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CNN新闻100篇 www.TopwayEnglish.com 1 CNN 新闻 100 篇 CNN News Item 1 政治:美国因安全问题关闭在也门的大使馆 The U.S. government closes its embassy in the Middle Eastern country of Yemen, and that is because of security concerns. One official says that a group called al Qaeda in the Arabian...

www.TopwayEnglish.com 1 CNN 新闻 100 篇 CNN News Item 1 政治:美国因安全问题关闭在也门的大使馆 The U.S. government closes its embassy in the Middle Eastern country of Yemen, and that is because of security concerns. One official says that a group called al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula might be planning an attack against the facility. That same group said it was behind an attempted plot to set off an explosive onboard a plane heading to Detroit, Michigan. That took place on Christmas day. The suspect allegedly brought the explosives on the plane in his underwear. The plan failed when the device he tried to use didn’t detonate correctly. Some people have asked how the suspect made it past security. One U.S. official says it’s because of human error. President Obama has promised that everyone involved in the attack will be held accountable for it. But some critics argue that the president’s response to the situation hasn’t been fast enough, hasn’t been aggressive enough. CNN News Item 2 政治:印度石油工人结束三天的罢工 It’s back to work for Indian government oil workers after a three-day strike that crippled Indian commerce. Some 45,000 oil workers walked off the job after the government refused their demands for higher pay. The labor standoff ended after days of intense government pressure, including threats of job loss and even arrest to strikers. Meantime, talks with a second group of nationwide strikers may soon be underway. The Indo-Asian News-Service says India’s transport minister is ready to discuss demands from truckers. Many across India have parked their rigs, calling for reduction in diesel and tyre prices. CNN News Item 3 政治:备受争议的安全港法案修正案获得通过 Lawmakers in Nebraska have approved a big change to the state’s controversial safe haven law. Under the new measure, children older than 30 days can not be dropped off at state hospitals. 35 children, many of them, preteens or even teenagers, have been abandoned in hospitals since the original law took effect in July. State lawmakers say it was intended to prevent newborns from being dumped in trash bins or even worse. The new law is expected to go into effect at midnight. CNN News Item 4 政治:欧美担心伊朗建国会发生暴乱 The nation of Iran marking a milestone later on this week. On Thursday, the country will celebrate the anniversary of when it became an Islamic republic. This goes back to 1979, when supporters of the Ayatollah Khomeini, a religious leader, overthrew the country’s government. Khomeini became the supreme leader of Iran, and the nation officially became an Islamic state. The United States and the European Union are worried about potential violence during Thursday’s celebrations. U.S. and European Union are urging the Middle Eastern nation to “end its abuses against its own people.” Iranian leaders have denied any accusations that the government has abused citizens. CNN News Item 5 政治:伊拉克全国选举投票结束 Iraqis put democracy into action today in elections held across the country. The polls have closed and a vote-counting has begun. Voters went to 6,000 polling stations to pick from among 14,000 candidates including 4,000 women. Security is very tight though, voters were searched before they entered the polls. www.TopwayEnglish.com 2 The borders with Iran and Syria were sealed and a curfew has been put into place. Now even the United Nations was involved in monitoring those elections. CNN News Item 6 政治:伊朗前总统将参加六月份总统竞选 Iranian media reports former President Mohammad Khatami has announced he will run in the June presidential elections. Today’s announcement ends weeks of speculation. Khatami is considered a reformist and overwhelmingly won the presidency in 1997 but he couldn’t bring about religious and democratic freedoms because of strong opposition from the country’s religious establishment. Khatami was succeeded by current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad four years ago. CNN News Item 7 政治:奥巴马行程 Meanwhile U.S. President Barack Obama is taking crisis talks to an international level. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is traveling to the United States on Monday to push for global solutions to the economic crisis. He will be the first E.U. leader to meet the new president in Washington and Mr. Obama will meet the remaining E.U. leaders at a special summit in Prague in April. That will be his first trip to Europe since taking office. Also on that trip, the G20 summit on the economic crisis and a NATO meeting. CNN News Item 8 政治:英国航空公司机舱服务员罢工计划 Strike is off, the judge says plans for a walkout by a British Airway’s Cabin Crew cannot happen. As we reported yesterday, this strike which would have last through the holidays could have effected a million passengers’ holiday travel plans. But the judge has blocked it from happening. Now the airline says it hopes the Cabin