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环境科学交叉关系学科Chapter8,9重点句子翻译环境科学交叉关系学科Chapter8,9重点句子翻译 第八章 人口问题 The world can be divided into two segments based on the state of economic development of the countries. 根据国家的经济发展状况,世界可以分成两个部分。 Collectively, the more-developed countries of the world have relatively stable populations a...

环境科学交叉关系学科Chapter8,9重点句子翻译 第八章 人口问题 The world can be divided into two segments based on the state of economic development of the countries. 根据国家的经济发展状况,世界可以分成两个部分。 Collectively, the more-developed countries of the world have relatively stable populations and are expected to grow by about 4 percent by 2050. The less-developed regions of the world,however, have high population growth rates and are expected to grow by about 55 percent by 2050. 总体而言,世界上发达国家的人口数量比较稳定,预计到2050年增长4%。但是,世界上欠发达国 家的人口增长率非常高,预计到2050年增长55%。 Human population growth is tied to economic development and is a contributing factor to nearly all environmental problems. 人口增长与经济发展紧密相连,在几乎所有的环境问题中,人口增长都是一个影响因子。 It is clear that as the population continues to increase, it will become more difficult to limit the environmental degradation that accompanies it. 人们非常清楚,随着人口继续增长,限制随之而来的环境恶化将变得更加困难。 Countries with abundant resources can sustain higher population densities than resource-poor countries. 与资源贫乏的国家相比,资源丰富的国家可以维持更高的人口密度。 However, the people in highly developed countries consume huge amounts of resources. 但是,高度发达国家的人要消耗大量资源。 Developed countries purchase goods and services from other parts of the world, often degrading environmental conditions in less-developed countries. 发达国家从世界上其他国家购买货物和服务,这常常使欠发达国家的环境条件退化。 While controlling world population growth would not eliminate all environmental problems, it could reduce the rate at which environmental degradation is occurring. It is also generally believed that the quality of life for many people in the world would improve if their populations grew less rapidly. 控制世界人口增长,尽管不能消除所有的环境问题,但是,可以降低环境退化发生的速度。人们通 常也相信,对于世界上许多人来说,如果人口增长不那么快,他们的生活质量就会改善。 There is an ultimate carrying capacity for the human population. Eventually, limiting factors will cause human populations to stabilize. However, unlike other kinds of organisms, humans are also influenced by social, political,economic, and ethical factors. 人口存在最大的容纳量,限制因素最终将使人口稳定。但是,与其他生物种类不同,人口还受 到社会、政治、经济和种族等因素的影响。 Once people understand that lowering the birthrate is more humane than allowing the death rate to rise, they should make the "correct" decision and control their birthrates; however, it is not quite that simple. 人们一旦理解到,降低出生率比增加死亡率更人道,他们就能做出“正确”的决定,并控制其出生 率;然而,事情远没有这么简单。 Some countries have high birthrates and low death rates and will grow rapidly (Mexico and Indonesia). 一些国家的出生率高,死亡率低,其人口将会高速增长(墨西哥和印度尼西亚)。 Other countries have low birthrates and death rates that closely match the birthrates; they will grow slowly (Japan and France). 其他一些国家,其出生率和死亡率都低,死亡率与出生率十分匹配,人口增长缓慢(日本和英国)。 the European region as a whole has a declinng population. 欧洲地区作为一个整体,人口正在下降。 The total fertility rate of a population is the number of children born per woman in her lifetime. A total fertility rate of 2.1 is known as replacement fertilityfertility, since parents produce 2 children who will replace the parents when they die. Eventually, if the total fertility rate is maintained at 2.1, population growth will stabilize. 总生育率是每位妇女在其一生中所生育的孩子数量。总生育率为2.1时被称为更替生育率,因 为一对父母生育两个孩子,这两个孩子将在父母死亡时替代他们。因此,如果总生育率保持为2.1, 那么人口增长将会稳定。 The age distribution, the number of people of each age in the population, also has a great deal to do with the rate of population growth. 年龄分布是指人口中各种年龄的人口数量,也与人口增长率有很大关系。 Several factors influence the number of children a couple would like to have. Some are religious, some are traditional, some are social, and some are economic. 一对夫妇希望生育的孩子数量,受到好几个因素的影响。其中包括宗教的、传统的、社会的以 及经济的因素。 The major social factors that determine family size are the status and desires of women in the culture. In many male-dominated cultures, the traditional role of women is to marry and raise children. Often this role is coupled with strong religious input as well. 决定家庭规模的主要社会因素,是该文化中妇女的地位和意愿。