天气、 抱怨电话线路、或者甚至责怪对方。 That customer was in a bad mood,he thinks. 他认为,是那个客户当时情绪不好。 When things go right,the optimist takes credit while the pessimist thinks success is due to luck.当一切顺利时,乐观主义者把一切功劳都归于自己而悲观主义者只把成功 视为侥幸。 7.Craig Anderson had a group of students phone strangers and ask them to donate blood to the Red Cross. 克雷格?安德森让一组学生给陌生人打电话,请他们为红十字 会献血。 When they failed on the first call or two,pessimists said,"I can't do this." When fail 当他们的pessimists in their first attempt, they usually say, "I can't do this."(10词汇) 第一个、二个电话未能得到对方的同意时,悲观者说:“我干这是不行。” Optimists told themselves,"I need to try a different approach."乐观主义者则对自 己说:“我需要试试另一种方法。" 8.Negative or positive,it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. 无论是消极还是积极 的看法,都是一种本身会成为事实的语言。 "If people feel hopeless," says Anderson,"they don't bother to acquire the skills they need to succeed."安德森说:“如果人们感到没有希望,他们就不会费事去获得成功 所需的技能。” 9.A sense of control,according to Anderson,is the litmus test for success. 据安 德森看来,有无控制感是成功的试金石, The optimist feels in control of his own life. 乐观者能够掌握自己的命运。 If things are going badly,he acts quickly,looking for solutions,forming a new plan 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 of action,and reaching out for advice. 如果事情不顺利,他立刻作出反应,寻找解决 办法,制定新的行动计划,并且主动寻求忠告。 The pessimist feels like a toy of fate and moves slowly. 悲观者则感到自己只能由 命运摆布,行动拖拉。 He doesn't seek advice,since he assumes nothing can be done.既然认为毫无办法, 他便不去寻求忠告。 10.Optimists may think they are better than the facts would justify---and sometimes that's what keeps them alive. 乐观主义者也行认为自己比事实能够证明的 要强---有时正是这一点使他们充满生机。 Dr. Sandra Levy of the Pittsburgh Cancer Institute studied women with advanced breast cancer. 匹兹堡肿瘤研究所的桑德拉?利维博士对患乳腺癌的妇女进行了研究。 For the women who were generally optimistic,there was a longer disease-free interval,the best predictor of survival. 对那些通常持乐观态度的妇女说,两次发病 间隔的时间比较长,而这时生存下去的好预兆。 In a pilot study of women in the early stages of breast cancer,Dr. Levy found the disease recurred sooner among the pessimists.在一次对早期乳腺癌妇女的小规模试验 性研究中,利维博士发现这一疾病在悲观病人身上复发更早。 11.Optimism won't cure the incurable,but it may prevent illness. 乐观态度不会 使不治之症痊愈,却有可能预防疾病。 In a long-term study,researchers examined the health histories of a group of Harvard graduates, 在一项长期研究中,研究人员跟踪观察了一组哈佛大学毕业生的健康史。 all of whom were in the top half of their class and in fine physical condition. 所有这些人都是班上较好的学生并日健康状况良好。 Yet some were positive thinkers,and some negative. 他们之中有的是积极思考者,有 的是消极思考者。 Twenty years later,there were more middle-age diseases among the pessimists than the optimists.20年后,悲观者中病的人数要比乐观者多。 12.Many studies suggest that the pessimist's feeling of helplessness undermines the body's natural defenses,the immune system. 许多研究显示,悲观者的无助感会损 害人体的自然防御体系,即免疫系统。 Dr. Christopher Peterson of the University of Michigan has found that the pessimist doesn't take good care of himself. 密执安大学的克电斯托弗?彼德森博士发现悲观主 义者不能很好地照顾自己。 Feeling passive and unable to dodge life's blows,he expects ill health and other misfortunes,no matter what he does. 他消极被动,不会避开生活中的打击,无论做什 么都会担心身体不好或其它灾难降临。 He eats unhealthy food,avoids exercise,ignores the doctor,has another drink.他 吞吃着不利于健康的营养价值低的食品,逃避体育锻炼,不听医生的劝告,总是要再贪一 杯。 13.Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism,but are inclined in one 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 direction or the other. 在多数人身上,乐观主义和悲观主义兼而有之,但总是更倾向 于其中之一。 It is a pattern of thinking learned "at your mother's knee," says Seligman. 塞 利格曼说,这是一种所谓“早在母亲膝下”就开始形成的思维模式, It grows out of thousands of cautions or encouragements,negative statements,or positive ones. 来自千万次警告或鼓励,肯定的或否定的话语。 Too many "don'ts" and warnings of danger can make a child feel incompetent ,fearful---and pessimistic.