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看听学第一册看听学第一册 L1-120 练习题 (2011-04-15 20:35:26) 转载 分类:新概念集 标签: 教学 教育 看听学第一册 L1-120 练习题 lesson 1--20 1.Meet Sandy and Sue . (否定句) 2.This is Sue's class. (否定句) 3.Her teacher's Mr. Crisp. (否定句) 4.Which is your pen, Sue? (翻译成汉语) 5.The red pen ,sir(翻译成汉语) 6....

看听学第一册 L1-120 练习题 (2011-04-15 20:35:26) 转载 分类:新概念集 标签: 教学 教育 看听学第一册 L1-120 练习题 lesson 1--20 1.Meet Sandy and Sue . (否定句) 2.This is Sue's class. (否定句) 3.Her teacher's Mr. Crisp. (否定句) 4.Which is your pen, Sue? (翻译成汉语) 5.The red pen ,sir(翻译成汉语) 6.Here you are,Sue. (翻译成汉语) 7.Thank you, sir. (翻译成汉语) 8.This is Sandy's class. (否定句) 9.His teacher's Miss Williams. (否定句) 10.Whose is this cap? (翻译成汉语) 11.It's Sandy's, Miss Williams. (否定句) 12.Come here,please. (否定句) 13.Yes, Miss Williams. (翻译成汉语) 14.Is this your cap? (肯答,肯定句) 15.Yes, it is. (否定句) 16.Here you are, Sandy. (翻译成汉语) 17.Sit down ,please. (否定句) 18.Kick the ball, Sandy! (否定句) 19.All right, Tom. (翻译成汉语) 20.Look ,Sandy! (否定句) 21.Sorry, Mr Crisp. (翻译成汉语) 22.It's all right. Sandy. (否定句) 23.Whose is this ball? (翻译成汉语) 24.Is this your ball, Tom? (肯答,肯定句) 25.No, it isn't ,sir. (肯定句) 26.Is this your ball, Sandy? (肯答,肯定句) 27.Yes, it is, sir. (否定句) 28.Who's that girl, Mr Crisp? (翻译成汉语) 29.Which girl, Mr May? (翻译成汉语) 30.The girl on the red bicycle. (翻译成汉语) 31.That's Sue Clark. (否定句) 32.She's in my class.(一般疑问句?) 33.Who's that boy,Mr Crisp? (翻译成汉语) 34.Which boy,Mr May? (翻译成汉语) 35.The boy with the football. (翻译成汉语) 36.That's Sandy Clark.(一般疑问句?) 37.He's Sue's brother. (否定句) 38.Kick the ball, Sandy! (否定句) 39.Look out Mr May. (否定句) 40.Tea's ready. (否定句) 41.Are you hungry,Sue? (肯答,肯定句) 42.Yes,I am. (否定句) 43.Are you hungry,Sandy? (肯答,肯定句) 44.No, I'm not. (肯定句) 45.What's for tea? (翻译成汉语) 46.Look! (否定句) 47.Are you hungry now, Sandy? (肯答,肯定句) 48.Oh yes,I'm very hungry. (否定句) 49.Look at my picture,Sue. (否定句) 50.That's nice, Sandy. (否定句) 51.What's that? (翻译成汉语) 52.It's a bicycle. (一般疑问句?) 53.Who's that? (翻译成汉语) 54.It's Tom. (否定句) 55.He's on his bicycle. (否定句) 56.What's this? (翻译成汉语) 57.It's a car. (否定句) 58.Who's this? (翻译成汉语) 59.It's Mr Crisp. (否定句) 60.He's in his car. (否定句) 61.This egg is for you,Sandy! (否定句) 62.Thanks, Mum. (翻译成汉语) 63.Listen, Sandy! (否定句) 64.That's Dad's car. (否定句) 65.Eat your egg quickly! (否定句) 66.Now put the egg in the egg-cup like this. (否定句) 67.Good evening, Betty. (翻译成汉语) 68.Tea's ready, Dad. (否定句) 69.This egg is for you.(一般疑问句?) 70. An egg! (翻译成汉语) 71.That's nice. (否定句) 72.I'm hungry.(一般疑问句?) 73.Oh! It's empty! (否定句) 74.Put on Dad's hat,Sandy! (否定句) 75.Put on Mum's shoes,Sue! (否定句) 76.You are funny, Sue! (否定句) 77.You're funny, too, Sandy! (否定句) 78.Come with me. (否定句) 79.Knock at the door,Sue. (否定句) 80.Come in. (否定句) 81.Look at me! (否定句) 82.I'm an actor.(一般疑问句?) 83.Look at me! (否定句) 84.I'm an actress. (否定句) 85.Who's that boy,Tom? (翻译成汉语) 86.Which boy,Sandy? (翻译成汉语) 87.That fat boy. (翻译成汉语) 88.He's a new boy. (否定句) 89.His name's Billy Briggs. (否定句) 70.Look at him! (否定句) 71.Open your desk and give me that apple. (翻译成汉语) 72.I'm sorry,Miss Williams. (翻译成汉语) 73.I'm hungry. (否定句) 74.My bag's heavy! (否定句) 75.What's in it, Sandy? (翻译成汉语) 76.Open it and see. (翻译成汉语) 77.Six books and six exercise-books. 