在许多受男性统治的文化中, 妇女的传统作用是结婚和养育孩子。这种传统作用,通常也与强烈的宗教灌输相联系。 Typically, little value is placed on educating women, and early marriage is encouraged. In these cultures, women are totally dependent on their husbands and children in old age. 一般认为,妇女接受教育没有什么价值,早婚受到鼓励。在这些文化中,妇女年老时完全依赖 于他们的丈夫和孩子。 By contrast, in much of the developed world, women are educated, delay marriage, and have fewer children. It has been said that the single most important activity needed to reduce the world population growth rate is to educate women. Whenever the educational level of women increases, fertility rates fall. 比较而言,在许多发达国家,妇女接受教育,晚结婚,生育的孩子少。据说,降低世界人口增长率 所需的最重要的行动,是对妇女进行教育。只要妇女的教育水平提高,生育率就下降。 Why do they desire large families? There are several reasons. In areas where infant mortality is high, it is traditional to have large families since several of a woman's children may die before they reach adulthood. This is particularly important in the less-develope world, where there is no government program of social security. Parents are more secure in old age if they have several children to contribute to their needs when they can no longer work. 为什么她们想要大家庭,有几个原因。在婴儿死亡率高的地区,妇女生育的孩子中有几个在成 人前就可能死亡,因此,传统上需要拥有大家庭。在欠发达国家,没有政府社会保障 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,大家庭 尤为重要。当父母不能继续工作时,如果他们有几个孩子对父母的需求有所帮助,那么父母年老时 就更安全。 In less-developed countries, the economic benefits of children are extremely important. Even young children can be given jobs that contribute to the family economy. They can protect livestock from predators, gather firewood, cook, or carry water. In the developed world, large numbers of children are an economic drain.They are prevented by law from working,they must be sent to school at great expense, and they consume large amounts of the family income. 在欠发达国家,孩子带来的经济利益非常重要。甚至很小的孩子都能得到工作,为家庭经济做 出贡献。他们能够保护家畜免受捕食者的侵害;他们能够收集柴火、做饭或担水。在发达国家,孩 子多是一种经济消耗。孩子受法律保护不能工作,必须以很高的费用送到学校,消耗大量的家庭收 入。 Two other factors that influence the population growth rate of a country are government policies on population growth and immigration. 影响一个国家人口增长率的其他两个因素是,政府的人口增长政策以及移民政策。 Many countries in Europe have official policies that state that their population growth rates are too low. As their populations age and there are few births, they are concerned about a lack of working-age people in the future and have instituted programs that are meant to encourage people to have children. 许多欧洲国家的官方政策认为,本国人口增长率太低。由于人口老龄化以及出生人数的减少, 政府担心将来缺乏劳动年龄的人口,因此,已经制定计划鼓励人们生育孩子。 China and India are the two most populous countries in the world, each with over a billion people. China has taken steps to control its population and now has a total fertility rate of 1.7 children per woman while India has a total fertility rate of 3.1. 中国和印度,是世界上人口最多的两个国家,每个国家人口都超过10亿。中国已经采取了控制人 口的 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,目前总生育率是每个妇女生育1.7个孩子,但印度是每个妇女生育3.1个孩子。 The immigration policies of a country also have a significant impact on the rate at which the population grows. Birthrates are currently so low in several European countries, Japan, and China that these countries will likely have a shortage of those of working age in the near future. 一个国家的移民政策,对人口增长率也有重要影响。在一些欧洲国家、日本和中国,目前出生 率很低,在不久的将来,可能缺乏劳动年龄的人口。 One way to solve this problem is to encourage immigration from other parts of the world. 一种解决 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 是鼓励来自世界其他国家的移民。 There appears to be an inverse relationship between the rate at which the population of a country is growing and its standard of living. The standard of living is an abstract concept that attempts to quantify the quality of life of people. 一个国家的人口增长率,与其生活 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 之间似乎呈负相关。生活标准是一个抽象概念,试图量化人 们的生活质量。 Standard of living is a difficult concept to quantify since various cultures have different attitudes and feelings about what is desirable. However, several factors can be included in an analysis of standard of living: economic well-being, health conditions, and the ability to changes one's status in the society. 对于什么是理想的生活,不同文化层次的人有其不同的态度和感受,因此,生活标准是一个很 难量化的概念。但是,有几个因子可用于分析生活标准:经济福利、健康条件以及改变某人社会地 位的能力。 