过多的“不许”及危险警告会使一个孩子感到无 能、恐惧---以及悲观。 14.As they grow,children experience small triumphs,such as learning to tie shoelaces. 随着年龄的增长,儿童会体味到许多小小的成就感,如学会系鞋带等。 Parents can help turn these successes into a sense of control,and that breeds optimism.家长可以促使这类成功转变成控制感,从而培养出乐观主义。 15.Pessimism is a hard habit to break---but it can be done. 悲观是一种很难克 服的习惯,但并非不能克服。 In a series of studies,Dr. Carol Dweck of the University of Illinois has been working with children in the early grades of school. 在一系列具有重大突破的研究中,伊利 诺大学的卡罗尔?德韦克博士对小学低年级儿童做了一些工作。 As she helps students to change the explanations for their failures---from "I must be dumb" to "I didn't study hard enough" ---their academic performance improves.在她帮助那些屡屡出错的困难学生改变他们对失败原因的解释时---从“我准是很笨”变成 “我学习还不够努力”---他们的学习成绩也提高了。 16.Pittsburgh's Dr. Levy wondered if turning patients into optimists would lengthen their lives. 匹兹堡的利维博士想知道把病人变成乐观主义者是否会延长他们 的生命。 In a pilot study,two groups of colon-cancer patients were given the same medical treatment,but some were also given psychological help to encourage optimism. 在 一次试验性研究中,两批结肠癌病人受到了同样方式的治疗。但其中一些人还得到了鼓励 乐观态度的心理帮助。 Results showed that this worked. 试验结果表明这一作法有一定的效果。 Now a major study is planned to determine whether this psychological change can alter the course of the disease.现在已在计划实施一项重大研究以确定这一心理变化 是否会改变病情进展。 17.So,if you're a pessimist,there's reason for optimism. 因此,如果你是个悲观 主义者,你完全有理由乐观起来。 You can change. 你能改变自己。 Here's how,says Steve Hollon,a psychologist at Vanderbilt University:以下就是范 德比尔特大学的心理学家史蒂夫?霍朗指出的方法: 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 18.<1>. Pay careful attention to your thoughts when bad things happen. 当糟糕 的事情发生时,注意你的想法, Write down the first thing that comes to mind,without any changes or corrections.写下你头脑中最先出现的想法,不要改变或者更正它。 19.<2>. Now try an experiment. Do something that's contrary to any negative reactions. 现在来做个试验,做一些和消极应对相反的事情。 Let's say something has gone wrong at work. Do you think,I hate my job,but I could never get a better one? 比如说,你的工作有些问题,你是不是在想:“我恨我的工作, 但是我找不到一个更好的。” Act as if that weren't so. 采取一些行动,就好像事实并非如你想的那样。 Send out resumes. Go to interviews. Look into training and check job information.寄出简历,参加面试,浏览查找培训和工作的信息。 20.<3>. Keep track of what happens. Were your first thoughts right or wrong? 看 看然后发生了什么,你最初的想法是对的还是错的。 "If your thoughts are holding your back,change them," says Hollon. “如果你的想 法阻止你前进,那就改变它。”霍朗说, "It's trial and error,not guarantees,but give yourself a chance." “这是个反复尝 试的过程,未必有成功的保证,但是会给你一个机会。” 21.Positive thinking leads to positive action---and reaction. 积极的思想导致 积极的行动和反应。 What you expect from the world,the evidence suggests,is what you're likely to get.证据表明,你对外界期望些什么,你就很可能得到什么。 59.The Audacity of Hope 有希望则无所畏惧 1.On behalf of the great state of Illinois,crossroads of a nation,Land of Lincoln,let me express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of addressing this convention. On behalf of the great state of Illinois,let me express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of addressing this convention.(10词汇)今晚我将在这 里代表伟大的伊利诺伊州来向大会发表演讲,为此我感到无上荣幸。众所周知,伊利诺伊 州是全国的交通枢纽,林肯总统的发祥地。 Tonight is a particular honor for me because,let's face it,my presence on this stage is pretty unlikely. 另外,我能够站在讲台上向全党的代表发言实在是有点受宠若惊, 因为坦率地讲,这对我而言几乎是做梦都想不到的事情。 My father was a foreign student,born and raised in a small village in Kenya. 请 允许我先从我的出身讲起,我的父亲是个外国留学生,他土生土长在肯尼亚的一个小村庄, He grew up herding goats,went to school in a tin-roof shack. 他从小在那里放羊, 在简陋的铁皮顶小屋里上学。 His father---my grandfather---was a cook,a domestic servant to the British.他的 父亲,也就是我的爷爷,是一位为别人做饭的家庭佣工。 2.But my grandfather had larger dreams for his son. 