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英汉互译 第七章-第九章标答


英汉互译 第七章-第九章标答nullnullnull被…… 由、予以、叫、让、给、受、挨、遭、遇、为……所……英语被动句 & 被动义主动句汉语 被动句汉语 主动句被动义 主动句带表语 主动句无主语 主动句施事方 主动句典 型 被动句非典型 被动句一般来说,我们可以对英汉互译的语态转换做如下归纳:地 点 主动句null 英语被动句 ↔汉语被动义主动句1. If understanding prevails, UNCTAD (United Nations Conference of Trade and Development联合...

英汉互译 第七章-第九章标答
nullnullnull被…… 由、予以、叫、让、给、受、挨、遭、遇、为……所……英语被动句 & 被动义主动句汉语 被动句汉语 主动句被动义 主动句带表语 主动句无主语 主动句施事方 主动句典 型 被动句非典型 被动句一般来说,我们可以对英汉互译的语态转换做如下归纳:地 点 主动句null 英语被动句 ↔汉语被动义主动句1. If understanding prevails, UNCTAD (United Nations Conference of Trade and Development联合国贸易与发展会议) is in a position to replace confrontation with agreement; it cannot be put off. 若能普遍达成谅解,联合国贸发会议就能用 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 取代对抗;这项工作不能再拖延下去了。 2. Most of the questions have been settled satisfactorily, only the question of currency in L/C remains to be considered. 大部分问题已圆满解决,只剩下信用证使用的币种问题有待讨论。null 英语被动句 ↔汉语被动义主动句3. The link between industrial demand and demand for commodities is being weakened by changes in the pattern of economic growth. 由于经济增长格局发生了变化,工业需求与对商品的需求之间的联系也正在减弱。 4. New teaching methods were adopted a few years ago. 新的教学法几年前就已经采用了。 null 英语被动句 ↔汉语被动义主动句5. The University of San Francisco is located near the Golden Gate Park. 旧金山大学坐落在金门公园附近。 6. The French supervisor will ordinarily be found in the middle of his subordinates where he can control them. 在法国,主管人员的办公位置通常位于部下的办公位置之中,以便管理。null 英语被动句 ↔汉语被动义主动句7. 艾滋病病毒只能通过血液或其他体液传播。 The AIDS virus is only transmitted by blood and other body fluids. 8. 整项工程将在明年年底竣工。 The whole project will have been completed by the end of next year. 9. 他的好几部小说都已译成英文,其中他的代表作即将改编成电影。 A few of his novels have been translated into English, and his masterpiece will be adapted as a film soon.null10. 这座摩天大厦位于 / 座落于浦东新区,由一幢28层的高楼和地下停车场组成。该建筑配有电梯,符合现代人追求高绿化、低密度居住环境的趋势。 / 适合现代人对居住环境高绿化、低密度的要求。 This skyscraper, which is located in the Pudong Area, consists of a 28-story building and underground parking lots. The building is equipped with elevators and can meet the modern trend of pursuing a living environment with high greening and low density. 英语被动句 ↔汉语被动义主动句null1. Our International Club was founded a year ago to help foreign businessmen in this city meet together. 我们这个国际俱乐部是在一年前成立的,目的是便于本城的外国商人聚会。 2. The airhostesses were trained in France. 这批空姐是在法国(接受) 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 的。 3. Real influence is not built up by striking attitudes or by throwing insults. 真正的权威不是靠装腔作势或大声辱骂来取得的。 英语被动句 ↔汉语带表语主动句null4. 这段美好的回忆是难能可贵的,难以忘怀的。 This happy memory is precious and cannot be forgotten. 5. 疟疾是蚊子携带的寄生虫传播的。 Malaria is caused by a tiny parasite carried by mosquitoes. 6. 通常(港口)税是以船只的注册吨位计算的。 Usually the duties are calculated on the registered tonnage of the ship. 