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劳动经济学试题劳动经济学试题 全国2011年1月高等教育自学考试劳动经济学试题 课程代码:03323 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.劳动经济学的研究对象是( ) A.劳动资源的利用问题B.劳动资源的配置问题 C.劳动资源的产生问题D.劳动资源的稀缺问题 2.如果某种劳动力供给是富有弹性的,那么该劳动力供给曲线是一条( ) A.与横轴垂直的线B.与横轴平行的线 C.向右上倾...

劳动经济学试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 全国2011年1月高等教育自学考试劳动经济学试题 课程代码:03323 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.劳动经济学的研究对象是( ) A.劳动资源的利用问题B.劳动资源的配置问题 C.劳动资源的产生问题D.劳动资源的稀缺问题 2.如果某种劳动力供给是富有弹性的,那么该劳动力供给曲线是一条( ) A.与横轴垂直的线B.与横轴平行的线 C.向右上倾斜且较为平坦的曲线D.向右上倾斜且较为陡峭的曲线 3.预算约束线的斜率反映的是( ) A.劳动收入与劳动时间之比B.劳动收入与个人可支配时间之比 C.闲暇时间与劳动时间之比D.闲暇时间与劳动收入之比 4.在工资率较低且收入较少时,工资率对劳动力供给的影响主要是( ) A.正向影响B.负向影响 C.双向影响D.没有影响 5.等成本线上的任意一点表示( ) A.劳动收入和闲暇组合的效用相同B.闲暇和劳动组合的成本相同 C.劳动和资本投入组合的产量相同D.劳动和资本投入组合的成本相同 6.在生产要素价格不变和生产的货币资金逐渐增加的条件下,每一种产出水平下的劳动和资本投入的最佳组合曲线是( ) A.等产量线B.等成本线 C.生产扩大线D.无差异曲线 7.工资率提高,在规模效应和替代效应的共同作用下,劳动力需求会( ) A.增加B.下降 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction C.不变D.不确定 8.劳动力市场不仅是实现劳动力交换的场所,还是( ) A.劳动力资源优化配置的机制和形式B.一般商品交换的场所 C.劳动过程当中的一种劳动关系D.劳动力买卖的场所 9.静态均衡分析指的是在考察市场均衡时,变量的调整( ) A.没有抽象掉时间因素B.抽象掉时间因素 C.是需要花时间完成的D.在不同时间完成 10.内部劳动力市场形成的基础是( ) A.雇员与企业之间的选择是平等的关系 B.工资和就业是通过竞争来实现的 C.企业对雇员没有使用支配权 D.企业和雇员有持续的劳动关系 11.作为工资的转化形式和劳动力价格重要构成部分的劳动报酬是( ) A.奖金B.津贴 C.福利D.补贴 12.经过价格指数修正过的,并且能够说明工资的实际购买能力的工资是( ) A.货币工资B.实际工资 C.超时工资D.加班工资 13.当劳动力市场的卖方垄断存在时,劳动力市场的工资和就业将会( ) A.工资率提高,就业量减少B.工资率下降,就业量减少 C.工资率下降,就业量增加D.工资率提高,就业量增加 14.关于充分就业的理解,正确的说法是( ) A.当充分就业实现时,意味着失业现象的消失 B.当充分就业实现时,总需求增加,总就业量也随之增加 C.摩擦性失业及其他类型的自然失业与充分就业并行不悖 construction process, because more construction entirefect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the tion process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will afnstrucinstallation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole comost key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall wall mplex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtaintain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation cone curion and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stote the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocatss plaeck. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glaifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality chn accordance with the relevant specyear bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be i-ry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration indust2 D.充分就业是一个绝对的概念 15.菲利普斯曲线含有的重大政策选择意义是( ) A.用于说明自然失业率存在于通货膨胀为零的状态 B.用于说明通货膨胀与自然失业率之间的关系 C.通过宏观经济政策,无法调整通货膨胀和失业之间的客观关系 D.通过宏观经济政策的实施,可以在通货膨胀与失业之间进行选择,使二者处于某种社会可以接受的范 围之内 16.货币工资的增长超过劳动生产率的增长,会导致( ) A.成本推进型通货膨胀B.预期型通货膨胀 C.需求拉上型通货膨胀D.结构性通货膨胀 17.下列各项措施中,能降低自然失业率水平的是( ) A.增强工资刚性B.降低政府对劳动力的培训力度 C.提高青年组变换工作的频率D.放慢技术进步的速度 18.公共部门的决策目标是( ) A.工作效果最大化B.成本最小化 C.服务最大化D.利润最大化 19.公共部门的劳动特点、职业结构特点,使工资结构中占较大比重的是( ) A.年龄津贴B.人力资本补偿性工资 C.福利补贴费D.岗位津贴 20.下列属于工会弱化市场约束的活动是( ) A.在集体 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 中规定工作岗位的最低定员 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 B.阻碍政府的充分就业政策 C.确保劳动力市场有较多的低工资劳动者 D.鼓励技术变化对劳动力的替代 二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) mplex part of the entire construction process, because more constructioncurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a conot acnt of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are lass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key poirall gd is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to ovell installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Boaroverang is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processi uctionne processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and constrby step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stotep with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done s to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance year bonds,-ten to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be writ3 在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、 多选、少选或未选均无分。 21.在完全竞争的市场结构中,劳动力市场实现均衡就意味着( ) A.