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骨科英语 骨科 ORTHOPEDICS 1、 概论 INTRODUCTION *fracture  n.骨折 pathological fracture 病理骨折 fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折 *open fracture 开放骨折 close fracture 闭合骨折 *comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折 compressed fracture 压缩骨折 shock  n.休克 *deformity  n.畸形 tenderness  n.压痛 swelling  n.肿胀 ecchymos...

骨科 ORTHOPEDICS 1、 概论 INTRODUCTION *fracture  n.骨折 pathological fracture 病理骨折 fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折 *open fracture 开放骨折 close fracture 闭合骨折 *comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折 compressed fracture 压缩骨折 shock  n.休克 *deformity  n.畸形 tenderness  n.压痛 swelling  n.肿胀 ecchymosis  n.瘀斑 obstacle  n.功能障碍 *bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征 infection  n.感染 spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤 surrounding nerve 周围神经 *fat embolism 脂肪栓塞 bedsore  n.褥疮 arthroclisis  n.关节僵硬 ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死 ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩 *traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎 hematoma  n.血肿 *callus  n.骨痂 heal  n.愈合 *synovitis  n.滑膜炎 *ligament  n.韧带 *tendon  n.肌腱 * pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎 *reduction  n.复位 *bone traction 骨牵引 *osteoporosis  n.骨质疏松 2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle  n.锁骨 *humerus  n.肱骨 *rotation  n.旋转 supracondyle  n.髁上 blister  n.水疱 pulsate  n.搏动 thrombus  n.血栓 *cancellous  n.松质骨 *epiphysis  n.骨骺 *injury  n.损伤 *joint  n.关节 stability  n.稳定 ulna  n.尺骨 radius  n.桡骨 metacarpal bone 掌骨 bone graft 植骨 hemostasis 止血 *periosteum  n.骨膜 tension  n.张力 adhesion  n.粘连 *skin grafting 植皮 *arthrodesis  n.关节融合 extrusion  n.挤压 gangrene  n.坏疽 pallor  n.苍白、灰白 *amputation  n.截肢 plaster  n.石膏 paralysis  n.瘫痪 bandage  n.绷带 2、 手外伤 HAND TRAUMA avulsion  n.撕脱 *dislocation  n.脱位 stiff  adj.僵硬 3、 下肢骨折与关节损伤 FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURY femur  n.股骨 adduction  n.内收 separate  v.分离 cartilage  n.软骨 *synovialis  n.滑膜 *spinal column 脊柱 5、脊柱及骨盆骨折 FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIS column  n.椎体 cervical column 颈椎 *lumber vertebra 腰椎 sacrum  n.骶椎 sense  n.感觉 movement  n.运动 reflect  v.反射 *pelvis  n.骨盆 6、关节脱位 ARTICULAR DISLOCATION congenital dislocation 先天性脱位 pathological dislocation 病理性脱位 *osteoarthritis  n.骨关节炎 *total hip replacement 全髋置换术 7、运动系统慢性损伤 CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEM strain  n.劳损 *cystis  n.滑囊 *stenosed tenosynovitis 狭窄性腱鞘炎 *ganglion  n.腱鞘囊肿 degenerative  adj.退行性变 multiply  v.增生 abnormal sense 感觉异常 8、腰腿痛和颈肩痛LUMBAGO AND SHOULDER PAINS stenosed column 椎管狭窄 9、骨与关节化脓感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTION channel  n.窦道 drill hole 钻孔 *drainage  n.引流 10、骨与关节结核 OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSIS bone tuberculosis 骨结核 spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫 11、骨肿瘤BONE TUMOR bone tumor 骨肿瘤 *osteochondroma  n.骨软骨瘤 *osteosarcoma  n.骨肉瘤 chemotherapy  n.化疗 *synoviosarcoma  n.滑膜肉瘤     医学英语分科常用词汇 人体解剖学 HUMAN ANATOMY 之运动系统 LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM 1、 中轴骨 AXIAL BONES *bone  n.骨 *vertebrae  n.椎骨 *cervical vertebrae 颈椎 *thoracic vertebrae 胸椎 lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 *sacrum  n.骶骨 coccyx  尾骨 atlas  n.寰椎 axis  n.枢椎 *sternum  n.胸骨 sternal angle 胸骨角 sternal manubrium 胸骨柄 xiphoid process 剑突 *rib  n.肋 *thoracic cage 胸廓 2、颅SKULL *skull  n.颅 *frontal bone 额骨 *parietal bone 顶骨 *occipital bone 枕骨 *temporal bone 颞骨 *sphenoid bone 蝶骨 *ethmoid bone 筛骨 *mandible  n.