但是我爷爷不想让我父亲步 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 其后尘,他对我的父亲有着更大的期许和梦想。 Through hard work and perseverance my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place,America,that shone as a beacon of freedom and opportunity to so many who had come before. 艰辛的努力和顽强的毅力使我父亲拿到了到美国留学的奖学金。于是我父亲 漂洋过海,来到了美国这片神奇的国土。美国是自由的灯塔,她给予了早年来这里闯世界 的人大量的机会。 While studying here,my father met my mother. 在留学期间,我父亲遇到了我母亲。 She was born in a town on the other side of the world,in Kansas. Her father worked on oil rigs and farms through most of the Depression. 我母亲出生在堪萨斯的一个 小镇上,这里和肯尼亚分属地球的两端。我的外祖父在大萧条时期为了养家糊口,不是在 石油钻井架下打工,就是在农场务农。 The day after Pearl Harbor my grandfather signed up for duty; joined Patton's army,marched across Europe. 珍珠港事件后他自愿入伍,进入巴顿将军的部队,曾在整 个欧洲大陆辗转作战。 Back home,my grandmother raised a baby and went to work on a bomber assembly line. 在后方家中,外祖母养育着他们的孩子,并在一条轰炸机流水线上工作。 After the war,they studied on the G.I. Bill,bought a house through F.H.A.,and later moved west all the way to Hawaii in search of opportunity.战后,他们研究了《退 伍军人权利法案》,通过联邦住宅管理局提供的贷款买了一套房子,并移居到美国西部的 夏威夷,以寻找更好的发展机会。 3.And they,too,had big dreams for their daughter. 他们对我的母亲也有着同样的 期许和梦想。 A common dream,born of two continents. 这是一个来自两个大洲的共同梦想。 My parents shared not only an improbable love,they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation. 我的父母不但共同享受着来自父母们无以复加的爱,他 们也笃信在美国这个国家一切皆有可能。 They would give me an African name,Barack,or "blessed," believing that in a tolerant America your name is no barrier to success. 他们赐予我一个非洲名字,巴拉克,意 为“受神福佑的”。他们相信在宽容大度的美国,一个人的名字不是通向成功的障碍。 They imagined me going to the best schools in the land,even though they weren't rich,because in a generous America you don't have to be rich to achieve your potential. 尽管生活并不富裕,但他们还是想让我去最好的学校接受最好的教育,因为在 慷慨大方的美国,一个人即使不富裕也能淋漓尽致地发挥他的潜能。 They're both passed away now. 现在他们都过世了。 And yet,I know that on this night they look down on me with great pride.不过我 知道,在这个夜晚,他们正满怀骄傲自天堂注视着我。 4.They stand here and I stand here today,grateful for the diversity of my heritage,aware that my parents' dreams live on in my two precious daughters. 今 天他们站在这里,我站在这里,为我血液里流淌着多样遗传基因而满怀感激,我知道我父 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 母的梦想正在我的两个宝贝女儿身上延续。 I stand here knowing that my story is part of the larger American story,that I owe a debt to all of those who came before me,and that,in no other country on earth,is my story even possible. 我站在这里,知道我的故事是更宏大的美国故事集里的一部分, 也知道我应该感激那些在我之前来到这里的先辈们,更知道我的故事在这个世界的任何其 他地方都不可能发生。 Tonight,we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation,not because of the height of our skyscrapers,or the power of our military,or the size of our economy. 今 晚,我们欢聚一堂,更加坚定地相信我们国家的伟大,这个伟大并不在于我们的摩天大楼 有多高,也不在于我们的军备实力有多强,更不在于我们的经济规模有多大。 Our pride is based on a very simple premise,summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago, 我们对这个伟大的国家的自豪感建筑在一个相当简单的前提之 上,用两百多年前先辈们写就的《独立宣言》里的话概括起来就是: "We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights,that among these are Life,Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." “我们坚信以下真理不言而喻:人人生而 平等。造物主赋予他们某些不可剥夺的权利,包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。” 5.That is the true genius of America,a faith in simple dreams,an insistence on small miracles; 这就是美国的本质之所在:我们对简单梦想的无比信任,我们对生命中小小奇 迹的执着追求。 that we can tuck in our children at night and know that they are fed and clothed and safe from harm; 我们能在深夜给孩子掖好被子时确信他们衣食无忧且远离伤害; that we can say what we think,write what we think,without hearing a sudden knock on the door; 我们能言吾所想,写吾所悟,而毋庸担心因言获罪; that we can have an idea and start our own business without paying a bribe; 我 们一旦有了某种奇思妙想,就可以大干一场,开创自己的事业而无须去行贿。 