首页 动感英语笔记(201-365)301-350



动感英语笔记(201-365)301-350Action English(301) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn   I can't believe he got nailed.(片中)        get nailed    被痛打一顿;身体上受伤害 例:When I used to play rugby I'd get nailed almost every game .          当我玩橄榄球时,我每一次都会受伤 例:Alex got nailed in a pub by a big guy because he w...

Action English(301) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn   I can't believe he got nailed.(片中)        get nailed    被痛打一顿;身体上受伤害 例:When I used to play rugby I'd get nailed almost every game .          当我玩橄榄球时,我每一次都会受伤 例:Alex got nailed in a pub by a big guy because he was caught checking out the guys girlfriend .         艾尔利斯在酒吧被大块头打了一顿,因为他被大块头逮到在看他的好友 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> I think he 's got the hang of it(片中)         get the hang of something    学会做什么(掌握某物的原理去使用它;明白这件事怎么去做) 例:I hate maths class because I can 't get the hang of geometry .         我讨厌数学课,因为我总学不会几何学 例:It only took me a couple of hours to get the hang of how to use our new computer .         只花了我几个小时的时间去学会我们的新电脑 <2> class dismissed    让走掉,解散,开除 例:The teacher dismissed us all once we 'd finished the exercises .         我们一做完练习老师就把我们走了 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Ramy "raindrops keep falling on my head"---《虎豹小霸王》 Raindrops keep fallin' on my head And just like the guy whose feet are Too big for his bed Nothin' seems to fit Those raindrops are fallin' on my head They keep fallin' So I just did me some talkin' to the sun And I said I didn't like the way He got things done Sleepin' on the job Those raindrops are fallin' on my head They keep fallin' But there's one thing I know The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep fallin' on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red Cryin's not for me 'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain By complainin' Because I'm free Nothin's worryin' me It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep fallin' on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red Cryin's not for me 'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin' Because I'm free Nothin's worryin' me Action English(302) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn It 's the prom ,  remember?(片中)           prom (比较正式的)舞会 例:At the end of each year there 's always a prom right before high school graduation .          在每年年底的时候都会在高中毕业之前举办舞会 例:I 'm not sure who 's going to be my date for the prom .         我到现在还不确定谁会是我的舞伴 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> Things just didn 't turn out right(片中)            turn out  事情怎么发生(发展),最后成了一个什么样子 例:It turned out that we didn 't have our test today as the teacher was sick .          由于今天我们老师病了,所以我们就没有考试 例:I didn 't like him at first but he turned out to be a really nice guy .          刚开始的时候我不太喜欢他,但后来慢慢的觉得他是个很好的人 <2> You 're just gonna bag him.(片中)           bag someone(不太公正的)批评某人,骂别人 例:After he missed a goal ,Beckham was bagged by his coach after the match .         当小贝射失了一次球后,被教练骂了一顿 例:My teacher 's always bagging to my parents about my bad grades.          我的老师总是会找我父母说我的表现,因为我的分数很差 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry "Only You" ---《我娶了个连环杀手》主题曲 Only you can make this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one and only you Only you can make this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one and only you (One and only you) Action English(303) American slang   美国俚语 To know your old man can't even talk . (片中) old man  爸爸,老爹 例:My old man works as a lawyer.        The old man doesn't like it when I get home late. Classic film clips   经典对白 (1)Got enough brains to snatch my son . (片中) have enough brains to do sth   有头脑 例:He doesn't have enough brains to get into Cambridge. I think he's got enough brains to be a politician. (2)The man was caught on tape , taking a payoff . (片中) pay off 补偿 例:He got a payoff for leaving the company before retirement.       They gave him a payoff for keeping quiet . Moive Tunes   原声碟 A Star Is Born It's the time for pulling out the stops     竭尽全力做事 Honey hit us  with      为我们唱歌 an allelu   哈利路亚(来自圣经) That kid came shining through     得到...结果 赏析:歌曲《明星诞生》选自《大力士》 Action English(304) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn Remember the drill.(片中)    drill   演习, 排练 例:We've gone through the drill a hundred times.       我们已经排演过好几百次了 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> Who he was teamed up with.(片中)       team up    结伙,搭帮,跟某些人组成一队, 例:I teamed up with a few friends to travel to Xinjiang .     我和一些朋友结伙一起去新疆旅行 例:The two companies have teamed up to develop a new computer program .     这两个公司一起联手研发一个新计算机项目 <2> He's a lot higher up the criminal of food chain.(片中)     food chain    阶层, 等级 例:He' s just joined the company , so he' s low down the food chain .     他刚加入这个公司,所以他还只是处在公司的底层 例:Next year I' ll be top of the food chain at highschool .     明年我就在高中的最高的阶层了 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Ramy "The Sesame Street Theme" ---《芝麻街》插曲 Action English(305) ◆Johnny Depp    约翰尼.德普 II.American Slang ◆odds    运气 E.g.(1)At the casino he’s always careful to bet with the odds . (2)The odds are always against him when he plays cards . III. Classic Movie Clips ◆update    什么更新,最新消息 E.g. I’ve got to give my boss an update tomorrow . ◆stick with somebody /something    支持某人/继续做什么事情 E.g.(1)I’ll stick with your decision on this issue . (2)I hope you’ll stick with this job until next year . IV. Movie Tunes 选自《芝麻街》插曲《Ain’t No Road Too Long》 Action English(306) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn <<赎金风暴>> Officer in civilians clothes.(片中)     civilian 平民老百姓 例:Before joining the army he was accountant in civilian life.     在参加入伍之前,他是在地方上做会计的 例:Civilians are always very vulnerable in conflict zones.     老百姓这些平民在有矛盾冲突发生的地方总是会受伤害 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> I'm kind of a private person, you know.(片中)     private person  比较喜欢安静(安隐私性比较强、不喜欢社交、内向)的人 例:Some film stars can actually be very private people.          