下颌骨 hyoid bone 舌骨 vomer  n.犁骨 *maxilla  n.上颌骨 palatine bone 腭骨 nasal bone 鼻骨 lacrimal bone 泪骨 inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲 zygomatic bone 颧骨 *coronal suture冠状缝 *sagital suture 矢状缝 *lambdoid suture 人字缝 orbit  n.眶 cranial fontanelle 颅囟 2、 附肢骨TARSAL BONES AND EXTREMITAL BONES *clavicle  n.锁骨 *scapula  n.肩胛骨 *humerus  n.肱骨 *radius  n.桡骨 *ulna  n.尺骨 carpal bone 腕骨 metacarpal bone 掌骨 phalanges  n.指骨,趾骨 *hip bone 髋骨 *ilium n.髂骨 *ischium  n.坐骨 *pubis  n.耻骨 *femur  n.股骨 patella  n.髌骨 *tibia  n.胫骨 *fibula  n.腓骨 tarsal bone 跗骨 metatarsal bone 跖骨 4、关节学 ARTHROLOGY *articulation  n.关节 *ligament  n.韧带 *flexion  n.屈 *extension  n.伸 *adduction  n.收 *medial rotation 旋内 *lateral rotation 旋外 pronation  n旋前. supination  n.旋后 circumduction  n.环转 *vertebral column脊柱 *thoracic cage 胸廓 *intervertebral disc 椎间盘 *temporal-mandibular joint 颞下颌关节 *shoulder joint 肩关节 *elbow joint 肘关节 *radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节 *pelvis  n.骨盆 *hip joint 髋关节 *knee joint 膝关节 *ankle joint 踝关节 5、肌肉系统 MUSCULATURE (1)肌学系统INTRODUCTION OF MUSCULATURE *muscle  n.肌肉 muscle belly 肌腹 tendon  n.肌腱 aponeurosis  n.腱膜 *fascia  n.筋膜 *tendinous sheath 腱鞘 (2)躯干肌TRUNK MUSCLES trapezius  n.斜方肌 latissimus dorsi 背阔肌 erector spinae 竖脊肌 *sternocleidomastoid  adj.胸锁乳突的 *scalenus  n.斜角肌 pectoralis major 胸大肌 intercostales  n.肋间肌 *diaphragm  n.膈(肌) *inguinal canal 腹股沟管 *sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘 (3)头肌 HEAD MUSCLES orbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌 masseter   n.咬肌 *temporalis  n.颞肌 *deltoid  n.三角肌 *biceps brachii 肱二头肌 *triceps brachii 肱三头肌 *axillary fossa 腋窝 (4)附肢肌 MUSCLES ATTACHED TO EXTREMITTES *gluteus maximus 臀大肌 piriformis  n.梨状肌 *sartorius  n.缝匠肌 *quadriceps femoris 股四头肌 triceps surae 小腿三头肌 *femoral triangle 股三角 popliteal fossa 腘窝   医学英语分科常用词汇 诊断学——骨关节系统 OSTEOARTICULAR SYSTEM *Codman’striangle 骨膜三角,科德曼三角 H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra 蝴蝶椎 Rugger-Jersay vertebra 夹心椎体 Scheuermann’s disease 绍尔曼病 Schmorl’s nodule 施莫尔结节 Shenton’s line 沈通氏线 apophysis  n. 骺状突 *arthrography  n.关节造影 basilar impression,basilarinvagination 颅底凹陷 block vertebra 融合椎 bone island 骨岛 bursography  n.泪囊造影 compacta  n.骨密度 cortical porosity 皮质骨疏松症 craniolacunia,luckenschadel  n.颅骨陷窝 *empty sella 空蝶鞍 endosteal proliferation 骨内膜增生 *epiphysis  n.骨骺 Intratrabecular resorption 骨小梁内吸收 ivory vertebra 象牙椎 marrow-packing disease 骨髓充填疾病 massive osteolysis 大片骨溶解 melopheostosis  n.蜡油骨症 ossification  n.骨化 osteopathia striata 纹骨症 *osteopenia  n.骨质减少 osteopetrosis  n.石骨症 osteopoikilosis  n.斑骨症 pars interarticularis 椎弓峡部 periosteal reaction 骨膜反应 physis  n.骨生长端 *pseudofracture, Looser zone  n.假骨折 spina ventosa 骨气鼓 spongiosa 骨疏松 woven bone 编织骨 *zone of provisional calcification 临时钙化带 骨科专业英语 Abduction splint                     外展石膏 Absorbable screws                    可吸收螺钉 Acetabulum                            髋臼 Amputation                            截肢 Analgesic                             止痛药 Ankle clonus                          踝阵挛 Ankylosing spondylitis               强直性脊柱炎 Annulus                               纤维环 Arthroscopy                          关节镜检查 Asteofascial compartment syndrome   骨筋膜室综合症 Atrophy of quadriceps femoral        股四头肌萎缩 Avascular necrosis of Avascular necrosis (AVW)            缺血性坏死 Bathesthesia                        深感觉 Bilateral femoral head              双股骨头缺血坏死 Bone traction                       骨牵引 Bowel and bladder dysfunction       二便障碍 Brachial plexus