Crews Labor Union would take some time to think about its next steps. The union representatives say this dispute is not over and unless the two sides can come to a solution, they could vote to strike again, but after Christmas. CNN News Item 9 政治:泰国内乱 Heading overseas to Thailand where grenade attacks in the capital city of Bangkok have killed at least three people. A Thai official said the grenades came from an area where people who were protesting the government were gathered together. The protesters say they are not responsible. They have been fighting with police for a while here you can see them throwing rocks and other things at police. They support the country’s former prime minister and they want the current leader to leave office. After these recent attacks, Thailand’s prime minister called an emergency meeting to figure out how to deal with the situation. CNN News Item 10 政治:十字架纪念碑争议获最高法院裁定 U.S. Supreme Court says that a memorial out in the Mojave Desert does not violate the U.S. Constitution. The memorial is a large cross. It was put up in 1934 to honor fallen soldiers. But it’s located in a national park, and some people argue that it’s a religious symbol that goes against the concept of separation of church and state. The cross was boarded up because of the legal battle. Yesterday’s Supreme Court decision was close: 5 to 4. Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy said that this cross represents “far more than religion.” But in opposition, Justice John Paul Stevens argued the government can’t lawfully endorse a religious symbol as a way to pay tribute to veterans. www.TopwayEnglish.com 3 CNN News Item 11 政治:三名美国人质关押五年后获自由 Freed at last after five years in captivity, three Americans held hostage by leftist rebels in Colombia are back on U.S. soil and will be reunited with their families. Marc Gonsalves, Thomas Howes and Keith Stansell were among those rescued during an incredible operation yesterday. Columbian secret agents tricked leftist rebels into handing them over without a single shot being fired. The men are now undergoing tests at an army medical center in San Antonio, Texas. CNN News Item 12 政治:奥巴马总统的医疗改革案阻力重重 Health care reform enters a new era in about two hours. President Obama is scheduled to sign that bill into law. Then, he is going to travel around the country to sell the plan to skeptics. But Republicans say that battle is on to get ready for legal challenges, nearly a dozen states plan to argue that it’s not constitutional. As early as tomorrow, the debate moves to the Senate where lawmakers will consider a companion measure, and Republicans plan, parliamentary objections that could change that bill and force it back to the House. Now, even before the first votes were cast in the health care debate, Barack Obama’s overall approval rating dropped to his lowest level ever recorded. CNN News Item 13 政治:美国参议员和众议员本月会面商讨医改终案 Members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives will be meeting this month to put together a final health care reform bill. The Senate passed its version on Christmas Eve. The House had already passed its bill. But there are some pretty big differences between the two. One of them: cost. The Senate bill checks in at $871 billion. The House version: Over $1 trillion. Another issue: the so-called public option, a government-run health insurance program. House bill includes it; Senate bill doesn’t. So, some compromises need to be made to come up with a final bill. And since that then has to be approved by both Houses of Congress, there are some concerns about whether it will pass. CNN News Item 14 政治:津巴布韦总统遭遇国际压力 Another day of international pressure levied against Zimbabwe’s embattled President Robert Mugabe. British officials have announced they are stripping Robert Mugabe’s honorary knighthood title. Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu is also speaking out about the election mess there. He’s urging the nations of the world to intervene. The calls come after opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai withdrew from the election, citing violence against his party. The Zimbabwean Electoral Commission ruled today that the presidential election will go on as planned. CNN News Item 15 政治:茶党出炉支持和反对的候选人名单 The Tea Party movement is getting ready for the mid-term elections coming up in November. The group has released a list of heroes and targets. The heroes on the list are candidates that the Tea Party plans to support in the elections. The targets are anyone that the group would like to see voted out of office. Of course lists are not the only way that the Tea Party gets its message out. Rallies are the group’s bread and butter. This one in Washington DC yesterday was a wrapping up of a three-week tour across the U.S. The timing? No coincidence. Yesterday, of course, was tax day. And the group is opposed to what it sees as the government overspending. www.TopwayEnglish.com 4 CNN News Item 16 政治:奥巴马欲与伊朗冰释前嫌 Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Iranian hostage crisis. And President Obama said that he wants to move beyond the past and build a relationship with Iran based on mutual interest and mutual respect. U.S.