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不锈钢管连接方式不锈钢管连接方式 薄壁不锈钢管连接技术 简介:任何一种管材的开发与推广,都应以连接技术(管件与连接方式)为基础。建筑给水薄壁不锈钢管(以下简称薄壁不锈管或不锈管),之所以能适应不同档次建筑的需要,就是因为它拥有多种型式的管件和连接方式。本文着重介绍国内外不锈管的各种连接方式、特点及其性能比较。 关键字:不锈钢管 连接方式 分类 特点 性能比较 0引言 薄壁不锈钢管具有安全耐用、环保卫生、价格合理、美观豪华等优异的综合性能,已大量应用于建筑给水和直饮水管道。众所皆知,管道的躯干是由管材组成的,而管材是依赖管...

不锈钢管连接方式 薄壁不锈钢管连接技术 简介:任何一种管材的开发与推广,都应以连接技术(管件与连接方式)为基础。建筑给水薄壁不锈钢管(以下简称薄壁不锈管或不锈管),之所以能适应不同档次建筑的需要,就是因为它拥有多种型式的管件和连接方式。本文着重介绍国内外不锈管的各种连接方式、特点及其性能比较。 关键字:不锈钢管 连接方式 分类 特点 性能比较 0引言 薄壁不锈钢管具有安全耐用、环保卫生、价格合理、美观豪华等优异的综合性能,已大量应用于建筑给水和直饮水管道。众所皆知,管道的躯干是由管材组成的,而管材是依赖管件连接而成的,因管件型式的多样,才有不同特色的连接方式,因此,研究与探索不锈管的连接技术,具有显见的现实意义。 1 常用管道连接 1.1 管道连接种种 管道连接,由于生产工艺要求、管道材质、 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 情况等多种因素的不同,出现了尽可能最佳应对的各种连接方式。目前国内采用的常用管道连接,有螺纹连接、法兰连接、焊接连接、承插连接、粘合连接、机械连接等。 1.2 管道连接浅析 上述螺纹、法兰、焊接、承插这四种连接,属传统的应用面较广泛的连接方式。粘合连接具有一定的局限性。机械连接一般指比较灵活、现场可组装的即安装较简捷的连接方式(此处机械连接属狭义范畴)。 2 国外薄壁不锈管管道连接 2.1 国外不锈管管道连接种种 厚壁不锈管,主要有螺纹连接、法兰连接、焊接连接三种方式,应用以工业管道为主,其管件相对比较简单。在研制薄壁不锈管时,借鉴厚壁管螺纹等三种连接方式,开发了品种各异的管件,也就奠定了更加多样的连接方式。国际上公认的薄壁不锈管管道连接技术,主要指压缩式、压紧式、推进式、焊接式、粘接式管件及其连接方式。 2.2 管件采用的标准 压缩式管件采用的标准有BS 4368:Part3:1974 和 DIN 2353:1991;压紧式和推进式管件都列入了WBS(Water Byelaws Scheme,由英国WRC管理);日本JWWA G 116 标准 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 的管件主要有压缩式、压紧式、伸缩可挠式和焊接式;粘接式也由WRC批准,但对输送介质的温度、pH值都有限制范围[1].[2]。 3 国内薄壁不锈管管道连接[3] 我国薄壁不锈管管件的开发,在借鉴国外标准同时,结合自身专利,其产品可谓缤纷多彩。据笔者调研,可归结为压缩式、卡压式、伸缩可挠式、焊接式、法兰式、活接式、沟槽式、粘接式等八大类别(尚有派生系列)及其连接方式。 3.1 压缩式 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 国产压缩式管件与国际上通称的压缩式管件一样,由配管插入管件承口,通过螺母紧固,使密封圈压缩起密封作用的一种连接方式(图1)。首先,它似同管道传统的螺纹连接,所不同的是,在螺纹连接基础上,又加一道密封圈密封,另外其螺纹需事先加工并与管件本体焊接而成,配管需专用工具胀形,整个管件还包括预制的螺母。 ? 适用范围:?DN50的明装、暗敷管道。 ? 优点:安装简单,能拆卸,便于维修,明装管道亮丽豪华,如同饰品。 ? 缺点:成本高(管件体积大,重量重,生产工序多)。 3.2 卡压式和卡环式 ? 卡压式,配管插入管件承口(承口内带有橡胶密封圈)后,用专用工具压紧管口而起密封和紧固作用的连接方式(图二)。 ? 卡环式(图三),与卡压式大同小异。 ? 适用范围:?DN100的明装、暗敷管道。 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special ? 卡压式、卡环式与2.1节国外压紧式原理相同,都是用专用卡钳压紧使配管、管件受到径向力而达到密封和紧固的效果。卡压式与卡环式两者主要区别是,前者压紧一次即可,后者要求配管、管件轴向旋转30?,90?后再压紧第二次。 ? 优点:安装方便。 ? 缺点:橡胶圈不可能与不锈管同寿命,一旦渗漏维修麻烦;且管径愈大,卡压愈难。 3.3 伸缩可挠式 ? 伸缩可挠式,配管插入管件承口,紧固内螺母,通过挤压环使密封圈受压起密封作用的连接方式(图四)。 ? 伸缩可挠式适用管径为?DN60,其原理与2.1节国外的推紧式类同。 ? 轴向有伸缩、径向有可挠作用,防地震、基础下沉能力强,但成本较高。 3.4 焊接式 薄壁不锈管焊接式连接可分承插氩弧焊式和对接氩弧焊式两类型。 ? 