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孙远gre作文(完整版)pdf GRE 作文 孙远 superwriter2000.vip.sina.com 第一天 6.17 两篇作文: 一、 Analysis of an Issue (perspective 观点 ) 分析要 evidence reasoning , objective 二、二者择其一 Take a position and supported 立论,确定立场并支持 Analysis of an argument => critique your argument 批判、批驳 要求: 1.artic...

GRE 作文 孙远 superwriter2000.vip.sina.com 第一天 6.17 两篇作文: 一、 Analysis of an Issue (perspective 观点 ) 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 要 evidence reasoning , objective 二、二者择其一 Take a position and supported 立论,确定立场并支持 Analysis of an argument => critique your argument 批判、批驳 要求: 1.articulately express your idea clearly and complicatedly 2.examine claims and company evidence 3.support idea with relevant examples 4.sustain a well focus coherent discussions 5.control the element of standard of English 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 库:共 249 题 安排: 1-3 讲 argument 4-6 讲 Issue 侧重 analytical thinking, 语言次之 4 分够用, 5 分有竞争优势 [Argument] ---- 策略: 1. 掌握分析技巧 2. 掌握开头和结尾的 module 3. 准备每道题的提纲 (chance favors only the prepared minds ) 4. 学用一些闪光句型 5. 熟读 argument 题目 ---- 审题: 论述包括: 论点 claim (信号词: therefore,so,thus,consequently ) 支持 support ---- evidence: examples,facts,statistics,authorities -----reasons: assumptions, values,beliefs ----验证逻辑 critique logic survey ----quantity , quality(random) 包括 1.分组 group 分为几个 sub group 2.pecentage of each sub 3.select sample 取样 procedure 有没有 sample 或人被排除在外 how large was the sample ? Are the statistics complete ? Different: Do the statistics make a difference ? 数据重要么? 闪光句型: 1. the assumption that ⋯ is open to doubt/ unreliable /unfounded / groundless / unwarranted 2. the arguer commits a fallacy of ⋯ 3. the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between A and B 4. the result of the survey lacks credibility and therefore does not lend strong support to the arguer ’s assumption. 5. the arguer fails to convince us that ⋯ contribute to / lead to / result in ⋯ 6. the comparison between A and B is incomplete 7. it is possible / likely that ⋯ 第二天 6.19 一、写作 步骤 新产品开发流程的步骤课题研究的五个步骤成本核算步骤微型课题研究步骤数控铣床操作步骤 : 1. skim the question and write the introduction 2. input the topic sentence. 找出问题所在,一个问题一句话 3. develop the body paragraphs one by one. 逐一展开问题段落,按重要性递 减的规律展开 4. conclusion (略) 5. checking 二、开头段的写作: 找出原论证的结论或主张,指出原论证的论据和假设,指出原论证的逻辑错误。 忠实的保留原始信息。 用自己的词保留原始信息。 In this argument / analysis, the arguer concludes / claims that ⋯ ..To support / justify the conclusion , the arguer points out / provides the evidence that ⋯and that ⋯ In addition , the arguer reasons ( 推理 ) that ⋯ .. This argument suffers from several critical fallacies / flaws. 三、 SURVEY 问题: 1. vague => misleading (majority, percent, base number, few, many) 2. question: what questions will ask in the survey? Loaded questions 有误导性的问题 3. Who 4. Average 平均数不适合于每个成员 5. Confusing causal relationship with correlation 混淆因果关系与相关性 Every causal relationship implies a correlation, but the statistical correlation does not necessarily implies a causal relation. 6. When was the survey conducted? 7. Are respondents ( 授调查者 ) being forthright ( 直率,说真话 ) ? Image men / essence men 闪光句型 : 1. the arguer over simplifies the issue of ⋯ 2. the arguer unfairly assumes that ⋯ 3. the arguer fails take into account other factors that ⋯ 4. the procedure of the survey might be problematic. 