一些电影明星实际上是非常喜欢安静的人 例:As a very private preson he doesn't like giving media interviews.     他其实是个非常自我一点的人,不太愿意接受媒体采访 <2> Having a hard time with it.(片中)        have a hard time with 做……事很痛苦,难熬 例:I'm having a hard time with my algebra classes.     我在上代数课的时候总是很痛苦 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Ramy “One Little Star”---<<芝麻街>>插曲 Action english(307) ◆James Stewart    詹姆斯.斯图尔特 II.American Slang   ◆dispose    丢弃,扔掉 E.g.(1)I haven’t disposed of the rubbish yet . (2)Can you dispose of the old batteries carefully ? III. Classic Movie Clips ◆whereabouts    地方所在,位置 E.g.(1)Do you know the whereabouts of the restaurant we’re going to ? (2)The whereabouts of my camera remains a mystery . ◆ramification    后果,结果 E.g.(1)Very cold weather has big ramifications for farmers .   (2) If the project fails there will be ramifications for the whole company . IV. Movie Tunes   选自《我娶了个连环杀手》主题曲《A Poem For Harriet》 Action English(308) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn 《我是谁》 that use to are elite military(片中) elite 精华, 经典 例:Cambridge only admits elite students . 例:Beijing Hotel is one of Beijing's elite hotels . CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> These C.I.A. boys scoat on my tail.(片中)     on somebody' s tail /tail somebody    尾随谁,跟着谁 例:The police car tailed the criminals to their hideout . 例:I just tail around after my wife when we go out shopping . <2>An  in-depth    很深刻, 透彻 例:The scientists did an in-depth study of pandas . 例:The bank was to talk in-depth about my business plans . MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry "There She Goes" --- 《我娶了个连环杀手》主题曲 There she goes There she goes again Chasing through my face And I just can't contain This feelin' that remains There she goes There she goes again Chasing down my lane And I just can't contain This feelin' that remains There she goes There she goes again She calls my name She calls my name No one else could feel my pain And I just can't contain This feelin' that remains There she goes There she goes again Running through my veins And I just can't contain This feelin' that remains There she goes There she goes There she goes Action English(309) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn      《我是谁》 a piece of cake    什么事易如反掌,小菜一碟 例:Our homework last night was a piece of cake .        我们昨晚的家庭作业真的是小菜一碟 例:Using a digital camera is a piece of cake .        用数码相机简直易如反掌 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白     I've broken the codes(片中)          code    代码 例:The military always use codes to keep their information secret .         军方总是使用代码来保障他们秘密信息 例:Our computer codes are incredibly complicated .        我们计算机的代码真的是难以置信的复杂 <2> the newspaper will gay our expenses.(片中)        expenses    花销,开支 例:You should keep the receipts for all expenses .        你应该把每笔收据都留下 例:We need to keep our expenses to a minimum this year .        今年我们要把我们的开支控制在最低 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry "Woman Woman Woman"  《我娶了个连环杀手》主题 Action English(310) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn I don't play around when it come to money.(片中)       play around    胡闹, 瞎胡扯 例:Don' t get caught playing around by the teacher . 例:He was playing around on the boat and fell overboard . CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> Are you tring to pull something on me .(片中)       pull something on somebody    欺骗/欺诈某人 例:I caught them trying to pull something on me in the meeting . 例:My lawyer makes sure no one pulls anything on me . <2> you can just push around.(片中)       push somebody around    欺负某人 例:My older brother' s always pushing me around . 例:The company is getting pushed around by competitors . MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry "Down With Love" 《爱情趴趴走》主题曲 Action English(311) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn 《老大先靠闪2》 You got a soft spot for this guy.(片中)        a soft spot for this guy  喜欢某人/某事 例:George has a soft spot for Anni,  she is like a little sister to him.        乔治对安妮有非常强的好感,安妮对他的感觉像妹妹一样 例:I have a soft spot for Chicago because my parents met them.        我对芝加哥这个地方非常有亲切感,因为我的父母在那相遇 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> You told her at the drop of a hat (片中)        at the drop of a hat   某人非常容易就去做某事(不用他人鼓励) 例:Let's invite Adam to karaoke tonight.  He'll sing at the drop of a hat.       今晚让我们邀请亚当一起去卡拉OK , 他是一定会去的(因为他是个麦霸) 例:I don't like to spend money but my sister buys things at the drop of a hat .        我不太喜欢乱花钱,可我的姐姐(妹妹)花钱如流水般看见什么就买什么 <2> he seemed to have some kind of breakdown.(片中)      breakdown 精神崩溃 例:You work too hard.  If you don't relax a little,  you'll have a nervous breakdown.        你工作太辛苦了,如果你再不休息一下就要精神崩溃了 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry “Everywhere I Look, There's You” ---<<空中拜金女>>主题曲 Action English(312) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn 《老大靠边闪》(2002)Analyze That What's the hold-up?(片中)        hold-up  晚点,耽误 例:My flight arrived very late because there was a hold-up at the airport. 例:I've been waitting for you for half an hour!        What's the hold-up? CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> What's that got to do with anything.(片中)        has to do with something  跟某事有关 例:Rob is very interested in everything that has to do with politics. 例:Donna wants to find a job that has to do with fashion. <2> I'm really to jump in with both feet.(片中)        jump in with both feet  做任何事之前不会计划(想想)就去做…… 例:I don't like to plan my trips when I travel, I just like to jump in with both feet. 例:Tom and Sara got married the day aften they graduated for high school.  