78.My bag's heavy, too. (否定句) 79.What's in it, Billy? (翻译成汉语) 80.Open it and see! (翻译成汉语) 81.One book, two apples, three oranges and a banana! (翻译成汉语) Lesson 21-40 1.What nationality are you? (翻译成汉语) 2.French or German? (翻译成汉语) 3.I'm French. (特殊疑问句?) 4.Come on my side! (翻译成汉语) 5.What nationality are you ? (翻译成汉语) 6.I'm Greman. (特殊疑问句?) 7.Come on my side. (翻译成汉语) 8.Pull! Pull! (翻译成汉语) 9.Give me that box please, Sue. (同义句) 10.Which box, Sandy? (翻译成汉语) 11.This one?(复数句子) 12.No, not that one. (复数句子) 13.The big blue one. (复数句子) 14.What's in it,Sandy? (翻译成汉语) 15.Open it and see. (翻译成汉语) 16.It's a Jack-in-the-box! (特殊疑问句?) 17.There's a man at the door. (一般疑问句?) 18.Who is it,Sue? (翻译成汉语) 19.Open the door! (翻译成汉语) 20.It's the postman,Dad. (一般疑问句?) 21.Good morning,Sue. (翻译成汉语) 22.There's a letter for your mother. (一般疑问句?) 23.And there's a letter for your father.(否定句) 24.There's letter for mum, (一般疑问句?) 25.and there's a letter for you. (否定句) 26.This isn't a letter!(肯定句) 27.It's a bill. (一般疑问句?) 28.Look at these shoes! (单数句子) 29.Which are your shoes,Sandy? (单数句子) 30.The brown shoes, sir. (单数句子) 31.What colour are your shoes ,Tom? 32.My shoes are black,sir. (一般疑问句?) 33.Here you are,Tom. (翻译成汉语) 34.Thank you, sir. (翻译成汉语) 35.There's a shoe on this locker. (一般疑问句?) 36.Whose is it? (翻译成汉语) 37.It's Billy's . (特殊疑问句?) 38.Are your hands clean, Sandy?(肯答,肯定句) 39.Yes, my hands are clean,Mum.(否定句) 40.Show me your hands, Sandy. (同义句) 41.Your hands aren't clean.(肯定句) 42.They're very dirty! (一般疑问句?) 43.Go and wash your hands at once! (翻译成汉语) 44.All right,Mum. (翻译成汉语) 45.Are your hands clean now, Sandy? (肯答,肯定句) 46.Yes, they are, Mum. (翻译成汉语) 47.Look at my nice clean towel! (翻译成汉语) 48.Heads or tails, Sue? (翻译成汉语) 49.It's heads! (一般疑问句?) 50.Come on our side. (翻译成汉语) 51.It's tails! (一般疑问句?) 52.Go on their side. (翻译成汉语) 53.These shoes are nice. (单数句子) 54.Try on these shoes, Sue. (单数句子) 55.Sit down here, please. (翻译成汉语) 56.How are they,Sue? (单数句子) 57.They're very tight. (特殊疑问句?) 58.Look at those shoes. (单数句子) 59.Those are pretty shoes. (单数句子) 60.Here you are, young lady. (翻译成汉语) 61.How are they, Sue? (翻译成汉语) 62.They're just right! (一般疑问句?) 63.What are these, Billy?(单数句子) 64.They're stamps. (特殊疑问句?) 65.These are French stamps. (特殊疑问句?) 66.Those are Italian stamps. (特殊疑问句?) 67.Show me your Italian stamps, Billy. (同义句) 68.They're very pretty. (一般疑问句?) 69.Give me this one please,Billy. (同义句) 70.Give me two apples then. (同义句) 71.Two apples for one stamp! (翻译成汉语) 72.No, thank you! (翻译成汉语) 73.Good morning, sir. (翻译成汉语) 74.Sit down, please. (翻译成汉语) 75.These two girls are new pupils. (单数句子) 76.Their names are Liz and Lillie.(特殊疑问句?) 77. Liz and Lillie are twins. (一般疑问句?) 78.They are in our class. (单数句子) 79.This is ...er...Liz.(否定句) 80.I'm not Liz.(肯定句) 81.I'm Lillie. (一般疑问句?) 82.She's Liz. (一般疑问句?) 83.I'm not Lillie. (肯定句) 84.I'm Liz. (一般疑问句?) 85.She's Lillie. (一般疑问句?) 86.Whose are these sandwiches, Tom? (单数句子) 87.They're Billy's. (特殊疑问句?) 