that we can participate in the political process without fear of retribution, 我 们能参与政治进程而不必担心被报复, and that our votes will be counted---at least most of the time.也无需担心我们的 投票是否有效(至少绝大多数时候,我们的选票是被计票的)。 6.This year,in this election we are called to reaffirm our values and our commitments,to hold them against a hard reality在今年这次选举中,我们要重申我们 的价值观和承诺,秉持它们去对抗艰难时局; and see how we're measuring up to the legacy of our forbearers and the promise of future generations. 并继承先辈的精神遗产,谨守对后世子孙的诺言。 And fellow Americans,Democrats,Republicans,Independents,I say to you tonight: 所 有的美国公民们,无论你是民主党人、共和党人还是无党派人士,今晚我要对你们说: We have more work to do我们还有更多的工作要做。 ---more work to do for the workers I met in Galesburg,Illinois,who are losing their union jobs at the Maytag plant that's moving to Mexico, 伊利诺伊州盖尔斯堡市的 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 那些工人们需要我们做更多的努力,他们正面临无法在美泰格工厂里工作的危险,该工厂 正准备搬迁到墨西哥, and now are having to compete with their own children for jobs that pay seven bucks an hour; 因此他们现今被迫同他们的子女争抢每小时7美金的工作机会; more to do for the father that I met who was losing his job and choking back the tears,wondering how he would pay 4,500 dollars a month for the drugs his son needs without the health benefits that he counted on; 一位失了业的父亲需要我们做更多 的工作,当我遇到他时,他勉强克制住泪水向我叙述他的不幸遭遇,他在担心他如何负担 儿子每个月多需要的4500美金的医药费,而原本这些费用是可以指望他的医疗保险报销的; more to do for the young woman in East St. Louis,and thousands more like her,who has the grades,has the drive,has the will,but doesn't have the money to go to college.伊利诺伊州东圣路易斯市的一个年轻女孩需要我们做更多的工作,她有成绩、有动力,也 愿意去上大学,但她却没钱去实现她的大学梦,处境像她这样的人还有成千上万。 7.Now,don't get me wrong. 请不要误解我说的话,认为政府应该包揽一切。 The people I meet---in small towns and big cities,in diners and office parks--- they don't expect government to solve all their problems. 事实上,我所接触的人 们,无论是在大城还是小镇,无论是在餐厅还是在办公楼停车场偶然遇到的,他们并未期 待政府去解决他们所有的困难。 They know they have to work hard to get ahead,and they want to. 他们清楚他们自 己必须勤劳工作去克服难关,他们也真的想这样做。 Go into the collar counties around Chicago,and people will tell you they don't want their tax money wasted,by a welfare agency or by the Pentagon. 你若走进芝加哥周 边的卫星城镇,人们会告诉你他们不愿让政府的福利机构或是五角大楼浪费自己所纳的税 款。 Go into any inner city neighborhood,and folks will tell you that government alone can't teach our kids to learn; 走进市中心的任何街区,人们会告诉你仅仅靠政府是不 可能让孩子好好读书的。 they know that parents have to teach,that children can't achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white. 他们知道父母需要教育孩子,需要 提高孩子的期望值,需要关掉电视机,需要消除诽谤---一个读过书的黑人小孩,其行为举 止就会变得和白人青年一样---只有这样孩子才能进步。 They know those things. People don't expect---People don't expect government to solve all their problems. 他们什么都知道,人们并不指望政府解决他们面临的困难。 But they sense,deep in their bones,that with just a slight change in priorities,we can make sure that every child in America has a decent shot at life,and that the doors of opportunity remain open to all. 但他们从骨子里认为,只要是政府理顺执政 的轻重缓急,它就能确保美国的每个孩子的生活有个像样的目标,让机遇向所有人敞开大 门。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 They know we can do better. And they want that choice.他们知道我们能做的更好。 他们选择的就是我们。 …… 8.John Kerry believes in America. 约翰.克里相信美国。 And he knows that it's not enough for just some of us to prosper---for alongside our famous individualism,there's another ingredient in the American saga,a belief that we're all connected as one people. 他也知道仅仅一部分公民的富足远远不够, 与我们闻名于世的个人主义如影随形的,是美国激荡的历史中的另一种元素。这个元素就 是我们的信仰,即我们形形色色的人心心相通,凝聚成一个民族。 If there is a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read,that matters to me,even if it's not my child. 假如芝加哥南部的一个小朋友不识字,即使那不是我的 孩子,我也会因此惴惴不安。 If there is a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for their prescription drugs,and having to choose between medicine and the rent,that makes my life poorer,even if it's not my grandparent. 