英语被动句 ↔汉语带表语主动句null1. If balance sheet were made, it would be found that the rubber ban has created more difficulties for the United States than for Malaysia. 如果(…)计算一下得失,(…)就会发现橡胶禁运给美国造成的困难要比给马来西亚造成的困难大得多。 2. Organization for the just settlement of international differences must be founded. (…)必须建立公正解决国际分歧的机构。 3. The Chinese are expected to buy not only earth stations, but also two communication satellites. (…)预计中国人不仅将购买地面站,还将购买两颗通讯卫星。 4. He was described as deeply impressed by Deng’s flexibility. 据(…)说,他对邓(小平)的灵活态度印象至深。 英语被动句 ↔汉语无主语主动句null5. 必须承认澳大利亚在国际体坛的出众地位。 It must be admitted that Australia holds an outstanding international position in sports. 6. 应当坚定不移地执行 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 生育的基本国策。 Efforts should be made to firmly carry out the basic state policy of family planning. 7. 尚未决定由谁去担任这项任务。 It has not been decided who is to take up the task. 8. 必须维护生态环境的平衡。 The ecological environment should be kept in balance. 英语被动句 ↔汉语无主语主动句null1. Americans are cushioned against rising commodity prices by the strong dollars. 美元的坚挺减缓了商品价格上涨给美国人造成的压力。 2. They must be reminded that peace is the highest aspiration of our people. (我们)必须提醒他们,和平是我国人民的最高愿望。 3. I have no knowledge of this matter and have not been consulted on this schedule. 我对此事一无所知,也无人同我商量过这个计划。 4. It is universally acknowledged that time is money. 人们普遍认为,时间就是金钱。 英语被动句 ↔汉语施事方主动句null5. 人们发现橡胶是很好的绝缘体。 Rubber is found to be a good insulation material. 6. 有人看见老教授深夜还在做实验。 The old professor was seen making an experiment late at night. 7. 有人指出,这些指控是毫无根据的。 It was pointed out that the accusations were groundless. 英语被动句 ↔汉语施事方主动句null1. The report of a strong earthquake in Japan has been confirmed. 日本遭到强烈地震的报道已经得到证实。 2. The sound of plane is frequently heard in these areas. 这一带地区经常可以听到飞机的声音。 3. 我们学院去年建造了一栋新的行政大楼。 A new administration building was built in our institute last year. 英语被动句 ↔汉语地点主动句null1. Imagine that one of other continent is left out or forgotten, reduced to it s poverty and its disorder, what will happen to the others? 设想一下,假如这块或那块大陆被忽视或遗忘,变得贫穷、混乱,其他大陆将会发生什么情况呢?(注意:这里的含有被动意义,但译作主动态为佳。) 2. Our reasonable price has already been accepted by Sears, which will lead to further business. 我方合理的价格已被西尔斯公司接受,这将会带来更多的生意。 英语被动句 ↔汉语被动句null3. Traveling expenses from home country to the point of arrival will be borne by each member taking part in the seminar. 从贵国到目的地的旅行费用将由参加研讨会的各位成员自行负担。 4. The public have been greatly inspired by your speech. 公众为你的讲演深深所鼓舞。 英语被动句 ↔汉语被动句null5. On behalf of my colleagues and in my own name, I’d like to express our appreciation for the hospitality which was accorded to us during our stay here. 对于我们在贵国逗留期间受到的热情款待,我仅代表所有同事并以本人的名义向你们表示感谢。 6.一个小时后火被扑灭了。 The fire was put out an hour later. 7. 向外国人提供的特许权若不附合法律将予以取消。 