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chinadaily科技类新闻_中英对照版_口译必备>Mobile phone replaces key 制锁巨头推出'开锁手机' Visitors to a Stockholm hotel will be able to use mobile phones instead of keys to unlock the doors to their rooms, AP reported Wednesday. Assa Abloy AB, the world's largest maker of door locks, has launched a pilot prog...

>Mobile phone replaces key 制锁巨头推出'开锁手机' Visitors to a Stockholm hotel will be able to use mobile phones instead of keys to unlock the doors to their rooms, AP reported Wednesday. Assa Abloy AB, the world's largest maker of door locks, has launched a pilot program in which Clarion Hotel Stockholm will lend customers mobile phones with close-range radio chips, much like devices used for contact-less payments at gas stations. Once people have the technology in their own phones, it will save them time at check-in and improve security because the access credentials in a lost phone can be revoked remotely. 据美联社3日报道,全球最大制锁集团Assa Abloy AB日前研制出一款可以用来开锁的手机,目前正在瑞典斯德哥尔摩的号角酒店试用,游客如果在该酒店住宿,大可不必担心忘带房卡,用酒店提供的手机就可开门入住。据悉,这种手机被植入了近距离无线电芯片,原理近似于加油站的刷卡支付系统。一旦手机配备了该功能,人们入住酒店将节省不少时间。如果手机不幸丢失,技术人员还可远程将开门功能注销,大大提高了住宿安全系数。 【Highlights】 >China leads Asia in research 中国带动亚洲科研崛起 >60% of gray handsets exported 山寨手机六成销往海外 >UK boosts teaching of Mandarin 英将培训千名中文教师 >Seoul ramps up security G20安保'动用'面部扫描 >Super-parents have 18 children 美超级父母育18个儿女 >South Africa: paid to pee 南非城市政府花钱买尿 【Cover Story】 >Fireworks apply for Guinness 亚运烟火将申请吉尼斯 The opening ceremony of the Guangzhou Asian Games will see a fireworks show involving 160,000 separate explosions, exceeding the scale of the fireworks used in the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo, said Zhao Weiping, director of the games' firework headquarters, chinanews.com.cn reported Wednesday. Three special innovative fireworks will be spectacular enough to contend for the Guinness World Records, Zhao added. 据中新网10日报道,广州亚运焰火燃放指挥部执行总指挥赵伟平 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示,开幕式焰火总数为16万发,在规模上将超过北京奥运会和上海世博会。而其中3项特别的创意将申请吉尼斯纪录。 >China leads Asia in research 中国带动亚洲科研崛起 Asia, led by China, is fast challenging the US, Europe and Japan in spending on scientific research and development, according to a UN report to be published Wednesday. The UNESCO found Europe, the US and China each contribute 20% of the world's researchers, followed by Japan, with 10%, and Russia, with 7%, AFP reported. From 2002 to 2008, developing countries boosted from 16% to 25% their share of studies published in scientific journals, a benchmark of scientific credibility, it said. China's share alone more than doubled, from 5.2% to 10.6%. However, Asia still lagged on the 2 key measures of scientific stature and innovation. 据法新社报道,联合国定于10日发布的 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 称,美国、欧洲和日本在科技研发投入方面受到以中国为首的亚洲国家的严峻挑战。联合国教科文组织发现,欧洲、美国和中国的研究人员数量各占全球总数的20%,紧随其后的是日本(10%)和俄罗斯(7%)。从衡量科研可信度的科学期刊发表论文数量来看,发展中国家占全球总量的比例从16%升至25%。中国所占比例从5.2%升至10.6%,翻了一番都不止。但报告同时指出,亚洲国家在科技地位与创新力两方面仍然落后。 >Seoul ramps up security G20安保'动用'面部扫描 Authorities in Seoul have ramped up security for tomorrow's G20 summit, with 10,000 participants including heads of government and leaders of international organizations expected in the South Korean capital, local media reported Wednesday. Some 50,000 police officers will be deployed, the largest number for a G20 summit. Seoul has even installed state-of-the-art face-recognition cameras that can identify a twin or people who have undergone plastic surgery. 