首页 通用英语口译教程复习题库



通用英语口译教程复习题库毕业演讲 在我迈进哈佛的第一天,一位非常博学的教授曾经引述过亚里士多德的一句名言,‘法律是不受激情左右的理性’噢,我对亚里士多德绝无冒犯之意,但我在哈佛的三年学习生涯我觉得激情正是学习的法律和从事律师工作的关键要素,同时也是生活的关键要素。我们正是带着饱满的激情,英勇的信念和强烈都的自我意识跨出我们进入外面世界的下一步。请时刻谨记第一印象并不总是正确的。你们一定要对他人有信心。而且,最重要的是,你们一定要对自己有信心。 祝贺你们,全体2004届毕业生们!我们终于毕业了! 考试 大家早上好!今天我要给你们讲...

毕业演讲 在我迈进哈佛的第一天,一位非常博学的教授曾经引述过亚里士多德的一句名言,‘法律是不受激情左右的理性’噢,我对亚里士多德绝无冒犯之意,但我在哈佛的三年学习生涯我觉得激情正是学习的法律和从事律师工作的关键要素,同时也是生活的关键要素。我们正是带着饱满的激情,英勇的信念和强烈都的自我意识跨出我们进入外面世界的下一步。请时刻谨记第一印象并不总是正确的。你们一定要对他人有信心。而且,最重要的是,你们一定要对自己有信心。 祝贺你们,全体2004届毕业生们!我们终于毕业了! 考试 大家早上好!今天我要给你们讲讲期末考试。考试定在下周一,即考试周的第一天。记得带两到三支钢笔,以防钢笔没水。和期中考试不同的是,这次考试没有多项选择题。试卷中全部是论述题,总共五道。你们必须选择其中的三道来回答。期末考试覆盖面很广,包括课上涉及的所有内容。我建议你们复习一下期中考试内容,同时再复习一下教材和课堂笔记。期末成绩占本门课程总成绩的50%,研究课题占30%,期中成绩占20%。现在,都听明白了吗?如果不太确定我所说的内容,尽管提问。 和你一起成长 亲爱的同学们,老师们: 我非常荣幸能够站在这里谈谈我对友谊的感悟。但当我开始演讲时,我才发现我有限的词汇实难表达我的感情。我需要更多的词语来告诉你们:爱人与被爱是多么的幸福! 我刚刚成为这里的新生,认识的人很少。一开始我很孤单,但我并不觉得孤独。其实多亏了这段不同寻常的时光,我记起了与师友共度的难忘经历。 我的朋友曾经和我一起在雨中纵情奔跑,而且我也不会忘记那与好友打雪仗的情景。午饭后,我们会坐在柔软的操场上听音乐;放学后,我们躺在操场上,欣赏着美丽的天空和飘动的白云……朋友们让我的生活充满了刺激,想象和浪漫。他们教会我敏锐和热情。我学会了坚持我的梦想,并且永不放弃。遗憾的是,当他们离开我的时,我不能鼓足恿气向他们表达我深深的感激之情。 我爱我的老朋友,我同样会去爱那些新朋友。爱就像潮水般来来去去,但那份友情会坚如磐石。它甜蜜而富有诗意,充满泪水、希望和幸福。无论将来我去哪里,我再也不会感到孤独了,因为有你,我亲爱的朋友,我知道你会陪我一起成长。 谢谢大家! 各位同仁,大家好!我很高兴能与大家分享我对教学风格和理念的浅见。正如多数人会同意的那样,美国与中国在教学风格上最为明显的差异之一就是以教师为主导还是以学生为中心的课堂教学方式。在中国的课堂上,教师作为“绝对权威”与儒家文化中师者的地位及中国社会的等级 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 有很大的关系。在美国,教师这种职业一般远不如在中国那样享有声望和受人尊敬。美国的民主观念在师生之间创造了一种不拘礼节的氛围并加强了彼此的交流,学生是与教师平等的,而教师的作用不仅是传授知识和价值观,还包括促进和调整学习的过程。 当然,在两种文化中教师和教授们一样都应该在自己的专业领域中知识渊博,见解独到,并且能够把这些知识和见解传授给不能类别的学生群体。他们还必需善于运用各种风格和技巧,并能随意运用最新技术。最后,他们应该激励学生,并使学生获得终身求学的必要工具和策略。 … 谢谢 竞选词 晚上好,各位同学: 谢谢大家今天来参加这次的竞选活动。因为有我的团队对我的信任和支持,我十分高兴地在此宣布我要竞选学生会主席。 我是一个性格好又勤奋的人,所以大家一直认为我是一个好的团队成员。同时,由于本人是个超级体育迷,所以对团队合作的重要性有深刻的认识,并且支持“更快更强”的精神。我有相当大的决心通过采取有力的 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 来实现我的团队目标。此外,如果有幸当选,过去两年中我在学生会工作所积累的经验也将会对我未来的学生会主席工作有极大的帮助。 如果我能当选,我相信我有能力带领学生朝着正确的方向继续前进。我会和学生会成员在工作中积极配合,并采取一些革新措施,包括建立学生信息中心,创建一个师生联谊协会,以使学生会真正成为学生们在大学中学习和生活的好帮手,并能为师生架起一座沟通的桥梁。 谢谢! Graduation Speech On our evry first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quoted Aristotle, “The law is reason free from passion,” Well, no offense to Aristolte ,but in my three years at Harvard ,I have to come to define passion as the key ingredient to the study and pracitce of law and of life. It is with passion, courageous conviction and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world, remembering that first impreesions are not always correct. You must always have faith in people. And most importantly ,you must alwsys have faith in yourself Congratulations,Class of 2004!We did it ! Good morning everyone! Today I?d like to talk to you about he final exam. The exam will be held next Monday ,the first day of the exam week .Remember to bring along two or three pens in case one is out of ink .Unlike the midterm this test will not include multiple choice questions .It will consist evtirely of five essay questions .You will have to answer three of them .The exam will be comprehensive, which means you woll be expected to review all the subject matter we covered in class .I would suggest you to over your midterm sa well sa you wel ssa you textbooks and class notes .The final will account for 50% of you grade in the course ,the research project will account for 30% and the midterm 20%. Now,am I well understood? Feel free to ask me questions if you are unsure of what I said. Growing Up with you Dear students and teachers, It?s my honor to stand hear and say something about friengship.When decide to begin my speech ,I found that I cound hardly express my feelings using my limited vocabulary. I needed more words to let you know exactly hpw great it to let have someone to love as well as to be loved. I?ve juse become a new student here and know few people. I was alone at the beginning, but was not lonely. Thanks to this period of unusual time, I remember my unforgettable experience with my friends and teachers. I?ve got friends who ran in the rain crazilly wish me. And I shouldn?t forget the time we threw snowballs at each other. A fter lunch, we listened to music, sitting on the soft palyground. After school,we lay down on the playgroud to see the beautiful sky with white clouds floting acrss… Friends made ma life full of excitement,imagination and romance. They taught me to be sensitive and enthusiastic. I learnt to hold on to my dream and never give up. But unfortunately, I was too shy to let them know my great appreciation before they left me. I love my old friends and I?ll have new friends to love as well. Love comes and goes but friendship stays.It?s sweet and poetic, Wherever I go in