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李佳峰老师2013年SAT备考(二)3.0 李佳峰老师博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/lijiafeng911 李佳峰老师 2013 年 SAT备考(二)----- 填空部分备考方案 SAT 填空部分主要考查“句子阅读能力”,“逻辑辨析”和“单词”三大能力。 第一,“句子阅读能力”:由于 SAT填空部分每一道题目都是一个缺词的完整句子,所以句 子结构阅读能力好会对填空处理有很大帮助,这里就不具体解释句子的结构问题,属于篇章 阅读能力要求。 第二,“逻辑辨析”:逻辑有且只有两种------“同义”和“反义”。 逻辑的表现形...

李佳峰老师博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/lijiafeng911 李佳峰老师 2013 年 SAT备考(二)----- 填空部分备考 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 SAT 填空部分主要考查“句子阅读能力”,“逻辑辨析”和“单词”三大能力。 第一,“句子阅读能力”:由于 SAT填空部分每一道题目都是一个缺词的完整句子,所以句 子结构阅读能力好会对填空处理有很大帮助,这里就不具体解释句子的结构问题,属于篇章 阅读能力 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 。 第二,“逻辑辨析”:逻辑有且只有两种------“同义”和“反义”。 逻辑的表现形式有: 1. “关联词” although, though, but, despite, because 等 明显关联词:如“转折关系”-but 例题:(2012年10月) The participants in the study considered themselves -------, butbutbutbut in yielding to the wishes of the group, they were assuming ------- values . (A)(A)(A)(A) autonomousautonomousautonomousautonomous .... .... collectivecollectivecollectivecollective (B) expedient . . egotistical (C) cooperative . . communal (D) munificent . . narcissistic (E) egalitarian .. reciprocal 解析:“but”这个关联词指示出前后两词反义,(A)和(E)两项符合要求,根据 "group",(A)为正确项。 非明显关联词:如“递进关系”—“further “ 例题:(2012年10月) Students already confused by difficult college admission procedures will be furtherfurtherfurtherfurther ------- by the university's complex new online process. (A) cheered (B)(B)(B)(B) frustratedfrustratedfrustratedfrustrated (C) encouraged (D) fascinated .(E) soothed 解析:“further” 表递进关系,属同义。即选项是“confused”同义词。所以选 (B) 2. “标点符号” 冒号“:”,分号“;”,破折号“---” 例题:(2012年10月) Mary Sornervilles career was that of a true -------:::: She wrote on astronomy, mathematics, physics, and geography, among other subjects. (A) philistine (B) amateur (C) charlatan (D)(D)(D)(D) polymathpolymathpolymathpolymath (E) ideologue 解析:“:”指示出前后同义,“冒号:”后表达“她可以写 astronomy, mathematics, physics, and geography 这些学科的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ,因此“(D)(D)(D)(D) polymathpolymathpolymathpolymath 博学者”为选项。 3.“指代”this, that, these, those, such, which 例题:(2012年5月) The city reveals its unique type of ------- most fully during the cheerful and noisy New 李佳峰老师博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/lijiafeng911 Year's celebrations, whichwhichwhichwhich attract international as well as local participants. (A) insularity (B) pomposity (C)(C)(C)(C) convivialityconvivialityconvivialityconviviality (D) conventionality (E) introspection 解析:which 从句表示吸引国际和地方的参与者,所以 city 的特性是 positive. 因此选(C)(C)(C)(C) convivialityconvivialityconvivialityconviviality 欢乐 4. “逗号,+doing” 例题:Irene is ------ compliments,,,, feelingfeelingfeelingfeeling that they are often nothing but empty flattery. (A) appreciative of (B) proud of (C) hungry (D)(D)(D)(D) suspicioussuspicioussuspicioussuspicious ofofofof (E) vulnerable to 解析:逗号+doing 表同义,题中,+feeling 表示出 compliment只是空洞的奉承,所以对 compliments 是怀疑的态度,选(D) 第三“单词” 以下大约400单词来自2012年1月,5月和10月三次考试中填空部分的词汇,各位同学可以通 过以下单词了解自己的单词掌握现状。 推荐 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 籍: 1. 国内大学四级考试词汇书 2. 