如果一个年事已高的老婆婆付不起她的诊疗 费而被迫在医疗费和房租之间进行选择,即使她不是我的祖母,也会使我羞愧难当。 If there's an Arab American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process,that threatens my civil liberties. 如果一个阿拉伯裔的美国家庭未 经律师辩护或诉讼程序就遭到驱逐,我也会感到我的公民自由受到了威胁。 It is that fundamental belief---I am my brother's keeper. I am my sister's keeper---that makes this country work. 正是这个基本的信仰使我们美国国祚绵长 ---“我是我的兄弟的守护人,我是我的姐妹的守护人”。 It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams and yet still come together as one American family. "E pluribus unum." Out of many,one.这样的信念确保我们在 被允许追逐个人梦想的同时,还能紧密团结成一个美利坚大家庭。“合众为一”,众志成城。 …… 9.In the end,that's what this election is about. 一言以蔽之,这才是这次选举的 意义: Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or do we participate in a politics of hope? 我们投入愤世嫉俗的政治还是参与满怀希望的政治, I'm not talking about blind optimism here我不是在谈盲目的乐观主义。 ---the almost willful ignorance that thinks unemployment will go away if we just don't think about it,or the health care crisis will solve itself if we just ignore it. 不要以为如果我们不讨论失业问题它便会自动消失,不要以为只要是我们无视医疗保 险中存在的问题它就会自行解除,那是一厢情愿的无知。 That's not what I'm talking about. 我要说的不是这个, I'm talking about something more substantial. 我在此谈论的都是实质性问题。 It's the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs; 我谈的是希 望,希望就是奴隶们围坐在篝火旁吟唱自由的歌曲; the hope of immigrants setting out for distant shores; 希望就是移民们背井离乡驾 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 船出发驶向遥远的彼岸; the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the Mekong Delta; 希望 就是年轻的海军上尉勇敢地在湄公河三角洲巡逻; the hope of a mill worker's son who dares to defy the odds; 希望就是一个工厂工 人的儿子对厄运的不屈抗争; the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him,too. 希望就是一个有着怪怪名字的、干瘦的小孩也相信美国会有一片属于他的天 地。 Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope!有希望则无所畏惧~ 10.In the end,that is God's greatest gift to us,the bedrock of this nation. A belief in things not seen. A belief that there are better days ahead. 其实,希望是上帝 赐予我们的最好礼物,是这个民族的基石,是对未来的愿景,是对明天更美好的坚信。 I believe that we can give our middle class relief and provide working families with a road to opportunity. 我相信我们民主党人能为中产阶级提供帮助,为工薪阶层 制造更多的机会; I believe we can provide jobs to the jobless,homes to the homeless,and reclaim young people in cities across America from violence and despair. 我相信我们能为失业者 提供工作,为无家可归者提供归宿,能把陷于暴力和绝望中的美国都市里的年轻人挽救出 来。 I believe that we have a righteous wind at our backs and that as we stand on the crossroads of history,we can make the right choices,and meet the challenges that face us.我相信当我们站在历史的十字路口时,我们能作出正确的抉择,并迎接我们面临 的挑战。 60.The Rise of the Green Building 绿色建筑的兴起 1.It is officially known as The Swiss Re Tower, or 30 St Mary Axe. 它的正式名 为瑞士再保险公司大楼或圣玛丽.阿克斯30号。 Londoners universally refer to the new 41-storey building as "The Gherkin",though it actually looks more like a pine cone. 伦敦市民都把这幢新的41层高楼叫做“小黄 瓜”,尽管它实际上看起来更像一个松果。 As a typical example of green architecture, what is most remarkable about the building is its energy-efficiency. 作为绿色建筑的典范,这幢高楼的卓越之处在于它 具有高效节能的特点。 Thanks to its artful design and some fancy technology, it is expected to consume up to 50% less energy than a comparable conventional office building. 由于其巧 妙的设计和梦幻的技术,这幢高楼有望比同类传统办公室节省能源消耗50%以上。 Green architecture is changing the way buildings are designed, built and run.绿色建筑正在改变建筑物的设计、建造和管理方式。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 2.Proponents of green architecture argue that the approach has many benefits. 绿色建筑的倡导者认为这种方式益处颇多。 