首页 91-08上海外国语大学英汉互译试卷以及答案



91-08上海外国语大学英汉互译试卷以及答案上海外国语大学1991年攻读硕士学位研究生考试试卷 考试科目:翻译与现代汉语 I. Translate the following passage into Chinese.(25%) Thus far, our holiday has been simply a friendly sign of the survival of the love of letters amongst a people too busy to give to letters any more. As such it is pr...

上海外国语大学1991年攻读硕士学位研究生考试试卷 考试科目:翻译与现代汉语 I. Translate the following passage into Chinese.(25%) Thus far, our holiday has been simply a friendly sign of the survival of the love of letters amongst a people too busy to give to letters any more. As such it is precious as the sign of an indestructible instinct. Perhaps the time is already come when it ought to be, and will be, something else; when the sluggard intellect of this continent will look from under its iron lids and fill the postponed expectation of the world with something better than the exertions of mechanical skill. Our day of dependence, our long apprenticeship to the learning of other lands, draws to a close. The millions that around us are rushing into life, cannot always be fed on the mere remains of foreign harvests. Events, actions arise, that must be sung, that will sing themselves. Who can doubt that poetry will revive lead in a new age, as the star in the constellation Harp, which now flames in our zenith, astronomers announce, shall one day be the polestar for a thousand years? (Excerpted from The American Scholar by R.W. Emerson) II. Translate the following passage into English.(25%) 海风微微的吹过岛上,白日里剩下的热气全吹走了。夜晚是很静寂的。全个岛落在一层柔软的黑暗的网里。只有深蓝色的天空中闪烁着无数的明星,这里的星似乎比在别的地方都明亮。人们常常这样说:白天的太阳使这个岛特别明亮,夜里是星子使这个岛特别灿烂。 灯光渐次的灭了。一些建筑稀落的耸立在黑暗里,被茂盛的树木掩盖着。路是几条螺旋形的山路,交缠着,从岩石般的山顶蜿蜒的伸下来,到了下面便是比较热闹的街市,这时沿街的商店已经大半关了门。路再伸过去,那外面一层,靠着码头一带,便是几家旅馆,都是些三层的楼房,从这些新式窗户里射出来较多的灯光在海面上。 上海外国语大学 1997年攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题 英语语言文学专业 考试科目:翻译 I. Translate the following passage into Chinese.(25%) To a professional critic (I have been one myself) theatre-going is the curse of Adam. The play is the evil he is paid to endure in the sweat of his brow, and the sooner it is over, the better. This would seem to place him in irreconcilable opposition to the paying playgoer, from whose point of view the longer the play, the more entertainment he gets for his money. It does in fact so place him, especially in the provinces, where the playgoer goes to the theatre for the sake of the play solely, and insists to effectively on a certain number of hours’ entertainment that touring managers are sometimes seriously embarrassed by the brevity of the London plays they have to deal in. For in London the critics are reinforced by a considerable body of person who go to the theatre as many others go to church, to display their best clothes and compare them with other people’s; to be in the fashion, and have something to talk about at dinner parties; to adore a pet performer; to pass the evening anywhere rather than at home; in short, for any or every reason except interest in dramatic art as such. In fashionable centers the number of irreligious people who go to church, of unmusical people who go to concerts and operas, and of undramatic people who go to the theatre, is so prodigious that sermons have been cut down to ten minutes and plays to two hours; and, even at that, congregations sit longing for the benediction and audiences for the final curtain, so that they may get away to the lunch or supper they really crave for, after arriving as late as late as (or later than) the hour of beginning can possibly be made for them. Thus from the stalls and in the Press an atmosphere of hypocrisy spreads. Nobody says straight out that genuine drama is a tedious nuisance, and that to ask people to endure more than two hours of it (with two long intervals of reliet) is an intolerable imposition. II. Translate the following passage into English.(25%) 这几天心里颇不宁静。今晚在院子里坐着乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,在这满月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。月亮渐渐地升高了,墙外马路上孩子们的欢笑,已经听不见了;妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌。我悄悄地披了大衫,带上门出去。 沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。荷塘四面,长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的。路的一旁,是些杨柳,和一些不知道名字的树。没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。 路上只我一个人,背着手踱着。这一片天地好像是我的;我也像超出了平常的自己,到了另一世界里。我爱热闹,也爱冷静;爱群居,也爱独处。像今晚上,一个人在这苍茫的月下,什么都可以想,什么都可以不想,便觉是个自由的人。白天里一定要做的事,一定要说的话,现在都可不理。这是独处的妙处,我且受用这无边的荷香月色好了。 上海外国语大学 1999攻读硕士研究生入学考试 翻译与现代汉语试卷 (三小时内完成) 1. Translate the following into Chinese(25%) At this last presidential inauguration of the 20th century, let us lift our eyes toward the challenges that await us in the next century. It is our great good fortune that time and chance have put us not only at the edge of a new century, in a new millennium, but on the edge of a bright new prospect in human affairs -- a moment that will define our course, and our character, for decades to come. We must keep our old democracy forever young. Guided by the ancient vision of a promised land, let us set our sights upon a land of new promise. The promise of America was born in the 18th century out of the bold conviction that we are all created equal. It was extended and preserved in the 19th century, when our nation spread across the continent, saved the union, and abolished the awful scourge of slavery. Then, in turmoil and triumph, that promise exploded onto the world stage to make this the American Century. And what a century it has been. America became the world's mightiest industrial power; saved the world from tyranny in two world wars and a long cold war; and time and again, reached out across the globe to millions who, like us, longed for the blessings of liberty. Along the way, Americans produced a great middle class and security in old age; built unrivaled centers of learning and opened public schools to all; split the atom and explored the heavens; invented the computer and the microchip; and deepened the wellspring of justice by making a revolution in civil rights for African Americans and all minorities, and extending the circle of citizenship, opportunity and dignity to women. Now, for the third time, a new century is upon us, and another time to choose. We began the 19th century with a choice, to spread our nation from coast to coast. We began the 20th century with a choice, to harness the Industrial Revolution to our values of free enterprise, conservation, and human decency. Those choices made all the difference. At the dawn of the 21st century a free people must now choose to shape the forces of the Information Age and the global society, to unleash the limitless potential of all our people, and, yes, to form a more perfect union. 2. Translate the following into English(25%) 要全面认识公有制经济的含义,公有制经济不仅包括国有经济和集体经济,还包括混合所有制经济中的国有成分和集体成分。公有制的主体地位主要体现在,公有资产在社会总资产中占优势:国有经济控制国民经济命脉,对经济发展起主导作用。这是就全国而言,有的地方,有的产业可以有所差别。公有资产占优势,要有量的优势,更要注重质的提高。只要坚持公有制为主体,国家控制国民经济命脉,国有经济的控制力和竞争力得到加强,在这个前提下,国有经济比重减少一些,不会影响我国的社会主义性质。 集体所有制经济是公有制经济的重要组成部分。集体经济可以体现共同致富原则,可以广泛吸收社会分散资金,缓解就业压力,增加公共积累和国家税收。要支持、鼓励和帮助城乡多种形式集体经济的发展。这对发挥公有制经济的主体作用意义重大。 上海外国语大学2000攻读硕士研究生入学考试 英语语言文学专业翻译试卷 (三小时内完成) 1. Translate the following into Chinese(50%) It is simple enough to say that since books have classes —— fiction, biography, poetry —— we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow-worker and accomplice. If you hang back, and reserve and criticise at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being nulike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite. The thirty-two chapters of a novel —— if we consider how to read a novel first —— are an attempt to make something as formed and controlled as a building: but words are more impalpable than bricks; reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing. Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words. Recall, then, some event that has left a distinct impression on you —— how at the corner of the street, perhaps, you passed two people talking. A tree shook; an electric light danced; the tone of the talk was comic, but also tragic; a whole vision, an entire conception, seemed contained in that moment. 2. Translate the following into English(50%) 我们必须从理论上搞懂,资本主义与社会主义的区分不在于是计划还是市场这样的问题。社会主义也有市场经济,资本主义也有计划控制。不要以为搞点市场经济就是资本主义道路,没有那么回事。计划和市场都得要。不搞市场,连世界上的信息都不知道,是自甘落后。 不要怕冒一点风险。我们已经形成了一种能力,承担风险的能力。为什么这次治理通货膨胀能够见效这么快,而且市场没有受多大影响,货币也没有受多大影响?原因就是有这十一二年改革开放的基础。改革开放越前进,承担和抵抗风险的能力就越强。我们处理问题,要完全没有风险不可能,冒点风险不怕。 沿海如何帮助内地,这是一个大问题。可以由沿海一个省包内地一个省或两个省,也不要一下子负担太重,开始时可以做某些技术转让。共同致富,我们从改革一开始就讲,将来总有一天要成为中心课题。社会主义不是少数人富起来、大多数人穷,不是那个样子。社会主义最大的优越性就是共同富裕,这是体现社会主义本质的一个东西。如果搞两极分化,情况就不同了,民族矛盾、区域间矛盾、阶级矛盾都会发展,相应地中央和地方的矛盾也会发展,就可能出乱子。 上海外国语大学2001攻读硕士研究生入学考试 英语语言文学专业翻译试卷 (三小时内完成) 1. Translate the following into English(50%) 中国是世界上历史最悠久的国家之一。中国各族人民共同创造了光辉灿烂的文化,具有 光荣的革命传统。 一八四〇年以后,封建的中国逐渐变成半殖民地、半封建的国家。中国人民为国家独立、民族解放和民主自由进行了前仆后继的英勇奋斗。 二十世纪,中国发生了翻天覆地的伟大历史变革。 一九一一年孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命,废除了封建帝制,创立了中华民国。但是,中国人民反对帝国主义和封建主义的历史任务还没有完成。 一九四九年,以毛泽东主席为领袖的中国共产党领导中国各族人民,在经历了长期的艰难曲折的武装斗争和其他形式的斗争以后,终于推翻了帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治,取得了新民主主义革命的伟大胜利,建立了中华人民共和国。从此,中国人民掌握了国家的权力,成为国家的主人。 中华人民共和国成立以后,我国社会逐步实现了由新民主主义到社会主义的过渡。生产资料私有制的社会主义改造已经完成,人剥削人的制度已经消灭,社会主义制度已经确立。工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政,实质上即无产阶级专政,得到巩固和发展。中国人民和中国人民解放军战胜了帝国主义、霸权主义的侵略、破坏和武装挑衅,维护了国家的独立和安全,增强了国防。经济建设取得了重大的成就,独立的、比较完整的社会主义工业体系已经基本形成,农业生产显著提高。教育、科学、文化等事业有了很大的发展,社会主义思想教育取得了明显的成效。广大人民的生活有了较大的改善。中国新民主主义革命的胜利和社会主义事业的成就,是中国共产党领导中国各族人民,在马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想的指引下,坚持真理,修正错误,战胜许多艰难险阻而取得的。我国将长期处于社会主义初级阶段。国家的根本任务是,沿着中国特色社会主义道路,集中力量进行社会主义现代化建设。中国各族人民将继续在中国共产党领导下,在马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ”重要思想指引下,坚持人民民主专政,坚持社会主义道路,坚持改革开放,不断完善社会主义的各项制度,发展社会主义市场经济,发展社会主义民主,健全社会主义法制,自力更生,艰苦奋斗,逐步实现工业、农业、国防和科学技术的现代化,推动物质文明、政治文明和精神文明协调发展,把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义国家。 在我国,剥削阶级作为阶级已经消灭,但是阶级斗争还将在一定范围内长期存在。中国人民对敌视和破坏我国社会主义制度的国内外的敌对势力和敌对分子,必须进行斗争。 台湾是中华人民共和国的神圣领土的一部分。完成统一祖国的大业是包括台湾同胞在内的全中国人民的神圣 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 。 2. Translate the following into Chinese(50%) A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men. A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness, amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age. Men often discover their affinity to each other by the love they have each for a book. The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together and he, in them. A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man's life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters. Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author's minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good. Books introduce us into the best society, they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe. The great and good do not die even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which one still listens. Hence we ever remain under the influence of the great men of old. The imperial intellects of the world are as much alive now as they were ages ago. 上海外国语大学 2002攻读硕士研究生入学考试 英语语言文学专业翻译试卷 1. Translate the following into English(50%) 发展社会主义文化的根本任务,是培养一代又一代有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民。要坚持以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人。坚持和巩固马克思主义的指导地位,帮助人们树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,坚定对马克思主义的信仰、坚定对社会主义的信念、增强对改革开放和现代化建设的信心、增强对党和政府的信任,增强自立意识、竞争意识、效率意识、民主法制意识和开拓创新精神。坚持实施科教兴国战略,进一步普及教育,提高教育素质和全社会的教育水平;大力发展科学文化事业。加强科学知识、科学 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 、科学思想、科学精神的宣传教育。唱响社会主义文化的主旋律,坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务,实行百花齐放、百家争鸣,是发展先进文化必须贯彻的重要方针。要努力掌握和发展各种现代传播手段,积极推动先进文化的传播。 加强社会主义思想道德建设,是发展先进文化的重要内容和中心环节。必须认识到,如果只讲物质利益,只讲金钱,不讲理想,不讲道德,人们就会失去共同的奋斗目标,失去行为的正确规范。要把依法治国同以德治国结合起来,为社会保持良好的秩序和风尚营造高尚的思想道德基础。要在全社会倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义等腐朽思想,增强全国人民的民族自尊心、自信心、自豪感,激励他们为振兴中华而不懈奋斗。 2. Translate the following into Chinese(50%) Journey into old age On a May morning in 1979, I opened the door of my New York City apartment and stepped nervously into the hall. As an 85-year-old woman, I was apprehensive. I extended my cane, feeling carefully for the first step of the stairs. My legs strained awkwardly. One step…two…three…breathe hard against the wall to catch my breath. So far, so good, I said to myself. And then I stopped. Was I overdoing it? Would I really get away with this act? For I wasn’t really 85. Underneath the trappings of my aged body was the real me, a 26-year-old woman. I was pretending to be so much older because I wanted to find out what it is like to be elderly, and to discover firsthand the problems faced by the elderly. As a start I learned how to “age” myself—a complicated procedure requiring four hours. With latex foam giving my face its folds and wrinkles, a heavy fabric binding my body, and an gray wig on my head, I became 60 years older and ready to set forth on my grand adventure. My destination that first day was a conference ageing in Columbus, Ohio. Out on the street I tried to signal a cab for the airport. Taxi after taxi flashed past, all empty. Did they feel that old ladies don’t tip well? Finally one stopped. At the airline ticket counter, I found myself in a line of young business man. “Good morning, sir !” the agent exclaimed brightly to each one. “Have a pleasant trip.” When old-lady-me peered up at him through thick spectacles, however, all I got was a look at my ticker, a mutter of “Columbus” and an abrupt “Next.” The whole purpose of the conference, attended mostly by young professional, was to study the problems of the elderly. Yet, incredibly, the participants seemed to ignore the only “old lady” in their midst. When one of the young males offered coffee to a group of women, I found myself thinking, What about me? If I were young, he would offer me coffee too. By day’s end, I was angry. I had been condescended to, ignored, counted out in a way I had never known before. People, I felt, really do judge a book by its cover. The experience was repeated in my neighborhood drugstore when, as a meek and dowdy old woman, I asked for a stomach medicine. The owner merely jerked a thumb over his shoulder. ”Back there, bottom shelf.” Peering around, I quavered, “Can you help me find it?” He looked u in annoyance, walked to the shelf and pointed down. I stooped to pick up a bottle and tried to decipher the small type. “Could you please read the directions for me?” I pleaded. In irritation, he rattled them off, and them dismissed me with,”OK, that it?” I was afraid to ask him anything more. The next morning, I returned to the store as confident, 26-year-old Pat Moor. “Good morning,” the owner greeted me cheerfully. “How can we help you today?” I used exactly the same words in asking for the stomach medicine. “Oh,” he said, smiling, “it’s right over here.” Escorting me to the shelf, he kneeled down, picked up a bottle and carefully explained the directions, the sizes in which it came and the priced, Then he rang up the same and wished me a fine day. As I walked out of the store, my heart cried for the older woman. I could understand how she would become defensive and intimidated. 上海外国语大学 2003攻读硕士研究生入学考试 英语语言文学专业翻译试卷 1. Translate the following into English(75分) 丁玲幼年就领略了世态炎凉,目睹过封建社会人们悲惨的遭遇。