据韩国媒体10日报道,首尔20国集团峰会大幕明日拉开,包括各国首脑和世界主要机构领导人在内的万名代表将陆续抵韩,首尔政府加强安保严阵以待。现场将部署约5万名警察,数量创历届峰会之最。首尔甚至装备了一套名为人脸识别系统的最尖端安检设备,双胞胎或者做过整容手术的人也能被系统识别。 >South Africa: paid to pee 南非城市政府花钱买尿 Get paid to pee. That's the deal on offer in the South African city of Durban, where the city is looking to buy liquid waste to encourage residents to use dry toilets, local media reported. Aiming to improve hygiene and save money, the port city has installed 90,000 toilets that don't use a single drop of water in home gardens. Now Durban wants to install 20-litre containers on 500 of the toilets to capture urine, which is rich in nitrates, phosphorus and potassium, to turn it into fertilizer. A municipal worker will collect the jerry cans once a week and give about R30 ($4) to each family – not a small sum in a country where 43% of the population lives on less than $2 a day. 上厕所也能赚钱,这是南非港口城市德班给市民提供的一项好买卖。据南非媒体报道,德班市政府不惜花钱买市民的尿液来鼓励居民使用干厕所,从而达到改善城市卫生状况和节约成本的目的。市政府已经在居民院落里安装了9万个干厕所,这些马桶完全不用冲水。政府还 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 先给500个干厕所各安装一个容积为20升的简易桶收集尿液。尿液富含硝酸盐、磷和钾,不转变成肥料简直可惜了。每周将会有专人收集一次尿塑胶桶,并付给住户30兰特(4美元)。这笔钱不是小数目,因为南非有43%的人每天花费不到2美元。 >Green belts now vegetable gardens 菜价高使绿化带变菜园 Many citizens grow vegetables in the green belts along the streets in Qionghai, Hainan, the Western China Metropolis Daily reported Wednesday. The green belts on either side of Renmin Road have now become vegetable gardens with leafy vegetables, beans, sweet potatoes and other crops growing, a real life version of "Happy Farm", a popular online game. The garden owners said that they must be self-sufficient since vegetable prices are soaring. 据《华西都市报》10日报道,在海南琼海,市民在街道绿化带上"垦荒"种菜。"开心农场"是风靡一时的网络游戏,然而在琼海市人民路两旁,一段绿化带成了一些市民的菜园子,上演着现实版的"开心农场",里面种有叶菜、豆角、地瓜等作物。种菜的居民说,眼下菜价涨得厉害,他们只好自力更生自给自足。 >MSN a winner in cyber war 3Q交战酣MSN坐收渔翁利 Microsoft is profiting from the business war between Tencent and Qihoo 360. New user signups in China for Microsoft's MSN Messenger, a competitor to Tencent's QQ instant-messaging service, have gone "from tens of thousands normally to millions" per day in the past week, a person familiar with the situation told the Wall Street Journal. An MSN function, which was launched more than a year ago and neglected by netizens, is now receiving more attention. The function allows users to invite their friends from QQ instant massaging platform to transfer to MSN. Microsoft will announce on Nov 11 a new partnership with Sina Inc's UC, a software providing instant-messaging service, according to the National Business Daily. 腾讯和奇虎360交战正酣,微软却坐收渔翁之利。知情人士向美国《华尔街日报》透露,近一周来腾讯QQ竞争对手——微软MSN的中国新用户的日注册量从通常的数万升至数百万。一年前,MSN推出的导入QQ好友功能一度备受冷落,不想现在广受关注,该功能允许QQ用户向QQ好友发送邀请切换到MSN。另据《每日经济新闻》报道,微软将于11日宣布与新浪聊天软件UC合作。 #'企鹅360战'最新进展 Tencent began using virtual money "Q coins" to reimburse some of the paid qq users who refuse to give up 360 antivirus software, which is now incompatible with computers using Tencent, tech.sina reported Tuesday night. 据新浪科技9日晚报道,腾讯已开始用Q币对部分不能接受"二选一 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 "的qq付费用户进行补偿。 >Occupational disease rising 中国2亿劳动者患职业病 More than 30 industries in China have a high number of related occupational diseases and about 200m employees across the country are suffering from some sort of occupational disease, Chinese Health Minister Chen Zhu said Tuesday, xinhuanet.com reported. The reported incidence of occupational disease in 2009 has increased by 31.9% from 2008, among which the coal mining industry reported the highest increase of occupational disease, accounting for 41.38% of the total. 