88.Open the packet, Sandy. (否定句) 89.Take out the sandwiches. (否定句) 90.Put in this duster and this book.(否定句) 91.Hurry up! (否定句) 92.There's Billy! (翻译成汉语) 93.Leave my sandwiches alone! (翻译成汉语) 94.Here you are, Billy. (翻译成汉语) 95.That's funny. (翻译成汉语) 96.These sandwiches are very hard.(单数句子) 97.Give me my sandwiches quickly! (同义句) Lesson 41--60 1.Listen, Sue! (否定句) 2.That's the school bell! (否定句) 3.Hurry up, Sandy! (否定句) 4.We're late for school. (否定句) 5.What's the time, Sue? (翻译成汉语) 6.It's nine o'clock. (特殊疑问句?) 7.Look! (否定句) 8.There's the headmaster. (一般疑问句?) 9.He's in the playground. 10.You're both very late this morning. (一般疑问句?) 11.We're sorry, sir. (否定句) 12.Go to your classrooms quickly! (否定句) 13.Yes, sir. (翻译成汉语) 14.The children are very quiet this morning, Betty. 15.Breakfast's ready. (否定句) 16.Go upstairs and see ,Betty. (否定句) 17.Perhaps they're still asleep. (否定句) 18.Wake up, Sandy! (否定句) 19.It's eight o'clock. (否定句) 20.You're late! (否定句) 21.No,I'm not ,Mum.(肯定句) 22.The school's shut today. (否定句) 23.It's a holiday! (否定句) 24.Lazybones! (翻译成汉语) 25.Give us two packets of sweets please, Mr Hill.(同义句) 26.Which packets, Sue? (单数句) 27.These blue ones? (单数句) 28.No, not those. (单数句) 29.The big red ones. (单数句) 30.How much are they,Mr Hill? (翻译成汉语) 31.A shilling each! (翻译成汉语) 32.That's all our pocket-money! (否定句) 33.Give us two small lollipops instead. (同义句) 34.This prize is for Billy, Sandy and Tom. (否定句) 35.Here you are, Billy. (翻译成汉语) 36.What is it, Billy? (翻译成汉语) 37.It's a box of chocolates.(特殊疑问句) 38.How many chocolates are there? (翻译成汉语) 39.Count them, Billy. (否定句) 40.There are twenty-four chocolates. (翻译成汉语) 41.Eight chocolates each. (翻译成汉语) 42.Share them, Billy. (否定句) 43.One for Tom and one for me. (翻译成汉语) 44.One for Sandy and one for me... (翻译成汉语) 45.Hey! That's not right! (肯定句) 46.Post these letters for me please, Sue. (同义句) 47.Good morning, postman. (翻译成汉语) 48.How are you today? (翻译成汉语) 49.Fine, thanks. (翻译成汉语) 50.Are there any letters in the letter-box this morning? (肯定句) 51.No, there aren't any letters here. (肯定句) 52.Just a minute. (翻译成汉语) 53.There are some letters in the letter-box now. (一般疑问句?) 54.Where are my glasses, Sue? (翻译成汉语) 55.Are they over there? (肯答,肯定句) 56.Where ,dad? (翻译成汉语) 57.There. (翻译成汉语) 58.Near that box. (翻译成汉语) 59.No, they aren't here, dad. (肯定句) 60.And they aren't under this newspaper. (肯定句) 61.Perhaps they're in your pocket, dad.(否定句) 62.So they are! (翻译成汉语) 63.How silly of me! (翻译成汉语) 64.Let's play hide-and-seek. (翻译成汉语) 65.Count up to ten, Sue. (否定句) 66.One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (翻译成汉语) 66.I'm ready! (否定句) 67.I can see you, Billy. (否定句) 68.You're behind that fence. (否定句) 69.Where's Sandy? (翻译成汉语) 70.He's beside that tree. 71.That's funny! (翻译成汉语) 72.He's not here. (肯定句) 73.Look! (否定句) 74.There he is! (翻译成汉语) 75.He's up there! (否定句) 76.Hold this kite for me please, Sue. (否定句) 77.Now stand between those two trees. (否定句) 78.All right, Sandy. (翻译成汉语) 79.Ready,Sue? (翻译成汉语) 80.I'm ready, Sandy. (翻译成汉语) 81.Pull the kite. (否定句) 82.Look at it, Sue! (否定句) 83.It's like a bird! (否定句) 84.I can't see it. (肯定句) 85.Where is it? (翻译成汉语) 86.It's over that building. (特殊疑问句?) 