首页 校园食品安全知识讲座提纲



校园食品安全知识讲座提纲校园食品安全知识讲座提纲 各学区、学校,幼儿园,: 3月13日下午~区工商局、区食安委办、区教育局在西苑实验学校开展了2012—3.15食品安全知识进校园活动~活动中进行了校园食品安全知识讲座~根据局领导安排~现将《校园食品安全知识讲座提纲》下发~请各学区、学校安排人员、时间~结合《校园食品安全知识讲座提纲》在本学区、本校开展一次校园食品安全讲座活动。 2012年3月14日 allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protec...

校园食品安全知识讲座提纲 各学区、学校,幼儿园,: 3月13日下午~区工商局、区食安委办、区教育局在西苑实验学校开展了2012—3.15食品安全知识进校园活动~活动中进行了校园食品安全知识讲座~根据局领导安排~现将《校园食品安全知识讲座提纲》下发~请各学区、学校安排人员、时间~结合《校园食品安全知识讲座提纲》在本学区、本校开展一次校园食品安全讲座活动。 2012年3月14日 allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 2012—3.15食品安全知识进校园 校园食品安全知识讲座提纲 各位老师同学: 大家好! “民以食为天~食以安为先”~当今的社会是坚持以人为本的社会~是倡导健康消费、科学消费、安全消费、和谐消费的社会。食品安全问题涉及到千家万户中每个人的身体健康和生命安全。同学们:你们是祖国的花朵~是祖国的未来~是早上八九点钟的太阳~是祖国的发展和富强的希望;在这里我想问一下我们的同学你们吃的方便面是合格食品吗,面包有厂名、厂址、生产日期、合格证吗,妈妈每天给你喝的牛奶有 QS 标志吗,可能大多数同学只会关心食品的保质期~而对食品的品质加工以及QS标志一无所知。 大家都知道食品质量安全关注的重点就是食品的污染对人类的健康、安全带来的威胁。2008年以来发生的“三聚氢胺”、“地沟油”、河南瘦肉精、上海染色馒头、辽宁毒豆芽等等食品安全事件频频发生~食品安全形势依然严峻。去年又闹出台湾的塑化剂事件再一次提醒公众关注食品安全~保护自身健康。上述事件都是食品当中违规添加非食用级的食品添加剂而造成食品污染~损害人们的身体健康。 就在2007年9月19日~武威市某幼儿园部分儿童出现发烧、呕吐、肚子痛等症状~被送往医院诊治。后经查实导致发allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 生59名儿童集体食物食物中毒的原因是儿童食用带有病菌的食物后发病。 2010年,月,?日广西玉林一小学发生食物中毒事件~因食用变质细菌污染的食物70人入医治疗。 这一系列事件告诉我们~学校的食品安全问题至关重要~也是关系到同学们的身体健康~在学校和社会齐抓共管的同时~同学们自己也要学会怎么辨别安全和卫生的食品。现在社会上流传着这样一句话:“荤菜有激素~素菜有毒素~饮料有色素~吃什么心里没数。”当然深层次的食品安全问题需要政府和相关主管部门引导和监管~需要全社会共同参与。下面我给同学们讲一讲需要知道的和了解的一些食品安全方面常识性的知识。 一、食品安全相关知识 谈到食品安全~那首先要知道什么是食品和食品安全, 1、什么叫食品? 根椐《食品安全法》的规定:食品是指用于食用或者饮用的成品和原料以及按照传统既是食品又是药品的物品~但是不包括以治疗为目的的物品。食品应当无毒、无害~符合应当有的营养要求~具有相应的色、香、味等感官性状。 2、什么叫食品安全,食品安全是指:“指食品无毒、无害~符合应当有的营养要求~对人体健康不造成任何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害。”简单的讲食品安全就是对人体健康~对生命安全~对食品的更高要求就是没有受到环境的污染。 