They really jump in with both feet. MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry "Suddenly"---《空中拜金女》主题曲 Suddenly---歌手:Leann Rimes                    专辑:Twisted Angle It's Independence Day (独立日)I'm free And it's a strange place to be I'm gonna break these chains Unleash the changes in me I see an endless road I feel the restless wind I've lost the fear inside Cause I've got no choice But to live or die Suddenly you're in this fight alone Steppin' out into the great unknown And the night's the hardest time When the doubts run through your mind Cause suddenly you find your self alone Suddenly you find yourself In an empty room With a suitcase on the floor It'll be daylight soon I'm gonna wage my private war Who's watchin' over me Must be a guardian angel I just need time to breathe And give my life The best of me Chorus Suddenly you're in this fight Steppin' out and then Chorus Suddenly you're in this fight alone Steppin' out into the great unknown And the night's the hardest time When the doubts run through your mind Cause suddenly you find your self alone Suddenly you find yourself Action English(313) ◆Gladiator    《角斗士》 II.American Slang ◆walk all over somebody    对某人很恶劣,不好 E.g.(1)Alex’s girlfriend walks all over him ,but he doesn’t care because he has been blinded by love ! (2)Your boss is * you work too much .You shouldn’t let him walk all over you . III. Classic Movie Clips ◆dog-eat-dog world    每个人都为自己,人吃人的社会 E.g.(1)It can feel like a dog-eat-dog world in big cities because everyone is so busy with their own lives . (2)I told my friend about the job Iam applying for ,and now she is applying for it too !It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there . ◆Don’t be a stranger .   (告别用语)常联系,保持联络 E.g.(1)Thanks for dinner ,I should go home now . ------Thanks for coming over .Let’s get together again soon . Don’t be a stranger . (2)Call me after you move into your new house . Don’t be a stranger. IV. Movie Tunes 选自《命运倒数》主题曲《Satisfaction》 Action English(314) II.American Slang ◆burst someone’s bubble    打碎某人的幻想 E.g.(1)I dream of going to study at Harvard University . ------I’m sorry to burst your bubble ,but your grades are too low .You’ll never get accepted to Harvard . (2)My little sister thinks that Santa Claus is real .Don’t burst her bubble by telling her that he isn’t . III. Classic Movie Clips ◆stand a chance    一个成功的机会 E.g.(1)He stands a good chance of getting that job .He is very qualified . (2)You don’t stand a chance of losing weight if you eat at McDonald’s everyday . ◆left out    被遗忘 E.g.(1)I felt left out when lily forgot to invite me to her birthday party . (2)Jason didn’t go camping with us last weekend ,so I think he feels left out when we talk about the trip . IV. Movie Tunes 选自《空中拜金女》主题曲《We Are Royalty》 Action English(315) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn 《泰坦尼克》 When you got nothing you got nothing to lose.(片中)        nothing to lose  ( 如果你去尝试某件事)也不会有任何损失 例:Why don' t you try out for the basketball team ? You have nothing to lose .         你为什么不去尝试去参加篮球队呢?反正你也不会有什么损失 例:When you are young, you can do anything ,you have nothing to lose .         当你还年轻的时候,你会想做自己想做的事,也不会损失什么 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> all right,  moment of truth.(片中)        moment of truth    重要的时刻, 关键的时刻,激动人心的时刻 例:It' s the moment of truth will the judge find him innocent or guilty .        现在是最关键的时刻到了,法官是判他无辜的还是有罪的 例:The moment of truth has arrived ,My grades are in this envelope .        真正激动人心的时刻到了,我的成绩就在这信封内 <2> We 're riding in high style now.(片中)         high style    高质量的生活, 很享受的生活,高档次的生活 例:When I get a good job ,we' ll be living in high style .        当我找到一份好的工作时,我们的生活质量会变得很好 例:Flying in First Class is riding in high style .        在乘座飞机的时候座头等仓是一件很享受的方式 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry “When I Fall In Love”---<<缘份的天空>> Action English(316) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn I may have knock her together.(片中)     knock something together 很快把一件事情搞定 例:This restaurant seems like it was just knocked together yesterday .The paint is still wet .     这家饭店看上去好像昨天刚刚才完功,因为油漆还是湿的 例:Tonight’s dinner was no trouble .I knocked it together in 30 minutes .     今天晚上晚饭一点也不麻烦,我只用了30分钟就搞定 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> solid as a rock (像岩石一样坚硬)很可靠,有安全感 例:My boyfriend is solid as a rock .I can depend on him for anything .     我的男友非常可靠,我什么事情都会依靠他 例:This car is solid as a rock .It won't break down .     这辆车很坚固,所以它不会坏掉 <2> get next to somebody 试图接近某人,和别人亲近成为很好的关系 例:I just saw the prettiest girl .I wouldn't mind getting next to her .     我刚看到一个世界上最漂亮的女孩,我不介意与她亲近 例:I know you're trying to get next to my boyfriend .I saw you flirting with him .     我知道你一直都在试图亲近我的男友,我刚看见你在调逗他 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry “As Time Goes By”---《缘分的天空》插曲 You must remember this, a kiss is just a kiss, A sigh is just a sigh, The fundamental things apply, as time goes by. And when two lovers woo, they still say I love you, on that you can rely, No matter what the future brings, as time goes by. Moonlight and love songs, never out of date, Hearts full of passion, jealousy and hate, Woman needs man, and man must have his mate, there's no one can deny. It's still the same old story, a fight for love and glory, A case of do or die, The world will always welcome lovers, as time goes by. Action English(317) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn        to get off the hook    解围, 摆脱麻烦 例:If you get caught stealing ,a smile won' t get you off the hook .         如果你被抓到偷东西,只是笑一下的话是不会帮你解围的 例:My boss asked me to work on Sunday .how can I get off the hook .       我的老板要求我星期天也要上班,怎样我才能摆脱 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> a little something    一点点小意思来表示一下对某人的感谢,对某人的认可 例:I left the waitress a little something for her service .        由于这个女服务员服务态度很好,我在走时留下了一点点表示 例:If we help Mom cook dinner,  maybe she' ll buy us a little something for dessert .        如果我们帮妈妈做晚餐,也许她会给我们买些甜点来作为奖励 <2> count me in    把我算进去, 加我一个 例:If you guys are going out dancing ,count me in ,I love dancing .        如果你们这些人准备出去跳舞的话,加我一个,我非常喜欢跳舞 例:Count me in for dinne, I 'm starving .        