In the case of a large office, for example, the combination of green design techniques and clever technology can not only reduce energy consumption and environmental impact, 以一间大办公室为例,绿色设计工艺与精妙技术两者的结合不仅 能减少能源消耗和对环境的负面影响, but also reduce running costs, create a more pleasant working environment, improve employee's health and productivity, reduce legal liability, 而且能降低运营成本, 创造一个更为愉快的工作环境,增进雇员的身体健康,提高生产率,减少法律责任, and boost property values and rental returns.以及提高地产价值和租赁收入。 3.Green architecture, a term which only came into use in the 1990s, has its origins in the energy crisis of the 1970s, 绿色建筑这一术语在20世纪90年代才开始 使用,最早源于20世纪70年代的能源危机。 when architects began to question the wisdom of building enclosed glass-and- steel boxes that required massive heating and cooling systems. 当时建筑师们开始质疑用 玻璃和钢筋建造盒状的封闭式建筑是否明智,因为这样的建筑需要大型供暖和制冷系统。 Early proponents of more energy-efficient architecture included William McDonough, Bruce Fowle and Robert Fox in America, Thomas Herzog in Germany, and Norman Foster and Richard Rogers in Britain.早期倡导建筑高效节能建筑的人士有美国的威廉.麦克多 若、布鲁斯.福尔、罗伯特.福克斯,德国的托马斯.赫佐格,以及英国的诺曼.福斯特和理 查德.罗杰斯。 4.These forward-looking architects began to explore designs that focused on the long-term environmental impact of maintaining and operating a building. 这些有 远见的建筑师们开始注重探索新的设计?注重建筑的维护及管理对环境造成的长期负面影 响。 This approach has since been formalized in a number of assessment and rating systems, such as the BREEAM standard introduced in Britain in 1990, and the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) standards developed by the United Stated Green Building Council (USGBC) starting in 2000.这种方式已规范为若干评估分级体系,如 1990年在英国开始实施的BREEAM(建筑研究组织环境评估方法)标准如2000年开始实施的 由美国绿色建筑委员会制定开发的LEED(能源及环境设计领导计划)标准。 5.The LEED standards are intended to produce "the world's greenest and best buildings" by giving developers a straightforward checklist of criteria by which the greenness of a building can be judged. LEED标准旨在为开发商提供一份简洁明了 的标准来评判建筑绿色的程度,建造出“世界上最为环保的最佳建筑物”。 Points are awarded in various categories, from energy use (up to 17 points); to water-efficiency (up to five points) to indoor environment quality (up to 15 points); 评分高低依据以下几个方面:能源利用(最高17分)、用水效率(最高5分)、室内环境质 量(最高15分)。 the total then determines the building's LEED rating. 总分将决定建筑的LEED标准 的级别。 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 Extra points can be earned by installing particular features, such as renewable-energy generators or carbon-dioxide monitoring systems. 如果安装了可 更新能源发生器或者二氧化碳监测系统等特别装置的话,可以赢得额外的加分。 A building that achieves a score of 39 points earns a "gold" rating; 52 points earns a "platinum" rating. 凡是达到39的建筑被评为“黄金”级;达到52分的为“白金”级。 A gold-rated building is estimated to have reduced its environmental impact by 50% compared with an equivalent conventional building,(10词汇) and a platinum-rated building by over 70%.据估计,相比较传统的建筑,黄金级建筑对环境 的负面影响将减少50%,白金级别的建筑将减少70%以上。estimatedA green building is to have reduced its environmental impact by 60% compared with an equivalent conventional building.(11词汇) 6.As green architecture moves into the mainstream, more green buildings came up. 随着绿色建筑成为主流,越来越多的绿色建筑落成。 The USGBC says nearly 1,700 buildings in 50 states of America are now seeking LEED certification and 137 have been constructed and certified so far. 美国绿色建筑 委员会称,美国50个州共有近1700幢建筑正在申请LEED标准认证。到目前为止,已有137 幢建筑建成并获得认证。 The 48-storey Conde Nast Building at 4 Times Square in New York was one of the first examples in which green-architecture principles were applied to a large urban office building. 树立于纽约时代广场的4号的48层高楼康德.纳什大厦是最早将绿色建 筑原理应用于大型城市办公大楼的范例之一。 In Britain, 70 office buildings constructed during 2003, representing 25% of the total by floor area, met the BREEAM standard. 英国在2003年建成的70间办公楼均符 合BREEAM标准,占总建筑面积的25%。 Similar standards have been adopted in New Zealand, Australia and Canada. 新西 兰、澳大利亚和加拿大也采用了类似的标准。 