Obviously, tremendous differences exist in the standard of living among these three countries. What the average U.S. citizen would consider poverty level would be considered a luxurious life for the average person in Kenya. 很明显,这3个国家的生活标准存在巨大的差异。普通美国公民认为的贫穷生活,可能被肯尼亚的 老百姓看做奢侈生活。 It is clear that the areas of the world where the human population is growing most rapidly are those that have the lowest standard of living. 很明显,世界上人口增长最快的地区,也是世界上生活标准最低的地区。 The developed regions of the world (Europe, North America, Japan,Australia, and New Zealand) have abundant wealth and have relatively slowly growing populations. 世界发达地区(欧洲、北美、日本、澳大利亚和新西兰)富裕,人口增长相对缓慢。 The less-developed countries of Africa, Latin America, and Asia are generally poor and have high population growth rates. Although not all cases are the same, poverty, high birthrates, poor health, and lack of education seem to be interrelated. 非洲、拉丁美洲和亚洲的欠发达国家,通常很穷,人口增长率高。尽管并不是所有情况都如此, 但是,贫穷、出生率高、卫生状况差和缺乏教育,似乎都是相关的。 At the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo, Egypt, in September 1994, attention was focused on breaking this cy cle of poverty and high population growth rates. Several important conclusions were reached that have the potential to break this cycle. 1994年9月,在埃及开罗召开了联合国世界人口与发展大会。打破贫穷与高人口增长率之间的 循环,成为本次大会关注的焦点。会议得出了几条重要的结论,有可能打破这种循环。 1. There was recognition that economic well-being is tied to solving the population problem. 认识到经济福利与解决人口问题相联系。 2.Improving the educational status of women was promoted. 促进妇女教育状况的改善。 3.Access to birth control and health care would reduce infant and maternal deaths. 节育和卫生保健,将减少婴儿和母亲的死亡。 As the human population increases, the demand for food rises. 当人口增加时,粮食需求也随之增加。 In countries where food is in short supply and the population is growing, pressure is intense to convert remaining natural ecosystems to agriculture.The long-term health of the environment is sacrificed for the immediate needs of the population. 在粮食短缺和人口正在增长的国家,所面临的强大压力是将现存的自然生态系统转变为农业用地。 为了满足人们当前的需要,只有牺牲环境的长期健康状态。 Therefore, in terms of economics and energy, people in less-developed countries must consume the plants themselves rather than feed the plants to animals and then consume the animals. In most cases, if the plants were fed to animals, many people would starve to death. On the other hand, a lack of protein in diets that consist primarily of plants can lead to malnutrition. 因此,就经济和能量而言,在欠发达国家,人们必须消耗植物,而不是将植物喂食给动物,然 后再消耗动物。在大多数情况下,如果植物喂食给动物,许多人将被饿死。另一方面,基本由植物 构成的饮食中缺乏蛋白质,这可导致营养不良。 In contrast, in most of the developed world, meat and other animal protein sources are important parts of the diet.Many people suffer from overnutrition, they are "malnourished" in a different sense. About fifty percent of North Americans are overweight and 25 percent are obese. The ecological impact of one person eating at the carnivore level is about 10 times that of a person eating at the herbivore level. 相反,在大多数发达国家,肉和其他动物蛋白来源是其饮食的重要组成部分。许多人遭受营养 过度之苦(他们吃得太多)。在某种意义上,他们也是“营养不良”。大约50%的北美人体重超标, 25%的人肥胖。一个人的肉食水平饮食对生态的影响,是素食水平饮食对生态影响的10倍。 If people in the developed world were to reduce their animal protein intake, they would significantly reduce their demands on world resources. Almost all of the corn and soybeans grown in the United States are used as animal feed. If these grains were used to feed people rather than animals, less grain would have to be grown and the impact on farmland would be reduced. 如果发达国家的人们减少动物蛋白的摄入量,他们将极大的减少对世界资源的需求。美国种植 的所有谷物和大豆,几乎都用来喂养动物。如果这些粮食用于喂养人类而不是动物,需要种植的粮 食就更少,对农田的影响也会更小。 The areas of greatest need are in subSaharan Africa. Africa is the only major region of the world where per capita grain production has decreased over the past few decades. People in these regions are trying to use marginal lands for food production, as forests, scrubland, and grasslands are converted to agriculture. Often,this land is not able to support continued agricultural production. This leads to erosion and desertification. 对粮食需求最大的地区是撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区。在过去几十年里,非洲是世界上人均粮 食产量下降的唯一的主要地区。由于森林、灌木丛林地以及草原被转变成农田,人们正试图利用边 缘土地进行粮食生产。通常,这种土地不能支持连续的农业生产。这回导致水土流失和沙漠化。 