第三天 6.21 正文写作 一、 段数量: 2~4 段之间,一段含 4~8 个句子 二、 TOPIC SENTENCE 内参 4 页 三、 过渡句,承上启下 first ⋯ second ⋯ . Third ⋯ . In the first place ⋯ in the second place ⋯ last but not least ⋯ The major problem with this argument is that ⋯ Another problem that weakens/ undermines ( 削弱 ) the logic of this argument is that ⋯ Before I come to my conclusion, it is necessary to point out another flaw (several other flaws) that undermines the argument. 四、 攻击的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 : 例证法: for example / instance 假设法: if, even if , given that ( 考虑到 ) ,granted that ( 姑且承认 ) only when (只有当 ) ,unless , in this / that case , even so Unless the arguer provides substantial evidence regarding / concerning / as to ⋯ , the assumption that ⋯ is unfounded / problematic / unconvincing ⋯ 推测法: it is possible that ⋯ , it is equally possible that ⋯ , another possibility is that ⋯ , it is also likely that ⋯ possibly , perhaps 五、 运用闪光句型增加文采: P 88 六、 数据的问题: 1. Begging the question 把有待证实的关键性假设当作已经成立 Circular reasoning 循环论证 P35 2 , P 44 37, P 53 73 2. Fallacy of missing evidence Hasty generalization 急于概括 Neglect a relevant evidence 忽略相关证据 P51 66 , P 48 56 3. False analogy 只看到 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 层差异,而忽略深层差异 P63 112 , P 42 29 4. False dilemma / either or fallacy 非此即彼的错误 P59 96 , P 43 34 5. Non sequitor => non causal relationship P50 62 , P 52 70 闪光句型 : In the absence of all this information, it is impossible for us to evaluate ⋯ that ⋯ However, the arguer fails to provide any information regarding ⋯ It is very likely that ⋯ 第四天 6.24 6. post hoc , ergo prepter hoc = after this , therefore because of this P46 47 , P 55 81 7. concurrence P 36 5 , P 50 61 8. incomplete comparison or selective comparison P54 78 9. composition and division composition: 把个体特征不恰当的移植到整体上 division: 把群体特征简单的移植到个体上 P48 55 最后段的写作: 两项任务: 1. 指出原论者未能有效的支持自己的结论 2. 指出原论者可以从正文分析的几个方面加强原论证。 针对正文几个 topic sentence 作者应在这几个方面加强 Module: p75-p79 Issue (是非问题 ) Strategy: P67 选题: 构思: brainstorm 开头:陈述问题背景,指出自己论点 正文: 2~3 段,分别支持自己立场 1. 每段要有一个主题 2. 展开论述 3. 复杂性,让步,修正 4. 使用信号词 结尾: 语言问题: check P68 Brainstorm 快速构思 1. 从大脑里调出尽可能多的相关信息 2. 充分 relax 3. 快速记忆 Issue 的典型立场 Agree P 104 3 Disagree P108 47 闪光句型 :---- 结论 1. to sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility cause the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide more evidence concerning ⋯ 2. moreover, it would be necessary for the arguer to rule out all the above-mentioned possibilities before we can better evaluate the argument. 3. As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that ⋯ 4. additionally, the arguer must provide evidence to rule out other possible causes ⋯ 5. To conclude, this argument is not persuasive as it stands. Before we accept the conclusion, the arguer must present more facts to demonstrate that ⋯ 6. To solidify the argument, the arguer would have to produce more evidence concerning ⋯ 7. In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is invalid and misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that ⋯ 8. Moreover, I would suspend ( 推迟 ) my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation until the arguer can provide concrete evidence that ⋯ 第五天 6.28 一、 Issue 的典型立场 1. Agree P 104 3 2. Disagree P108 47 3. Agree with concession P105 16 4. Disagree with concession P107 34 5. Refuse to take sides 拒绝站在任何一边 case by case attitude P 111 73 二、典型结构 typical organizations 1. I. Introducion P293 II. support1 III. support2 IV. support3 V. conclusion 句型 : In the first place / to begin with In the second place / in addition Last but not least / Moreover / furthermore / what ’s more 2. I. support1 正 P217 II. support2 正 III. concession 反 句型: In the first place ⋯ in the second place ⋯ Admittedly / however , it should be admitted (confessed) that / however, there is no denying that ⋯ 3. I. Introducion P283 II. Side A III. Side B IV. Conclusion 4. 反驳式: 逐一反驳对方理由 Refute 1 Refute 2 Refute 3 Conclusion I. Many people may sincerely believe that ⋯ , However, one does not have to go very far to see that ⋯ II. Some people may also take for granted that ( 理所当然地认 为) ⋯ Yet careful examination would review that ⋯ III. Another misconception that many people may hold is that ⋯ But what they feel notice is that ⋯ 三、开头的策略: 应能抓住读者的注意力和好奇心 注意开头明确提出主张 1. 描述背景并提出立场 P68 2. 首先陈述相冲突的观点,然后提出自己的主张 P71 3. 先用问句提出问题, 然后提出在这个问题上的典型主张 (可提可不提),最后 说自己的观点 P72 4. 讲述一段轶文( anecdote )趣事 P70 5. 先提出典型反对派立场,然后简要驳斥,最后提自己主张 P260 6. 先提出自己主张,然后简要陈述自己的基本理由 P255 闪光句型: According to the title statement, ⋯ while I agree that ⋯ I insist that ⋯ / it is natural that ⋯ It is natural that people may disagree over such a controversial issue due to their different experiences and values. On balance , I an inclined to support (<-> oppose ) the idea that .. There is a growing public concern over the issue of ⋯ The speaker in the title statement advocates that ⋯ . In the last analysis, I argue that ⋯ 四、 how to support your claim 正文论证 1. inductive reasoning 逻辑推理 具体 一般 1) facts and examples: P282 P 219 句型: For example / instance, To illustrate , As an illustration. There is evidence that ⋯ 2) statistics : P 98-100 3) authorities or quotations : 句型: Professor / or ⋯ , a well-known / influential scholar of ⋯ In china said , “⋯ ” 第六天 7.1 四、 how to support your claim 正文论证 4)anecdotes, cases, stories P256 句型: a case in point is ⋯ ABC serves as a typical example. 5) Personal experience P192 6) Scenarios 假设 可能发生的事情,可作为一种依据 P70 Imagine / Suppose that ⋯ 7) Analogy P269 句型: similarly , likewise , in the same way / manner 2. Deductive Reasoning 演绎推理 P30 P6 内参 五、结尾段的写作: 1. restate your position P71 句型: P101 2. restate your position and summarize your reasons P285 3. restate your position and extand your argument 建议,号召,展望 P70. 72. 73 句型: In conclusion, I hold that ⋯ not only because that ⋯, but also because ⋯ 语言方面技巧: 1. 使用高分词汇 情态动词: could, would, might, can, may, will 程度副词: 肯 定 certainly, naturally, obviously, understandably, undoubtedly, plainly 可能性 possibly, probably, potentially, likely, presumably. 信号词: P155 分析性词汇: in the case, given that ( 考虑到 ⋯ ), granted that ( 姑且承认 ), actually, as a matter of fact, admittedly, to some extent, in a sense, in the last analysis, on balance. 2. 正规语言与非正规 P161 3. 句式的变化 P170 1) 使用不同的句子结构 2) 变换相邻句子的开头结构 4. 复杂句式 P6 内参 备考建议 1. 熟悉每道题及其提纲 充实论据(讨论、看书、工具箱) ,补充或重写 2. 背诵——工具箱 3. 模拟训练 issue, argument 各写 20 篇 如有错误或最新的变动, please inform to Jassonw@sina.com
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