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检察院反渎职侵权工作调研文章检察院反渎职侵权工作调研文章 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to...

检察院反渎职侵权工作调研文章 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 检察院反渎职侵权工作调研文章 渎职侵权犯罪被人们称为“不揣腰包的腐败”,是指国家机关工作人员在履行职责或者行使职权过程中玩忽职守、滥用职权或者徇私舞弊致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的行为。在给国家造成巨大经济损失的同时,渎职侵权犯罪还危及人民群众的生命健康安全,破坏国家机关工作秩序、社会管理秩序和市场经济秩序,破坏社会的公平正义和民主法治,阻碍和谐社会的构建。怎样更加有利的惩治和预防渎职侵权犯罪,真正做到“罚当其罪”,发挥法律在惩治犯罪上的震慑力,是我们应当思考的问题。下面,我就基层检察院反渎职侵权工作的现状、困境与对策谈一下个人想法: 一、现状及存在的困境 大多数基层反渎干警是充满职业使命感和办案热情的,他们一不怕苦,二不怕累,但却总对办案中时时碰到“拳头打棉花”现象心怀忌惮,束手无策。一个预期有价值的线索,往往可能会因为人情、招呼、条子等“潜 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf ”的存在而初查无果,不了了之; 一件本是事实清楚,证据确实充分,依法符合起诉条件的案件,最后“依法”决定不起诉;一个本是“铁案”已起诉案件,却常常因为“检法争议”的发生而在判决当口被迫撤回起诉,因此大事化小,小事则几近化于乌有。 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 目前检察机关反渎职侵权工作的现状可概括为 “四难一大”,即线索发现难、调查取证难、侦结公诉难、法律把握难和查处阻力大,谁曾知基层检察院的工作更是难上加难。 一是线索发现难。现行刑法及其修正案规定的反渎职侵权受案范围比原来扩大了许多,罪名多达43个,办案空间理应更大。但是,由于认识等诸方面原因,人民群众向检察机关反映渎职侵权犯罪方面的情况相当之少,主动上门提供线索的更是少之又少。案件线索来源狭窄,渠道不畅,线索不足、线索质量明显不高,可查性极差,“案源匮乏,线索枯竭”成为反渎职侵权工作健康发展的“瓶颈”。反渎职侵权部门寻找案源的主要途径是在一些重大事故发生后才上门“捡案子”,具有较大的偶然性,缺乏稳定性,“等米下锅”,甚至“无米下锅”的情况成为基层反渎职侵权工作的常态。墨守成规和坐等举报发现案件线索的方式已经不能满足打击犯罪的形势需要。 二是调查取证难。渎职侵权犯罪主体大多是具有较高文化素质和社会活动能力的国家机关工作人员,犯罪手段具有多样性、隐蔽性、智能性的特点,反侦查能力较强。而且这些人关系网厚,尤其是一些领导干部具有一定的影响力,易订立攻守同盟,转移侦查视线,涉案的当事人也不会轻易谈及案情,这些都为反渎部门的调查取证工作增加了不少难But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 度,稍有不慎,会功亏一篑,造成负面影响,遭遇尴尬境地。 三是侦结追诉难。渎职侵权案件涉及面广,案情复杂,所以在案件处理过程中,院领导和反渎部门不同程度地会碰到以各种理由说情、施压、拆台等现象,有的查到一半就被叫停了,有的已侦结,但得不到应有的处理。犯罪嫌疑人或被不诉,或被判缓刑,在案件处理上普遍存在从宽、轻缓问题,犯罪嫌疑人被移送起诉的为数极少。在实际侦查过程中,往往辛辛苦苦地侦结一起渎职、侵权犯罪案件,由于证据、认识、环境等多种原因限制,不得不半途而废,办案工作“只开花不结果”,或处理结果“轻描淡写”。“证据不力,认识不统一”,成为反渎职侵权工作持续发展的“底气不足”问题。 四是法律把握难。