Many religious and humanitarian organizations do an excellent service by taking food to those who need it and save many lives. However, the aim should always be to provide temporary help and insist that the people of the country develop mechanisms for solving their own problem. 许多宗教组织和人道主义组织,将粮食送给那些需要粮食的人们,挽救了许多生命。但是,援 助目标只是提供临时的帮助,应该让本国人民发展出解决自身问题的机制。 The demographic transition model suggests that as a country develops technologically, it automatically experiences a drop in the birthrate. This certainly has been the experience of the developed countries of the world. However, the developed countries make up less than 20 percent of the world's population. It is doubtful whether the less-developed countries can achieve the kind of technological advances experienced in the developed world. As the world human population continues to increase, pressure for the necessities of life will become greater. Differences in the standard of living between more- developed and less-developed countries will remain large because population will increase most in less-developed countries. The supply of fuel and other resources is dwindling. 随着世界人口继续增长,对生活必需品的需求压力变得更大。由于大部分人口增长出现在欠发 达国家,因此,发达国家和欠发达国家之间生活标准的差别,仍然保持很大。燃料和其他资源供应 逐渐减少。 People in less-developed countries will seek more land to raise crops and feed themselves unless major increases in food production per hectare occur. 除非每公顷粮食产量大幅度增加,在欠发达国家,人们将寻找更多的土地种粮食来养活自己。 This conversion of natural ecosystems to agricultural ecosystems could cause profound changes in the world ecosystem. 自然生态系统转变为农业生态系统,对世界生态系统产生了深远的影响。 The resources of the world are finite. Even if industrialized countries continue to use a disproportionate share of the world's resources, the amount available per person will decline as population rises. 世界资源是有限的,因此,即使工业化国家继续不成比例的分享世界资源,人均获得的资源量 仍将随人口的增长而下降。 What some people currently view as necessities (meals in restaurants, vacations to remote places, and two cars per family) could become luxuries. 目前,一些人认为的生活必需(在饭店进餐、去偏远地区度假、每个家庭有两辆汽车),将可能 变成奢侈。 Summary: Many of the problems of the world are caused or made worse by an increasing human population. Currently, the world's population is growing very rapidly. Most of the growth is occurring in the less-developed areas of the world (Africa, Asia, and Latin America), where people have a low standard of living. The more-developed regions of the world, with their high standard of living, have relatively slow population growth and, in some instances, declining populations. 日益增加的人口,引起了世界上许多问题,或使这些问题变得更糟糕。目前,世界人口正在极 快的增长。人口增长主要出现在世界欠发达地区(非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲),那里的人们生活标准较 低。世界发达地区的生活标准高,人口增长相对缓慢,在某些情况下,人口还在下降。 In more-developed countries,women usually have access to jobs. Couples marry later, and they make decisions about the number of children they will have based on the economic cost of raising children. In the less-developed world, women marry earlier, and children have economic value as additional workers, as future caregivers for the parents, and as status for either or both parents. 在发达国家,妇女通常都有工作,夫妇结婚晚,他们将根据抚养孩子的经济成本来决定抚育孩 子的数量。在欠发达国家,妇女结婚早。孩子,可以作为辅助劳力,作为未来年老父母的照顾者, 作为父母或其中一方的身份地位象征,具有经济价值。 The demographic transition model suggests that as a country becomes industrialized, its population begins to stabilize. However, there is little hope that the Earth can support the entire world in the style of the industrialized nations. 人口过度模型说明,当一个国家工业化时,其人口开始稳定。但是,让地球以工业化国家的 方式来支撑全世界,希望渺茫。 Highly developed nations should anticipate increased pressure in the future to share their wealth with less-developed countries. 高度发达国家应该预测到,它们在未来将处于与欠发达国家分享其财富的更大压力之下。 Key Terms: age distribution 年龄分布demographic transition 人口过渡less-developed countries欠发达国家 more-developed countries较发达国家 population density 人口密度 replacement fertility 更替生育 率 standard of living 生活标准 total fertility rate总生育率 Review Questions: 2. What is demographic transition? What is it based on? 4. What does the age distribution of a population mean? 6. Why do people who live in overpopulated countries use plants as their main source of food? 9. Which three areas of the world have the highest populalion growth rate? Which three areas of the world have the lowest standard of living? 