是“五四”运动的浪潮,把她推向广阔的社会,青年时代的丁玲一步入文坛,就显露出非凡的才华。三十年代“左联”时代血与火的洗礼造就了她更坚强的性格。她曾遭受敌人的绑架囚禁,也曾活跃在西北战场的枪林弹雨中。华北农村土地改革的风浪孕育了长篇名著《太阳照在桑干河上》。新中国诞生后,她满腔热情地为繁荣社会主义文艺事业辛勤奔波。 她脚下的路过于崎岖。多次错误的批判,横空飞来的“反党”、“右派”帽子,曾严重地伤害过她。在北大荒,在狱中,在太行山,丁玲顶着巨大的压力,默默无闻地工作着,送走了二十多年宝贵的光阴。 然而,谈起往事,丁玲总是说:“我受难的时候,党和人民也在受难”,“我搜索自己的感情,实在找不到更多的抱怨。” 七十五岁时重返文坛,丁玲没有时间为自己的遭遇呻吟叹息。她就像年轻人一样急切地捧出了一枝报春的红杏——《杜晚香》,忘情地投入新的生活和创作。她奔波于大江南北,游历于欧、美、澳大陆,会见各种人,发表演说,奋笔疾 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,写散文,写评论,每年都有十多万字的新作,每年都有新书问世。晚年的丁玲,迎来了一个宝贵的创作旺盛期。她珍惜夕阳的余辉,计划在有生之年一生再写三本书:《魍魉地狱》、《在严寒的日子里》和《风雪人间》。她要把自己一生几个重要时期的经历和感受,把对人民的爱,对敌人的恨,都熔入笔端倾泻在新作中。 2. Translate the following into Chinese. (75分) What’s Your Best Time of Day? Most of us seem to reach our peak of alertness around noon. Soon after that, alterness declines, and sleepiness may set in by mid-afternoon. Your short-term memory is best during the morning —— in fact, about 15 percent more efficient than at any other time of day. So, students, take heed; when faced with a morning exam, it really does pay to review your notes right before the test is given. Long-term memory is different. Afternoon is the best time for learning material that you want to recall days, weeks or months later. Politicians, business executives or others who must learn speeches would be smart to do their memorizing during that time of day. If you are a student, you would be wise to schedule your more difficult classes in the afternoon, rather than in the morning. You should also try to do most of your studying in the afternoon, rather than late at night. Many students believe they memorize better while burning the midnight oil because their short-term recall is better during the wee hours of the morning than in the afternoon. But short-term memory won’t help them much several days later, when they face the exam. By contrast, we tend to do best on cognitive tasks —— things that require the juggling of words and figures in one’s head —— during the morning hours. This might be a good time, say, to balance a checkbook. Your manual dexterity —— the speed and coordination with which you perform complicated tasks with your hands —— peaks during the afternoon hours. Such work as carpentry, typing or sewing will be a little easier at this time of day. What about sports? During afternoon and early evening, your coordination is at its peak, and you’re able to react the quickest to an outside stimulus —— like a baseball speeding toward you at home plate. Studies have also shown that late in the day, when your body temperature is peaking, you will perceive a physical workout to be easier and less fatiguing —— whether it actually is or not. That means you are more likely to work harder during a late afternoon or early evening workout, and therefore benefit more from it. Studies involving swimmers, runners, short-putters and rowing crews have shown consistently that performance is better in the evening than in the morning. In fact, all of your senses —— taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell —— may be at their keenest during late afternoon and early evening. That could be why dinner usually tastes better to us than breakfast and why night lights irritate us. Even our perception of time changes from hour to hour. Not only does time seem to fly when you’re having fun, but it also seems to fly even faster if you are having that fun in the late afternoon or early evening, when your body temperature is also peaking.. While all of us follow the same general pattern of ups and downs, the exact timing varies from person to person. It all depends on how your “biological” day is structured —— how much of a morning or night person you are. The earlier your biological day gets going, the earlier you are likely to enter —— and exit —— the peak times for performing various tasks. An extreme morning person and an extreme night person may have circadian cycles that are a few hours apart. Each of us can increase our knowledge about our individual rhythms. Learn how to listen to the inner beats of your body; let them set the pace of your day. You will live a healthier —— and happier —— life. 上海外国语大学 2005攻读硕士研究生入学考试 英语语言文学专业翻译试卷 (180分钟,总分150分) 1. Translate the following into English(75分) 孔子曰:“三人行,则必有我师。”老师和学生并没有什么不可逾越的界限。在这门知识上老师高于学生,在另一门知识上,学生也可能高于老师;今天老师高于学生,明天学生可能高过老师。这也是辩证法,对立面的统一。 礼记的《学记》有一段著名的话,意思也和这相近:“学然后知不足,教然后知困。知不足,然后能自反也。知困,然后能自强也。故曰:教学相长也。” 这就是在今天说来,也还是颠扑不破的。 “教育者必先受教育”,这个道理说来很浅显,但是人们在实际生活中却很不容易承认。特别是当老师当久了的人,就很不容易接受这个辩证法。老师们不容易接受这个道理,倒也事出有因。“弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子”,虽是封建思想的代表者韩愈所提出来的一个观点,但是在封建时代却并不通入。正好相反,“天地君亲师”,在封建时代,老师是同“天地君亲”在一起,居高临下。老师毕竟是老师,师道尊严,神圣不可侵犯。这个观点相沿成习。 新的师生关系,是“不耻相师”,彼此平等,不分尊卑,真正是“道之所存,师之所存”,谁有学问谁就是老师。圣人无常师,师亦无常道,就是当老师的并不经常等于真理。一个当老师的人,既要勇于坚持自己的真理,又要勇于承认自己的非真理,同学生们一道来为科学真理奋斗。 2. Translate the following into Chinese(75分) Outside my window the night is struggling to wake; in the moonlight, the blinded garden dreams so vividly of its lost colours. The white-washed wall is brilliant against the dark-blue sky. The white walls of the house coldly reverberate the lunar radiance. The moon is full. The moon is a stone; but it is a highly numinous stone. Or, to be more precise, it is a stone about which and because of which men and women have numinous feelings. Thus, there is a soft moonlight that can give us the peace that passes understanding. There is a moonlight that inspires a kind of awe. There is a cold and austere moonlight that tells the soul of its loneliness and desperate isolation, its insignificance or its uncleanness. There is an amorous moonlight prompting to love - to love not only for an individual but sometimes even for the whole universe. But the moon shines on the body as well as, through the windows of the eyes, within the mind. It affects the soul directly; but it can affect it also by obscure and circuitous ways - through the blood. Half the human race lives in manifest obedience to the lunar rhythm; and there is evidence to show that the physiological and therefore the spiritual life, not only of women, but of men too, mysteriously ebbs and flows with the changes of the moon. There are unreasoned joys, inexplicable miseries, laughters and remorses without a cause. Their sudden and fantastic alternations constitute the ordinary weather of our minds. These moods, are the children of the blood and humours. But the blood and humours obey, among many other masters, the changing moon. Touching the soul directly through the eyes and, indirectly, along the dark channels of the blood, the moon is doubly a divinity. Even if we think of the moon as only a stone, we shall find its very stoniness potentially a numen. A stone gone cold. An airless, waterless stone and the prophetic image of our own earth when, some few million years from now, the senescent sun shall have lost its present fostering power.... And so on. This passage could easily be prolonged-a Study in Purple. But I forbear. Let every reader lay on as much of the royal rhetorical colour as he finds to his taste. Anyhow, purple or no purple, there the stone is-stony. You cannot think about it for long without finding, yourself invaded by one or other of several essentially numinous sentiments. These sentiments belong to one or other of two contrasted and complementary groups Sentiments of Human Insignificance Sentiments of Human Greatness. 上海外国语大学 2006攻读硕士研究生入学考试 英语语言文学专业翻译试卷 1.Translate the following into English(75分) 我们搭小火轮去广州。晚上十点钟离开香港。 开船的时候,朋友A在舱外唤我。我走出舱去,便听见A说:“香港的夜是很美丽的,你不可不看。” 我站在舱外,身子靠着栏杆,望着那渐渐退去的香港。 海是黑的,天也是黑的。天上有些星子,但大半都不明亮。只有对面的香港成了万颗星点的聚合。 山上有灯,街市上有灯,建筑物上有灯。每一盏灯就像一颗星,在我的肉眼里它比星子更明亮,更光辉。它们密密麻麻的排列着,像是一座星的山,放射着万丈光芒的星的山。 夜是静寂的,柔和的。从对面我听不见一点声音。