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ISIR说明书ISIR说明书 IS/IR单级单吸离心泵 IS/IR single stage single suction centrifugal pump 安装使用说明书 湖南耐普泵业有限公司 Hunan Neptune Pump Co.,Ltd 2009版 2009 edition 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 型泵型谱图 type pump colle...

ISIR说明书 IS/IR单级单吸离心泵 IS/IR single stage single suction centrifugal pump 安装使用说明书 湖南耐普泵业有限公司 Hunan Neptune Pump Co.,Ltd 2009版 2009 edition 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 型泵型谱图 type pump collection of characteristic curves drawing IS/IR 1/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 一、概 述Application 1(一般说明 General instruction IS/IR系列卧式单级单吸离心泵,适用于工业和城市给排水、亦可用于农业排灌。供输送清水或物理 及化学性质类似于清水的其它液体。 IS/IR series horizontal single stage single suction centrifugal pump is applicable to the industry and urban water supply and drainage、and it also can be used in agriculture irrigation. ooIS型泵输送介质温度不高于80C,IR型泵输送介质温度不高于150C。 The temperature of transport medium of IS type pump is less than 80?, the temperature of transport medium of IR type pump is less than 150?. 2(型号说明 Model instruction 例Fox example:IS/IR200-150-315(J)A(B、C) IS-单级单吸清水离心泵 single stage single suction clean water centrifugal pump IR-单级单吸热水离心泵 single stage single suction hot water centrifugal pump 200-泵吸入口直径(mm)the diameter of inlet of pump 150-泵排出口直径(mm)the diameter of outlet of pump 315-叶轮名义直径(mm)the nominal diameter of impeller J - 降速 speed-reduce A(B、C)- 叶轮拓展代号prolongation code of impeller (切割叶轮Cutting Impeller) 二、结构说明 Structure Instruction 1. 泵结构图:Structure drawing for pump 1.泵体 pump casing 2.叶轮 impeller 3.泵盖 pump cover 4.密封环 seal ring 5.密封部件 seal component 6.轴 shaft 7.悬架部件 frame component 8.支架 bracket 2/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 2. 结构说明:structure instruction IS/IR系列卧式单级单吸离心泵主要由泵体、泵盖、叶轮、密封环、轴、轴套、密封部件及悬架部件 组成。 IS/IR series horizontal single stage single suction centrifugal pump is mainly consisted of casing、pump casing、impeller、seal ring、shaft、shaft sleeve、seal component and frame component. 泵采用轴向吸入,垂直向上吐出的结构,泵体、泵盖采用后开门式结构,检修时只要分离联轴器,移 动电机即可取出转子部件进行检修(如配有加长联轴器,则无需拆卸电机,只要拆下联轴器螺栓就可把转 子部件取出,),更无需移动泵体及拆卸进出水管路。 Axial inhalation is used for pump, the structure is vertical up-toward disgorge, the pump casing、pump cover are used the structure of back-door open type, it just separate the coupling while move motor for take out the rotate component when maintenance (If it matched the strength coupling, it no need to disassembly the motor, it just disassembly the bolt of coupling while you can take out the rotate), it also don’t need to move pump casing and disassembly the inlet and outlet water pipe. 泵的壳体(即泵体和泵盖)构成泵的工作室,叶轮、轴和轴套等为泵的转子。悬架部件支撑泵的转子 部件、滚动轴承承受泵的径向力和部分轴向力。 The shell of pump(it means the pump casing and pump cover) is constituted the pump's working room, the impeller、shaft and shaft sleeve are the rotate of pump. The frame component support the rotate part of pump、the rolling bearing bear the radial force and the part of axial force. 为了有效地密封和平衡泵的轴向力,大多数泵的叶轮前、后均设有密封环,并在叶轮后盖板上设有平 衡孔,由于有些泵的轴向力不大,叶轮背面未设密封环和平衡孔。 The seal ring is set in front of impeller and back of impeller in most of pumps, and also drilled the hole on the back cover of impeller, it in order to seal efficiently and balance the axial force, the back of impeller haven’t set the seal ring and balance hole. 泵的轴向密封是由填料压盖、填料环和填料等组成,以防止进气或介质的泄漏。泵的叶轮有平衡孔时, 则装填料的空腔与叶轮吸入口相通,若叶轮入口处液体处于真空状态,则很容易沿着轴套 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面进气,故在 填料腔内装有填料环,通过泵盖上的小孔,将泵室内压力水引至填料环进行密封。