首页 祁连山解析无词阅读法



祁连山解析无词阅读法 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 解析“无词阅读法”(总论) 一、阅读的本质——“一切为了主旨” “无词阅读法”是什么?这要从我们阅读的目的说起。阅读的目的无非两个: 细节和主旨。细节题不必多说,需要细心和一定的单词量。但是大家真正解决 不了的问题就在于主旨题,包括段落主旨和文章主旨。 那么为何掌握不了主旨呢?因为我们阅读的时候有四个层次:词、句、段、 章。可惜的是,我们中国的英语阅读教学仅仅强调查单词和翻译句子,也就是 停留在前两个低级层次,而一直忽视了段落和篇章的阅读训练...

解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 解析“无词阅读法”(总论) 一、阅读的本质——“一切为了主旨” “无词阅读法”是什么?这要从我们阅读的目的说起。阅读的目的无非两个: 细节和主旨。细节题不必多说,需要细心和一定的单词量。但是大家真正解决 不了的问题就在于主旨题,包括段落主旨和文章主旨。 那么为何掌握不了主旨呢?因为我们阅读的时候有四个层次:词、句、段、 章。可惜的是,我们中国的英语阅读教学仅仅强调查单词和翻译句子,也就是 停留在前两个低级层次,而一直忽视了段落和篇章的阅读训练。然而,在我们 考试的时候,出题人为了增加难度,绝大多数阅读题目都是以段落和篇章主旨 为目的 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 的。结果形成了“以词句为单位学习,以段章为单位做题”的尴尬。 这就是大家为何会感到“每一个单词、每一句话都读懂了,结果却作不对题目” 的原因。 “无词阅读法”正是为了解决这一阅读尴尬而诞生的。也就是说,在原来仅 仅以词句为单位阅读的基础上,训练掌握段落和篇章的主旨。 二、主旨的概念 既然明白了阅读的本质是主旨,那么什么是主旨?我的定义是: 主旨=Topic+方向。见图 1。 Topic 就是句子、段落或者文章的主题。以下面这段话为例:“让我们来认 识一下萨达姆”。很明显,Topic 就是“萨达姆”。这就相当于语文老师让我们总 结的“段落大意”。 但是,你并不明白我要说什么,因为我只有 Topic,而没有方向。我可以 围绕萨达姆,说他的高矮、胖瘦、好坏等等。这些方向可以分成两大类:正项 (+)和负项(-)。所以,你必须看我的第二句话:“萨达姆是个独裁者。他当 年杀害了很多无辜的人,而且发动了两伊战争…”。那么你会有一个直观的方 向感,那就是不好。用符号表示,就是负项(-)。所以,方向就是作者针对“萨 达姆”这个 Topic 发表的一种观点,也就是语文课所说的“中心思想”。二者合而 为一,主旨就是“萨达姆这人不咋地”。 高 好 胖 萨达姆 瘦 坏 矮 图 1 主旨=Topic+方向 对于任何一篇议 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 或者段落,都必须找到 Topic 和方向,才能理解其主 旨。这就是 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 语文老师为何要同时概括每一个段落的“段落大意”和“中心思 想”的原因。但是,如果是一般的说明文,其主旨=Topic,没有方向。例如:“让 我们来认识一下萨达姆。他身高和体重分别是…”。 Topic 一般是位于主语或者宾语位置上的名词,而方向一般位于一句话的 谓语动词或者表语位置上。例如:Bush hates Sadam, Bush 是 Topic,hate (-)是方向。再例如:Bush is good, good(+)是方向。 三、何为“无词阅读法” 下面我们必须解决的是如何找到主旨? 首先请问大家:做阅读题的最大障碍是什么?大家的回答肯定是“生词”。 再问大家一个问题:我们做阅读题的时候到底是认识的单词多还是不认识的单 词多?可能有的同学会不假思索的回答:“当然是‘不认识的’多!”而有的同学仔 细思考一下之后才会惭愧的回答:“当然是‘认识的’多!” 那么,为何会有这么多同学的第一反应是“不认识的”单词多呢?因为我们 已经被“生词”搞得如履薄冰了。也就是说,不论一篇文章多少个单词是认识的, 只要有几个单词不认识,阅读就无法进行了。但是,这样对于那些大部分都认 识的单词而言是否公平?难道就因为几个单词不认识,文章就读不懂了吗?就 好像我们全班同学绝大多数都到了,仅仅因为几个同学没来,我们就无法上课 了吗?当然不能! 1 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 所以,“无词阅读法”应运而生。所谓“无词”,就是忽略生词的影响,在个 别单词甚至个别句子不懂的情况下,抓住文章和段落的主旨。我们用几个段落 来演示一下: 段落 1: Foxes are dangerous… They kill… Their… 段落 2: Sometimes they are lovely… They help… They are foxes. 段落 3: Foxes are dangerous… But they are lovely… And they help… For example, their… 2 段落 1 中,由于 they/their 指代的都是 foxes,所以 Topic 是 foxes,首句 是主题句。方向是 dangerous(-),主旨是 foxes are dangerous. 段落 2 中,Topic 是 foxes,但是方向是 lovely(+),所以主旨是 foxes are lovely. 段落 3 中,首句方向虽然是 dangerous(-),但是第二句话开头是 but(转 折关系词),所以第二句话否定了第一句话,成为主题句,方向是 lovely(+)。 第三句话开头是 and(并列关系词),所以前后方向一致;第四句话开头是 for example(举例关系词),前后方向也一致,所以第一句话和后面两句话的具 体内容根本不重要,只要我们能读出:… But they are lovely… And… For example… ,那么这段话的主旨就是 foxes are lovely。 以上三个段落,只有这些单词是重要的,其余的单词都是可有可无的。所 以,我们即使不认识那些“生词”,也能通过把握 Topic、方向和关系词,顺利 掌握段落主旨,从而实现”无词阅读”。 四、“无词阅读法”的基石——英语族人的“线性思维方式” “无词阅读法”何以诞生?这全拜托了英语族人的线性思维方式。 美国语言学家罗伯特班特认为: “东方语言段落构思特点是遵循环形发展, 阿拉伯语是平行型,西班牙语及俄语的段落构思特点是时而被打断的曲折型, 而英语段落的构思模式则是依照直线型发展。” 也就是说,汉语族人的思维方 式一般是“Save the best for the last.”(我们一般美其名曰“画龙点睛”,其实说 白了就是“兜圈子”)。相比之下,英语族人的思维方式就简单的多,可以解释成 为:“Say what you want to say, then say why.”英语文章段落的连贯性常常体 现在依年代时间顺序、空间顺序, 由一般到特殊或由特殊到一般。一个特定段 落的展开常常是围绕主题句(topic sentence)逐层进行的。 换句话说,汉语族人倾向于把最重要的东西放在最后再说,而英语族人更 喜欢把最重要的事情放在前面来说。