the future,I will never feel lonely,because of you, my dear friends. I know I?m growing up with you. Thanks for your attention. Hello, desar peers! I?m delighted to share my understanding of teaching styles and philosophies with you. As most of you will agree, one of the most obvious differences between American and Chiness teaching styles is a teacher-centered vs. a student-centered classroom. The teacher as the ……absolute authority?? in Chiness classrooms has much to do with his status in a Confucian culture,as well as the hierarchical nature of Chiness society. In America, the teaching profession is generally much less prestigious and respected. Americans? view of democracy creates an atmosphere of informality and greater interaction between students as “equals” and the teacher as a facilitator and moderator , not merely as a disseminator of knowledge and a transmitter of values. Of course, in both cultures teachers and professors alike should be extremely knowlegeable and insightful in their area of expertise and be able to disseminate that knowledge and those insights to diveerse groups of students .They must also be skilled at using a variety of styles and techniques , as well as the latest technology at their disposal .Finally ,they should inspire their students and equip them with the necessary tools and strategies to pursue lifelong learning . Goog eveing ,my fellow students, Thank you for coming to this election campaign today.With the trust and support of my tean,I am delighted to announce here that I am running for president of the Student Union. As a diligent man with pleasant personality,I have been always considered to be a good team member.Meanwhile,as a big fan of sports I fully relize the importance of teamwork and advocate the spirit of being quicker and stronger.I possess strong determination to take firm steps to achieve the objectives of my team.In addition,my working experience with the Student Union in the past two years will be extremly helpful to my future work here if I get elected. If I am elected,I believe I have the capability to lead the Union to advance in the right direction.I will coperate well with my fellow members of Union and take innovative measures,including establishing a student information center,forming a teacher student friendship association,to make the Union a true assistance t o students? study and life here as well as a bridge of communication between teachers and students. Thank you very much ! Where do l See Myself Ten Years from Now? Every since my high school days,my heart has been set on becoming a teacher. I am no w a student at a teacher’s college,and I am studying with all my might,because there are so many things to learn about education.But I thoroughly enjoy my studies,and every day I am amazed at the great in influenc education has on the human soul I think it is only natural that I have always aspired to become a teacher because my father were also teachers.Myfather is now retired following a brilliant career,and it has always been his footsteps. I still have one more year to go at university,and after I graduate,I will go to he west of China to become a teacher at a village school. I understand a teacher’s job will not make me a millionaire,but it is not the prospect of making a lot of money the has propelled my ambition to become a teacher.Rather,it is my sincere desire to assume a responsible role in society,and make as many people well-educated as possible through my hard endeavors. Ten years from now,therefore,Ihope to be established as an excellent teacher with hundreds of thousands of students who have benifited from me and carry on the family tradition with efficiency and honor. 十年以后我会做什么 从高中时候起,我就下定决心要做一名教师。我现在是一名师范大学的学生,正努力学习,因为在教育方面有很多要学的知识。但是我很享受这种学习,每天都会为教育对人心灵所能产生的巨大影响力而惊讶。 我一直渴望成为教师是很自然的事,因为我的父亲和爷爷都是教师。我父亲现在已经退休了,他曾有一番辉煌的事业,也一直希望我,他唯一的儿子,能够继续他的事业。 我还有一年就大学毕业了,毕业后我会去中国西部做一名山村学校的教师。 我知道教师的工作不可能使我成为百万富翁,但是希望挣很多钱并不是促使我立志成为教师的理由。我之所以要成为一名教师是因为我真诚地希望能做一个有责任感的社会一员并通过我的艰苦努力使更多的人收到良好的教育。 因此,十年后我希望自己成为一名优秀的教师,有成千上万的学生从我这里受益,并高效而光荣地将我家的优秀传统发扬光大。 “Thanks”seems like such a short,simple word.li’s not much to describe my appreciatinon of everything you’ve contribed here.This project would not have beed a success with such limited time had it not beed for this excellent team.Yes,the success is a product of the talent,work and skills of many.I am thankful to you individually and as a team.In evety sense and on every level,you made this project a success. “感谢”似乎是一个短短的、简单的。无论用什么样的词语来描绘我对你们辛勤工作的感谢都不过分。如果不是有这样一个优秀的团队,这个 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 不可能在这 继续阅读
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