为避免轴磨损,在轴通 过填料腔的部分装有轴套保护。轴套与轴之间装有O形密封圈,以防沿着配合表面进气或漏水。 The axial seal of pump is consisted of packing gland、packing ring and packing, it is in order to prevent entering air or the leakage of medium. The packing ring installed inner packing room, the pressure water inner pump room through the hole of pump cover linked to packing ring for sealing. The shaft sleeve is installed in the gap that shaft through the room of packing. The O seal ring is installed between shaft and shaft sleeve and it prevents leakage of water and air. 泵的传动方式是通过弹性联轴器与电机联接的。泵的旋转方向,从驱动端看,为顺时针旋转。 The driven method for pump is the coupling linked with motor. The rotation of pump is clockwise when viewed from driven end to pump. 3/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 三、泵的装配与拆卸 Assembly and Disassembly 1(泵的装配 Assembly of pump 泵的装配好坏对泵的运行和寿命有着重要的影响,所以必须仔细地进行。 The assembly of pump affects the running and life for pump. 1) 准备好场地,最好是专业装配车间或维修车间。 The place where is the assembly workshop and repair workshop should be readied. 2) 准备好安装所需的各种工具、润滑剂、清洁剂和起重器械。 All kinds of tools、lubricants、detergents and lifting equipments should be readied for installation. 3) 清洗并擦拭干净所有零部件,检查零件有无缺陷。 Washing and cleaning all of the components, check the defects of component. 4) 将滚动轴承装到轴上,然后将其装到悬架内,合上两端的轴承压盖压紧滚动轴承。 Install the rolling bearing on the shaft, while put them inner frame bracket, then close the bearing gland at both side while tighten the rolling bearing. 5) 在轴上套上挡水圈,将轴套装在轴上,再将泵盖装到悬架上,然后再将叶轮、止动垫圈、叶轮螺 母等装上并拧紧,最后将上述组件装到泵体内,并拧紧泵体、泵盖上的连接螺栓。 Install the water fender on shaft, while install the shaft sleeve on the shaft, after that install the pump cover on the frame bracket, then install the impeller、lock washer、impeller nut and tightened, at last put the module inner pump casing, tighten the linking bolts on the pump casing、pump cover. 6) 装好后用手盘动泵转子部件,检查转子是否有卡滞卡死现象。 After finish the installation, use the hands to turn the component of pump rotator, check the rotator is out of nimbleness or not. 在上述装配过程中,一些小件如平键、挡油盘、挡水圈、轴套内的O形圈等容易遗漏或装错顺序,应 特别注意。 The small components such as flat key、oil catcher、water fender、O seal ring should be pay attention to easy to miss or the installation of the wrong order. 泵的拆卸顺序可按装配顺序的反向进行。 The order of disassembly can follow the anti-direction of assembly. 2(填料的安装 The installation of packing 正确地安装填料是泵高效运行的必要条件,请注意下面的说明: Install the packing correctly is the necessary condition to run the pump in high efficiency. 1) 清理干净填料函体。 Clean the packing box in detail. 2) 填料环前后各有两环填料。先将2环填料装进填料函内,以确保填料落到正确的位置,接着把 填料环推入填料函体内,再装入2环填料,压上填料压盖。 4/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION Two rings of packing are installed in front and back of packing ring. At first put two rings of packing into the packing box, it should make sure the packing fall into the correct position, while push the packing ring into the packing box, while installed into two packing and cover the packing gland. 3) 每相邻环填料的切口要错开180?放置,当最后一环填料装进后,再装上分半填料压盖,均匀 地拧紧螺母,然后松开,再复到“指紧”程度。泵起动之后,缓慢、均匀地调节两螺母,直到 合适的泄漏量为止。 The slot between two rings of packing should be staggered 180?for setting. After the last ring of packing put into packing box, while install the half-packing gland, tighten the nut by uniform, while loose it and return to the level for “finger tight”. After running, it should adjust the two nuts slowly and evenly until the comfortable leakage. 注意:填料压盖决不能将填料压紧到无水从填料函处泄漏的程度。填料的润滑是需要一定的泄漏量 的,否则将导致填料烧坏,擦伤轴套,并可能卡死转子。 