首页 收银员工作流程规范



收银员工作流程规范收银员工作流程规范 一、每日工作流程; (一)8:00-8:30 1、列队打卡,进入室内更换工服,佩戴好工牌; 2、开门营业前打扫收银台和责任区域卫生; 3、参加门店经理组织的公司例会了解公司指示精神和工作要求; 4、打开电脑检查电脑及销售系统是否正常,解决前一天的未了事项; 5、检查收银机是否正常,如有异常应马上调整;检查是否需要补充 机打纸,若需要应及时补充。 6、检查税控机是否正常,发现问题及时解决。 7、备好零钱以便给顾客找零; 8、收银台的物品摆放整齐,以饱满的工作热情迎接顾客的到来; (...

收银员工作 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 一、每日工作流程; (一)8:00-8:30 1、列队打卡,进入室内更换工服,佩戴好工牌; 2、开门营业前打扫收银台和责任区域卫生; 3、参加门店经理组织的公司例会了解公司指示精神和工作要求; 4、打开电脑检查电脑及销售系统是否正常,解决前一天的未了事项; 5、检查收银机是否正常,如有异常应马上调整;检查是否需要补充 机打纸,若需要应及时补充。 6、检查税控机是否正常,发现问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 及时解决。 7、备好零钱以便给顾客找零; 8、收银台的物品摆放整齐,以饱满的工作热情迎接顾客的到来; (二)8:30-16:30 1、保持好坐姿准备迎接顾客; 2、遵守收银的工作要点,即欢迎顾客光临;收顾客钱款要唱票“收 您多少钱”,找零时也要唱票“找您多少钱”; 要始终保持对顾客 友善的笑容,耐心地回答顾客的提问。,在顾客购机出门时要迎宾: “谢谢,欢迎您下次光临”; 3、发生顾客抱怨或由于收银结算有误顾客前来投诉交涉时,应立即 告知门店经理,由门店经理将顾客带至旁边接待与处理,以避免 影响正常的收银工作。 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 4、在营业过程中随卖随收的营业款要随时录入系统,不准积攒到一个时间点集中录入。 5、在营业中对当日所开具的发票及时登记发票明细表。 6、收银员在收取购机款时,要保证快速、准确无误的收取款项,保障商品和现金的安全,以求公司利润最大化和顾客满意最大化; 7、非营业高峰期间,应听从门店经理安排的随机性工作。 (三)16:30-17:00 必须在银行下班之前把当日的营业款存入银行(绝对不允许使 用商品包装袋来作为钱袋,否则后果自负) 隔天存款的,第一次给予警告;两次以上者每次罚款20元; (四)17:00-18:00 1、结清帐款,填制清单; 2、检查诺信录入是否准确、上办公系统发各种报表; A、向各个分公司会计发送存款日报表; B、有移动大客户购机的每日营业完了必须给各分公司会计上报 “移动大客户批发报表”; C、有SIM卡销售的区域每日营业完了必须给分公司会计上报“SIM 卡明细报表”; 3、整理收银作业区,清洁门店区域卫生。 4、关闭电脑,打印机等电源; 5、在下班后要锁好保险柜,否则后果自负; 二、月底工作流程 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 1、每月15号之前必须按照各区域主管会计寄送的纳税申报表到主管税务机关报税;(注:吴忠区域除青铜峡的国税由其主管会计电话申报外其他门店一律由收银员到当地税务局申报缴纳;中卫区域收银员主要负责地税申报,如遇到总公司会计国税系统无法正常申报的情况受其委托收银员应该及时到国税申报缴纳税款)延误交款所产生的后果视情况由收银员承担责任; 2、负责到银行取回银行对账单及回单并及时寄送主管会计处对账; 3、所开发票严格按照主管会计规定要求; 三、内部员工优惠按下列规范进行; 先向商务申请,由商务核定;国产手机是以进货价500为准, 500元以下的加50元,500元以上的加100元;外贸手机是以1000 元为准,1000元以下加50元,1000元以上加100元;流程是要 先经过申请人申请-商务-庞总-财务-财务主管-丁总-出纳;若收银 员不按流程走就直接给内部员工优惠的差价由其承担; 四、退换货工作流程: 1、顾客退换货时要必须持购机收据或发票; 2、严格按照公司退换货 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 执行; (1)、是否在退换货期限内; (2)、对使用过的手机必须检查是否是由人为原因损坏; (3)、是否影响二次销售; (4)、严格按照公司售后通知处理意见给予顾客解决; A、当顾客的手机符合可退换范围时应详细了解原因,及时登记; protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of B、进行退货时必须经部门经理以上人员同意时方可退机; 五、赠品派发流程; 1、正常经营日所有赠品必须在服务台派发,严谨顾客在卖场内拿取 赠品,并随销售单录入赠品明细; 2、节庆日对外围抛洒、抽奖发送礼品时需有专人领取并登记清楚日 期、名称、数量、发放人、接收人以便在营业日了和库管对账; , 注意事项; 1、移动大客户购机,销售单录入时系统选择“批发销售单”。客户名称必须选择对应移动大客户并按照统一移动客户结算价格录入,并在备注栏内注明购机人具体姓名。 2、在零售销售单据中,必须按照单据 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 完整录入,特殊事项必须在备注栏内填写完整。 3、数据录入时,要求收银员再次准确核对“业务传递单”后方可进行操作。 4、顾客购买参加捆绑业务的机型,门店销售人员必须保留好办理捆绑业务所需的顾客资料,根据《捆绑协议》内容详细向顾客说明捆绑业务类型,符合捆绑话费的手机相关规定,由顾客亲自在《协议》上签字确认。 A、 收银员应及时将顾客签字确认后的《移动话费捆绑协议》和捆 绑所需顾客资料送到移动台席办理业务,此项工作应坚持“日 清”原则,不得无故拖延和压单。 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of B、 收银员在办理捆绑业务时,如发现捆绑机型的串码有问题,业 务无法办理,应立即将有问题的串码提报到门店经理处,由门 店经理统一上报总公司给予解决。未经允许,不得私自使用其 它机型的串码进行捆绑。未经总公司产品经理批准私自调用其 它机型的串码进行业务办理,视同为“套机”,由业务办理人员 按照话费金额全额赔偿,承担所调换机型在移动结算价格中间 的差额部分的金额。 C、卖场内商品价格和销售政策的调整均以总公司系统通知为准, 移动2G、3G产品中捆绑机型的话费包调整、价格调整均以总 公司所发布的公司通知为准;如接到当地移动公司业务人员通 知有关价格、结算方式或捆绑政策调整的通知,应及时通知门 店经理与相关负责人进行核对确认后方可执行。 D、凡是涉及到定制产品销售价格、捆绑政策、结算方式的调整, 总公司商务助理或产品经理必须以书面形式发布办公系统公告 通知,不得以口头形式通知政策调整。 5, 在出现顾客退机时在选择结算方式时一定要仔细不能出现双重付款方式,否则,由此产生的后果收银员自行解决; 6、及时与移动核对相关结算业务; 7、不允许零售卖场的任何职能岗位的工作人员利用职能之便作支营业款、私自使用销售商品、私自在店内代卖或销售商品、私自开据或多开销售发票,一经查出,予以辞退。 8、所开具发票备注栏必须填写所售出手机串号; protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 9、收款方式“现金”与“刷卡”录入必须仔细要对应录入,否 则,第一次予以警告;两次以上者罚款20;三次以上者每次 多加10元罚款; 2011-06-15 宁夏寰瑞通讯器材有限公司 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of
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