巴郎3500350035003500 网络购书地址: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w8225992930.20.cucbZC&id=2264536871 0& 李佳峰老师博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/lijiafeng911 3. Word Smart 网络购书地址: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w8225992930.35.T5wmCs&id=1719326714 8& DirectDirectDirectDirect HitsHitsHitsHits CoreCoreCoreCore VocabularyVocabularyVocabularyVocabulary ofofofof thethethethe SATSATSATSAT 网络购书地址: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w8225992930.33.T5wmCs&id=1726723388 4& 5. SAT 官方题目填空全集 李佳峰老师博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/lijiafeng911 网络购书地址: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w17716042830.15.iPEPbY&id=17386970031 1. aberrant 2. abeyance 3. abstemious 4. accessible 5. accidental 6. acclaim 7. acclamation 8. accomplished 9. achievement 10. acrimonious 11. adequately 12. adroit 13. adversary 14. advertised 15. Affable 16. altruistic 17. amassing 18. amateur 19. ambitious 20. amiable 21. animosity 22. anticipated 23. appraisal 24. appreciative 25. appropriation 26. arduous 27. aroused 28. artistry 29. assertion 30. assuaged 31. atmospheric 32. attentive 33. autonomous 34. Averted 35. baffle 36. balderdash 37. balm 38. banal 39. bane 40. beguiled 41. beleaguered 42. benevolent 43. benevolent 44. bewildering 45. boastful 46. bohemian 47. boon 48. bungled 49. buoyant 50. castigation 51. cathartic 52. cautiousness 53. cavalier 54. celebrated 55. censors 56. chagrin 57. charismatic 58. charlatan 59. cheered 60. circumspect 61. cohesive 62. collaborated 63. collective 李佳峰老师博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/lijiafeng911 64. collusion 65. comfortable 66. commensurate 67. commissioner 68. Commonplace 69. communal 70. companionable 71. complacently 72. compliments 73. compounding 74. comprehend 75. comprehensive 76. concealed 77. concern 78. condemnation 79. condescendingly 80. confusing 81. confusion 82. congregate 83. Conjecture 84. connoisseurship 85. consistency 86. conundrum 87. convoluted 88. cooperative 89. corrosive 90. cosmopolitan 91. cryptic 92. cultivated 93. cunning 94. cynical 95. daunting 96. dearth 97. defensive 98. deferential 99. deferential 100. defy 101. dejected 102. deleted 103. deliberate 104. deserved 105. detect 106. determination 107. diffidence 108. diminution 109. diminutive 110. disagreeable 111. disavowed 112. discount 113. discreet 114. discrepancy 115. discrimination 116. disgraced 117. disguise 118. dismissive 119. disparity 120. disproportionate 121. diverse 122. docile 123. drudgery 124. duplicity 125. ebullient 126. effusive 127. egalitarian 128. egoist 129. egotistical 130. electrify 131. elevated 132. elixir 133. elucidate 134. elude 135. embodiment 136. embryonic 137. encourage 138. encouraged 139. endure 140. enervating 141. enhance 142. enmity 143. enthusiasm 144. enthusiasm 145. enthusiastic 146. entrepreneurship 147. enumeration 148. equestrian 149. erudite 150. erudition 151. espoused 152. essential 153. estimable 154. evasiveness 155. exaggerated 156. exaltation 157. excitement 158. exhaust 159. expedience 160. expedient 161. expostulated 162. expounded 163. extemporaneous 164. extemporized 165. extensive 166. facile 167. fascinated 168. fastidious 169. fastidious 170. finicky 171. flattery 172. fluent 173. Foresaw 174. foreshadowing 175. foresight 176. forestall 177. foretell 178. forthright 179. fortitude 180. fractious 181. frustrated 182. frustration 183. garrulous 184. generic 185. generosity 186. germanous 187. gregarious 188. guarded 189. hailed 190. happenstance 