香港似乎闭了它的大口。但是当我注意到那一座光芒万丈的星的山的时候,我又仿佛听见那许多灯光的私语了。因为船的移动,灯光也似乎移动起来。而且电车汽车上的灯也在飞跑。我看见它们时明时暗,就像人在眨眼,或者像他们在追逐,在说话。我的视觉和听觉混合起来。我仿佛造用眼睛听了。那一座星的山并不是沉默的,在那里正奏着伟大的交响乐。 我差不多到了忘我的境界……. 船似乎在转弯。星的山愈过愈变得窄小了。但我的眼里还留着一片金光,还响着那美丽的交响乐。 2.Translate the following into Chinese(75分) The fact is that, as a writer, Faulkner is no more interested in solving problems than he is tempted to indulge in sociological comments on the sudden changes in the economic position of the southern states. The defeat and the consequences of defeat are merely the soil out of which his epics grow. He is not fascinated by men as a community but by man in the community, the individual as a final unity in himself, curiously unmoved by external conditions. The tragedies of these individuals have nothing in common with Greek tragedy: they are led to their inexorable end by passions caused by inheritance, traditions, and environment, passions which are expressed either in a sudden outburst or in a slow liberation from perhaps generations-old restrictions. With almost every new work Faulkner penetrates deeper into the human psyche, into man's greatness and powers of self-sacrifice, lust for power, cupidity, spiritual poverty, narrow-mindedness, burlesque obstinacy, anguish, terror, and degenerate aberrations. As a probing psychologist he is the unrivalled master among all living British and American novelists. Neither do any of his colleagues possess his fantastic imaginative powers and his ability to create characters. His subhuman and superhuman figures, tragic or comic in a macabre way, emerge from his mind with a reality that few existing people - even those nearest to us - can give us, and they move in a milieu whose odours of subtropical plants, ladies’perfumes, Negro sweat, and the smell of horses and mules penetrate immediately even into a Scandinavian’s warm and cosy den. As a painter of landscapes he has the hunter's intimate knowledge of his own hunting-ground, the topographer’s accuracy, and the impressionist’s sensitivity. Moreover—side by side with Joyce and perhaps even more so—Faulkner is the great experimentalist among twentieth-century novelists. Scarcely two of his novels are similar technically. It seems as if by this continuous renewal he wanted to achieve the increased breadth which his limited world, both in geography and in subject matter, cannot give him. 上海外国语大学 2007攻读硕士研究生入学考试 英语语言文学专业翻译试卷 (180分钟,总分150分) 1.Translate the following into English(75分) 我是个最喜欢在十丈红尘里奔走道路的人。我现在每天在路上的时间差不多总在两点钟以上,这是已经有好几月了,我却一点也不生厌,天天走上电车,老是好像开始蜜月旅行一样。电车上和道路上的人们彼此多半是不相识的,所以大家都不大拿出假面孔来,比不得讲堂里,宴会上,衙门里的人们那样彼此拼命地一味敷衍。公园,影戏院,游戏场,馆子里面的来客个个都是眉花眼笑的,最少也装出那么样子,墓地,法庭,医院,药店的主顾全是眉头皱了几十纹的,这两下都未免太单调了,使我们感到人世的平庸无味。车子里面和路上的人们却具有万般色相,你坐在车里,可要从睁大眼睛不停地观察了卅分钟,你差不多可以在所见的人们脸上看出人世一切的苦乐感觉同人心的种种情调。你坐在位子上默默地鉴赏,同车的客人们老实地让你从他们的形色举止上去推测他们的生平同当下的心境,外面的行人一一现你眼前,你尽可恣意瞧着,他们并不会晓得,而且他们是这么不断地接连走过,你很可以拿他们来彼此比较,这种普通人的行列的确是比什么赛会都有趣得多,路上源源不绝的行人可说是上帝设计的赛会,当然胜过了我们佳节时红红绿绿的玩意儿了。 并且在路途中我们的心境是最宜于静观的,最能吸收外界的刺激的。我们通常总是干事,正经事也好,歪事也好,我们的注意免不了特别集中在一点上,只有路途中,尤其走熟了的长路,在未到目的地以前,我们的方寸是悠然的,不专注于一物,却是无所不留神的,在匆匆忙忙的一生里,我们此时才得好好地看一看人生的真况。所以无论从那一方面说起,途中是认识人生最方便的地方。车中,船上同人行道可说是人生博览会的三张入场券,可惜许多人把它们当做废纸,空走了一生的路。 2.Translate the following into Chinese(75分) It is curious that our own offenses should seem so much less heinous than the offenses of others. I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others. We turn our attention away from our own defects, and when we are forced by untoward events to consider them, find it easy to condone them. For all I know we are right to do this; they are part of us and we must accept the good and bad in ourselves together. But when we come to judge others, it is not by ourselves as we really are that we judge them, but by an image that we have formed of ourselves from which we have left our everything that offends our vanity or would discredit us in the eyes of the world. To take a trivial instance: how scornful we are when we catch someone out telling a lie; but who can say that he has never told not one, but a hundred? There is not much to choose between men. They are all a hotchpotch of greatness and littleness, of virtue and vice, of nobility and baseness. Some have more strength of character, or more opportunity, and so in one direction or another give their instincts freer play, but potentially they are the same. For my part, I do not think I am any better or any worse than most people, but I know that if I set down every action in my life and every thought that has crossed my mind, the world would consider me a monster of depravity. The knowledge that these reveries are common to all men should inspire one with tolerance to oneself as well as to others. It is well also if they enable us to look upon our felllows, even the most eminent and respectable, with humor, and if they lead us to take ourselves not too seriously. 上海外国语大学 2008攻读硕士研究生入学考试 英语语言文学专业翻译试卷 (180分钟,总分150分) 1.Translate the following into English(75分) 千万不要被“忽悠”了 ——谨防新时期的“糖衣炮弹” 去年,美国时任财政部长的汉克·保尔森曾恭维中国说,“中国已经是全球经济领袖之一”。此后,美英两国媒体在这方面做了不少文章。美国《时代》周刊在年初一期杂志的封面以显赫的大字宣称:“中国:一个新王朝的开始”。2007年1月,英国伦敦皇家国际问题研究所所长维克托·托马斯意味深长地发表文章,提醒世界注意:《2020年,世界将有中美两个超级大国》,而且要求中国同美国一样,“把责任扩大到整个地球”。5月下旬,美国一些媒体大量报道“美国世界意见调查机构”最近对十几个国家进行的所谓“世界民意调查”,认为“中国经济将超过美国”,而且说得有鼻子有眼,时间大概就在2020年;并挑逗中国人说,你们怎么“对自己的经济还没有美国人有信心”呢。 尤其值得注意的是,5月中旬,美国中央情报局公布了一份“世界数字”报告,按美国所谓 “实际购买力”估算,突出宣传在世界各国国内生产总值方面,中国仅排在美国之后,遥遥领先于第三的日本。报告还“分析”说,如果按2006年一年间美中两国距离缩小近3%的比例算,“中国只需要两年就能超过美国,在2009年内成为世界上实际的第一经济大国”。说得多么“有根有据”,多么娓娓动听而又发人深思! 所谓中国很快就要赶超美国的论调,实际上是新时期的一颗“糖衣炮弹”,是“中国威胁论”的变种。它一是要引起西方、特别是美国的惊恐,从根本上感到“中国的威胁”和挑战,从而动员“遏制中国的势力”。二是要刺激中国某些人的浮躁情绪和简单的“大国心态”,麻痹忧患意识。这是更阴险的一招,而且更具“魅力”。我们不能“以小人之心度君子之腹”,但也千万不要被“忽悠”了,不可不学会一点“以君子之心度小人之腹”。 2.Translate the following into Chinese(75分) A Meditation upon a Broomstick By Jonathan Swift ACCORDING TO THE STYLE AND MANNER OF THE HON. ROBERT BOYLE’S MEDITATIONS. THIS single stick, which you now behold ingloriously lying in that neglected corner, I once knew in a flourishing state in a forest. It was full of sap, full of leaves, and full of boughs; but now in vain does the busy art of man pretend to vie with nature, by tying that withered bundle of twigs to its sapless trunk; it is now at best but the reverse of what it was, a tree turned upside-down, the branches on the earth, and the root in the air; it is now handled by every dirty wench, condemned to do her drudgery, and, by a capricious kind of fate, destined to make other things clean, and be nasty itself; at length, worn to the stumps in the service of the maids, it is either thrown out of doors or condemned to the last use — of kindling a fire. When I behold this I sighed, and said within myself, “Surely mortal man is a broomstick!” Nature sent him into the world strong and lusty, in a thriving condition, wearing his own hair on his head, the proper branches of this reasoning vegetable, till the axe of intemperance has lopped off his green boughs, and left him a withered trunk; he then flies to art, and puts on a periwig, valuing himself upon an unnatural bundle of hairs, all covered with powder, that never grew on his head; but now should this our broomstick pretend to enter the scene, proud of those birchen spoils it never bore, and all covered with dust, through the sweepings of the finest lady’s chamber, we should be apt to ridicule and despise its vanity. Partial judges that we are of our own excellencies, and other men’s defaults! But a broomstick, perhaps you will say, is an emblem of a tree standing on its head; and pray what is a man but a topsy-turvy creature, his animal faculties perpetually mounted on his rational, his head where his heels should be, grovelling on the earth? And yet, with all his faults, he sets up to be a universal reformer and corrector of abuses, a remover of grievances, rakes into every slut’s corner of nature, bringing hidden corruptions to the light, and raises a mighty dust where there was none before, sharing deeply all the while in the very same pollutions he pretends to sweep away. His last days are spent in slavery to women, and generally the least deserving; till, worn to the stumps, like his brother besom, he is either kicked out of doors, or made use of to kindle flames for others to warm themselves by. 