Foreign concessions would be cancelled if they did not accord with the law. 英语被动句 ↔汉语被动句null8. 这件事将由他们处理。不关我们的事。 This matter will be dealt with by them. It’s none of our business. 9. 旧规章被废除了。 The old regulations have been done away with. 10. 他服刑期间因表现突出两次得到嘉奖,不久便获释了。 He had been awarded twice for his heroic deeds during the serving time and was released before long. 英语被动句 ↔汉语被动句null1. She is unanimously considered quite suitable for the job. 大家一致认为她非常适合这项工作。 2. The doubt of the police has been confirmed by witnesses. 警方的怀疑得到了证人的证实。 3. The problem is that the present situation cannot be controlled. 问题在于我们无法控制现状。 4. This sort of advertisement is seen everywhere. 这类广告四处可见。/ 人们到处都能看到这类广告。null5. 新的基础工程项目有的正在建设,有的正在 规划 污水管网监理规划下载职业规划大学生职业规划个人职业规划职业规划论文 之中。 New infrastructure projects are well under way or are in the process of being planned. 6. 在面对面交际中,少于30%的信息是通过讲话传递的,而多于70%的信息是非语言方式完成的。 In face-to-face communication less than 30% of all the information is communicated through speaking. Over 70% is sent by non-verbal means. 7. 到目前为止还未得出结论。 So far no conclusion has been arrived at. 8. 胸部和心脏X线检查应列为常规。 X-ray examination of the chest and heart should be routinely performed.nullnullnullas strong as a horse → 强壮如马 ??? as hungry as a bear → 饿得像头熊 ??? as stupid as a goose → 像鹅一样笨??? as stubborn as a mule → 倔得像骡子??? as easy as a pie → 简单得像馅饼??? a piece of cake → 一小块蛋糕??? talk horse → 说马???形义矛盾与替代强壮如牛 饿得像头狼 蠢得像猪 犟得像牛 简单得像一加一 小菜一碟 吹牛null1. a U-shaped magnet 2. V-neck 3. right-hand man 4. put a label on sb. 5. to look for a needle in a haystack 大海捞针 6. spend money like water 挥金如土形象替代马蹄形磁铁鸡心领左膀右臂扣帽子null7. A fair face may hide a foul heart. 笑里可以藏刀。 8. The little girl has a very sharp tongue. 那个女孩伶牙俐齿。 9. After praising the wine they sell us vinegar. 挂羊头卖狗肉 10. Talk of the devil and he will arrive. 说曹操曹操到。 形象替代null11. A man may lead a horse to the water, but he can’t make him drink. 老牛不喝水,不能强按头。 12. Recession will knock prices off those industrial raw materials that are the bread and butter of many developing countries, while the shortage of grains has actually increased the commodity earnings of a rich farming nation like the United States. 经济衰退将使发展中国家视为饭碗的工业原料的价格下跌,与此同时,粮食的短缺实际上却增加了像美国那样的富裕农业国的商品收益。 13. Both extremes of age are liable to be affected by the bacteria pneumonia. 老人和儿童容易受到细菌性肺炎的感染。形象替代null14. 小宝宝高兴得手舞足蹈。 The little baby is as pleased as a dog with two tails. 15. 他的性格即残暴,又狡猾。 There is a mixture of the tiger and the fox in the character of him. 16. 她生长在富贵之家,认为凡事都可以随心所欲。 She was born with a sliver spoon in her mouth; she thinks she can do whatever she likes. 17. 那个少先队员招招手,然后把座位让给了那位老妇人。 The red scarf waved and gave his seat to the old lady. 18. 我前头的那辆车停住了,我错过了绿灯。 The car in front of me stopped and I missed the green.形象替代null19. 