劳动力资源达到了最有效率的分配 B.社会产出有可能取得最高水平 C.均衡工资率等于总的边际产品价值 D.不同质的劳动力也能获得相同的工资 E.所有企业的产品价格相同 22.劳动力流动是实现人力资本价值和增值的必要条件,其原因在于( ) A.劳动力流动费用可以直接形成或增加人力资本 B.劳动力流动可以实现人力资本的优化配置 C.劳动力流动可以调节人力资本分布的稀缺程度 D.劳动力流动可以使得定量的人力资本产生更大经济价值和收益 E.劳动力流动可以直接提高员工技术水平 23.在集体谈判时,双方坚持点的确定主要考虑的因素有( ) A.劳动力市场劳动力供求状况B.经济的景气程度 C.企业货币工资的支付能力D.其他工会组织的集体谈判结果的影响效应 E.企业的规模大小 24.季节性失业的特点有( ) A.地理区域性B.行业性 C.规律性D.失业持续期的有限性 E.时间分布均衡性 25.下列选项中,属于扩张性的财政政策的手段有( ) A.减少政府购买B.免税、退税和降低税率 C.增加公共工程开支D.扩大政府购买 construction process, because more construction entirefect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the tion process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will afnstrucinstallation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole comost key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall wall mplex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtaintain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation cone curion and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stote the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocatss plaeck. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glaifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality chn accordance with the relevant specyear bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be i-ry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration indust4 E.增加政府转移支付 三、名词解释题(本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分) 26.劳动力需求 27.“收敛型蛛网” 28.劳动力市场的卖方垄断 29.劳动就业 四、简答题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分) 30.简要回答就业-非就业的决策原则。 31.企业解决员工特殊培训造成的成本-收益问题的途径。 32.福利支付普遍采取实物支付形式的原因。 33.产生摩擦性失业的主要原因。 五、计算题(本大题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分) 34.根据题34表中所提供的某地区数据资料计算。 年龄组 总人口,万人, 劳动力人口,万人, <16岁 5 — 16,29岁 8 7 30,39岁 11 10.5 40,49岁 13 12 50,60岁 9 7.5 >60岁 4 — (1)该地区总人口劳动力参与率; (2)该地区16,29岁劳动力参与率。 35.题35图是描述某地区的社会收入分配差异的洛伦茨曲线,假设A的面积为0.18,B的 面积为0.32,试计算出该地区的基尼系数值并说明其代表的含义。 mplex part of the entire construction process, because more constructioncurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a conot acnt of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are lass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key poirall gd is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to ovell installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Boaroverang is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processi uctionne processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and constrby step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stotep with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done s to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance year bonds,-ten to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be writ5 六、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题9分,共18分) 36.试述企业短期劳动力需求的决定必须遵循的原则。 37.试述结构性失业的含义及缓解结构性失业的措施。 七、案例分析题(本大题10分) 38.阅读下列案例材料,然后回答问题。 自从“晒工资”现象在网络上流行开以后,工资问题一直是网友们关注的热点。“晒工资”将过去相对隐秘的个人收入一一曝光,此类帖子的发布者不仅主动公布行业、职业、区域、从业年限,还把基本工资、职务补贴、工资津贴、奖金、通讯补贴等一一罗列。许多人看了别人晒的工资后,特别是看了垄断行业一些员工的收入后,产生了跳槽的想法,因为“对照别人的收入,感觉很不平衡”。为了解职工对自己工资满意度及对垄断行业工资的看法,人民论坛杂志社联合人民网就相关问题进行了调查。调查方式以网上问卷调查为主,电话采访调查为辅。调查设置的问题为“你对当前工资状况满意吗?”“您觉得现在哪个行业内的工资差距最大?”调查结果显示,在回答“你对当前工资状况满意吗?”这一问题时,有96.5,的人表示不满意;在回答“您觉得现在哪个行业内的工资差距最大?”时,73.5,的人选择了“国有垄断行业”。这次调查结果对这一现象可以说是最好的说明。 (1)国有垄断行业工资收入及其他收入太高是什么原因造成的? (2)如何看待这种高收入现象? 全国2010年10月高等教育自学考试劳动经济学试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是最符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、 多选或未选均无分。 1(劳动资源稀缺的根本原因在于( ) A(社会和个人的无限需要 B(社会和个人需要的不断变化 construction process, because more construction entirefect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the tion process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will afnstrucinstallation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole comost key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall wall mplex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtaintain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation cone curion and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stote the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocatss plaeck. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glaifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality chn accordance with the relevant specyear bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be i-ry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration indust6 C(社会和个人需要的普遍产生 D(社会和个人支付能力有限 2(下列关于预算约束线,正确的理解是( ) A(预算约束线的斜率不是工资率 B(预算约束线的斜率是劳动的机会成本 C(预算约束线的斜率是闲暇的机会成本 D(预算约束线是个人闲暇与劳动的比率 3(如果某种劳动力供给富有弹性,说明( ) A(劳动力供给量变动的百分比大于工资率变动的百分比 B(劳动力供给量变动的百分比小于工资率变动的百分比 C(劳动力供给量变动的百分比等于工资率变动的百分比 D(劳动力供给量的变动不受工资率变动的影响 4(企业等成本线的斜率是指( ) A(劳动投入量和产量的比率 B(劳动和资本的相对价格比 C(资本投入量与产量的比率 D(劳动的边际产量与边际成本的比率 5(其他条件不变,当市场工资率提高时,劳动力需求曲线( ) A(向左下移动 B(向右上移动 C(不发生移动 D(不确定移动方向 6(在劳动力市场动态均衡模型中,“蛛网中立条件”是指( ) A(劳动力供给弹性小于劳动力需求弹性 B(劳动力供给弹性大于劳动力需求弹性 C(劳动力供给弹性等于劳动力需求弹性 D(劳动力供给弹性等于边际替代率 7(普通教育作为人力资本投资方式之一具有间接性特点,它体现为( ) A(普通教育直接形成生产能力 B(普通教育以高技术人才作为标准对象 C(普通教育以普通人作为标准对象 D(普通教育通过增进劳动者知识存量,从而使人力资本在生产过程中发挥作用 8(对人力资本投资终值有影响的因素是( ) A(投资主体 B(投资客体 C(投资方式 D(投资期限 9(与受过一般培训的雇员相比,受过特殊培训的雇员的辞职率要低,这是因为( ) A(员工个人没有承担该项特殊培训成本 B(特殊培训的价值不被其他企业肯定 C(提供培训企业支付的工资高于员工的VMP D(员工在特殊培训期间获得了市场工资率 10(下列关于内部劳动力市场的说法正确的是( ) A(内部劳动力市场不只限定在企业内部 B(内部劳动力市场形成的基础是企业和雇员持续的劳动关系 C(内部劳动力市场流动不能使企业生产要素实现优化配置 D(内部劳动力市场流动可以实现劳动力在企业间的优化配置 11(带薪休假是福利的( ) A(延期支付形式 B(实物支付形式 C(精神支付形式 D(即期支付形式 12(形成地区间工资差别的根本原因是( ) A(地区间政府政策的差别 B(地区间劳动力素质的差别 C(地区间经济发展的不平衡 D(地区间地理位置的差别 mplex part of the entire construction process, because more constructioncurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a conot acnt of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are lass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key poirall gd is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to ovell installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Boaroverang is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processi uctionne processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and constrby step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stotep with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done s to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance year bonds,-ten to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be writ7 13(由劳动力市场卖方垄断所造成的失业劳动力进入非垄断行业或地区劳动力市场,将会使非垄断劳动力市 场( ) A(均衡工资水平升高 B(不会有任何的改变 C(均衡工资水平降低 D(劳动力需求减少 14(若劳动力市场供大于求,则( ) A(工会的交涉力量将减弱 B(工会的交涉力量将增强 C(雇主的交涉力量将减弱 D(对工会和雇主的交涉力量没有任何改变 15(在同样的市场工资率条件下,产品市场垄断企业的劳动力需求曲线与产品市场竞争企业的劳动力需求曲 线的关系是( ) A(垄断企业的劳动力需求曲线位于竞争企业的劳动力需求曲线的右上方 B(垄断企业的劳动力需求曲线位于竞争企业的劳动力需求曲线的左下方 C(垄断企业的劳动力需求曲线与竞争企业的劳动力需求曲线相重合 D(垄断企业的劳动力需求曲线与竞争企业的劳动力需求曲线相平行 16(按照国际通用标准,下列达到劳动年龄规定的人群中,应统计为就业者的是( ) A(由于疾病、劳动争议等原因而临时停工的人 B(在规定时期内,从事有报酬或经营收入的职业,但未达到一定时间标准的人 C(从事家务劳动,未获取任何报酬的人 D(从事非法经营活动,获得报酬的人 17(菲利普斯关系揭示的是( ) A(就业和通货膨胀的关系 B(就业和通货紧缩的关系 C(失业和通货紧缩的关系 D(物价水平的变动与失业率之间的关系 18(形成需求拉上型通货膨胀的原因是( ) A(总需求过度增长,超过总供给 B(总供给过度增长,超过总需求 C(生产成本的过度增长 D(预期未来总需求的增长 19(在通货膨胀严重、失业水平较低的时期,政府应实行的主要财政政策是( ) A(增加政府购买水平,增加政府转移支付,调低税率 B(降低政府购买水平,增加政府转移支付,调高税率 C(降低政府购买水平,减少政府转移支付,调高税率 D(增加政府购买水平,减少政府转移支付,调低税率 20(工会力求弱化市场约束的活动是( ) A(支持和鼓励外国产品进入国内进行销售 B(在集体合同中规定工作岗位的最低定员标准 C(增加劳动力市场中低工资劳动者的存量 D(鼓励雇主用其他投入替代劳动力 二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、 多选、少选或未选均无分。 (当劳动力市场实现均衡时,劳动力资源也达到了最有效率的分配,这意味着( ) 21 A(社会产出取得最高水平 B(所有企业、行业的边际产品价值相等 C(所有企业、行业的工资率相等 D(社会资本得到了最充分的利用 E(各企业、行业之间的劳动力流动还在进行 22(劳动力流动也是人力资本投资方式之一,原因在于( ) A(劳动力流动实现了人力资本的优化配置 B(劳动力流动调整了人力资本分布的稀缺程度 construction process, because more construction entirefect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the tion process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will afnstrucinstallation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole comost key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall wall mplex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtaintain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation cone curion and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stote the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocatss plaeck. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glaifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality chn accordance with the relevant specyear bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be i-ry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration indust8 C(劳动力流动是实现人力资本价值和增值的必要条件 D(劳动力流动费用直接形成了人力资本存量 E(劳动力流动费用直接增加了人力资本存量 23(在劳动力市场卖方垄断条件下,对工资率与就业的表述正确的有( ) A(工资率降低 B(工资率提高 C(就业量减少 D(就业量增加 E(工资率和就业量都没有变化 24(下列对于通货膨胀概念的表述,正确的有( ) A(通货膨胀中的价格上升,是指价格总水平或一般价格水平 B(通货膨胀是价格总水平的持续上升,有一定的时间持续性 C(通货膨胀是价格总水平轻微地上升 D(通货膨胀是某些商品价格持续显著上涨 E(通货膨胀是价格总水平的显著上涨 25(下列当事人之间属于劳动关系的有( ) A(作家与出版社 B(教师与学校 C(消费者和商店 D(学生和学校 E(营业员与超市 三、名词解释题(本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分) 26(均衡分析方法 27(终值 28(延期支付 29(工资推动的通货膨胀 四、简答题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分) 30(简要回答最低劳动供给价格的经济含义。 31(为什么说劳动力市场均衡时经济社会能实现充分就业? 32(运用收入流曲线简要分析人们选择大学教育的投资决策。 33(简要回答资本流动有利于缩小地区工资差别的原因。 五、计算题(本大题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分) 34(某劳动力市场有A、B两类劳动力,并且相互影响。当A类劳动力的工资率从10元提高到14元,该类 劳动力的需求量从15000人减少到12000人,同时B类劳动力的需求量从8000人增加到10000人。 要求:(1)计算A、B两类劳动力需求的交叉工资弹性。 (2)判断这两类劳动力是总替代关系还是总互补关系。 35(题35表为某地区提供的数据资料,完善表格并计算该地区平均失业持续期。(计算结果保留两位小数) 劳动力人数 就业人数 平均失业周期失业人数 受教育程度 (万人) (万人) (周) (万人) 小学及以下 90 85 80 初中 110 101 60 高中 130 120 70 高中以上 100 97 40 题35表 六、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题9分,共18分) 36(试论述决定劳动力需求工资弹性的因素。 37(试论述造成垄断性工资差别的制度性因素的主要表现和发展趋势。 七、案例分析题(本大题10分) 38(阅读下列案例材料,然后回答问题。 H公司想让员工A走人~但又不想赔偿。于是H公司就核查了A的学历真伪~又查到A在进入H mplex part of the entire construction process, because more constructioncurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a conot acnt of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are lass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key poirall gd is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to ovell installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Boaroverang is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processi uctionne processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and constrby step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stotep with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done s to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance year bonds,-ten to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be writ9 公司之前的职位、工作时间等~结果发现A的简历存在做假的问题。H公司就认定与员工A签订的劳动 合同无效~即A损害了H公司的知情权~隐瞒真实学历、工作经历等~并且以欺诈手段与公司签订了劳 动合同。最后H公司以此为由请员工A走人~并且没有作出任何赔偿。 2008年1月1日起实施的《劳动合同法》中~第8条谈了关于知情权~内容如下:用人单位招用劳 动者时~应当如实告知劳动者工作内容、工作条件、工作地点、职业危害、安全生产状况、劳动报酬~ 以及劳动者要求了解的其他情况,用人单位有权了解劳动者与劳动合同直接相关的基本情况~劳动者应 当如实说明。第26条谈及劳动合同无效~其中第1款如下:以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危~使对方 在违背真实意思的情况下订立或者变更劳动合同的。 《劳动合同法》实施后~在学历、身份、工作经历方面作假~则会导致极严重的后果——劳动合同 无效、被解聘、拿不到赔偿。 (1)我国劳动关系构建的目标是什么?(2分) (2)实现这一目标的基础是什么?(2分)这一基础的主要内容有哪些?(4分) (3)本案例体现了我国劳动关系构建目标基础内容中的哪一项内容?(2分) 全国2010年1月高等教育自学考试劳动经济学试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是最符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1(用 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 研究方法研究经济现象的出发点和归宿是( ) A(客观事实 B.价值判断 C.经济现象自身的运动规律 D.经济现象运动的内在逻辑 2.根据主体均衡的条件,主体在资源约束的条件下获得最大效用必须满足的条件是( ) A.工资率大于边际替代率 B.工资率小于边际替代率 C.工资率等于边际替代率 D.工资率等于边际技术替代率 3.衡量、测度人口参与社会劳动程度的指标是( ) A.就业率 B.失业率 C.劳动力供给弹性 D.劳动力参与率 4.劳动的边际产量是指( ) A.增加一个单位的劳动要素投入而增加的产量 B.增加一个单位的劳动要素投入而增加的收入 C.增加一个单位的劳动要素投入而增加的产品价值 D.增加一个单位的劳动要素投入而增加的工资投入 5.一般来说,劳动力供给曲线是一条( ) A.从左上向右下倾斜的曲线 B.从左上向右下倾斜的折线 C.从左下向右上倾斜的折线 D.从左下向右上倾斜的曲线 6.在劳动力市场动态均衡模型中,“蛛网不稳定条件”是指( ) A.劳动力供给弹性小于劳动力需求弹性 B.劳动力供给弹性大于劳动力需求弹性 C.劳动力供给弹性等于劳动力需求弹性 D.劳动力供给弹性等于边际替代率 7.下列属于企业雇用成本中直接成本的是( ) A.企业员工的年度工资总额 B.企业员工的年度奖金 C.招聘员工的广告费用 D.参与雇用人员的工资 8.资本存量增加引起的生产效率提高对劳动力需求的影响取决于( ) A.企业的生产规模 B.企业的生产技术 construction process, because more construction entirefect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the tion process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will afnstrucinstallation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole comost key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall wall mplex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtaintain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation cone curion and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stote the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocatss plaeck. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glaifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality chn accordance with the relevant specyear bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be i-ry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration indust10 C.产品价格的高低 D.产品需求弹性的大小 9.企业对员工进行特殊培训所花费成本的补偿方式是( ) A.由受训员工直接承担所有培训成本 B.由企业直接承担所有培训成本 C.用低于员工的VMP水平支付员工工资 D.用高于员工的VMP水平支付员工工资 10.人力资本投资报酬率是指人力资本投资预期收益的现值( ) A.大于预期成本的现值时的折现率 B.小于预期成本的现值时的折现率 C.等于预期成本的现值时的折现率 D.等于银行利息时的折现率 11.影响实际工资的两个因素是( ) A.货币工资和价格指数 B.时间和价格指数 C.货币工资和时间 D.货币工资和某商品的价格 12.其他条件不变,劳动力供给增加时,均衡工资率会( ) A.上升 B.不确定 C.不变 D.下降 13.非技术性职业的工资低于技术性职业的工资,这种工资差别是( ) A.人力资本投资的补偿性工资差别 B.效用均等化的补偿性工资差别 C.人力资本投资的竞争性工资差别 D.效用均等化的竞争性工资差别 14.劳动力市场中,会使劳动力供给曲线右移的是( ) A.工会组织控制劳动力供给的能力下降 B.工人的组织程度增强 C.工会的组织规模扩大 D.企业优先雇佣工会会员 15.产品市场的卖方垄断企业的特点是( ) A.该产品市场有多个产品的提供者 B.各厂商提供的产品具有同质性 C.厂商不能决定商品的价格 D.厂商出售的商品或服务没有近似的替代品 16.下列不属于季节性失业特点的是( ) ((( A.行业性 B.阶段性 C.规律性 D.地理区域性 17.由于经营者要求增加利润而导致物价水平的上涨,这称为( ) A.工资推动的通货膨胀 B.利润推动的通货膨胀 C.需求拉上型通货膨胀 D.结构性通货膨胀 18.有关自然失业率正确的描述是( ) A.自然失业率是正常失业与就业人口的比例 B.自然失业率是劳动力市场中的一个常量 C.自然失业率是通货膨胀不变时的失业率 D.自然失业率是预期的通货膨胀与实际通货膨胀不一致时的失业率 19.一般来说,公共部门工资水平的实行原则是( ) A.“比较工资”原则 B.“最高工资”原则 C.“最低工资”原则 D.“社会平均工资”原则 mplex part of the entire construction process, because more constructioncurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a conot acnt of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are lass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key poirall gd is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to ovell installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Boaroverang is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processi uctionne processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and constrby step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stotep with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done s to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance year bonds,-ten to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be writ11 20.我国《劳动法》第15条规定我国劳动就业最低法定年龄为( ) A.15周岁 B.16周岁 C.17周岁 D.18周岁 二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选、 少选或未选均无分。 21.当劳动力市场上工资率和就业量的波动趋于均衡点时,应具备的条件有( ) A.劳动力供给弹性小于劳动力需求弹性 B.劳动力供给弹性大于劳动力需求弹性 C.劳动力供给弹性等于劳动力需求弹性 D.劳动力供给曲线比需求曲线更为陡峭 E.劳动力供给曲线比需求曲线更为平缓 22.用净现值法进行人力资本投资决策时正确的做法有( ) A.把人力资本投资的预期收益与成本直接比较 B.把人力资本投资的预期收益和成本按一定折现率折现后比较 C.当净现值为正时说明投资决策在经济上合理 D.当净现值为负时说明投资决策在经济上合理 E.当人力资本投资的预期收益现值大于投资成本现值时说明投资决策在经济上合理 23.下列劳动报酬的支付方式中,属于福利种类的有( ) A.失业保险 B.加班工资 C.带薪休假 D.免费工作餐 E.年终奖 24.在失业严重时期,政府应采取的财政政策有( ) A.减少政府购买 B.减少政府转移支付 C.扩大政府购买 D.增加政府转移支付 E.降低税率 25.解决摩擦性失业的方法有( ) A.完善劳动力市场的信息情报工作 B.对失业人员进行再就业培训 C.增加就业机会 D.增加劳动力的流动性 E.降低劳动力流动成本 三、名词解释题(本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分) 26.特殊培训 27.“收敛型蛛网” 28.效用均等化的补偿性工资差别 29.季节性失业 四、简答题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分) 30.简述劳动的边际生产力递减规律。 31.画简图分析当劳动力需求不变时,劳动力供给变动如何在新条件下重新实现均衡? 32.简述在企业内部劳动力市场中降低雇佣调整成本的对策。 33.简述在劳动力市场完全竞争条件下,产品市场垄断企业对工资和就业的影响。 五、计算题(本大题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分) 34.假设在某一类劳动力市场中,当工资率为20元,小时,劳动力供给为12000人;当工资率提高到30元, construction process, because more construction entirefect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the tion process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will afnstrucinstallation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole comost key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall wall mplex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtaintain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation cone curion and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stote the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocatss plaeck. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glaifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality chn accordance with the relevant specyear bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be i-ry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration indust12 小时,劳动力供给为15000人。 