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TPO6听力解析 www.sharewithu.com 本文章由尚友原创或整理 1 TPO6 listening 问题解析 注:问题中红色标记词汇为解题突破点和关键词。 (编辑整理 By Serene 蘑菇) Section 1(注:红色选项为答案) 1. why does the student go to the career service...

www.sharewithu.com 本文章由尚友原创或整理 1 TPO6 listening 问题解析 注:问题中红色标记词汇为解题突破点和关键词。 (编辑整理 By Serene 蘑菇) Section 1(注:红色选项为答案) 1. why does the student go to the career services office to confirm the date and time of the career fair to learn the location of the career fair to find out he is allowed to attend the career fair to get advice about interviewing at the career fair 解析:(原文中) I have a couple of questions about the career fair next week. Um ...well, are seniors the only ones who can go? I mean, you know, they are finishing school this year and getting their degrees and everything. 学生想知道是不是只有 senior student 才可以参加 career fairy 而他自己不是,因此他的意图 就是想要了解他能否被允许参加。从他自己说出的信息中可以看出他很清楚时间和地点。因 此 A 错误。 2. why does the student think that companies’ representatives would not be interested in talking to him he will not be graduating this year he is not currently talking business classes he has not declared a major yet he does not have a current resume 解析:(原文中) I mean, you know, they are finishing school this year and getting their degrees and everything. And, well, it seems like businesses would wanna talk to them and not first year students like me. 他觉得是自己目前所在年级不是即将毕业因此招聘方不会对他有兴趣。他确实还没有 decleared major 但是老师建议他参加这个活动会对他有所帮助 而不是因此不能参加。所以 C 错误。 3. what does the woman imply about the small print on the career fair posters and flyers the information in the small print was incomplete the print was similar than she expected it to be the information the small print contains will be updated the information in the small print will be presented in a more noticeable way 解析:(原文中) Sure, can’t miss them. I mean, they all say where and when the fair is, just not who should attend. www.sharewithu.com 本文章由尚友原创或整理 2 Employee : Actually they do, but it’s in the small print. Uh, we should probably make that part easier to reach, shouldn’t we? I’ll make a note of that right now. 公民人员表示他们应该让海报更为容易被学生注意到一些并随即做了 note 由此 推断 small print 上的 information 会更容易被看到。而并不是会被更新所以 C 错误。 4. what does the woman say is a good way for the student to prepare for speaking to companies’ representatives(2) take some business classes familiarize himself with certain businesses beforehand have questions ready to ask the representatives talk to people who work for accounting films 解析:(原文中) That’s very wise. Well, I suggest that you get on the computer and learn more about the accounting companies in particular that would be attending.也就是选项中的 familiarize himself with certain businesses beforehand You can learn a lot about companies from their internet websites. Then prepare a list of questions.也就是选项中的 have questions ready to ask the representatives 5. Why does the student say this:  To acknowledge that he cannot go to this year’career fairs To acknowledge the amount of preparation he will have To indicate that he has school work he must complete before the career fair To indicate that he needs to go to his job now 解析:(原文中) Employee : See? Those’re all important things to know. After you do some research, you’ll be able to tailor your questions to the particular company you are talking to. Student : Wow, I’m glad I came by here. So, it looks like I’ve got some work to do. 学生这么说就是为了表示他已经明白自己的工作量以及有哪些准备工作要做了。他并不是要 找工作而是只想了解信息 所以 D 错误。 6. what is the main purpose of the talk to show what happens after an economy has experienced a boom-and-bust cycle to illustrate the conditions needed to produce a boom-and-bust cycle to demonstrate how boom-and-bust cycles have changed over time to explain why the boom-and-bust cycle is not a frequent historical occurrence 解析:(原文中)     www.sharewithu.com 本文章由尚友原创或整理 3 The boom in the late 1990s when all those new Internet companies sprung up and then sold for huge amounts of money. Then the bust around 2000…2001 when many of those sam Internet companies went out of business. Of course, booms aren’t always followed by busts. 教授以时期来划分开始讲解并强调每个时期的不同点说明她就是为了陈述每个时期的 boom-and-bust 的特点也就是 C 选项。 虽然有提到它需要发生的条件但是只是用几句话 概述不是重点因此 B 错误。 7. what is the professor’s opinion about the dot-com crash she thinks that people should have realized it would happen she does not believe that anything like it will happen again she is surprised that it did not have more serious consequences she is confident that people learned a valuable lesson from it 解析:(原文中)See, people often create and intensify a boom when they get carried away by some new industry that seems like it will make them lots of money fast. If you think that by the 90s, people would have learned from the past. 