同那么多穿着体面而又有教养的人在一起,我感到很不自在。 Among so many well-dressed and cultured people, I felt like a fish out of water. 20. 得了,都怪我自己。我们上了人家当,没别的。 All right, I blame myself. We were cat’s-paws, that’s all. 21. 每个人的生活都有甜也有苦。 Every life has its roses and thorns. 22. 为了打破沉默,贝蒂说自己对爬山感兴趣,这样他们很快就交谈了起来。 To break the ice, Betty spoke of her interest in mountain climbing, therefore they soon had a conversation going.形象替代null23. 你试图说服西蒙戒烟简直是白费口舌。 You're just flogging a dead horse trying to persuade Simon out of smoking. 24. 西蒙是个爱传闲话的人。 Simon is a big mouth. 25.被抬高的房市已经开始回落。 The highly leveraged housing market has begun to turn south. 26. 甚至连他最亲密的同僚也承认说不清楚他究竟是主战派还是主和派。 Even his closest colleagues profess not to know whether he is a hawk or a dove. 形象替代null27. 与其要一个没有言论自由的政府,还不如要一个言论自由而无政府的国家。 I’d rather prefer newspapers without a government to a government without newspapers. 28. 记者招待会上来了位知名人士。 There was a big name at the press conference. 29. 记者招待会上竟是些无名小卒。 Those who attended the press conference were all small potatoes. 30. 总统希望请一两位中国人出席,以增加四海一家的氛围。 The president wants a Chinese face or two to add to the fraternity. 形象替代null1. He has made his own decision, which I will not try to interfere with. 他已作出了自己的决定,我就不干涉他的决定了。 2. Physics, mathematics and biology used to be my favorite subjects, and I am now majoring in the first mentioned in my university. 物理、数学和生物都曾经是我最喜欢的科目。目前,我在大学里主修物理。 3. Your President and Mrs. Roosevelt came here before the war on a vacation. 战前,你们的罗斯福总统携夫人/罗斯福总统夫妇二人曾来过这里度假。指称替代null4. Suddenly the elephant burst from the jungle and charged towards us. Coolly I raised my gun and shot him clearly between the eyes. The wild beast slowly toppled to his side. 那头大象突然奔出丛林,向我们冲了过来。我不慌不忙地举起枪,一枪击中它的眉心。大象慢慢地歪倒了。 5. The dog-owner told his friend that he intended to sell the animal. 狗主人告诉他的朋友,他打算把那条狗卖了。指称替代null6. If the greenhouse theory is correct, the earth’s temperature will rise until the amount of radiation emitted from the planet is equal to the solar energy it absorbs. 如果温室效应理论是正确的,那么地球温度将会升高,至到它的辐射量与它所吸收的太阳能力相等为止。 7. The 400-pound Bengal tiger has become a superstar since the big cat is well trained and can fulfill such an extraordinary performance. 那只体重400磅的孟加拉虎成为了超级明星,因为它训练有素,能够出色完成精采的表演。指称替代null8. In everything we do we must proceed from this reality, and all planning must be consistent with it. 一切都要从这个实际出发,根据这个实际来制订规划。 9. People exposed to bright red show an increase in heartbeat and blood pressure; the color is exciting. 如果将人暴露给红颜色,他们就会显露出心跳加快、血压增高等;红色让人兴奋。 10. The Nile mud had a lot of food in it, and so the sardines gathered near the mouth of the river to feed. 尼罗河的河泥中有大量的食物,于是沙丁鱼曾经会来尼罗河河口聚食。指称替代null1. - “Did you say ‘pig’ or ‘fig’?” said the Cat. - “I said ‘pig’,” replied Alice. -“你刚才说的是‘猪’还是‘鼠’?”那只猫问道。 -“我说的是‘猪’。”艾莉丝回答道。 