要求:(1)计算该类劳动力的供给弹性。 (2)判断该类劳动力的供给弹性类型。 35.根据题35表所给的2007年数据资料,并且已知当年该地区的平均失业周期为26周。 计算该地区该年度的年失业率。 社会劳动力 有失业经历人数 受教育程度 (万人) (万人) 小学及以下 70 8 初中 100 10 高中 110 9 高中以上 80 5.4 题35表 六、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题9分,共18分) 36.试述在完全竞争条件下,企业短期劳动力需求决定的原则。 37.试论述哪些因素有利于缩小地区工资差别, 七、案例分析题(本大题10分) 38.案例:“近些年来由于现行劳动法律、法规规定不完备,一些劳动者合法权益受到侵害后维权难。”全国律师协会劳动和社会保障专业委员会委员、大连市律师协会劳动和社会保障专业委员会主任王玫说。此前,劳 1995年实施的《劳动法》对用人单位不签订劳动合同的法律后果没有明确规动领域主要存在的问题包括:? 定,用人单位不与劳动者订立书面劳动合同,发生争议后,不承认与劳动者有事实劳动关系,不支付经济补偿金;?劳动关系不稳定,劳动合同短期化现象非常严重;?有的用人单位滥用试用期,严重侵害劳动者的合法权益;?有的用人单位设立高额违约金,限制劳动者自由择业;?有的用人单位滥用“劳务派遣”,目的是不交或是少交社会保险金,降低用工成本。 要求:(1)以上案例体现了我国劳动关系构建的目标是什么?(2分) (2)实现这一目标的基础是什么?(2分)这一基础的主要内容有哪些?(2分) (3)分析案例中说明的问题应如何得以较好的解决,其体现了我国劳动关系调整目标基础条件中的哪 项内容?(4分) 全国2009年10月高等教育自学考试劳动经济学试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是最符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、 多选或未选均无分。 1.规范研究方法要说明的是( ) A.研究对象或现象“是什么”的问题 B.如何认识研究对象或现象的客观事实 C.研究对象或现象“应该是什么”的问题 D.揭示研究对象或现象内在构成要素及其之间的普遍联系 2.在市场经济中,劳动力供给的决策主体是( ) A.劳动者家庭或个人 B.政府或公共部门 C.行业工会 D.企业或雇主 3.下列对无差异曲线的特征表述正确的是( ) mplex part of the entire construction process, because more constructioncurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a conot acnt of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are lass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key poirall gd is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to ovell installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Boaroverang is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processi uctionne processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and constrby step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stotep with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done s to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance year bonds,-ten to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be writ13 A.离原点越远的无差异曲线所表示的效用越低 B.同一平面上任意两条无差异曲线不会相交 C.无差异曲线斜率为正值、凸向原点 D.即使主体偏好不同,无差异曲线的形状也不会有区别 4.等成本线的斜率取决于( ) A.劳动投入的数量 B.资本投入的数量 C.科技投入的数量 D.劳动与资本要素的价格 5.如果工资率不论如何变化,劳动力需求量始终为固定不变,则劳动力需求( ) A.缺乏弹性 B.无弹性 C.为单位弹性 D.富有弹性 6.下列哪种情况劳动力资源能实现最优分配?( ) A.当劳动力市场实现均衡的时候 B.当劳动力市场偏离均衡的时候 C.当生产效率高的行业向生产效率低的行业转移劳动力时 D.当不同行业出现不同的工资率时 7.根据人力资本预期投资净现值计算公式,下列因素中影响净现值的是( ) A.投资的方式 B.投资的期限 C.投资的客体 D.投资的主体 8.在下列企业提供的培训中,属于一般培训的是( ) A.生产知识培训 B.产品知识培训 C.专业技能培训 D.普通话培训 9.内部劳动力市场上劳动力流动的前提条件是( ) A.企业对雇员有所有权 B.企业对雇员有支配权 C.雇员对企业有所有权 D.雇员对企业有支配权 10.下列属于雇佣成本中的机会成本的是( ) A.招用员工的广告费 B.求职人员的考核费用 C.参与企业雇佣行为人员的工资 D.员工的考评费用 11.在完全竞争的市场条件下,决定工资的基础是( ) A.劳动价值 B.劳动力价值 C.劳动力需求弹性 D.劳动力供给弹性 12.在劳动力市场中,卖方垄断的存在将导致( ) A.工资率提高,就业量增加 B.工资率降低,就业量减少 C.工资率提高,就业量减少 D.工资率降低,就业量增加 13.由职业和收入的稳定性引起的工资差别是( ) A.人力资本投资的补偿性工资差别 B.效用均等化的补偿性工资差别 C.竞争性工资差别 D.垄断性工资差别 14.垄断企业的劳动力需求曲线的斜率( ) A.大于1 B.等于1 C.等于零 D.为负值 15.最为传统的工资形式是( ) A.计件工资 B.计时工资 C.效益工资 D.货币工资 16.摩擦性失业的基本特征是( ) A.失业劳动力与就业岗位在数量上是平衡的 construction process, because more construction entirefect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the tion process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will afnstrucinstallation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole comost key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall wall mplex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtaintain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation cone curion and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stote the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocatss plaeck. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glaifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality chn accordance with the relevant specyear bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be i-ry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration indust14 B.失业劳动力与就业岗位在年龄要求上是平衡的 C.失业劳动力的数量小于就业岗位的数量 D.失业劳动力的数量大于就业岗位的数量 17.公共部门工资水平实行的原则是( ) A.比较工资 B.效益工资 C.福利工资 D.效率工资 18.下列属于劳动关系范畴的是( ) A.用人单位与劳动者之间的关系 B.农户在市场上出售自己的产品与消费者之间的关系 C.作家与出版社因图书出版而产生的关系 D.信息咨询公司的咨询员与各类客户之间的关系 19.