Attention: The packing gland should keep the packing for leakage. 四、泵的安装 (Installation) 1(安装和校正Installation and calibration 1)清除底座上的油腻和污垢,把底座放在地基上。 Remove the greasy and dirt on the base, put the base on the foundation. 2)用水平仪检查底座的水平度,允许用楔铁找平。 Check the level of base with spirit level. 3)用水泥浇灌底座和地脚螺栓孔眼。 Grout the base and hole of anchor bolt with cement. 4)水泥干涸后应检查底座和地脚螺栓孔眼是否松动,合适后拧紧地脚螺栓,重新检查水平度。 After drying cement base and anchor bolt holes should be checked whether the loose, tighten the anchor bolts after the right to re-examine the level of degree. 5)清理底座的支持平面,水泵脚及电机脚的平面,并把水泵和电机安装到底座上去。 Clean up the base support plane, pumps and electrical foot flat feet, and to pump and motor installed in the end seat up. 6)联轴器之间应保持一定的间隙(一般4-6mm),检查水泵轴与电机轴中心线是否一致,可用薄垫片 调整使其同心。 Couplings should be to maintain a certain gap between the (typically 4-6mm), check the water pump shaft and motor shaft centerline are the same, so that it can be used to adjust concentric thin gasket. 7)测量联轴器的外圆上下、左右的差别不得超过0.1mm。 The difference measurement for cylindrical coupling such as up and down also include left and right should not exceed 0.1mm. 5/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 8)两联轴器端面间隙一周上最大和最小的间隙差别不得超过0.3mm。 The largest and the smallest differences in the gap between two couplings should not exceed 0.3mm. 2(管道的安装(用户自行安装,这里仅供参考) Piping installation (user self-installation, here only for reference) 1) 设备安装好后,要连接吸入和排出管道,请勿用泵作为管道的支架。 注意:所有管道均不能用泵支撑。管道应多用直管,减少水头损失。在使用弯管时,泵进出口前后 的直管部分应至少为管径的5-10倍。 After equipment installed, to connect suction and discharge pipes, do not pump as a pipe bracket. Note: All channels can be used are not supported by pumps. Pipe should be more straight pipe used to reduce head loss. Using the bend, the pump before and after the straight pipe part of the imports and exports should be at least 5-10 times in diameter. 2) 进口管道的最大吸入高度不应超过泵的NPSHr的 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 。 Pipeline imports should not exceed the maximum height of suction pump NPSHr requirements. 3) 为防止吸入口产生气袋,泵吸入口的变径管必须是偏心管,且卧式吸入管应逐渐上升,请勿把卧式 管道的任何部位装得高于泵吸入口。 In order to prevent inhalation of mouth generated airbags, pump suction pipe must be of variable bore eccentric pipe, and horizontal suction pipe should be gradually increased, do not put any part of the horizontal pipe was installed above the pump suction. 4) 出口管道必须比泵排出口大一个规格。习惯上在出口管道上装一个闸阀和止回阀比较好,止回阀能 防止停机时回流对泵的损害(制造厂对因未装止回阀造成的损坏不负责任)。为便于检查,止回阀 应装在闸阀与泵之间,闸阀也便于灌引水和泵的起动。阀与泵之间要刚性联接,不要用伸缩节(橡 胶管、塑料管等)来联接。 Export pipeline to be large compared with a standard pump discharge outlet. Customary to coat a valve in the export pipeline and the check valve is good, and check valve to prevent the return of the pump shutdown damage (factory installed check valve is not due to damage caused by irresponsible). In order to facilitate inspection, check valve should be installed in the valve and the pump between the valve also facilitate irrigation water and pump starting. Between the valve and pump to be rigid connections, do not use expansion joints (rubber tubes, plastic tubes, etc.) to join. 5) 吸入滤网的安装至关重要,安装时应注意滤网的有效面积应大于吸入管的截面积,且定期清除杂物。 Inhalation of the installation of filters is essential, the installation should pay attention to the effective area of filter should be larger than the cross-sectional area of suction pipe, and to periodically clear the debris. 