87.I can see it now. (否定句) 88.It's very high. (否定句) 89.Get into lines, boys. (否定句) 90. Are you all ready? (肯定句) 91.Now we can do some exercises. (否定句) 92.Jump together! (否定句) 93.One, two, three, four, stop! (翻译成汉语) 94.Touch your knees! (否定句) 95.Touch your toes! (否定句) 95.Pay attention,Tom. (否定句) 96.Don't laugh!(肯定句) 97.What's the matter, Tom? (翻译成汉语) 98.Silly Billy can't touch his toes. (肯定句) 99.Bring me that ball please. (否定句) 100.Now let’s play football. (翻译成汉语) 101.Quick,Sandy! (翻译成汉语) 102.Pass me the ball! (同义句) 103.Don't pass it to Billy! (肯定句) 104.Pass it to me. (翻译成汉语) 105.Kick it,Billy! (否定句) 106.It's a goal! (翻译成汉语) 107.Good old Billy! (翻译成汉语) 108.Billy can't touch his toes but he can play football. (翻译成汉语) Lesson 61--80 1.What's the matter,Jim? 2.I can't light this fire. 3.Please hold this ladder, dear. 4.What can you see, Jim? 5.There's a bird's nest in our chimney. 6.Show it to Sandy and Sue. 7.Come here a moment. 8.Look at this bird's nest. 9.There are three pretty eggs in it. 10.Give them to Sandy and me. 11.Look at this paper boat,Sue. 12.That's a nice boat,Sandy. 13.Let's fill in the wash-basin with water. 15.Turn on the tap. 16.Can I make a boat like that? 17.Show me, Sandy. 18.Take a piece of paper and fold it like this. 19.Look at this wash-basin! 20.Turn the tap off at once! 21.Can you stand on your head,Tom? 22.Look! Like this! 23.Let me try. 24.That's easy. 25.I can do it. 26.Billy can't stand on his head. 27.Watch me! 28.Now I'm upside-down. 29.Billy's pockets are full of sweets! 30.Pump up this tyre, Sandy. 31.It's very flat. 32.What are you doing, Sandy? 33.I'm pumping up this tyre. 34.I'm tired. 35.It's still flat. 36.Let's take the tyre off the wheel. 37.Put the tube in this basin,Sandy. 38.Look at those bubbles. 39.There's a puncture in this tube. 40.What are you doing? 41.We're playing hopscotch. 42.Can I play, too? 43.All right. 44.It's my turn. 45.Throw your stone, Billy. 46.Look at Billy! 47.He's playing hopscotch with the girls! 48.Hopscotch is a girls' game, Billy. 49.Come and play football with us. 50.Look through this telescope,Sandy. 51.What can you see? 52.I can see a man and a dog. 53.What are they doing? 54.They're standing beside a lake. 55.What's the man doing now? 56.He's picking up a stick. 57.What's happening now? 58.Now the man's throwing the stick into the water. 59.What's happening now? 60.Now the dog's swimming across the lake. 61.Now the dog's holding the stick between its teeth. 62.It's swimming back to the man. 63.Sandy and Sue are going to Billy's house. 64.It's Billy's birthday. 65.Billy's nine years old today. 66."Happy birthday, Billy," Sandy says. 67."Happy birthday, Billy," Sue says. 68."Here is a present for you," Sandy says. 69Billy is opening his present. 70.Is it a Jack-in-the-box? 71."No, it isn't," Sue answers. 72."It's a car!" Billy says. 73."And it's made of chocolate!" 74.The children are enjoying 75.Billy's birthday party. 76.They're wearing funny hats. 77.They're laughing and playing games. 