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备忘录 Business English Writing 商务英语写作 主讲人 栾述文 中国石油大学文学院 Business English Writing 商务英语写作 主讲人 栾述文 中国石油大学文学院 商务英语写作 Business English Writing 第十六讲 MEMORANDUM 备 忘 录 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.1 Introduction...

Business English Writing 商务英语写作 主讲人 栾述文 中国石油大学文学院 Business English Writing 商务英语写作 主讲人 栾述文 中国石油大学文学院 商务英语写作 Business English Writing 第十六讲 MEMORANDUM 备 忘 录 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.1 Introduction The term "memo" is used to describe the standard format of internal communication (an organization uses for its staff). Memos are simple in style and are efficient, whose format conveys the writer’s point quickly and directly to readers. Companies use memos to do the following: ► announce policies; ► disseminate information; ► delegate responsibilities; ► instruct employees; ► report the result of research or investigation; ►inform the employees of the company goals, motivating them to achieve the goals and to build employee morale. 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.1 Introduction The tone of memos tends to be conversational, for the writer and the reader are familiar with each other. In memos, use ordinary words, first-person pronouns, and occasional contractions, like don't, I'm, you're, or we'll. If a memo is written to an unfamiliar person or someone in higher position in the company, it can be as formal as any formal business letters. Language style of memo can be made more relaxed than in business letters. 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.1 Introduction The use of English should be concise (not chatty) and efficient, which contains only what you intend to convey. In memos, don't have to provide background information the reader knows, nor need to make as much goodwill effort as to your business partners outside of the organization, such as: ►"I would appreciate it very much if you could have the forms filled in…" (too polite) ►"Thank you for reminding me of the meeting, and I should like to have…" (too polite) ►"Please be sure to have the forms filled in and returned…"(enough) ►"I have been informed of the meeting and would ask for…" (enough) 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.1 Introduction The overall look of memos needs to be neat and can help readers grasp highlights quickly. Means to Make Efficient and Highlight Memos: ► Number or bullets listed vertically; List the points vertically. Don't use end punctuation unless the statement is a complete sentence. ► Boldface or italics; Use boldface or italics to draw reader's attention. Bold face is a handy device. Italics are useful, they can slow down readers for cautions, warnings, or emphases. ► Headings and subheadings. Use headings and subheadings to show the hierarchical (分等级的) organization of a message and to help readers grasp the main idea. 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.1 Introduction Comparison of Two Memo Formats A Plain Paragraph A Paragraph with Highlight Devices Effective immediately are the following air travel guidelines. Between now and December 31, only account executives may take company-approved trips. These individuals will be allowed to take a maximum of two trips and they are to travel economy or budget class only. Effective immediately are the following air travel guidelines. Who may travel: Account executives How many trips: A maximum of 2 When: Between now and December 31 Air class: Economy or budget 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.2 Components of Memos The layout of memos varies from company to company. All memos are made up of two parts: memo headings and body. Memo Headings Most companies provide letterhead memo stationery with printed headings on the left near the top of the first page (Memo heading 1). The elements of the headings may appear in a different order (Memo heading 2), decide by custom, the style manual of the company or by the file system. 