翻译 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 参考译文 上海外国语大学研究生入学考试试卷 —— 英汉互译 91英译汉参考译文 平素我们都席不暇暧,顾不上读文学作品。迄今,我们的假日就成了一个重叙文学之爱的良机。醉心文学是一种弥足珍贵的天生爱好,不该将此道弃之如敝屣。如今当这个大陆上懒惰的脑袋,要冲破窠臼,给这个世界带来一些比这种机械的老套子更为先进的样式时,这实际上也是人们期待良久的事情了,那么文学这种形式或许也该换副模样了,这个实际已告成熟。因此,我们仰人鼻息的时日,以及我们向他人学徒的漫长岁月也该画上个句号了。我们周围的万千之众都在向生活奋勇冲击,只靠异国残剩的果实是无法填饱肚皮的。大事件,大作为,此起彼伏,这些都很值得歌颂,它们自身也就是响亮的歌曲。当今天文学家们宣布,我们上空天琴座的闪烁的星斗,将来某一天,会在千余年内扮演起北极星的角色,像天琴座的星斗一样,诗歌将会复兴,并在一新的时代繁荣起来,对此,还有谁会怀疑吗? 91汉译英参考译文 The gentle sea breeze is blowing over the island and has driven away the hot air left during the day. It appears very quiet in the evening. Covered is the whole island in a soft dark net. In the blue skies, countless stars are shining. The stars here see brighter than those in other places. “The sun during the day shines on the island very brightly and stars during the night light it awfully magnificent,” often remarked people. Gradually lights have stopped brightening, some buildings stand sparsely in the dark, screened in luxuriant trees. Twined are some of the spiral mountainous roads reaching down curvingly from the top of the rocky mountains. And below is a lively city. Now most of the shops along the streets are closed. The road leads further outside where there is a harbour. And there are a couple of hotels near it. All of them are three-story buildings. Much light from their windows shines on the sea. 上海外国语大学研究生入学考试试卷 —— 英汉互译 97英译汉参考译文 对于一位职业批评家来说,(本人就是一位批评家)去剧院看戏成了一场灾难。这如同是在花费自己的血汗钱去买罪受,因此,一场戏结束得越快越好。这种观点似是将批评家同花钱看戏的人置于一种不可调和的对立状态。因为看戏的人常认为,戏越长,他花钱所得到的乐趣便越多。在有些地方,批评家确乎处于这种状态。在那里,看戏的人常是为着专门看某一场戏才去剧院,他们坚持要求那场戏要持续上几个小时。因此巡回演出的经办人时常深感窘迫,因为他们上演的伦敦戏剧都很简单。 在伦敦,如同许多人去教堂一样,也有许多人去剧院。在那里,批评家身后拥有这样一个庞大的观众团体作后盾;他们光顾剧场的目的是去炫耀自己最华丽的服装,以求和他人的服饰比个高下,力争合于时尚,俾便在宴会上也好有些谈资。他们也可能是去观赏一场宠物表演。总之,无论在什么地方打发掉一个晚上,要比待在家中更舒心。简而言之,除了对戏剧艺术本身性质素然外,他们有着五花八门的理由去消磨时光。在一些时髦的中心,那些与宗教乏缘的人款款步入教堂,毫无音乐细胞的人去听音乐会或去看歌剧,毫无戏剧细胞的人光顾剧院,这类人数量大的惊人,因此布道词要缩短到十分钟,戏剧要压缩到两小时,即便如此,这些人亦是身在教堂,心中却期盼着布道从速结束,观众们则盼着戏剧快快闭幕。这样他们可以赶快去进午餐,这才是他们真正渴望要做的事情。他们有时姗姗来迟,错过了开头,那就再重新为他们补上。 因此,从教堂到新闻界,四处弥漫着虚伪的气氛。戏剧既单调又乏味,要听众去苦熬上两个小时(当中有两次很长的休息),这简直是强人所难。但对此,谁也不愿去一语道破。 13 上海外国语大学研究生入学考试试卷 —— 英汉互译 1999英译汉参考译文 藉此二十世纪最后一届总统就职演说之际,让我们放眼远眺,迎接下个世纪我们将面临的各种挑战。很幸运的是,时间和机遇不仅将我们推到了新世纪的边缘,一个新的千年,而且将我们置身于人类事业一个崭新的、光辉的边缘——这是一个决定我们事业在未来数十年的方向和角色的时刻。我们必须使古老的民主永葆青春。在“希望之乡”这一古老憧憬的指引下,让我们将目光投向新的“希望之乡”。 美国的希望源于18世纪一个大胆的信念——所有人都是生来平等的。19世纪,这一信念得到了延伸和流传,我们国家横跨大陆,拯救了联邦,并废除了恐怖的奴隶制的蹂躏。 现在,我们第三次迎来新世纪,又一次选择的机会。19世纪初,我们选择将疆域从一个海岸扩展到另一个海岸。20世纪初,我们选择驾御工业革命来为我们的自由企业经济,环境保护以及人类尊严的价值体系服务。正是那些选择使世界的面貌完全改变。21世纪即将来临,自由的民族现在必须选择去决定信息时代和全球化社会的影响,去彻底解放整个民族的无限潜能,并建立一个更加完美的联邦。(陈相明译) 上海外国语大学研究生入学考试试卷 —— 英汉互译 2001汉译英参考译文 China is one of the countries with the longest histories in the world. The people of all nationalities in China have jointly created a splendid culture and have a glorious revolutionary tradition. Feudal China was gradually reduced after 1840 to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country. The Chinese people waged wave upon wave of heroic struggles for national independence and liberation and for democracy and freedom. Great and earth-shaking historical changes have taken place in China in the 20th century. The Revolution of 1911, led by Dr Sun Yat-sen, abolished the feudal monarchy and gave birth to the Republic of China. But the Chinese people had yet to fulfil their historical task of overthrowing imperialism and feudalism. After waging hard, protracted and tortuous struggles, armed and otherwise, the Chinese people of all nationalities led by the Communist Party of China with Chairman Mao Zedong as its leader ultimately, in 1949, overthrew the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism, won the great victory of the new-democratic revolution and founded the People's Republic of China。 Thereupon the Chinese people took state power into their own hands and became masters of the country. After the founding of the People's Republic, the transition of Chinese society from a new- democratic to a socialist society was effected step by step. The socialist transformation of the private ownership of the means of production was completed, the system of exploitation of man by man eliminated and the socialist system established. The people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants, which is in essence the dictatorship of the proletariat, has been consolidated and developed. The Chinese people and the Chinese People's Liberation Army have thwarted aggression, sabotage and armed provocations by imperialists and hegemonists,safeguarded China's national independence and security and strengthened its national defence. Major successes have been achieved in economic development. An independent and fairly comprehensive socialist system of industry has in the main been established. There has been a marked increase in agricultural production. Significantprogress has been made in educational, scientific, cultural and other undertakings, and socialist ideological education has yielded noteworthy results. The living standards of the people have improved considerably. Both the victory of China's new-democratic revolution and the successes of its socialist cause have been achieved by the Chinese people of all nationalities under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, and by upholding truth, correcting errors and overcoming numerous difficulties and hardships. The basic task of the nation in the years to come is to concentrate its effort on socialist modernization. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the guidance of Marxism- Leninism and Mao ZedongThought, the Chinese people of all nationalities will continue to adhere to the people's democratic dictatorship and follow the socialist road, steadily improve socialist institutions, develop socialist democracy, improve the socialist legal system and work hard and self-reliantly to modernize industry, agriculture, national defence and science and technology step by step to turn China into a socialist country with a high level of culture and democracy. The exploiting classes as such have been eliminated in our country. However, class struggle will continue to exist within certain limits for a long time to come. The Chinese people must fight against those forces and elements, both at home and abroad, that are hostile to China's socialist system and try to undermine it. Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China. It is the lofty duty of the entire Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan, to accomplish the great task of reunifying the motherland. In building socialism it is imperative to rely on the workers, peasants and intellectuals and unite with all the forces that can be united. In the long years of revolution and construction, there has been formed under the leadership of the Communist Party of China a broad patriotic united front that is composed of democratic parties and people's organizations and embraces all socialist working people, all patriots who support socialism and all patriots who stand for reunification of the motherland. This united front will continue to be consolidated and developed. The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is a broadly representative organization of the united front, which has played a significant historical role and will continue to do so in the political and social life of the country, in promoting friendship with the people of other countries and in the struggle for socialist modernization and for the reunification and unity of the country. The People's Republic of China is a unitary multi-national state built up jointly by the people of all its nationalities. Socialist relations of equality, unity and mutual assistance have been established among them and will continue to be strengthened. In the struggle to safeguard the unity of the nationalities, it is necessary to combat big-nation chauvinism, mainly Han chauvinism, and also necessary to combat local-national chauvinism. The state does its utmost to promote the common prosperity of all nationalities in the country. China's achievements in revolution and construction are inseparable from support by the people of the world. The future of China is closely linked with that of the whole world. China adheres to an independent foreign policy as well as to the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence in developing diplomatic relations and economic and cultural exchanges with other countries; China consistently opposes imperialism, hegemonism and colonialism, works to strengthen unity with the people of other countries, supports the oppressed nations and the developing countries in their just struggle to win and preserve national independence and develop their national economies, and strives to safeguard world peace and promote the cause of human progress. This Constitution affirms the achievements of the struggles of the Chinese people of all nationalities and defines the basic system and basic tasks of the state in legal form; it is the fundamental law of the state and has supreme legal authority. The people of all nationalities, all state organs, the armed forces, all political parties and public organizations and all enterprises and undertakings in the country must take the Constitution as the basic norm of conduct, and they have the duty to uphold the dignity of the Constitution and ensure its implementation. 上海外国语大学研究生入学考试试卷 —— 英汉互译 02汉译英参考译文 The fundamental task for developing the socialist culture lies in cultivating citizens from generation to generation who have lofty ideals, moral integrity, a better education and a good sense of discipline. We should persevere in arming the people with scientific theories, guiding the people with correct public opinions, molding the people with noble minds, and inspiring the people with superior works. We must stick to and consolidate the guiding status of Marxism, help people build up the correct outlook on the world and life and values, have firm belief in Marxism and socialism, increase confidence in the reform, opening-up and modernization drive, strengthen trust in the Party and the government, and increase the awareness about self-reliance, competition, efficiency, and democracy and the rule of law, as well as the pioneering and innovation spirit. We should continue to implement the strategy of invigorating the country through science and education, further popularize education, enhance its quality and level of the whole society, and make greater efforts to develop scientific and cultural undertakings. We should double our efforts to publicize scientific knowledge, scientific approaches, scientific thinking, and scientific spirit. A vital principle we must follow in developing China's advanced culture is to emphasize the central theme of the socialist culture, persevere in serving the people and socialism, and let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend. We should master and develop various kinds of modern communication means and promote the spreading of the advanced culture. Strengthening socialist ideological and ethical building constitutes the essential content of and a key link in developing China's advanced culture. We must be aware that people will lack common objective of struggle and reject the accepted code of conduct if we only stress material gains and money to the neglect of ideals and morality. We should combine the rule of law with the rule of virtue in order to build a lofty ideological and ethical foundation for maintaining a good public order and practice. 02英译汉参考译文 体 验 年 迈 1979年5月的一个清晨,我拉开我在纽约市的公寓房门,忐忑不安地走进门厅。作为一个85岁的老太婆, 我不免胆战心惊,伸出拐杖小心翼翼地探着楼梯的第一级台阶。我的两腿僵硬,行动不便。一级……二级……三级……大口喘气……四级。下完12级台阶来到第一个楼梯平台时,我不得不靠着墙歇一口气。 我自言自语道:到现在为止,一切还算不错。 接着我停了下来暗想:我是不是装的过火了? 这样做真的会瞒过别人吗?其实我并不是真的85岁。在老态龙钟的外表掩饰之下,我实际才是个26岁的女子。 我装扮得这么老,为的是体验一下老年人的滋味,并亲自发现老年人面临的问题。 作为第一步,我学会了怎么使自己“变得老态龙钟”——这是一个复杂的过程,花了我四个小时。我在脸上涂上泡沫乳胶,使它布满皱纹,身上捆扎着厚实的织物,头上带起灰白的假发,这样一来我就老了60岁,可以开始我的伟大冒险了。 我第一天的目标是俄亥俄核州的哥伦布城参加一次讨论老年化问题的会议。走到街上我试图以打手势叫一辆出租车子去机场。出租汽车一辆接着一辆飞驰而过, 车里全都空空的。他们是否认为老太婆不会多给小费呢?最后总算有一辆停了下来。 在航空公司的售票柜台前,我发现自己是跟一些年轻商人排在一起。“早上好,先生!”工作人员满面春风地大声跟每个人打招呼。“祝您旅途愉快!”然而,当我这个老太婆透过厚厚的眼睛盯着他看时,她指对我的机票扫了一眼,嘴里咕噜一声“哥伦布”,便突然喊了声“下一个!” 这次会议的唯一目的是研讨老年人问题,但到会的都是些年轻的专业人员。令人难以置信的是,与会者对他们之中唯一的“老太太”根本不理睬。当我看到一个年轻的男人请一群女人喝咖啡时,我不禁想到:我呢?要是我年轻,他也准会请我喝咖啡的。 我为什么没有呢?要是让他知道我这么年轻,我也会有咖啡喝的。 一天结束时,我感到十分气愤。人们从未以这样高高在上的态度对待过我。从未如此轻视我,不想把我放在眼里。我觉得人们的确是以貌取人的。 我在住处附近的药店里也遭到同样的冷遇。当我这个外表软弱,穿戴邋遢的老太婆向店主询问胃药时,他只是用大拇指朝肩膀背后一指,说:“在后面,货架的底层。” 我眯着眼睛四周寻找,颤颤抖抖地问道:“您能帮我找一找吗?” 他厌烦的抬头一望,走向货架,往下指了指。我弯下腰拿起一小瓶药,费力地想认清瓶上的小字“能劳驾您为我读读用药说明吗?”我恳求道。 他焦躁地把用药说明匆匆念完,说了声“好了,行了吧?”就算把我打发了。我什么也不敢再问。 第二天早上,作为充满自信,年仅26岁的帕蒂.摩尔,我又来到了药店。 “早上好,”老板兴高采烈的跟我打招呼。“今天您想要点什么?” 我用完全相同的话询问胃药。 “哦”,他笑容可掬地说:“就在这儿。”他陪我走到货架前,跪下去捡起一瓶药,详细地解释用药说明,药瓶的大小和价格。然后,他把货款卡在现金收入机上,并祝我一天愉快。 走出药店时,我的心灵在为老年妇女而哭泣。我完全懂得她是怎么变得谨小慎微、战战兢兢的了。 上海外国语大学研究生入学考试试卷 —— 英汉互译 03年汉译英参考答案 From her childhood onward, Ting Ling began with curiosity to observe the ways of the world which was always blowing hot and cold, to eyewitness myriad miseries in the feudal society. When the epoch-making May Fourth Movement was on, it sparked a broader vision in her mind of what a new society should be. Ting Ling, in her full-blown youth, dared venture into the literary field, trying her hand at writhing, and in not too long a time emerging as a talented and promising oncomer. During the Leftwing Writers’ 1930s, Ting Ling like almost all literary leftwingers went through a baptism of fire and blood (imposed on them by the old regime) ---to come back out only the stronger and the more dynamic. Though her adversaries had kidnapped her and put her in prison. After her release, she hound her way back to the northwestern region to participate in revolutionary guerrilla warfare. Later on, she shifted to land reform work in the midst of peasants in some northern areas. What she did, saw, experienced, felt in this aspect of revolutionary work she conceived into a plot for a long novel:” The Sun Shines over River Sanggan” which was published and won great fame. In 1949, the time of New China came into being. The time had come for Ting Ling, the writer, to fly higher in the bright, blue sky. She was determined to devote all she was and all she had to promoting the socialist literary movement, leaning over backwards to play her allotted role. As it happened in 1957, a political movement took place involving Ting Ling and a generality of progressive writers, caps of “antipartyism” and ”rightism” settling down on her head. She was badly battered and exiled to the Great North Wilderness to do manual labor. And in prison and in the Taihang mountainous region, at one time and another, she lived in and with extremely oppressive circumstances. Quietly and patiently and bravely she bore up with it all. Thus