就以原因和结果为例,汉语族人倾向于先 说原因,后说结果;英语族人喜欢先说结果,再说原因。而原因重要还是结果 重要呢?当然是结果更重要!下图分别反映了两种思维方式的差异。 图 A:汉语族人的思维方式 图 B:英语族人的思维方式 由于英语的线性思维方式,导致大多数的阅读段落都是首句是主题句,呈 现出总分结构的特征。接下来的支持句层层展开,保持着与主题句的线性支持 关系。这样一来,阅读一段话时,思路只要按照首句的方向展开即可。如果第 二句和第三句的 Topic 与首句保持一致,那么首句就是段落的主题句,除非中 间出现了大的转折或对比,改变了方向。而如果首句是主题句,那么首句的方 向就是整个段落的方向。从此,阅读变成了把握 Topic 和方向,就能理解主旨。 而段落中的生词变得毫无意义,从而催生了“无词阅读法”。 例如: Many methods are available for obtaining data about a language. They range from a carefully planned, intensive field investigation in a foreign country to a casual introspection about one’s mother tongue carried out in an armchair at home. 先看首句的 Topic 是主语 many methods,方向是表语 available(+) for 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 3 obtaining data. 由于第二句话的主语 they 指代 many methods,所以毫无疑 问第一句话就是主题句,整个段落的主旨就是 many methods are available for obtaining data(有很多方法可以用来获得数据)。 所以,前面第一个关于 foxes 的段落,由于整个段落都围绕 foxes 展开, 那么按照英国人的思维方式,首句肯定就是主题句,首句的方向就是全段的方 向。那么看懂首句就可以把握全段的主旨了。当然,如果整段话围绕某个词来 说,但是首句没有这个词,而末句有,那么末句就是主题句(例如第二个关于 foxes 的段落)。如果一段话第二句话前面有转折关系词,那么很有可能第二句 话就是主题句(例如第三个关于 foxes 的段落)。 总而言之,由于英国人的线性思维方式,喜欢把重要东西放在开头说,所 以,我们在阅读任何一段话或者一篇文章时,要养成首先重点把握首句或者首 段的 Topic 和方向,然后再浏览中间内容的习惯。如果中间内容和首句或者首 段的 Topic 时候一致,那么首句或者首段就是主题句或者主题段,其方向就是 全段或者全篇文章的方向。这样就可以迅速概括出主旨来。我称这种阅读习惯 为“变速阅读”——开头慢,中间快! 五、快速掌握 Topic 的途径——重复的是主题 如果我们发现一段话或者一篇文章中重复出现某一个词,那么这个词就一 定是段落或者文章的 Topic。重复有三种类型: (一) 原词重复: Animals can move from place to place, but plants cannot. When an animal is under attack, it can run away or fight back. Plants certainly cannot run away, and they lack teeth and claws. But plants can defend themselves by using both physical and chemical means. 本段原词重复了 animal 和 plants,但是由于最后一句的 but,所以主题是 plants,方向是谓语动词 can defend themselves(+)。 (二)指代重复: 前面三个关于 foxes 的段落,全部为指代重复。 (三)同类词重复: Sydney is home to the State Art Gallery of New South Wales, the State Conservatorium of Music, the Australian Opera, the Sydney Dance Company, and the Australian Ballet. The world-class Sydney Symphony Orchestra offers great classical music all year round. Local theatre is creative and well supported, and large-scale overseas productions tour regularly. 本段重复出现了 Art 的同类词,所以主题为 Art。 六、“无词阅读法”的加速器——关系词 关系词能使“无词阅读法”的效率倍增。例如: Paragraph A Policy-makers cannot hope to take policies from Singapore and make them work in Britain. However, two things can be learned. One is that, in certain environments at least, concerted and long-term planning can pay dividends. The other is that education is about more than improving economic competitiveness. 段落 A 中,首句与第二句话之间有一个 However,并且前后方向相反(前 负后正),所以是转折关系。那么,第二句话就是这段话的主题句。紧接着出 现了 One…The other…这个并列关系,共同支持 Topic(Two things)。那么, 这段话看了第二句,主旨就出来了(有两件事值得学习)。其实这段话完全可 以简化为:… However, two things can be learned. One … The other…再例 如: Paragraph B There are two formal examination periods each year; first semester period beginning in June and the second semester period beginning in November. Additionally, individual departments may examine at other times and by various methods such as ‘take-home’ exams, assignments, orally, practical work and so on. 由于 first 和 second 是并列关系,而 additionally 是递进关系,所以方向 一直没有发生变化。这段话也完全可以简化成:… two formal examination periods… First … Second … Additionally…。那么首句就是主题句。 