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.2 Components of Memos Memo Headings A memo can be authorized or approved by the supervisor, whose name is put on the “Through” line (Memo heading 3). Memo Heading 1 Memo Heading 2 Memo Heading 3 To ______________ From ___________ Date ____________ Subject _________ Date ___________ To _____________ From __________ Subject _________ Date ___________ To _____________ From ___________ Through ________ 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.2 Components of Memos Body Unlike business letters, memos don't need a salutation or complimentary close in the body. Some companies require a signature at the bottom of the body. The Outline for Composing Memo Body: (1) Introduction: Background information, briefly giving the reasons for writing. (2) Details: Facts and figures, separated into paragraph, each dealing with a particular theme; points are logically presented. (3) Response: An action statement, requiring action from recipient, or informing action to take. (4) Close: Not usually needed. It can be a conclusive sentence for ending when necessary. 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.3 Sample Letters Letter 1 To: Edward Smith, Personnel Assistant From: Don Rily, Corporate Legal Counselor Subject: Meeting for EEO Report Preparation Date: September 28, 2009 Let’s meet in my office (Suite 165) this Friday 10:30 a.m. to complete Section 6 of your annual equal employment opportunity report. You must provide two items of information that were not required last year: 1. What procedure was followed in advertising available jobs to members of minority races? 2. What procedure was followed to assure that an applicant's place of residency was disregarded in hiring practices? Please bring this information with you to the meeting in addition to information you normally include in this section of the report. I look forward to meeting with you on Friday. 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.3 Sample Letters Letter 2 To: Department Managers From: Training Manager Subject: In-service Computer Classes Date: 24 May, 2012 We are arranging a training course on computer to improve our staff's ability of computer use. The course is scheduled as follows: 1. From Wednesday 10 June computer classes will be held in the training center. There will be 2 groups: advanced level (10:30-12:00) and intermediate level (8:30-10:00). 2. Please encourage your staff to attend one of the sessions. All teaching materials will be provided but students will be expected to do homework and preparation outside working hours. 3. Please send me the names of all interested staff by noon on Friday 5 June. 4. The size of each class will be limited to 16 participants. 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.3 Sample Letters Letter 3 To: Miss Mary Smith, Property Sales Department From: Mr. Richard Berry, Manager Date: October 20, 2011 It has come to my attention that there have been complaints about our sending of information. Several customers complained that information took 2-3 days to reach them. Please make sure in the future that details of properties for sales are sent out by first class post on the day we receive the request. Last week three letters were sent to the wrong addresses. Please double-check the addresses of people you send property details to. We have a good reputation for efficiency and we mustn't lose it. 