12. Describe three reasons why women in the less-developed world might desire more than two children. 第九章 能源与文明:消费模式 Every form of life and all societies require a constant input of energy. If the flow of energy through organisms or societies ceases, they stop functioning and begin to disintegrate. 所有形式的生命以及人类社会,都需要源源不断的能量输入。如果某个生物体或者社会的能量 流停止,那么它们的功能就会停止,并且开始解体。 If modern societies are to survive, they must continue to expend energy. However, they may need to change their pattern of energy consumption as traditional sources become limited. 如果现代社会要延续下去,它们就必须不断的消耗能源。然而,由于传统的能源是有限的,因 此,人类社会最终必须改变其能源消耗模式。 Energy is essential to maintain life. In every ecosystem, the sun provides that energy. 能量是维持生命的基本要素。任何一个生态系统,都由太阳提供其能源。 In such hunter-gatherer cultures, nearly all human energy needs were met by using plants and animals as food, tools, and fuel. 在狩猎—采集文明时期,人类所消耗的能量,几乎都来自植物和动物,用来充当食物、工具以 及燃料。 Except for limited use of some wind-powered and water-powered devices such as ships and canoes, the controlled use of fire was the first use of energy in a form other than food. Wood was the primary fuel. 但是,在他们的社会中,除了有限的利用一些风能和水力设施(如船舶)之外,只是利用人力 或者畜力作为能源。火,是被人类利用的第一种食物之外的能源。木材则是最基本的燃料。 The energy provided by wood enabled people to cook their food, heat their dwellings, and develop a primitive form of metallurgy. 木材所提供的能量,被人类用于烹调、取暖,以及原始的金属冶炼。 Because of a long history of high population density, India and some other lparts of the world experienced a wood shortage hundreds of years before Europe and North America did. In many of these areas, animal dung replaced wood as a fuel source. It is still used today in some parts of the world. 因为有长时间人口密集的历史,印度及某些其他国家出现木材短缺,要比欧洲和北美早几百年。 在这些地区,动物粪便被用来代替木材作为燃料。直到今天,世界上还有一些地区,继续利用这种 能源。 By 1890, coal had replaced wood as the primary energy source in North America. 到了1890年,在北美,煤炭取代木材,成为主要的能源。 Fossil fuels are the remains of plants, animals, and microorganisms that lived millions of years ago.(The energy in these fuels is stored sunlight, just as the biomass of wood represents stored sunlight.) 化石燃料是由生活在几百万年前的植物、动物以及微生物残骸形成的(这些燃料中的能量,与 木材一样,都来自太阳能)。 Ever since machines replaced muscle power, the major energy sources for the world have been fossil remains from the distant past. 自从机器代替了人的体力以来,世界的主要能源也转变为远古时代形成的化石燃料。 Historically, the first fossil fuel to be used extensively was coal. In the early eighteenth century, regions of the world that had readily available coal deposits were able to switch to this new fuel and participate in a major cultural change known as the Industrial Revolution. 从历史上看,第一种被人类广泛使用的化石燃料是煤炭。在18世纪初期,世界上一些易于开采 煤炭矿的地区,开始使用这种新燃料,并且参与了一场被称为工业革命的重要变革。 The Industrial Revolution began in England and spread to much of Europe and North America. It involved the invention of machines that replaced human and animal labor in manufacturing and transporting goods. Central to this change was the invention of the steam engine, which could convert heat energy into the energy of motion. The steam engine made possible the large-scale mining of coal. 工业革命起源于英国,传播到欧洲大部地区和北美地区。工业革命涉及发明机器,并且利用机 器来替代制造业和运输业中的人力和畜力。工业革命的核心是蒸汽机的发明,它将热能转换为动能, 使人类可以大规模的开采煤炭。 Because expanding factories required a constantly increasing labor supply, people left the farms and congregated in areas surrounding the factories. Villages became towns, and towns became cities. Wide-spread use of coal in cities resulted in increased air pollution. In spite of these changes, the Industrial Revolution was viewed as progress. Energy consumption increased, economies grew, and people prospered. 由于迅速扩展的工厂需要稳定增长的劳动力供应,人们开始离开农场,在工厂的周围聚集。乡 村变为城镇,城镇变为城市。城市中煤炭的广泛使用,导致大气污染逐步严重。尽管发生了这些变 化,工业革命仍然被看做人类史上一次重大的进步。能源消耗增加,经济得到增长,人们开始富裕。 Although the Chinese used some oil and natural gas as early as 1000 B.C., the oil well that Edwin L. Drake, an early oil prospector, drilled in Pennsylvania in 1859 was the beginning of the modern petroleum era. For the first 60 years of production, the principal use of oil was to make kerosene, a fuel for lamps. The gasoline produced was discarded as a waste product. During this time, oil was abundant relative to its demand, and thus, it had a low price. 