从教授说人们应该从过去吸取教训得知教授认为人们应该从所总结的规律中推测出或意识 到 dot-com crash 是很有可能发生的。因此选 A。这里并不是说人们从 dot-com crash 学到东西 所以 D 错误。 8. according to the professor, where did tulips originate the mountains of central Asia the region around Istanbul in Turkey the sandy soils of the Netherlands the forests of northern Europe 解析:(原文中) Student : Well, the Netherlands, right? Professor : That’s what most people think, but no. They are not native to the Netherlands, or even Europe. Tulips actually hail from an area that Chinese call the Celestial Mountains in Central Asia. 教授直接否定了 Netherlands 这个答案,自己提出了 Tulips actually hail from Central Asia. 因此选 A。 9. why does the professor mention a merchant who ate tulip bulbs to explain how the Turks introduce the flower to European visitors to explain what happened to tulip bulbs that did not produce desirable colors to give an example of one way that the rich in the Netherlands showed off their wealth to illustrate her point that Europeans were unfamiliar with the flower 解析:(原文中) For the Europeans, tulips were totally unheard of. Er…a great novelty. The first bulb to show up in the Netherlands, the merchant who received them roasted and ate them. He thought they were kind of onion. www.sharewithu.com 本文章由尚友原创或整理 4 对于欧洲人来说郁金香是很新鲜的事物,甚至有人认为它是一种洋葱。那么举这个洋葱的例 子就是为了体现欧洲人对郁金香的一无所知。选 D 并不是用来炫富因此 C 错误。 10. what were some of the factors that contributed to the tulip craze in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century(3) wealthy gardeners liked to complete for rare plants the number of people with disposable income was growing tulip bulbs were initially cheap and easy to obtain tulips in the wild bloomed in unusual color combination the tulip market was not regulated by the government 解析:(原文中) It had the right kind of sandy soil for one thing, but also, it was a wealthy nation with a growing economy, willing to spend lots of money on new exotic things. Plus, the Dutch had a history of gardening. a prospering economy Sure the first specimens were just played right in tulips, but they could be bred into some extraordinary variations, like that dark purple tulip. 11. the professor mentions the practice of trading promissory note in the Netherlands in the 1630s,what does this practice explain(2) why tulips replaced gold as a form of currency why buyers were no longer interested in owning actual tulips why borrowing in the Netherlands increased on a significant scale why the middle class in the Netherlands expanded in size 解析:(原文中) As demand grew, people began selling promissory notes guaranteeing the future delivery of priced tulip bulbs. The buyers of these pieces of paper would resell the notes and mark up prices. These promissory notes kept changing hands from buyer to buyer until the tulip was ready for delivery. 推出 B The owner only cared about having that piece of paper so it could be traded later at a profit. And people were borrowing, mortgaging their homes in many cases to obtain those bits of paper 推出 C because they were sure they’d find an easy way to make money 12. what topic related to the Nightcap Oak does the professor mainly discuss(2) factors that relate to the size of the area in which it grows the size of its population over the last few centuries whether anything can be done to ensure its survival why it did not change much over the last one hundred million years 解析:(原文中) They grow in a rain forest, in a mountain rage…range in the north part of New South Wales which is a…er… state in Australia. So just 200 individual trees in all.也就是 B 选项 www.sharewithu.com 本文章由尚友原创或整理 5 Okay, what have we tried to find out about the tree since we’ve discovered it? Hum…or how…why is…is it so rare? That’s one of the first questions. Um… how is it…um…how does it reproduce? This’s another question. Um, maybe those two questions are actually related. Jim? Student : Hum …I don’t know. But I can imagine that…for instance, seed disposal might be a factor. 也就是 A 选项 13. according to the professor, what led scientists to characterize the Nightcap Oak as primitive it has no evolutionary connection to other trees growing in Australia today it has an inefficient reproductive system its flower are located at the bases of the leaves it is similar to some ancient fossils 解析:(原文中)Now another interesting thing about the Nightcap Oak is that it is…it represents…er…a very old type…er…kind of tree that grew a hundred million years ago. Um, we found fossils that old that bear remarkable resemblance to the tree. So, it’s a primitive tree. 教授指出因为研究者找到了类似的化石因此推断是 So, it’s a primitive tree. 也就是 D 选项。 