首页 CAD机械零件轴测图的画法



CAD机械零件轴测图的画法CAD机械零件轴测图的画法 准备工作: 、机械基础知识:1 在机械零件的轴测视图中,圆是以椭圆表示的,可分为三个方向:见图:,椭圆的长短轴之比为:,这是一112.27 个常数,必须记着,用这种比例的椭圆所绘轴测图最为真实,相当于三维效果。其余尺寸按实际尺寸绘制, 图1 、绘图环境设置:2 右键点击电脑工作界面下方的对象捕捉,再左键点击对话框中的设置,将极轴追踪中的增量角改为度“”“...”“”“”15:或度:即可。其它设置,如线型、对象追踪等随喜好而定嘛。30“”“” 、零件素材图纸:准备好欲画轴测...

CAD机械零件轴测图的画法 准备工作: 、机械基础知识:1 在机械零件的轴测视图中,圆是以椭圆 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示的,可分为三个方向:见图:,椭圆的长短轴之比为:,这是一112.27 个常数,必须记着,用这种比例的椭圆所绘轴测图最为真实,相当于三维效果。其余尺寸按实际尺寸绘制, 图1 、绘图环境设置:2 右键点击电脑工作界面下方的对象捕捉,再左键点击对话框中的设置,将极轴追踪中的增量角改为度“”“...”“”“”15:或度:即可。其它设置,如线型、对象追踪等随喜好而定嘛。30“”“” 、零件素材图纸:准备好欲画轴测图的图纸:见图:。3 2 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图2 开始绘图: 、先绘一圆的椭圆:见图:,此后绘图中可缩放成不同直径的圆的椭圆。很方便的技巧哟,此后绘图中,1 Φ103 需要用到椭圆时,请复制第一步中的椭圆进行缩放和旋转。 图3 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 、按制图规律,确定一条轴线:见图:2 4 、复制一椭圆到轴线的端点:见图:3 5 图5 、先按内孔尺寸放大椭圆:即放大倍::见图:4 Φ282.86 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图6 、重复步骤,复制一椭圆至轴线端点:见图:5 37 图7 、按外径尺寸放大椭圆:即放大倍::见图:6 Φ686.88 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图8 、画零件的厚度::只需将两椭圆沿轴线放向移动:见图:即可:先选择,再点击移动按钮,再输7 10=12.5-2.5.109 入距离数据:,作外圆的切线,如图,先画出椭圆的长轴,再向另一椭圆引切线。 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图9 、剪掉多余的线条或不可视的线条:见图:8 10 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图10 、重复步骤,复制椭圆至图示位置:偏移之后的圆心:,作零件左端的台阶,注:有可能是不可见的线,其实9 310 根据经验可以判断出是不可见的。不可见之线是不用绘出的。:见图:11 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图11 、按图尺寸放大,并偏移注:如果左端台阶不可见,则不必画出。图示红线椭圆即零件左端的台阶,不可10 Φ422.5. 见而被删除。:见图:12 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图12 、继续画三小孔:见图::注:按实际尺寸推移,是很重要的,见图中辅助线:11 13 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图13 、画零件的缺边:按尺寸推移::见图:12 14 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图14 、剪掉多余的线条,并补画零件左端的可视轮廓线。至此完成:见图:13 Φ3815 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图15 、其它方向的轴测图如下::见图:14 16 零件特殊细节的画法: 倒圆角、倒直角与螺纹的画法 倒圆角,最好用椭圆按方向绘制,有时为了省事,直接使用倒圆角工具,但不够真实。“” 倒直角,按尺寸绘制,不可直接使用倒直角工具。“” 螺纹画法,用椭圆按螺距平移即可,不必讲究,只表示螺纹的大致意思嘛。 弯管零件的画法:在拐角处结合圆画相贯线会更真实一点。 图16 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图17 图18 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图19 图20 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图21 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图22 图23 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 题外话:在实际工作中,我采用二维轴测图替代三维轴测图的好处是:文件小;布局方便;相同零件在不同文件中插 入快捷;零件与零件之间的连线亦好绘制。缺点:轮齿画法复杂。 机械图纸中绘出轴测图,方便操作工认识零件形状,识图能力可以略低,出错率小。我们公司一般采用平面图轴测图+ 的形式。 图为半成品三维图,图为半成品二维图。2425 图24 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote. 图25 In recent years, the city with a city "eight environmental construction, and actively promote the environmental remediation, urban management has great progress, significantly improved the appearance of the city, significantly improving the quality of citizens. However, urban environment and the current situation of economic and social development does not adapt to, and the general public to good living environment is still lagging behind expectations, with the city as a national health city, tourist city, environmental protection model city, garden city title does not match, there are still many serious problem remediation andFoot, concentrated expression for the old urban community, Beijiexiaoxiang, villages and other weak area city dirty, traffic congestion, shop management, Jeeves, open-air barbecue, Luandaluanjian Luantingluanfang, scribbling, and so on. The existence of these problems, serious damage to the urban image, affecting the project attract, reduce the public trust, restricts the development of the place. Therefore, to carry out the comprehensive improvement of the outstanding problems it is urgent and imperative must act immediately, efforts to promote.
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