In China, the Beijing Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games aims to host the first zero-net-emissions Games, which will include constructing all buildings and sports venues using green-architecture principles.在中国,北京奥组委力争主办第 一个零排放奥运会,这将包括运用绿色建筑原理建造所有的建筑物和体育场馆。 7.There are many ways to reduce a building's environmental impact. 若要减少建 筑对环境的负面影响,方法有多种。 30 St Mary Axe, designed by Foster and Partners, does so by using natural lighting and ventilation wherever possible. 由福斯特及合伙人公司设计的圣玛丽?阿克斯30 号是通过尽可能地利用自然光和通风来做到这一点的。 The front of the building consists of two layers of glass (the outer one double-glazed) enclosing a ventilated cavity with computer-controlled blinds. 大 厦正面由两层玻璃组成(外层玻璃是双面涂釉的),内设通风孔和由电脑控制的百叶窗。 A system of weather sensors on the outside of the building monitors the temperature, 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 wind speed and level of sunlight, closing blinds and opening windows panels as necessary. 位于建筑外部的天气传感器系统检测温度、风速和光照强度,必要时关闭窗帘 或开启窗户。 The building's shape maximizes the use of natural daylight, reducing the need for artificial lighting and providing impressive long-distance views even from deep inside the building.大厦的外观设计最大限度地利用自然光,减少人为(人工)照明的 需要,提供令人难忘的远观风景,即使在大厦的深处也能观景。 8.The highest-profile green building currently on the drawing board is the Freedom Trade Center in New York. 目前仍处于绘图设计阶段的最令人关注的绿色建筑 是将建于纽约的自由贸易塔。 The main tower, which will rise 1,776 feet, will include solar panels and a wind farm, the turbines of which are expected to deliver around one megawatt of power, enough to provide up to 20% of the building's expected demand. 主塔高达1176英尺, 包括太阳能主板和风力发电机组。其涡轮机预期发电约1000千瓦,这足以提供大厦所需能 源的20%。 Like other green buildings, it will rely on natural light and ventilation, and energy-efficient lighting.和其他绿色建筑一样,它将依靠自然光和通风以及高效节能 的照明系统。 9.High energy costs, environmental concerns and anxiety about the "sick building syndrome" associated with the sealed-box structures of the 1970s all helped to jump-start the green-architecture movement. 高昂的能源成本、对环境问题的关注和 与20世纪70年代盒状封闭式建筑相关的“病态建筑综合症”所引发的忧患共同推动了绿色建 筑运动的兴起。 But now economics is driving the shift towards greener design.但是,现在经济正 驱使建筑转向更为绿色的方向。 10.Going green saves money by reducing long-term energy costs: 绿色建筑减少了 长期能源消耗而节省了开支。 a survey of 99 green buildings in America found that, on average, they use 30% less energy than comparable conventional buildings.调查发现,美国99幢绿色建筑的平均 耗能比同类传统建筑减少了30%。 So any additional building costs can be recovered quickly: 因此,任何附加的建筑 成本能够很快的得到补偿。 according to the USGBC the 2% increase in construction costs required to achieve a LEED gold rating typically pays for itself in lower running costs within two years. 根据美国绿色建筑委员会的统计,为达到LEED黄金级标准所需增加的2%的建筑成本通常会 在两年内通过低运营成本而自行抵消。 The traditional approach of trying to minimize construction costs, by contrast, can lead to higher energy bills and wasted materials.相反,设法降低建筑成本的传 统做法会导致更高的能源消耗费用和材料的费用。 11.Energy-saving techniques need not all be as exotic as installing coated glass, computer-controlled blinds or photovoltaic cells. 节省能源的技术并非一定包括如 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门 户网站 安装涂釉玻璃、由电脑控制的百叶窗或光生伏打电池等一些奇特的方式。 Michael Crosbie, an architect at Steven Winter Associates, a consultancy based in Norwalk, Connecticut, says builders are now insulating buildings more effectively, 在康涅狄格州诺沃克一家名叫史蒂文?温特的咨询公司工作的建筑师迈克尔?克洛斯比说, 建筑商正在更有效的使建筑物绝缘, in some cases using materials such as recycled paper and fabrics, including old, shredded jeans.在有些情况下他们还会利用诸如可再生纸张和包括破旧牛仔布在内的织 物等材料。 12.Green buildings can also have less obvious economic benefits. 绿色建筑还会 带来不太明显(隐含)的经济效益。 