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 4 通过上面两个例子,我们可以清楚地认识到:关系词的存在,可以大大提 高我们找主题句的速度,从而彻底实现“无词阅读”!所以,我们在概括段落或 篇章的主旨时,不但要把握 Topic 和方向,而且更要把握关系词。请大家务必 养成阅读中划出关系词的习惯。 关系词有两大类: 第一类:表示前后方向相反的关系词 1、 转折:but/however/yet, on the other hand/on the contrary, although/though/while, despite/in spite of 2、 对比:more/less…than, unlike, in contrast with 第二类:表示前后方向相同的关系词 1、 并列:小并列(一句话内部,A and/or/as well as B, not…nor, also); 中并列(分句之间用“,或者;”等并列); 大并列(句群后者段落之 间,first/second/finally, one…the other) 2、 递进:in addition/additionally/besides, moreover/furthermore/what is more, not only…but also 3、 举例:for example/for instance, such as 4、 类比:as…as, like, similarly 5、 因果:because/since/as/for/in that, so/therefore/hence/thus/as a result, due to 七、“无词阅读法”与传统的“精读”的关系 “无词阅读法”与“精读”非但并不冲突,而且是目的和手段的关系。“精读” 提供的是单词和语法两种语言知识(手段),没有这两者,阅读将不可想象。 但是,阅读考试考的是掌握主旨这种阅读技能(目的),所以我们要学会利用 单词和语法这两种手段来实现我们的理解主旨的目的,也就是“无词阅读法”。 那么如何实现这种目的和手段的统一呢?我介绍一种“读写相通五遍阅读” 的系统方法,来对待每一篇文章: 第一遍:Reading for questions and answers。按照正常的做题速度,完 成试题,然后再找出答案在文章中对应的出处,反复研究错题的原因。 第二遍:Reading for main idea。利用“无词阅读法”,首先逐段找出主题 句,概括段落主旨。然后,找出全篇文章的主题段,概括文章主旨。 第三遍:Reading for sentences。把文章中所有的难句逐一 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,争取在 存在生词的情况下,通过找到难句的主干,概括这句话的主旨。 第四遍:Reading for words。查出文章中所有的生词,并且总结该生词的 同义词和反义词,以及和该生词具有相同词根词缀的单词,扩大词汇量。 第五遍:Reading for writing。积累文章中地道的表达法,包括篇章结构、 段落结构、句型、短语和单词等等,从而为写作做准备。 这样下来,一篇文章先从宏观的篇章、段落主旨,后到微观的单词和语法 等语言点,就可以一网打尽,从而实现了“无词阅读法”和“精读”的统一。 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 分论(Heading 题型) Unit One 5 1. At each class you will receive study materials. You should keep them well organized in a file with dividers for each section and bring them with you to each class. Arrange for a ‘study buddy’ to collect materials for you if you are absent. 本段首句 topic 为宾语 study materials。第二句话的 them 和第三句话的 materials 说明这两句话是在分别支持首句的 topic,属于原词和指代重复,所 以首句为主题句。对应标题为 class handouts(上课材料)。段落结构图见 1-1。 2. Your teachers will often give you tasks to do outside of class time. These are an important part of the course and will contribute to your final grades. You will need to develop the ability to work independently and to organise your time. 本段首句 topic 为宾语 tasks。第二句话的 these 支持第一句,属于指代重 复,所以首句是主题句。第三句话 ability 的目的是为了完成 tasks,所以也支 持首句。对应标题为 homework。段落结构图见 1-2。 3. Passing your course will depend on 3 things: performance in class and on class activities and projects, your results in the final test and your attendance. You will receive a short report halfway through each course which will include your teachers’ assessments. The final test takes place in the last week of the term. 本段首句 topic 为 passing your course 和 3 things。然后具体分述有哪 3 件事,作为第一层展开。接下来就 performance 和 final test 作了具体说明, 作为第二层展开。对应标题为 course assessment(课程 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 )。本段属于典 G. Class Handouts (1) study materials 图 1-1 (2) them (3) materials (1) tasks 图 1-2 图 1-3 C. Homework (2) these (2) ability (1) passing, 3 things performance final test attendance D. Course Assessment (3) final test (2) teacher’s assessment 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 型的总分结构段落,可以用于列举一种事物的多种方面。段落结构图见 1-3。 