首页 Is the territory the most important Is it Manchu, Chinese or Manchuria identity Fifty-six thousand three hundred and twenty-three(清疆域最大靠是满族汉化还是满洲认同56323)

Is the territory the most important Is it Manchu, Chinese or Manchuria identity Fifty-six thousand three hundred and twenty-three(清疆域最大靠是满族汉化还是满洲认同56323)


Is the territory the most important Is it Manchu, Chinese or Manchuria identity Fifty-six thousand three hundred and twenty-three(清疆域最大靠是满族汉化还是满洲认同56323)Is the territory the most important Is it Manchu, Chinese or Manchuria identity Fifty-six thousand three hundred and twenty-three(清疆域最大靠是满族汉化还是满洲认同56323) Is the territory the most important Is it Manchu, Chinese or Manchuria identity Fifty-six thousand three ...

Is the territory the most important Is it Manchu, Chinese or Manchuria identity Fifty-six thousand three hundred and twenty-three(清疆域最大靠是满族汉化还是满洲认同56323)
Is the territory the most important Is it Manchu, Chinese or Manchuria identity Fifty-six thousand three hundred and twenty-three(清疆域最大靠是满族汉化还是满洲认同56323) Is the territory the most important Is it Manchu, Chinese or Manchuria identity Fifty-six thousand three hundred and twenty-three(清疆域最大靠是满族汉化还是满洲认同56323) Core tip: it starts with a debate. In 1967, He Bingdi published the Qing Dynasty's importance in Chinese history. He pointed out that the Qing Dynasty was the most successful Dynasty in Chinese history, and the key to success was to adopt the policy of Chinese localization. Thirty years later, in 1996, Luo Youzhi (EvelynSakakidaRawski) delivered a speech at the annual meeting of the United States to challenge He Bingdi's "Chinese language". This paper from the "Social Sciences" China 130th 4 edition, author: Liu Fengyun (Liu Fengyun: Renmin University of China Institute of history of the Qing Dynasty), the original title: "new Qing history" of academic contend ": be not of the common sort The Knights of Manchuria (source: Chinese Social Science Daily) The "new history" as an academic faction or research paradigm, the degree of influence in academia is incalculable, its claims in Guinea, "Manchuria" or other characteristics of family is no longer in the study of Qing edge problem, after the "new Qing" challenge again in the height of the return to the new "national identity", has become a new perspective on the history of the Qing dynasty. For a period of time, the academic circles in the western world have been changing the research perspective and ideas of Chinese history. The early "European Central view" put China before the Opium War in the "shock response" mode of discourse. After 1980s, Ke Wen started from the "China Central view" and tried to reevaluate the development of Chinese history with the intrinsic power of China's own society and culture. Until the middle of 90s, the "new history" has become the most important trend in the United States and Western studies in the history of China in recent years, there have been a number of figures and representative works, again affected the academic Chinese. A famous debate: Manchu "Chinese" or "Manchuria" identity? Then, the "new history" is to "move" Chinese academia? It should begin with a debate. In 1967, He Bingdi published the Qing Dynasty's importance in Chinese history. He pointed out that the Qing Dynasty was the most successful Dynasty in Chinese history, and the key to success was to adopt the policy of Chinese localization. Thirty years later, in 1996, Luo Youzhi (EvelynSakakidaRawski) delivered a speech at the annual meeting of the United States to challenge He Bingdi's "Chinese language". She is from the "Manchuria" center of view, that the Qing Dynasty successfully ruled for nearly three hundred years, the main reason is not "Hanization" or "Chinese", but the rulers of the Qing Dynasty maintained a "Manchuria" Chinese Archery identity, and use and non Asian inland cultural ties between the Han nationality and in different ways including a rule Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur and Han multiethnic empire. She stressed that "the Qing Empire" and "Chinese" is not a synonym, but beyond the "Chinese" empire, but the Chinese nation is an imagined community, and proposed to re-examine the history of the Qing dynasty. He Bingdi immediately wrote a response, pointed out a false dichotomy between Chinese and Manchu in the construction of Luo Youzhi and non Han ethnic relations, that emphasizes the Manchu behavior criterion and the way of thinking to the Han nationality identity without exclusion of other forms of identity. He Chinese through the study of the history of all nationalities finished the course, points out that Chinese is a long and complex, continuous process, non Han ethnic Chinese extends the connotation of the Han civilization, and to create a multi ethnic Manchu Empire and made outstanding contribution. He Bingdi's starting point is to demonstrate that the Manchu established a "Chinese" Dynasty, and directly criticized the "beyond China" empire model of romania. The system of argumentation and in-depth, refute the eloquence, as Ding Yizhuang said, so far, both in the domestic and foreign scholars is still unsurpassed. And two people in the point of view of the United States is tit for tat, Qing scholars known as a famous argument. But the problem is that the debate in Chinese and impact in the United States and other overseas countries is different, Chinese scholars reaction is relatively cold, while the United States scholars have caused discussions on the basis of the proposition, to establish a "new history" the broad research field. As Ou Lide (MarkElliott) said: "the new history of Qing Dynasty" encouraged including "identity" and "nationalism" and "empire" and other academic discussions. In recent years, the "imagined community" and "invented tradition" and "geopolitical entity" and "national objective theory" question for all the nation of the nature of the concept, are included in the "new Qing history" the subject matter of concern. In addition, a new concept of "new history" accepted "ethnic group" and "alien", the identity of the past "fact" part of the problem, etc.. A fresh perspective: the inclusion of "Manchuria" elements into the history of the world Although the "new Qing history" concept of many