吃饭的话加我一个,我快饿坏了 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry “Stardust”---《缘分的天空》插曲 Sometimes I wonder why I spend The lonely nights dreaming of a song The melody haunts my reverie And I am once again with you When our love was new And each kiss an inspiration But that was long ago And Now my consolation Is in the stardust of a song Beside a garden wall When stars are bright You are in my arms The nightingale tells his fairy tale A paradise where roses bloom Though I dream in vain In my heart there always will remain My stardust melody The memory of love's refrain Though I dream in vain In my heart there always will remain My stardust melody The memory of love's refrain Though I dream in vain In my heart there always will remain My stardust melody The memory of love's refrain Action English(318) 1.with a bang 非常的轰轰烈烈,成功 eg.1) If our team wins the final, we'll finish the reason with a bang。    2) The school year started off with a bang when I was named class president. 2.wind up 没有目的地走,闲逛 eg.1) We usually wind up at the mall after school.    2) I went for a walk, and wound up on the other side of town. 3.take life as it comes 面对生活,不畏惧挑战 eg.1) Stop worrying about everything, and take life as it comes.    2) We can't predict the future, we must take life as it comes Action English(319) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn 《泰坦尼克号》        just go with it   附和……,随着……(很自然地) 例:I don't like the way he runs the business,  but I have to go with because I'm not go with it .       虽然我不喜欢他经商的方式,但是我也没办法只能跟他一起走下去 例:If you want to be good dancer,  just listen to the music and go with it .        如果你想成为一位很好的舞者,只要听着音乐跟随节拍一起跳 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> How can you put this on my shoulders.(片中)        put something on one's shoulders  让某人挑起重担 例:When my father died,  running the family business was put on my shoulders.        当我的父亲死后,经营家庭的产业就落到了我的肩上 例:You are so young,   I can't believe they put the entire marketing campaign on your shoulders.        你这么年轻,我不敢相信你一个人负责整个市场运营这方面的事 <2> Our memories scattered to the winds?(片中)        scattered to the winds  随风逝去 例:We don't see each other anymore,  our friendship has scattered to the winds.        因为我们彼此不再见面了,,所以我们的友谊就随风逝去(越来越淡) 例:I want to preserve the memoried of my grandmother so they don't to the winds.        我想保留住对祖母那些回忆,这样她们就不会随风逝去 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry “Midnight at the oasis”---<<美国派>> Midnight at the oasis Send your camel to bed Shadows paintin' our faces Traces of romance in our heads Heaven's holdin' a half-moon Shinin' just for us Let's slip off to a sand dune, real soon And kick up a little dust Come on, Cactus is our friend He'll point out the way Come on, 'til the evenin' ends 'Til the evenin' ends You don't have to answer There's no need to speak I'll be your belly dancer, prancer And you can be my sheik ---- Instrumental Interlude ---- I know your Daddy's a sultan A nomad known to all With fifty girls to attend him, they all send him Jump at his beck and call But you won't need no harem, honey When I'm by your side And you won't need no camel, no no When I take you for a ride Come on, Cactus is our friend He'll point out the way Come on, 'til the evenin' ends 'Til the evenin' ends Midnight at the oasis Send your camel to bed Got shadows paintin' our faces And traces of romance in our heads Oh, come on ... Action English(320) American Slang —      Take a deep breath and hold it right before we go into the water. The ship will suck us down. Kick for the surface and keep kicking. Don't let go of my hand. We're gonna make it, Rose. Trust me. —      I trust you. —      Ready? Ready? Now. make it 完成、成功 e.g. 1) I didn’t think I was going to make it through the exam. It was so hard.        2) He went to Hollywood to try and make it as an actor. Classic Film Clips —      It's getting quiet. —      Just a few more minutes. It'll take them a while to get the boats organized. I don't know about you, but I intend to write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all this. —      I love you, Jack. —      Don’t you do that. Don’t you say your goodbyes. Not yet. Do you understand me? —      I’m so cold. —      Listen to me, Rose. You're going to get out of this... you're going to go on and you're going to make lots of babies and watch them grow and you're going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Do you understand me? —      I can't feel my body. —      Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I'm thankful, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. —      I promise. —      Never let go. —      I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go. strongly worded 言辞激烈的 e.g. 1) After I was fired, I wrote my boss a strongly worded letter.        2) My dad and I had a strongly worded argument when I told him I wanted to drop out of school. say one’s goodbyes 告别、放弃 e.g. 1) I know you’re upset that you didn’t get the part, but don’t say your goodbyes to acting just yet.        2) Don’t say your goodbyes to this relationship. I still love you. Action English(321) American Slang: 选自影片《The Emperor's New Groove》,变身国王 “We're through here” be through with:受够了,再也不想忍受了 eg:  (1)After waiting for the doctor,who was two hours late for my appointment,I was through with being delayed and left.        (2)I was glad that I had quit my job because I wad through with getting up early every morning. classic clips: 1,"I'm trying to figure that out" figure something out:弄明白,搞清楚 eg:(1)I spend a long time trying to figure out the answer to the difficult crossword puzzle question.      (2)Even through the couple both looked at the map to try and figure out where they were,neither of them were able to and they had to ask for directions. 2,"You  want to tun that by me again" run sth by sb:解释给谁听 eg:(1)As it had been a while since we'd played poker.I ran the rules by them before the game again.      (2)The tourists didn't speak good Chinese so the waiter had to run the menu bu them a few times. movie tunes:                             <木偶奇遇>插曲 fate steps in  and see you through when you wish upon a star your dreams came ture. Action English(322) American Slang     Duran    Bring it on  (给自己打气) 1. At the start of the boxing match, the boxer yelled at his opponent to bring it on. 2. When the thief was arrested ,  he wasn’t nervous, he actually shouted at the policemen to bring it on. Classic film clips   Work on :think about a way to do it致力于解决问题的方法.(Working on it!/work on sth) 1.       Scientists are working on a cure for cancer. 2.       I’ve working on my algebra homework all night. Here’ s the deal.  事情是这样的。总的说来是这样的 1. The deal is if you don’t have ID, you can’t drink in a bar in America. 2. The deal was *. We had do wait until the three hours were up before handing in our exams and leaving. Movie Tunes <木偶奇遇记>    Little Wooden Head From: Pinocchio Little wooden head go play your part Bring a little joy to every heart Little do you know and yet it's true That I'm mighty proud of you Little wooden feet and best of all Little wooden seat in case you fall (Oh-ho! How graceful!) My little wooden head 322 Jason完全笔记 Movie Dictionary Superman 超人 (Superman <1978>, Superman II <1980>, Superman III <1983>, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace <1987>, Superman Returns <2006>) American Slang —      I don’t know about you. But I’m getting all funned out. —      Uh-huh. —      Don’t tell me. We’re gonna go over a big water fall? —      Most likely. —      Sharp rocks at the bottom? —      Yes. —      Bring it on. bring it on 放马过来吧(我才不怕呢) e.g. 1) At the start of the boxing match, the boxer yelled at his opponent to bring it on.        2) When the thief was arrested, he wasn’t nervous. He actually shouted at the policemen to bring it on. Classic Flim Clips —      Now what, genius? —      Working on it. Okay, here’s the deal. Stretch out your neck and I’ll grab the rope. —      You know what, it’s a good thing you’re not a big fat guy. —      Almost. Got it. work on sth. 致力于… … e.g. 1) Scientists are working on the cure for cancer.        2) I’ve been working on my algebra homework all night. here’s the deal 计划/安排/ 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 是这样的 e.g. 1) The deal is if you don’t have ID, you can’t drink in a bar in America.        2) The deal was *: we had to wait until the three hours were up before handing in our exams and leaving. Action English(323) American Slang —      Come on. Make up your mind. —      Okay. Okay. On second thought, make my potatoes a salad. make up one’s mind 下定决心 e.g. 1) — What’s going on?             — I just couldn’t make up my mind over what to wear to my best friend’s wedding.        2) I have to make up my mind quickly over where to go for National Day. Classic flim clips —      What are you doing? —      There are two people in there looking for you. —      What? —      A big guy and a skinny old woman. —      Was the woman scary beyond all reasons? —      Yes. —      That’s Yzma and Kronk. I’m saving. —      They’re not here to save you. —      Yes, they are. They’re gonna take me back to the palace. Thanks for your help. You’ve been great. I can take it from here. —      No. No. You don’t understand. They’re trying to kill you. —      Kill me? Their whole world revolves around me. —      No. I can’t let you go. —      What? Oh, I get it. You don’t want me to be back to the palace. You want me to be stranded here. take it from here 由此接手 e.g. 1) When the policeman arrived at the crime scene, he announced that he could take it from here.        2) If you show me where we’ve studied so far, I can take it from here. the whole world revolves around sb. 全世界围绕着某人转、世界以某人为中心、某人是焦点 e.g. 1) The actress thought that the whole world revolved around her.        2) Sometimes I wished that the whole world revolved around me, so I could do whatever I wanted. Action English(324) II.American Slang ◆something /somebody got me    什么东西/什么人难倒我了 E.g.(1)I took the GRE ,but did very badly as all the questions really got me . (2)You got me by asking me directions to the ChaoYang Theater . III. Classic Movie Clips ◆take care    保重 E.g.(1)When I finished school ,I said goodbye to all of my friends and told them to take care . (2)If you travel in some dangerous countries ,you really need to take care of yourself . ◆sharp    注意力集中/脑很灵,很好用 E.g.(1)You need to be sharp when you drive . (2)The university professor was so sharp that he memorized every new class member’s name . IV. Movie Tunes 选自《木偶奇遇记》插曲《There are no strings on me》 Action English(325) II.American Slang   ◆state-of–the-art    顶尖科技 E.g.(1)Don’t worry –the security systems are state-of–the-art. (2)The latest satellite was designed with state-of–the-art technology . III. Classic Movie Clips ◆funky    坏了 E.g.(1)I can’t turn on the light because the fuse is still funky . (2)He can’t go home tonight as the elevator is still funky . ◆need some quiet time    需要安静一下,一个人待会儿 E.g.(1)I don’t need to see you right now ,but I do need some quiet time . (2)Iam not upset ,I just need some quiet time to think . IV. Movie Tunes   选自《芝麻街》插曲《Easy Going Day》 Action English(326) 美国俚语:(American Slang) out cold  不工作了,不动了 例句:1.  They could not go anywhere as the car engine was out cold.         2.  The fight was ended when one of the two boxers was knocked out cold. 经典对白:(Classic Film Clips) pin somebody down  把...拦截住,把...围堵住 例句:1.  We'll pin down the  bank robbers and force them to surrender.         2.  The enemy has been pinned down on the other side of the river. party crashers   party上的不速之客 例句:1.  We've hired security to keep out party crashers.         2.  Party crashers turned up at my house and ruined it. 原声碟:(Movie Tunes) <我很忧伤>    <芝麻街>插曲 old familiar place  家 Action English(327) II.American Slang ◆screw around    胡闹 E.g.(1)This is really serious ,quit screwing around ! (2)I hope you would try harder at school and quit screwing around . III. Classic Movie Clips ◆not to make it    去世了 E.g.