尽管早在公元前1000多年,中国人就开始使用天然气和石油。然而,一位早期的石油勘探者, Edwin L.Drake,于1859年在宾夕法尼亚州开采的油井,才是现代石油时代的开端。在石油开采的前 60年内,石油的主要用途是制造点灯用的煤油。产生的汽油则被当作废物排放。在这段时期,石油 的供应相对大于需求,因此价格低廉。 The invention of the automobile dramatically increased the demand for oil products. In 1900, the United States had only 8000 automobiles. By 1950, it had over 40 million cars, and by 2000, over 200 million. More oil was needed to make automobile fuel and lubricants. 汽车的发明极大的增加了对石油产品的需求。1900年,美国仅有8000辆汽车;到了1950年, 汽车保有量超过4000万辆;到2000年,达到2亿多辆。需要更多的石油用作汽车的燃油和润滑油。 The growth of the automobile industry, first in the United States and then in other industrialized countries, led to road-way construction, which required energy. 汽车工业的增长,首先出现在美国,然后其他工业化国家,同时它带动了道路的建设,这也需要消 耗大量能源。 ln North America and much of Europe, the convenience of the automobile encouraged two-car families,which created a demand for more energy.lt requires energy to mine ore, process it into metals, form the metals into automobile components, and transport all the materials. As the economy grew, so did energy needs. 在北美以及欧洲大部分地区,汽车带来的便利使得很多家庭拥有两辆车,这就需要消耗更多的 能源。需要消耗更多能源去采矿、提炼金属、制造汽车部件,以及运输所有这些 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 。随着经济的 增长,能源的需求也不断增长。 More cars meant more jobs in the automobile industry, the steel industry, the glass industry, and hundreds of other industries. 更多的汽车意味着更多的就业机会,包括汽车工业、钢铁工业、玻璃工业以及数百种其他相关 工业。 Thus, the automobile industry played a major role in the economic development of the industrialized world. 因此,在工业化国家的经济发展中,汽车工业起到了重要的作用。 The car not only created new jobs but also altered people's lifestyles. 汽车不仅仅创造了新的工作岗位,而且还改变了人们的生活方式。 The car, the modern home, the farm, and the variety of items on our grocery shelves are only a few indications of how our lifestyles are based on a continuing supply of cheap, abundant energy. 汽车、现代家庭、农场以及我们货物架上的各种物品,只是我们这种以持续供应廉价、充足能 源为基础的现代生活方式的一个缩影。 Initially, natural gas was a waste product of oil production that was burned at oil wells because it was difficult to store and transport. 最初,由于天然气难以存储和运输,因此被当作采油的废产物在油井“燃烧”掉。 Currently, about 25 percent of the energy consumed in the United States is from natural gas, primarily for home heating and industrial purposes. 目前,美国的能源消费中,大约25%来自天然气,主要用于家庭取暖和工业部门。 The amount of energy consumed by countries of the world varies widely. The highly industrialized countries consume much more energy than less-developed countries. 世界上不同的国家,能源的消耗量差别很大。高度工业化国家消耗了世界上大部分能源,欠发 达国家消耗的要少得多。 Differences also exist in the purposes for which people use energy. Industrialized nations use energy about equally for three purposes: (1) residential and commercial uses, (2) industrial uses, and (3) transportation. Less-developed nations with little industry use most of their energy for residential purposes (cooking and heating). Countries that are making the transition from less-developed to industrial economies use large amounts of energy to develop their industrial base. 人们利用能源的目的不同,使得能源利用存在很大差别。工业化国家利用能源的方式主要有3 种:1、生活和商业;2、工业;3、交通运输业。每种方式利用的能源约各占1/3.而工业较薄弱的欠 发达国家,其大部分能源用于居民生活(如烹饪、取暖)。发展中国家的很多能源,用于发展其工业 基础设施。 The amount of energy required for residential and commercial use varies greatly throughout the world. For example, about 16 percent of the energy used in North America is for residential purposes, while in India, 57 percent of the energy is for residential uses. 世界上不同的地区,其生活和商业所消耗的能源差异很大。例如,在北美大约16%的能源用于生活 和商业;而在印度,57%的能源用于生活。 The current pattern of residential and commercial energy use in each region of the world determines what conservation methods will be effective. 目前世界上不同地区的生活和商业能源消耗方式,决定了采取何种有效的节约能源方式。 Improving efficiency would protect wood resources and reduce the time or money needed to obtain firewood. 改善能源利用效率,将会保护木材资源,并减少获取薪材所需的时间和费用。 The amount of energy countries use for industrial processes varies considerably. Nonindustrial countries use little energy for industry. Countries that are developing new industries dedicate a high percentage of their energy use to them. 不同国家用于工业部门的能源量不同。在非工业化国家,只有少量能源用于工业生产。而在发 展中国家,新工业部门的建设,会消耗很大一部分能源。 