78.Now they're eating sandwiches, cakes and biscuits. 79.They're drinking lemonade, too. 80.Billy's birthday cake is very big. 81.There are nine candles on it. 82.Can you blow out the candles? 83."Of course I can," Billly answers. 84."Watch me!" 85."Three cheers for Billy," Sandy shouts. 86.Hip! Hip! Hurray! 87.Let's go into the store-room, Sandy. 88.All right, Sue. 89.Where's your torch, Sandy? 90.Here it is. 91.Look, Sandy! 92.I can see a man standing beside that box! 93.Turn on your torch, Sandy. 94.You're right, Sue! 95.There's a man standing beside that box! 96.Sh! Be quiet! 97.Come with me! 98.Look! 99.It's only an old hat and an old coat. 100.Is there any sugar in my tea,Sue? 101.Taste it, Sandy. 102.Ugh! It's not very nice. 103.This isn't tea! 104.It's coffee! 105.What are you drinking? 106.He's drinking dad's coffee, mum. 107.Give me that cup please, Sandy. 108.It's not very nice, mum. 109.There isn't any milk or sugar in it. Lesson 81--100 1.What are you doing, mum? 2.I'm making some sandwiches for tea. 3.Let me help you, mum. 4.I can cut the bread. 5.Those slices are very thick. 6.Give me the bread knife please. 7.Bring me some jam. 8.Sandy's eating the jam! 9.The jar's nearly empty. 10.Pass me some white chalk, Sandy. 11.I can draw Miss Williams. 12.Now pass me some blue chalk and some red chalk. 13.What are you doing? 14.I'm drawing. 15.Is that me, Billy? 16.I'm sorry. 17.It's all right, Billy. 18.It's a nice picture. 19.My eyes are blue, Billy. 20.But my nose isn't red. 21.Sit down, please. 22.Take out a piece of paper, children. 23.Now you can all draw a picture. 24.What are you drawing, Tom? 25.A football match, Miss Williams. 26.What are you drawing, Sandy? 27.Billy's birthday party. 28.Who's this? 29.It's Billy. 30.He's holding a bar of chocolate in his right hand. 31.What are you doing,mum? 32.I'm making a shopping-list, Sue. 33.Let me help you. 34.Open that cupboard. 35.Is there any jam or honey in the cupboard? 36.There isn't much jam, 37.but there's a lot of honey. 38.Are there any apples and oranges in that bowl? 39.There aren't many oranges, 40.but there are a lot of apples. 41.Mother is still making her shopping-list. 42.Sue is still helping her. 43.Is there any butter in the refrigerator? 44.There's very little, mum. 45.Are there any tomatoes in the refrigerator? 46.There are very few, mum. 47.Is there any flour in that tin? 48.Yes, there's a lot. 49.Be careful, Sue! 50.I'm sorry, mum. 51.Never mind, Sue. 52.There isn't much flour in the tin now! 53.No, but there's a lot on the floor. 54.Some meat,potatoes and beans for Sue. 55.I don't like beans,mum. 56.I don't want any. 57.There's some ice-cream in the refrigerator, Sandy. 58.Do you want any? 59.Yes please. 60.Then eat some beans or I can't give you any ice-cream. 61.Do you want any beans now, Sandy? 62.Yes please. 63.I want a lot of beans. 64.And I want a lot of ice-cream,too! 65.Go and buy a large tube of tooth-paste and a small bar of soap please, Sue. 66.Here's some money. 