渎职、侵权犯罪新型犯罪多,新罪名多,有些渎职、侵权犯罪又与各种行政行为、执法行为交织在一体,罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪的界限显得模糊不清;部分条文用语较为模糊,缺乏可操作性,有关的司法解释相对滞后;一般案件和重特大案件界限不明, 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 不清。造成反渎部门对一些技术性较强的案件或者新罪名的案件查处工作带来一定的困难。如环境监管失职罪、传染病防治失职罪、商检失职罪等涉及的技术性较强;滥用管理、证券职权罪、徇私舞弊不移交刑事案件罪等新罪名没有经验可以借鉴,难以把握。 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 3 / 11 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 五是查处阻力大。在司法实践中,经常出现这样一些问题:有的单位和领导从地方、部门保护主义出发,瞒案不报,封锁消息,导致反渎部门错失办案良机;有的袒护渎职犯罪,用权力、利益、人情关系影响案件查办;有的甚至将查处渎职犯罪与发展经济对立起来,认为惩治渎职犯罪会影响本地区的经济发展,损害本部门的利益,不让查处,进而发展到阻挠办案。导致有的案件线索“不能受理”,只好放弃;有的案件在初查过程中突接“圣旨”,“紧急刹车”、“草草收兵”;有的案件在初查过程中深入不得,只好 “忍痛流产”等,“受理不得,查处不得”成为反渎职侵犯检察工作深入发展的“拦路虎”问题。 二、存在困境的原因 1.人们对渎职侵权犯罪缺乏认知,不愿举报,不会举报,导致案件线索发现难。虽然渎职侵权犯罪和贪污贿赂一样都是职务犯罪,但是,由于渎职侵权案件大多是过失犯罪,钱没进腰包,“好心办坏事”,危害性不那么直观,因此,许多人对其性质认识不清,罪与非罪的界限不明。一些本已触犯刑律、构成犯罪的渎职侵权行为,却被看成是一般的工作失误或工作方法不当。加上检察机关宣传的广度、深度不够,有影响的渎职侵权案件较少,一般干部、群众对检察机关反渎职侵权职责、任务不甚了解,由此出现不知如何举报或不愿意举报,导致办案机关“无米下锅”。 2、案件But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 查办有阻力,社会干扰多,初查工作难以深入。渎职、侵权犯罪是国家机关工作人员在履行职责时发生的违法行为,既与公务活动联系密切,又与社会不正之风、违纪行为交织在一起。上至领导,下至一般干部群众容易为“工作失误”和“处理不当”所惑。一有风吹草动,总会有人寻找各种理由极力为其说情开脱。而涉案人员又是国家机关工作人员,位高权重,关系网严密,没有可靠确凿的证据,很难实现初查目的,工作难以深入。加上少数单位领导法制观念淡薄,缺乏主动移送线索的意识,或者出于各种自身或部门利益,怕一票否决,怕“拔出萝卜带出泥”,怕“引火烧身”,往往对案件查处不是低调处理、隐瞒真相、极力开脱,就是消极干扰,甚至设置障碍阻挠办案,以各种理由不让查、不让诉、不让判,人为增加了案件取证和查办的难度,使很多案件的侦查取证工作无法正常进行。 3、侦查模式太陈旧,犯罪证据难以固定。当前,渎职、侵权犯罪案件的侦查模式沿袭反贪侦查模式,偏重于“由供到证”,法律赋予的侦查手段不足,取证方式单一,很少应用现代科学技术获取和固定证据,如刑诉法赋予公安机关的技术侦查手段和秘密侦查手段,检察机关都不能使用,侦查工作往往陷于被动局面。由于侦查模式陈旧和技术手段落后,办案人员无法隐蔽侦查方向和意图,在与犯罪分子斗争中不能占取主动地位。 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 5 / 11 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 4、联系 机制 综治信访维稳工作机制反恐怖工作机制企业员工晋升机制公司员工晋升机制员工晋升机制图 虽已建立,案源渠道仍狭窄。