The amount of energy required in a country's industrial sector depends on the types of industrial processes used. Many countries use inefficient processes and could reduce their energy consumption by converting to more energy-efficient ones. However, they need capital investment to upgrade their industries and reduce energy consumption. Some countries cannot afford the upgrade. 一个国家的工业部门需要的能源,与其工业生产方式密切相关。很多国家的能源使用效率低, 通过提高能源利用效率,可以减少能源消耗。然而,他们需要投资,以改造其工业生产过程,减少 其能源消耗。有些国家担负不起改造费用。 As with residential, commercial, and industrial uses, the amount of energy used for transportation varies widely throughout the world. In some of the less-developed nations, transportation uses are very small. Per capita energy use for transportation is larger in developing countries and highest in highly developed countries. 与生活、商业、工业等部门一样,世界上不同地区,其交通运输业消耗的能源差别也很大。在 一些欠发达国家,交通运输业消耗的能源非常少;在发展中国家,交通运输业消耗的能源就比较多; 发达国家则最多。 In Europe, Latin America, and many other parts of the world, rail and bus transport are widely used because they are more efficient than private automobile travel, governments support these transportation methods, or a large part of the populace is unable to afford an automobile. 在欧洲、拉丁美洲以及世界上很多其他国家,铁路和公共汽车非常普及,因为它们比私人汽车 的利用效率更高;或者是因为很多国民买不起私人汽车,因此得到政府的支持。 Rail and bus transport are about twice as energy efficient as private automobiles. Private automobiles in North America, with about 5 percent of the world's population, consume over 40 percent of the gasoline produced in the world. 从能源使用效率来看,铁路和公共交通的效率是私人汽车的2倍。在北美,约占世界人口的5%,私 人汽车大约消耗了全世界石油产量的40%。 Electricity is both a way that energy is consumed and a way that it is supplied. Almost all electric energy is produced as a result of burning fossil fuels. Thus, we can look at electrical energy as a use to which fossil fuel energy is put. 电力既是能源的使用形式,也是其供应形式。几乎所有的电能,都是由化石燃料燃烧产生的。因此, 也可以把电能看做是对化石能源的利用。 As with other forms of energy use, electrical consumption in different regions of the world varies widely. The industrialized countries of the world, with about 20 percent of the world's population, consume 60 percent of the world's electricity. Less-developed nations of the world,which have about 80 percent of the world's population, use 40 percent of the world's electricity. The per capita use of electricity in North America is 25 times greater than average per capita use in the less-developed countries. 与其他形式的能源利用一样,在世界上不同地区,电力的消耗大不相同。世界上工业化国家, 仅占世界人口的20%,却消耗了世界电力的60%。世界上欠发达国家,拥有世界人口的80%,但所 消耗的电力仅占世界电力的40%。在北美,人均消耗的电力,是欠发达国家平均水平的25倍。 The production and distribution of electricity is a major step in the economic development of a country. 发电和电力的输送,是一个国家经济发展中的一个重要因素。 A direct link exists between economic growth and the availability of inexpensive energy. The replacement of human and animal energy with fossil fuels began with the Industrial Revolution and was greatly accelerated by the supply of cheap, easy-to-handle, and highly efficient fuels. Because the use of inexpensive fossil fuels allows each worker to produce more goods and services, productivity increased. The result was unprecedented economic growth in Europe, North America, and the rest of the industrialized world. 经济增长和廉价的能源供应之间存在直接联系。随着廉价、易开采的、使用效率高的化石燃料 的供应,从工业革命开始,以化石燃料代替人力和畜力的过程得到加速发展。因为使用廉价的化石 燃料,可以使工人生产更多的产品或者服务,这样,生产力得到提高。从而在欧洲和北美以及其他 工业化国家,形成了前所未有的经济增长趋势。 International trade in fossil fuels has a major influence on the world economy and politics. The emphasis on low-priced fuels has encouraged high rates of consumption. 化石燃料的国际贸易,对世界经济和政治有很大影响。燃料的价格过低会鼓励能源的高消耗。 Governments fashion policies that influence how people use energy. 政府的政策会影响人们如何利用能源。 Since taxes make up the majority of the price of gasoline in Europe, government tax policy has provided an incentive for people to purchase fuel-efficient automobiles. 由于汽油税是欧洲汽油价格的主要部分,政府的这种税收政策鼓励人们购买节油的汽车。 The relatively low cost of fuel in the United States encourages more travel, which increases road repair costs. 美国燃料价格相对较低会鼓励人们更多的出行,从而增加维修道路的费用。 Obviously, higher prices discourage use. The United States, Canada, Sweden, and Finland, which have some of the lowest prices for electricity, have the highest rates of consumption. 