据新华网报道,卫生部部长陈竺9日表示,中国有30多个行业不同程度遭受职业病危害,估计有2亿劳动者在从事劳动过程中不同程度遭受职业病危害,以2009年为例,全国报告职业病病例数较上一年增加了31.9%,其中煤炭行业是新发职业病最多的行业,占总数的41.38%。 >New way to regenerate breasts 研究:用干细胞再造乳房 US biotech company Cytori Therapeutics has figured out a way to augment breasts using stem cell-enriched fat tissue, local media reported. The discovery means cancer victims with breasts mutilated by surgery, as well as women unhappy with their natural assets, can now grow a new and improved pair, with raw materials harvested from their own body fat. The company believes the same technology can be used to regenerate other damaged tissue, perhaps in the heart, kidneys or bones. It could well be one of the most momentous medical advances of the 21st century. 据美国媒体报道,该国生物技术公司Cytori Therapeutics研究发现,通过培养脂肪干细胞可帮助妇女重建乳房。这意味着因手术切除乳房的乳腺癌患者和对乳房现状不满的妇女,能够利用她们自身的脂肪作为原始材料,培育出一对新的更完美的乳房。该公司相信该技术同样可用于受损器官的再生,如心脏,肾脏和骨骼。一旦成功,这将成为21世纪医学领域的又一重大变革。 【Highlights】 >China tightens housing loans 中国推住房公积金新政 >Show your face to get money 广州产ATM机拒口罩墨镜 >Alibaba earns admiration 大陆最受尊敬企业三甲 >Maradona starts China tour 马帅抵京将进'天价午餐' >Sleepwalking Swede acquitted 瑞典大叔酒后梦游醉驾 >Sailing in a paper boat 纸船载人'畅游'泰晤士河 【Cover Story】 >Tencent or 360, not both 腾讯: QQ用户须卸载360 Netizens cannot use the instant messaging software Tencent QQ, unless they uninstall software provided by Internet security company Qihoo 360, Tencent Inc announced Wednesday afternoon on its official website. Those using 360's browser can not access QQ space, a blog on the instant messaging service, either. The move was made to ensure the security of QQ users' account, according to Tencent. A compensation plan will be issued to reimburse paid QQ users who do not want to give up 360 and so cannot use the QQ services they have already paid for. 3日下午,腾讯在其官网上表示,将在装有360软件的电脑上停止运行QQ软件,此外,QQ空间也不再支持360浏览器访问。腾讯称,采取这一做法的理由是"保障用户QQ帐户安全"。腾讯同时表示,如果付费QQ用户因不接受新条款而无法获得QQ相应服务的话,腾讯将很快出台补偿细则。 #360回应 In response, 360 said it had taken countermeasures to ensure that netizens can use both Tencent QQ and software provided by 360. 360随即回应,表示已做好充分准备,保证用户能够继续同时正常使用QQ和360软件。 >China will foster 50-70 major companies in the online shopping and e-commerce industry within 5 years, the Ministry of Commerce announced Tuesday, according to Beijing News. 据《新京报》报道,商务部2日下发文件称,将在5年内培育50-70家网络购物平台和电子商务应用示范骨干企业。 【Quotable Quote】 对于外界针对Facebook的批评,Facebook副总裁克里斯托弗·考克斯(Christopher Cox)近日给予回应。他认为,这种错误的批评在每次重大技术变革中都会出现。 We get this wrong every time. We laughed at FM radio. We laughed at every new technology because we are grounded in the perspective of the media we use today. But somebody's got to be thinking about tomorrow. 我们每次都在犯错。我们曾经嘲笑调频收音机,我们嘲笑所有新技术,只因为我们是站在当前媒体的角度来看问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。但是必须要有人思考未来。 【Kaleidoscope】 >DNA that makes people stingy 研究:吝啬与否基因决定 If you have a friend who never buys a round or who rarely pays his or her fair share, try not to get too angry. Because being mean could be in their genes. Scientists have pinpointed a stretch of DNA that makes people stingy with their cash, the Daily Mail of London reported Thursday. Around one of every 4 people carry the "mean gene", which we have inherited from our parents. In the study, those with the gene gave less money to charity than others. Such thrifty people may also constantly borrow cigarettes, rather than buying their own, or regularly borrow cash for bus fares, but rarely pay it back. 