解析:(原文中) Okay, what have we tried to find out about the tree since we’ve discovered it? Hum…or how…why is…is it so rare? That’s one of the first questions. Um… how is it…um…how does it reproduce? This’s another question. Um, maybe those two questions are actually related. Jim? 教授先提出一连串问题之后提示到也许这两个问题间存在某种联系,那么也就是要引导童鞋 们去思考这两者间的关系也就是 A。 14. what point does the professor make about the Nightcap Oak’s habitat it is stable despite its limited size unlike the habitats of many plants, it is expanding its recent changes have left the Nightcap Oak struggling to adapt its size is much larger than the area where the Nightcap Oak grows 解析:(原文中) Um, of course, you might think there might not be any areas where the tree could spread into, er…because…um…well, it’s very specialized in terms of the habitat. But, that’s not really the case here. Um…the suitable habitat, that is, the actual rainforest is much larger than the few hectares where the Nightcap Oak grows. 在 But, that’s not really the case here. 之后开始转折然后说 the actual rainforest is much larger than the few hectares where the Nightcap Oak grows. 也就是 D 选项的同义转换 并不是一直在 扩张因此 B 错误。 15. According to the professor, what are two factors that prevent Nightcap Oak population from spreading(2) The complex conditions required for the trees to produce fruit the fact that the seed cannot germinate while locked inside the shell www.sharewithu.com 本文章由尚友原创或整理 6 the limited time the seed retain the ability to germinate competition with tree species that evolved more recently 解析:(原文中) You know, if the Nightcap Oak remains…if their seeds remain locked inside their shell, they will not germinate. 也就是 B 选项 actually, the seeds…er…they don’t retain the power to germinate for very long, maybe two years. So actually quite a short window of opportunity for the seed to germinate. 也就是 C 16. why does the professor mention the size of the Nightcap Oak population over the last few hundred years to explain why it is likely the Nightcap Oak population will increase in the future to point out that Nightcap Oak’s limited reproductive success has not led to a decrease in its population to present evidence that the Nightcap Oak is able to tolerate major changes in its environment to point out that the Nightcap Oak is able to resist diseases that have destroyed other tree species 解析:(原文中) OK, so it seems to be the case that the species, this Nightcap Oak is not very good at spreading. However, it seems, though we can’t be sure, that it’s very good at persisting as a population. Um…we…there’s some indications to suggest that the population of the Nightcap Oak has not declined over the last. er…you know, many hundreds of years. 教授提到尽管数量范围没有扩大但是在过去的两百年里数量也没有明显下降 这 样分析的目的就是为了要说明 nightcap Oak 有限的繁衍能力并没有导致它的数 量减少也就是 B 选项 解析:(原文中) They’re those little clusters sitting at the base of the leaves. Okay, what have we tried to find out about the tree since we’ve discovered it? Hum…or how…why is…is it so rare? That’s one of the first questions. Um… how is it…um…how does it reproduce? This’s another question. Um, maybe those two questions are actually related. 教授在提出两个问题后接着暗示的提问会不会两者之间存在联系呢?也就是给学生们一个 思考的方向提示他们这两者间的联系是存在的也就是希望学生们能由此想到。所以选 A。其 他 BC 为无关选项,D 完全与事实相反。 17. Why does the professor say this: She wants the students to think about a possible connection. She wants to know if the students have any questions She is implying that researchers have been asking the wrong questions She is implying that there may be no connection between the questions www.sharewithu.com 本文章由尚友原创或整理 7 Section 2 1. Why does student go to see the professor? She is having trouble finding topic for the term paper She needs his help to find resource materials She wants to ask him for an extension on a paper She wants him to approve her plans for a term paper 解析:(原文中) Professor : Uh, hi, Lisa, what can I do for you? Student : Well, I’ve been thinking about, you know, what you were saying in class last week, about how we shouldn’t wait until the last minute to find an idea and get started working on our term paper ….. But there was one thing that really did jump out at me. 女生开门见山的表示了她来的目的就是为了来找教授谈下她的论文写作的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的,也就是 D,并不是要求延长期限,而是在 topic 上有些疑惑因此 C 错误。 2. why is the student interested in learning more about dialects she often has trouble understanding what other students are saying she is trying to change the way she speaks she is aware that her own dialect differs from those of her roommates she spent her childhood various places where different dialects are spoken 解析:(原文中) Well, especially now, cause I’ve got like one roommate who is from the south and another one from New York. And we all talk like totally different, you know But then I was noticing, like, we don’t really get into this till the end of the semester, you know. So I… 女生对方言产生兴趣是因为她发现自己跟室友说话还是有所不同 And we all talk like totally different 也就是 C。