根据国务院1995年通过的《关于修改<关于职工工作时间的规定>的决定》,我国职工每周工作的制度时间 是( ) A.35小时 B.38小时 C.40小时 D.48小时 20.总供给是指一国在一定时期内生产的最终产品与服务的价值总和,所以总供给等于( ) A.一国在一定时期内的消费总额 B.一国在一定时期内的储蓄总额 C.一国在一定时期内消费减去储蓄的余额 D.一国在一定时期内消费加上储蓄的总和 二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、 多选、少选或未选均无分。 21.一般来说,影响劳动力参与率的因素有( ) A.教育年限 B.教育成本 C.人口总量 D.保险与保障制度的完善程度 E.经济周期波动 22.人力资本投资的方式主要有( ) A.普通教育 B.职业技术培训 C.健康保健 D.劳动力流动 E.增加设备 23.在下列劳动报酬的支付方式中,属于福利的有( ) A.带薪休假 B.免费工作餐 C.失业保险 D.免费或优惠服务 E.加班补贴 24.现代市场经济条件下,劳动关系的特征主要有( ) A.劳动是劳动关系的基础,也是劳动关系的实质与内容 B.劳动关系具有人身关系属性和财产关系属性相兼有的特点 C.劳动关系具有平等性 D.劳动关系具有隶属性 E.劳动关系的当事人由其在生产过程中的地位所决定而具有特定性 25.按照直接造成通货膨胀的原因,将通货膨胀分为( ) A.需求拉上型通货膨胀 B.成本推进型通货膨胀 C.结构性通货膨胀 D.预期型通货膨胀 E.惯性通货膨胀 三、名词解释题(本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分) mplex part of the entire construction process, because more constructioncurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a conot acnt of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are lass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key poirall gd is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to ovell installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Boaroverang is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processi uctionne processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and constrby step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stotep with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done s to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance year bonds,-ten to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be writ15 26.劳动的机会成本 27.内部劳动力市场 28.补偿性工资差别 29.结构性通货膨胀 四、简答题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分) 30(简述资本存量的增加对劳动力需求的影响。 31(简要回答企业特殊培训的成本补偿途径。 32(简要说明企业雇佣调整的具体形式及特点。 33(简述劳动力市场卖方垄断对工资和就业的影响。 五、计算题(本大题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分) 34.在某一劳动力市场,当工资率为10元/小时,劳动力供给为10万人;当工资率为12元/小时,劳动力供给为11万人。根据上述资料,计算劳动力供给弹性。 35.某地区不同教育程度的失业者、失业周期的相关资料如题35表,求该地区平均失业持续期。 受教育程度 失业人口(万人) 平均失业周期(周) 小学及以下 3 50 小学至初中 9 40 初中至高中 6 60 高中以上 2 80 题35表 六、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题9分,共18分) 36(试论述公共部门就业决策的特点及就业增加的原因。 ,Q、Q、Q为企业三种可能的等产量线,且Q 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 和意见,与工会或者职工代表平等协商确定。 实践中有的用人单位的规章制度本身就是“霸王制度”,这种单方的规定很难保证员工的利益,因此《劳动合同法》规定,在直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度或者重大事项时,不再是用人单位一方说了算,这样更好地维护劳动者的合法权益。 要求: (1)以上内容体现了我国劳动关系构建的什么目标?(2分) (2)实现这一目标的基础是什么?(2分)这一基础的主要内容有哪些?(4分) (3)分析该内容体现的是基础条件中的哪一项?(2分) 全国2008年1月高等教育自学考试劳动经济学试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1(相对于人类社会的无限需要而言,客观上存在着制约满足人类需要的力量。经济学将此种力量定义为 ( ) A(需求弹性 B(资源的稀缺性 C(机会成本 D(边际生产力 2(下列最能准确体现“劳动力供给”含义的是( ) A(中国具有13亿以上人口 B(张三家里18岁以上成员有3人 C(李四今年大学毕业,正在寻找工作 D(王五来到人才市场应聘,要求最低工资不低于1万元/年 3(引起劳动力供给量变动的最重要的因素是( ) A(生产技术革新 B(资本规模变化 C(市场工资率变动 D(企业经营范围变动 4(在其他条件不变时,下列关于劳动力需求正确的说法是( ) construction process, because more construction entirefect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the tion process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will afnstrucinstallation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole comost key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall wall mplex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtaintain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation cone curion and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stote the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocatss plaeck. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glaifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality chn accordance with the relevant specyear bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be i-ry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration indust20 A(劳动力需求随工资率提高而减少 B(劳动力需求随工资率提高而增加 C(无论工资率如何变化,劳动力需求始终减少 D(无论工资率如何变化,劳动力需求始终增加 5(个人劳动力供给曲线与其他供给曲线存在明显区别,即“向后弯曲”。