3、什么叫食品质量, 国际 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化组织颁布的 ISO 标准规定~食品质量是由各种要素组成的~这些要素被称为食品所具allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 有的特性~这些特性的总和构成了食品质量的内涵~也就是说~食品质量是指食品的固有特性满足人们明确的以及隐含的要求的能力。 4、什么是食品的保质期和保存期,二者有何区别, ,1,保质期,最佳食用期,是指在标签上规定条件下保持食品质量,品质,的期限。 ,2,保存期,推荐的最终食用期,是指在标签上规定的条件下~食品可以食用的最终日期~超过此期限~产品质量,品质,可能发生变化~食品不再适于销售和食用。 ,3,区别:过了保质期的食品未必不能吃~但过了保存期的食品就一定不能吃。 5、什么是 QS 标志, QS 是食品“质量安全”,Quality Safety,的英文缩写~是食品质量安全市场准入标志~是质量标志~食品外包装上加印,贴,QS 标志表明符合质量安全基本要求。实施食品质量安全市场准入 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 管理的食品~其产品出厂必须加印,贴,食品市场准入标志~没有食品市场准入标志的~不得出厂销售。食品市场准入标志由“QS”和“质量安全”中文字样组成~标志主色调为蓝色。字母“Q”与“质量安全”四个中文字样为蓝色~字母“,”为白色。 6、目前我国实施,,标志食品的种类有哪些, 国家实施,,食品生产许可证目录明确规定:大米、食用植物油、小麦粉、酱油、醋、茶叶、酱腌制品、炒货食品、可可制品、密饯、焙炒食品、蛋制品、水产加工制品、淀粉及淀粉制品、糖果制品、啤酒、黄酒、葡萄酒、冷饮、肉制品、乳制品、饮料、调allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 味品、方便面、饼干、罐头、散装速冻面米食品、膨化食品等 28 类 525 个种食品。 7、《食品安全法》第二十八条规定:禁止生产经营下列食品 ,一,用非食品原料生产的食品或者添加食品添加剂以外的化学物质和其他可能危害人体健康物质的食品~或者用回收食品作为原料生产的食品, ,二,致病性微生物、农药残留、兽药残留、重金属、污染物质以及其他危害人体健康的物质含量超过食品安全标准限量的食品, ,三,营养成分不符合食品安全标准的专供婴幼儿和其他特定人群的主辅食品, ,四,腐败变质、油脂酸败、霉变生虫、污秽不洁、混有异物、掺假掺杂或者感官性状异常的食品, ,五,病死、毒死或者死因不明的禽、畜、兽、水产动物肉类及其制品, ,六,未经动物卫生监督机构检疫或者检疫不合格的肉类~或者未经检验或者检验不合格的肉类制品, ,七,被包装材料、容器、运输工具等污染的食品, ,八,超过保质期的食品, ,九,无标签的预包装食品, ,十,国家为防病等特殊需要明令禁止生产经营的食品, ,十一,其他不符合食品安全标准或者要求的食品。 二、合格食品的辩别 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 1、食品选购外观查验凭借人体自身的感觉器官即眼、鼻、口,包括舌头,及手~对食品的外观质量进行查验。也就是通过眼睛看、鼻子嗅、用口品尝和用手触摸等方式~对食品的色、香、味和外观形态进行综合性的鉴别和 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 。看食品的包装是否完整~厂名、厂址和商标等标识是否齐全~是否清楚标明生产日期、保质期~还要特别认清食品安全认证标志~即:QS 标志。 任何食品需特别关注五个要件:厂名、厂址、生产日期、保质期、QS 标志。 2、几种常用食品的识别方法: ,1,方便面的识别方法 方便面:以小麦粉、麦粉、玉米粉、绿豆粉、米粉等为主要原料~添加食盐或食品添加剂等~加适量水调制、压迫、成型~汽蒸后~经油炸或干燥处理~达到一定熟度的方便食品~有油炸方便面和非油炸方便面。 方便面的感官要求:?色泽:呈该品种特有的颜色~无焦、生现象~正反两面可略有深浅差别。 ?气味:气味正常~无霉味、哈味及其他异味, ?形状:外形整齐~花纹均匀~不得有异物、焦渣, ?