而她只说, we don’t really get into this till the end of the semester 并没有说自己要改变口音~ 3. Based on the conversation, what can be conducted about dialect accommodation(2) It is a largely subconscious process It is a process that applies only to some details It is very common phenomenon It is a topic that has not been explored extensively 解析:(原文中) So then I read the part about dialect accommodation. You know, the idea that people tend to adapt their speaking to make it closer to the speech of whomever they’re talking to, and I’m thinking, yeah, OK, all right. Dialect accommodation is a more manageable sort of topic.也就是 A 选项 So I started reading the chapter, you know, about how everyone speaks some dialect of a language. 退出 C 选项 www.sharewithu.com 本文章由尚友原创或整理 8 4. what does the professor want the student to do next read some articles he has recommended present her proposal before the entire class submit a design plan for the project listen to recordings of different dialects 解析:(原文中) Tell you what, Lisa, write me up a short proposal for this project, how you’re going to carry out the experiment and everything, a design plan. And I think this’ll work out just fine. 在女生问教授能否写这个 topic以后教授说write me up a short proposal for this project 这也就 是女生接下来要做的工作 只有 C 符合。对话中教授没有推荐过文章 A 错误。 5. What can be infered about the professor when he say this:  He thinks the topic goes beyond his expertise  He thinks the topic is too broad for the student to manage  He thinks the topic is not relevant for a linguistic class  He thinks other students may have chosen the same topic 解析:(原文中) Well, that’s certainly an interesting topic. But you may not realize, I mean, the scope... But then I was noticing, like, we don’t really get into this till the end of the semester, you know. So I… 教授提到了 scope 之后又为女生指出了具体看 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 的方向因此可以得知教授觉得 一开始该女生的想法过于宽泛应该 narrow down~因此选 B。 6. what aspect creative writing does the professor mainly discuss how to keep a reader’s interest how to create believable characters key differences between major and minor characters techniques for developing short-story plots 解析:(原文中) Professor : Alright everybody, the topic for today is, well, we’re gonna take a look at how to start creating the characters for the story you’re writing. 在一开始教授就说今天的 topic 是讲如何在写作的故事中创造人物,接下来马上开始讲方法, 其他三项都是在接下来的方法中捎带提及的,都不是主题。 7. why does the professor recommend that students pay attention to the people they see every day the behavior and characteristics of these people can be used in character sketches observing people in real-life situations can provide ideas for story plots it is easier to observe the behavior of familiar people than of new people students can gather accurate physical description for their characters 解析:(原文中) www.sharewithu.com 本文章由尚友原创或整理 9 I mean we don’t create them out of nothing. We base them, consciously or unconsciously, we base them on real people, or we blend several people’s traits, their attributes into one character. 因为所创造的任务不是凭空而来而是需要依靠真是的人的缩影,因此教授建议大家关注日常 生活中所看到的人。B 逻辑上正确但不是教授提到的,因此错误。 8. the professor discusses an example of three friends who run out of gas. What point does he use the example to illustrate? Writers should know their characters as well as they know their friends Writers should create characters that interact in complex ways Friends do not always behave the way we expect them to behave Friends’ behavior is often more predictable than fictional characters’ behavior 解析:(原文中) You need to define your characters, know their personalities so that you can have them acting in ways that are predictable, consistent with their personalities. Get to know them like a friend, you know your friends well enough to know how they’ll act in certain situations, right? Say you have three friends, their car runs out of gas on the highway. 教授先说你需要了解你笔下的人物如同自己的朋友然后开始说到这个高速公路的故事也就 是把它作为例子来说明这个观点,因此是 A。在这里并不是要分析朋友之间的心态问题,因 此 B 错误。 9. what warning does the professor give when he talks about the man who lives on the mountain avoid placing characters in remote settings avoid having more than one major character avoid using people as models whose lives are unusual avoid making characters into stereotypes 解析:(原文中) Maybe your character loves the mountains and has lived in a remote area for years. To make sure he is not a stereotype, ask yourself how he sees life differently from other people who live in that kind of setting. Be careful not to make him into the cliché of the “ragged mountain dweller”. 教授先说 Don’t make you character into a stereotype. Remember the reader needs to know how your charact
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