67.My mother wants a tube of of tooth-paste and a small bar of soap, please. 68.A large tube or a small one, Sue. 69.She wants a large one, please. 70.Here you are, Sue. 71.Don't forget your change! 72.Come to the window quickly, Sandy. 73.It's snowing. 74.Mum, we want some buttons please. 75.Do you want a lot of buttons, Sue? 76.No, I don't want very many. 77.We want dad's old hat, too. 78.And an old pipe. 79.What are you doing, children? 80.We're making a snowman, mum. 81.His eyes are black buttons. 82.And his nose is a carrot. 83.It's time for bed 84.Hurry up, children. 85.It's time for bed. 86.Oh! We're not sleepy,mum. 87.I don't want to go to bed. 88.I want to watch television. 89.I want to watch television, too. 90.All rigth then. 91.You can watch television for ten minutes. 92.Are the children in bed, Betty? 93.No, they're watching television. 94.It's time for bed. 95.Look at them! 96.They're both fast asleep! 97.Look at this boy. 98.His name's Paul. 99.He's a French boy. 100.Now look at this map of the world. 101.This country is France. 102.Paul comes from France. 103.The capital city of France is Paris. 104.Paul lives in Paris. 105.What language does Paul speak, Billy? 106.He speaks German, Miss Williams. 107.Wake up, Billy! 108.You're not paying attention! 109.Paul speaks French. Lesson 101—120 1.Simon 's never careless, but Billy...! 2.Here's your exercise-book, Billy. 3.You're often careless. 4.Look at these mistakes! 5.Don't laugh at Billy, Sandy! 6.Whose is this exercise-book? 7.It's Sandy's, Miss Williams. 8.Put your name on the cover. 9.You are sometimes careless, too! 10.Look at Simon's exercise-book. 11.Simon's never careless. 12.His work is always neat and tidy. 13.Billy! You naughty boy! 14.Which season do you like best? 15.Look at the blackboard,children. 16.What's the weather like in Spring,Sandy? 17.It's often warm,Miss Williams. 18.What's the weather like in Summer? 19.It's often hot. 20.What's it like in Autumn,Tom? 21.It's often cool. 22.What's it like in winter,Billy? 23.It's often cold. 24.Which season do you like best,billy?Spring,Summer,Autumn or winter? 25.I like winter. 26.That's the football season! 27.There are four terms in the school year: the Autumn Term, the Winter Term, the Spring Term and the Summer Term. 28.The first term is the Autumn Term. 29.The Autumn Term begins in September and ends in December. 30.The second term in the Winter Term. 31.The Winter Term begins in January and ends in April. 32.The third term is the Spring Term. 33.The Spring Term begins in May and ends in July. 34.The fourth term is the Summer Term. 35.The Summer Term begins in July and ends in September. 36.Sandy and Sue like the Summer Term best. 37.They are always on holiday then. 38.They always go to the seaside. 39.Look at this map of Britain. 40.This is the North. 41.It often snows in the North. 42.This is the South. 43.The sun often shines in the South. 44.This is the East. 45.The wind often blows in the East. 46.This is the West. 47.It often rains in the West. 48.In winter, the sun always rises late and always sets early. 