检察机关虽然主动与纪检监察、法院、公安、审计、工商、税务等单位、部门,建立起案件线索移送和信息反馈制度。但实际工作中,这种联系机制只停留在互相联合行文建立机制的表面形式,相关单位对本单位的案件线索大都以政纪、党纪形式作了处理,无法形成合力,收效甚微。 5、处罚轻缓,影响办案积极性。渎职侵权犯罪案件的查处对象是国家机关工作人员,一经查实判刑就意味丢饭碗,为减轻处罚,避免被判刑,于是动用各种关系对司法进行干预的现象十分严重,造成在案件处理问题上普遍存在从宽处理,查多罚少,判缓刑多判实刑少的现象。人为增加了办案人员查案危险性和举报人的举报成本,达不到预期期待,还会经常受到公然叫嚣,都对查处渎职侵权犯罪案件形成不利因素,执法环境不良的负面影响,降低了群众举报和工作人员办案的积极性。 三、解决对策 据报道,针对反渎职侵权工作存在的问题,曹建明检察长在向十一届全国人大常委会第十一次会议报告工作时,提出了三项建议: 一是完善刑法关于渎职罪的规定,对一些严重犯罪适当提高法定刑,进一步明确量刑标准,规范免刑、缓刑的适用,加大惩治渎职犯罪的力度。 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 二是加强对司法解释工作的监督和协调,指导解决司法实践中适用法律的重大问题,促进渎职侵权犯罪案件依法处理。三是加大执法检查力度,全面落实和完善行政执法与刑事司法相衔接机制,保证犯罪行为依法受到追究,维护社会主义法制的统一、尊严、权威。 三项建议,为我们指明了走出反渎职侵权工作困境的路径,提出了破解工作难题的钥匙,尤其让基层反渎工作燃起了新的希望。但在三项建议未纳入法律,并公布实施之前,就如何解决前述问题,走出困境,应当采取如下对策。 1、“等案”变“找案”,拓宽案源渠道。检察机关应深入持久地开展定期、不定期的法制宣传活动,通过电视讲座、张贴标语、宣传挂图、散发宣传资料,接受群众咨询等多种形式,广泛宣传反渎职侵权工作。一方面使干部群众了解反渎职侵权工作的性质、职能、受案范围、管辖罪名及立案标准等知识及工作开展情况,让群众敢举报、多举报;另一方面以鲜活的案例使广大干部群众认识到渎职侵权犯罪是腐败现象的突出表现之一,其社会危害性绝不亚于贪污贿赂犯罪,有的甚至有过之而无不及,消除“渎职犯罪情有可原”的错误思想,争取社会各界大力支持检察机关依法查办渎职侵权犯罪案件。此外,要走出去“找米下锅”:一是从社会接触中收集犯罪线索。二是注意从新闻媒体,特别是新闻媒体报道的各种重大责任事故和重大案件中,追根求源, But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 7 / 11 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 发现有关职能部门人员渎职犯罪的线索。三是从社会热点问题收集犯罪案件信息。四是要加强同纪检监察部门、审计部门、司法行政部门和检察机关内部其他业务部门的联系,争取他们多移交案件线索。五是尝试建立渎职侵权犯罪信息库,既主动收集犯罪信息,又对案件信息长期经管、综合利用,充分发挥涉案信息的作用。 2、不断更新观念,用足用活侦查措施。必须适应“开拓、加强、规范、发展”的思路,不断更新受案、办案观念。一方面要总结和借鉴成功经验,打破以人立案的常规,果断以事立案,变被动为主动,快速启动侦查程序,运用一切可利用的侦查手段,解决不立案无法运用侦查措施进一步调查取证的难题,使案件承办人最大限度地发挥各种侦查手段的作用,控制侦查节奏,争取查办案件的主动权。另一方面为查明案情,收集证据和控制犯罪嫌疑人,可以采取调查取证、搜查、勘验等一系列侦查措施。侦查人员熟知各种侦查措施的法律特征、适用范围和使用方法,并能够大胆、灵活地正确使用,是开展侦查工作的基本条件。一是寻找讯问、询问技巧。应从渎职、侵权案件的特点出发,要有计划地进行,不打无准备之仗。二是适时采取强制措施。正确使用各种法定的人身强制措施,对于控制犯罪嫌疑人、突破攻守同盟具有重要作用。对侦查工作需要,又符合逮捕、拘留的,都应适时、果断地逮捕、拘留。