(1)I am really sorry to have to tell you this ,but your friends didn’t make it . (2)None of them made it through the crash . ◆I’ll see what I can do .   我看看我能做些什么 E.g.(1)I can’t promise anything but I’ll see what I can do . (2)We’ve run out of orange juice ,I’ll see what I can do to find some more . IV. Movie Tunes 选自《美国派》插曲《Celebrity skin》 Action English(328) II.American Slang ◆count on somebody    依靠某人,指望某人 E.g.(1)I know he let you down last week ,but you can count on me this time . (2)I am counting on you to get the job done on time . III. Classic Movie Clips ◆shoot first ask questions later    先行动,然后再思考 E.g.(1)If you see a dangerous animal ,shoot first ask questions later . (2)You’ve got to be more careful you shouldn’t shoot first and ask questions later . ◆go into    讨论,研究 E.g.(1)I’ve got a plane to catch ,I don’t have time to go into this right now . (2)I’d love to talk to you about our relationship ,but I don’t have time to go into that right now . IV. Movie Tunes 选自《小姐与流氓》插曲《I didn’t know that I could feel this way》 Action English(329) American slang    美国俚语      from" 第五元素" Sounds like a freak of nature to me . (片中) a freak of nature   能力超常,长相怪 例:He is so good at tennis, he's a freak of nature !        She is so tall , she must be a freak of nature ! Classic film clips   经典对白 (1)Fingers going to kill me . (片中) someone is going to kill someone   大麻烦 例:I haven't cleaned my room , my mom's going to kill me !        I'm late for work again, my boss is going to kill me ! (2)there's not a moment to lose  没有时间了 例:The train is about to leave, there's no time to lose !        There's not a moment to lose , she needs the operation now . Movie Tunes        原声碟 Always There Always there to wann you in the winter Always there with shelter from the rain   躲避 Always there to catch you when you're 赏析:歌曲“永远在那里”选自《小姐与流氓》2001 年迪斯尼制作的动画片。歌曲表述强烈的爱情和浪漫的气息。 Action English(330) Be fired: got fired被解雇 I’m really very unhappy with your work. You’re fired. You’re been late to work every day this month. I’m afraid you’re fired. Rig the contest or election: cheat操纵比赛,做假 That’s not a fair result. The judge (umpire) rigged the match. Are you saying that the election of the new president was rigged? Have no idea: really don’t know the situation I hope this medicine works. You have no idea how bad the pain is! You should not fire her. You have no idea how hard she works, Action English(331) American slang      美国俚语 You know Daddy, will you make a toast right now . (片中) toast / make a toast  / toast sb  祝酒词,敬酒 例:At weddings the best man will always make a toast.        I think we should toast our hostess for in viting us . Classic film clips     经典对白 (1)smother sb   给....压力 例:At school we get smothered with homework.        The opposition defence smothered our attackers. (2)She can't possibly keep up .(片中) keep up with  跟上 例:I can't keep up with all his different gfs.       I have to work hard to keep up with the speed of the class. Movie Tunes          原声碟 Do You Believe in Magic His magic if the music is groovy    很棒 it'll free your soul   令人兴奋 if it's jug band music   or rhythm blues.  曲调 赏析:歌曲“你相信魔力吗?”选自《美国派》/ American Pie Action English(332) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn That way we can keep an eye on her.(片中)        keep an eye on her 盯住什么,关注什么 例:I'll keep an eye on the stove while you answer the phone.        去接你的电话,我来帮你盯住火炉 例:I like to keep an eye on the stockmarket.       我喜欢关注股市行情 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 <1> Too many people out there who take advantage you.(片中)        take advantage 占……的便宜                                   利用某人/某事的机会,而达到什么目的 例:I took  advantage of the clothes sale to buy more jeans.        我买了很多的牛仔裤,因为前不久大减价很划算 例:Last time I got drunk she tried to take advantage of me.       上次我喝醉了,她企图占我便宜 <2> I might be having a breakdown.(片中)        a breakdown 崩溃了 例:I almost had a breakdown trying to get into Princeton.        为了要上普林斯顿 我几乎要崩溃了 例:The stress at work caused him to have a breakdown.         由于工作压力太大了,他都要崩溃了 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry “Welcome here”---《小姐与流氓》插曲 Action English(333) AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语-Lynn A crush , That' s all it is.(片中)        have a crash on somebody    对某人有好感;迷恋某人 例:I was embarrassed when she found out I had a crush on her.        当她发现我对她有好感,使我很尴尬 例:He' s always had a crush on Cameron Diaz.        他一直喜欢那个卡梅隆·迪亚兹 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白         Make fun of me       取笑某人 例:Older students would sometimes make fun of me at school.         在学校老生经常会取笑我 例:I wore that shirt yesterday, my friends made fun of me.        昨天我穿了那件衬衫,我的朋友都取笑我 Only cowards get brave that way.(片中)        Coward     胆小鬼,懦夫 例:You' re too much of a coward to watch horror films.         你胆子太小了吧连恐怖片都不敢看 例:If you weren’t such a coward,  you' d move out and live on your own.        如果你不是胆小鬼,你为何不搬出去住自己生活 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 -Gerry "World without fences"---《小姐与流氓》插曲 Action English(334) American slang   美国俚语 Let's rehearse , okay.(片中) rehearse    / rehearsal    排练   v/ n 例:We hadn't rehearsed often enough so I forgot my lines.        The play rehearsal is on at 4pm today . Classic film clips    经典对白 (1)As a symbol of my vow . (片中) vow  发誓   v / n 例:He vowed never to cheat me again .        Husbands and wives both take vows of sincerity . (2)What are they up to . (片中) be up to   正在做.... =  be doing 例:If my parents knew what I was up to they'd be angry .        A :What are you up to .        B :I'm looking for my key. Movie Tunes   原声碟 Junkyard Society Rag We lack all poise    平静安详 we're full of natural noise No pets you stroke and pat you might as well be 赏析:歌曲“垃圾场中的乞丐”选自《小姐与流氓》 Action English(335) American slang   美国俚语     from" 第三类奇迹"  Phenomenon Hey, you ,you bringin' a date , tonight . (片中) date   约会 例:I'm still trying to find a date for the prom next Saturday.        Sally agreed to be my date tonight . Classic film clips    经典对白 (1)No,no,no you have potential , Geroge. (片中) potential   潜力 例:Your house is messy but has potential.        