当你身边有朋友从不请客,或很少为自己的消费买单,别太生气。据英国《每日邮报》4日报道,一个人小气与否由基因决定,科学家已找到这种"吝啬基因"。人群中大概有1/4的人从父母处继承了这种基因。研究称,携带"吝啬基因"的人对慈善机构的捐助更少,可能经常向他人索要香烟而不是自己购买,或经常借车费等小钱,却从不归还。 【Highlights】 >Jason shows improvement 港获救人质有苏醒迹象 >UK doles out most passports 英准入移民为欧盟之最 >Polish leaders criticized 波前总统兄弟'为兄发飙' >Freshwater turtle endangered 1/3淡水龟濒临灭绝(图) >'Have a ball' 口语表达法之'乐在其中' 【Cover Story】 >Smoking bad for fertility 吸烟危害下一代生育力 Smoking may harm not just your fertility but that of the next generation, The New Scientist news service reported Saturday. Two separate studies show that men who smoke have a lower concentration of proteins in the testes that are essential for producing sperm, while women who smoke during pregnancy may be sowing the seeds of infertility in their unborn child. 全球顶极科技期刊《新科学家》11日刊文称,吸烟不仅会损毁吸烟者本人的生育能力,其下一代的生育力也将遭到危害。据两项独立研究发现,男性吸烟者的睾丸中蛋白质浓度较低,而蛋白质对产生精子至关重要;女性若在怀孕期间抽烟,则可能导致未出生的孩子日后患有不孕不育症。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Freshwater turtle endangered 1/3淡水龟濒临灭绝(图) More than 1/3 of the 280 known species of freshwater turtles currently face extinction, according to a new analysis by Conservation International (CI), BBC reported. Capture of turtles for their purported medicinal properties and to supply a lucrative pet trade are the key drivers behind the fall in numbers. Habitat loss as a result of river-damming for hydro-electricity is another major concern. The species in deepest trouble is the red river giant softshell turtle, (see photo) with only 4 individuals remaining alive in the world. The red-crowned river turtle and the Myanmar river turtle are also in great danger. 据英国广播公司报道,保护国际基金会的一项最新研究表明,现存已知的280种淡水乌龟中有超过1/3品种正濒临灭绝。淡水龟大量减少的主要原因是人们认为其含有药用价值,因而大肆捕捉,或将其用于利润丰厚的宠物交易。此外,因水电工程而修建水坝导致的栖地流失也是另一大原因。目前濒危程度最高的品种是斑鳖(见图),全球仅剩4只。红冠棱背龟和缅甸棱背龟也同样面临灭绝的危险。 >Alcohol: most harmful drug 研究:酒精比可卡因危险 Alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack, according to a new study in the UK, the BBC reported. The report, led by David Nutt, the former UK chief drugs adviser with colleagues from the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs, ranks 20 drugs on 16 measures of harm to users and to wider society. The study says alcohol is the most harmful drug overall and 3 times as harmful as cocaine and tobacco, while ecstasy and LSD are among the least damaging. The findings run contrary to the government's long-established drug classification system. 据英国广播公司报道,一项英国最新研究发现,酒精的危害性比海洛因或可卡因更甚。该研究由英国前首席药品顾问大卫·纳特和独立药品科学委员会的同事共同完成,他们基于药物对个人和社会产生的16种危害来对20种药物进行排名。结果显示酒精的危害性最大,相当于可卡因和烟草的3倍,而摇头丸和迷幻药则排在危害最小之列。该研究颠覆了英国政府长期以来确立的药品分类系统。 >Information overload hits Chinese 中国白领饱受'信息超载' More than half of Chinese white-collar workers say they're being overwhelmed by the torrent of data flooding corporate workplaces and many are on the verge of a breaking point, xinhuanet reported Friday. In comparison with their foreign counterparts, Chinese employees suffer the most intense pressure from "information overload", according to a survey conducted by LexisNexis. 据新华网22日报道,资讯和服务解决方案提供商"律商联讯"日前发布抽样调查结果显示,50%以上的中国白领认为,目前工作中的海量信息给他们带来了巨大的精神压力,有的白领甚至已经濒临精神崩溃。同国外白领相比,中国白领因"信息超载"带来的压力居世界首位。 【In Brief】 >Hong Kong Observatory lowered its warning signal to a No 1 Standby Signal, down from a No 3 Strong Wind Signal Friday afternoon, as typhoon Megi continues to weaken and edges closer to southern Fujian, Xinhua reported Friday. 据新华社22日报道,随着台风"鲇鱼"强度持续减弱并逼近福建南部,香港天文台22日下午撤销三号强风信号,改发一号戒备信号。 >At least 135 people have died in a suspected cholera outbreak and aid groups are rushing in medicine and other supplies Friday to combat Haiti's deadliest health problem since its devastating earthquake. 自遭受大地震灾难后,海地日前又爆发疑似霍乱的传染病,已造成至少135人死亡,国际医疗小组已于22日赶往海地为患病者提供药物等用品。 >Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, the first university jointly planned and constructed by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea, will open in Pyongyang on Oct 25, Yonhap News Agency reported Friday. 据韩联社22日报道,韩朝首次合作创办的平壤科学技术大学将于本月25日正式开学。 >More than 240m copies of Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system have been sold in its first year, making it the fastest-selling consumer operating system ever, the company said Friday. 微软公司22日宣布,Windows 7操作系统上市一年以来已售出2.4亿份拷贝,成为Windows史上销售最快的操作系统。 >Google admits to collecting privacy 谷歌承认街景车'偷'隐私 Google Inc admitted Friday that emails, URLs and passwords were collected and stored in a technical mishap, while the vehicles for Google's Street View service were out documenting roadway locations. According to Google, data was mistakenly collected in more than 30 countries and regions, including the US, Canada, Mexico, some of parts of Europe and parts of Asia. 美国谷歌公司22日承认,由于技术失误,谷歌在街景服务拍照小车工作时,确实未经用户许可收集了用户信息,其中包括私人电子邮件、URL地址和密码等。谷歌称,被偷拍地区涉及30多个国家和地区,其中包括美国、加拿大、墨西哥、欧洲和亚洲部分国家和地区。 【In Brief】 >Guangzhou will remove about 40% of its vehicles from its roads to improve air quality and ease traffic congestion during the upcoming Asian Games, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,亚运会期间,为了提高空气质量、保障交通畅通,广州将采取机动车限制措施,限行路段车辆减少40%。 【Celebrity】 >Jane Austen failed at spelling 才女简·奥斯丁不会写字? Jane Austen could not spell or correctly use punctuation and wrote in a "regional accent", according to a study of her handwritten work, the Daily Mail of London reported. Kathryn Sutherland, an Oxford University academic, said that manuscripts showed that her finished work was corrected by an editor. On some occasions she wrote "tomatoes" as "tomatas" and "arraroot" for "arrowroot", which reflect her regional accent. Professor Sutherland said the reputation of Austen rests firmly "on the poise and emphasis of sentence and phrase, captured in precisely weighed punctuation. But in reading the manuscripts it quickly becomes clear that this delicate precision is missing." 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一项针对简·奥斯丁手稿的研究发现,这位英国著名的女作家竟然不善拼写、误用标点,而且以一种地方口音写作。牛津大学学者凯瑟琳·萨瑟兰博士通过研究奥斯丁的手稿发现,她最终成型的作品都是由一位编辑润色过的。她有时会将"tomatoes" 拼成"tomatas"、将"arrowroot" 拼成"arraroot",这都反映了她的家乡口音。萨瑟兰博士认为,奥斯丁的杰出在于她能通过准确的标点、停顿,来把握词句的平衡和重点,而阅读她的手稿却很明显地发现这种微妙的精准感已不复存在。 【Highlights】 >Philanthropy lags in China 美刊:中国慈善精神缺失 >Sarkozy approval record low 抗议不断萨科齐民意跌 >First iPad signed by Obama 首个总统iPad签名亮相 >Cops seize TV costumes 伦敦警局买'戏服'当制服 >Talk show: Don't taunt me! 脱口秀:地道'损人'英语 【Cover Story】 >Taiwan Pavilion to go home 世博台湾馆将迁建新竹 The Taiwan Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo will be relocated to the Taiwan Fertilizer Co's complex in Hsinchu, Taiwan, after the event ends on October 31, Xinhua reported. The reconstruction of the pavilion will be finished in October 2011, Hsinchu Mayor Hsu Ming-tsai said in Shanghai Sunday. Covering an area of around 12,000 sqm and showing many cultural signs, the relocated pavilion will become a new tourist attraction in the city, he added. 据新华社报道,台湾新竹市市长许明财24日在上海宣布,台湾馆在世博会后将迁建新竹市台肥科技商务园区,预期于明年10月落成启用。许明财透露,重建后的台湾馆将突出展示各种文化创意,选址地为一片约1.2万平方米的土地。他预期,重建后的台湾馆有望成为新竹市的观光新亮点。 *台湾馆印象 The Taiwan Pavilion resembles a "sky lantern". It is a transparent cube housing a huge LED globe. The main attraction of the structure is its 3-dimensional theater where movies with the theme "Mountain, Water, Heart and Lantern" are repeatedly projected. 台湾馆的的设计概念来自"孔明灯":由透明立方体做外墙,内部中央装置了一座LED巨型灯球。展馆最具特色之处是3D屏幕投影,播放的影片均诠释了台湾馆"山水心灯"的主题。 >1/3 US adults to have diabetes 美国人将有1/3患糖尿病 Up to a third of US adults could have diabetes by 2050 if Americans continue to gain weight and avoid exercise, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention has projected. "Over the next 40 years, the prevalence of total diabetes in the US will increase from its current level of about 1 in 10 adults to between 1 in 5 and 1 in 3 adults in 2050," the agency says. 据美国疾病控制与预防中心预测,如果美国人继续懒于锻炼身体不断增肥的话,到2050年,该国将可能有近1/3的成年人患上糖尿病。该机构称,目前这个比例为1/10,而40年后将会上升到1/5-1/3之间。 Did you know? 你知道吗? About 24m US adults have diabetes now, most of them type-2 diabetes, which is strongly linked with poor diet and lack of exercise. Diabetes cost the US $174b in 2007. 目前大约有2400万美国人患糖尿病,其中大部分是2型糖尿病,与饮食不当和缺乏锻炼密切相关。2007年,美国因糖尿病花费了1740亿美元。 【In Brief】 >Cholera has killed more than 1,500 people in Nigeria this year, more than 4 times the death toll reported by the government in August, the United Nations said Monday. 联合国25日表示,今年霍乱已造成尼日利亚1500多人死亡,这一数字是尼日利亚政府8月份所报死亡人数的4倍多。 >Cut carbs, live longer 少食碳水化合物可长寿 A US geneticist may have discovered the secret to a long life, full of health and energy. And the answer might be as simple as cutting down on carbohydrates, the Daily Mail of London reported. Cynthia Kenyon, whom many experts believe should win the Nobel Prize for her research of ageing, has discovered that the carbohydrates we eat directly affect 2 key genes that govern youthfulness and longevity. She discovered that cutting down on carbohydrates changed the way 2 crucial genes behaved. It turned down the gene that controls insulin, which in turn switched on another gene, which may act like an elixir of life. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,美国一名遗传学家被认为发现了能够获得健康长寿的秘诀——答案也许仅仅是减少碳水化合物摄入这么简单。很多专家认为辛西娅·凯尼恩教授在衰老领域取得的研究成就足以为其赢得诺贝尔奖。她发现我们所直接食用的碳水化合物会影响两个对青春和长寿起决定作用的关键基因。减少碳水化合物的摄入能够改变这两个重要基因的活动,即控制胰岛素的基因将被抑制,而另外一个延年益寿的基因得以激活。 >The water level at the Three Gorges Dam reached its designed maximum capacity of 175m at 8:55 am Tuesday, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,26日上午8时55分,三峡工程首次达到初步设计的175米正常蓄水位。 >Dell to shed low-price image 戴尔欲摆脱'廉价'形象 Dell Inc is getting a marketing makeover, trying to shed its image as a cheaper alternative to rivals, Reuters reported Thursday. The world's No 2 PC maker said it will spend "hundreds and hundreds of millions" on an advertising campaign for its consumer business, to coincide with the launch of new products. "We're going to stop mentioning price as the single most important aspect," said Paul-Henri Ferrand, the chief marketing officer for Dell's global consumer, and small and medium business division. He said the company wanted to emphasize its premium products, as well as cheaper options. 据路透社21日报道,全球第二大个人电脑制造商戴尔公司正在进行一场营销策略大调整,试图摆脱其作为竞争对手廉价替代品的形象。戴尔称,为配合多款新品发布,公司将投入"数亿美元计"的广告费用,为其消费者产品业务宣传造势。戴尔全球消费者及中小企业部门首席营销官保罗·亨利·弗兰德说: "我们不再把价格作为唯一卖点。"他说,我们想强调的是,公司既有低价产品,也有优质高端产品。 --Details of the new products, which will include a small laptop that converts into a 10-inch tablet computer, as well as smaller tablet devices, are due to be re
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