6 4. You will only be able to sit the end-of-course test if you attend 65 per cent or more of the lessons in that course. It is important that you attend regularly as low attendance will affect your results. Any student whose attendance falls below 65 per cent will not be able to sit the final test, which will automatically result in a fail. 本段由于重复出现了 attend/attendance,所以就是 topic。第二句话为主 题句,所以本段为分总分结构段落,方向是 important(+),主旨就是 attendance is important。第一和第三句话为对比结构,从正反两方面共同支持第二句话的 important。段落结构图见 1-4。 5. Those students who do not pass the course will receive a letter of attendance. Students who pass the course will receive a certificate of achievement. 本段属于对比结构,两句话方向相反,没有主题句。由于重复出现 receive, 说明两句话在讲:Different students will receive different things. 对应标题为 notification of results(结果的通知)。段落结构图见 1-5。 F. Attendance (1) able to sit, if >65% (+) (2) attend, important (+) (3) not able to sit, if <65% (-) 图 1-4 图 1-5 E. Notification of Results (1) do not pass, receive (-) (1) pass, receive (+) 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 Unit Two 7 1. For many courses in the University, the majority of your marks will be based on your written work. It is essential that you develop your skills as a writer for the different subjects in which you study. Most departments offer advice and guidelines on how to present your written assignments but you should be aware that the requirements may vary from one department to another. 本段重复出现了 written/writer 等词,属于原词重现,就是本段的 topic。 所以选 Paper Writing。 2. Your student card, obtained on completion of enrolment, is proof that you are enrolled. Please take special care of it and carry it with you when you’re at the university. You may be asked to show it to staff at any time. This card is also your discount card and access card for the Students’ Union as well as allowing your access to the library. 本段原词重现和指代重现(it)了 student card,也就是本段的 topic。所 以,同义词替换成为 Identification(身份证明)。 3. The University has arrangements with universities throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. The programs are open to undergraduate and postgraduate students and allow you to complete a semester or a year of your degree overseas. This offers an exciting and challenging way of enriching your academic experience in a different environment and culture. 本段为总分结构。首句的 topic 是宾语 arrangements(安排)。第二句的 programs 和第三句的 this 分别支持首句。所以首句是主题句。另外,首句出 F. Paper Writing E. Identification G. Opportunities to study abroad (1) arrangements, US/Canada… (2) programs, overseas (3) this, different environment and 图 1-6 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 现了 United States, Canada 等国家,第二句话的 overseas(海外的)和第三 句话的 different environment and culture 都支持这些国家,属于同类词重复。 对应标题中的 abroad(外国)。段落结构图见 1-6。 8 4. Youth Allowance may be available to full-time students. Repayment of travel costs may also be available in some cases. Postgraduate research funds are offered for full-time study towards Masters by Research or PhD degrees. These are competitive and the closing date for applications is 31 October in the year before the entry to the university. 本段可以从两方面来分析。一方面,首句 topic 是主语 youth allowance (青年学生补贴),方向是 available(可以获得)(+)。第二句话的 travel cost 和第三句话的 research funds(研究经费)分述了有哪些补贴。第四句话的 these 属于指代重复,也支持首句,说明了申请时间。所以首句就是主题句。 另一方面,如果不认识 allowance,也可以利用 cost 和 funds 属于同类词 重复,都与 money 有关,选出标题 Financial assistance(财务援助)。段落 结构图见 1-7。 