dazzling, but the core of the argument still can be summarized into two aspects: One is the conversion of subjects. "New Qing history" by abandoning Hanization research, namely the Han nationality as the center, turn to the Manchu itself as the research subject, emphasizing the Qing Dynasty "Manchuria" elements and their unique properties. They from Manchuria formation, and the Qing Eight Banners system of the internal structure and function, to determine the Qing Dynasty dynasty in central plains. Or claim study from "Manchuria history" perspective with Manchu, emphasis is not localization of the "Manchuria" identity, and the Qing Dynasty to the frontier minority rule different policies is the key to the success of the Qing dynasty. Here, they introduced the relationship between race and ethnicity and national theory, put forward the "new history" is sometimes referred to as "Chinese of racial change" and other ideas. The two is the study of space displacement, the Qing Dynasty should be incorporated into the world historical category, and re positioning in a research space in the Asian inland. They think "Khan system" has an important influence on the Qing Dynasty, the "Manchuria regime to be included in the scope of the grassland." Eight Banners in Liaodong Han people, and the "Manchuria", Mongolia and Northeast Asian tribes, they all agree with the Qing regime are Khan believes it is imperial power system. This is the main compound and imperial power to many aspects of the expansion. The Qing Dynasty conquered Mongolia, Tibet, Northeast China and Xinjiang, and its significance was that the Qing Dynasty constructed the history of its empire formation. If the "new history" only in the research perspective and path from study habits Chinese in academic circles, so it brings people should think of some strange feeling fresh after theory, because of "Hanization" questions previously met with fierce opposition, has caused some scholars Chinese reflection. Such as Guo Chengkang's "on Hanization", is to accept the Chinese civilization from the Qing Dynasty to boycott the localization process, and maintain the process very fruitful Manchu character, discusses the Manchu culture interaction from conflict to integration and ultimately to the Han culture as the main body. Ding Yizhuang also believes in the "feelings" triggered by the new research in the history of the Qing Dynasty, Confucian Rule of the Qing Dynasty no matter how successful, can not bring it to the northeast, northwest and Tibet and other ethnic minority areas. These views are to a certain extent, affirmed the idea on "new Qing history" and its impact on the academic role. Through the "new Qing" challenge However, the study on the post strength of the new Qing history "and more than this. Such as, the reason of default displacement space lies in the emphasis of the Qing Dynasty in the importance of inland Asian expansion, to the Qing Dynasty on the periphery of the wars of conquest as overseas colonial behavior similar to the modern western imperialism. They use a theoretical model of "early modern" to the Qing Dynasty, with the early colonial empire logo, that of the Qing Dynasty Chinese is earlier than the first British or French colonial center, this view is quite extensive influence. Exaggerate "Manchuria" elements, the rule of the Qing Dynasty and dynasties emphasized the distinction between the Han Dynasty, Han Qing Dynasty emphasized non factors in the "China" and "Chinese" and "China nationalism" of the basic concepts and basic principles of challenge, and the "Chinese nation" and national identity questioned these theoretical tendency, It has potentially subverted China as a "nation". For such an argument, the Chinese scholars naturally can not accept it, so many scholars have made a clear response and criticism. Ge Zhaoguang questioned China from finding the identity research perspective and theoretical basis, think "area studies", "Asian" or "East Asia" as the research unit of space, all is the question of "identity China history". The Qing Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty were regarded as conquest regimes, which were influenced by the western "conquest Dynasty" theory. Guo Chengkang combed the Qing emperors' understanding of the concepts of "China" and "the world", and demonstrated that the extension of the concept of "China" had been extended to Xinjiang, Tibet and other areas since the reign of emperor qianlong. Most of Chinese scholars in recognition of the "new Qing" can help remedy the previous Han center on the deviation between the absorbing and advocates national unity in diversity at the same time, the "new history" criticized overkill. They believe that undue prominence of Manchu characteristics of the Qing Dynasty, is the historical culture of the Han nationality absorbed blind fusion, one to the established framework for the development of modern western nation states to the discretion of judge Chinese history behind its authoritarian tendencies. The denial of Chinese identity also comes from the questioning of the legitimacy of the modern nation-state by postmodern historiography in Europe and america. Therefore, the "new Qing history" in ancient history and re-examine the recombinant China, may not be entirely based on the historical data of the judgment, may have come from a theory after observation. Although "the view of the new Qing history" in academic circles in the United States there is a difference, but it China academic world, will undoubtedly have a small impact. Admittedly, the "new history" as an academic faction or research paradigm, the degree of influence in academia is incalculable, its claims in Guinea, "Manchuria" or other characteristics of family is no longer in the study of Qing edge problem, after the "new history" the challenge, again at the height of the new regression of "national identity", has become a new perspective on the history of the Qing dynasty. While history research needs a more international perspective, the "new history" undoubtedly accelerated the process of internationalization of the Qing Dynasty, put forward higher requirements on the domestic research history of Qing dynasty.
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