很明显,较高的电价不鼓励用电。美国、加拿大、瑞典和芬兰,这些国家的电价是最低的,因 而用电量最高。 OPEC began in September 1960, when the governments of five of the world's leading oil-exporting countries agreed to form a cartel. OPEC创建于1960年9月,是由世界上5个主要石油输出国政府达成一致组成的联盟。 Today, 12 countries belong to OPEC. 如今,OPEC有12个成员国。 OPEC nations control over 78 percent of the world's estimated oil reserves of 1000 billion barrels of oil. Middle Eastern OPEC countries control over 60 percent of this total, which makes OPEC and the Middle East important world influences. OPEC成员控制着世界石油储量(1万亿桶)的78%。其中,中东OPEC国家控制着60%,这 就使得OPEC以及中东对世界具有重要影响。 Today, OPEC countries still control about 40 percent of the world's oil production and are a major force in determining price. 今天,OPEC国家仍然控制着世界石油产量的40%,是决定石油价格的主要力量。 In 2002, world energy consumption was around 9405 million metric tons of oil equivalent, an increase of 30 percent since 1985. Of this total, conventional fossil fuels ------oil, natural gas, and coal------accounted for nearly 90 percent. 在2002年,世界能源消耗大约为94.05亿t石油当量/天。自1985年以来,已经增加了30%。 在能源消耗总量中,传统的化石燃料——石油、天然气和煤炭,约占90%。 Over half of world energy is consumed by the 25 countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD). These countries (Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, Mexico, the United States, and the countries of Europe) are the developed nations of the world. 经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的25个成员国,消耗了世界上一半以上的能源。这些国家(澳 大利亚、新西兰、日本、加拿大、墨西哥、美国和欧洲国家)均为发达国家。 We should expect to see this pattern continue and countries with emerging economies increasingly demanding more energy. 我们可以预计,这种增长方式仍将持续,经济增长的国家将继续增大对能源的需求。 Oil remains the world's major source of energy, accounting for about 38 percent of primary energy demand. Coal accounts for 26 percent and natural gas for 24 percent; the remainder is supplied mainly by nuclear energy and hydropower. 石油仍然是世界上的主要能源,大概占一次能源需求的38%。煤炭为26%;天然气为24%;其余 的主要是核能和水电。 Obviously, the two primary factors that determine energy use are political stability in parts of the world that supply oil and the price of that oil. 显然,决定能源利用的两个主要因素是:石油供应国的政治稳定和石油的价格。 The energy consumption behavior of most people is motivated by economics rather than by a desire to wisely use energy resources. 大部分人的能源消耗行为取决于经济状况,而不是他们理智利用能源的愿望。 Summary: A constant supply of energy is required by all living things. Energy has a major influence on society. A direct correlation exists between the amount of energy used and the complexity of civilizations. 所有的生命物质,都需要不断供应能源。能源对于人类社会有非常重要的影响。在能源消耗总 量与人类文明之间存在着直接的联系。 Wood furnished most of the energy and construction materials for early civilizations. 在人类文明早期阶段,木材提供了大部分能源,同时充当建筑材料。 Fossil-fuel consumption in conjunction with the invention of labor-saving machines resulted in the Industrial Revolution, which led to the development of technology-oriented societies today in the developed world. 化石燃料的使用以及节约人类体力劳动的机器的发明,引发了工业革命,形成了今天发达国家 的技术导向型社会。 The invention of the automobile caused major changes in the lifestyles of people that led to greater consumption of energy. 汽车的发明引起人们生活方式的重大变化,并导致更大的能源消耗。 Because of financial, political, and other factors, nations vary in the amount of energy they use as well as in how they use it. In general, rich countries use large amounts of energy and poor countries use much less. 由于财政、政策以及其他因素,不同的国家,其能源消耗总量和能源利用方式各不相同。 Analysts expect the worldwide demand for energy to increase steadily and the growth in energy usage by those countries that are becoming industrialized to be greater than that of the countries that are already industrialized. 分析家预计,全世界范围的能源需求会稳步增长,与已经工业化的国家相比,那些正在实现工业化 的国家,对能源利用的增加会更大。 KeyTerms: fossil fuels 化石燃料 Industrial Revolution 工业革命 Review Questions: 4. What factors caused a shift from wood to coal as a source of energy? 7. Why was much of the natural gas that was first produced wasted? 8. What was the initial use of oil? What single factor was responsible for a rapid increase in oil consumption? 9. List the three purposes for which a civilization uses energy. 10. Why is OPEC important in the world's economy?
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