He has the potential to be a great football player . (2)It was a disgrace . (片中) disgrace  丢人 例:His behavior at the party was a disgrace.        It was a  disgrace that France didn't make the World Cup Final. Movie Tunes   原声碟 Make Someone Happy Fame if you win it    名气 comes and goes in a minute, where's the real stuff in life to cling to    坚持 love is the answer someone to love the answer . 赏析:“如何快乐”选自《缘分的天空》/Sleepless in Seattle,歌曲唱出“如何快乐”就是生活中最重要的东西。 Action English(336) AMERICAN  SLANG       LYNN 片中---Yeah,  I was improvising.    improvise  即兴创作,现场发挥的意思 例:(1)  I haven't written a speech for tonight ,so I'll just have to improvise.        (2)  If you don't know the answer just improvise. CLASSIC FILM CLIPS      LYNN 片中---How do you know she's still mat at you.       mad   对某人很生气抓狂;对某事很愤怒的意思 例:(1)  My dad was very mad when I crashed the car.        (2)  I got mad with my brother when he took my favorite jacket. 片中---Naw,Let her cool off.       cool off   冷静一点,镇静一下的意思 例:(1)  lt takes me a while to cool off after a big argument.        (2)  He cool off after l apologized. MOVIE TUNE     Alison (  A  Kiss  To  Build  A  Dream  On  ) 《缘分的天空》插曲 重点词句:  thrive            sweetheart Action English(337) American slang    美国俚语    from“第三类奇迹” I'm jumping out of my skin' here . (片中) to be jumping out of somebody's skin   心惊肉跳,如坐针毡 例:I was jumping out of my skin worrying about my exam results.       That ghost movie had me jumping out of my skin . Classic film clips     经典对白 (1)I can name some forward president and some back one. forward   积极的 例:Reducing the tax burden is a very forward policy.        He has some pretty forward ideas. (2)Did you improve you mind with your all reading. (片中) improve somebody mind   提高思想境界,改变思维方式 例:Comic books don't really improve the mind .        You should try going to the opera to improve your mind . Movie Tunes     原声碟 I'm Into Something Good Woke up this morning feeling fine , there's something , specical on my mind Last night I met a girl in the neighbourhood. 赏析:歌曲“幸运降临”选自《白头神探》。 Action English(338) II.American Slang ◆thick    傻,笨 E.g.(1)I think I was too thick to go to university . (2)My brother’s a bit thick when it comes to science . III. Classic Movie Clips ◆prolong    延长,延时 E.g.(1)All the speeches prolonged the dinner . (2)The class was prolonged especially because of the test . ◆larger picture    全局,远景 E.g.(1)The larger picture involves more people than just you . (2)For the larger picture we need to consider all possible costs and benefits . IV. Movie Tunes 选自《白头神探》插曲《The Way We Were》 Action English(339) American slang     美国俚语    From" 天生一对" This is so freaky.  (片中) freaky   怪,蹊跷 例:Oscar and his wife look alike, isn't that freaky?        A:A strange woman wearing a hat and sunglasses was staring at me at the restaurant.        B:That's freaky. Classic film clips    经典对白 (1)You want to know what Dad is like right . (片中) What is somebody or something like ?    ......人或东西什么样子 例:I've never met you gf, what's she like .       You've been to Chicago right ? what's it like ? (2)I'm dying to know mom. (片中) be dying to do sth /  be dying for  渴望,很想 例:Stacy loves Brad Pitt she's dying to see this new movie .        I'm so cold, I'm dying for a hot bath. Movie Tunes      原声碟 Besame Mucho     经常的吻我 Besame Mucho Each time I cling    紧紧地 to your kiss I hear music divine   神圣的 赏析:歌曲“不停的吻”选自《白头神探》/  The Naked Gun  歌词唱道“每一次你吻我的时候,就像听到天堂里面的歌声。 Action English(340) American Slang —      Get out of here. Dad doesn’t fall in love. At least, not seriously. —      Trust me. He’s serious about this one. He’s always holding her hand, kissing her neck and waiting on her hand and foot. wait on 服侍 e.g. 1) — I want to marry man who will wait on me hand and foot.             — Good luck finding one.        2) Gary’s family is very rich, they have a butler who waits on them. Classic Flim Clips —      That’s an awesome idea. —      You like it? —      I like it. It’s brilliant. —      Really? —      Totally. I mean it’s like a dream come true. I’ve always wanted a big sister. —      Um, honey. I think you’re kinda missing the point. —      No, I’m not. You’re going to adopt Meredith. That’s so sweet. —      I’m not gonna adopt her. I’m kinda going to marry her. —      Marry her? That’s insane. a dream come true 美梦成真 e.g. 1) Being a teacher was a dream come true for me. I’ve wanted to teach since I was 10 years old.        2) Penny was very happy with her wedding. It was a dream come true for her. miss the point (因不理解实情而)会错意 e.g. 1) Vicky wants to have a baby, because she thinks babies are cute, but I think she’s missing the point. Babies are a lot of work.        2) I missed the point of the movie. Can you explain it to me? Action English(341) American Slang go ballistic 气死了,气疯了 e.g:1、My boss went ballistic when I spilled wine on her new white dress.       2、If Lida finds out she failed this class,she'll go ballistic. Classic Clip 1、come between 使两人产生隔阂 e.g:My parents are so in love,nothing ever will come between them. 2、get over it e.g:1、You are never going to marry her,get over it.       2、I know you're upset about losing the game,but there's nothing to do,get over it. Action English(342) American slang   美国俚语 What in the world are you doing here ? (片中) What (when, who, why, how )in the world    强烈惊奇 例:I though you were in HongKong what in the world are you doing here ?        Where in the world did you get that diamand necklace. Classic film clips     经典对白 (1)Whether you like it or not . (片中) Whether.....or not    不管是不是 例:Whether you like it or not , Liz and I are going to married next year.        We are going to Green Bar tonight, whether you come or not . (2)Honey, we have kind of a sticky situation . (片中) sticky    麻烦,棘手 例:Annic is in love with Brian, but Brian is in love with Annie's best friend, what a sticky situation !       