The use of natural daylight in office buildings, for example, as well as reducing energy costs, also seems to make workers more productive. 比如,在办公大楼里利 用自然光,不仅能减少能源成本,似乎也能使工人们的生产率提高。 Lockheed Martin, an aerospace firm, found that absenteeism fell by 15% after it moved 2,500 employees into a new green building in Sunnyvale, California. 洛克 希德?马汀航空公司发现,自公司的2500位员工搬入加利福尼亚桑尼维尔的一幢新的绿色 建筑工作以后,旷工率减少了35%。 Similarly, the use of daylight in shopping complexes appears to increase sales. 同样的,商场使用自然光似乎能提高销售额。 It is also found that students in naturally lit classrooms performed up to 20% better. 他们还发现,学生在自然照明的教室中学习,成绩提高了20%。 The increase in productivity paid for the building's higher construction costs within a year. 生产率成本在一年内相抵。 Green buildings can also reduce legal liabilities for their owners, since they are less likely to give rise to "sick building" lawsuits.绿色建筑还能为其业主减少法 律责任,因为他们不太可能引发与“病态建筑”相关的诉讼案。 13.Despite its benefits and its growing popularity, green architecture is still the exception. Not the rule, however.尽管绿色建筑益处多多,并越来越受欢迎,但这 仍是个例,而非惯例。 The main problem is co-ordination, for green buildings require much more planning by architects, engineers, builders and developers than traditional buildings. 其 主要问题在于协调,因为比起传统建筑,绿色建筑需要建筑师、工程师、建筑商和开发商 更多的规划。 But new software is now improving planning by simulating how a building will perform before it is built.不过,在建筑始建前便模拟出其运营状况的新型软件正使这种规划更 为可行。 14.In the old days, says Mr. Bernstein, vice-president of the building solutions division at AutoDesk, a software company, assessing a building's environmental impact had to be done with spreadsheets, calculators and informed guessing, and 中石油职称英语网CNPCEDU.COM 全国唯一中石油集团公司职称英语门户网 站 three-dimensional modeling was primarily used to prepare presentations. 在一家 名叫欧特克的软件公司的建筑问题处理部担任副总裁的伯恩斯坦先生说,过去在评估一幢 建筑对环境的影响时必须运用电子表格程序、计算器和有根据的猜测,而三维模型主要为 准备演示所用。 But now the three-dimensional computer models are being used with sophisticated analytical tools. It is possible to predict how much energy and water a building will consume, how much material will be needed,(10词汇) and other parameters that determine its LEED certification.但是现在电脑三维模型结合精密分析工具的运 用便可以预测一幢大楼所要消耗多少能源和水,需要多少材料,以及决定其获得LEED标准 证书的其他参数。 15.Computers also make possible entirely new designs. 电脑也使全新的设计成为 可能。 30 St Mary Axe, for example, could not have been built without a computer model to specify the exact shape of every one of its 5,500 glass panels, or to model the airflow in and around it. 比如,如果没有电脑模型来具体计算出其5500块玻璃板中每 一块的确切形状,或者对室内和周边空气的流动预制模型,圣玛丽?阿克斯30号就不可能 建成。 Similarly, computer modeling made possible the Avax office building completed in Athens, Greece, in 1998. 同样,正是凭借电脑模型设计才使1998年希腊雅典的爱瓦克斯 办公楼得以建成。 It has sheaves of glass which open and close automatically, depending on the intensity and angle of the sun, to provide sunlight while preventing the building from overheating. 它有多层的玻璃窗,可根据阳光的强度和角度自动开启和关闭,在提 供光照的同时防止大厦内部过热。 The ventilation system in Pittsburgh's convention center uses the natural "chimney effect" created by its sweeping roof to draw air through vents by the river below, cooling the building without using a single fan.匹兹堡会议中心的通风系统利用其 弧形屋顶造成的自然的“烟囱效应”,把下面河边的空气通过通气孔吸上来,是大楼变得凉 爽,一台电风扇都无需使用。 16. This is more than a mere fad, or the use of technology for the sake of it, says Mr. Bernstein. 伯恩斯坦先生说,这不只是一种时尚,或者为技术而采用的技术。 Green architecture will, he suggests, help to reshape the construction industry over the next five years, with ever more innovative, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings. 他认为,绿色建筑将有助于在未来的五年中重塑 建筑业,建造出别具匠心、高效节能和环保的建筑。 "No one is doing this for fun," he says. "There's too much at stake."他说:“没 有人是为了好玩才这么做,其中的利害关系太大了。”
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