191. harbinger 192. harmonious 193. harsh 194. hindrance 195. histrionic 李佳峰老师博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/lijiafeng911 196. hone 197. humane 198. humbuggery 199. identical 200. ideologue 201. ignore 202. immortal 203. Immune 204. impassive 205. imperious 206. implacable 207. inadequacy 208. inclusive 209. inconsistent 210. incredulity 211. incrimination 212. indefatigable 213. indicative 214. indifference 215. indifferent 216. indiscernible 217. indulged 218. ineffectually 219. inferior 220. Influential 221. influential 222. influx 223. ingenuous 224. inhibit 225. initiatives 226. innocuous 227. inquisitiveness 228. inscrutable 229. insidious 230. insistence 231. inspire 232. instigation 233. instinct 234. intelligible 235. interpret 236. intricate 237. inured 238. irritated 239. judgment 240. judicious 241. lacking 242. laconic 243. legislative 244. lessening 245. libelous 246. loquacious 247. loquacious 248. malicious 249. manifestations 250. marginalized 251. marketability 252. melodic 253. memorable 254. meteorites 255. meticulous 256. mimic 257. miniature 258. misanthrope 259. miserly 260. moderate 261. modest 262. modest 263. mollifying 264. mordant 265. morose 266. munificent 267. myopic 268. narcissist 269. narcissistic 270. nonexistent 271. Nostrums 272. notorious 273. obdurate 274. Objectionable 275. odors 276. ordinary 277. originated 278. outrageous 279. overbearing 280. overcommitted 281. patronizing 282. pedantic 283. perceptible 284. perfunctory 285. perpetual 286. perseverance 287. persistence 288. perspicacious 289. pessimism 290. pessimistic 291. philanthropy 292. philistine 293. phlegmatic 294. playfulness 295. plodding 296. polymath 297. postponed 298. potion 299. pragmatic 300. pragmatist 301. preclude 302. prerequisite 303. prerogative 304. prescient 305. private 306. profitable 307. profound 308. progressive 309. province 310. quackery 311. quotidian 312. rapacious 313. rebellion 314. reciprocal 315. recollected 316. recrimination 317. rejected 318. relevance 319. reliable 320. reluctance 321. repentant 322. resigned 323. resolute 324. resolute 325. restored 326. retracted 327. revived 李佳峰老师博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/lijiafeng911 328. ruminated 329. satisfaction 330. scant 331. scheduling 332. scope 333. selection 334. sensuous 335. Serendipity 336. sheepish 337. sheltered 338. sincere 339. sinecure 340. skew 341. skittish 342. smugness 343. soothed 344. sophisticated 345. sophistry 346. soporific 347. stealth 348. stolid 349. stupefying 350. stymie 351. subliminal 352. supplant 353. surreptitious 354. suspicious 355. sympathetic 356. tacit 357. temporary 358. tenacious 359. thwart 360. timid 361. timid 362. torpid 363. toxin 364. tractable 365. transcribed 366. trembling 367. troupe 368. ubiquitous 369. unanimous 370. Uncharacteristically 371. Unconventional 372. undistinguished 373. unequivocal 374. Unequivocal 375. unflagging 376. unfortunate 377. uninformed 378. unique 379. universal 380. unjust 381. unsubstantiated 382. unsuitability 383. unsung 384. untimely 385. upbeat 386. urbane 387. urn 388. vainglorious 389. versatile 390. Veterinarian 391. vexing 392. voluble 393. voluptuous 394. vulnerable 395. Vulnerable 396. wed 397. wielded 398. witty 399. yielding
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