2. Now the Latin Americans are on the other side of the seesaw, tilting towards the sky. 如今,拉美人却到了跷跷板的另一端,快翘到天上去了。 3. Mondale has gone so far left that he left the United States. 蒙代尔的观点如此之左,已经“左”出了美国。功能替代null“很好,不用瞎担心了,我还有委员的福分呢!” “么事的桂圆!” “He gave me very good news. We need not look for trouble. I have the possibility of being a member of a Committee!” “What’s a common tea? ” asked the wife, who only vaguely caught the sound.功能替代nullto kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟 (直译) 一举两得 (意译) 一箭双雕 (形象替代) 首选直译,意译、替代为辅小 结null1. I-bar 工字钢 2. T-crossroads 丁字路口 3. U-turn 掉头 4. The number of giant panders in the world is dwindling rapidly and we must do something or the animal may one day become extinct. 世界上大熊猫的数量正在锐减,我们必需采取措施,否则的话有朝一日它们可能会绝种。 5. There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪(无烟不起火)。 6. You need to have a war to make a general. 时势造英雄。课后作业null7. It’s nothing than take honest men’s bread out of their mouth. 这简直是在抢老实人的饭碗。 8. The dollar has turned north, threatening the foreign sales of FORTUNE 500 companies. 美元已经升值,正在威胁着《财富》500强企业的海外销售额。 9.这人为朋友服务赴汤蹈火,在所不辞。 This man would go through fire and water to serve his friend. 10. 气体不同于固体,因为气体比固体有更大的压缩性。 Gases are different from solid in that the former have greater compressibility than the latter.null11. 进退维谷 between the devil and the deep sea; between two fires; stand at a nonplus (迷惑,困惑); be in a dilemma/cleft stick (两难境地); be on/between/locked in the horns of a dilemma; difficult either to advance or draw back; remain in a very undecided state; stick in the mud null12. 足智多谋 be able and crafty; be wise/clever/intelligent and resourceful; be full of resource; knowledgeable and brainy; resourceful/masterly in planning and execution; shrewd and experienced; wise and full of stratagemsnull13. 如履薄冰 skate/walk/be on thin ice; as if treading on/upon eggs; tread as if on thin ice -- to be very careful; timidly, as though treading on holy ground 14.事实胜于雄辩。 Facts speak louder than words. 15.一将成名万骨枯。 What millions died that Caesar might be great.(万千士兵之死换取了凯撒的荣耀)null实用文体翻译之:null说明书,又称使用手册,是介绍物品的性能、规格、使用方法的实用应用性文体。 “说明书”英文怎么说? instructions instruction book manual direction specification user guide 说明书的文体特征说明书的文体特征(1)专业,简洁:词汇专业性强,句法简单,便于用户快速、精确地理解、掌握所需要的产品信息。 (2)明晰、完整:语言表达明确易懂,无含混模糊之处,所有消费者应该知道的信息都包括在使用说明书中。 说明书的翻译标准说明书的翻译标准忠实、准确 可读性 三类说明书介绍 化妆品说明书 药品说明书 家电说明书化妆品说明书化妆品说明书1. 直译:最常用的方法,以便达到语义对等。 彩妆品牌COLOUR ZONE 色彩地带 A rich creamy mask is recommended for all skin types. It softens and smoothes the appearance of lines and maintains skin look of youthful texture and one.(羽西天然乳水分面膜) 丰润的面膜适合各种肌肤,能柔化肌肤,平抚细纹,保持年轻的肤质及肤色。 null2. 意译:功能对等 欧莱雅专家洗护系列深层修护洗发水:Designed to restructure and protect the hair fiber. The hair regains strength, shine and is revitalized. Neofibrine: a unique combination of Bio-Mimetic Ceramide, shine perfecting agent and a UV filter for hair. 