承插氩弧焊式连接,由配管插入管件承口,用钨极氩弧焊(TIG)熔焊焊接成本体一色的通称“无接头连接”的连接方式(图五)。所谓承插式、焊接式都是管道常见的连接方式,创新的承插氩弧焊式管件和连接方式,是吸取传统的承插式管道连接和焊接式管道连接两者之长,并进行有机的结合,以适应不锈钢良好的焊接性能。 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 该管件承插口与管件本体用TIG焊接,且承插口设计有特殊的延伸边,安装施焊时以替代焊丝用,整个管件壁厚一般不低于同口径配管的壁厚。另一种承插焊式管件,其承口采用扩口方式加工,工艺简单,成本低,安装施焊时需用焊丝(也有不用个案)等辅料,但目前仅?DN50为多。 ? 对接氩弧焊连接,由配管与管件对接或配管间对接,用TIG焊熔焊焊接成“无接头连接”的连接方式(图六)。施焊过程均需焊丝或焊条,一般用于DN100以上管材,其壁厚相对较厚,配管端口应先坡口,以TIG焊为好,如需多道施焊时,也应TIG焊打底,其余各层允许采用焊条电弧焊。 ? 焊接式连接适用范围见 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 一。 表一 焊接式连接适用范围 型式 适用管径 特点 适用场合 承插氩弧焊 DN15,100 承插口用TIG焊,无接头连接,管件壁明装、暗敷,在管道井、嵌 厚,有延伸边,施焊时不需焊丝,焊接墙等场合,“无接头连接” 速度快,质量好 更具特殊优势 DN15,50 承插口用扩口方式,无接头连接,管件 壁薄,成本低,施焊时一般需用焊丝, 质量好 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 对接氩弧焊 DN15,100 无接头连接,施焊时需用焊丝 ,DN100 无接头连接,施焊时需用焊丝,配管 坡口,可多道施焊 3.5 法兰式 薄壁不锈管法兰式连接可分平法兰、活接法兰和卡箍法兰等几种类型。 ? 不锈钢平法兰,是类同碳钢法兰的传统式法兰,两法兰盘之间的密封垫应视输送介质而定,紧固件大小与数量按工作压力与管径 尺寸 手机海报尺寸公章尺寸朋友圈海报尺寸停车场尺寸印章尺寸 ,可参阅国标选用之。 ? 活接法兰,在两片不锈钢平法兰之间,夹有不锈钢密封环,该环两侧各衬一个密封圈,同样用紧固件紧固。区别在于活接法兰配合面开有沉孔,以镶嵌不锈钢密封环。 ? 卡箍法兰,不锈钢“二哈夫”卡箍与法兰片以锥形槽配合,两法兰片间衬有密封垫,用紧定螺钉紧固(图七)。 ? 上述平法兰、卡箍法兰与配管连接采用氩弧焊(TIG)焊接。用活接法兰,配管端口需预先翻边。各种法兰连接的适用范围见表二。 表二 法兰式连接适用范围 型式 适用管径 特点 适用场合 平法兰 DN15,200 大小管径均可 最常用。其中小口径平法兰一般与带有法 兰的管路附件相匹配 活接法兰 DN65,150 可拆卸 对介质温度变化较大的管道密封最适用 DN15,100 来自国际医药行业用于安装过程中最后有困难的接口位置或卡箍法兰 GMP技术,连接可需拆卸较多(如与阀门连接做活接头用) 靠,拆装灵活,一般的部位 与其他连接方式配 合使用 3.6 活接头 两配管端口90?翻边后,在对接平面间依次安放O型密封圈、金属密封环和垫圈,用预先套入的内、外螺母两管件啮合力,使管件密封的连接方式。 适用范围:以DN15,DN150的明装管道为主,属可拆卸连接。 3.7 沟槽式 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 两配管端部加工沟槽后,对接时将卡箍(内衬密封圈)卡入沟槽内,用扳手拧紧卡箍上的螺栓,起密封和紧固作用的连接方式。 适用范围:?DN100管道,可拆卸,沟槽式管件的卡箍,材质为球墨铸铁,有刚性、柔性之分。 3.8 粘接式 配管端部缩径成锥形,管件承口(内也为锥形)用胶粘剂粘接而成的连接方式。 胶粘剂有厌氧性密封胶粘剂等,适用范围DN15,DN100。 4 若干连接方式综合性能比较 ?薄壁不锈钢管,目前国内在建筑给水管道应用较多的有卡压式、焊接式等若干种连接方式,按收集的资料汇总见表三。 表三 若干连接方式汇总 型式 国际上统称 连接原理 适用范围 性能简析 备注 压缩式(A) 压缩式 螺纹压缩连接 ?DN50 明装、暗可拆卸,使用管径范螺纹连接属传 敷 围窄 统的管道连接 卡压式(B) 压紧式 工具压紧连接 ?DN100明装、暗责任编辑 :刘芳 敷 郑重声明: 凡本网注明“来源:东营城乡网”的所有作品,版权均属于东营城乡规划协会,未经本网授权不得转载、摘编或利用其它方式使用上述作品。已经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:东营城乡网"。违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。 凡本网注明“来源:XXX(非东营城乡网)”的作品,均转载自其它媒体,转载目的在于传递更多信息,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special
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