49.The days are short and the nights are long. 50.In summer, the sun always rises early and always sets late. 51.The days are long and the nights are short. 52.They don't always go to sleep! 53.The Clarks always get up early every day. 54.In the morning, father always goes to work. 55.Sandy and Sue always go to school. 56.Mother usually stays at home. 57.At midday,Sandy and Sue always eat their lunch at school. 58.In the afternoon,Sandy and Sue always come home from school. 59.They usually arrive home early. 60.In the evening,Sandy and Sue always do their homework. 61.At night they go to bed early, but they don't always go to sleep! 62.It is seven o'clock. 63.Sandy and Sue usually get up early every day, 64.but today it is a holiday. 65.It is a quarter to nine. 66.Sandy and Sue usually go to school in the morning, 67.but this morning they are walking to the park. 68.It is a quarter past four. 69.Sandy and Sue usually come home from school in the afternoon, 70.but this afternoon they are playing in the park. 71.It is half past six. 72.Sandy and Sue usually do their homework in the evening, 73.but this evening they are watching television. 74.It is a quarter past eight. 75.Sandy and Sue usually go to bed early at night, 76.but tonight they are playing a game. 77.They are playing Snake and Ladders! 78.Miss Williams is driving her car to school. 79.Suddenly, she stops. 80.That's funny, 81.She gets out her car. 82."Oh dear!" she says. 83."It's twenty to nine. 84.I can't get to school on time this morning!" 85.Then a car stops behind her. 86.It's Mr Crisp! 87."What's the matter?" Mr Crisp asks. 88."Look!" Miss Williams says. 89."A flat tyre." 90.It doesn't matter, 90.Come in my car." 91.Monday mornings are usually terrible. 92.Father always gets up late and he's always in a hurry! 93.On Tuesday mother usually goes to the shops. 94.On Wednesday Sandy and Sue always play games at school. 95.On Thursday Miss Jones always gives Sue her piano lesson. 96.Sue likes this lesson very much. 97.On Friday Miss Jones always gives Sandy his piano lesson. 98.Sandy doesn't like it at all! 99.Saturday and Sunday are the best days of the week. 100.The family usually spend a quiet weekend at home! 101.It's Saturday tomorrow. 102.What are we going to do tomorrow? 103.Let's ask mum. 104.We're going to spend the day at the seaside. 105.Let's listen to the weather forecast first. 106.Turn the television on, Sue. 107.Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. 108.It's going to snow in the North and it's going to rain in the South. 109.Never mind,children. 110.We can go to the cinema instead. 111.That clock dosen't work. 112.What are you going to do with it, Betty? 113.I'm going to take it to the watchmaker's next week. 114.Don't take it to the watchmaker's. 115.Give it to me. 116.I can fix it. 117.What are you doing,dad? 118.I'm fixing this clock. 119.Is it nearly ready now,Jim? 120.I can't put all these pieces together! 121.Give me all the pieces. 122.I'm going to take them to the watchmaker's at once.
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