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.4 Legal Nature and Legal Force of Memos 备忘录的法律性质与效力 在国际事务处理中,备忘录是使用频率颇高的一类文 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,常见如谅解备忘录、合作备忘录等。在商业贸易领域,以备忘录形式签署的文件也不鲜见。然而,备忘录的法律性质与效力如何,在使用中应注意哪些问题,则较少关注与讨论。 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.4 Legal Nature and Legal Force of Memos (I)备忘录的涵义与类型 关于备忘录的涵义与分类,主要有以下观点: 1. 按其内容,备忘录可分为四种类型 早在1983年,有研究者提出:备忘录的性质,顾名思义,乃记录彼此会谈的内容与结果,以备将来查考。一般在法律上没有拘束力,但在实际使用上,也有四种情况:    一为记录性的(Minutes);    二为确认性的(Confirmatory of Memorandum);    三为理解性的(Memorandum of Understanding);    四为外交文件及其他。 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.4 Legal Nature and Legal Force of Memos (I)备忘录的涵义与类型 2. 外交及商业领域的运用:谅解备忘录与合作备忘录 在国际事务处理中广存着这样的文件,即参加方只是表明就其关系的某一方面达成谅解,而不是创设一项权利义务关系。这些无法律约束力的 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 通常被称为“MOU”,即谅解备忘录的简称,或被描述为“君子协定”,“无法律约束力的协议”,“事实性协议”或是“非法律协议”。  合作备忘录,是指在外交实践中国家间或外交代表机关之间使用的外交文书,实际上是一种口头通知或谈话记录。用于说明某问题在事实上或法律方面的细节,或明确外交会谈中的谈话内容;陈述、补充自己的观点、或反驳对方的观点。交涉中为使对方便于记忆谈话内容或避免误解,既可将谈话内容预先准备妥当,谈后面交对方,也可在事后送交。可作为照会的附件,也可单独使用,其郑重性仅次于照会。 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.4 Legal Nature and Legal Force of Memos (II)备忘录的法律性质 有学者认为,建议书、协商记录或会议纪要、谅解备忘录、协议要点等形式文件,属于 意向书 合作意向书合作意向书模板租赁意向书项目合作意向书股权收购意向书 性质。然而实践中,亦常冠以“备忘录”之名。 备忘录与意向书均不属定义严格的法律概念。备忘录属于何种法律性质,取决于其内容与形式,而不是由其名称决定。备忘录的性质,通常可归纳为以下三种情形: 其一,如备忘录内容是记录或确认协商过程的相关事实,当其具有证据的形式要件,符合证据真实性、关联性与 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 力要求,则备忘录具有证据性质。 其二,如备忘录体现签署各方一致意思,且各方明确表示受其意思约束,同意创设法律上的权利义务关系,一旦备忘录符合合同的生效条件,就可认定具有合同性质。 其三,如备忘录内容表明,各方签署备忘录的目的不是创设法律上的权利义务关系,则备忘录不属于证据、也不属于合同,仅属旨在相互交流的意思表达,不产生要求各方信守承诺的法律后果。 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.4 Legal Nature and Legal Force of Memos (III)备忘录的法律效力 有案例(见讲义)说明备忘录的效力与其法律性质紧密相关。 首先,如备忘录的内容记载了当事人的陈述或事实,使备忘录具有证据属性时,备忘录具有证据效力,即能够证明待证事实的真实性,与待证事实具有关联性,对待证事实具有证明力。 其次,如根据备忘录的内容判断其具有合同性质,则应根据现行法中的合同效力规范,判断“备忘录”是否成立及有效。 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.4 Legal Nature and Legal Force of Memos (III)备忘录的法律效力 学者研究认为,任何协议如果想在合同法的框架下发生约束力,其重要前提是必须具体和确定。《合同法》第14条并未再作详细规定。 一般而言,从促进当事人达成协议的角度上看,对于关于缔约程序的约定,原则上只要当事人大致阐明了各自的履行以及履行的先后顺序,就应当承认其效力。成为有拘束力的合同的另一前提是,当事人必须有受约束的意思。 由此,如备忘录的内容系对合同阶段性进展的记录,那么虽然备忘录的内容具有确定性,但因欠缺当事人自愿受约束的意思表示,不能认定备忘录具有合同效力。 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.4 Legal Nature and Legal Force of Memos (III)备忘录的法律效力 若备忘录的内容表明存在单方承诺的意思表示,则应遵循诚实信用等民法规范,判断承诺是否成立,作出承诺一方是否受其承诺约束。 如备忘录的内容仅为记载各方协商过程,或各方对未来合作的预期或其他意思陈述,而无意创设彼此间的权利义务关系时,备忘录只能反映意思表达的事实,而不产生法律上的拘束力。 此外,要判断备忘录的法律效力,不仅应以备忘录的内容为基础,还应关注备忘录是否以及如何实际履行。当备忘录本身的语言表述不够准确完整时,一致认可的履行行为对备忘录的内容具有解释补充或者修改变更的意义。 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.4 Legal Nature and Legal Force of Memos (IV)结论 为很好地运用备忘录这一文书形式,应当对备忘录的分类、法律性质及法律效力进行梳理。 按签署备忘录当事人的不同,可分为单方签署的备忘录及各方签署的备忘录。单方签署的备忘录,目的为留作未来查考之用,实属一种工作记录;各方签署的备忘录,能在一定程度上反映各方承认的事实,或协商的阶段性进展,或协议一致的安排。 各方签署的备忘录,依其条款内容之意思表示不同,具有不同的法律性质,产生不同的法律效力。 商务英语写作 Business English Writing Unit 9-1 Memorandum 9.1.4 Legal Nature and Legal Force of Memos 条款内容不同,具有不同的法律性质,产生不同的法律效力: 首先,有证据功能的备忘录。 当备忘录记载了签署各方一致确认的事实,该备忘录具有证据性质与功能。 其次,有法律约束力的备忘录。 当备忘录记载了签署各方对协商事务一致安排,各方对其表达意思,愿意承担相应法律后果,若签署各方表示具有承诺性质,则作出承诺一方受其承诺约束;若签署各方实质上达成订立合同的合意,则该备忘录具有合同性质,产生合同效力。 第三,无法律约束力的备忘录。 如备忘录中虽记载了签署各方认可的相关事实,但各方声明对已达成的某些一致,并非意在创设法律上的权利义务关系,则不能对签署各方产生法律约束力。 在实际工作中,应适当使用备忘录这一文书形式,准确把握各方的签署目的,使备忘录的内容准确表达各方真实意思,以便灵活周全地为当事人提供法律服务。 商务英语写作 Business English Writing
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