专为严重受损发质 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 的修护洗发水,含神经酰胺。可使头发重获健康亮泽与活力,并可帮助抵御紫外线对头发的伤害。 null3. 音译与意译结合 化妆品说明书的翻译过程中应将内容美与形式美有机的结合起来,使译文文形俱美,以此唤起消费者的购买欲望 Fine lines of dehydration are visibly reduced. Thirsty skin is left relieved, plumped-up, and absolutely soft. (羽西天然乳丝柔保湿精华乳) 用后肌肤缺水现象及时得到缓解,缺水性幼纹也明显减少,肌肤回复柔软丰盈,质地清爽,如丝般柔和。 “质地清爽,柔软丰盈,丝般柔和”这几个具有美好意境的词组打动女性的爱美的心理。 药品说明书药品分类(classification of medicine): 药品说明书tablet   药片 pill   药丸 bolus   大药丸 powder  药粉,药散 ointment 药膏 plaster  膏药 capsule  胶囊 emulsion 乳剂 syrup   糖浆 mixture  合剂injection  注射剂 medicinal materials 药材 medicinal liquor  药酒 medicinal herb   药草 medicinal liquid  药水 absorbent cotton 药棉 adhesive plaster  胶布 ethyl alcohol   酒精 tincture of iodine  碘酒 distilled water   蒸馏水 cooling ointment  清凉油药品说明书药品说明书“药品说明书”的英文表达: “Instructions”, “Directions”, “Description” 现在多用“Package Insert”或简称“Insert”。null大多数药品英文说明书都包括以下内容: (1)药品名称(Drug Names); (2)性状(Description); (3)药理作用(Pharmacological Actions); (4)适应证(Indications); (5)禁忌证(Contraindications); (6)用量与用法(Dosage and Administration); (7)不良反应(Adverse Reactions) (8)注意事项(Precautions); (9)包装(Package); (10)贮存(Storage) (11)其他项目(Others) null1)对药物性状的说明: It is a white or a faintly yellow powder to which appropriate amounts of water are added to prepare an off white suspension for intramuscular (肌肉注射) use or a yellowish solution for intravenous (静脉注射) administration. 它是一种白色至微黄色粉末,加适量水可配制成近乎白色的悬浊液,供肌肉注射用,或配制成黄色的溶液,供静脉注射用。null2)在药物作用方面: It is a bactericidal antibiotic which is resistant to most B-lastamases (B内酰铵酶) and is active against a wide range of Gram-positive (阳性) and Gram-negative (阴性) organism. 它是一种抗菌素,不但能抵抗大多数 B内酰铵酶,而且抵抗各种革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌。 null3)适应症: It is indicated for (be indicated for 适应于) the treatment of infection before the infecting organism has been identified or when caused by sensitive bacteria. 在感染的细菌未被确认出来,或由敏感细菌引起感染时,适于用它来治疗。 null4)用量用法方面: Many infections will respond to 750mg t d s (ter die sumendus 每日三次) by i.m. (intramuscularis 肌肉注射) or by i v. (intravenosus 静脉注射) 许多感染可用肌肉注射或静脉注射 750毫升,每日三次即可见效。 null5)禁忌症: It should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to (对…过敏) the drug. 对该药物过敏者禁用。 null6)不良反应: This drug is generally well tolerated. The commonest side effects (= by-effect; adverse reaction 副作用) associated with it are symptoms related to the gastrointestinal tract (胃肠道). 该药耐受性良好,最常见的副作用与胃肠道症状有关。nullThe following adverse reactions may occasionally occur:dryness of the mouth,thirst,drowsiness,fatigue,dizziness,heartburn,anorexia (食欲不振),abdominal discomfort (abdomen 腹部) and exanthema (药疹). 偶尔可能出现下列副作用:口干、口渴、发困、乏力、头晕、心部烧灼感、食欲不振、腹部不适、药疹。 