passed over 20 precious years of her life. Afterwards however, when it came to talking about that unfortunate past with her friends, Ting Ling invariably expressed herself in this vein:” While I was undergoing that ordeal, our country and our people were suffering greater ordeals. Taking tings in this perspective, I really haven’t much to complain about.” In 1979, when she was 75 years old----the, not until then, did Ting Ling return to civilization and reentered the literary circle. She had on time at all to recall the miserable past, on time to grouch of sigh. Like a born-again youth, like a flower first to herald in the spring, she, brimming over with vim and vigor, started a new life, wielding her pen anew, and presented her new book “Du Wanxiang”. Opportunities came her way to crisscross the vast land, and to go beyond the boundaries to tour Europe, America, and Australia. She saw a lot, thought a lot, wrote a lot about her travels. Back in the homeland, she was at once besieged by publishers to contract for her manuscripts in advance. Then, not a year passed but she produced several 100,000 words. Not a book was published but was well receiver by the reading public. A massive use of the twilight of the evening of her life, she programmed three more books to write----to wind up her life with:” A Hell of Demons and Monsters”, “In the Days of Severe Cold”, and “The Snow-storm Over Man’s World”. Into which she was going to pour all her thoughts and feelings, her vital life episodes, her bittersweet experiences, all her love of her country and people, all her hate and wrath for her enemy. 上海外国语大学研究生入学考试试卷 —— 英汉互译 05汉译英参考译文 Confucius says, “Out of three men, there must be one that can teach me.” So pupils are not necessarily inferior to their teachers, nor teachers better than their pupils. Some learn the truth earlier than others, and some have special skills—that is all.” A similar idea is expressed by the following well-known passage quoted from Xueji (The Subject of Education), a chapter of the ancient book Liji (The Book of Rites): “However nice the food may be, if one does not eat it, he does not know its taste; however perfect the doctrine may be, if one does not learn it, he does not know its value. Therefore, when he learns, one knows his own deficiencies; when he teaches, one knows where the difficulty lies. After he knows his deficiencies, one is able to examine himself; after he knows where the difficulty lies, one is able to improve himself. Hence, ‘teaching and learning help each other;’ as it is said in Yue Ming, ‘Teaching is the half of learning.’” The above quote from Liji, which lays emphasis on self-examination and self-improvement, is less thoroughgoing than what Han Yu says about education. Nevertheless, its remarks such as "When he teaches one knows where the difficulty lies,” “Teaching benefits teachers as well as pupils” and “Teaching is the half of learning” (a quotation meaning teaching and learning are opposite and complementary to each other) all remain irrefutable to this day. The new relationship between teacher and pupil should be that of, in the words of Han Yu, “not (being) ashamed to learn from each other.” That is to say, teacher and pupil should teach each other and learn from each other. They should teach each other as equals regardless of seniority, so that, as Han Yu says, “whoever knows the truth can be a teacher.” 05英译汉参考译文 在我的窗外,夜正在挣扎着醒过来; 在月光下黯然无色的花园如此生动地梦见它那失去的色彩。用石灰水刷白的墙在深蓝色的天空的衬托下显得明亮。房屋的粉墙凛冽地使明月的光辉回荡。那是一轮满月。 月来是块石头;但它是块极为神圣的石头。或者说得更确切些,月亮是块能使男人和女人对它产生神圣感情,或者由于它才具有神圣感情的石头。这样,有柔和的月光,它能给我们以超越理解能力的安宁。有寒冷而严峻的月光,它向灵魂倾诉它的寂寞和绝对的孤独,它的微不足道和肮脏不洁。有多情的月光,它使人去爱,——不但爱个人,而且有时甚至爱整个宇宙。但月亮出了通过眼睛和窗户照进心灵外,还照在身体上。月亮直接影响灵魂;但它还能够通过难以理解而迂回曲折的途径——通过血液——影响灵魂。人类中半数的人明显地服从于月亮的节奏而生活着;还有证据表明,不仅女人的生理生活和精神生活,而且男人的生理生活和精神生活,都是神秘地随着月亮的盈缺而消长。因此会出现没有理由的喜悦,莫名其妙的痛苦和毫无原因的欢笑和悔恨。这些突然而荒诞的交替变化构成我们通常的情绪变化。这些情绪是血液和体液的产物,但血液和体液听从许多主人的指挥,主人中也包括不断盈缺的月亮。月亮通过眼睛直接和灵魂接触,沿着血液的神秘渠道间接和灵魂接触,因此月亮是双重的神。 我们即使把月亮想象为仅仅是一块石头,也会发现它的石头性质是个潜在的神。一块变冷了的石头。一块没有空气环绕,不含水分的石头。它预示我们的地球在未来的形象,那时距离现在有几百万年,那时衰老的太阳已经丧失它养育万物的能力…...如此等等。这段文章能够很容易地拉长——成为一篇华而不实的作品。但我要克制。让每一位读者按照他自己的品味去尽量填加修辞的色彩吧。无论如何,华丽也罢,不华丽也罢,那块石头仍然是——石头性质。你无法长时间地想这块石头而不发现自己受到这种或那种本质上是神圣的情思的干扰。这些情思属于彼此不同而又互为补充的两大类之一:人类渺小的情思和人类伟大的情思。 上海外国语大学研究生入学考试试卷 —— 英汉互译 06汉译英参考译文 Hong Kong At Night By Ba Jin We boarded a steam launch to Guangzhou and left Hongkong at ten o’clock..As the boat started to move, my friend Hong called me outside the cabin. The moment I stepped out I heard him yelling:"Look! Hongkong's night view is marvelous, you can’t miss it".Outside on the deck I leaned against the railing, watching Hongkong receding from us.The sea was dark, so was the sky. There scattered some stars in the heavens but most of them not quite bright while Hongkong in the distance made a constellation of stars.Over the mountains, on the streets and buildings were lights, each resembling a star, yet in my naked eyes they outshone stars. Myriads of lights dotted here and there constituted a mountain of stars, shining with a spectacle of brilliance. Tranquility and peace reigned the night. Not a sound could be heard from cross the water as though Hongkong closed its big mouth. However, when I gazed at that starry mountain I felt as if those countless lights were whispering with each other. The ship was moving and so were the lights, together with the lamplights on the running trolley buses and cars on the opposite streets. I saw them turning dim and bright now and then just like children winkling or frolicking or chatting with each other. My visual and auditory senses blending, I was almost listening with my eyes. The star-studded mountain was no dumb; instead, they were busy with performing a magnificent symphony... I was almost lost in reverie.Presumably the ship was swinging around. The star-lit mountain retreated smaller and smaller, yet in my eyes there were shining with an expanse of golden rays and lingering on a touching melody. Slowly the ship sailed into the heart of mountains (I could not distinguish whether they were mountains or islands), for Hongkong was gone unseen. Lightless on the sea, our ship was enveloped by the pitch darkness. The mountain of stars disappeared like a vague dream. Standing lost there, I wished to find the mountain back yet there was noting in sight. Outside the air was cool, but the blowing wind was too much for my head, so I walked back to the crowded and noisy cabin, a completely different world. As I set my foot in to the cabin, I couldn’t help asking myself: was it only a mirage that I saw just now? 06英译汉参考译文 事实是,作为一名作家,福克纳更热衷于对南方各州突发的经济变化进行社会评论,而很少有兴趣去解决问题。失败以及由此带来的后果只不过是福克纳史诗般作品成长的沃土而已。吸引他的并不是以社会为单位的人们,而是成长于社会中的个体(人)。作为一个社会的个体,虽充满好奇,却绝不为外界事物所扰。这些个人的悲剧与希腊悲剧没有共同之处:激情——或是传承而来,或是受传统以及社会环境的影响——把他们带到了无情的深渊。这些激情或是突然迸发,或是持续几代慢慢释放。几乎在福克纳的每一部新作品当中,他都能够深入剖析人类的灵魂,了解人类自我牺牲的伟大之处和力量之源,全面揭示人类的权力欲、贪婪、匮乏的精神、狭隘的思想、可笑的固执、痛苦、恐惧和堕落的道德。   福克纳是一名善于观察的心理学家,在众多仍然在世的英美小说家当中,他堪称是无人匹敌的大师。他的同行当中无人具有他那非凡的想象力以及塑造人物的能力。在以死亡为主题的悲剧或喜剧中,福克纳塑造的近似人类而又超乎人类的人物都来源于他对现实的观察,而这些现实即使是我们身边最贴近的人都很少有人能够提供如此真实的信息。这些人物在一个混杂了亚热带植物的清香、女人香水的芳香、黑人汗水的体香和骡马臭味的环境中活动,这股气味甚至可以立即弥漫到斯堪的纳维亚的一间温暖舒适的小房子里。作为一名风景画画家,福克纳具有猎人般熟知猎场的能力,地形学家的精确的判断力和印象派画家的敏感力。此外,福克纳还是二十世纪伟大的实验主义者和小说家,与乔伊斯并列,但或许要强于乔伊斯。在他的小说当中,没有任何两部小说在写作手法上是相似的。似乎正是通过这种不断的更新,福克纳才可以获得他想要的创作广度,而这种广度是他所处的缺乏创见的世界(无论是主观的还是客观的世界)所不能给予他的。 