anesthesia          臂丛麻醉 Bunion                              拇囊炎 Capitula fibula                     腓骨小头 Cerclage                            (骨折端)环扎法 Cerclage bandage                    环形绷带 Cerebral hemorrhage                  脑出血 Cerebral thrombosis                 脑血栓 Cervical spondylosis                颈椎病 Clavicle fracture                   锁骨骨折 Closed suction drains               闭式引流 Colle’s  Fracture                  科雷氏骨折 Comminuted fracture of left**       左***粉碎性骨折 Comminuted open fracture of talus   距骨的开放粉碎骨折 Common peroneal nerve               腓总神经 Congenital kyphoscoliosis           先天性侧后凸畸形 congenital scoliosis                先天性脊柱侧凸 Conscious  mind                     神志清楚 Continuous epidural anesthesia    (连)硬外麻 Contracture of both                 臀肌挛缩 Core  compression                   髓芯减压术 Crossed kirschner fixation          交叉固定  DAS                                  动力型髋螺丝钉 Debridement                          清创 Deformity                            畸形 Defuts of segmentation              分布障碍 Decompression                       减压 Decompression of spinal canal      椎管减压 Diastematomyelia                    脊髓纵裂 Discectomy                          椎间盘摘除 Discectomy of hemivertebrae         半椎体切除 Dislocation                         脱位 DM                                  糖尿病 Dorsal artery of foot              足背动脉 Elastic fixation                   弹性固定 End vertebra                        端椎 Extension                           伸 External fixture                    外固定 Emergency case                      急诊病例 Faciotomy                           筋膜切除术 Femoral neck                        股骨颈 Femoral neck fracture               股骨颈骨折 Figure of 8 bandage                  8字绷带 Flexion                              屈曲 Forklike deformity                   餐叉样畸形 Fracture                             骨折 Fracture of alner bone               尺骨骨折 Fracture of calcaneus                跟骨骨折 Fracture of distal phalange          远端趾骨骨折 Fracture of distal radius            桡骨远端骨折 Fracture of femoral neck             股骨颈骨折 Fracture of great tubercle           肱骨大结节骨折 of humurus     Fracture of proximal femor           股骨近端骨折 Fracture of phalange                 指骨骨折 Fracture of radius                   桡骨骨折 Fracture of the base of Fracture of the scaphoid             舟状骨骨折 Fracture of the ulna                 尺骨骨折 Fracture of ulna ocleranon          尺骨鹰嘴骨折 General anesthesia                   全麻 General surgical                     基本外科 Gleniod  fossa                       关节盂 Gluteal muscles Greater tuberosity                   大结节 Helo-pelvis                          头颅环-骨盆环 Hallux valgus                        拇外翻 Hallux varus                         拇内翻 High fever                           高热 Hilgenreiner’s  angle               髋臼指数 (acetabular index)    Hemopneumothorax                     血气胸 Humeral  head                        肱骨头 Humeral shaft fracture               肱骨干骨折 Hypertrophy of facet                 小关节增生肥大 Hypoesthesia                         感觉减退 Ice bag                               冰袋 In right elbow joint                  右肘肿物切除 Incomplete paraplegia                不全瘫 Injection                             肌肉注射 Interbody                             椎间体 Interlocking medullary mailing       带锁髓内针 Intermittent claudication            间歇跛行 Internal fixation                    内固定术 Intertrochanteric fracture           粗隆间骨折 Intramscular hematoma                肌间血肿 Intrumedullary needle Jonalgia                              膝痛 