3(安装说明Installation Instruction 1) 安装高度、管路长度与直径、流速应符合计算数据,减少不必要的损失,可参考安装外形尺寸进行 核算; Mounting height, pipe length and diameter, flow rate should be consistent with calculations, to reduce unnecessary losses, refer to installation dimensions for accounting; 6/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 2) 排出管如果安装逆止阀,应装在闸阀与泵的中间; If discharge pipe installed the check valve,it should be installed in the middle part between valve and pump. 3) 长距离输送时应选择直径较大的管径,管路应有自己的支架. Long-distance transmission should select a larger diameter for pipe, pipe should have its own bracket 注意:任何情况下,都绝对不允许把管路的重量加在泵身上。 Note: It not allowed to put the weight of pipe added to the pump casing in any case. 4(最终 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 Final inspection 按上述步骤安装好后,检查各间隙是否均匀,特别是联轴器的部位。用手盘动转子看是否有卡死、机 械磨擦现象。如转动灵活即可。 After the above steps to install the well to check the gap is uniform, especially in parts of the coupling. Rotate the disk by hand to see if there are stuck and exit mechanical friction phenomena. 五、运 行 Running 1.运行前的准备 1)清除泵吸水池内所有杂物,如木块、砖头、纤维、织品、金属丝等,并在泵运行时,防止有新的杂 物继续进入泵的吸水池。 Clean out all the foreign materials in suction sump such as wood, brick, fibrils, cloth, wire etc. Take care to prevent new foreign materials form entering the sump during pump operation. 2)检查电机转向是否正确(从电机端看,叶轮为顺时针方向旋转)。 Check the rotation direction of motor (The impeller is clockwise when viewed from end of motor) 3) 检查填料的压紧程度,不要太紧或太松,同时,注意:填料压盖是否压得均匀且填料要适当的松一 点,泵启动后再调整填料的压紧程度,以有少量的水成滴状地从填料压盖处冒出为准。 Check the packing compaction, do not tight or loose, at the same time, pay attention to packing gland whether pressed evenly and make the packing suitable pine. 4) 安装好出口压力表,以检测系统阻力,因为在通常情况下的运行,由于系统的变化,需调节阀门。 Inlet pressure gauges should be installed for check the detection system resistance because of the change of system need to adjust the valve. 2.启动 Running 1)关闭吐出管上的闸阀。 Close the gate valve on the discharge pipe. 2)向泵内灌满水,或用真空泵引水。 Fill full the water inner pump, or guide the water with vacuum air pump. 3)接通电源。当泵达到正常转速后,逐渐打开吐出管路上的闸阀,并调节到所需要的工况。在吐出管 上的闸阀关闭的情况下,泵连续工作的时间不能超过3分钟。 7/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION Connected to the power. When the pump after a normal speed, and gradually open the spit valve pipe on the road and adjust to the desired working conditions. In the spit valve on the tube closed cases, the pump continuously working hours can not exceed 3 minutes. 3.停机 Stop 1)逐渐关闭吐出管路上的闸阀,切断电源。 Gradually close the gate valve on the discharge pipe, cutting off the power 2)如果环境温度低于0ºC,应将泵内水放出,以免冻裂。 If the ambient temperature is below 0 º C, the water pump should be released in order to avoid frost crack 3)如长期停用,应将泵拆卸清洗上油,包装保管。 As a long-term disabled, should be clean oiling pump disassembly, packaging and storage. 4.运转注意事项 Note 1) 在开车及运转过程中,必须注意观察仪表读数,轴承发热,填料漏水和发热以及泵的震动和噪声等 是否正常,如果发现异常,应及时处理。 In the driving and operation of the process, we must observe the meter reading, bearing fever, packing leakage and heat, as well as pump vibration and noise is normal, if unusual, should a timely manner 2) 相对于环境温度,轴承温升不得大于40ºC;但轴承温度最高不大于80ºC。 Relative to the ambient temperature, bearing temperature rise shall not exceed 40 º C; However, the maximum bearing temperature is not greater than 80 º C. 3) 填料正常,漏水应该成滴状。 Packing is installed in normal, leakage should be shaped into droplets. ) 轴承润滑油位应保持在正常位置上,不能过高或过低(稀油润滑时)。 4 Bearing Lubricants-bit should be kept in the normal position, can not be too high or too low (when oil lubrication). 5) 定期检查密封环的磨损情况,配合间隙过大则应更换新的密封环。 