烹调性:面条复水后~应无明显断条~并条~口感不生、不粘牙。 ,2,火腿肠,高温蒸煮肠, 火腿肠是指以鲜或冻畜、禽、鱼肉为主要原料~经腌制搅拌,或乳化,灌入塑料肠衣~经高温杀菌~制成的肉类灌肠制品。 火腿肠的感官要求: ?外观:肠体均匀饱满~无损伤~表面干净~密封良好~结扎牢固~肠衣的结扎 部位无内容物。?色泽:具有产品固有的色泽。?质地:组织紧密~有弹性、切片良好~无软骨及其他杂物、无气孔。?风味:咸淡适中~鲜香可口~具固有风味~无异味。 ,3,熟肉制品主要包括:allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 肉干~肉松~肉灌肠~烧烤肉等。 感官要求:无异味~无酸败味~无异物,熟肉干制品无焦斑和霉斑。 ,4,乳制品 乳制品感官鉴别要点:感官鉴别乳制品应当观察其色泽是否正常~质地是否均匀细腻~滋味是否纯正~同时有针对性地观察诸如酸乳有无清分离~奶粉有无结块~奶酪切面有无水珠和霉斑等情况。 ,5,酸牛乳 感官要求:酸牛乳的感官特性:纯酸牛乳色泽呈均匀一致的乳白色或微黄色~滋味的气味具有酸牛乳固有的滋味和气味~组织细腻、均匀~允许有少量乳清析出:调味酸牛乳、果料酸牛乳:色泽呈均匀一致的乳白色~或调味乳、果料应有的色泽~滋味和气 味具有调味酸牛乳或果料酸牛乳应有的滋味和气味~组织细腻、均匀、允许有少量乳清析出~果料酸牛乳有果块或果粒。 ,6,AD 钙奶 AD 钙奶 感官要求:钙奶色泽呈均匀一致的乳白色或微黄色~具有牛乳或羊乳固有的滋味和气味~无异味~组织状态为均匀的液体~无凝块~无粘稠现象~无肉眼可见杂质 和异物。 ,7,食用菌罐头 感官要求:食用菌罐的容器应密封完好~无泄漏~胖听现象存在~容器外表无锈蚀~ 内壁涂料无脱落~内容物具有食用菌罐头食品的正常色泽、气味、无异味、无杂质。 ,8,冷冻饮品 感官要求:冷冻饮品应具有与品名相符的色泽和香味~无任何不良气味~滋味及肉 眼可见杂质。 ,9,茶饮料 感官要求:茶饮料应具有该产品应有的色泽、香味和气味~无异味、异臭及肉眼可 见的杂质。无浑浊、无沉淀,不包括添加果汁、乳的乳制品的茶饮料,。 ,10,瓶,桶,装饮用纯净水、瓶,桶,装饮用水、饮用天然矿泉水。 感官要求:除色度、浑浊度有不同要求外~不allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 得有异臭异味~不得检出肉眼可见物。 天然矿泉水:具有本矿泉水的特征性口味~不得有异臭、异味,允许有极少量的天然矿 物盐沉淀~但不得含其他异物。 ,11,果、蔬汁饮料 感官要求:果、蔬汁饮料应具所含原料水果、蔬菜应具有的色泽、香气的滋味~无 异味~无肉眼可见的外来杂质。, 12,巧克力 感官要求:具有各种巧克力和巧克力制品相应的色、香、味及形态~无异味~无肉 眼可见的杂质。 ,13,糕点、面包 感官要求:应具有糕点、面包各自的正常色泽、气味、滋味及组织状态~不得有酸 败、发霉等异味~食品内外不得有霉变、生虫及其他外来污染物。 ,14,饼干 感官要求:饼干应具有该品种特有的正常色泽、气味、滋味及组织状态~不得有酸败、发霉等异味~食品内外不得有霉变、生虫及其他肉眼可见杂质。 ,15,果冻 感官要求:色泽应具有该产品原料相应的纯净色泽,滋味气味应具有该产品种应有滋味气味~无异味,性状应呈胶冻状~质软~无杂质。 ,16,油炸小食品 感官要求:油炸小食品应当具有本产品的正常色泽~无焦、生现象,气味正常~无 霉味、哈喇及其他异味。 ,17,膨化食品 有油炸膨化食品与非油炸膨化食品。 感官要求:膨化食品应有该品种特有的正常色泽、气味的滋味、不得有异物、发霉、酸败及其他异味。 ,18,月饼 月饼是指使用面粉等谷物粉、油、糖或不加糖调调制成饼皮~包裹各种馅料~经加工而成在中秋节食用为主的传统食品。月饼的种类很多~品牌也很多~如广式月饼、京式月饼、苏式月饼、蓉沙类、果仁类、果蔬类。肉与肉制品类、水产制品类、蛋黄类等等~各类品牌的月饼~其感观色泽~组织成分也不一样~allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 仿冒产品也很多~暴利很大~问题出得也很多。