null7)注意: An anesthetic (麻醉的) effect on the oral mucous membranes (口腔粘膜) may occur occasionally,but may be avoided by swallowing the drug quickly with water without crashing the tablet. 偶尔可能对口腔粘膜有麻醉作用,但若不嚼碎药片,而以水送服,上述作用可以避免。null8)贮存: Keep airtight (密封) in a dry and cool place. Away from light. 密封避光,置于干燥阴凉处保存。 null9)剂型: 10 mg vial (小玻璃瓶) containing 10 mg of …as a freeze powder. 10 mg每瓶/安瓿,内装 10mg……,冻干粉 安瓿(ānbù):一种可熔封的硬质玻璃容器,常用于存放注射用的药物以及疫苗、血清等,也用于口服液的包装,但因对消费者而言开启困难及容易产生事故,现已不流行。 英文:ampoule/ampule (拉丁文ampulla的译音)。常用的有直颈和曲颈两种。容量一般为1~25ml。家电说明书家电说明书PHILIPS Panasonic SAMSUNG SONY Siemens 飞利浦 松下 三星 索尼 西门子 Famous Brands of Home Appliances: null海尔 美的 格力 老板 帅康Haier Midea GREE Robam Sacon家电说明书Famous Brands of Home Appliances: 家电说明书家电说明书Brainstorming: different kinds of home appliances. TV refrigerator PC air conditionerwashing machine electric fan vacuum cleaner, etc.null电池的使用寿命是10年。 The battery’s service life is 10 years. 这个机器帮助盲人行走。 This machine helps the blind to walk。 你会发现,这份示意图是十分有用的。 You’ll find this sketch map of great use。 紧急退出功能键可让使用者在电源故障时,以手动方式打开CD托盘。 The emergency-eject option allows the user to naturally open the CD tray during a power malfunction. automaticallynull镜头后盖 三角架 数码变焦 快门帘幕 曝光不足 取景器ear lens cap tripod digital zoom shutter curtain under exposure view finder一些专业术语、固定用语和习惯说法必须表达得准确、地道,需按专业说法表达出来,不可任意生造。 例如在翻译数码相机说明书时会遇到这样一些术语:null常用缩略形式—简明性特点 液晶显示 常缩写成 LCD Liquid Crystal Display 发光二极管 常缩写成 LED Light Emitting Diode 中央处理器 常缩写成 CPU Central Processing Unit 自动对焦 常缩写成 AF Auto focus 手动对焦 常缩写成 MF Manual focus null广泛使用复合名词结构 在译文中复合名词结构代替各式后置定语,以求行文简洁、明了、客观。 设备清单 equipment check list (不用the list of equipment check) 保修卡 warranty card (不用the card of warranty) 有时候一些小标题常英译成动名词短语。 测光模式 metering modesnull普遍使用一般现在时、被动语态和祈使句。 本传真机(fax/facsimile machine)与数码电话系统不兼容(be compatible with)。 This facsimile machine / fax machine is not compatible with digital telephone systems. (一般现在时+被动语态)null普遍使用一般现在时、被动语态和祈使句。 您可以在光盘中的电子使用手册中找到额外的信息。 Additional information can be found in the electronic user’s manual which is located on the CD-ROM. (一般现在时+被动语态 )null普遍使用一般现在时、被动语态和祈使句。 请勿将CF卡(CF cards 数码存储卡)存放在过热、多灰尘或潮湿的环境中,也不能存放在能产生静电荷或者电磁波的环境中。 Do not store CF cards in hot, dusty or humid places. Also avoid places prone to generate static charge or an electromagnetic field. (一般现在时+祈使句 )null CD曲序编辑 可依您个人喜好重新编辑CD 播放顺序,最多可记忆32 首曲目。 1.按曲目编辑键(PROGRAM),CD 显示幕出现“0 1”闪动字样,同时曲目编辑指示灯(PROGRAM)闪烁。 2.按CD 逆向选曲键(BACK SKIP / SEARCH BACKWARD)或顺向选曲键(NEXT SKIP / SEARCH FORWARD),选择要记忆的曲目。null3.再按曲目编辑键(PROGRAM),即设定完成。 4.重覆步骤2和3,直到所有曲目被记忆储存。 5. 按放音/暂停键(PLAY/PAUSE)即可开始编辑曲序的放音,同时CD 曲目编辑指示灯(PROGRAM INDICATOR)恒量。 6. 按停止键(STOP)可停止编辑曲序的放音。null7. 再按CD 放音/暂停键(PLAY/PAUSE),可恢复编辑曲序的放音。 8.打开CD 闸门、切换其他功能或关闭电源,可取消编辑的曲序。 9.停止放音时,按曲目编辑键(PROGRAM),再按停止键(STOP),编辑的曲序亦即取消。 注意:请在停止放音状态下进行设定。null
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