上海外国语大学研究生入学考试试卷 —— 英汉互译 07汉译英参考译文 Actually I’m the kind of person that wants to keep my feet moving. Everyday I spend about two hours on road, which has been a practice for several months, but I’m not tired of it; each day on board the trolley, I feel like going for my honeymoon. Most of us in the trolley or on the road don’t know one another, so no one wears a mask, not like in class, parties, or government, people just dying for smoothing around, and around. People in parks, theaters, funfairs, and restaurants all “laugh out loud”, at least playing to be so; the “customers” of graveyards, courtrooms, hospitals or drug stores all wear scores of wrinkles between their brows – boring! Luckily, there’re colorful people right here – in the trolley and on the road. You see and you watch, with your eyes wide open, for thirty minutes, then you’ll have a good chance to discover, from their faces, all the real personalities formed from their past experiences and all the true emotions emitted from their hearts, not all sweet, not all bitter, but mixed. You just sit there, observing them silently; people on board will submit to your deduction of their feelings in the past and at present, people out there come to your eye one by one – you’re doing actually “an observing spree”, which they never know, and they just come and go, for you to compare. It’s fun! – Much more fun than what parades or pageants. Actually, the countless people keeping coming form a God-designed pageant, more impressive than the colorful stuff we hang out there during festivals. And on the road, our mind is at ease, fit for quiet observing, and most sensitive to the outside stimuli, for we’re always doing something – good or bad – we can’t focus our attention. Only on the road, especially a familiar one, our mind is set free until we get to our destination, not concentrating on a certain thing, but permeating everywhere. In our restless life, this is the moment we really watch real life. So, no matter in terms of what, road is the gateway to being introduced to life. The auto, the boat and the pavement are the three tickets to the life-fair, yet many people unfortunately throw them away as wastepaper, just wasting time on the road. 07英译汉参考译文 令人好奇的是,与他人的过失相比,我们自己的过失往往不是那么的可憎。我想,原因是我们了解一切导致过失出现的情况,因而,能够想法原谅自己犯了一些不容许他人犯的过错。我们不关注自己的缺点,即使身陷困境,不得不正视它们时,我们也会很容易就宽恕自己。据我所知,我们这样做是正确的。缺点是我们自己的一部分,我们必须接纳自己的好与坏。 但当我们评判别人时,情况就不一样了。我们不是通过真正的自我而是用另外一种自我形象来判断,完全摒除了在任何人眼中,会伤害到自己的虚荣或者体面的事物。举一个小例子:当觉察到别人说谎时,我们是多么地不屑啊!但是有谁可以说自己从未说过谎?可能还不止一百次呢! 人与人之间没什么大的区别。他们皆是伟大与渺小,善良与邪恶,高贵与低贱的混合体。有些人性格比较坚毅,机会也较多,因此在这个或者那个方向上,更能自由地发挥自己的天资,但是人类潜质都是同样的。至于我自己,我不认为自己会比多数人更好或更差,但是我知道,如果我记下我生命中每一个行动和每一个掠过我心头的想法的话,世人将会把我看成一个邪恶的怪物。每个人都会有这样的怪念头,这样的认识应该能启发我们宽容自己,也宽容他人。同时,若因此使我们在看待他人时,即使是对天下最优秀最令人尊敬的人,也可以有幽默感的话,而且也不太苛求自己,那也是很有益的。 上海外国语大学研究生入学考试试卷 —— 英汉互译 08汉译英参考译文 扫帚断想 眼前你看见的这把扫帚孤零零地躺在被人遗忘的角落里,毫不起眼。然而我知道,以前它生长在密林中,欣欣向荣。它曾生气勃勃,枝繁叶茂,但如今爱管闲事的人却动手把枯枝捆扎于它那枯桩上,装模作样地同自然徒然抗争。如今它充其量只是以前模样的倒转——一棵本末倒置的树,枝条伏地,根部朝天,听由脏兮兮的女佣随手使唤,并且被无常的命运捉弄,注定要去清扫他物,把自己搞得污秽不堪。最后,被女佣用成一根光杆儿,要么被扔出门外,要么最后充当引火的木柴。我看到这番情景时不禁叹息,心里默默念道:“毫无疑问,人就是一把扫帚!”自然把人这种“理性植物”降生到世上之时他结实健康,生气勃勃,满头浓发,直到“放纵”的利斧将翠枝砍斫殆尽,仅留下一根萎蔫的秃杆儿。这时他就急切地装扮自己,给自己戴上假发,并以这种满敷香粉但并非自己头皮所生里的饰物而炫耀自己。但假使这把满身尘垢的扫帚现在自命不凡地出现在我们面前,以那些并非自己身体所生的攫来的枝条为荣,因在美人的香闺里做过清洁而得意,我们也会对其虚荣嗤之以鼻。我们对以己之长与他人之短的评判竟会如此有失公允! 但你也许会说:“扫帚只是倒置的树的象征。”那么请问:“人不也是一种乱七八糟的东西,兽性总是凌驾于理性之上,头与脚错位倒置,低声下气地苟活于世?”尽管自己一身缺点,却以万能的改革者和矫枉者的身份自居,自视为一切不平事的清道夫,触角之深之广甚至连荡妇的隐私都不肯放过。揭露腐朽于光天之下,将清白之地搞得乌烟瘴气。他自命清除一切污秽,但同时自己也沾染甚多。晚年他屈尊委身于女佣之手,而此等女佣也多属无聊之辈。直到被磨成光杆儿,然后就像他的长柄扫帚兄弟一样,要么被踢出室门,要么用作点火干柴,供人取暖。 08英译汉参考译文 US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson commended China last year for being a "global economic leader". The American and British media since then have played this up. The American Time magazine pronounced in bold type "Dawn for a New Dynasty" for China on the cover of an issue early this year. In an article that had profound meaning, Victor Bulmer-Thomas, director of Chatham House, tried to draw the world's attention to a scenario he had envisaged in living with two megapowers: The World in 2020. He urged China to follow the United States and extend its "responsibilities to the whole planet". In late May, there was a lot of coverage in the US media of a new opinion survey covering 12 countries conducted by Worldpublicopinion.org. According to this survey, China's economy would overtake that of the US. The survey was quite plausible as it too predicted that this would happen in about 2020. It even chided the Chinese by asking why they had less confidence in their own economy as the Americans did. It is particularly worth noting that according to the new CIA World Factbook released in mid-May, China, in terms of GDP measured on the basis of purchasing power parity (PPP), was second only to the US in 2006, leaving Japan, which ranked third, way behind. The Fact book also had an analysis that should the gap between the two economies be narrowed by 3 percent a year, which was the case in 2006, it would take China only two years to overtake the US and become the largest economy in the world in 2009. What a strong and convincing case. What a nice success story. Yet we need to think twice before we buy that argument. Indeed, China's economic growth has been remarkable over the decades, and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is a source of pride. Those who are friendly to China, and those who want peace and development, appreciate and promote China's rise. It is only natural for them to compliment China. Even when they sometimes overdo it, they mean well, encouraging China to continue the good work. The problem is with some authoritative agencies and media organizations in the US, the CIA in particular. They tend to forget China's national conditions and reality, and recognize the huge gap between China and the US in terms of overall national strength. When they profile China, they ignore some basic facts. For example, China's per capita GDP ranks only 110th in the world. In 2005, China's per capita income was $1,740, merely 4 percent of that of the US, 4.8 percent of Japan, and one-tenth of the Republic of Korea. China accounts for only 5 percent of the world's economic aggregate, while the European Union 31.4 percent, the US 29.1 percent, and Japan 10.3 percent. The private foreign reserves of the US and other Western countries are many times larger than that of China. The US has $9 trillion in private foreign reserves, Japan more than $3 trillion, and China merely $160 billion. If China meets its strategic development goals, it will become a moderately developed country by 2050. Of course, with hard work, this goal may be attained ahead of schedule. But how can China overtake the US as early as 2020 or even 2009 (in other words, in 13 or even two year's time?). If our memory does not fail us, over the years, it was agencies like the CIA that had been trumpeting the "China threat". Why the U-turn now and the talk about a China overtaking the US? We cannot but think twice about their intentions. The China Press in the US was quick to spot this. On May 30, it commented that China is far from overtaking the US and that China should be careful not to be overwhelmed by compliments. The argument that China is soon to overtake the US is actually a "sugar-coated bullet" in the new era, a variation of the "China threat" argument. First, it is designed to cause panic in the US and other Western countries and make them feel the "China threat", to mobilize their forces to contain that threat. Second, it is aimed at inflating the hot air and "big power mentality" in the minds of some Chinese and blunting our sense of crisis. It is an ill-intentioned and deceptive move. We should not be over suspicious in judging the intentions of a real gentleman. But we should not be fooled either. It will be useful if we learn to judge the intentions of others with the common sense and wisdom of a real gentleman. - 20 -
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