-Iran relations had been hostile since the day that Islamic students stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage for more than 400 days. Iran’s government holds rally every year to celebrate that event. Today there’s something different though, anti-government protesters are also on the streets. We are also getting some reports of clashes with those police. No word about any injury yet. CNN News Item 17 政治:参议员考虑医疗保健立法的部分替代 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 Senators are considering alternatives to part of their healthcare legislation, specifically, the so-called public option, government-run health insurance program. Senate republicans and some democrats and independents are against that plan. A group of Democratic Senators was working to come up with some other ideas they could replace the public option. And late last night, they said they had reached an agreement. If the Senate passes its healthcare bill, that does not make it law, would still need to be combined with Health bill and then that final version would need to pass both the House and the Senate. CNN News Item 18 经济:施瓦辛格呼吁立法者关注加州财政赤字 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says he refuses to borrow money to keep his state running, he wants legislators to focus on the state's 24 billion dollar deficit or the state could be forced to cut thousands of jobs, eliminate health care for a million low income children. Meanwhile lawmakers are debating hundreds of other bills including creating a state blueberry commission. Banning toy cigarette lighters and mandating a larger font size for medical worker name tags. CNN News Item 19 经济:丰田汽车公司感谢美交通部长对召回事件的澄清 Ray LaHood, the head of the U.S. Transportation Department, is weighing in on Toyota’s recall of millions of vehicles due to a faulty gas pedal. But what Mr. LaHood is saying might be causing some confusion. During a hearing on Capitol Hill yesterday, Secretary LaHood said that anyone who owns one of the cars affected by the recall should “stop driving it and take it to a dealer.” That scared and frustrated a lot of owners, and later in the day, LaHood corrected himself. Toyota released a statement thanking Secretary LaHood for clarifying his remarks. They also said, “We want to make sure that our customers understand that this situation is rare and generally does not occur suddenly. If you experience any issues with your accelerator pedal, please contact your dealer without delay. If you are not experiencing any issues with your pedal, we are confident that your vehicle is safe to drive.” CNN News Item 20 经济:油门事件让丰田汽车公司蒙受损失 Toyota says that a glitch in the electronic brakes could cause a delay when you step on the pedal. They say it only affects 2010 models sold last year. And it’s those very same cars that are being credited with Toyota’s cash cow. New numbers just out say they made $1.7 billion last quarter, but it won’t last for long. For the first time, Toyota is admitting it’s going to take a huge beating due to this gas pedal nightmare. $2 billion for repairs and lost sales. www.TopwayEnglish.com 5 CNN News Item 21 经济:美国国际集团发放高管奖金 AIG is trying to prevent a new wave of backlash over paying out bonuses to its top executives. The Washington Post reports the company has asked the Obama Administration to approve millions of dollars in promised bonuses. The payments are scheduled to go out next week. AIG doesn’t actually need approval. Because the payments were linked to contracts from last year before received aid from the federal bailout funds. But the Post reports executives still are reluctant to pay without official approval. An earlier round of 2008 AIG employee bonuses drew widespread criticism earlier this year. CNN News Item 22 经济:医疗保险改革方案之争 The raw politics of health is heating up in the Senate. Just before air last night, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced a group of 10 liberal and conservative Democrats had reached a deal to replace the hotly debated public option with a package of alternatives. Senator Reid offered few details. But today, President Obama praised the emerging compromise. Now, the public plan deal came just hours after the Senate killed a controversial amendment to restrict abortion coverage in its health care bill to ensure that no federal funds go toward covering any kind of abortion in this new reform. Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson had introduced that amendment. He called it a deal-breaker. He’s also one of the 10 senators to hammer out the deal to drop the public plan. CNN News Item 23 经济:欧洲一些国家经济前景堪忧 Over in Europe, the financial outlook for a few countries isn’t looking too good. The investment ratings for Spain, Portugal and Greece all went down this week. Greece might be the worst situation. Experts are using the word “junk” to describe that nation’s investment rating. Basically, they’re saying that it’s very risky to put your money there. Greece has a massive debt, nearly $400 billion. That’s bigger than the country’s economy. Greece is developing ways to cut spending, but Greek workers aren’t too happy about some of those plans, and they’ve been protesting about it. Greece is also asking for financial help from the European Union: a bailout of more than $50 billion. CNN News Item 24 经济:新加坡经济前景黯淡 Well moving around to the East of Asia now, Southeast of Asia, a gloomy forecast out of Singapore. The government says its economy will likely shrink by between 6 and 9% this year. The announcement comes as the city-state’s first quarter GDP fell almost 12% from the, from a year ago. In seasonally adjusted terms it was even more brutal than that actually. Singapore is reducing its output for the third time this year, as demand for its exports continues to fall amidst a worsening financial crisis. It previously predicted just a 5% contraction for the full year. CNN News Item 25 经济:九大金融机构将收到政府的资金援助 The Treasury says the country’s largest banks will start receiving 125-billion dollars this week. Beginning the biggest government bailout in history, the money is being sent to 9 major financial institutions including Bank of America, Citigroup and JP Morgan chase. The government is also in talks with a group of more than a dozen regional banks about sharing part of an additional 125-billion dollars. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson says 250 of the 700-billion-dollar bailout package will be spent by the end of the year. www.TopwayEnglish.com 6 CNN News Item 26 经济:奥巴马就小企业贷款问题会见美国银行巨头 In the United States, President Obama is scheduled to sit down today with the heads of some of the country’s biggest banks to talk about small businesses, ones that have 500 or fewer employees. Many of them are having a hard time getting loans from banks. But banks argue that the policies put in place because of this financial crisis have affected how they can offer the loans. CNN News Item 27 经济:高盛集团新表现 Goldman Sachs surprised investors on Monday with an early release of its quarterly profits, which were way better than analysts had expected, twice as good, in terms of earnings per share. Now profits for the first 3 months of the year came into a total of $1.81 billion. Goldman also announced plans for a $5 billion share sale to help back its, help pay back rather, its so called TARP loan from the U.S. government. $10 billion under the troubled assets relief program. CNN News Item 28 经济:两党会面以解决 7000亿美元救助法案的分歧 Lawmakers say they’re close to a deal on the 700-billion-dollar package to rescue the troubled financial system. A bipartisan group has been meeting today to hash out differences. Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, chairman of the joint economic committee, says he hopes to reach a deal by this afternoon. Among the details being hammered out, how much the plan will cost? The most common amount being talked about is 700-billion dollars; another key point in the negotiations is whether the government will actually become a shareholder in troubled companies. One part of the plan that seems certain to become a law will be a provision to limit executive pay and bonuses at companies that sell assets to the Treasury. CNN News Item 29 经济:奥巴马就增加就业和拯救经济发表演讲 During a speech yesterday, President Obama offered some ideas on how to create new jobs and help out the country’s economy. Offering tax breaks to small businesses, expanding some of the government’s stimulus programs, and spending more money on infrastructure projects things like roads, bridges and water systems. The thing is, all of that costs money and that’s where the TARP comes in. That’s the Troubled Asset Relief Program, the financial industry bailout passed last year. The bailout ended up not costing as much as expected and President Obama thinks the extra could be used to help out in other ways. CNN News Item 30 经济:欧佩克石油产量再减 OPEC is going ahead with another oil production cut. OPEC has agreed to cut production by 2.2 million barrels a day. U.S. crude for January delivery dropped to just over 42 dollars a barrel after the announcement. Crude oil prices have dropped nearly 70% since July. OPEC cut production in September and October, but those cuts didn’t have much impact on prices. CNN News Item 31 经济:美国克莱斯勒公司重组协议 Chrysler and Italian automaker Fiat has signed off on a deal brokered by Uncle Sam to become what’s known as Chrysler Group. Fiat will initially take a 20 percent stake. It can’t take a majority stake until the new Chrysler pays back the 15.5 billion dollars it took from the Treasury Department. The UAW holds a 55 percent stake, leaving an 8 percent stake for the U.S., 2 percent for Canada. The Supreme Court cleared the way for the deal yesterday, after delaying the sale pending review of a case brought by Indiana state pension www.TopwayEnglish.com 7 funds. CNN News Item 32 经济:通用汽车公司面临危机 Major concerns now about the U.S. auto industry, these numbers are just out, and Toyota finally overtook GM as the world’s biggest automaker in terms of sales for all of last year. That’s a title GM has held for nearly eight decades. Even worse than that, a GM executive
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