5. There are two formal examination periods each year; first semester period beginning in June and the second semester period beginning in November. Additionally, individual departments may examine at other times and by various methods such as ‘take-home’ exams, assignments, orally, practical work and so on. 本段也可以从两方面来分析。一方面,首句 topic 是 there be 句型后面的 two formal examination periods。分号后面的 first 和 second 两个并列关系词 说明在共同支持首句的 topic。第二句话的递进关系词 additionally 也是在支持 首句。所以首句就是主题句。 另一方面,本段重复出现了 examination/examine/exams,属于原词重现, 对应标题 assessment(评价)。段落结构图见 1-8。 B. Financial assistance (1) youth allowance, available (+) (2) travel cost (3) research funds (4) these 图 1-7 图 1-8 A. Formal means of assessment (1) two formal examination periods first second (2) Additionally 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 Unit Three 9 1. Australia has been a popular choice for thousands of international students over many years. Australia's universities and colleges have become increasingly recognized overseas for their exceptionally high standard. In addition, new entry procedures for overseas students have made it possible for an increasing number to study in Australia. Sydney, the largest Australian city, is the major port for international airlines with services operating to Australia. 本段为总分结构。首句的 topic 是主语 Australia,方向是表语 popular(受 欢迎的)(+) choice。第二句继续围绕 Australia 展开,支持首句。第三句前面 的递进关系词 in addition 说明支持首句。第四句也是在在讲 Australia。所以 首句是主题句,主旨是 Australia has been a popular choice。Popular choice 对应标题 attractive(有吸引力的)。段落结构图见 1-9。 2. Named after a former governor of New South Wales, Sydney is the State's capital city. Located on the south-east coast of Australia in the temperate zone, it enjoys a mild climate, averaging 14.5 hours of sunshine per day in summer and 10.25 hours in winter. It is also the largest, oldest, and perhaps most beautifully situated city in Australia. First established by the British in 1788, it is a modern international city that has developed into one of the nation's major industrial, business, and manufacturing centers. 本段为总分结构。首句 topic 为主语 Sydney。其余各句的 it 均为指代重 复 Sydney,支持首句。第二句的 located 和第三句的 situated(坐落于)说明 Sydney 的 location。第四句的 1788 说明 Sydney 的 history。段落结构图见 1-10。 C. Australia - Attractive to International Students (1) Australia, popular choice (+) (2) Australia (3) Australia (4) Australia 图 1-9 图 1-10 A. Sydney- Location and History (1) Sydney (2) located (3) situated (4) history 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 10 3. Sydney is home to nearly 4.4 million people. The suburbs reach out from the city center and keep some 55 km to the north, 35 km to the west and 30 km to the south, creating a metropolitan area of about 3000 square kilometers. The 57 square kilometer harbor is one of the largest in the world, and famous for the 134 meter high arch of the Harbor Bridge and the graceful sails of the Opera House. It is a busy waterway with ferries, freighters, hydrofoils and pleasure boats. 本段为总分结构。首句的 topic 为 Sydney。第二句讲 Sydney 的 suburbs (郊区)。第三和第四句讲 Sydney 的 Harbor(港口)。段落结构图见 1-11。 