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澳洲租房合同样本澳洲租房合同样本 澳洲租房-合同模版 RESIDENTIAL TENANCY AGREEMENT This agreement is in 2 parts: Part 1 Sets out the terms of the agreement. Part 2 Contains the condition report in respect of the residential premises. EACH PARTY gets a copy of this agreement, with signatu...

澳洲租房合同样本 澳洲租房-合同模版 RESIDENTIAL TENANCY AGREEMENT This agreement is in 2 parts: Part 1 Sets out the terms of the agreement. Part 2 Contains the condition report in respect of the residential premises. EACH PARTY gets a copy of this agreement, with signatures of both parties on each page. Copies of passports of both parties are attached to this agreement. The tenant is entitled to have time to read this agreement and to obtain appropriate advice if necessary. PART 1 PAGE 1 TERMS OF AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made on 01st March, 2008 (2008-03-01) BETWEEN LANDLORD (Name) ******************************* (Address) ******************************* AND TENANT (Names) ******************************* (Address) ******************************* RENT: The rent is $220 PER WEEK, payable every TWO WEEKS starting on 08th March, 2008. The tenant must pay in advance on the Friday of every TWO WEEKS. The rent must be paid by the following method: in cash or Electronic Transfer (Internet payment). The rent includes bills for water, electricity, gas, telephone, ADSL and using facilities provided by the landlord. TERM: The term of this agreement is 6 MONTHS ( 26 WEEKS), beginning on 08th March, 2008 and ending on 05th September, 2008. RENTAL BOND: A rental bond of $880(4×$220) must be paid by the tenant to the landlord together with the FIRST TWO WEEKS’ RENT of $440(2× $220) on 08th March, 2008. The total rental bond of $880 will be refunded at the end of tenancy, provided no damages are caused by the tenant to the facilities and the premises. CONTINUATION AND TERMINATION: At the end of this agreement the tenant can stay in the same residential premises, where a new agreement concerning the rent and the new term must be entered into. The tenant must give a notice of termination to the landlord TWO WEEKS BEFORE moving out. RIGHTS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIABILITIES The tenant is entitled to: the exclusive occupation of the bedroom and the bathroom of the tenant; the access to the entrance, laundry, kitchen, lounge, dining area and balcony; the access to the swimming pool, SPA, gym and BBQ facilities; the receipt of rent and bond paid to the landlord. The tenant agrees: to pay rent on time; to keep the premises secure; to keep the rooms clean and reasonably quiet; not to intentionally or negligently cause or permit any damage to the facilities; to notify the landlord as soon as practicable of any damage to the facilities or premises; to be liable to the landlord for any damages caused by the tenant itself. The landlord is entitled to: the payment of rental bonds and rent; the exclusive occupation of the master room; the access to the entrance, laundry, kitchen, lounge, dining area and balcony; the access to the swimming pool, SPA, gym and BBQ facilities. The landlord agrees: to give a notice of termination to the tenant TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE if it has to cease the lease; that the tenant will have secure and quiet enjoyment without interruption by the landlord; to provide a receipt for the rental bond and any rent received; to keep the premises clean; to maintain facilities in good condition; to repair any breakdown as soon as pract icable; to be liable for the damages caused by itself. to refund the bond to the tenant on the day it moves out. _________________________________________________________________ Tenants Landlord CONDITION REPORT OF FACILITIES IN THE BEDROOM AND THE BATHROOM OF THE TENANT This CONDITION REPORT is an important record of the condition of the rooms possessed by the tenant when the tenancy begins. At the end of the tenancy the rooms will be inspected and the condition of the premises at that time will be compared to that stated in the original report. BATHROOM: cleanundamagedworkingtenant agrees Walls/Ceiling Doors Lights Floor Drain Shower Showerscreen Wash basin Tiling Mirror Towel rails Other BEDROOM: Walls/Ceiling Doors/windows Curtains Lights Floor Bed/Mattress Bedside table Lamp Desks(2) Table lamp(2) Bookcase Chest of drawers Chairs(2) Other ________________________________________________________ ____Tenants Landlord 篇二:个人租房合同范本(最新版) 房屋租赁合同 甲方(房 主):_____________ 乙方(承租人):_____________ 电话:_____________电话: 甲、乙双方就房屋租赁事宜,达成如下协议: 一、甲方将自有的坐落在__ __(简称本房产),出租给乙方作____ ____使用。双方约定本房产的租赁期为_ _年_月__ 日起到_年 月_ _日。共计___个月。 二、本房屋年租金为(人民币大写):_(小写:,__ __),租金每半年结算,分两次付清。 三、租金支付时间及方式:第一次于年 月 日前支付元,第二 次于 年 月 日前支付元。 四、乙方租用本房产后应注意以下事项: 甲方不分担乙方在租房期内对其自身造成的损失和对第三方造成的任何道德、经济纠纷。 1、乙方应遵守中国法律,不做违法乱纪的活动,若有违反法律,由乙方负责。 2、乙方应注意居住安全,自行采取防火、防盗等安全 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 。加强用电安全,不得乱拉、乱接电线;对于防盗、防火、用电安全进行经常检查。如乙方措施不当造成损失,其损失由乙方自行承担;造成甲方房屋财产损失,由乙方全额赔偿给甲方;造成第三方房屋财产损失,由乙方负责处理,由乙方全额赔偿对方,并按违约处理。 3、屋内用具不得损坏、丢失,否则,照价赔偿。 4. 现金等贵重物品乙方必须妥善保管,如有丢失,责任自负。 五、甲方在合同期内,不能擅自无故收回租给乙方的房屋,如有类似行为而造成乙方的经济损失时应赔偿乙方相应损失费用。 六、乙方对租用房没有处理权,不能擅自与人合租、转租或借给他人,也不能改变其用途,否则属于违约。如有此类情况发生,甲方有权解除协议并收回房屋。 七、租赁期满后,如乙方要求继续租赁,则须提前__1 _个月向甲方提出,甲方收到乙方要求后__3__天内答复。如同意继续租赁,则续签租赁合同。同等条件下,乙方享有优先租赁的权利。在原 租期已到期,新的续租协议还未签订的情况下,甲方有权收回房屋,不再签约续租。 八、乙方租期未到期而要求退租时,必须与甲方协商一致。乙方承租到期应完好归还房屋和所有钥匙及有关物品,如果所租房内的所用设备有损坏,乙方负责修复或者赔偿相应金额。 九、合同的解除 租赁期间,乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方有权终止合同,收回本房产。 (1)擅自将房屋转让,对外投资入股或与他人调换; (2)利用承租房屋进行非法活动,损害社会公共利益的; (3)乙方未按约定期限支付租金超过一个月。 若甲方依上述第1、2、3项约定而解除合同,并有权追述乙方法律责任。 十一、发生争议时,甲、乙双方友好协商解决。如协商不成,提请由当地人民法院仲裁。 十二、本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,自双方签字之日起生效。 甲方:乙方: 年月日年月日 篇三:个人租房协议书样本 租房协议书 出租方房东甲方: 联系电话: 承租方房客乙方: 联系电话: 兹有甲房房屋一套,地址:某某单位内平房一套自愿租给乙方使用.双方友好协商,达成如下协议: 一、租期暂定 年,即从 年 月 日至 年 月 日止,乙方一次性付给甲方租金(元,大写: )。 二、乙方无权转租,租期内,如乙方拖欠房租过期天不交.甲方有权终止合同收回出租房.后果乙方自负。 三、甲方将年月日以前水,电等房屋费用一次结清,乙方概不承担,租期内(水、电)等一切费用有乙方自付,按时交纳.如按时不交拖欠.甲方有权终止合同后收回房子。 四、乙方必须提供身份证的复印件。 五、甲、乙双方如不租或续租,都应提前壹个月通知对方,在同等条件下,乙方有优先续租权。 六、乙方如须装璜,需经得甲方同意,不得损坏房屋结构。 七、租期内应做到安全用火、用电、用气,乙方如发生火灾,造成经济损失应有乙方按价赔偿给甲方,不可抗拒的自然灾害,乙方不承担赔偿责任。 八、甲方如因房屋拆迁,按乙方实际居住时间收取租金。其它未尽事宜,双方协商解决。本协议一式二份,甲,乙双方各执一份,自签字之日起生效,甲、乙双方共同遵守,不得违约。 九、房租费以收据为准。 水 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 底数: 吨电表底数:度 甲 方: 身份证: 乙 方: 身份证: 年 月 日
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