如本地蛋糕店、小作坊生产的月饼等。月饼有严格的保质期~严格的召回制度~因此在购买月饼时~必需严密注意其厂名、 厂址、生产日期、保质期、QS 标志、商品条码标志。其内在质量、感官要求:外形整齐~花纹清晰~无破裂~漏馅~皮馅厚薄均匀~无脱壳~无异味~无杂质等。 (19)散装食品 散装食品~一般于当地小作坊生产~工艺简单~生产程序及 配方 学校职工宿舍分配方案某公司股权分配方案中药治疗痤疮学校教师宿舍分配方案医生绩效二次分配方案 、配料都不规范~生产成本低。有的散装食品既无厂名、厂址、生产日期、保质期、更无 QS 标志~但十个便宜、九个爱。它具有一定的市场。散装食品虽然是工商及有关行政执法部门监管的重点~但屡堵不绝~希望同学们大家不要买、不要吃。要解决这个问题需要全社会广大消费者~提高认识~共同配合。 3、买到不合格食品如何申诉, 流通环节食品安全监管职能部门是工商行政管理部门。工商行政管理部门维护消费者的合法权利~有义不容辞的责任。当你买到不合格食品后:,1,可以当场要求经营者退货~退货的同时可主动向工商部门 12315 机构举报和向消费者协会投诉~以便追根索源~消除隐患~及时查处。,2,一定要向经营者索取购货凭证、发票。,3,如果当场协商不成的可直接到辖区工商所进行申诉。,4,造成危害后果的~可以要求经济赔偿~甚至追究其法律责任。,食品安全法规定:生产不符合食品安全标准的食品或者销售明知是不符合食品安全标准的食品~消费者除要求赔偿损失外~还可以向生产者或者销售者要求支付价款十倍的赔偿金, 工商部门的申诉举报电话:12315 allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 三、温馨提示:,平常生活中应注意的几点常识, 春天到了~正值肠道疾病和呼吸道疾病的多发季节~为了大家的身体健康和生长发育~同学们应该主要做到以下几点: 1、养成良好的卫生习惯。饭前便后要洗手。不良的个人卫生习惯会把致病菌从人体带到食物上去。比如说~手上沾有致病菌~再去拿食物~污染了的食物就会进入消化道~就会引发细菌性食物中毒。从而引起腹泻。 2、选择新鲜和安全的食品。要到正规的大型商场超市购买食品~要注意查看其感官性状~是否有腐败变质。尤其是对小食品~不要只看其花花绿绿的外表诱人~要查看其生产日期、保质期~是否有厂名、厂址、生产许可证号,QS标志,等标识。不要到校园周边没有证照或证照不全的小商摊贩处购买无厂名厂址、无出厂合格证、无保质期的“三无”食品和假冒伪劣食品。自觉抵制“三无食品”、“垃圾食品”、“不合格食品”。,“三无”食品:无厂名、厂址、生产日期的“三无”食品~多数是用有毒、有害、变质或劣质原料制作的食品。“三无”食品是最不安全食品。, 3、食品在食用前要彻底清洁。生吃瓜果要洗净。瓜果蔬菜在生长过程中不仅会沾染病菌、病毒、寄生虫卵~还有残留的农药、杀虫剂等~如果不清洗干净~不仅可能染上疾病~还可能造成农药中毒。需加热的食物要加热彻底。如豆角和豆浆含有皂甙等毒素~不彻底加热会引起中毒。 4、注意饮食习惯:平时应少吃油炸类、冷冻甜品类、饼干类、烧烤类、加工类肉食品、汽水可乐类饮料等食品,多吃水allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 果、蔬菜、有营养的肉类等健康环保的食品,绝对不能吃过期、变质、霉变的食品。 5、饮用符合卫生要求的饮用水。不喝生水或不洁净的水。最好是喝白开水。 6、提倡体育锻炼~增强机体免疫力~抵御细菌的侵袭。 各位同学~只要我们认识和了解食品安全知识~掌握一些预防方法~提高自我卫生意识~就能最大限度减少食物中毒的风险度~健康消费、科学消费、安全消费~保证我们的身体健康~食品安全的问题需要我们全社会的共同参与~履行起我们共同的责任~构建和谐健康的生活。最后祝愿大家健康快乐~学习进步: 谢谢大家: allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant
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