Kyphoscoliosis                       侧后凸 Kyphosis                             脊柱后凸 laminectomy                          椎板切除术 Lateral meuleouls                    外踝 lipoma                               脂肪瘤 Local anesthesia                     局麻 Lodorsis                             脊柱前凸 Lower limb (extremuty)              下肢 Mc Murrag’s test                    麦氏实验 Medial malleouls                     内踝 Metacarpophalangeal joint            掌指关节 Metastaluc tumor                     转移癌 metastatic                           转移瘤 Metatarsalgia                        柘骨痛 Metatarsal fracture                  跟骨骨折 Myelogram                            脊髓造影 Nifedipine                           心痛定 Nitroglyccerin                       硝酸甘油 Numbness                             麻木 Old fracture                         陈旧性骨折 Osteoarthritis                       骨关节炎 Osteochondrdoma                      软骨瘤 Osteomyelitis                        骨髓炎 Paralytic  scoliosis                 麻痹性脊柱侧弯 Paraplegia                           截瘫 Patellar fracture                    髌骨骨折 Pathologie diagnosis                病理诊断 pediculate                           椎弓根 Percutaneous  Phlebothrombosis                     下肢静脉血栓 Pilon fracture                       胫腓骨下端骨折 Plaster slab                         石膏托 Poliomyelitis                        脊髓灰质炎 Posterior malleolus fracture         后踝骨折 Posterior  malleolar fracture        后踝骨折 Protrusion of intervertebral         腰椎间盘突出 Protrusion of intervertebral disc    腰椎间盘突出 Prolapsed intervertebral disc        椎间盘脱出 Pubic symphysis                      耻骨支 Pulmanary  function                  肺功能 Pulpous nuclear                      髓核 Radial head fracture                桡骨头骨折 Radius and ulna                     尺、桡骨 Reduction by leverage               撬拨复位 Regular operation                   常规手术 Resection of the mass Sacroiliac                          骶髂关节 Scholiosis                          脊柱侧弯 Sciatica                            坐骨神经痛 Sciatica                            坐骨神经痛 Sequela of poliomyelitis           小儿麻痹(脊髓灰质炎)                                     后遗症 Sinus tract                         窦道 Skin traction                       皮牵引 Sling(Triangular bandage)           悬吊(三角巾绷带) Spatula                             压舌板 Spinal stenosis                     椎管狭窄 Spondylolisthesis                   脊柱滑脱 Spondylolisthesis of lumber L4-5     L4-5脊柱滑脱 Spondytolysis                       蛱部裂 Staticfixation                      静力性固定 Stenosis of Spinal Canal            椎管狭窄 Stenosis of the lumbar spine       腰椎管狭窄 Sublimation/semiluxation           半脱位 Subluxation of ankle joint         踝关节半脱位 subtrochanteric fracture            粗隆下骨折 supracondylar fracture             踝上骨折 suture stitch                       缝针 synovial membrance                  滑膜 Syringomyelia                      脊髓空洞症 Taction                             触觉 Tension band wire                  张力带钢丝 Tension bond                       张力带 Tetraplegia / quadriplegia         四肢瘫 The fifth metacarple bone          第五掌骨基底骨折 Thermesthesia                      温度觉 Tibia-talus semidislocation        半脱位 Tibial fracture                    胫骨骨折 Tibial plateau fracture            胫骨平台骨折 Total knee arthroplasty            全膝置换 Total hip arthroplasty             全髋置换 Trimalleolar fracture              三踝骨折 Urinary  incontinence              尿失禁 Valgus muscle strength             外翻肌力 Veterbera  fracture                椎体骨折  
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