4. Sydney is home to the State Art Gallery of New South Wales, the State Conservatorium of Music, the Australian Opera, the Sydney Dance Company, and the Australian Ballet. The world-class Sydney Symphony Orchestra offers great classical music all year round. Local theatre is creative and well supported, and large-scale overseas productions tour regularly. 本段同类词重复出现了 Art/Music/Opera/Dance/Ballet 等词,所以对应标 题 The Cultural Climate(文化氛围)。 5. As well as hundreds of cinemas and theatres throughout the city and suburbs, there are many clubs which attract people of all ages, and satisfy all tastes. Bars are the place for smaller modern bands, while the big-name popular music artists, both local and international, attract a lot of audiences at the huge Entertainment Centre in the heart of the city. 本段同类词重复了 cinemas/theatres/clubs/bars/Entertainment 等词,所 以对应标题 Entertainment(娱乐) for Young and Old。 F. The Harbor and Surrounding Suburbs (1) Sydney (2) suburbs (3) harbor (4) it 图 1-11 G. The Cultural Climate D. Entertainment for Young and Old 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 Unit Four 11 1. Education in Singapore is developing rapidly, and the world is taking notice. In the Third International Maths and Science Study, Singaporean 13-year-olds scored highest in both subjects out of 41 countries. In 1988 science study, they came 14th; now they have topped Japan and South Korea, and left American trailing (10th in science and 25th in maths). In addition, a recent research showed that Singapore had caught up with Britain in the proportion of adults who have college degrees and diplomas. 本段为总分结构。首句的 topic 为 education in Singapore,方向为 developing rapidly(+)。第二和第三句用 Singaporean 13-year-olds score highest(+)和 they(指代重复) have topped(+) Japan…来支持 developing rapidly。第四句话前的递进关系词 in addition 说明第五句话也是支持首句, catch up with Britain 为(+)。所以首句是主题句,主旨就是 Education in Singapore is developing rapidly。段落结构图见 1-12。 2. International studies show that there is no single reason associated with educational success at the national level. None of the traditional factors—class size, educational expenditure, selection and grouping policies, teaching styles or time spent on learning particular subjects—relates systematically to the results over a range of countries. On the contrary, the outcomes of the education process in different countries are the result of a lot of reasons, some relating to the internal features of education systems, and others to the social situations. 本段为总分结构。首句的 topic 为 there be 句型后面的 reason,方向为 no single reason associated with success(成功不是仅与单个因素有关)。第 二句话的 factors(因素)和第三句话的 reasons 都支持首句的 topic,所以首 句是主题句。Reason 对应标题 causes。段落结构图见 1-13。 F. Achievements of the Singaporean education (1) education in Singapore developing rapidly (+) (2) 13-year-old, scored highest (+) (3) they , have topped Japan…(+) (4) Singapore, had caught up with Britain (+) 图 1-12 C. Some causes which may influence educational outcomes (1) no single reason associated with success (2) none of the traditional factors (3) a lot of reasons 图 1-13 解析“无词阅读法”——北京环球雅思阅读主讲 祁连山 12 3. Countries which do relatively well in school education, such as France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, and Sweden, have certain things in common, As nations, they reward those who do well in education. Th
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