Periodic inspection seal ring wear, with the gap is too large should be replaced with new sealing ring. 5.事故停机 Emergency stop 1)事故停机发生后,应立即关闭排出阀。 After the accident stop, it should immediately close the discharge valve. 2)事故停机发生后,立即关闭了排出阀,此时排出管路内的压力变幅极大,因此,要充分注意基础和 各联接件之间的状态。 After the accident stop, it should immediately close the discharge valve, while note the situation between foundation and each of joint components. 六、维护、检修Maintenance, Repair 8/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 1.运行日志Running diary 用户应该有一个完整的运行日志,如实记录运行情况,可以根据记录调整和制定新的运行计划。如发 生故障时,就能尽快找出原因。 运行日誌最少应包括下列内容:开、停机时间,测量数据时间数据包括:泵附近的温度、输送液体温 度、吸入水位、排出压力、振动、噪音、电流、电压,频率等及有无异常情况。 应将上述测量数据进行整理,然后与泵的标准性能曲线相比较,以便制定出更完善的运行 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 Running diary should at least include the following: the time about starting and shout down and the time about measurement data(data include: temperature near the pump, temperature of transmission the liquid, inhaled the water level, from pressure, vibration, noise, current, voltage, frequency, etc.)and abnormal Situation. These measurement data should be collated, and compared to the standards of performance in order to make a better running plan. 2.运行检查 Checking when Running 作为泵运行时的周期性检查,检查下列条款: As the periodic inspection, he inspection following provision: (1) 填料函填料——保证有适量的泄漏,最好成滴状,不然则纠正; The packing (for example: packing seal):guarantee the suitable leakage, its better to be water-drop, otherwise, correct it. (2) 检查管路系统的泄漏; Checking the pipeline system leakage; (3) 电机电流强度和工作温度(参阅电机说明书)。 The motor current and operating temperature (reference motor instruction). 3.拆卸Dismantling 拆卸泵时注意事项Attention a. 在必要的配合处作好相配的标记,以便下次安装; The essential coordination place finishes the appropriate match the mark, in order to the installation for next time. b. 准备一些小箱子,盛装拆卸下来的小型零件,以防散失,拆下来的紧固件也用箱子分别装好,并 在箱子上标记为何处,何种零件,切忌混杂; Prepares some small boxes, the small components which the splendid attire disassembles, guards against disappearing, each opens down the fastener also uses the box to install separately and marks on the box for what kind of components, prohibit combination; c. 准备好稀释过的防锈油,以便涂于零件的某些配合表面; Prepares has diluted pickling oil, in order to spread in the components certain mating surface; d. 准备好防锈漆,以便涂于零件需要防锈的部位; 9/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION Prepares the antirust paint, in order to spread the spot which needs to guard against rust in the components; e. 下列零件往往不能复用:“O”形密封圈、填料、锈坏的紧固件,这些都需要准备备件。 The following parts often cannot be multiplied: ”O” the shape seal packing collar, the padding, the rust bad fastener, these all need to prepare the spare parts. f. 用钢丝刷清理所有泵的零件,检查零件是否有磨损、腐蚀、锈蚀和部蚀,检查叶轮是否有裂纹。 Use the steel wire brush cleaning up all pump components, inspection components whether has the attrition, the corrosion and the corrosion, inspects the impeller whether has the crack. 4(泵的维修Repair 1)半年维修:Repair half a year a. 更换填料;Replacement packing; 检查联接紧固件。check joint fastener b. 2)泵的大修:ump overhaul: 大修周期取决于工作状况及工厂生产计划,大修时,将转子部件和旋架部件吊出、拆卸。检查旋 转部件和过流零件损坏情况,决定更换哪些零件,大修时需清理进水流道。 When the overhaul period is decided by the working condition and the plant production plan, the overhaul, might extract the part to hang the dismantling. The inspection revolving part and the overflow components damage situation, decided which components replaces, when the overhaul must clean up the water flow channel. 