造成这种结果的主要原因是( ) A(收入效应大于替代效应 B(收入效应小于替代效应 C(总互补关系 D(总替代关系 6(从人力资本的特征来看,人力资本作为一种生产能力,其寓寄的载体是( ) A(雇主 B(技术 C(设备 D(劳动者 7(在动态均衡模型中,劳动力供给弹性大于劳动力需求弹性所形成的蛛网模型是( ) A(收敛型 B(发散型 C(封闭型 D(直线型 8(经济学中的均衡状态指的是( ) A(市场分析中假定各种力量都不变的状态 B(经济运行中各种对立和变动的力量处于相当或稳定的状态 C(经济运行中各种对立和变动的力量同时处于变动的状态 D(运动着的物体受到的合力等于零时所处的相对静止状态 9(劳动力供给与劳动力需求通过竞争达到均衡时,将导致( ) A(充分就业 B(劳动力供给过剩 C(劳动力供给不足 D(劳动力需求不足 10(当员工接受了企业的特殊培训后,培训收益的确定原则是( ) A(全部归企业享有 B(全部归员工享有 C(在企业与员工之间均等享有 D(根据特殊培训的成本支付情况来确定归哪方享有 11(适宜采用计时工资计算工资报酬的行业和企业是( ) A(产品数量、质量可以检验的生产行业和企业 B(产品的数量与质量取决于工人的勤奋与努力的行业和企业 C(品种单一且需要大批量进行生产的行业和企业 D(产品数量标准不易精确确定,产品(服务)数量难以度量的行业和职业 12(当产品市场由竞争变为垄断时,则劳动力流向是( ) A(从高生产率的行业与职业岗位流向低生产率的行业或职业岗位 B(从低生产率的行业与职业岗位流向高生产率的行业或职业岗位 C(劳动力不流动 D(两者之间同等数量相互流动 13(弱化地区工资差别最有力的杠杆是( ) A(商品贸易 B(资本流动 C(劳动力的流动 D(政府调控 14(垄断企业的劳动边际产品收益曲线,位于竞争企业的劳动边际产品曲线的( ) A(右下方 B(右上方 C(左下方 D(左上方 15(下列各项中,属于延期支付形式的福利是( ) A(全薪公休日 B(失业保险金 C(免费工作餐 D(带薪休假 16(下列劳动类型中,属于就业范畴的是( ) mplex part of the entire construction process, because more constructioncurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a conot acnt of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are lass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key poirall gd is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to ovell installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Boaroverang is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processi uctionne processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and constrby step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stotep with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done s to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance year bonds,-ten to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be writ21 A(家务劳动 B(雇用劳动 C(救济性劳动 D(义务劳动 17(工会在集体谈判中,对其谈判能力约束最大的条件是( ) A(政府政策与法律 B(工会组织规模大小 C(劳动力需求的工资弹性 D(用人单位与劳动者之间的劳动合同关系 18(从总供给角度来分析通货膨胀成因的通货膨胀类型是( ) A(需求拉上型通货膨胀 B(成本推进型通货膨胀 C(结构性通货膨胀 D(收缩型通货膨胀 19(绝大多数经济学家认为,充分就业的数量标准是( ) A(失业率控制在0-1%之间 B(失业率控制在1-3%之间 C(失业率控制在3-5%之间 D(失业率控制在5-8%之间 20(传统型的劳动关系类型是( ) A(利益一体型 B(利益一体化 C(利益冲突型 D(利益协调型 二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、 多选、少选或未选均无分。 21(生产要素价格变动对劳动力需求的影响表现为( ) A(收入效应 B(替代效应 C(规模效应 D(自然失业 E(季节性失业 22(对于劳动力市场含义表述正确的有( ) A(实现劳动力交换的场所 B(实现劳动力交换的机构 C(反映劳动力供求关系及其劳动力价格(工资)的运行趋势 D(实现劳动力资源优化配置的机制 E(实现劳动力资源配置的唯一途径 23(在集体谈判决定工资模型中,确定双方坚持点的主要因素有( ) A(劳动力市场的劳动力供求状况 B(经济的景气程度 C(企业货币工资的支付能力 D(其他工会组织的集体谈判结果的影响效应 E(双方的谈判技巧 24(总供给等于各类生产要素供给的总和,其公式中的生产要素包括( ) A(劳动 B(资本 C(技术 D(土地 E(管理 25(变形后的菲利普斯曲线所反映的失业率与通货膨胀率之间的关系有( ) A(失业率高,工资与价格水平较低,通货膨胀率低 B(失业率高,工资与价格水平较高,通货膨胀率低 C(失业率低,工资与价格水平较低,通货膨胀率高 D(失业率低,工资与价格水平较高,通货膨胀率高 E(失业率低,工资与价格水平较高,通货膨胀率低 三、名词解释题(本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分) 26(劳动的边际产量 27(一般均衡分析 construction process, because more construction entirefect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the tion process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will afnstrucinstallation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole comost key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall wall mplex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtaintain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation cone curion and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stote the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocatss plaeck. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glaifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality chn accordance with the relevant specyear bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be i-ry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality tenindependent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration indust22 28(工资 29(摩擦性失业 四、简答题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分) 30(简述人力资本投资中普通教育的特点。 31(简要回答内部劳动力市场的特征。 32(简述在劳动力需求不变情况下,劳动力供给的变动对劳动力市场均衡的影响。 33(简述地区工资差别形成的根本原因及具体表现。 五、计算题(本大题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分) 34(根据题34表所给资料,求该地区失业率。(计算结果保留两位小数) 受教育程度 就业人口(万人) 失业人口(万人) 小学及以下 80 4 初中 110 6 高中 120 8 高中以上 90 2 题34表 35(假定某企业在一定时期的总成本(C)为100万元,主要用于购买劳动力(L)和专用设备(K)。目前劳 动力市场的工资率(W)为每人20000元/年,每台专用设备的成本(R)为50000元/年。根据上述资料, 计算该企业等成本线的斜率。 六、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题9分,共18分) 36(试论述技术性失业的特点及缓解对策。 (如题37图,给定企业长期等产量线为Q、C、C、C为企业三种可能的等成本线,且C
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