Gay marriage is a very sticky issue in the U.S. it may take a while for the American government to make a decision about the issue. Movie Tunes    原声碟 Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head They keep falling so I just did me some talking to the sun and I said I did , we like the way 赏析:歌曲“雨点不停落在我头上”选自《白头神探》。The Naked Gun   Action English(343) American slang      美国俚语    From"“脱线先生” to watch you like a hawk?   (片中) watch someone like a hawk   盯紧 例:When children reach age two, you have to watch them like a hawks.        I'm watching you like a hawk, so don't do anything stupid. Classic film clips     经典对白 (1)This is accident to remain completely under wraps . (片中) under wraps   不为人知的秘密 例:The politician thought the scandal was completely under wraps, but actually somehow someone found out.        I thought this project was under wraps, but everyone seems to know about it . (2)The CIA has no jurisdiction on American soil.  (片中) jurisdiction 权限 例:The central government has jurisdiction over all of the local governments.        We can't do anything about the crime since it happened outside of our jurisdiction in the next county. Movie Tunes    原声碟 You Never Can Tell (C'est lavie) 就是这样(法语) It was a teenage wedding and the old folks wished them well   恭喜 you could see that Pierre did truly love with    先生 mademoiselle    小姐 赏析:歌曲“你永远难料”选自《白头神探》/  The Naked Gun   Action English(344) II.American Slang ◆to screw up something    搞砸什么 E.g.(1)Ken totally screwed up the science experiment and he had to do it again . (2)Listen ,I really want this thing to work ,so don’t screw it up . III. Classic Movie Clips ◆to consent to something    同意,答应做什么 E.g.(1)Did he consent to taking such a low salary for such a high position ? (2)Rachel didn’t consent to the agreement ,so we have to either create a compromise or try to convince her . ◆well-wishers    真心祝福别人的人 E.g.(1)The singer had millions of well-wishers by the time she finally retired . (2)All of the well-wishers stood on the shore as the boat pulled away from the dock . IV. Movie Tunes 选自《白头神探》插曲《shout》 Action English(345) II.American Slang 选自《脱线先生》 You’re so direct . (片中) ◆direct 心直口快,直爽 E.g.(1)Sometimes if I’m too direct people think I’m being rude . (2)He should be more direct and not so shy . III. Classic Movie Clips You’re a true gentleman . (片中) ◆a true something 真正的什么 E.g.(1)His paintings are beautiful .He’s a true artist . (2)A true athlete wouldn’t smoke . She’s bamboozled me ! (片中) ◆bamboozle somebody 欺骗,使某人困惑 E.g.(1)I get bamboozled driving in Beijing . (2)All these Chinese characters bamboozle me . IV. Movie Tunes 选自《风中奇缘2》插曲《Pocahontas》 Action English(346) II.American Slang 选自《脱线先生》 He’s on to us . (片中) ◆be on to something /somebody 明白,了解事情的本质 E.g.(1)The police were on to the criminal’s plan very quickly . (2)If anyone’s on to us we should call the whole thing off . III. Classic Movie Clips A new position for me in the company . (片中) ◆position 工作,职位 E.g.(1) I’m currently looking for a position somewhere new . (2)They’ve offered me a position starting next January . In a heartbeat . (片中) ◆in a heartbeat . 马上,立刻 E.g.(1)I’d leave in a heartbeat if I had any money . (2)I’ll arrive in a heartbeat . IV. Movie Tunes 选自《蔬菜宝贝历险记》插曲《Jonah》 Action English(347) II.American Slang 选自《狮子王2》 A chip off the old block .(片中) ◆a chip off the old block    某人是父母的一个翻版 E.g.My mother and I are very alike .I am a chip off the old block . III. Classic Movie Clips You know she’s run off . (片中) ◆run off    闪了,突然离开 E.g.Why did you run off in the middle of the movie ?    ------I wasn’t feeling well so I went home . You know better than to go off for alone .(片中) ◆to know better than to do something    你应该很清楚不应该怎么样 E.g.A strange man was following me when I was walking home last night .    ------You should know better than to walk alone at night . IV.Movie Tunes 选自《美国派》插曲《You Were Right》 Action English(348) II.American Slang 选自《狮子王2》 That was a close one .(片中) ◆a close one /a close call    差一点就发生危险了,一件很悬的事情 E.g.(1)I had a close call on my way to work .A car hit my bike but I didn’t fall . (2)I passed my exam by one point .It was a close one . III. Classic Movie Clips Hush .(片中) ◆hush    静一点 E.g.(1)Hush ,Mom and Dad are sleeping ! (2)Hush ,The movie is starting . That kind of works for me .(片中) ◆works for somebody .   对某人很合适 E.g.(1)Is it Ok to change the meeting to next week ?       ------Works for me . (2)It’s very easy to make plans with Henry .Everything works for him . IV.Movie Tunes 选自《美国婚礼》插曲《Maniac》 Action English(349) ◆AMERICAN SLANG  美国俚语- Lynn   from 《狮子王2》 head in the clouds 头脑不太清楚 例:Amy wants to buy a car for $500 dollars .she has her head in the clouds. The car is much more expensive than that. 例:A: I’d like to climb to the top of Mount Everest.     B: You have your head in the clouds. Only expert hikers can do that. ◆ CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 heck of sth  非常(不正式,口语用) 例:My office is a heck of a long way from my house. If takes me 2 hours to get there. 例:Joey always makes me laugh .he’s heck of a funny guy. Smorgasbord (源于瑞士语)很多种类 例:We have a smorgasbord of drinks: beer, wine, cocktails, tea and juice. What would you like? 例:I cant decide on a major. I’m interested in a smorgasbord of subjects. Action English(350) II.American Slang 选自《G型神探》 You want me to ask off .(片中) ◆ask off    请假 E.g.(1)I want to ask off for my birthday this year . (2)Are you going to the soccer game this afternoon ?    ------No ,I asked off ,but my boss said he needs me in the office . III. Classic Movie Clips Like a geek from Kansas .(片中) ◆geek    书呆子 E.g.(1)My brother is such a geek .He always wears clothes that make him look like a little boy . (2)Bill Gates was a computer geek in college ,but now he’s a billionaire . I really think it’s gonna pay off .(片中) ◆pay off    有回报,收获 E.g.(1)College students always hope that their studying will pay off someday . (2)Learning a foreign language can be very frustrating ,but it pays off . IV.Movie Tunes 选自《沉睡野人》主题曲《Reality Used to Be》
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