5(泵停用期维护Maintain when pump shout down 1)更换旧填料; 2)每周运转一段时间,开机运行5-10分钟即可; 3)长时间不用或在冰冻时期,应将进水位降到泵体以下。 (1)Use the new packing Instead of the old packing. (2)Rotate the shaft with hands per half a month. (3)The long time does not use or in the time of freezes, the suction water level should be below to the pump casing. 6(常见故障、原因及 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 故 障 原 因 应 采 取 的 措 施 1(水泵不吸水,压力表及水泵进水管或仪表漏气 拧紧或堵塞漏气处 真空表指针剧烈跳动 2(水泵不吸水,真空表显底阀没打开或已淤塞,吸水管校正或修改底阀 示高度真空 阻力太大,吸水管高度过高 清洗或更改进水管 降低吸水管高度 10/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 3(看压力表水泵出水处有出水管阻力太大,旋转方向不检查或缩短水管及检查电机,取下 压力,但水管仍不出水。对,叶轮淤塞,水泵淤塞,口水管接头,清洗水泵及管路,更换 流量、扬程底于预计点 环磨损过多 口环 4(水泵耗费的功率大 填料压盖压得太紧,叶轮磨损拧松填料压盖,更换叶轮,降低流 太严重,水泵供水量量增加 量 5(水泵内部声音反常,水流量太大,吸水管内阻力过大,增加出水管阻力以降低流量,检查 泵不上水 吸水高度过高,吸水管有空气泵吸入管内阻力,检查底阀,降低 进入,所输送的液体温度过高 吸水高度,拧紧堵塞漏气处,降低 液体温度 6(轴承过热 轴承润滑不良,水泵轴与电机注油,对正中心 轴不在一条中心线上 泵与电机轴不在同一中心线对准泵与电机的中心线 7(水泵震动 上,泵轴斜了 PROBABLE FAULT REMEDY SYMPTOM Pump loses liquid. Pump not fully primed. Air Stop pump. Re-prime and Indicating needle of leaks in pipe line or gauge. repair leak. pressure gauge and vacuum meter jumps severely. Pump loses liquid. Foot valve not open or bl?Adjust or renew foot valve. Vacuum meter is at hard ked. Resistance force too high. Clear or renew suction pipe. Reduce vacuum state. Suction line too high. height. Resistance force too high, Check pipe and motor. Shorten Pressure exists at impeller rotating in wrong pipe and clean impeller. Clean pump pressure gauge but no direction. Impeller bl?ked. Bl?and pipe. Renew ring. discharge from pipe. kage in pump. Rings worn Quantity underestimated excessively. Stuffing boxes too Tight stuffing boxes or tight .Stuffing boxes overheating. reassemble stuffing boxes or Excessive power Pump delivering more than its reassemble stuffing boxes as consumption. rated quantity because of necessary. Renew impeller. impeller damaged for wear. Increase resistance force in 11/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION discharge pipe to reduce capacity. Flow quantity too large. Increase resistance force in Resistance force too high in delivery pipe to reduce flow suction line. Height too high and quantity. Check resistance force in Noise not good within air leak at inlet of suction pipe. suction pipe. Check foot valve. pump. Loss of suction. Temperature too high. Reduce suction lift. Make good if any leaks. Reduce temperature of liquid. No oil. Fill with oil. Bearing overheating. Pump and driving unit out Realign pump and driving unit. of alignment. Pump and driving unit out Realign pump and driving unit. Pump excessive of alignment. Pump shaft bent. Straighten shaft. vibration. 注意:用户在检查故障时,必须注意两种以上故障同时发生。损坏零部件时,必须查清事故原因,并 作详细记录。必要时可与厂家联系。 Attention: when user check the symptom, it must be pay attention to two symptom types at same time. When damage the part, it must find the result of accident, and makes the detailed record. Communicate with the manufacturer when necessary. 12/13 湖 南 耐 普 泵 业 有 限 公 司 IS/IR TYPE PUMP HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO., LTD INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 制 造 商:湖南耐普泵业有限公司 Manufacturer:HUNAN NEPTUNE PUMP CO.,LTD 地址:湖南长沙市星沙开发区盼盼路26号 Address: # 26 Panpan Rd., the National Hi-Tech & Economic Development Zone, Xingsha District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, PRC. 电话(TEL):(+86-0731)82957156 传真(FAX):(+86-0731)82957100 邮编(POST CODE):410100 13/13
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