三是制定符合案件实际的侦查策But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 略。制定侦查策略,做到具体案件具体分析,综合运用心理学、逻辑学等科学知识,制定符合实际的策略和方法。对在实践中总结出的重点突破、避实就虚、欲擒故纵、利用矛盾、声东击西等策略,都应当在进行可行性分析后,具体适用,切不可简单从事,生搬硬套。 3、以打促防,打防并举。一方面,办案是最能体现反渎职侵权工作职能的手段,也是服务和谐社会的切入点和闪光点。检察机关要坚持把反渎职侵权工作的位置前移,纳入反腐败斗争的总体格局,做到领导重视,在装备、经费和人员配置等方面给予必要的保障和一定的倾斜。渎职侵权部门要树立威信,通过严查渎职侵权犯罪案件扩大社会影响,提高检察机关反渎职侵权工作的社会认知度,为检察机关查办渎职侵权犯罪提供可靠的案源基础,坚决打击渎职侵权犯罪,以惩治犯罪的高压态势进一步激发人民群众的举报热情。另一方面,只有实施有效的打击,“杀鸡给猴看”,才能以打促防,收到以儆效尤的预防效果,推动渎职侵权犯罪预防工作的开展。对渎职侵权犯罪绝不能只打不防,更不能放任不管。渎职侵权犯罪有其自身的特点,全部在行使职权过程中发生,与职务行为的联系更为紧密,因此,其预防工作除加强思想政治教育,加大打击力度,在“不想”、“不敢”上做文章外,应从着重在“不能”上多下功夫。帮助各单位建立、健全切实有效的权力监督与制约机制,狠抓各项 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 9 / 11 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 的落实,加大对执行的监督,发现漏洞,及时建议有关单位弥补,真正做到防患于未然。 4、建立和培养复合型的反渎职侵权人才队伍。反渎职侵权工作涉及知识领域广,部门多,法律、法规专业性强,因此必须培养有较深渎职侵权犯罪理论功底和丰富侦查经验的复合型人才,才能适应当前反渎职侵权工作的发展。应着力培养反渎职侵权干警的三种能力:一是要提高自行发现线索的能力。从日常工作、生活和社会交往中努力发现和捕捉线索。二是要提高突破案件的能力。通过加大培训力度、推广总结经验、运用侦查谋略等途径,强化实战训练,开展有针对性的业务练兵,不断提高干警心理对抗、控制节奏、把握时机、证据运用以及灵活应变的能力,改善和优化侦查队伍。三是要提高熟悉运用各种知识的能力。熟悉掌握国家机关负有管理和维护社会主义市场经济秩序职能部门的机构、职责等基本情况和法律法规、内部工作 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 以及渎职犯罪的行为特征、基本规律、易发环节,找到查办案件的突破口和侦查思路。加强学习相关知识,了解相关工作流程,提高业务水平。要加强反渎职侵权干警的职业道德教育,培养“忠诚、公正、廉洁、文明”职业道德素质,提高总体素质,增强综合作战能力,以适应新形势新任务的要求。 But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. < But know cherish the people of his hometown of XXX, in although the achievements of the career, but people in my hometown are still in the very low standard of living environment and a rich man is not rich must do something for the villagers to the bear home. So he resolutely natural left Guangzhou, decided to return home business. 11 / 11
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